Arki Exam

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0 In Egyptian Architecture, the tomb of the pharaohs is the. [a] 17 A Fortified high area or citadel of an Ancient Greek City.

cient Greek City. [A]

Stupa [B] Pyramid [C] Mastaba [D] tumuli Acropolis [B] Metropolis [C] Persepolis [D] Megalopolis

1 The Great Pyramid of Gizeh was built during the 4th dynasty 18 An upright ornament at the eaves of a tile roof, concealing
by. [A] Cheops [B] Senusret [C] Zoser [D] Anememh the foot of a row of convex tiles that cover the joints of the flat tiles.
(D.K. Ching p. 250) [A] Acroterion [B] Antefixae [C] S-Tiles [B]
2 The beginner of the great hypostyle hall at karnak and the Pantiles
founder of the 19th dysnasty [A] Rameses 1 [B] Rameses 2 [C]
Rameses 3 [D] Rameses 4 19 Strictly, a pedestal at the corners of peak of a roof to support
an ornament, more usually, the onnament itself. (D.K. Ching p. 250)
3 The Mineral of greatest importance to Greek Architecture of [A] Acroterion [B] Antefixae [C] S-Tiles [B] Pantiles
which greece and her domains had ample supply was. [A] Stone [B]
Mica [C] Marble [D] Granite 20 Architect of the Lever House, New York. [A] John Urtzon [B]
Frank Lloyd Wright [C] Skidmore, Owings and Merril [D] Lucio Costa
4 Greek Architecture was essentially. (D.K. Ching p. 128) [A] and Oscar Niyemer
Arch and vault [B] Columnar and Trabeated [C] Ribbed and Panelled
Vaulting [D] Domical Roof Construction 21 Architect of the sydnet Opera House. [A] John Urtzon [B]
Frank Lloyd Wright [C] Skidmore, Owings and Merril [D] Lucio Costa
5 Forming the imposing entrance to the Acropolis and erected and Oscar Niyemer
by the Architect Mnesicles is the. [A] Pai Lou [B] Torii [C] Propylaea
[D] Torana 22 Architect of Solomon Guggenheim Museum. [A] John Urtzon
[B] Frank Lloyd Wright [C] Skidmore, Owings and Merril [D] Lucio
6 The building in the acropolis generally considered as being Costa and Oscar Niyemer
the most nearly perfect building erected is the. [A] Parthenon [B]
Pantheon [C] Partenon [D] Pantenon 23 Architect of the Parliament Buildings in Brazil. [A] John
Urtzon [B] Frank Lloyd Wright [C] Skidmore, Owings and Merril [D]
7 With the use of concrete made possible by pozzolan, a Lucio Costa and Oscar Niyemer
native natural cement, the Romans achieved huge interiors with the.
[A] Arch [B] vault [C] Arch and vault [D] NONE 24 Architect of the Bauhaus Building, Germany. (D.K. Ching p.
135) [A] William Morris and John Ruskin [B] Le Corbusier [C] Walter
8 Which of the order was added by the Romans to the orders Gropius [D] Alvar Aalto
used by the greeks. [A] Doric [B] Ionic [C] Corinthian [D] Composite
[E] Tuscan 25 Architect of Chapel of Notre Dame. [A] William Morris and
John Ruskin [B] Le Corbusier [C] Walter Gropius [D] Alvar Aalto
9 From the 5th Century to the present, The character of
Byzantine Architecture is the practice using. [A] Arch and vault [B]
Columnar and Trabeated [C] Ribbed and Panelled Vaulting [D] 26 Architect of Cultural Center of the Philippines. [A] George
Domical Roof Construction Formoso [B] Carlos Santos Viola [C] Leandro Locsin [D] Palafox

10 The Finest Remaining Example of Byzantine Architecture.

[A] Hagia Sofia, Constantinople [B] Parthenon [C] Pantheon [D] 27 Architect of Tahanang Pilipino or Coconut Palace. [A]
Palace of Persepolis Francisco Bobby Manosa [B] Manuel Manosa [C] C.C. De Castro [D]
Antinio Sin Diong
11 The Architectural Character of Romanesque Architecture is.
(D.K. Ching p. 130) [A] Arch and vault [B] Columnar and Trabeated 28 Architect of the Asian Development Bank, Philippines. [A]
[C] Sober and Dignified [D] Domical Roof Construction Francisco Bobby Manosa [B] Manuel Manosa [C] C.C. De Castro [D]
Antinio Sin Diong
12 Romanesque Architecture in Italy is distinguished from that
of the rest of Europe by the use of what material for facing walls. [A] 29 Architect of San Miguel Corporation Building. [A] Francisco
Marble [B] Bricks [C] Stone [D] Concrete Bobby Manosa [B] Manuel Manosa [C] C.C. De Castro [D] Antinio Sin
13 The most famous and perfect preservation of all ancient
buildings in Rome. [A] Parthenon [B] Pantheon [C] Forum Romanum 30 Architect of Bank of China, Hongkong. [A] Minoru Yamasaki
[D] Hagia Sophia [B] I.M. Pei [C] Kenzo Tange [D] Skidmore and Owings

14 The Space between the colonnade and the naos wall in 31 Architect of TWA Kennedy Airport, New York. [A] Frank
Greek Temple. [A] Intercolumnation [B] Pteroma [C] Temenos [D] Lloyd Wright [B] Le Corbusier [C] Robert Mailart [D] Eero Saarinen

15 Amphitheaters are used for __________. [A] Physical

32 Architect of AT and T Building, New York. [A] Walter Gropius
Activities [B] Gladiatorial Contest [C] Shelter / Public Space [D] Market
[B] Loius Sullivan [C] Frank Lloyd Wright [D] Philip Johnson

33 "Cube within a Cube". [A] Frank Lloyd Wright [B] Le

16 An Ancient Greek Portico, a long colonnaded shelter used in Corbusier [C] Robert Mailart [D] Eero Saarinen
public areas. [A] Agora [B] Stoa [C] Exedra [D] Forum
34 "A bridge is like a house". [A] Frank Lloyd Wright [B] Le
Corbusier [C] Robert Mailart [D] Eero Saarinen
35 "Function influence but does not dictate form". [A] Frank 54 The style of the order with massive and tapering columns
Lloyd Wright [B] Le Corbusier [C] Robert Mailart [D] Eero Saarinen resting on a base of 3 steps. [A] Doric [B] Ionic [C] Corinthian [D]

36 "Architecture must meet 3 requirements: Strength, beauty 55 Tomb of the Pharaohs. [A] Pyramid [B] Stupa [C] Ziggurat [D]
and Unity". [A] Marcus Vitrivius Pocio [B] Walter Gropius [C] Andrea Obelisk
Palladio [D] Hippodamus of Miletus
56 Eastern Burial Mounds containing upright and lintel stones
37 "Form does not necessarily follow function". [A] Robert forming chambers for consecutive burials for several hundred
Mailart [B] Alvar Aalto [C] Frederick Law Omsltead [D] Antonio Gaudi persons. [A] Cromlech [B] Menhir [C] Dolmen [D] Tumuli

57 A semi circular or semi polygonal space, usually in church,

38 "Art and Architecture, the new Unity". [A] William Morris [B] terminating in axis and intended to house an altar. [A] Cancelli [B]
Walter Gropius [C] Peter Behrens [D] John Ruskin Apse [C] Nave [D] Narthex

39 "A house is a house". [A] Robert Mailart [B] Kenzo Tange [C] 58 Temples in Greece that have a double line of columns
Minoru Yamasaki [D] Louis Kahn surrounding the Naos. [A] Peripteral [B] Dipteral [C] Pseudo-Dipteral
[D] None of the Above
40 Also called a "Honeysuckle" Ornament. [A] Acroterion [B]
Antefixae [C] Anthemion [D] Aphoteca 59 Senate House for chief dignitaries in Greek Architecture. [A]
Prytaneion [B] Bouleuterion [C] Stoa [D] Forum
41 In Ancient Greece and Rome, a storeroom of any kind, but
especially for strong wine. [A] Acroterion [B] Antefixae [C] Anthemion 60 Architect of Einstein Tower and is also a Expressionist
[D] Aphoteca Architect. [A] Robert Venturi [B] Walter Gropius [C] Philip Johnson [D]
Erich Mendelsohn
42 Characteristic of Greek Ornament. [A] Acroterion [B]
Antefixae [C] Anthemion [D] Aphoteca 61 Founder of Bauhaus, School of Art (D.K. Ching p. 135). [A]
Robert Venturi [B] Walter Gropius [C] Philip Johnson [D] Erich
43 Style of architecture emerging in italy and western Europe in Mendelsohn
9th century and lasting until the advent of gothic architecture in 12th
century. The development of vaulting rib and shaft and introduction of 62 A type of Architecture which is free from any historical style
central and western towers for churches was adopted by this style In the late 19th and early 20th century. (D.K. Ching p. 134) [A] Art
(D.K. Ching p. 131) [A] Renaissance [B] Romanesque [C] Gothic [D] Deco [B] Art Noveau [C] Modern Architecture [D] Post Modernism
Early Christia

44 The outstanding group of Romanesque is found in 63 From What architecture is the Angkor Vat? [A] Indonesia [B]
__________. [A] Milan [B] Pisa [C] London [D] Venice Cambodia [C] Thailand [D] India

45 Dining Hall in a monastery, a convent or college. [A] 64 The Architect of Chrysler Building in New York. [A] Philip
Clerestory [B] Refectory [C] Narthex [D] Nave johnson [B] Minoru Yamasaki [C] Van Allen [d] Kenzo Tange

46 The Architecture of the Curve Line is called. [A] Renaissance 65 Another Term for Crenel or Intervals between merlon of
[B] Baroque [C] Rococo [D] Gothic battlement (D.K. Ching p. 99). [A] Bartizan [B] Embrasures [C] Moat
[D] Pinnacles
47 Open Court in a Italian Palazzo. [A] Cavetto [B] Cortel [C]
Hypostyle Hall [D] Hall of the Hundred Columns 66 Taj Mahal Temples is located at __________. [A] Kerala [B]
Agra [C] Eamilnadu [D] New Delhi
48 The ornamental pattern work in stone, filling the upper part of
a Gothic Window. [A] Mouldings [B] Jambs [C] Plough [D] Tracery 67 In the middle kingdom, in egyptian architecture, who
consolidate the administrative system, made a survey of the country,
set bounderies to the provinces, and other helpful works. [A] Senusret
49 Japanese Tea House. [A] Masu-Gumi [B] Cha-Sit-Su [C] 1 [B] Imhotep [C] Amenemhat I [D] Rameses 1
Tokonama [D] Irimoya
68 Who erected the earliest known obelisk in Heliopolis? [A]
50 A Muslim Temple, a mosque for public worship, also known Senusret 1 [B] Imhotep [C] Amenemhat I [D] Rameses 1
for place of prostration. [A] Mudejar [B] Minaret [C] Masjid [D] Mosque
69 Jubilee Festivals of the Pharaohs. [A] Mamissi [B] Heb-Sed
[C] Chandigarh [D] Katmanduh
51 Domical Mound containing a relic. [A] Stupa [B] Tumuli [C]
70 The world's first large scale monument in stone. [A] Pyramid
Cromlech [D] Dolmen
of Khufu [B] Pyramid of Zoser [C] Pyramid of Gizeh [D] Great Pyramid
52 Ifugao House. [A] Bilik [B] Aljibe [C] Bale [D] Ivatan House at Amon Karnak

71 The highest sloped pyramid in Gizeh. [A] Pyramid of Khufu

53 In Mesopotamian Architecture, religion called for temples [B] Pyramid of Zoser [C] Pyramid of Gizeh [D] Great Pyramid at Amon
made of sun dried Bricks. [A] Pyramid [B] Stupa [C] Ziggurat [D] Karnak
72 Sarimanok is a decor reflecting the culture of the 91 Elizabethan Architecture is from what architecture? [A]
__________. [A] Luzon [B] Visayas [C] Mindanao [D] None of the France / Gothic Architecture [B] U.S / English Renaissance [C] Italy /
matters, Philippines is one united country Romanesque Architecture [D] Germany / Art Noveau - Jugendstil

73 A vault created when two barrel vaults intersect at the right

angles. [A] Hip Vault [B[ Groin Vault [C] Ribbed Vault [D] Potruded 92 Art Noveau Style first appeared in what structure? [A]
Vault Kaufman House [B] Tassel House [C] Crystal Palace [D] Ritz Hotel

74 Caryatid Porch is from what Architecture? [A] Roman [B]

Egypt [C] Greece [D] Mesopatamian 93 A faced without columns of pilaster in Renaissance
Architecture. [A] Arcades [B] Abacus [C] Astylar [D] Antefixae
75 Female Statues with baskets serving as columns. [A]
Atlantes [B] Caryatids [C] Canephora [D] None of the above 94 Art Noveau is known as the International Style, In Germany it
is known as __________. (D.K. Ching p. 134) [A] Modernismo [B]
76 A small tower usually corbelled at the corner of the castle; A
Sezzione [C] Jugendstil [D] Le Moderene Style
small overturning turret on a wall or tower, often at a conrer or near a
gateway (D.K. Ching p. 99). [A] Pinnacle [B] Crenel [C] Embrasures 95 "Less is More". [A] Robert Mailart [B] Le Corbusier [C]
[D] Bartizan Ludwig Mies Van De Rohe [D] Frank Lloyd Wright

77 A hall built in Roman Empire for administration of Justice. 96 First school which offered architecture in the philippines. [A]
(D.K. Ching p. 251) [A] Forum [B] Domus [C] Basilica [D] Temples University of Santo Tomas [B] Liceo De Manila [C] University of the
Philippines - Diliman [D] Mapua Institute of Technology

78 The Parthenon is from what Architecture? [A] Roman [B] 97 Embrasures; An opening as a loophole for __________
Greece [C] Egypt [D] Persian through which missles can be discharged. (D.K. Ching p, 99) [A]
Cortel [B] Pinnacle [C] Crenel [D] Moat
79 A roof in which 4 faces rest diagonally between the gables
and coverage at the roof. [A] Gable Roof [B] Helm Roof [C] Mansard 98 Formal Architecture, one of the principiles of composition. [A]
Roof [D] Hip roof Proportion [B] Balance [C] Rhythm [D] Unity

80 A Compound Bracket or capital in Japanese Architecture. [A] 99 Different Historical Styles combined. (D.K. Ching p. 133) [A]
Cha-Sit-Su [B] Masu-Gumi [C] Tokonama [D] Shichu Revivalism [B] Eclecticism [C] Brutalism [D] Minimalism

81 A concave molding approximately quarter round. (D.K. 100 The falling water by Frank Lloyd Wright is also known as
Ching p. 183) [A] Convex [B] Cortel [C] Cornice [D] Cavetto ________. [A] Kaufman House [B] Tassel House [C] Ennis House [D]
Honeycomb House
82 Architect of Iglesia ni Cristo. [A] George Formoso [B] Carlos
Santos Viola [C] Leandro Locsin [D] Palafox 101 First President and Founder of PAS. [A] Tomas Mapua [B]
Juan Nakpil [C] Antonio Toledo [D] Juan Arrelano
83 A Filipino Architect whose philosophy is "the structure must
be well oriented". [A] George Ramos [B] Philip Recto [C] Caesar 102 "Modern Architecture need not be western". [A] Minoru
Homer Concio [D] C.C. Castro Yamaski [B] Louis Khan [C] Kenzo Tange [D] Walter Gropius

84 What is not required as a feature in modern muslim mosque? 103 Architect of the National Library, Philippines. [A] Leandro
[A] Domes [B] Pointed Archs [C] Pinnacles [D] None of the above Locsin [B] George Ramos [C] Philip Recto [D] Felipe Mendoza

104 The xerxes hall of hundred columns was introduced during

85 Architect of Robinson's Galleria [A] Leandro Locsin [B] the Mesopotamian Architecture, which palace was it? [A] Rock Cut
Antonio Sin Diong [C] Falapox Associates [D] William Cosculluela temple of Abu Simbel [B] Temple of Agamemnon [C] Palace of
Persepolis [D] Serapateum at Alexandria

86 True or False, Is "Baroque for Ornamentation" was the Major 105 Taj Mahal is a building example of what architecture? [A]
Contribution of the Rennaissance Architecture. (D.K. Ching p. 133) [A] Indian Architecture [B] Saracenic Architecture [C] Persian Architecture
False [B] True [D] Byantine Architecture

87 "A house is like a flower pot". [A] Peter Luergi Nuervi [B] 106 The convex projecting molding of eccentric curve supporting
Richard Josef Neutra [C] Peter Behrens [D] Eugene Freysinet the abacus of Doric capital. (D.K. Ching p. 180) [A] Abacus [B] Base
[C] Entasis [D] Plinth
88 Richly carved coffins in Greece and Mesopotamia. [A]
Chattris [B] Sarcophagus [C] Cenotaph [D] Sahn 107 Pantiles used chinese roofings. [A] Mission Tiles [B] Pantiles
[C] S-Tiles [D] Terracotta
89 King Zoser's Architect who was deified in the 26th Dynasty.
[A] Ptolemy III [B] Senusret I [C] Imhotep [D] Hippodamus of Miletus 108 Greek Equivalent of the Roman Forum, a place of open air
assembly or market. [A] Stoa [B] Agora [C] Odeion [D] Hippodrome

90 The council house in Greece. [A] Prytaneion [B] Bouleuterion

[C] Stoa [D] Agora
109 A slight vertical curvature in the shaft of a column. (D.K. 127 Architect and Furniture Designer. [A] Alvar Aalto [B] Robert
Ching p. 180) [A] Plinth [B] Triglyph [C] Entasis [D] Volutes Mailart [C] Robert Venturi [D] Frederick Law Olmstead

110 The very ornate style of architecture developed in the 128 First Registered architect in the philippines. [A] Carlos
renaissance period. (D.K. Ching p. 133) [A] renaissance [B] baroque Barreto [B] Tomas Mapua [C] Juan Nakpil [D] Antonio Toledo
[C] rococo [D] neo-classical
129 The public square of imperial rome. [A] Cenotaphs [B]
111 A multi storied shrine like towers, originally a Buddhist Forums [C] Coloseum [D] Amphitheaters
Monument of diminishing size with corbelled cornice and moldings. [A]
Stupa [B] Pagoda [C] temples [D] shrines 130 Architect of Manila Hilton Hotel. [A] William Parsons [B]
Daniel Burnham [C] Welton Becket [D] Lucio Costa
112 From the Greek forms of temple, the three where it lies is
known as __________. [A] Pediment [B] Architrave [C] Crepidoma [D] 131 Finest example of french gothic architecture. [A] Chartres
Podium Cathedral [B] Notre Dame Catherdal [C] Norwich Cathedral [D]
Durham Cathedral
113 The three pyramids in Gizeh. I. Mykerinos II. Cheops III.
Gizeh IV. Chefren V. Mamissi VI. Serepatium [A] I, III, V [B] I, II, III [C] 132 How many stained glass are there in Chartres Cathedral? [A]
I, II, IV [D] IV, V, VI 136 [B] 176 [C] 146 [D] 186

114 The cistern storage of collected rainwater underneath the 133 Agora is from what architecture? [A] Egpytian [B]
azotea of the bahay na bato. [A] Bale [B] Bilik [C] Dapogan [D] Aljibe Mesopotamian [C] Greek [D] Roman

134 Sacred artificial mountains of babylon and assyria. [A]

115 From the greek temples, a temple that have porticoes of Pyramid [B] Ziggurat [C] Rock Cut Tombs [D] Mastaba
columns at the front and rear. [A] Amphi-Peripteral [B] Amphi-Prostyle
135 A plant whose leaves form the lower portions of the
[C] Pseudo-Prostyle [D] Pseudo-Peripteral
Corinthian Capital. (D.K. Ching p. 181) [A] Echinus [B] Papyrus [C]
116 "cubicula" or bedroom is from what architecture? [A] Greek Lotus [D] Acanthus
[B] Persian [C] Egypt [D] Roman
136 Structure of wedge shaped blocks over an opening. [A] Vault
117 Memorial Monuments of persons buried elsewhere in Roman [B] Arch [C] Arcade [D] Colonade
Architecture. [A] Chattris [B] Sarcophagus [C] Cenotaph [D] Sahn
137 The space between the sloping roof over the aisle and the
aisle vaulting, so also called the blind story. [A] Triglyph [B]
Intercolumnation [C] Triforium [D] Skylight
118 A shallow cistern or drain area in the center of the house; a
cistern set in the atrium of a ancient roman house to receive rainwater
138 A windowed wall that rises above the roof of adjacent walls
from compluvium. (D.K. Ching p. 137) [A] Aqueducts [B] Lacus [C]
that admit light into the interior. [A] Refectory [B] Clerestory [C]
Lacunaria [D] Impluvium
Skylight [D] Dormer
119 In greek temples, the equivalent of the crypt is __________.
139 A unit of measurement used for standarizing the dimensions
[A] Naos [B] Cella [C] Cancelli [D] Nave
of a building materials or regulating the proportions of an architectural
composition (D.K. Ching p. 56) [A] Grids [B] Modules [C] Reference
120 The Tomb beneath a church. [A] Graveyard [B[ Cloisters [C]
Points [D] Axis
Sanctuary [D] Crypt
140 The triangular or segmental space enclosed by a pediment
121 A raised stage reserve for the clergy in early christian
or arch. (D.K. Ching p. 250) [A] Triglyph [B] Triforium [C] Tympanum
churches. [A] Cancell [B] Cella [C] Bema [D] Baldachino
[D] Trangles
122 A decorative bracket usually taking the form of a cyma
141 A line of counterthrusting arches on columns or piers. [A]
reversa strap. [A] Cyma Reversa [B] Niche [C] Console [D] Mouldings
Arcade [B] Bema [C] Narthex [D] Nave

142 In the classical order, tHe lower part or member of the

123 Semi Palatial house surrounded by an open site. [A] Villa [B]
entablature; the beam that spans from column to column. [A]
Atrium House [C] Domus [D] Megaron
Pediment [B] Architrave [C] Cornice [D] Crepidoma
124 A roman house with a central patio. [A] Villa [B] Atrium
143 In classical Architecture, the elaborated beam member
House [C] Domus [D] Megaron
carried by the columns. [A] Entablature [B] Architrave [C] Crepidoma
[D] Pediment
125 Revival of Classical Roman Style. [A] Neo-Classical [B]
Revivalism [C] Romanesque [D] Renaissance
144 Parts of an Entablature, in order of top to bottom. [A]
Cornice, Architrave, Frieze [B] Frieze, Architrave, Cornice [C] Cornice,
126 The style emerging in western Europe in the early 11th
Frieze, Architrave [D] Architrave, Frieze, Cornice
century, based on roman and byzantine elements, characterized by
massive articulated wall structures, round arches, and lasting until the
145 Plan shape of a chinese pagoda. [A] Square [B] Hexagon [C]
advent of gothic architecture. (D.K. Ching p. 131) [A] Neo-Classical
Pentagon [D] Octagon
[B] Revivalism [C] Romanesque [D] Renaissance
146 Usual number of stories for a chinese pagoda. [A] 3 [B] 5 [C] 164 Projecting blocks of stone carved with foliage, typical in
10 [D] 13 gothic architecture. [A] Cortel [B] cavetto [C] Crocket [D] Crenel

147 A special feature of japanese houses, used to display a 165 A slab forming the crowning member of the capital. (D.K.
flower arrangement or art; It is located in its most formal room. (D.K. Ching p. 180) [A] Base [B] Plinth [C] Shaft [D] Abacus
Ching p. 137) [A] Masugumi [B] Tokonama [C] Chasitsu [D] Irimoya
166 The crowning member of a column. (D. Ching p. 179) [A]
Plinth [B] Base [C] Shaft [D] Capital
148 Plan shape of a japanese pagoda. [A] Square [B] Hexagon
[C] Pentagon [D] Octagon 167 A rectangular or square slab supporting the column at the
base. [A] Base [B] Plinth [C] Shaft [D] Abacus
149 The most famous structure of Byzantine Architecture and
notable of its large dome. [A] Pantheon [B] Serapateum, Alexandria 168 A low screen wall enclosing the choir in early christian
[C] Nea Moni [D] Hagia Sophia church. [A] Bema [B] Apse [C] Chancel [D] Cancelli

150 Triangular piece of wall above the entablature. (D.K. Ching p. 169 A cold section of the roman bath. [A] Calidarium [B]
250) [A] Crepidoma [B] Architrave [C] Cornice [D] Pediment Tepidarium [C] Frigidarium [D] Sudatorium

151 A spherical triangle forming the transition from the circular 170 This church in the philippines is the seat in malolos
plan of a dome to the polygonal plan of its supporting structure (D.K. congress. [A] Morong Church [B] San Agustin Church [C] Barasoain
Ching p. 61). [A] Recessed [B] Pendentive [C] Domical [D] Vaulted Church [D] Quiapo Church

171 The palace proper in assyrian palaces. [A] Harem [B]

Megaron [C] Seraglio [D] Balneum
152 A long arcaded entrance porch in an early Christian church.
[A] Arcade [B] Bema [C] Narthex [D] Nave
172 Holy Mountains. [A] Pyramids [B] Rock Cut Tombs [C]
Ziggurats [D] Temples
153 The principal or central part of a church, extending from the
narthex to the choir or chancel and usually flanked by aisles. [A]
173 Architect of the famous Propylaea, Greece. [A] Hippodamus
Arcade [B] Bema [C] Narthex [D] Nave
of Miletus [B] Marcus Vitrivius Pocio [C[ Mnesicles [D] Andrea Paladio
154 The covered walk of an atrium. [A] Narthex [B] Naos [C]
Nave [D] Ambulatory
174 Private family apartments in Assyrian places. [A] Harem [B]
155 The basin for ritual cleansing with water in the atrium of an Megaron [C] Seraglio [D] Balneum
early chritian basilica. [A] Lacus [B] Clepysidra [C] Cantharus [D]
175 The most stupendous and impressive rock cut temples. [A]
Great Pyramid at Amon Karnak [B] Great Temple, Abu Simbel [C]
156 A large apsidal extension of the interior volume of a church. Palace of Persepolis [D] Step Pyramid of Zoser
[A] Narthex [B] Exedra [C] Nave [D] Apse
176 The four seated colossal statues of Rameses II is carved in
157 An ornamental canopy of stone or marble permanently place the pylon of the __________. [A] Great Pyramid at Amon Karnak [B]
over the altar in a church. [A] Niche [B] Cella [C] Baldachino [D] Bema Great Temple, Abu Simbel [C] Palace of Persepolis [D] Step Pyramid
of Zoser

177 Favorite Motifs of design of the egyptians. I. Acanthus II.

158 A decorative niche often topped with a canopy and housing a
Palm III. Lotus IV. Papyrus [A] I, II, III [B] II, III, IV [C] I, III, IV [D] All of
statue. [A] Niche [B] Baldachino [C] Tabernacle [D] Soffit
the above
159 A recess in a wall to contain a statue or other small items. [A]
178 Two main classes of temples in the Egyptian Architecture. I.
Niche [B] Cella [C] Baldachino [D] Bema
Pyramids II. Mastaba III. Mortuary IV. Cult [A] I and II [B] II and III [C]
160 A tower in muslim architecture used to call people for a III and IV [D] I and III [E] I and IV
prayer [A] Mudejar [B] Minaret [C] Pinnacle [D] None of the above
179 Egyptian Temples for ministrations to deified Pharaohs. [A]
Pyramids [B] Mastaba [C] Mortuary Temple [D] Cult Temple
161 Coffers, sunken panels in the ceiling. [A] Lacunaria [B]
180 Structure whose corners are made to face the four cardinal
Mosaic [C] Scupltured Reliefs [D] Bas Reliefs
points. [A] Pyramids [B] Stupa [C] Ziggurats [D] Pagoda
162 The buddhist temple in ancient cambodia which feature four
181 Structure whose sides are made to face the four cardinal
faces of the compassionate Buddha. [A] Mudejar [B] Bayon [C] Stupa
ponts. [A] Pyramids [B] Stupa [C] Ziggurats [D] Pagoda
[D] Torana
182 Egyptian Temples for the popular worship of the ancient and
163 A term given to the mixture of Christian, Spanish and Muslim
mysterious gods. [A] Pyramids [B] Mastaba [C] Mortuary Temple [D]
12th - 16th century architecture; A muslim permitted to remain in
Cult Temple
spain after the christian re-conquest. (D.K. Ching p. 132) [A] Mudejar
[B] Bayon [C] Stupa [D] Torana 183 The use of monsters in doorways is prevalent in what
architecture? [A] Greek [B] Romans [C] Egyptian [D] Persian
184 The greek male statues used as columns. [A] Caryatids [B] 205 A temple with 1 - 4 columns arranged between antae at the
Canephora [C] Atlantes [D] None of the Above front and rear. [A] Peripteral [B] Dipteral [C] In Antis [D] Amphi Antis

185 A recessed or alcove with raised seats where disputes takes

place. [A] Palaestra [B] Coloseum [C] Exedra [D] Bouleuterion 206 In greek, it is the roman prototype of the Thermae. [A] Circus
[B] Gymnasium [C] Odeion [D] Forum
186 A single line of columns surrounding the Naos.(D.K. Ching p.
251) [A] Prostyle [B] Peripteral [C] Dipteral [D] Arcades 207 Greek order that has no base. [A] Ionic [B] Corinthian [C]
Doric [D] None of the above
187 The uppermost step in the Crepidoma. (D.K. Ching p. 250)
[A] Stylobate [B] Stereobate [C] Podium [D] Crepidoma 208 The most beautiful and best preserved of the Greek
Theaters. [A] Parthenon [B] Pantheon [C] Epidauros [D] Circus
188 The lowest step in the Crepidoma.(D.K. Ching p. 250) [A] Maximus
Stylobate [B] Stereobate [C] Podium [D] Crepidoma
209 What orders did the Etruscans and Romans making it all 5?
189 A building in greek and roman for exercises or physical i. Doric ii. Ionic iii. Corinthian iv. Tuscan v. Composite [A] I and II [B] I
activities. [A] Palaestra [B] Odeion [C] Gymnasium [D] Agora and IV [C] II and III [D] IV and V

190 The three chambers of a greek temple. I. Pronaos II. Naos 210 What allowed the Romans to build vaults of a magnitude
III. Epinaos IV. Temenos [A] I, II, III [B] I, II, IV [C] I, III, IV [D] II, III, IV never equaled till the birth of steel for buildings? [A] Use of Marble [B]
Use of Concrete [C] Use of Stones [D] None of the above

191 A greek building that contains painted pictures. [A] Aphoteca 211 The finest of all illustrations of Roman Construction. [A]
[B] Lacunaria [C] Pinacotheca [D] Unctuaria Parthenon [B] Pantheon [C] Epidauros [D] Circus Maximus

192 Prostyle is the clear space between columns, Yes or No? 212 The oldest and most important forum in Rome. [A] Forum of
(D.K. Ching p. 179) [A] Yes [B] No, it's Intercolumnation [C] No, it's Pompeii [B] Forum of Philippi [C] Forum Romanum [D] Forum of
Perstyle [D] No, it's Dipteral Tarragona

193 Intercolumnation of 2.25 diameters. (D.K. Ching p. 179) [A] 213 Who commenced the "hall of hundred columns"? [A]
Areostyle [B] Eustyle [C] Systyle [D] Diastyle Artaxerxes [B] Senusret I [C] Cheops [D] Xerxes

194 Intercolumnation of 4.00 diameters. (D.K. Ching p. 179) [A] 214 Who completed the "hall of hundred columns"? [A]
Areostyle [B] Eustyle [C] Systyle [D] Diastyle Artaxerxes [B] Senusret I [C] Cheops [D] Xerxes

195 Intercolumnation of 2.00 diameters. (D.K. Ching p. 179) [A] 215 Architects of the Parthenon? I. Ictinus II. Domitian III.
Areostyle [B] Eustyle [C] Systyle [D] Diastyle Vespasian IV. Callicrates V. Phidias [A] I and III [B] I and IV [C] II and
V [D] All of them
196 Pycnostyle Intercolumnation has how many diameters? (D.K.
Ching p. 179) [A] 3.00 [B] 1.50 [C] 2.25 [D] 4.00 216 Master Sculptor of the Parthenon. [A] Agrippa [B]
Michealangelo [C] Phidias [D] Mnesicles
197 Temple with a portico of columns arranged in front. [A]
Dipteral [B] Peristyle [C] Prostyle [D] None of the above 217 In Roman fountains, the large basin of water. [A] Aqueducts
[B] Lacus [C] Lacunaria [D] Impluvium
198 Diastyle Intercolumnation has how many diameters? (D.K.
Ching p. 179) [A] 3.00 [B] 1.50 [C] 2.25 [D] 4.00 218 Spouting Jets in roman fountain. [A] Aqueducts [B] Lacus [C]
Velarium [D] Salientes
199 A kindred type to the theater. [A] Circus [B] Gymnasium [C]
Odeion [D] Forum 219 The first and oldest circus in rome. [A] Circus Flaminius [B]
Circus Neronis [C] Circus Maxentius [D] Circus Maximus
200 Roman building which is a prototype of the Hippodrome of
the Greek. [A] Circus [B] Gymnasium [C] Odeion [D] Forum 220 The colosseum in Rome also known as the "flavian
amhpitheater" was commenced by whom and accepted by whom? I.
201 Roman building for which gladiatorial battles took place. [A] Ictinus II. Domitian III. Vespasian IV. Callicrates V. Phidias [A] I and III
Stadium [B] Colosseum [C] Amphitheaters [D] Palaestra [B] I and IV [C] II and V [D] II and III

202 What sporting event takes place in the Palaestra? [A] Foot 221 Architect of the Erechtheion. [A] Vitrivius [B] Mnesicles [C]
Racing [B] Wrestling [C] Gladiatorial Contest [D] All of the Above Agrippa [D] Palladio

222 A water clock or an instrument for measuring time by the use

203 A foot race course in the cities. [A] Amphitheaters [B] of water. [A] Cantharus [B] Lacus [C] Clepsydra [D] Salientes
Coloseum [C] Circus [D] Stadium
223 The finest of greek tombs, also know as the "Tomb of
204 A temple with 1 - 4 columns arranged between antae at the Agamemnon", also noted as a "tholos" type of tomb. [A] Great
front. [A] Peripteral [B] Dipteral [C] In Antis [D] Amphi Antis Hypostyle Hall [B] Palace of Persepolis [C] Treasury of Atreus [D]
None of the above
224 Architect of the Temple of Zeus, Agrigentum. [A] Libon [B] 243 A type of monument erected to support a tripod, as a prize
Theron [C] Cossutius [D] Phidias for athletic exercises or musical competitions in greek festivals. [A]
Arch of Triumph [B] Podium [C] Choragic Monument [D] Entablature
225 Architect of the Temples of Zeus, Olympia. [A] Libon [B]
Theron [C] Cossutius [D] Phidias
244 A type of ornament in classic or renaissance architecture
226 Roman Architect of the Greek Temples of Zeus, Olympus. consisting of an assemblage of straight lines intersecting at right
[A] Libon [B] Theron [C] Cossutius [D] Phidias angles, and various patterns. [A] Ogee [B] Fret [C] Termini [D] Parti

227 Both the regula and the mutule has guttae numbering a total
of __________. [A] 16 [B] 18 [C] 20 [D] 22
245 Figures of which the upper parts alone are carved, the rest
running into a parellopiped or diminishing pedestal. [A] Ogee [B] Fret
228 A quadrigas is a __________. [A] 2 Horse Chariot [B] 1
[C] Termini [D] Parti
Horse Chariot [C] 4 Horse Chariot [D] None of the above
246 Marble mosaic pattern used on ceilings of vaults and domes.
229 The water leaf and tongue is a usual ornament found in the
[A] Opus Quadratum [B] Opus Mixtum [C] Opus Incertum [D] Opus
__________. It is also called as an ogee [A] Bird's Beak [B] Cyma
Recticulatum [E] Opus Tesselatum
Reversa [C] Sculptured Reliefs [D] None of the above
247 Conceptualized the Corinthian Capital. [A] Agrippa [B]
230 The corona is usually painted with the __________. [A] Key
Mnesicles [C] Calimachus [D] Etruscans
Pattern [B] Sculptured Reliefs [C] Coffers [D] None of the above
248 The sleeping room of the Megaron. [A] Domus [B] Insula [C]
Seraglio [D] Thalamus
231 Greek Sculptures may be classified as "architectural
sculpture, free standing statuary, and the __________". [A] Bird's 249 Timber Enframed Portal was the origin of door architrave,
Beak [B] Cyma Reversa [C] Sculptured Reliefs [D] None of the above Yes or No? [A] Yes [B] No

250 The atrium type of house originated with the __________. [A]
232 One of the best examples of surviving Megaron type of Agrippa [B] Mnesicles [C] Calimachus [D] Etruscans
Greek domestic building. [A] House # 34 [B] House # 33 [C] House #
32 [D] House # 30 251 Roman Apartment Blocks. [A] Villa [B] Domus [C] Megaron
[D] Insula
233 The molding that is often found in the doric order. [A] Bird's
Beak [B] Cyma Reversa [C] Sculptured Reliefs [D] None of the above 252 A building in classic architecture decorated with flowers and
plants with water for purpose of relaxtion [A] Salientes [B]
Nymphaeum [C] Lacus [D] Thermae
234 The wall or colonnade enclosing Temenos. [A] Cella [B]
Peristyle [C] Peribolus [D] Cancelli 253 5th to 18th century architecture; various adaptations of italian
renaissance archtiecture that occurred throughout EU until the advent
235 The private house of the Romans. [A] Villa [B] Portico [C] of Mannerism and Baroque in 16th and 17th Centuries. (D.K. Ching p.
Domus [D] Megaron 132) [A] Renaissance [B] Gothic Architecture [C] Medieval
Architecture [D] Georgian Architecture
236 Roman rectangular temples stood on a __________. [A]
Architrave [B] Entablature [C] Podium [D] Crepidoma 254 "Form follows Function". [A] Inigo Jones [B] Louis Sullivan
[C] Frank Lloyd Wright [D] Le Corbusier
237 Roman Large square tiles. [A] S-Tiles [B] Pantiles [C]
Bepidales [D] Temenos 255 The dominating personality who became an ardent disciple
of the italian renaissance style. [A] Louis Sullivan [B] Hennevique [C]
238 A type of roman wall facing with alternating courses of Inigo Jones [D] Le Corbusier
brickworks. [A] Opus Quadratum [B] Opus Mixtum [C] Opus Incertum
[D] Opus Recticulatum [E] Opus Tesselatum 256 A pillared hall in which the roofs rests on the column in
egyptian temples. [A] Pyramid [B] Hypostyle Hall [C] Hall of the
239 A type of roman wall facing which is made of small stone laid Hundred Columns [D] Refectory
in a loose pattern roughly resembling polygonal work. [A] Opus
Quadratum [B] Opus Mixtum [C] Opus Incertum [D] Opus 257 Who began the building of the great hypostyle hall at
Recticulatum [E] Opus Tesselatum Karnak? [A] Senusret I [B] Thothmes I [C] Amenemhat III [D]
Rameses II
240 A type of roman wall facing with a net like effect. [A] Opus
Quadratum [B] Opus Mixtum [C] Opus Incertum [D] Opus 258 Architect of the great Serapeum at Alexandira. [A] Rameses
Recticulatum [E] Opus Tesselatum II [B] Senusret I [C] Ptolemy III [D] Amenemhat III

241 A type of roman wall facing with rectangular block with or 259 He created the Dymaxion House, "The first machine for
without mortar joints. [A] Opus Quadratum [B] Opus Mixtum [C] Opus living". [A] Frank Lloyd Wright [B] Buckminster Fuller [C] Le Corbusier
Incertum [D] Opus Recticulatum [E] Opus Tesselatum [D] Robert Mailart

242 A roman structure used as a hall of justice and commercial 260 Tombs built for the egyptian nobility rather than the royalty.
exhanges. [A] Church [B] Agora [C] Basilica [D] Pteroma [A] Mastaba [B] Ziggurat [C] Rock Hewn Tombs [D] Pyramids
261 Architect of the Lung Center of the Philippines. [A] George to the outer walls of the buildings. [A] Little Metropole [B] Worms
Ramos [B] Leandro Locsin [C] Francisco Manosa [D] Juan Nakpil Cathedral [C] Hagia Sohpia [D] Nea Moni

281 The supreme monument of Byzantine Architecture. [A] St.

262 The warm room in the Thermae. [A] Tepidarium [B] Peters Basilica [B] Nea Moni [C] Hagia Sophia [D] Pantheon
Calidarium [C] Sudatorium [D] Unctuaria
282 A tower raised above a roof pierce to admit light; A
263 The hot room in the Thermae. [A] Tepidarium [B] Calidarium superstructure crowning a roof or dome having open or windowed
[C] Sudatorium [D] Unctuaria walls to get in the air and light (D.K. Ching p. 61). [A] Baldachino [B]
Apse [C] Cimborio [D] Lantern
264 The cold or unheated pool in the Thermae. [A] Apodyteria [B]
Calidarium [C] Sudatorium [D] Frigidarium 283 The covered passage around an open space or garth,
connecting the church to the chapter house, refectory and other parts
265 The dry or sweating room in the Thermae. [A] Tepidarium [B] of the monastery. [A] Arcades [B] Bridges [C] Cloisters [D] Crypt
Calidarium [C] Sudatorium [D] Unctuaria

266 The dressing room in the Thermae. [A] Apodyteria [B] 284 The prominent feature of the facades in Romanesque
Calidarium [C] Sudatorium [D] Unctuaria Central Italy. [A] Spires [B] Ornamental Arcades [C] Pilasters [D]
Ribbed Vaults
267 The room for oils and unguents in the Thermae. [A]
Tepidarium [B] Calidarium [C] Sudatorium [D] Unctuaria 285 The best example of German Romanesque Church with
apses at both east and west ends. [A] Salisbury Cathedral [B] Worms
268 Orientation of the Roman temple is towards the __________. Cathedral [C] Chapel of Notre Dame [D] Tower of Pisa
[A] Agora [B] Forum [C] Basilica [D] Bouleuterion
286 The term applied to the Episcopal Church if the Dioceses
269 Orientation of the Greek Temple is towards the __________. and also the important structure of the Gothic Period. [A] Chapels [B]
[A] North [B] South [C] East [D] West Cathedrals [C] Basilicas [D] Churches

270 Orientation of the Etruscan temple is towards the 287 The first plan shape of St. Peter's Basilica by Bramante. [A]
__________. [A] North [B] South [C] East [D] West Basilican Cross [B] Greek Cross [C] Latin Cross [D] Red Cross

271 Orientation of the Medieval Church which usually uses Latin 288 The first plan shape of St. Peter's Basicica by Carlo
type of plans for their basilicas (Wikipedia). [A] North [B] South [C] Maderna. [A] Basilican Cross [B] Greek Cross [C] Latin Cross [D] Red
East [D] West Cross

272 The space for clergy and choir is separated by a low screen 289 He erected the entrance of Piazza at St. Peter's Basilica. [A]
wall from the body of the church called __________. [A] Cella [B] Palladio [B] Bermini [C] Bruneslleschi [D] Michealangelo
Bema [C] Cancelli [D] Ambo
290 Used as a food storage in the Bahay na Bato. [A] Falig [B]
273 On either side of the choir, pulpits for the reading of the Dispensa [C] Cusina [D] Banguerahhan
epistle and the gospel are called __________. [A] Cella [B] Bema [C]
Cancelli [D] Ambo 291 The Granary in traditional Bontoc House. [A] Falig [B]
Dispensa [C] Cusina [D] Banguerahhan
274 In some churches, there is a part which is raised as part of
the sanctuary which later developed into the transept, this is the 292 Architect of the World Trade Center. [A] Kenzo Tange [B] IM
__________. [A] Arcade [B] Bema [C] Narthex [D] Nave Pei [C] Minoru Yamasaki [D] Skidmore and Ownings

275 In early Christian churches, the bishop took the central 293 The Erechtheion of Mnesicles is from what architecture? [A]
palace at the end of the church called __________. [A] Cancelli [B] Roman [B] Greek [C] Byzantine [D] Assyrian
Apse [C] Ambo [D] Bema
294 The part of the Corinthian Capital without Flower. [A] Echinus
276 Type of plan of the Byzantine Churches. [A] Latin [B] Greek [B] Acanthus [C] Balteus [D] Entasis
[C] Centralized [D] Circular
295 The Pantheon is from what Architecture? [A] Etruscan [B]
277 The Iconoclastic movement during the byzantine period Roman [C] Greek [D] Early Christian
forbade the use of __________. [A] Domes [B] Statues [C] Arches [D]
Pendentives 296 The Architect of the Pantheon. [A] Vitruviuz [B] Agrippa [C]
Diocletian [D] Palladio
278 Architects of Hagia Sophia. [A] Aggripa [B] Anthemis and
Isidorus [C] Callicrates [D] Vespasian and Domitian 297 The senate house of the Greeks. [A] Bouleuterion [B]
Prytaneion [C] Basilica [D] Forum
279 The smallest cathedral in the world. (Byzantine Period) [A]
Little Metropole [B] Worms Cathedral [C] Hagia Sohpia [D] Nea Moni 298 Architect of the Bi-Nuclear House, The H-Plan. [A] Antonio
Gaudi [B] Philip Johnson [C] Marcel Lajos Breuer [D] Louis Sullivan

280 One of the few churches of its type to have survived during a
square nave and without cross arms, roofed by a dome which spans
299 In the doric order, the shaft terminates the __________. 320 Like Caryatids and Atlantes, this is a three quarter length
(D.K. Ching p. 180) [A] Trachelium [B] Abacus [C] Entasis [D] figures. [A] Telamones [B] Herms [C] Canephora [D] Salientes
321 This is a pedestal with human, animal, or mythological
300 In what order is the Parthenon? [A] Doric [B] Tuscan [C] creatures at the top. [A] Telamones [B] Herms [C] Canephora [D]
Composite [D] Corinthian Terms

301 In what order is the Temple of Nike Apteros, Greece? [A] 322 A small prayer room in the Egyptian Architecture. [A] Masjid
Doric [B] Ionic [C] Corinthian [D] All of the 3 Greek Orders [B] Minarets [C] Qibla [D] Madrassah

302 This temple is dedicated to "Wingless Victory". [A] Parthenon 323 Where "Constructivism" originated? It is primarily in sculpture
[B] Pantheon [C] Temple of Nike [D] Erecthelon but with broad application to architecture. The expression for
construction was to be the basis for all building designs, with
303 This structure in greece was erected by Andronikos emphasis on functional machine parts (D.K. Ching p. 135) [A]
Cyrrhester for measuring time by means of a clepsydra internally and Germany [B] Moscow [C] China [D] France
sun dial externally. [A] Tower of the Winds [B] Nea Moni [C] Temple of
Nike [D] Temple of Vesta 324 Expressionist Architect. [A] Robert Venturi [B] Walter Gropius
[C] Philip Johnson [D] Erich Mendelsohn
304 From what architecture is the Stoa? [A] Roman [B] Egyptian
[C] Greek [D] Persian 325 Founders of the "Art Noveau" [A] Adler and Sullivan [B] John
Ruskin and William Morris [C] Walter Gropius [D] Philip Johnson
305 In the Cyma Reversa molding of the romans, what
ornaments are usually found? [A] Acanthus and Dolphin [B] Papyrus
and Scarab [C] Bird's Beak [D] All of the above 326 Combination of the new art and the graphing of the Old art.
[A] Mannerism [B] Eclecticism [C] Romanesque [D] Brutalism
306 The egyptian ornament symbolizing Fertility. [A] Scarab [B]
Papyrus [C] Echinus [D] Acanthus 327 Return in the use of Roman Orders in modern age. [A] Neo
Classism [B] Romanesque [C] Art Deco [D] Art Novueau
307 Egyptian Temple popular for worship of the ancient and
mysterious gods. [A] Mortuary temple [B] Pyramid [C] Cult Temple [D] 328 Scheme or solution of a problem in architecture; The basic
Rock Hewn Temples scheme or concept for an architectural design presented by a diagram
(D.K. Ching p. 53) [A] Diagram [B] Parti [C] Composition [D] Design
308 A small private bath found in roman houses or palaces. [A] Principle
Thermae [B] Balneum [C] Domus [D] Insula
329 Architect of Batasang Pambansa. [A] Leandro Locsin [B]
309 Corresponds to the Greek Naos. (D.K. Ching p. 250) [A] George Ramos [C] Carlos Barreto [D] Felipe Mendoza
Nave [B] Cella [C] Chancel [D] Pronaos
330 Architect of Philippine Heart Center. [A] Leandro Locsin [B]
310 The large element in the Frieze; a vertical block separating George Ramos [C] Carlos Barreto [D] Felipe Mendoza
the metopes. (D.K. Ching p. 180) [A] Tympanum [B] Cymatium [C]
Triglyphs [D] Triforium 331 Architect of Rizal Memorial Stadium. [A] Leandro Locsin [B]
Juan Nakpil [C] Carlos Barrto [D] Francisco Manosa
311 "A is a machine to live in". [A] Frank Lloyd Wright [B] Eero
Saarinen [C] Le Corbusier [D] Minoru Yamasaki 332 The Architect of the Quiapo Church before its restoration [A]
Leandro Locsin [B] Juan Nakpil [C] Carlos Barrto [D] Francisco
312 Architect of the Chicago Tribune Tower. [A] Frank Lloyd Manosa
Wright [B] Eliel Saarinen [C] Le Corbusier [D] Minoru Yamasaki
333 Built by the Franciscan priest Fr. Blas dela Madre, this
313 "Architecture is Organic". [A] Frank Lloyd Wright [B] Eliel church in Rizal whose design depicts the heavy influence of Spanish
Saarinen [C] Le Corbusier [D] Minoru Yamasaki Baroque, was declared a national treasure. [A] Barasoain Church [B]
Morong Church [C] Paoay Church [D] Church of San Agustin
314 Invented reinforce concrete in France. [A] Eugene Freysinnet
[B] Hennevique [C] Agrippa [D] Romans

315 First Elected U.A.P. President. [A] Juan Nakpil [B] Jose
Herrera [C] Gabriel Formoso [D] Manuel Manosa 334 This church, 1st built by Augustinian Fr. Miguel Murguia, has
an unusually large bell which was made from approximately 70 sacks
316 Designer of the Bonifacio Monument. [A] Carlos Barreto [B] of coins donated by the towns people. Where it is located? [A] Panay
Tomas Mapua [C] Juan Nakpil [D] Guillermo Tolentino Capiz [B] Malolos Bulacan [C] Antipolo Rizal [D] Manila

317 Scultor of the Bonifacio Monument. [A] Carlos Barreto [B] 335 Architect of SM Megamall. [A] William Conscuella [B] Antonio
Tomas Mapua [C] Juan Nakpil [D] Guillermo Tolentino Sin Diong [C] Falapox [D] Gabriel Formoso

318 Shah Jahan Designed which structure in Agra, India? [A] Taj 336 Central Bank of the Philippines, Manila. [A] William
Mahal [B] Borubudor [C] Forbidden City [D] Imperial Palace Conscuella [B] Antonio Sin Diong [C] Falapox [D] Gabriel Formoso

319 Male counterpart of the Caryatids. [A] Telamones [B] Herms

[C] Canephora [D] Salientes
337 The Tower atop torogan where the princess and her ladies in 352 He is the architect who has this saying "less is more" and
wating hide during occasions. [A] Balanguera [B] Lamin [C] Cusina [D] formulated "cubism and Futurism" [A] Ludwig Mies Van De Rohe [B]
Falig Le Corbusier [C] Frank Lloyd Wright [D] Adolf Loos

338 Found in the ground floor of bahay na bato, it is where the 353 Auditorium building (1889), Wainwright Building (1890), and
carriages and flots are kept. [A] Lamin [B] Cusina [C] Sala [D] Zaguan Guarranty Building (1894) are all made by: [A] Adler and Sullivan [B]
Le Corbusier [C] Frank Lloyd Wright [D] Joseph Paxton

339 The emergency hideout found directly behind the neadboard 354 In the early 19th century, it is a movement for aesthetic and
of the Sultan's bed. [A] Bilik [B] Aljibe [C] Dapogan [D] Azotea moral crusade escape from Industrial Revolotion (D.K. Ching p. 134)
[A] Art Deco [B] Arts And Crafts Movement [C] Art Noveau [D] None of
340 The flat, open terrace open to the toilet, bath, and kitchen the above
areas and also used as a laundry and drying space and service area
for the servants. [A] Cusina [B] Hardinera [C] Dapogan [D] Azotea 355 What is the character for the structures of egyptian
architecture? [A] Simplicity, Massiveness, Grandeur [B] Simplicity,
Massiveness, Monumentallity [C] Simplicity and Harmony [D]
341 In the kitchen of the bahay kubo, the table on top of whicj is Vastness and Maginificense, Orientation
the river stone, shoe shaped stove or kalan is known as __________.
[A] Azotea [B] Dapogan [C] Bilik [D] Falig 356 In Egyptian architecture, what is the system of construction
people used? [A] Arch and vault [B] Ribbed and Pannelled vaulting [C]
342 In 1851, he was the architect who constructed Crystal Palace Columnar and Trabeated [D] Domical roof Construction
[A] Joseph Paxton [B] Elisha Graves Otto [C] Otto Wagner [D] Adolf
Loos 357 What is the character for the structures of Babylonean and
Assyrian architecture? [A] Simplicity, Massiveness, Grandeur [B]
343 The sacred enclosure fond in the highest part of a Greek city Simplicity, Massiveness, Monumentallity [C] Simplicity and Harmony
is called: [a] Peribolas [b] Pteroma [c] Temenos [d] Corps de Logis [D] Vastness and Maginificense, Orientation

358 In Babylonean and Assyrian architecture, what is the system

344 The final phase of English Gothic Architecture characterized of construction people used? [A] Arch and vault [B] Ribbed and
by elaborated ornamental vaults, fine intricate stonework and also Pannelled vaulting [C] Columnar and Trabeated [D] Domical roof
called as rectilinear style (D.K. Ching p. 132) [A] Perpendicular Style Construction
[B] Decorated Style [C] Flamboyant Style [D] Rayonnant Style
359 All of these are considered as a character for Greek
345 He is the architect who reacted againsts the excesses if Art Architecture, except: (D.K. Ching p. 128) [A] Simplicity [B] Purity of
Noveau, Published "Ornament and verbrechen", and believes in his Lines [C] Perfection of Proportions [D] refinement of Details [E] All of
philosophy "ornamentation is a crime". [A] Joseph Paxton [B] Elisha the above
Graves Otis [C] Otto Wagner [D] Adolf Loos
360 In Greek architecture, what is the system of construction
346 called as the architecture of borrowing and of free selection people used? (D.K. Ching p. 128) [A] Arch and vault [B] Ribbed and
(D.K. Ching p. 133) [A] Functionalism [B] Brutalism [C] Eclectisicm [D] Pannelled vaulting [C] Columnar and Trabeated [D] Domical roof
Minimalism Construction

347 An architecture derived from "beton Brut" or naked Concrete 361 The Character for Renniassance Architecture is [A] Sober
(D.K. Ching p. 135) [A] Brutalism [B] Minimalism [C] Eclectisicm [D] and Dignified [B] Dignity and Formality achieved thru symmetry [C]
Functionalism Battle of the Styles [D] Simplicity in Design and Treatment

348 In 1870 Newyork, the one who developed the first passenger 362 In Germany, it was the center of development and study. "Art
freight elevator. In addition to this was the development of techniques and Technology, the New Unity", as it was established by walter
for manufacturing rolled steel. [A] Joseph Paxton [B] Elisha Graves gropius who used "Functionalism" architecture back in 1920's (D.K.
Otis [C] Otto Wagner [D] Adolf Loos Ching p. 135) [A] Bauhaus [B] Les Ecoles Beaux Arts [C] Art Noveau
[D] Art Deco
349 Which of the following are true about Louis Sullivan [A] Form
Follows Function [B] Studied for 6 months at Ecoles Des Beaux Arts 363 The system of Construction used in Gothic Architecture: [A]
[C] Studied At Institute of technology In Massachusettes [D] All of the Columnar and Trabeated [B] Arch and Vault [C] Arcuated with Pointed
above Arcs [D] Ribbed and Panneled Vaulting Construction

350 He is the architect who was the chief of construction for The 364 In 19th Century Revival Architecture, which of the following is
world Columbian Construction, and has this philosophy "make no little not a development in the said period? [A] battle of the styles - Gothic
plans, they have no magic to stir mans blood" [A] Ludwig Mies Van and Classic [B] The said period paved way to the foundation of Arts
De Rohe [B] Daniel Burnham [C] Joseph Paxton [D] Le Corbusier and Crafts movement [C] Art Noveau was also founded in this era [D]
Victorian Architecture is also called as Britain Revival Architecture [E]
None of the above
351 He was the Landscape architect for the World Columbian
Construction which was located at Jackson Park, Chicago [A] 365 In Japanese Architecture, What is preferred to be the gussho
Frederick Law Olmstead [B] Daniel Burnham [C] Otto Wagner [D] system of construction? [A] Mudular planning of house and palaces
John W. Root thru the use of tatami's 3x5 [B] it is based on rigidity of the triangle [C]
The incorporation of Buddha's altar in a japanese mansion [D] None 380 Designer of Crystal Palace, London [A] Sir Joseph Paxton
of these matters [B] Sir John Cubitt [C] Sir Charles Fox [D] Sir Richard Turner

366 In Japanese Architecture, Kirizuma Period has this kind of 381 Architect of Sagrada familia, Barcelona [A] Antonio Gaudi [B]
roofing construction [A] Gabled Roofing [B] Pyramidial Roofing [C] Paul Abadia [C] Von Fertsel [D] Victor Hort
Hip-Ridge Roof [D] Hip and Gabled Roof
382 Architect of White House at Washington DC [A] James
367 IM pei is also know commonly for these types of structures Hoban [B] Frank Lloyd Wright [C] H.H. Richardson [D] R.M. Hunt
[A] Square [B] Rectangle [C] Triangle [D] Circle

368 In Japanese Architecture, Hogyo Period has this kind of 383 He is the second Filipino Registered Architect after the well
roofing construction [A] Gabled Roofing [B] Pyramidial Roofing [C] known Tomas Mapua [A] Carlos Baretto [B] Antonio Toledo [C] Juan
Hip-Ridge Roof [D] Hip and Gabled Roof Altiveros [D] Juan Villegas

369 In Japanese Architecture, Shichu Period has this kind of 384 Truncated wedge blocks forming an arc: [A] Squinch [B]
roofing construction [A] Gabled Roofing [B] Pyramidial Roofing [C] Colonetta [C] Voussors [D] Arcades
Hip-Ridge Roof [D] Hip and Gabled Roof
385 A monument erected in memory of one not interned in or
370 In Japanese Architecture, Irimoya Period has this kind of under it: [A] Chattris [B] Sarcophagus [C] Cenotaph [D] Sahn
roofing construction [A] Gabled Roofing [B] Pyramidial Roofing [C]
Hip-Ridge Roof [D] Hip and Gabled Roof 386 A massive funerary structure of stone or brich with a square
base and four sloping triangular sides meeting at the apex; used
371 Torana, Torii and Pai-Lou has the same characteristics for mainly in egypt [A] Mastaba [B] Ziggurat [C] Rock Hewn Tombs [D]
Indian, Japanese and Chinese Architecture: [A] Temples [B] Royal Pyramids
Gateways [C] House [D] Pagoda
387 A principal room of Anatolian House [A] Villa [B] Portico [C]
372 It is the trend away from the functional aesthetic of the Domus [D] Megaron
international style and the severity of Brutalism (D.K. Ching p. 135) [A]
Modernism [B] Post Modernism [C] Functionalism [D] Eclectisicm 388 A great awning drawn over roman theatres and
amphitheatres to protect spectators against the sun [A] Mast [B]
Laconilum [C] Velarium [D] Impluvium
373 Robert Venturi has "less is bore", Ludwig Mies Van De Rohe
has "Less is More" then what about "less is more only when more is 389 A canopy supported by columns generally placed over an
too much"? [A] Walter Gropius [B] Louis Khan [C] Frank Lloyd Wright altar or tomb [A] Baldachino [B] Cimborio [C] Apse [D] Lantern
[D] Le Corbusier
390 A long arcaded entrance porch in an early Chirstian Basilican
374 In the early 20th century, it is the first building that was made Church [A] Arcade [B] Bema [C] Narthex [D] Nave
of reinforced concrete and glass [A] Crystal Palace [B] Ritz Hotel [C]
Tussel House [D] Eiffeil Tower 391 A rose or wheel window of the romanesque church was of
ten placed over the [A] East Door [B] North Door [C] Sout Door [D]
375 If Ecole Des Beaux Arts is all about architecture, and Loius West Door
Sullivan was one of the architects who studied there, then what is
Ecole De PolyTechnique? [A] Engineering [B] Drafting [C] Arts [D] 392 The middle phase of French Gothic and period
Architecture Characterized by circular windows with wheel tracery (D.K. Ching p.
132) [A] Early French Style [B] Flamboyant [C] Rayonnant [D]
376 What is the Character for Roman Architecture? (D.K. Ching Transitional
p. 130) (Wikipedia) [A] Vastness and Magnificence, Orientation and
Ornateness [B] Simplicity, Massiveness and Grandeur [C] Refinement 393 Projecting Ornament at the intersection of the ribs of ceilings,
of Details [D] Sober and Dignified whether vaulted or flat [A] Groin [B] Plough [C] Boss [D] Conoid

377 Which is Not true regarding Roman Architecture? [A] If

thermae is all about private bath for family elements, then Balneum is 394 Who said that "The magnificent display of volume put
a palatial Public Bath [B] Tepidarium is a warm bath and calidarium is together in the light"? [A] Adolf Hitler [B] Louis Khan [C] Frank Gehry
a hot bath [C] Roman's are the ones who discovered the material [D] Le Corbusier
which is called "pozzolana" or concrete [D] Roman's are the ones who
added Composite and Tuscan orders which are derived from the 395 Who said "The will to epoch translated into space" [A] Adolf
Greek's Doric, Ionic and Corinthian Orders Hitler [B] Ching [C] Jamandri [D] Le Corbusier

378 Which of the following statements are wrong about roman 396 Is the most famouse for the eye catching tower he
architecture? [A] Pons are also named as Bridges [B] Locus / Lacus is constructed in Paris for the exposition universally of 1889 work for
also called as a large basin of water [C] Aqueducts are used for water Eiffel Tower [A] Alexandre Gustav Eiffel [B] Alexander Gustave Eiffel
supply of towns and cities [D] Impluvium is alse called as their water [C] Alex Gustave Eiffel [D] Alex Gustav Eiffel
cistern System [E] All of the above
397 One of the pioneers of the modern movement in American
379 It is a structure which has 9 to 10 times diameter of its own Architecture. Work for the Auditorium building, US [A] Daniel Burnham
base [A] Pyramid [B] Obelisk [C] Torii [D] Capital [B] Louis Henry Sullivan [C] I.M. Pei [D] Brunelleschi
398 Architect of the famous Twin Tower World Trade Center [A] Palafox and Associates [C] Francisco Manosa [D] Leandro Locsin
I.M Pei [B] Yamasaki and Roth [C] Philip Johnson [D] Eero Saarinen

411 This famous axiom "Each one sees whatever he wishes to

399 One of the most sublime painters and scupture makers, and see" belongs to [A] Daniel Burnham [B] Oscar Niemeyer [C] Lucio
also one of the most influential architect and draftsman [A] Acosta [D] Peter Behrens
Michealangelo [B] Palazzo Ducale [C] Richard Kipling [D] Leonardo
412 French born brazilian architect and urban planner [A] Daniel
Burnham [B] Oscar Niemeyer [C] Lucio Acosta [D] Peter Behrens
400 The influential architect born in 1508 in Padua. He also
designed the Palazzo Chierecati which is known as the grandest town
residence at Vicencia, Italy [A] Holland [B] Andrea Di Pietro Della 413 This philosophy "When change needs, asks a stanger
Gondola [C] Andrea Palladio [D] All of them belongs to [A] Daniel Burnham [B] Oscar Niemeyer [C] Lucio Acosta
[D] Robert Adams
401 Scottish architect and designer who was prominent in the
Arts and Crafts movement in Great Britain [A] Charles Mackintosh [B] 414 He was the architect in his time that recieves his license as
Peter Behrens [C] Robert Adams [D] Ludwig Mies Van De Rohe an award at his 60's or at the age of 60 years old [A] Louis Sullivan [B]
Buckminster Fuller [C] Antonio Gaudi [D] Paul Rudolf

402 Received the "Patnubay ng Sining ng Kalinanagan" award 415 An imprtant scottish architect who was particularly known for
for the city of Manila [A] Philip Recto [B] Tomas Mapua [C] Juan his interiors based on classical decoration [A] Marcel Breuer [B]
Nakpil [D] Antonio Toledo Robert Adam [C] Ludwig Mies Van De Rohe [D] Paul Rudolf

403 In 1989, he received the Pritzker price commonly referred to 416 To whom does this philosophy belongs to "where the
as "The Noble of Architecture" the loftiest recognition. It is a lifetime architects task is to restore a correct order of values... It is still the
achievement award granted to living architect whose body of work architects duty to attempt to humanize age of machines. But this
represents a superlative contribution to the field [A] Minoru Yamasaki should not be done without regard of form". [A] Peter Behrens [B]
[B] Renzo Piano [C] Frank Gehry [D] Kenzo Tange Oscar Nieyemer [C] Marcel Breuer [D] Alvar Aalto

404 His first designs where drawings of fantastic architectural 417 His insistence on the importance of design and formal
visions in steel and glass, as well as costume and poster design [A] expression in our lives, and his adept handling of materials, light and
Norman Foster [B] Frank Gehry [C] I.M. Pei [D] Erich Mendelsohn space, explained why he is one of the great architects of the 20th
century [A] Peter Behrens [B] Oscar Nieyemer [C] Marcel Breuer [D]
Alvar Aalto
405 Much of his works has been described as post modern, since
418 He was called "Masters master" where his students are
he rejected the excessive abstractionism of archiects such as Le
architects like Gropius, Breuer and Van De Rohe [A] Peter Behrens
Corbusier and Strove instead to incorporate the valid elements of
[B] Oscar Nieyemer [C] Marcel Breuer [D] Alvar Aalto
older style [A] Louis Khan [B] Maxwell, Fry [C] I.M. Pei [D] Lucio Costa
419 A german architect who uses more representational styles
which has been called "scrapped classicism" [A] Peter Behrens [B]
406 Spanish Architects, one of the most creative practitioners of
Oscar Nieyemer [C] Marcel Breuer [D] Alvar Aalto
his art in modern times. His style is often described as a blend of neo
gothic and art nouveau, but is also has surrealist and cubist elements 420 Architect of the Reliance Building in Chicago [A] Eero
[A] Marcel Breuer [B] Antonio Gaudi [C] Adolf Loos [D] Lucio Costa Saarine [B] Eliel Saarinen [C] Oscar Niemeyer [D] Daniel Burnham

407 One of the world's first futurist and global thinkers. His 1927 421 in Mid-18th century, it is a style in interior that evolve mostly
decision to work always and only for all humanity led him to address in France and Italy which a reaction against both the surviving
the largest global problems of Poverty, Disease and Homelessness Baroque and Rococo [A] Neo Classical [B] Oriental Interiors [C] Art
[A] Kenzo Tange [B] Daniel Burnham [C] Frank Gehry [D] Deco and Art Nouveau [D] Contemporary Interiors
Buckminster Fuller
422 Any of the longitudinal divisions of a church, separated from
408 In his practice he explores the use of indigenous materials the nave by a row of columns or piers (D.K. Ching p. 35) [A] Aisle [B]
infused with current technological trends to bring a new dimension in Nave [C] Narthex [D] Ambulatory
design [A] Tomas Mapua [B] Juan Nakpil [C] Leandro Locsin [D]
Francisco Manosa 423 The sanctuary space sorrounding the altar of an early
christian church (D.K. Ching p. 35) [A] Apse [B] cancelli [C] Bema [D]
409 Afterwards became deeply involved in the design and Altar
building of French Railways and bridges. He worked on structures
such as bridges across the Garonne River, Train Stations at Toulouse 424 A screen or partition on which icons are placed, separating
and Again in france [A] Gustave Eiffel [B] Norman Foster [C] Alvar the bema from the nave of an eastern church. (D.K. Ching p. 35) [A]
Aalto [D] Ludwig Mies Van De Rohe Icon [B] Iconostas [C] Font [D] Prothesis

410 He has actively promoted the use of native architectural 425 A rose window having distinctly radiating mullions or bars,
forms and indigenous nationals such as bamboo, and thatch, in the also called as "Catherine" wheel, marigold windows (D.K. Ching p. 36)
creation of distinctively Filipino Architecture [A] Philip Recto [B]
[A] Rose Window [B] Oriel Window [C] Wheel Window [D] Bay 439 A circular opening, especially one at the crown of a dome
Window (D.K. Ching p. 61) [A] Lantern [B] Spire [C] Oculus [D] Lacunari

426 The major transverse part of a cruciform church, crossing the 440 A light structure on a dome or roof, serving a belfry, lantern
main axis at a right angle between the nave and the choir (D.K. Ching or belvedere (D.K. Ching p. 61) [A] Lantern [B] Cupola [C] Tambour
p. 36) [A] Altar [B] Sanctuary [C] Transept [D] Nave [D] Lacunaria

427 A column supporting the tympanum of a doorway at it's 441 The space between the inner and outer shells of a dome
center (D.K. Ching p. 36) [A] Trumea [B] Crossing [C] Campanile [D] (D.K. Ching p. 61) [A] Intrados [B] Extrados [C] Interdome [D] Lucarne

428 A bell tower, usually one near but not attached to the body of 442 A dormer window in a roof or spire (D.K. Ching p. 61) [A]
a church (D.K. Ching p. 36) [A] Trumea [B] Crossing [C] Campanile Lacunaria [B] Lucarne [C] Squinch [D] Oculus
[D] Steeple
443 An arch corbelling across the upper inside corner of a square
429 A tall, acutely tapaering pyramidal structure surmounting a tower to support the side of a superimposed octagonal structure [A]
steeple or tower (D.K. Ching p. 36) [A] Steeple [B] Spire [C] Tower [D] Pendentive [B] Squinch [C] Oculus [D] Lucarne
444 A projection of gallery or parapet at the top of the castle wall.
430 An indigenous Scandinavian church of 12th and 13th century Supported by corbelled arches and having openings in the floor
having a timber frame, plank walls, a tiered steeply pitched roof, and through which stones, molten leads, or boiling oil could be cast upon
few windows (D.K. Ching p. 36) [A] Westwork [B] Stave Church [C] an enemy beneath (D.K. Ching p. 99) [A] Obliette [B] Machicolation
Chartres Cathedral [D] St. Peter's Basilica [C] Dungeon [D] Ward

431 A circular window, usually of stained glass and decorated 445 A systematic, often chronological narrative of significant
with tracery symmetrical about the center (D.K. Ching p. 37) [A] Rose events as relating to a particular people, country, or period, often
Window [B] Stained Glass [C] Wheel Window [D] Dormer Window including an explanation of their causes (D.K. Ching p. 128) [A]
Theory [B] Principles [C] History [D] None of the above

432 A projecting ornament, usually in the form of curved foliage, 446 A defensive military work constructed for the purpose of
used especially in gothic archtecture to decorate the outer angles of strengthening a position (D.K. Ching p. 98) [A] Citadel [B] Fortification
pinnacles, spires and gables (D.K. Ching p. 37) [A] Finial [B] [C] Castle [D] keep
Gargoyles [C] Crocket [D] Chantry
447 Indigenous architecture of vast country in Eastern Asia
433 A grotesquely carved figure of a human or animal, especially whose civilization has continued and survived longer than any other
one with an open mouth that serces as a spout and projects from nation in the world. Uses timber for their construction and a general
gutter to throw rainwater of a building (D.K. Ching p. 37) [A] Finial [B] influenced for the Architecture of Korea, Japan, and other countries at
Gargoyles [C] Crocket [D] Chantry Southeast Asia (D.K. Ching p. 127) [A] Japanese [B] Chinese [C]
Philippine [D] Korean
434 The space about the altar of a church for the clergy and the
choir, often elevated above the nave and separated from it by a railing 448 An ancient region in western asia between the Tigtis and
or screen (D.K. Ching p. 37) [A] Chancel [B] Nave [C] Bema [D] Euphrates Rivers, comprising the lands of Sumer and Akkad and
Exedra occupied succesively by the Sumerians, Babylonians, Assyrians and
Persians. In this time, it is now a part of Iraq; Also called as Land or
435 A vaulted structure having a circular plan and usually the Rivers (Wikipedia) (D.K. Ching p. 128) [A] Egypt [B] Mesopotamia [C]
form of a portion of a sphere, so constructed as to exert an equal China [D] Turkey
thrust in all directions (D.K. Ching p. 60) [A] Arch [B] Buttress [C]
Dome [D] Shell 449 An agricultural region arching from the eastern shores of the
Mediterranean Sea in the west to Iraq in the East. It is the location of
436 A steel dome having members which follow three principal humankinds earliest Civilization (D.K. Ching p. 128) [A] Fertile
sets of great circles intersecting at 60º, subdividing the dome surface Crescent [B] China [C] Egypt [D] Catal Huyuk
into a series of equillateral spherical triangles (D.K. Ching p. 60) [A]
Radial Dome [B] Lattice Dome [C] Geodesic Dome [D] Saucer Dome 450 French born brazilian architect and urban planner [A] Daniel
Burnham [B] Oscar Niemeyer [C] Lucio Acosta [D] Peter Behrens

437 A steel dome structure having members which follow the

circles of latitude, and two sets of diagonals replacing the lines of 451 Architecture of the ancient civilization that flourished along
longitude and forming a series of isosceles triangles (D.K. Ching p. the Nile River in northwest africa from before 3000 B.C. to its
60) [A] Radial Dome [B] Lattice Dome [C] Geodesic Dome [D] Saucer annexation by Rome in 30 B.C. Know for their system of construction
Dome of Post and Lintel or Columnar Trabeated Architecture (D.K. Ching p.
128) [A] Chinese Architecture [B] Greek Architecture [C] Egyptian
438 A dome built with steel or timber trusses arranged in a radial Architecture [D] Mesopotamian Architecture
manner and connected by polygonal rings at various heights (D.K.
Ching p. 60) [A] Radial Dome [B] Lattice Dome [C] Geodesic Dome 452 A norman castle of the 10th through 12th century, consisting
[D] Saucer Dome of a motte placed within a bailey (D.K. Ching p. 98) [A] Sally Port [B]
Circumvallate [C] Motte and Bailey [D] Glacis
453 The earlist known period of human culture, preceeding the 466 A legendary dynasty at china 2205 - 1766 BC. Also called as
bronze age and iron age and characterized by the use of stone Hsia (D.K. Ching p. 128) [A] Yang Shao [B] Shang [C] Xia [D] None of
implements and weapons (D.K. Ching p. 128) [A] Prehistoric Age [B] the above
Stone Age [C] Neolithic Age [D] Dark Ages
467 The outer wall of a castle or the courtyard enclosed to It
454 Of or relating to the last phase of Stone age, characterized (D.K. Ching p. [A] Pale [B] Palisade [C] Motte [D] Bailey
by the cultivation of grain crops, domestication of animals, settlement
of villages, manufacture of pottery and textiles and use of polished 468 A series of irrigated ornamental gardens planted on the
stone implements (D.K. Ching p. 128) [A] Prehistoric Age [B] Stone terraces of the citadel, the palace complex in ancient babylon
Age [C] Neolithic Age [D] Dark Ages regarded as one of the seven wonders of the world (D.K. Ching p.
129) [A] Great Wall of China [B] Great Temple at Abu Simbel [C]
455 An advanced state of human society marked by relatively Hanging Gardens of Babylon [D] Parthenon at Greece
high level of cultural, technical and political development (D.K. Ching
p. 128) [A] Expression [B] Culture [C] Style [D] Society [E] Civilization 469 Architecture if the mesoamerican civilization (pre-classic),
which flourished c1200 - 500 BC. In the tropical lowlands of Mexican
Gulf Coast, characterized by temple pyramids, and large ceremonial
456 The manner in which meaning, spirit or character is sites (D.K. Ching p. 129) [A] Olmec Architecture [B] Mycenean
symbolized or communicated in the execution of artistic work (D.K. Architecture [C] Cambodian Architecture [D] Roman Architecture
Ching p. 128) [A] Expression [B] Culture [C] Style [D] Society [E]
470 A subordinate or private place of worship or prater within a
457 A particular or distinctive form of artistic expression larger complex (D.K. Ching p. 99) [A] Chapel [B] Citadel [C] Ward [D]
characteristic of a person, people or period (D.K. Ching p. 128) [A] Keep
Expression [B] Culture [C] Style [D] Society [E] Civilization
471 Architecture of etruscan people in west-central italy from the
458 The integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and 8th to 3rd centuries BC. Before the rise of Rome. It's method of
behaviors built up by a group of human beings and transimitted from construction is particularly True Stone Arch. Influenced after the
one generation up to the next (D.K. Ching p. 128) [A] Expression [B] roman archicture (D.K. Ching p. 129) [A] Greek Architecture [B]
Culture [C] Style [D] Society [E] Civilization Etruscan Architecture [C] Roman Architecture [D] Assyrian
459 An enduring and cooperating large scale community of
people having common traditions, institutions, identity, whose 472 The innermost and strongest structure or tower of a medieval
members have developed collective interest and beliefs through castle, used as a place of residence especially in times of siege. Also
interaction with one another (D.K. Ching p. 128) [A] Expression [B] called as donjon (D.K. Ching p. 99) [A] Chapel [B] Citadel [C] Ward
Culture [C] Style [D] Society [E] Civilization [D] Keep

460 A vast plateau between black, meditarennean and aegean 473 The architecture developed under the Achemenoid Dynasty
seas, synonymous with the peninsula of asia minor as of today [A] of Kings who ruled ancient Persia from 550 BC until its conquest by
Mesopotamia [B] Anatolia [C] Egypt [D] India Alexander the Great in 331 BC. (D.K. Ching p. 129) [A] Greek [B]
Persian [C] Assyrian [D] Mesopotamian
461 A steep mound of earth sorrounded by a ditch and
sormounted by a timber stockade and tower (D.K. Ching p. [A] Pale 474 The architecture of indian subcontinent, from the indus valley
[B] Palisade [C] Motte [D] Bailey culture of the harappa to the mauryan era, and later periods of foreign
domination and indigenous rule. (D.K. Ching p. 129) [A] Indian
462 A period of human history that began 4000 - 3000 B.C. Architecture [B] Chinese Architecture [C] Persian Architecture [D]
following stone age and preceeding Iron Age characterized by use of Egyptian Architecture
bronze elements (D.K. Ching p. 128) [A] Bronze Age [B] Stone Age
[C] Neolithic Age [D] Dark Ages 475 A fortified wall commenced under the Zhou Dynasty to
protect China againsts nomads from the north and serve as a means
463 Architecture developed by Sumerians who dominated of communication. (D.K. Ching p. 129) [A] Hall of Hundred Columns
southern mesopotamia from 4th to 3rd millenium B.C. characterized [B] Great Wall of China [C] Hanging Gardens of Babylon [D] Palace of
by monumental temples of sun dried brick faced with burnt or glazed Persepolis
brick. (D.K. Ching p. 128) [A] Saracenic Architecture [B] Sumerian
Architecture [C] Minoan Architecture [D] Egyptian Architecture 476 A fence of pales set firmly in the ground for enclosure or
defence Pale [B] Palisade [C] Motte [D] Bailey
464 Architecture of Bronze Age that flourished at Crete, named
after King Minos of Knossos and characterized by Elaborate Palaces 477 Mesopotamian Architecture developed under the Assyrian
at Knossos and Phaetus (D.K. Ching p. 128) [A] Saracenic King emperors of the 9th - 7th centuries BC. Within city walls
Architecture [B] Sumerian Architecture [C] Minoan Architecture [D] strengthened by towers with crenelated battlements. (D.K. Ching p.
Egyptian Architecture 129) [A] Mycenaean Architecture [B] Assyrian Architecture [C]
Etruscan Architecture [D] Persian Architecture
465 A chinese dynasty which marked the introduction of writing of
urban civilization and mastery of bronze casting. Also Called as Yin 478 The architecture of the aegean civilization that spread its
(D.K. Ching p. 128) [A] Yang Shao [B] Shang [C] Xia [D] None of the influence from mycenae in southern greece to many parts of the
above mediterranean region (D.K. Ching p. 129) [A] Mycenaean Architecture
[B] Assyrian Architecture [C] Etruscan Architecture [D] Persian
479 Of or pertaining to ancient greek history, culture and art besiegers [A] Circumvallate [B] Bastion [C] Sally Port [D] Glacis
especially before the time of Alexander the Great (D.K. Ching p. 129)
[A] Hellenistic [B] Hellenic [C] Greek Architecture [D] Mycenaean
Architecture 492 A fortress in a commanding position in or near a city. Used in
the control of the inhabitants and in defense during attack or siege
480 The Architecture of ancient Greece and Rome on which the (D.K. Ching p. 99) [A] Castle [B] Chapel [C] Citadel [D] Keep
italian renaissance and subsequent styles, as baroque, and classic
revival based their development (D.K. Ching p. 130) (Wikipedia) [A] 493 A small tower forming part of a larger structure, frequently
Medieval Architecture [B] Classical Architecture [C] Modern beginning some distance above the ground. (D.K. Ching p. 99) [A]
Architecture [D] Brutalism Enciente [B] Barbican [C] Ward [D] Turret

481 It is the final phase of roman architecture following the 494 Archtecture characterized by a synthesis of seminal ideas
adoption of Christianity as the state of religion by Constantine in A.D. from China and native producing a distinctive style characterized by
313 and lasting until the coronation of Charlemagne in A.D. 600; lightness, delicacy and refinement (D.K. Ching p. 130) [A] Chinese
Characterized by churches especially with basilicas and related to the Architecture [B] Japanese Architecture [C] Indian Architecture [D]
rie of Byzantine Architecture (D.K. Ching p. 130) (Wikipedia) [A] Philippine Architecture
Roman Architecture [B] Early Christian Architecture [C] Byzantine
Architecture [D] Greek Architecture 495 The architecture of the Muslim Peoples from the 7th century
on, developing in the wake of Muhammadan conquest of diverse
482 The architecture of eastern sphere of the later Roman territories from Spain iin the west to india in the east and absorbing
Empire, developing from late Roman and Early Christian Antecedents elements of art and architecture from each region. Their Principal
in the 5th century. Characterized by domes, pendentives and round buildings are Mosque, Tomb, Palace and Fort (D.K. Ching p. 131)
arches (D.K. Ching p. 130) (Wikipedia) [A] Roman Architecture [B] (Wikipedia) [A] Indian [B] Islamic [C] Greek [D] Byzantine
Early Christian Architecture [C] Byzantine Architecture [D] Greek
Architecture 496 The early Romanesque Architecture of Englad before the
Norman Conquest in 1066, characterized by the transition of timber
483 Architecture of the European Middle Ages, Compromising prototype to stone (D.K. Ching p. 131) [A] Norman Architecture [B]
the architecture of Byzantine, Pre-Romanesque, Romanesque and Anglo Saxon Architecture [C] Moorish Architecture [D] Islamic
Gothic Architecture (D.K. Ching p. 130) (Wikipedia) [A] Renaissance Architecture
[B] Medieval [C] Byzantine [D] Early Christian
497 A projecting part of a rampart or other fortification. Typically
484 A fortified group of buildings usually dominating the forming an irregular pentagon attached at the based to the main work
sorrounding country and held by a prince or noble in feudal times (D.K. Ching p. 98) [A] Circumvallate [B] Bastion [C] Sally Port [D]
(D.K. Ching p. 99) [A] Castle [B] Chapel [C] Citadel [D] Keep Glacis

485 A pointed stick or stake (D.K. Ching p. [A] Pale [B] Palisade 498 The islamic architecture of north africa and especially of the
[C] Motte [D] Bailey regions of spain under Moorish domination. (D.K. Ching p. 131) [A]
Anglo Saxon Architecture [B] Moorish Architecture [C] Columbian
486 The early part of the middle ages from about A.D. 476 - Architecture [D] Islamic Architecture
c1100 (D.K. Ching p. 130) [A] Golden Age [B] Dark Age [C] Neolithic
Age [D] Iron Age 499 A movement aimed at reviving the spirit and forms of gothic
architecture, originating in the late 18th century in France, Germany,
487 Of or pertaining to the Americas before the voyage of England to a lesser extent in U.S. (D.K. Ching p. 134) [A] Victorian
Colombus (D.K. Ching p. 130) (Wikipedia) [A] Pre-Historic [B] Pre- Architecture [B] Beaux-Arts Architecture [C] Gothic Revival [D]
Columbian [C] Pre-Classic [D] None of the above Renaissance

488 The archiecture of the Mesoamerican tradition of the 500 A fortified wall encircling a castle or town, or the place so
Yucatan Peninsula, Guatemala, and part of Hoduras, from the first enclosed (D.K. Ching p. 99) [A] Enciente [B] Barbican [C] Ward [D]
century A.D. to its peak in the 9th century. Characterized by Turret
magnificent ceremonial centers with temple pyramids, ritual ball
courts, spacious plazas and palaces with sculptured facades (D.K. 501 The revival and eclectic architecture, décor and furnishings
Ching p. 130) [A] Mayan Architecture [B] Columbian Architecture [C] popular in english speaking countries during the reign of Queen
Egpytian Architecture [D] Mesopotamian Architecture Victoria of England (1837 to 1901), characterized by rapid changes of
styles as a consequence of aesthetic controversy and technological
489 The most significant pre columbian architecture in south innovations (D.K. Ching p. 134) [A] Victorian Architecture [B] Beaux-
america. The incas inherited an architectural legacy from Tiwanaku. Arts Architecture [C] Gothic Revival [D] Renaissance
Their famous royal estate of Machu Pichu is their fine example
(Wikipedia) [A] Mayan Architecture [B] Inca Architecture [C] 502 A slope extending downward in front of a fortification in such
Cambodian Architecture [D] Egyptian Architecture a way that it brings advancing enemy soldiers into the most direct line
of fire [A] Circumvallate [B] Bastion [C] Sally Port [D] Glacis
490 An outwork on the approach to a castle or town, especially a
watch tower at the gate or drawbridge (D.K. Ching p. 99) [A] Enciente 503 An open space within or between the walls of castle (D.K.
[B] Barbican [C] Ward [D] Turret Ching p. 99) [A] Enciente [B] Barbican [C] Ward [D] Turret

491 A gateway in a fortification permitting a large number of 504 A style of architecture favored by Ecole Des Beaux Arts in
troops to move rapidly from the besieged position and attack the the late 19th century France and adopted in U.S. and elsewhere,
characterized by symmetrical plans and the electric use of
architectural features combined as as to give a massive elaborate and often playful illusion, decoration and complexity (D.K. Ching p. 135)
often ostentatious effect. (D.K. Ching p. 134) [A] Victorian Architecture [A] Post Modernism [B] International Style [C] Modernism [D] Abstract
[B] Beaux-Arts Architecture [C] Gothic Revival [D] Renaissance Expressionism

505 A design movement of the mid 19th century that emphasized 518 A functional architecture devoild of regional characteristics,
the decorative use of materials and textures and the development of developed in 1920's and 1930's in Western EU and US and applied
ornament as an integral part of a structure than its applied adornment throughout the world. Characterized by simple geometric forms, large
(D.K. Ching p. 134) [A] Minimalism [B] Brutalism [C] Rationalism [D] untextured, often white surfaces, large areas of glass and general use
Eclecticism of steel and reinforced concrete (D.K. Ching p. 135 (D.K. Ching p.
135) [A] Post Modernism [B] International Style [C] Modernism [D]
506 A movement that originated in England c1860 as a reaction Abstract Expressionism
againsts poor quality mass produced goods, conceiving of craft and
decoration as a single entity in the handcrafting of both utilitarian and 519 A deliberate philosophical and practical enstrangement from
decorative objects (D.K. Ching p. 134) [A] Beaux Arts [B] Arts and the past in the arts and literature occuring in the coarse of the 20th
Crafts [C] Garden City [D] Art Noveau century and taking form in any of various innovative movement and
styles (D.K. Ching p. 135) [A] Post Modernism [B] International Style
507 A style of architecture in the Mid 19th century especially in [C] Modernism [D] Abstract Expressionism
Germany, characterized by the use of motif and combining in various
degrees elements from the Early Christianm Byzantine, Romanesque 520 A defensive wall or elevation of earth or stone protecting
and Early Renaissance Styles (D.K. Ching p. 134) [A] Jugendstil [B] soldiers from enemy fire (D.K. Ching p. 98) [A] Cordon [B] Parapet [C]
Rundbogenstil [C] Minimalism [D] Brutalism Berm [D] Rampart

508 A style of fine and appied art current in the late 19th and 20th 521 Movement In experimental non representational painting by
century, characterized by fluid, undulating motifs, often derived from originating in U.S. at 1940's. embracing many individual styles marked
natural forms (D.K. Ching p. 134) [A] Arts and Crafts [B] Art Noveau in common by freedom of technique, a preference for dramatically
[C] Bauhaus [D] Les Ecoles Beaux Arts large canvesses and a desire to give spontaneous expression. (D.K.
Ching p. 135) [A] Post Modernism [B] International Style [C]
509 A lady's private chamber in a medieval castle (D.K. Ching p. Modernism [D] Abstract Expressionism
99) [A] Bower [B] Postern [C] Necessarium [D] Brattice
522 A continuous gangway providing a means of communication
510 It is the italian version of Art Noveaum named after the firm behind the rampart and a fortified wall (D.K. Ching p. 99) [A] Bower
of liberty and co. in London (D.K. Ching p. 134) [A] Jugendstil [B] Stile [B] Postern [C] Chemi de ronde [D] Crenelated
Liberty [C] Sezession [D] Modernismo
523 The privy of a medieval castle or monastery. Also called as
511 The spanish particularly Catalan version of Art Noveau (D.K. garderobe (D.K. Ching p. 99) [A] Bower [B] Postern [C] Necessarium
Ching p. 134) [A] Jugendstil [B] Stile Liberty [C] Sezession [D] [D] Brattice
524 A style of architecture exemplifying the commonest building
512 A temporary wooden fortification in medieval architecture. technique based on the forms and materials of particular historical
Erected at the top of a wall during a siege (D.K. Ching p. 99) [A] period, region or group of people (D.K. Ching p. 135) [A] Organic
Bower [B] Postern [C] Necessarium [D] Brattice Architecture [B] Gothic Architecture [C] Vernacular Architecture [D]
Medieval Architecture
513 The austrian version of Art Noveau, so named because its
adherents succeeded from the official academy of art in Viena (D.K. 525 A philosophy of architectural design that emerge in the early
Ching p. 134) [A] Jugendstil [B] Stile Liberty [C] Sezession [D] 20th century, asserting that a building should have a structure and
Modernismo plan that fulfills its functional requirements and harmonize with the
natural environment. One prime example of this is "Falling Water"
514 A school of design establish in Welmar Germany in 1919. (D.K. Ching p. 135) [A] Organic Architecture [B] Gothic Architecture
moved to Dessau in 1926 and closed in 1933 as a result of Nazi [C] Vernacular Architecture [D] Medieval Architecture
Hostility. It characterized by the synthesis of technology, craft and
design aesthetics with an emphasis on functionalism. (D.K. Ching p. 526 A group of U.S. Architects active c1880 - 1910 and known for
135) [A] Art Noveau [B] Bauhaus [C] Art Deco [D] Arts and Crafts major innovations in high rise construction and for the development of
modern building construction design (D.K. Ching p. 135) [A] Ecoles
Des Beaux Arts [B] Bauhaus [C] Chicago School [D] Liceo De Manila
515 A style of painting and sculpture developed in the early 20th
century. Characterized by an emphasis on formal structure, reduction
of natural forms to their geometrical equivalents. (D.K. Ching p. 135) 527 A projecting course of stones below the parapet of a rampart
[A] Brutalism [B] Cubism [C] Modernism [D] Abstract Expressionism (D.K. Ching p. 98) [A] Cordon [B] Parapet [C] Berm [D] Rampart

516 A small rear door or gate to a fort or castle (D.K. Ching p. 99) 528 A design movement that evolved from seceral previous
[A] Bower [B] Postern [C] Necessarium [D] Brattice movement in EU in the early 20th century. Advocating the design of
buildings, furnishing or the like as direct fullfillment of functional
517 A movement in architecture and decorative arts that requirements. One great architect in this time is "Louis Sullivan" (D.K.
developed in 1970's in reaction to the principles and practices of Ching p. 135) [A] Brutalism [B] Minimalism [C] Functionalism [D]
modernism, especially the influence of International Style, Cubism
encouraging the use of elements from historical vernacular styles and
529 A style of decorative art developed originally in 1920's with a 542 The rear passageway into a bastion or similar outwork (D.K.
revival in 1960's, marked chiefly by geometric motifs, streamlined and Ching p. 98) [A] Circumvallate [B] Curtain [C] Gorge [D] Terreplain
curvilinear forms, sharply defined outlines, often bold colors and use
of synthetic materials. It is also called as Style Moderne (D.K. Ching
p. 135) [A] Art Noveau [B] Art Deco [C] Arts and Crafts [D] Ecole Des 543 The top platform or horizontal surface ofa rampart where
Beaux Arts guns are mounted (D.K. Ching p. 98) [A] Circumvallate [B] Curtain [C]
Gorge [D] Terreplain
530 Metropolitan Theater at Manila is considered as (D.K. Ching
p. 135) [A] Art Noveau [B] Art Deco [C] Arts and Crafts [D] Ecole Des 544 The part of a bastion the extends from the curtain to the face
Beaux Arts (D.K. Ching p. 98) [A] Shoulder [B] Face [C] Flank [D] Casemate

531 Chysler Tower at New York is considered as (D.K. Ching p.

135) [A] Art Noveau [B] Art Deco [C] Arts and Crafts [D] Ecole Des 545 Either of the two outer sides that form the sallen angle of a
Beaux Arts bastion (D.K. Ching p. 98) [A] Shoulder [B] Face [C] Flank [D]
532 Architecture of Quechuan people who migrated into Cuzco
area about AD 1100 and ruled Peru until the spanish conquest in the 546 The inner slope or wall of the ditch sorrounding a rampart
16th century, characterized specially by strong simple forms of (D.K. Ching p. 98) [A] Outwork [B] Escarp [C] Ravelin [D]
smooth ashlar without the use of iron chisels (D.K. Ching p. 132) Counterscarp
(Wikipedia) [A] Aztec Architecture [B] Inca Architecture [C] Mudejar
Architecture [D] Saracenic Architecture 547 A broad embankment of earth raised as a fortification around
a place and usually sormounted by a parapet (D.K. Ching p. 98) [A]
533 Architecture of Amerindian people who settled near the Cordon [B] Parapet [C] Berm [D] Rampart
shore of Lake Texcoco in Central Mexico c1352. Characterized chiefly
by pyramid supporting twin temples on a common platform (D.K. 548 Sorrounded by or as if by a rampart (D.K. Ching p. 98) [A]
Ching p. 132) (Wikipedia) [A] Aztec Architecture [B] Inca Architecture Circumvallate [B] Curtain [C] Gorge [D] Terreplain
[C] Mudejar Architecture [D] Saracenic Architecture
549 The second of the three phases of English Gothic from late
534 A ledge between the exterior slope of a rampart and the 13th to 14th century, characterized by rich tracery, elaborate
moat of a fortification (D.K. Ching p. 98) [A] Cordon [B] Parapet [C] onrmanental vaulting and refinement of stone cutting techniques (D.K.
Berm [D] Rampart Ching p. 132) [A] Early French Style [B] Flamboyant Style [C]
Decorated Style [D] Early English Style
535 The style of architecture originating in France in the 12th
century and existing in the western half of EU through the middle of 550 Final Phase of French Gothic characterized by flamelike
16th century, characterized by building of great cathedrals, a tracery, intricacy of detailing and frequent complication of interior
progressive lightening and heightening of structure and use of pointed space (D.K. Ching p. 132) [A] Early French Style [B] Flamboyant Style
arch construction (D.K. Ching p. 132) [A] Medieval Architecture [B] [C] Decorated Style [D] Early English Style
Gothic Architecture [C] Renaissance [D] Early Christian Architecture
551 The exterior slope or wall of the ditch sorrounding a rampart
(D.K. Ching p. 98) [A] Outwork [B] Escarp [C] Ravelin [D]
536 Era that marked the transition from Medieval to Modern Counterscarp
World; also notes revival of classical art in literature (D.K. Ching p.
132) [A] Dark Ages [B] Renaissance [C] Iron Age [D] Garden City Era 552 Under the second phase of Gothic English Architecture
which of the following styles has been developen in this stage?(D.K.
Ching p. 132) I. Geometric Style II. Perpendicular Style III. Curvilinear
537 The first of three phases of English Gothic from late 12th Style IV. Flamboyant Style [A] I and II [B] I and III [C] I and IV [D] II
Century characterized by Lancet Window and Plate Tracery (D.K. and IV
Ching p. 132) [A] Early French Style [B] Flamboyant Style [C]
553 A style in Italian Renaissance art and architecture developed
Decorated Style [D] Early English Style
during the 15th century, characterized by development of linear
538 The first of three phases of French Gothic characterized by perspective, chlaroscurro and free inventive use of classical details
pointed arch and geometric tracery (D.K. Ching p. 132) [A] Early (D.K. Ching p. 132) [A] Early Renaissace [B] High Renaissance [C]
French Style [B] Flamboyant Style [C] Decorated Style [D] Early Baroque [D] Rococo
English Style
554 A style of Italian Renaissance art and architecture
539 A V-Shaped outwork outside the main ditch of a fortress, characterized by an emphasis on draftsmanship, the illusion of
covering the works between two bastions (D.K. Ching p. 98) [A] sculptural volume in painting, and in building, by the imitative use of
Outwork [B] Escarp [C] Ravelin [D] Counterscarp whole orders and compositional arrangements in the classical style
(D.K. Ching p. 132) [A] Early Renaissace [B] High Renaissance [C]
540 An enclosing wall connecting two bastions or towers (D.K. Baroque [D] Rococo
Ching p. 98) [A] Circumvallate [B] Curtain [C] Gorge [D] Terreplain
555 A style of decorative art that evolved from Baroque,
originating in France about 1720 and distinguished by fanciful, curved
541 A minor defensive position established beyond a main spatial forms and elaborate profuse designs of shellwork and foliage
fortified area (D.K. Ching p. 98) [A] Outwork [B] Escarp [C] Ravelin [D] intended for a delicate overall effect (D.K. Ching p. 132) [A] Early
Counterscarp Renaissace [B] High Renaissance [C] Baroque [D] Rococo
556 A style of architecture originatin in Italy in the early 17th 569 A large hall serving as the main or central gathering space of
century variously prevalent in EU and New World, characterized by a castle (D.K. Ching p. 99) [A] Chapel [B] Great Hall [C] Ward [D]
free and sculptural use of classical orders and ornament, dynamic Keep
opposition and interpretation of spaces and dramatic combined effects
of architecture, sculpture, painting and decorative arts (D.K. Ching p. 570 A bridge that can be raised, let down or drawin aside to
132) [A] Early Renaissace [B] High Renaissance [C] Baroque [D] preven access or to permit passage between it (D.K. Ching p. 99) [A]
Rococo Moat [B] Eyelet [C] Drawbridge [D] Loophole

557 The classicism prevailing in architecture in EU, America and 571 A dark, often underground prison or cell as in a mediaval
various EU Colonies during the late 18th and early 19th century, castle (D.K. Ching p. 99) [A] Obliette [B] Machicolation [C] Dungeon
characterized by widespread use of Greek and Roman orders and [D] Ward
decorative motifs (D.K. Ching p. 133) [A] Renaissance [B] Georgian
[C] NeoClassicism [D] Tudor Architecture 572 A tent of the American Indians, made usually from animal
skins laid on a conical frame of long poles and having an opening at
558 Principles of styles characteristic of culture, art and literature the top for ventilation and flap door (D.K. Ching p. 136) [A] Tepee [B]
of ancient Greece and Rome (D.K. Ching p. 133) [A] Classicism [B] Igloo [C] Wigwam [D] Yurt
Minimalism [C] Brutalism [D] Cubism
573 An eskimo house, usually built of blocks of ice in the shape
559 Art and Architecture in the style of Ancient Greece and Rome of a dome (D.K. Ching p. 136) [A] Tepee [B] Igloo [C] Wigwam [D]
as that of the Italian Renaissance and Neoclassical Movements in Yurt
England and U.S. in late 18th and early 19th centuries (D.K. Ching p.
133) [A] Saracenic [B] Classic Revival [C] Medieval [D] Tudor 574 A vault or chamber in a rampart, having embrasures for
Architecture artillery (D.K. Ching p. 98) [A] Shoulder [B] Face [C] Flank [D]
560 Transitional Style of English Architecture that developed
during the reign of the Royal House of Tudor in second half of 16th 575 A circular tentlike dwelling of the Mongol nomads of central
century, characterized by Tudor Arch and application of Renaissance Asia, consisting of cylindrical wall of poles with a conical roof of poles.
Details (D.K. Ching p. 133) [A] Classicism [B] Classic Revival [C] (D.K. Ching p. 136) [A] Tepee [B] Igloo [C] Wigwam [D] Yurt
NeoClassicism [D] Tudor Architecture
576 A small, simple dwelling or shelter, especially one made of
561 The angle between the face and the flank of a bastion (D.K. natural materials (D.K. Ching p. 136) [A] Pit Dwelling [B] Hut [C]
Ching p. 98) [A] Shoulder [B] Face [C] Flank [D] Casemate Longhouse [D] Pueblo

562 A prevailing style of architecture, furniture, and crafts current 577 A broad, deep ditch usually filled with water, sorrounding the
in England and NA colonies, especially from 1714 to 1811, derived rampart of a fortified town, fortress or castles as protection againsts
from classical, renaissance, and baroque forms. Named after four assault (D.K. Ching p. 99) [A] Moat [B] Eyelet [C] Drawbridge [D]
kings name George who reigned in this period (D.K. Ching p. 133) [A] Loophole
Elizabethan [B] Georgian [C] Tudor [D] Victorian
578 A small or narrow opening in a wall of a fortification for the
563 A transitional style in EU architecture characterized by discharge of missles (D.K. Ching p. 99) [A] Moat [B] Eyelet [C]
unconventional use of classical elements. (D.K. Ching p. 133) [A] Drawbridge [D] Loophole
Cubism [B] Mannerism [C] Functionalism [D] Expressionalism
579 A small aperture in the wall of a medieval castle used as a
564 Something beneath, behind or within which a person is window or loophole. (D.K. Ching p. 99) [A] Moat [B] Eyelet [C]
protected from storms or other adverse conditions (D.K. Ching p. 136) Drawbridge [D] Loophole
[A] Shelter [B] Networks [C] Society [D] Nature
580 A secret dungeon having an opening only in the ceiling
565 An american indian dwelling, usually of round or oval shape, though which prisoners were dropped (D.K. Ching p. 99) [A] Obliette
formed of poles overlaid with bark, rush mats, or animal skins (D.K. [B] Machicolation [C] Dungeon [D] Ward
Ching p. 136) [A] Tepee [B] Igloo [C] Wigwam [D] Yurt
581 A primitive form of shelter consisting of a pit excavated in
566 A parapet having a regular alternation of merlons and earth and roofed over. (D.K. Ching p. 136) [A] Pit Dwelling [B] Hut [C]
crenels, originally for defense but later used as decorative motif. (D.K. Longhouse [D] Pueblo
Ching p. 99) [A] Merlon [B] Crenels [C] Battlement [D] Portcullis
582 A communal dwelling characteristics of many early cultures
that of the Iroquols and various other North American Indian peoples,
consisting of a wooden bark-covered framework often as much as 100
567 One of the solid parts between the crenels of an
feet (D.K. Ching p. 136) [A] Pit Dwelling [B] Hut [C] Longhouse [D]
embattlement (D.K. Ching p. 99) [A] Merlon [B] Crenels [C] Battlement
[D] Portcullis
583 A communal dwelling and defensive structure of the Pueblo
568 A strong grating of iron or timber hung over the gateway of a
Indians of Southern US built of adobe or stone, typically many storied,
fortified place in such a way that it could be lowered quickly to prevent
and terraced, with entry through the flat roofs (D.K. Ching p. 136) [A]
passage (D.K. Ching p. 99) [A] Merlon [B] Crenels [C] Battlement [D]
Pit Dwelling [B] Hut [C] Longhouse [D] Pueblo
584 A large, usually rectangular house, constructed of timber 598 A linear unit for regulating column spacing in traditional
plants, built and used by indians and less by eskimos (D.K. Ching p. japanese construction but later varying according to room width as
136) [A] Trullo [B] Pueblo [C] Igloo [D] Plank House determined by tatami units (D.K. Ching p. 137) [A] Ken [B] Cha Sit Su
[C] Masu Gumi [D] Tokobashira
585 A circular stone shelter of the apulla region of southern italy,
roofer with conical constructions of corbeled dry masonry. Usually 599 A house having no wall in common with another house (D.K.
whitewashed and painted with figures or symbols (D.K. Ching p. 136) Ching p. 138) [A] Semi Detach Dwelling [B] Duplex [C] Triplex [D]
[A] Trullo [B] Pueblo [C] Igloo [D] Plank House Detached Building

586 The main or central inner hall of an ancient roman house, 600 A house joined a party wall to another house or row of
open to the sky at the center and usually having a pool for the houses (D.K. Ching p. 138) [A] Semi Detach Dwelling [B] Duplex [C]
collection of rainwater. It is also called as caveadium (D.K. Ching p. Triplex [D] Detached Building
137) [A] Atrium [B] Ambulatory [C] Impluvium [D] Compluvium
601 A group of nearly 20th century architects, notable Frank
587 A colonnade sorrounding a building or a courtyard (D.K. Lloyd Wright who designed houses and other buildings with
Ching p. 137) [A] Prostyle [B] Peristyle [C] Stylobate [D] Sterobate emphasized horizontal lines responding to the flatness of the
midwestern prairie (D.K. Ching p. 138) [A] Les Ecoles Beaux Arts [B]
Prairie School [C] Bauhaus [D] Chicago School
588 A roof opening in an ancient roman house though which
rainwater discharges into a cistern in the atrium beneath it (D.K. Ching 602 Popular especially in first quarter of 20th century, usually
p. 137) [A] Impluvium [B] Compluvium [C] Lacus [D] Salientes having one or more and half stories, a widely bracketed gable roof, a
large porch, and often built with rustic metals (D.K. Ching p. 138) [A]
589 A thick straw mat, covered with smooth, finely woven reeds Split Level [B] Duplex [C] Bungalow [D] Apartment
and bound with plain or decorated bands of silk, cotton or hemp.
Serving as a floor covering and a standard for designating room size 603 A house having a room or rooms somewhat above or below
for Japanese Houses (D.K. Ching p. 137) [A] Tatami [B] Engawa [C] adjacent rooms, with the floor levels usually differing by approximately
Shoji [D] Kakemono half a story (D.K. Ching p. 138) [A] Split Level [B] Duplex [C]
Bungalow [D] Apartment
590 Extension of the floor on one or more slides of a japanese
style house, usually facing a garden and serving as a passageway or 604 A two storey house having the lower level sunken below
sitting space (D.K. Ching p. 137) [A] Tatami [B] Engawa [C] Shoji [D] grade and an entry at grade halfway between the two floor intervals
Kakemono (D.K. Ching p. 138) [A] High Rise [B] Skyscrapper [C] Spilt Level [D]
591 A vertical hanging scroll containing either text or painting,
intended to be viewed on a wall and rolled when not it use (D.K. Ching 605 A building having thre apartments, an aparment having three
p. 137) [A] Tatami [B] Engawa [C] Shoji [D] Kakemono floors or a multiplex of three theaters (D.K. Ching p. 138) [A] Duplex
[B] Triplex [C] Split Level [D] Bi-Level
592 One of a series of sliding translucebt panels used in
japanese architecture between the exterior and interior, or between 606 A house having separate apartments for two families,
two interior spaces, consisting of light wooden framework covered on especially a two storey house having a complete apartment on each
one side with rice paper. (D.K. Ching p. 137) [A] Tatami [B] Engawa floor and two separate entrances (D.K. Ching p. 138) [A] Duplex [B]
[C] Shoji [D] Kakemono Triplex [C] Split Level [D] Bi-Level

593 A ceremonial site of japanese residential architecture in the 607 A house forming part of a real state development, usually
kamakura period, deriving its name from the characteristic of shoin or having a plan and apperance common to some or all of the houses in
study bay and mark by heirarchical arrangement of public and private the development (D.K. Ching p. 138) [A] Saltbox [B] Cape Code [C]
rooms (D.K. Ching p. 137) [A] Zashiki [B] Shoin Zukuri [C] Cha Sit Su Tract House [D] Rambler
[D] Masu Gumi
608 One storey house with a low pitched roof especially one built
594 Reception room, the main room of a traditional japanese in suburbs (D.K. Ching p. 138) [A] Duplex [B] Triplex [C] Split Level
house, used for receiving and entertaining guests (D.K. Ching p. 137) [D] Bi-Level
[A] Zashiki [B] Shoin Zukuri [C] Cha Sit Su [D] Masu Gumi
609 True or False, "Housing Unit" is a house, apartment, suite of
595 A recess with built in shelving, usually adjoined with rooms, or a single room, occupied or intended for occupancy as
Tokonama (D.K. Ching p. 137) [A] Shoin [B] Cha Sit Su [C] Tana [D] separate living quarters (D.K. Ching p. 139) [A] True [B] False
Masu Gumi
610 An apartment house, office building or other multiple unit
596 An elevated bay or projected desk for wrting or reading, complexes, the units of which are individually owned, each owner
usually placed at right angle with a tokonama in the reception room of receiving a recordable deed to the individual unit purchased (D.K.
a shoin-zukuri style residence (D.K. Ching p. 137) [A] Shoin [B] Cha Ching p. 139) [A] Townhouse [B] Condominium [C] Bungalow [D]
Sit Su [C] Tana [D] Masu Gumi Duplex

597 A post marking the front of the partition between the 611 One of a row of houses in a cit joined by common sidewalls
tokonama and tana, sometimes of exquisite wood of particular grain (D.K. Ching p. 139) [A] Townhouse [B] Condominium [C] Bungalow
and shape (D.K. Ching p. 137) [A] Ken [B] Cha Sit Su [C] Masu Gumi [D] Duplex
[D] Tokobashira
612 One of a row of houses having atleast one sidewall in 629 Two columns and pilasters closed together, it is: (D.K. Ching
common with a neighboring unit, and usually uniform or nearly p. 179) [A] Intercolumnation [B] Columnation [C] Accouplement [D]
uniform plans, fenestrations, and architectural treatment (D.K. Ching Bank
p. 139) [A] Townhouse [B] Condominium [C] Rowhouses [D] Duplex
630 Underside of a slab or a beam (D.K. Ching p. 180) [A]
Access Flooring [B] Soffit [C] Dropped Ceiling [D] Girder
613 An apartment consisting of a single multifunctional room, a
kitchen or kitchenette, and a bathroom. Also called as efficiency 631 Animal carved figure in a frieze is called: (D.K. Ching p. 180)
apartment (D.K. Ching p. 139) [A] Garden Apartment [B] Studio [A] Mutule [B] Triglyph [C] Zophorus [D] Entasis
Apartment [C] Penthouse [D] Flat
632 Any of the panels, either plain or decorated between
614 An apartment or suite of rooms on one floor forming a triglyphs in the doric frieze (D.K. Ching p. 180) [A] Metope [B] Regula
residence (D.K. Ching p. 139) [A] Garden Apartment [B] Studio [C] Mutule [D] Voissors
Apartment [C] Penthouse [D] Flat
633 A rounded channel or groove, also a decorative mottif in
615 An apartment on residence on the top floor or roof of a classical orders (D.K. Ching p. 180) [A] Flute [B] Voussoirs [C] Shaft
building. Often set back from the outer walls and opening onto a [D] Mutule
terrace (D.K. Ching p. 139) [A] Garden Apartment [B] Studio
634 Projecting block under the corona of a doric cornice (D.K.
Apartment [C] Penthouse [D] Flat
Ching p. 180) [A] Gutta [B] Regula [C] Mutule [D] Flutting
616 A row of houses or residential street on or near the top of a
635 A classical order of the romans, characterized by unfluted
slope (D.K. Ching p. 139) [A] Crescent [B] Terrace [C] Cluster
column and a plain base (D.K. Ching p. 180) [A] Composite [B]
Housing [D] None of the above
Corinthian [C] Ionic [D] Tuscan
617 The crowning member of a classical cornice, usually a cyma
636 A popular order in the renaissance period but made from
recta (D.K. Ching p. 179) [A] Cornice [B] Stylobate [C] Plinth [D]
ancient romans, and is also a modified version of the corinthian order
(D.K. Ching p. 180) [A] Tuscan [B] Etruscan [C] Corinthian [D]
618 It is the most uppermost member of the classical entablature, Composite
consisting of a corona, cymatium and bed moulding (D.K. Ching p.
637 Order: 6th century asia minor, introduction of egg and dart
179) [A] Pediment [B] Frieze [C] Cornice [D] Architrave
mouldings, capital with spiral volutes (D.K. Ching p. 181) [A] Doric [B]
619 A horizontal section of a classical order that rests on Tuscan [C] Corinthian [D] Ionic
columns, made up of cornice, architrave and frieze (D.K. Ching p.
638 Scroll, spiral in shape, usually seen in capitals of ionic,
179) [A] Entablature [B] Pediment [C] Sterobate [D] Shaft
corinthian and composite orders (D.K. Ching p. 181) [A] Cantharus [B]
620 A horizontal part of a classical entablature, rest on the middle Volutes [C] Voussoirs [D] Echinus
of the cornice and the architrave (D.K. Ching p. 179) [A] Frieze [B]
639 Ornamental motif for enrriching an ovolo or echinus,
Pediment [C] Stylobate [D] Plinth
consisting of a closely set, alternating series of oval and pointed
621 The lower portion of a classical entablature (D.K. Ching p. forms. (D.K. Ching p. 181) [A] Egg and dart [B] Papyrus [C] Egg and
179) [A] Pediment [B] Cornice [C] Plinth [D] Architrave tongue [D] Dentil

622 It is the central part of a column (D.K. Ching p. 179) [A] Shaft 640 One of the three horizontal bands making the architrave of
[B] Plinth [C] Base [D] Corona the ionic order (D.K. Ching p. 181) [A] Fascia [B] Gutta [C] Tympanum
[D] None of the above
623 It is the upper end of a column, also noted as a crowning
member (D.K. Ching p. 179) [A] Plinth [B] Corona [C] Cornice [D] 641 ornamental bracket, usually in the form of a scroll with
Capital acanthus, used in series beneath the corona of a corinthian,
composite or roman ionic orders (D.K. Ching p. 181) [A] Mutule [B]
624 A cylindrical support member in classical architecture is (D.K. Modillion [C] Corona [D] None of the above
Ching p. 179) [A] Base [B] Pedestal [C] Column [D] Architrave
642 Circular moldings under the cushions of an ionic capital
625 Square slab beneath the base of a column is (D.K. Ching p. between the volutes (D.K. Ching p. 181) [A] Abacus [B] Fillet [C]
179) [A] Crepidoma [B] Cornice [C] Plinth [D] Podium Echinus [D] None of the above

626 A construction upon which a column, stature or memorial 643 narrow part of the surface of a column left between adjoining
shaft or the like is elevated (D.K. Ching p. 179) [A] Base [B] Pedestal flutes (D.K. Ching p. 181) [A] Fillet [B] Chamfer [C] Triglyph [D]
[C] Column [D] Architrave Metope

627 The lowest portion of a column, pier or wall is (D.K. Ching p. 644 A large convex, semicircular molding. Commonly found
179) [A] Base [B] Pedestal [C] Column [D] Architrave directly above the plinth of the base of a classical column (D.K. Ching
p. 181) [A] Stylobate [B] Sterobate [C] Torus [D] Scotia
628 The projecting slablike member of a classical cornice
supported by a bed moulding (D.K. Ching p. 179) [A] Cyma reversa 645 A deep concave moulding between two fillets (D.K. Ching p.
[B] Corona [C] Lattice [D] Frieze 181) [A] Torus [B] Scotia [C] Stylobate [D] Stereobate
646 Ornamental stalks rising between the acanthus leaves of a 663 verious aquatic plants in the water lily family, used as
corinthian capital (D.K. Ching p. 181) [A] Cauliculus [B] Helix [C] decorative motif in egypt, hindu art and architecture (D.K. Ching p.
Entasis [D] Cymatium 183) [A] Papyrus [B] Lotus [C] Palm [D] Echinus

647 In the five orders, it is the most ornate developed by the 664 art or technique of painting on a freshly spread, moist plaster
greeks and used more extensively by the romans (D.K. Ching p. 181) surface with pigments ground up in water or limewater mixture (D.K.
[A] Doric [B] Ionic [C] Corinthian [D] Composite Ching p. 183) [A] Bas-Relief [B] Plaster Ground [C] Fresco [D]
648 A pictorial sign or symbol is (D.K. Ching p. 182) [A] Mosaic
[B] Grafitti [C] Pictograph [D] Relief 665 Double curve moulding, and also called as gula (D.K. Ching
p. 183) [A] Fillet [B] Trimmer [C] Ogee [D] Cavetto
649 Ancient drawings or writings scratched on stones, plaster or
other hard surface (D.K. Ching p. 182) [A] grafitti [B] grafitto [C] bas 666 moulding with concave and convex line joints together is:
relief [D] mosaic (D.K. Ching p. 183) [A] Cavetto [B] Cortel [C] Cyma [D] Ogee

650 A picture made of little pieces of tile, enamel or glass or even 667 A cyma having the concave part projecting beyond the
mortar (D.K. Ching p. 182) [A] Mosaic [B] Heiroglyphics [C] Fresco convex part is (D.K. Ching p. 183) [A] Cyma Recta [B] Ogee [C]
[D] Mural Astragal [D] Cyma reversa

651 Projection of a figure or form from the first background on 668 A cyma having the convex part projecting beyond the
which it is formed (D.K. Ching p. 182) [A] Bas relief [B] relief [C] Mural concave part is (D.K. Ching p. 183) [A] Astragal [B] Ogee [C] Cyma
[D] fresco reversa [D] Cyma recta

652 scultural relief that projects very slightly from the background 669 small convex molding usually semi circular in section (D.K.
(D.K. Ching p. 182) [A] Bas Relief [B] Grafitti [C] Pictograph [D] Relief Ching p. 183) [A] Astragal [B] Bead [C] Baguette [D] None of the

653 large painted pictures on a wall or ceiling surfaces is (D.K. 670 A convex molding having a profile approximately quarter
Ching p. 182) [A] Fresco [B] Murals [C] Lacunaria [D] Cofferdome section of a circle or ellipse (D.K. Ching p. 183) [A] Ovolo [B] Cavetto
[C] Ogee [D] Cyma

654 Gargoyles in gothic architecture are considered what kind of 671 Smaller than astragal, small convex molding of semi circular
ornament? (D.K. Ching p. 183) [A] Antic [B] Fresco [C] Grafitti [D] section (D.K. Ching p. 183) [A] Ogee [B] Bead [C] Baguette [D]
Mural Astragal

655 Latin cross with a ring in its shaft is: (D.K. Ching p. 183) [A] 672 An ornamental bracket, usually formed with scrolls and
Celtic Cross [B] Greek Cross [C] Jerusalem Cross [D] none of the higher than its projection (D.K. Ching p. 186) [A] Plinth [B] Frieze [C]
above Console [D] Architrave

656 Any mosaic of regularly cut material (D.K. Ching p. 182) [A] 673 a molded or decoration band framing a rectangular door or
Opus sectile [B] Opus mixtum [C] Opus recticulatum [D] Opus window opening (D.K. Ching p. 186) [A] Pediment [B] Entablature [C]
Alexandrinum Architrave [D] Base

657 A mosaic of tessera arranged in waving lines resembling the 674 A decorative brand, as one along the top of an interior wall,
form tracks of a worm (D.K. Ching p. 182) [A] Opus Quadratum [B] immediately below the cornice or a sculptured one in a string course
Opus recticulatum [C] Opus Mixtum [D] Opus Vermiculatum on an outside wall (D.K. Ching p. 186) [A] Cornice [B] Corona [C]
Frieze [D] Architrave
658 A kind of cross with a shorter horizontal bar and an upright
vertical shaft (D.K. Ching p. 183) [A] Greek Cross [B] Celtic Cross [C] 675 The man of learning can fearlessly look down upon the
Latin Cross [D] Jerusalem Cross troublesome accidents of fortune. But he who thinks himself
entrenched in defense not of learning but of luck moves one slippery
659 The symbol of red cross is: (D.K. Ching p. 183) [A] path, struggling through life unsteadly and insecurely [A] A new
Jerusalem Cross [B] Greek Cross [C] Latin Cross [D] Celtic Cross archirecture by Frank Lloyd Wright [B] The ten books of Architecture
by Marc Vitrivius [C] Space, Time and Architecture by Sigfried Gideon
[D] The Poetry of Architecture by John Ruskin
660 a decorative design contained within a band or bonier,
consisting of repeated, often geometric features. Also called as fret 676 PD 957, In design standards for residential condominium
(D.K. Ching p. 183) [A] Scultured Relief [B] Key Pattern [C] Lotus [D] Projects, offsite parking is allowed but must not be more how many
Papyrus meters from the building it serves? [A] 31 Meters [B] 50 Meters [C]
100 Meters [D] 150 Meters
661 Common ornament used in heraldic bearings for the royal
families in francem usually three petaled flowers (D.K. Ching p. 183) 677 When the owner hires an architect of firm to coordinate the
[A] Anthemion [B] Honeysuckle [C] Fleur de Lis [D] Lotus whole range of comprehensive services it shall constitute [A] Design
Build Services [B] Labor Supervision [C] Project Management [D]
662 Ornament with palm leaves in a radiating center (D.K. Ching Construction Management
p. 183) [A] Antefixae [B] Anthemion [C] Acroterion [D] Echinus
678 An english architect who prepared plans for london i.e. St, 693 A tall four sided shaft of stone that tapers as it rises to a
Peter's and St. Paul Cathedral; proposed a network of avenues pyramidial point. Originating in ancient egypt as a sacred symbol for
connecting the main features of London [A] Leonardo Da Vinci [B] the sund god Ra and usually standing in pairs astride temple
Leon Battista Alberti [C] Pierre Charles L` Enfant [D] Sir Christopher entrances (D.K. Ching p. 249) [A] Pylons [B] Minarets [C] Serdabs [D]
Wren Obelisks

679 It is the third phase of English Gothic Architecture where 694 A hirstoric burial ground, a large elaborate one of an ancient
elaborated ornamental vaulting and refinement of stonecutting city. Can be called as "city of the dead" (D.K. Ching p. 249) [A]
techniques [A] Perpendicular Style [B] Reyonnant Style [C] Rococo Acropolis [B] Persepolis [C] Necropolis [D] Heliopolis
[D] Decorated Style
695 A concave moulding having an outline that approximates a
680 The memorial column built in the form of tall doric order and quartercircle (D.K. Ching p. 249) [A] Cortel [B] Cavetto [C] Cyma
made entirely of marble is: [A] Column of Antoninus Pius [B] Trajan's Reversa [D] Cyma Recta
Column [C] Column of Marcus Aurelius [D] Column of Diocletian
696 A monumental gateway for egyptian to ancent temple (D.K.
Ching p. 249) [A] Propylaea [B] Torii [C] Goppuram [D] Pylon
681 Pertaining to religious objects, rites or practices, as opposed
to the secular or profane (D.K. Ching p. 248) [A] Secular [B] 697 Noting an ancient egyptian column having as its capital the
Parliament [C] Sacred [D] All of the above head of hathor. But who is hathor in the ancient world? (D.K. Ching p.
249) [A] Goddes of War [B] Goddess of Victory [C] Goddess of Love
682 A temple tower pressumed to be the great ziggurat at and Happiness [D] Goddess of Fortune
babylon, which no longer survives, though it was seen and described
by the greek historian herodotus in the 5th century BC (D.K. Ching p. 698 A figure of imaginary creature having the body of a lion and
248) [A] Temple of Agamemnon [B] Tower of Babel [C] Hanging the hard of a man, ram or hawk commonly placed un the avenues
Gardens [D] Great Pyramid of Amon Karnak leading to an ancient temples or tombs (D.K. Ching p. 249) [A]
Lamella [B] Sphinx [C] Syrinx [D] Pylons
683 Monumental stone sculptures of human-headed, winged
bulls or lines that guard the entrances to mesopotamia palaces and 699 A building or semi independent unit of a building, typically
temples (D.K. Ching p. 248) [A] Dragon [B] Lamassu [C] Heiroglyphics having a rectangular principal chamber with a center hearth and a
[D] Criosphinx porch. Commonly in greece and mycenae and is usually formed with
doric order columns (D.K. Ching p. 250) [A] Insula [B] Villa [C]
684 A prehistoric monument consisting of two or more large Megaron [D] Tumulus
upright stones supporting a horizontal stone slab. Commonly found in
Great Britain (D.K. Ching p. 248) [A] Menhir [B] Dolmen [C] Tumuli [D] 700 A principal chamber or enclosed part of a classical temple,
Stupa where the cult image was kept. Also called as naos (D.K. Ching p.
250) [A] Cancelli [B] Nave [C] Cella [D] Plinth
685 A prehistoric monument consisting of an upright magalithic,
usually standing alone but sometimes aligned with others (D.K. Ching 701 Greek Temples are designed for: (D.K. Ching p. 250) [A]
p. 248) [A] Stupa [B] Tumuli [C] Dolmen [D] Menhir Internal Effect [B] Internal Worship [C] Dedicated to Greek God or
Goddesses [D] All of the above
686 Very large stone used as found or roughly dressed (D.K.
Ching p. 248) [A] Monolith [B] Megalith [C] Neolithic [D] Paleolithic 702 A wide low pitch gable sorrounding a colonnade or a major
division of a façade in greek and roman temples (D.K. Ching p. 250)
[A] Architrave [B] Entrablature [C] Pediment [D] Tympanum
687 Obelisk is one of the elements of muslim architecture, but
703 The rear vestibule of a classical temple (D.K. Ching p. 250)
what kind of stone it is? (D.K. Ching p. 248) [A] Monolith [B] Neolithic
[A] Naos [B] Cella [C] Epinaos [D] Temenos
[C] Paleolithic [D] Megalith
704 The open vestubule before the cella of a classical temple
688 An artificial mound of earth or stone, especially over an
(D.K. Ching p. 250) [A] Naos [B] Epinaos [C] Pronaos [D] Nave
ancient grave. (D.K. Ching p. 248) [A] Tumulus [B] Cromlech [C]
Menhir [D] Stupa
705 An upright stone slab or pillar with a carved or inscribed
surfaced, used as a monument or marker (D.K. Ching p. 250) [A]
689 Stonehenge is a circular formation of formed dolmens which
Pylon [B] Menhir [C] Stele [D] Minarets
was used by our old ancestral humans to determine sunpath, and
time. What kind of term should be used for stonehenge? (D.K. Ching
706 An elevated place or structure where rituals and sacrifices
p. 248) [A] Menhir [B] Tumulus [C] Cromlech [D] Dromos
are made (D.K. Ching p. 250) [A] Sanctuary [B] Altar [C] Baldachino
[D] Stele
690 A long deep passageway into an ancient subterranean tomb
(D.K. Ching p. 248) [A] Domus [B] Dromos [C] Aqueducts [D] Cloisters
707 It served as a model for early christian basilicas and typically
having a high central space lit by clerestory and covered by timbered
trusses, and a raised dais in a semi circular apse (D.K. Ching p. 251)
691 Two upright megaliths supporting a horizontal stone. (D.K.
[A] Church [B] Basilica [C] Forum [D] Agora
Ching p. 248) [A] Menhir [B] Cromlech [C] Trilithon [D] Dromos

692 The small chamber, underground below a mastaba in

egyptian architecture (D.K. Ching p. 249) [A] Dolmen [B] Tumuli [C]
Serdab [D] Seraglio
708 It is the center of judicial and business affairs for the ancient 727 A freestanding memorial pillar in indian architecture. (D.K.
roman people. Usually have a temple and a basilica (D.K. Ching p. Ching p. 253) [A] Pylons [B] Obelisks [C] Rostral Column [D] Stambha
251) [A] Agora [B] Stoa [C] Forum [D] Piazza

709 A raised platform in an ancient roman basilica for the seats 728 An elaborately carved, ceremonial gateway in indian
of magistrates (D.K. Ching p. 251) [A] Skene [B] Exedrae [C] Tribunal buddhist and hindu architecture (D.K. Ching p. 253) [A] Gopuram [B]
[D] Plinth Torana [C] Torii [D] Pai-Lou

710 Monumental memorial erected astride the line of march of a 729 Sanctuary of a hindu temple in which a deity is enshrined
victorious army during its campaign (D.K. Ching p. 251) [A] Rostral (D.K. Ching p. 253) [A] Cenotaphs [B] Stupa [C] Vimana [D] Sikhara
Column [B] Cenotaphs [C] Triumphal Arch [D] Obelisks

711 A roman temple which is wholly or partly open to the sky 730 A tower of hindu temple, usually tapered convexly and
(D.K. Ching p. 251) [A] Cleretory [B] Hypostyle Hall [C] Clerestory [D] capped by an amalaka (D.K. Ching p. 253) [A] Stupa [B] Torana [C]
Hypethral Gopuram [D] Sikhara

712 Temples having engaged columns at its sides (D.K. Ching p. 731 A monument, usually ornate gateway tower to a hindu
251) [A] Prostyle [B] Pteroma [C] Pseudo-peripteral [D] Amphi- temple, especially in southern india (D.K. Ching p. 253) [A] Gopuram
prostyle [B] Torana [C] Torii [D] Propylaea

713 temples with 2 rows of columns on all sides (D.K. Ching p. 732 consist of artificially dome shaped mound raised in a
251) [A] Diastyle [B] Dipteral [C] Prostyle [D] Pteroma platform, noted as a buddhist memorial mound erected to enshrined a
relic. Called as dagoba in ceylon, dagoba in nepal. (D.K. Ching p.
714 having an arrangement of columns suggesting a dipteral
253) [A] Minaret [B] Obelisks [C] Stupa [D] Sikhara
structure but without the inner colonade (D.K. Ching p. 251) [A]
Pseudo-Dipteral [B] Amphi-Prostyle [C] Diastyle [D] Systyle 733 8 sided structure, erected as a memorial or to hold relics and
is made of wood (D.K. Ching p. 254) [A] Pagoda [B] Stupa [C] Sikhara
715 Having a portico in the front side only (D.K. Ching p. 251) [A]
[D] Pai Lou
Peripteral [B] Prostyle [C] Picnostyle [D] Areostyle
734 A monumental, freestanding gateway on the approach of a
716 Without colonade along the sides (D.K. Ching p. 251) [A]
shinto shrine. Usually having a lintel curving upward (D.K. Ching p.
Amphi-prostyle [B] Dipteral [C] Apteral [D] Eustyle
254) [A] Torana [B] Pai Lou [C] Torii [D] Pylon
717 Prostyle on both sides (D.K. Ching p. 251) [A] Pseudo-
735 Assembly hall for monks in a japanese buddhist temple (D.K.
Dipteral [B] Pseudo-Peripteral [C] Amphi-Prostyle [D] Apteral
Ching p. 254) [A] Cha-Sit-Su [B] Tokonama [C] Kodo [D] Kondo
718 Masjid in muslim architecture is also called as (D.K. Ching p.
252) [A] Minarets [B] Dromos [C] Mosques [D] Pylons
736 Golden hall, the sanctuary where the main image of worship
719 A muslim theological school arranged around a courtyard is kept in. Jodo, Shinsu, and Necheiren sects of buddhism use the
and attached to a masjid (D.K. Ching p. 252) [A] Minaret [B] Mimbar term hondo for this sanctuary (D.K. Ching p. 254) [A] Forbidden City
[C] Madrassah [D] Pylon [B] Persepolis [C] Kondo [D] Sikhara

720 A large open square of a city used as a market place 737 The covered gallery sorrounding a precint of a japanese
especially in india (D.K. Ching p. 252) [A] Forum [B] Agora [C] Piazza temple or shrine (D.K. Ching p. 254) [A] Kairo [B] Cairo [C] Kondo [D]
[D] Meidan Kodo

721 A large vaulted opening onto the central courtyard of a 738 A structure from which the temple bell is hung in japanese
mosque (D.K. Ching p. 252) [A] Meidan [B] Iwan [C] Koran [D] Qibla architecture (D.K. Ching p. 254) [A] Spire [B] Shoro [C] Tokonama [D]

739 the hall of worship inside a shinto shrine (D.K. Ching p. 254)
722 In muslim architecture, it is considered as the pulpit in early
[A] Hikari [B] Kondo [C] Haiden [D] Cha-Sit-Su
christial architecture (D.K. Ching p. 252) [A]Mirhab [B] Mimbar [C]
Apse [D] Nave
740 Main sanctuary of a shinto shrine (D.K. Ching p. 254) [A]
Masugumi [B] Tokonama [C] Konden [D] Kokoro
723 A niche or decorative panel in a mosque designating the
qibla (D.K. Ching p. 252) [A] Mimbar [B] Koran [C] Minaret [D] Mihrab
741 Which of the following is not true regarding greek and roman
theaters? (D.K. Ching p. 256) [A] Greek theaters are usually located in
a slope of a downhill, and Is backed by a skene. [B] Roman Theaters
724 The central courtyard of a mosque (D.K. Ching p. 252) [A]
are build on level with ground, having a semi circular orchestra area
Cortel [B] Piazza [C] Sahn [D] Patio
[C] Greek and Roman theaters are open-air and is usually hollowed
out [D] All of the about are true
725 Mandira is (D.K. Ching p. 253) [A] Chinese Temple [B]
Islamic Temple [C] Hindu Temple [D] Buddhist Temple
742 A wedge shaped section of seats between two stepped
passageways in an ancient greek theater (D.K. Ching p. 256) [A]
726 the oldest sacred writings in hinduism (D.K. Ching p. 253) [A]
Cercis [B] Velarium [C] Podium [D] Skene
Heiroglyphics [B] Vedas [C] Alibata [D] Cuneiform
743 A canvas awning drawn over an ancient roman amphitheater 761 Industrial Revolution [A] Railroads [B] Canal [C] Elevator [D]
to protect the audience from rain or sun (D.K. Ching p. 256) [A] All of the above
Thermae [B] Impluvium [C] Velarium [D] Canopy
762 Information about Otto Wagner, which is correct? [A]
744 A raised platform encircling the arena of an ancient roman Jugendstil Architect [B] Rumbach St. Budapest [C] Majonga House
amphitheater, having seats for privilaged people (D.K. Ching p. 256) [D] All of the above
[A] Podium [B] Plinth [C] Crepidoma [D] Base
763 What style mostly influences the churches in the philippines
745 What is the architectural style of the Barasoain Church's [A] Romanesque [B] Post Modern [C] Baroque [D] Renaissance
pediment? [A] Baroque [B] Romanesque [C] Rococo [D] Renaissance

764 What do you call the recess found in the dome to make the
746 What element of the facade (Barasoain Church) has the structure lighter? [A] Podium [B] Coffers [C] Pendentive [D] Oculus
romanesque style? [A] Pilasters [B] Rose Window [C] Bell Tower [D]
765 Tomb of standing stones usually capped with a large
747 What is the architectural style of the pilaster in the facade of horizontal slab? [A] Menhir [B] Cromlech [C] Dolmen [D] Stonehenge
Barasoain Church? [A] Anglo Saxon [B] Romanesque [C] Baroque [D]
766 What style usually is influenced by Geometric Figures? [A]
748 Bernini's Royal Staircase at Vatican City, what is the style of Renaissance [B] Gothic [C] Romanesque [D] All of the above
its ceiling? [A] Cross Vault [B] Groin Vault [C] Sexpartite Vault [D]
Barrel Vault 767 Who gave the statue of Liberty to the US? [A] Spain [B]
France [C] Great Britain [D] Philippines
749 What type of order was used for the columns of Bermini's
Royal Staircase? [A] Doric [B] Corinthian [C] Ionic [D] Composite 768 What do you call the corridor that radiates to the center? [A]
Concentric [B] Radial [C] Radiocentric [D] Grid

750 From what materials are the pyramids? [A] Stones [B] Marble 769 What do you call the covered corridor in Bahay na bato? [A]
[C] Clay [D] Bricks Entrusuelo [B] Balcon [C] Galleria [D] Dapogan

751 What did the ancient egyptians used in lifting the materials of 770 The optical correction made in column [A] Plinth [B] Entasis
the pyramid? [A] Axe and Wooden Wheels [B] Lever [C] Wedge [D] [C] Hypotrachelion [D] Metope
771 In vernacular architecture, it is where the cups, utensils are
752 What is the purpose of the flying butresses in Gothic kept [A] Cusina [B] Bilik [C] Azotea [D] Banguerahan
Architecture? [A] Support the truss of the cathedral [B] Support the
high wall and transfer the load to the ground [C] For Aesthetics [D] 772 What is the frieze in modern times? [A] Gutter [B] Beam [C]
Intricate Favoritism Downspout [D] Architrave

753 Industrial Revolution [A] 12th to 13th Century [B] 15th to 16th 773 It is also designed as a beam, to support [A] Corbels [B] Wall
Century [C] 18th to 19th Century [D] 21th Century to the Present Footing [C] Slab [D] None of the above

774 The intersection at the center of the vault is [A] Key [B]
754 Faux Arts is: [A] Decorative Arts [B] Immitation [C] Grandeur Spandrel [C] Boss [D] Intrados
[D] Modern Arts
775 Style that is characterized by horizontal lines and window
755 Where does muslim architecture originate? [A] Early tracery [A] Gothic [B] Baroque [C] Mannerism [D] Rococo
Christian [B] Roman [C] Greek [D] Byzantine
776 A Spanish Architect who designed the Sagrada Familia [A]
756 What is the most predominant element feature in Muslim Walter Gropius [B] Frank Lloyd Wright [C] Antonio Gaudi [D] Otto
Architecture? [A] Pylons [B] Minarets [C] Ogee [D] Masjid Wagner

757 What design element of a Mosque summons the muslims for 777 A pritzker prize architect [A] Walter Gropius [B] Otto Wagner
worship? [A] Qibla [B] Minaret [C] Mimbar [D] Pinnacles [C] Frank Gehry [D] Le Corbusier

758 It is the pulpit in Muslim Architecture [A] Qibla [B] Minaret [C] 778 Guggenheim Museum, what kind of style? [A] International
Masjid [D] Mimbar Style [B] Organic Architecture [C] Neoclassism [D] Deconstructivism

759 Which become the first industrialized area in Manila? [A] Sta.
Ana [B] Makati [C] Quezon City [D] Pandacan 779 A semi circular column flushed in the wall [A] Post [B]
Composite Column [C] Engaged Column [D] Lally Column
760 During the 1900's why does the laborers and workers did not
build their house inside Manila? [A] Because of Manila Zoning [B] 780 A style that is characterized by vertical / parallel and tracery
Because of Himagsikan [C] Because of Local Ordinance [D] Because of windows [A] Byzantine [B] Mannerism [C] Early Christian [D] Art
it's expensive to live there Deco
781 What is the purpose of a fortress? [A] A military installation 797 The Pyramids at Gizeh, what is their dimension? [A] 700 x
[B] To protect the owner from enemy attack [C] Start of civilization [D] 500 [B] 730 x 500 [C] 450 x 480 [D] 800 x 600
War and tactics
798 The famous pyramids of egypt are generally considered to
782 A style that is characterized by tracery with foils and usually be the world's oldest monumental structures and where built as tombs
vertical with spires [A] Gothic [B] Mannerism [C] Early Christian [D] Art for the pharoahs. The rice terraces of the Philippines are commonly
Deco referred as the Eight Wonder of the World and was named as a
heritage site in 1995, how are they similar? [A] Both were built by
783 A period in architecture where religious structures have nomads [B] They were both used for religious purposes [C] Both were
simple pediment and a dome on top [A] Byzantine [B] Gothic [C] Early built around 1000 BC [D] Both employed a unique system of
Christian [D] Medieval construction

784 Where can be the pyramid of cheops be found? [A] Mexico 799 Temple of Amon, Karnak: What kind of temple? [A] Mortuary
[B] Brazil [C] Iraq [D] Egypt Temple [B] Cult Temple [C] Shrine [D] Mastaba

785 It is the hindu gateway [A] Torana [B] Sikhara [C] Amalaka 800 What was the design fo the columns on the Great Hypostyle
[D] Gopuram Hall? [A} Corinthian [B] Palm Capital [C] Papyrus [D] Ionic

786 The gateway of the buddhist in Indian Architecture [A] 801 Columns at the Great Hypostyle Hall were built taller than the
Amalaka [B] Gopuram [C] Torana [D] Sikhara rest, why? [A] To direct people to the inner parts of the temple [B] To
let in subdued light into the temple [C] To carry the heavy slab [D] For
787 When the spaniards came, they noticed that the house ceremonial purposes
where easily destroyed during typhoons, what type of house was
introduced to them? [A] Domus [B] Bahay na Bato [C] Duplex [D] 802 What style did the muslim architects patterned their
Ifugao House structures? [A] Renaissance [B] Early Christian [C] Gothic [D]
788 A semi circular area on the end side of a church [A] Nave [B]
Ambulatory [C] Apse [D] Naos 803 What was the reason why Otto Wagner veered from being
"Classist" to "Modernist"? [A] He wants to reinvent himself [B] He
789 Mostly found in China and Japan [A] Torii [B] Pagoda [B] Pai wants to teach his students In "Akadieme der Bildenden Kunste" at
Lou [D] All of the above Viena Something new [C] He was commissioned for the project by the
Government [D] He just wanted to do something with what materials
790 Who was the architect commissioned by French President
that are available
Francois Mitterrand in 1984 to design the full framed glass structure
that will serve as a museum? [A] Tadao Ando [B] IM Pei [C] Kenzo 804 In Germany, how was he influenced by the modern
Tange [D] Norman Foster movement? [A] Sezzione [B] Stile Liberty [C] Jugendstil [D] Le
Moderne Style
791 Which is the vernacular term that stands for a house among
with the Malay Origins? [A] Casa [B] Bahay [C] Balai [D] Kubo 805 What was the greatest effect of Industrial Revolution? [A]
Trains and Railways [B] Elevators [C] Suburbanization [D] All of the
792 What is the basis of a door which is in the modern today from
our past generations? [A] Post and Lintel [B] Arcuated [C] Sober and
Dignified [D] Arch and Vault 806 How is the Family in a Tawi Tawi Boat arranged to maintain
its balance? [A] Single Row [B] By Two's [C] Clustered in the Middle
793 What influecens Contemporary Architecture [A] Building
[D] All of the above
Materials [B] Existing Laws [C] Culture [D] All of the above
807 What is used to balance the boat? [A] Vinta [B] Katig [C]
794 The nile river is the longest river in the world, stretching north
Papag [D] Roof beams where fishnets are attached
for approximately 4,000 miles from east africa to the mediterranean.
What material was used for the construction of the pyramids? [A] 808 What is the effect on the people living in the Tawi Tawi Boat?
Compacted Sand [B] Clay [C] Stones [D] Mud [A] The are short [B] It affected their posture [C] They are not good at
verbal communications [D] They are always hungry
795 From the ealiest times, the waters of the nile, swollen by
monsoon rains from Ehiopia, flooded the sorrounding valleys every 809 What kind of vaults was used in Bernini's Royal Staircase?
year between June and September of the modern calendar. Since [A] Cloister [B] Fan [C] Barrel [D] Groin
most of the egyptians were farmers, when the nile was at its highest,
they were utilized to build the pyramids. how did the farmers transfer 810 What style was used in the facade of the entrance way?
the materials from the production area to the construction? [A] Axle (Royal Staircase) [A] Romanesque [B] Renaissance [C] Gothic [D]
and Wheels [B] Wooden Wheels [C] Stone Wheels [D] Pulley and Gothic Revival
811 Bernini is known for what style? [A] Romanesque [B] Gothic
796 In terms of construction, what is the similiarity of the Pyramid [C] Renaissance [D] Gothic Revival
construction with the modern day construction today? [A] The use of
Concrete [B] The use of Mechanical Equipment [C] Manual Labor [D] 812 Le Corbusier , also known as Charles Edouard Jeanneret-
All of the above Gris explicitly used the Golden Ratio in his Modulor System for the
scale of Architectural Proportion. How did you describe his
architectural style? [A] Modern Classic [B] White Box [C] Neo- 831 Who was the Architect of TWA Airport and the Dulles
Classicism [D] Minimalism Airport? [A] Eero Saarinen [B] Eliel Saarienen [C] Gustave Eiffel [D]
Skidmore and Owings
813 Who was the architect of the dome of the rock? [A] Caliph
and Al Malik [B] John Utzon [C] Shah Jahan [D] Imhotep 832 A Pritzker Prize Architect Winner on the year 1987 [A] Philip
Johnson [B] IM Pei [C] Kenzo Tange [D] Frank Gehry
814 Who was the architect of the Robie House? [A] Le Corbusier
[B] Frank Lloyd Wright [C] Walter Gropius [D] Micheal Graves 833 Who is the architect of San Miguel Building? [A] Leandro
Locsin [B] Manosa Brothers [C] Gabriel Formoso [D] George Ramos
815 Most works of Andrea Palladio are: [A] Radial [B]
Symmetrical [C] Clustered [D] None of the above
834 Who was the third Filipino Architect? [A] Carlos Barreto [B]
816 Who was the architect of Seattle Museaum? [A] IM Pei [B] Juan Nakpil [C] Antonio Toledo [D] Tomas Mapua
Minoru Yamasaki [C] Robert Venturi [D] Louis Khan
835 Who designed the Metropolitan Theater of Manila? [A] Juan
817 Who was the architect of the Bank of China, Louvre Pyramid, Arellano [B] Antonio Toledo [C] Tomas Mapua [D] Francisco Manosa
and Rock n` Roll Hall of Fame? [A] IM Pei [B] Frank Lloyd Wright [C]
Richard Rogers [D] Victor Horta
836 What is the Architectural Character of the Metropolitan
818 What is the dominant feature of IM Pei's Works? [A] Glass
Theater? [A] Renaissance [B] Art Deco [C] Gothic [D] Art Moderne
and Steels [B] Squares [C] Triangles [D] Colors

819 What shape is prominent in the Bank of China and Louvre

837 Deconstructive Theory of Frank Gehry at Bilbao: [A] Opera
Pyramid? [A] rectangle [B] square [C] Triangle [D] Circle
House [B] Bank of China [C] Falling Water [D] Guggenheim Museum
820 Who was the architect of the Carpenter's Center? [A] Frank
Lloyd Wright [B] Le Corbusier [C] IM Pei [D] Minoru Yamasaki
838 This work is an example of Frank Lloyd Wrights Organic
821 Who was the architect of the Tjibao Cultural Center? [A] Architecture [A] Falling Water [B] Dulles Airport [C] Petronas Towers
Francisco Manosa [B] Gabriel Formoso [C] Juan Nakpil [D] Jean [D] Chicago Tribune Tower
Marie Tjibao
839 Distinctive feature of Frank Lloyd Wrights Falling Water [A]
822 Who was the architect of the Kuala Lampur Airport? [A] Overhanging Slab [B] Cantilever [C] Falling Water [D] Steps
Kisho Kurukh [B] Norman Foster [C] IM Pei [D] Louis Khan
840 In the Falling Water, what is the function of the Overhanging
823 Who was the architect of the Quezon Memorial Pylon? [A] Slab? [A] Terrace [B] Living Room [C] Bedroom [D] Dining
Lucio Tan [B] William Coscuella [C] Federico Llustre [D] Palafox
841 IF the greeks introduced the concept of proportion during the
classical period, who was the famous architect who introduced the
824 Who was the architect of the Chapel of Holy Sacrifice? The concept of proportion in modern times? [A] Ludwig Mies Van De Rohe
First thin shell in the Philippines? [A] Francisco Manosa [B] Gabriel [B] Eero Saarinen [C] Le Corbusier [D] Frank Lloyd Wright
Formoso [C] George Ramos [D] Leandro Locsin
842 Famous structure designed by Le Corbusier in Marseilles
825 Who was the architect of the New Toronto City Hall? [A] France with rough cast concrete as steel frame proved too be
Frank Lloyd Wright [B] John Utzon [C] Viljo Revell [C] Frank Gehry expensive in light of post war shortages [A] Villa Savoye [B] Unite D`
Habitation [C] Notre Dame Du Haut [D] Pilotis

843 Who was the architect that made the Chek Lap Kok Airport
826 Who was the architect of Guggenheim Museum at Bilbao?
where natural light, tensioned membrane and Anthropometrically
[A] Otto Wagner [B] Frank Lloyd Wright [C] William Parsons [D] Frank
correct dimensions were emphasized? [A] Sir Norman Foster [B] Eero
Saarinen [C] Richard Rogers [D] Fumihiko Maki
827 Who was the Architect of Zentralsparkasse Bank At Viena?
844 Who designed The Sagrada Familia? [A] Antonio Gaudi [B]
[A] Otto Wagner [B] Antonio Gaudi [C] IM Pei [D] Gunther Domeng
Pierre Luigi Nervi [C] Leon Batista Alberti [D] Michealangelo

845 Who designed the interlocking thin shell, shark like concept
828 Who was the architect of Bank Of New York? [A] Louis
that can be seen on the shore of Sydney, Australia? [A] Eero Saarien
Sullivan [B] Philip Johnson [C] Voorhees, Gmelin and Walker [D]
[B] Norman Foster [C] Skidmore and Owings [D] Jorn Utzon
Skidmore and Owings
846 He is the father of Prestress Concrete [A] Frank Gehry [B]
829 Who was the Architect of Sony Center? [A] Minoru Yamasaki
Otto Wagner [C] Romans [D] Eugene Freysinnet
[B] Norman Foster [C] Helmut Jahn [D] Le Corbusier
847 The standard size of an Ifugao House [A] 4 x 4 [B] 5 x 5 [C] 3
830 Who was the architect of the Notre Dame du Raincy? [A]
x 4 [D] 2 x 2
Ludwig Mies Van De Rohe [B] Auguste and Gustave Perret [C]
William Morris and John Ruskin [D] Walter Gropius 848 The kitchen of Bahay na Bato [A] Banguerahan [B] Cucina
[C] Balcon [D] Entrasuelo
849 The mezzanine of Bahay na Bato [A] Aljibe [B] Dapogan [C] 868 What is the period which rose in Central Mexico and was
Bilik [D] Entrasuelo destroyed by the Spanish Conquistadors? [A] Mogul Architecture [B]
Inca Architecture [C] Aztec Architecture [D] Ottoman Architecture
850 What do you call the space underneath the Bahay na Bato?
[A] Cuadra [B] Silong [C] Batalan [D] Meseta
869 The architectural style that was started at the middle of 16th
851 What do you call the space pots, jars, and utensils that are century [A] Gothic [B] Baroque [C] Renaissance [D] Rococo
kept in the Bahay na Bato? [A] Batalan [B] Cucina [C] Bangeurahan
[D] Zaguan 870 The oldest architectural style is: [A] Roman [B] Greek [C]
Persian [D] China
852 What do you call the storage of rice in Bahay na Bato? [A]
Azotea [B] Kamalig [C] Lanai [D] Verandah 871 It is the oldest inhabited city [A] Cairo [B] Beijing [C]
Damascus [D] Manila
853 Why do architects preferred to work in America? [A] Lots of
oppurtunities to experiment and showcase their works [B] They need 872 It is the most distinct character developed during the
more money to support their families [C] They will be granted License Byzantine Architecture [A] Vault [B] Arches [C] Domes [D] Beams
for work in America after being able to serve for a number of years [D]
Because Philippines suck
873 A style characterized by horizontal lines and window tracery
854 Temple with colonade along the front and rear [A] Prostyle [A] Minimalism [B] Gothic [C] Mannerism [D] Early Christian
[B] Pseudo Dipteral [C] Amphi Prostyle [D] Peripteral
874 A style characterized by vertical and parallel lines with
855 The purpose of Rostral Columns [A] Respect to the Fallen window tracery [A] Gothic [B] Mannerism [C] Early Chrisitan [D]
Hero [B] For Victorious Campaigns [C] Landmark and Achievement Renaissance
[D] Congelemeration and Trophy
875 The Early Christian period is characterized by [A] Simple
856 What is the structure in Rome where Roman Butresses are Pediment with dome on top [B] Greek Cross Planning [C] Central
prominent? [A] Temple of Venus [B] Forum Romanum [C] Temple of dome with satellite dome [D] All of the above
Mars, Utor [D] Pantheon
876 Structural innovation of the modern movement [A] Pre-Cast
857 What type of symmetry is prominent in Villa Capra? [A] Concrete [B] Space Frame [C] Steel and Concrete [D] Glass and
Formal [B] Informal [C] Radial [D] Bilateral Wood

858 From the image of Villa Capra, what is the focal point? [A] 877 What is the architectural style of the Museum of Modern Art?
Circle in Center [B] Rectangular Center [C] 4 Columns at Sides [D] All [A] Neo-Classicism [B] Functionalism [C] Constructivism [D]
of the above Expressionism

859 The largest religious structure, beehive shaped towers [A] 878 Characteristics of Neo-Classical [A] Byzantine [B] Gothic [C]
Borobudur [B] Ankor Wat [C] Stupa [D] Pagoda Greek [D] Chinese

860 Standing stones usually capped with Horizontal Slab [A] 879 Which style has moorish elements, excessive ornaments,
Menhir [B] Domus [C] Dolmen [D] Cromlech and a deviation from the greeks and romans? [A] Rococo [B]
Byzantine [C] Gothic [D] Early Christian
861 What do you call the recess found in the dome to make the
structure lighter? [A] Podium [B] Coffers [C] Pendentive [D] Oculus 880 Who said Less Is More? [A] Philip Johnson [B] Ludwig Mies
Van De Rohe [C] Minoru Yamasaki [D] Kenzo Tange

862 A hindu gateway [A] Torii [B] Pailou [C] Torana [D] Gopuram 881 What style emerged in Constantinople as counterpart of the
Roman Architecture in the East? [A] Art Nouveau [B] Byzantine [C]
Early Christian [D] Roman
863 A cambodian gateway [A] Torii [B] Torana [C] Pailou [D]
Propylaea 882 What is the similarity between the tracery windows in Early
Christian Churches to our modern Churches? [A] Pilasters [B] Apse
864 It is characterized by the grouping of small domes or semi [C] Stained Glass [D] Doors
enclosed domes around a large central dome [A] Islamic [B] Roman
[C] Byzantine [D] Greek 883 What do you call the central aisle of an Early Christian
Basilican Church? [A] Ambulatory [B] Nave [C] Apse [D] Cella
865 During the 18th and 19th century, our country was influenced
by what type of architecture? [A] Rococo [B] Renaissance [C] Gothic 884 The Basilica de Santa Maria del Fiore is world renonwed and
[D] Baroque has the largest brick dome every constructed. It is known as: [A]
Sienna Cathedral [B] Florence Cathedral [C] Basilica of the Holy
866 How would you describe the character of Romanesque Blood [D] Basilica of the Holy Cross
Architecture? [A] Vastness and Ornateness [B] Sober and Dignified
[C] Simplicity [D] Intricate Detail 885 Who presented the Greek Cross plan of St. Peter's Basilica?
[A] Donato Bramante [B] Michealangelo [C] Rahael Urbino [D]
867 How would you describe an Australian Colonial House? [A] Giuliano De Sangallo
Art Nouvea [B] Renaissace [C] Gothic [D] Baroque
886 It is a collective term for heritage schoolhouses built in the 902 This structure was built during the QIN Dynasty to guard
Philippines Between 1907 and 1946 that follow standard plans againsts the Northern Invasion [A] Forbidden City [B] Great Wall of
designed by Architect William Parsons [A] Liceo De Manila [B] China [C] Yellow Turban [D] Underground Caves
University of Santo Tomas [C] Gabaldon School [D] Adamson
University 903 A type of garden that is often primarily floral plants and
completely free form in nature [A] Formal Garden [B] Informal Garden
887 It is the ancentral house of the upper class maranao in the [C] Chinese Garden [D] Japanese Garden
lanao region of mindanao. It is the dwelling place of the datu along
wtih his wives and children. There could not be any house larger than 904 A type of garden that is neat, ordered, and laid out in
torogan of the datu within the sultanate, for this signifies rank, prestige carefully planned geometric and symmetric lines. [A] Formal Garden
and wealth. [A] Bahay Kubo [B] Torogan [C] Ifugao House [D] Antillian [B] Informal Garden [C] Chinese Garden [D] Japanese Garden
905 Vermiculture is a simple and unusual way of using kitchen as
888 In the bahay na bato, it is where you can find the Dapogan, rich castings for use in a garden. What is its main ingrident? [A]
Bangahan and Batalan [A] Aljibe [B] Zaguan [C] Gilir [D] Cucina Chicken Manure [B] Red Wriggler Worms [C] Animal and Human
Waste [D] All of the above

889 Where the term Bahay Kubo came from? [A] Term given by 906 It is the traditional house of most southeast asian countries
the spaniards [B] Terminology of the Ancient Filipino [C] Vernacular [A] Cubo [B] Igloo [C] Teepee [D] Balai
Term from Batangas [D] From Balai for house and Kubo for Cube
907 Type of construction characterized by the use of columns
and a beam to carry a load over an opening [A] Arch and Vault [B]
Post and Lintel [C] Arcuated [D] Thin Shell
890 It is the primary contribution of the Spaniards to the
Philippines? [A] Government [B] Religion [C] Bahay na Bato [D] Law
908 A circular window usually of stained glass and decorated
of the Indies
with tracery symmetrical about the center [A] Dormer Window [B]
Transom Window [C] Rose Window [D] All of the above
891 When the spaniards came, they noticed that the house
where easily destroyed during typhoons, what type of house was
909 What do you call the 4-centered gothic window? [A] Victorian
introduced to them? [A] Bungalo [B] Bahay na Bato [C] Bahay Kubo
Style [B] Decorative Style [C] Tudor Style [D] Rayonnant Style
[D] Teja Romana
910 A characteristic of Gothic Construction in which the lateral
892 The influece of Indian Stupa to the Buddhist of Japanese and
trusses of a roof or vault are taken up by a straight bar of masonry
Chinese Architecture [A] Temple [B] Pagoda [C] Bent Roof [D]
usually sloping, carried on an arch and a solid pier or butress
Decorated Eaves
sufficient to recieve the thrust [A] Pointed Arch [B] Vaults [C] Flying
Buttresses [D] Spires
893 The similarities of Chinese and Japanese Architecture [A]
Temple [B] Pagoda [C] Gateway [D] Civic Buildings
911 It is the pointed arch having two centers and radii greater
than the span [A] Equilateral [B] Segmental [C] Lancet [D] None of the
894 What is a japanese gate with 2 vertical post and 2 horizontal
bars? [A] Pailou [B] Propylaea [C] Torii [D] Torana
912 In the early times, what was used to achieve longer
895 Which of the following influecend Classical Architecture? [A]
horizontal span? [A] Beam [B] Arc [C] Lintel Beam [D] Column
Styles [B] Orders [C] Religion [D] Culture
913 In Romanesque Architecture, how are the walls treated? [A]
896 An indian structure inspired the Chinese and Japanese in
Decorative Plaster [B] Alternate Columns and Piers [C] Colonnaded
building the Pagoda [A] Amanalaka [B] Sikhara [C] Stupa [D] Torana
[D] Megastructures

914 If the diameter of the column is 0.90m and the

897 A temple tower of the ancienyt assyrians and babylonians
intercolumnation would be areostyle, what would be the measurement
having a form of a terraced pyramid of successively receding storeys
of the intercolumnation? [A] 2.025m [B] 2.70m [C] 1.35m [D] 3.60m
[A] Mastaba [B] Ziggurats [C] Pyramid [D] Temples

898 Ancient Egpyian Gateway [A] Portico [B] Pai-Lou [C] Torana
915 What is the intercolumnation of columns if their clear
[D] Pylon
distance is 1.5m of the diameter of the column? [A] Systyle [B] Eustyle
899 Type of tomb in Egypt, which is the burial for the noble and [C] Pycnostyle [D] Areostyle
eminent [A] Pyramid [B] Mastaba [C] Ziggurat [D] Cenotaph
916 A greek temple has 6 columns in front and at the back. At its
900 What is the main purpose of a Medieval Castle? [A] side, it has eleven columns, that includes the outermost columns at
Grandeur [B] Fortification [C] Assault for Warmongers [D] All of the the front and back. What do you call this kind of temple? [A] Peripteral
above [B] Pseudodipteral [C] Decastyle [D] Tetrastyle

901 The distinct feature of a roof that makes it recognizable as a 917 What do you call the style in which the column distance is
Chinese House [A] Sui [B] Uplifted Roof [C] Curved Roof [D] Pagoda 4D? [A] Eustyle [B] Systyle [C] Diastyle [D] Areostyle

918 What is systyle intercolumnation? [A] 1.5 x CD [B] 2.5 x CD

[C] 2x CD [D] 3-4x CD
919 Intercolumnation of 1.5 Diameter Column [A] Systyle [B] 939 Type of column which represents an inverted bell [A] Doric
Eustyle [C] Pycnostyle [D] Areostyle [B] Corinthian [C] Tuscan [D] Composite

920 Intercolumnation of 2 Diameter Column [A] Systyle [B] 940 What is the purpose of Bahay Kubo's Silong? [A] Ventilation
Eustyle [C] Pycnostyle [D] Areostyle and Drying of Clothes [B] Protection againsts rats and animals [C]
Protection againts animals and insects [D] All of the above
921 Intercolumnation of 3 Diameter Column [A] Systyle [B]
Diastyle [C] Pycnostyle [D] Areostyle 941 Le corbusier planned a high density building that was "super
building" that contained 337 dwellings in only ten acres of land. What
922 If a greek column as a total of 14 columns whth a breakdown is this structure that supposed to be located at Marseilles? [A] Unite
of 4 in front and 4 in the back, and the rest at both sides, what type of de habitation [B] Brasilia [C] Mile High tower [D] Ecumenopolis
temple it is? [A] Peripteral [B] Prostyle [C] Amphiprostyle [D] Dipteral
942 Refers to the ancestral dwelling of the sultan or datu in
mindanao, symbolizing an exalted status. [A] Samal [B] Yakan [C]
923 Cubical block of stone above the capitals in a byzantine Badjao [D] Torogan
church, used to carry the arches and vault, the springing of which had
a superficial area greatly in excess of the column which carried them. 943 It is a curved structure for spanning an opening, designed to
[A] Concrete Hollow Block [B] Titanium Block [C] Marble [D] Dosseret support a vertical load primarily by axial stress (D.K. Ching p. 12) [A]
Block Voussoir [B] Arch [C] Crown [D] Keystone

924 What is the purpose of Fortification? [A] Military Installation 944 An Arched structure of timber, steel, or reinforced concrete,
[B] To Protect the owner from enemy attack [C] To protect the constructed as rigid body capable of carrying bending stresses (D.K.
treasures [D] Public gateway Ching p. 13) [A] Fixed Arch [B] Rigid Arch [C] Arch [D] Triangular Arch

925 What element in classical architecture creates lines and

shadows? [A] Roof [B] Moulding [C] People [D] Columns 945 Early age when humans built rectangular houses and use
stones as tool [A] Neolitic [B] Paleolithic [C] Gothic [D] Medieval
926 Greatest influence of Chinese Architecture [A] Environment
[B] Politics [C] Government [D] Religion
946 It is the site of the first human settlement in Southeast Asia
927 How did the romans create structures with great spans? [A] [A] Philippines [B] Malaysia [C] Indonesia [D] China
Use of Small Stones [B] Use of manual Labor [C] Use of Arch [D] Use
of Power 947 Which part of Metro Manila has arcades? [A] Quezon City
Memorial Circle [B] Recto [C] Espana [D] San Marcelino
928 Creation of cities and construction of churches during the
roman empire is mostly considered at [A] East Roman [B] West Total Score: 0
Roman [C] South Roman [D] North Roman

929 Gutter in the modern times is a [A] Pediment [B] Girt [C]
Truss [D] Frieze

930 Where did Gothic Architecture Originate? [A] France [B] Italy
[C] Spain [D] Germany

931 The third phase of Gothic Architecture [A] Lancet [B]

Decorative [C] Rayonnant [D] Flamboyant

932 In gothic architecture, what is the purpose of Flying

Buttresses? [A] Aesthetics [B] Support the foundation [C] Support the
truss [D] Support the high wall and transfer load

933 Characterized by horizontal elements supported by columns

[A] Post [B] Columnar [C] Trabeated [D] Saracenic

934 In the modern day, what is considered as the architrave? [A]

Gutter [B] Pediment [C] Lintel [D] Purlins

935 A roman order derived from the Greek's Doric order [A]
Composite [B] Corinthian [C] Ionic [D] Tuscan

936 On the following, which is the simplest? [A] Doric [B]

Corinthian [C] Tuscan [D] Composite

937 What kind of order was used in the Parthenon? [A] Doric [B]
Corinthian [C] Tuscan [D] Composite

938 The classic order characterized by its volutes in capital with

its elegant design [A] Ionic [B] Corinthian [C] Tuscan [D] Doric

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