Perflift: Perforated-Zone Gas Lift System
Perflift: Perforated-Zone Gas Lift System
Perflift: Perforated-Zone Gas Lift System
The PerfLift system is the only gas lift system with the
Maximize production from brownfields Applications
proven capability to lift below the packer to the perfo- The PerfLift* perforated-zone gas lift system
rated depth of the well.
■ Gas lifting wells along the
is a cost-effective artificial lift system for entire perforated interval below
low-rate gas-lifted oil and liquid-loaded gas a production packer
wells. The system incorporates field-proven
■ Liquid-loaded gas and coalbed
Camco* gas lift products in an innovative
methane wells
completion architecture that enables gas
lift across long completion intervals below ■ Gas-lifted oil wells
a production packer.
Reduce the cost and ■ Improved system efficiency
complexity of liquid removal compared with traditional lifting
Most other methods of liquid removal require methods
costly intervention using a traditional work- ■ Lower initial investment in new
over rig or coiled tubing unit. But the PerfLift wells for accelerated payout
system is permanently installed when the and improved net present value
completion is run, so there is no need for a
■ Reduced operating costs
service rig to install a system after the well
is already producing. The PerfLift gas lift sys- ■ Increased production
tem is ready for service whenever it is needed, ■ Chemical and fluid treatments
or in cases where liquid loading is an ongoing enabled across the perforations
problem, it can be used continuously to max-
imize production. Features
■ Simple system for low-rate oil
How this system works is why it works so well
wells and gas wells with liquid-
The PerfLift system employs a series of loading problems
Camco gas lift products in tubing strings
■ Cost-effective solution for
above and below a ported or dual-bore pro-
dewatering gas wells
duction packer. Conventional or side-pocket
gas lift mandrels are installed in the upper ■ Time- and field-proven Camco
tubing string. Internal-mount gas lift mandrels gas lift technology
and valves are sized and installed on the lower ■ Innovative completion design
tubing string across the perforated zone. ■ Reliable ported or dual-bore
During system operation, gas is injected production packer
down the upper tubing-string annulus and into
■ Real-time downhole monitoring
the lower tubing string through the packer
with the Phoenix Select gauge
to lift the fluid column across the perforated
zone. Liquids then travel to the surface through
the production string.
06-AL-004 February 2006
*Mark of Schlumberger
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