Atlas Aviation - Cessna 172 Checklist

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Atlas Aviation - Cessna 172 Checklist

UTC Date: 13-Sep-2012 UTC Time: 18:10:31 UTC


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Cessna 172 Checklist C-172 PREFLIGHT INSPECTION C-172

FIRST 1. Fuel Quantity -- CHECK VISUALLY for desired level in BOTH Tanks 2. Fuel Filler Caps -- CHECK SECURE 3. Windshield -- CHECK CABIN 1. Pilot's Operating Handbook, ARW -- AVAILABLE IN THE AIRPLANE 2. Control Wheel Lock -- REMOVE 3. Ignition Switch -- OFF 4. Master Switch -- ON 5. Fuel Quantity Indicators -- CHECK QUANTITY 6. Flaps -- 10, CHECK for proper extension 7. Master Switch -- OFF 8. Fuel Selector Valve -- BOTH LEFT WING 1. Main Wheel Tire -- CHECK for proper inflation and security 2. Brakes -- CHECK for cracks and security 3. Fuel Sump -- DRAIN small amount, CHECK FUEL, CHECK CLOSED 4. Cabin Air Intake -- CHECK for blockage LEFT WING Leading Edge 1. Pitot Tube Cover -- REMOVE and CHECK opening for blockage 2. Stall Warning Opening -- CHECK for blockage 3. Fuel Tank Vent Opening -- CHECK for blockage LEFT WING Trailing Edge 1. Flap -- CHECK freedom of movement and security 2. Aileron -- CHECK freedom of movement and security 3. Position Light -- RED Empennage 1. Rudder Gust Lock -- REMOVE 2. Control Surfaces -- CHECK freedom of movement and security 3. Antenna -- CHECK for security RIGHT WING Trailing Edge 1. Flap -- CHECK freedom of movement and security 2. Aileron -- CHECK freedom of movement and security 3. Position Light -- GREEN RIGHT WING 1. Main Wheel Tire -- CHECK for proper inflation and security 2. Brakes -- CHECK for cracks and security



2. Brakes -- CHECK for cracks and security 4. Fuel Sump -- DRAIN small amount, CHECK FUEL, CHECK CLOSED 4. Cabin Air Intake -- CHECK for blockage

Atlas Aviation - Cessna 172 Checklist


NOSE 1. Engine Oil Level -- CHECK, do not operate with less than 6 quarts. Fill to 8 quarts for extended flight 2. Fuel Strainer -- DRAIN for 4 seconds, CHECK CLOSED 3. Propeller and spinner -- CHECK for nicks and security 4. Alternator belt -- CHECK for tightness 5. Carburetor Air Filter -- CHECK for blockage 6. Landing Light -- CHECK for condition and cleanliness 7. Nose wheel Strut and Tire -- CHECK for proper inflation and security 8. Static Source Opening -- CHECK for blockage CABIN 1. Master Switch -- ON 2. Flaps -- RETRACT 3. Radios -- ON and WORKING, listen for ATIS, get CLEARANCE (CRADS) 4. Radios -- SET 5. Radios -- OFF 6. Lights (all), Pitot Heat -- ON and WORKING 7. Lights, Avionics Power Switch, Pitot Heat -- OFF 8. Master Switch -- OFF 9. Elevator Trim -- TAKEOFF 10. Baggage Door -- CLOSED and LOCKED 11. Tie Downs -- DISCONNECT BEFORE STARTING ENGINE 1. Preflight Inspection -- COMPLETE 2. Passenger Briefing -- COMPLETE 3. Seats, Belts, Shoulder Harnesses -- ADJUST and LOCK 4. Fuel Selector Valve -- BOTH 5. Radios, Electrical Equipment, Avionics Power Switch -- OFF 6. Circuit Breakers -- CHECK IN 7. Brakes -- TEST and SET STARTING ENGINE ABOVE FREEZING 1. Mixture -- RICH 2. Carburetor Heat -- COLD 3. Prime -- AS REQUIRED, IN, and LOCKED 4. Throttle -- OPEN 1/2 INCH 5. Master Switch -- ON 6. Rotating Beacon -- ON 7. Propeller Area -- CLEAR 8. Ignition Switch -- START (RELEASE when engine starts) 9. Throttle -- ADJUST for 1000 RPM or less 10. Oil Pressure -- CHECK 11. Mixture -- LEAN for Max RPM's or RICH below 3000' 12. Radios, Avionics Power Switch -- ON 13. Transponder -- Standby TAXI 1. All Radios -- ON 2. Turn Coordinator -- WORKING 3. Magnetic Compass -- FULL OF FLUID 4. Suction/Vacuum -- WORKING 5. Electrical (Ammeter) -- CHECK BEFORE TAKEOFF 1. Parking Brake -- SET 2. Cabin Doors -- CLOSED and LATCHED 3. Fuel Selector Valve -- BOTH 4. Flight Controls -- FREE and CORRECT 5. Throttle -- 1700 RPM a. Mixture -- LEAN for Max RPM's, RICH below 3000' b. Magnetos -- CHECK (RPM drop should not exceed 125 RPM on either magneto or 50 RPM differential between magnetos)



Atlas Aviation - Cessna 172 Checklist

magneto or 50 RPM differential between magnetos) c. Carburetor Heat -- CHECK (for RPM drop) d. Engine Instruments -- CHECK e. Ammeter -- CHECK f. Suction Gage -- CHECK 6. Flight Instruments -- SET including D.G., A.F., Alt. 7. Throttle -- 1000 RPM 8. Throttle Friction Lock -- ADJUST 9. Parking Brake -- RELEASE Cleared For Takeoff 1. Strobes -- ON 2. T ime -- COPY 3. Airspeed -- ALIVE 4. Runway heading -- ON D.G. 5. T ransponder -- ALT TAKEOFF Normal Takeoff 1. Wing Flaps -- UP 2. Carburetor Heat -- COLD 3. Throttle -- FULL OPEN 4. Elevator Control -- LIFT NOSE WHEEL at 55 KIAS 5. Climb Speed -- 80-90 KIAS (78 KIAS Vy) Short Field Takeoff 1. Wing Flaps -- UP 2. Carburetor Heat -- COLD 3. Brakes -- APPLY 4. Throttle -- FULL OPEN 5. Mixture -- RICH (Above 3000 feet, LEAN to obtain MAX RPM's) 6. Breaks -- RELEASE 7. Elevator Control -- SLIGHTLY TAIL LOW 8. Climb Speed -- 64 KIAS (Until all obstacles are cleared) 9. Wing Flaps -- RETRACT slowly after reaching 78 KIAS ENROUTE CLIMB 1. Airspeed -- 70-90 KIAS 2. Throttle -- FULL OPEN 3. Mixture -- RICH below 3000', LEAN for MAX RPM's BEFORE APPROACH 1. Seats, Belts, Harnesses - ADJUST and LOCK 2. Mixture -- RICH 3. Carburetor Heat -- ON 4. Fuel Selector Valve -- BOTH APPROACH (Prior to IAF) 1. M issed Approach Review -- COMPLETE 2. ATIS -- ALTIMETER SETTING 3. Radios -- (NAV/COMM - IDENTIFY) 4. T ime to MAP -- COPY 5. Heading Indicator -- SET 6. Altitude -- (MDA-30 sec, DH-50ft) At FAF or for Holding 1. T urn -- AS NEEDED 2. T ime -- ONE MINUTE 3. T wist -- SET inbound course 4. T hrottle -- SET to holding speed 5. T alk -- AS NEEDED LANDINGS Normal Landing 1. Airspeed -- 60-70 KIAS (Flaps UP) 2. Wing Flaps -- AS DESIRED (below 85 KIAS) 3. Airspeed -- 55-65 KIAS (Flaps DOWN) 4. Touchdown -- MAIN WHEELS FIRST 5. Landing Roll -- LOWER NOSE WHEEL GENTLY 6. Braking -- MINIMUM REQUIRED Balked Landing 1. Throttle -- FULL OPEN 2. Carburetor Heat -- COLD 3. Wing Flaps -- Retract to 20 4. Airspeed -- 55 KIAS 5. Wing Flaps -- RETRACT (slowly at 60 KIAS)



Atlas Aviation - Cessna 172 Checklist

5. Wing Flaps -- RETRACT (slowly at 60 KIAS) AFTER LANDING 1. Flaps -- UP 2. Accessories -- OFF 3. Carburetor Heat -- COLD 4. T ransponder -- Standby 5. T rim -- To Takeoff 6. Strobes -- OFF SECURING AIRPLANE 1. Radios -- OFF 2. Electrical Equipment, Lights -- OFF 3. M ixture -- IDLE CUT-OFF 4. M ags -- OFF 5. M aster Switch -- OFF 6. Flight plan -- CLOSE

1. Airplane -- FLY ENGINE FAILURES -- During Takeoff Run 1. Throttle -- IDLE 2. Brakes -- APPLY 3. Wing Flaps -- RETRACT 4. Mixture -- IDLE CUT-OFF 5. Ignition Switch -- OFF 6. Master Switch -- OFF Immediately after Takeoff 1. Airspeed -- 65 KIAS (Flaps UP) or 60 KIAS (Flaps DOWN) 2. Mixture -- IDLE CUT-OFF 3. Fuel Selector Valve -- OFF 4. Ignition Switch -- OFF 5. Wing Flaps -- AS REQUIRED 6. Master Switch -- OFF 7. Land -- STRAIGHT AHEAD if below 400 feet AGL During Flight 1. Airspeed -- 65 KIAS 2. Find place to land 3. Carburetor Heat -- ON 4. Throttle -- FULL 5. Mixture -- RICH 6. Fuel Selector Valve -- BOTH 7. Primer -- IN and LOCKED 8. Ignition Switch -- BOTH (or START if propeller is stopped) 9. Magnetos -- CHECK 10. Fuel Quantity Indicators -- CHECK QUANTITY 11. Radios -- Declare Emergency, Transponder -- SET to 7700 13. Landing -- EXECUTE FORCED LANDING FORCED LANDINGS -- Without Engine Power 1. Airspeed -- 65 KIAS (flaps UP) or 60 KIAS (Flaps DOWN) 2. Mixture -- IDLE CUT-OFF 3. Fuel Selector Valve -- OFF 4. Ignition Switch -- OFF 5. Wing Flaps -- AS REQUIRED (40 recommended) 6. Master Switch -- OFF 7. Doors -- UNLATCH PRIOR TO TOUCHDOWN 8. Touchdown -- SLIGHTLY TAIL LOW 9. Brakes -- APPLY HEAVILY Precautionary with Engine Power 1. Wing Flaps -- 20 2. Airspeed -- 60 KIAS 3. Selected Field -- FLY OVER, noting obstructions and terrain, then retract flaps upon reaching a safe altitude and airspeed. 4. Radios, Electrical Switches, and Radio Power Switch -- OFF 5. Wing Flaps -- 40 6. Airspeed -- 60 KIAS 7. Master Switch -- OFF



Atlas Aviation - Cessna 172 Checklist

7. Master Switch -- OFF 8. Doors -- UNLATCH PRIOR TO TOUCHDOWN 9. Touchdown -- SLIGHTLY TAIL LOW 10. Ignition Switch -- OFF 11. Brakes -- APPLY HEAVILY Ditching 1. Radio -- TRANSMIT MAYDAY on 121.5 and SQUAWK 7700 2. Heavy Objects (in baggage area) -- SECURE or JETTISON 3. Approach -- High Winds, Heavy Seas -- INTO THE WIND Light Winds, Heavy Swells -- PARALLEL TO SWELLS 4. Wing Flaps -- 20 to 40 5. Power -- ESTABLISH 300 FT/MIN DESCENT AT 55 KIAS If no power : Flaps -- 10, Airspeed -- 60 KIAS or Flaps -- 0, Airspeed -- 65 KIAS 6. Cabin Doors -- UNLATCH 7. Life Vests -- Put ON, DO NOT inflate. 8. Touchdown -- LEVEL ATTITUDE AT 300 FT/MIN DESCENT 9. Face -- CUSHION at touchdown with folded coat 10. Airplane -- EVACUATE through cabin doors. If necessary, open windows and flood cabin to equalize pressure so doors can be opened. 11. Life Vests and Raft - INFLATE FIRES -- During Start On Ground 1. Cranking -- CONTINUE to get a start which would suck the flames and accumulated fuel through the carburetor and into the engine. If the engine starts: 2. Power -- 1700 RPM for a few minutes 3. Engine -- SHUTDOWN and inspect for damage If engine fails to start: 4. Throttle -- FULL OPEN 5. Mixture -- IDLE CUT-OFF 5. Cranking -- CONTINUE in an effort to get a start 6. Fire Extinguisher -- OBTAIN (have ground attendants obtain if not installed) 7. Engine -- SECURE a. Master Switch -- OFF b. Ignition Switch -- OFF c. Fuel Selector Valve -- OFF 8. Fire -- EXTINGUISH using fire extinguisher, wool blanket, or dirt 9. Fire Damage -- INSPECT Engine Fire in Flight 1. Mixture -- IDLE CUT-OFF 2. Fuel Selector Valve -- OFF 3. Master Switch -- OFF 4. Cabin Heat and Air -- OFF (except wing root vents) 5. Airspeed -- 100 KIAS (If fire is not extinguished, increase glide speed to find an airspeed which will provide an incombustible mixture) 6. Forced Landing -- EXECUTE Electrical Fire in Flight 1. Master Switch -- OFF 2. All Other Switches (except ignition switch) -- OFF (includes radio power, pitot heat, radios, lights, and electrical equipment) 3. Vents/Cabin Air/Cabin Heat -- CLOSED 4. Fire Extinguisher -- ACTIVATE When fire is out: 5. Cabin -- VENTILATE If fire appears out and electrical power is necessary for continuance of flight: 6. Master Switch -- ON 7. Circuit Breakers -- CHECK for faulty circuit, do not reset 8. Radio Switchs -- OFF 9. Radio Power Switch -- ON 10. Radio/Electrical Switches -- ON one at a time, with delay after each until short circuit is localized Cabin Fire 1. Master Switch -- OFF 2. Vents/Cabin Air/Cabin Heat -- CLOSED 3. Fire Extinguisher -- ACTIVATE When fire is out: 4. Cabin -- VENTILATE 5. Airplane -- LAND as soon as possible Wing Fire 1. Navigation Lights -- OFF 5/6


1. Navigation Lights -- OFF 2. Strobe -- OFF 3. Pitot Heat Switch -- OFF 4. Airplane -- SIDE SLIP to keep flames away from cabin and LAND as soon as possible Landing With A Flat Main Tire 1. Wing Flaps -- AS DESIRED 2. Approach -- NORMAL 3. Touchdown -- GOOD TIRE FIRST, hold airplane off flat tire as long as possible with aileron control Static Source Blockage 1. Alternate Static Source Valve -- PULL ON 2. Airspeed -- Consult tables in POH ELECTRICAL POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM MALFUNCTIONS Ammeter Shows Excessive Rate of Charge 1. Alternator -- OFF 2. Nonessential Electrical Equipment -- OFF 3. Flight -- TERMINATE as soon as practical Low-Voltage Light Illuminates During Flight 1. Radios, Avionics Power Switch -- OFF 2. Master Switch -- OFF 3. Master Switch -- ON 4. Low Voltage Light -- CHECK OFF 5. Radios, Avionics Power Switch -- ON If Low-Voltage Light illuminates again: 6. Alternator -- OFF 7. Nonessential Electrical Equipment -- OFF 8. Flight -- TERMINATE as soon as practical

Atlas Aviation - Cessna 172 Checklist

2004 Atlas Aviation, Inc.


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