Sister Stanislas Memorial English School Work Sheet - I Class: Viii (Cbse) Subject: Social Science
Sister Stanislas Memorial English School Work Sheet - I Class: Viii (Cbse) Subject: Social Science
Sister Stanislas Memorial English School Work Sheet - I Class: Viii (Cbse) Subject: Social Science
Work Sheet – I
I. Answer The Following in a Word:
1. Who wrote poverty and Un-British Rule in India?
2. Name the act which is passed by the government to curb the
practice of Dowry?
3. Define PNDT.
4. What are called resources?
5. Name the Governor-General introduced who introduced the
system of subsidiary alliance.
6. Who drafted the constitution of India?
7. What type of resource present in a waterfall?
8. Who setup the Fort William College at Calcutta?
9. On the basis of origin the resources are divided into how many
10. What are literary sources?
II. Choose the correct answer:
1. The British treated India as a ________
A. Locality B. Colony C. Union Territory D. Principality
2. Which one of the following rivers is west flowing?
A. Godavari B. Periyar C. Tungabadhra D. Cauvery
3. When ‘Pin- Code’ system was introduced in India?
A. 1972 B. 1982 C. 1950 D. 1947
4. Who gave the slogan Jai- Jawan, Jai- kisan?
A. Swami- Vivekanada B. Lal Bahadur Shasrti C. Atal Bihari Vajpayi
D. Subash Chandra Bose
5. When is the World Environment Day celebrated?
A. June 5 B. June 6 C. April 22 D. August 12
6. Which Indian state is the largest producer of Cotton in India?
A. Andhra Pradesh B. Gujurath C. Tamil Nadu D. Maharastra
7. Which continent has the highest population density?
A. Africa B. Europe C. Asia D. Australia
8. ‘Digital Gold’ scheme was launched in India by which Company?
A. Paytm B. Google Pay C. Amazon Pay D. Pay pal
9. Where is the Imperial Towers in India?
A. Goa B. Calcutta B. Mumbai D. Madras
10. Headquarter of Indian Space Research Organisation [ISRO] is
located in which city of India?
A. Ahmedabad B. Hyderabad C. Delhi D. Bengaluru
III. Define the Following Terms:
A. Afforestation B. Nationalism C. Rule of Law
D. Female Foeticide E. Monopoly