DTCWT Documentation: Release 0.13.0dev1
DTCWT Documentation: Release 0.13.0dev1
DTCWT Documentation: Release 0.13.0dev1
Release 0.13.0dev1
2 Contents 5
2.1 Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2 Performing the DTCWT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.3 Multiple Backend Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.4 DTCWT-based algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.5 Example scripts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.6 API Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
dtcwt Documentation, Release 0.13.0dev1
The dtcwt library provides a Python implementation of the 1, 2 and 3-D dual-tree complex wavelet transform along
with some associated algorithms. It contains a pure CPU implementation which makes use of NumPy along with an
accelerated GPU implementation using OpenCL.
Contents 1
dtcwt Documentation, Release 0.13.0dev1
2 Contents
The canonical implementation of the DT-CWT is that provided by Professor Nick Kingsbury on his website. This
library aims to have near-identical output (to within a small multiple of machine precision). Significant deviation is
a bug and should be reported. Cross-verification of the transform output is part of the test suite and each and every
change is checked against that test suite automatically.
It is hoped that testing this will allow confidence in this library being suitable for porting existing MATLAB scripts over
to Python. To that end there is a dtcwt.compat module which provides an API similar to the original MATLAB
dtcwt Documentation, Release 0.13.0dev1
This library provides support for computing 1D, 2D and 3D dual-tree complex wavelet transforms and their inverse in
Python along with some signal processing algorithms which make use of the DTCWT.
This section will guide you through using the dtcwt library. See API Reference for full details on the library’s API.
2.1.1 Installation
If you want to check out the latest in-development version, look at the project’s GitHub page. Once checked out,
installation is based on setuptools and follows the usual conventions for a Python project:
(Although the develop command may be more useful if you intend to perform any significant modification to the
library.) A test suite is provided so that you may verify the code works on your system:
There is a pre-built version of this documentation available online and you can build your own copy via the Sphinx
documentation system:
dtcwt Documentation, Release 0.13.0dev1
2.2.1 1D transform
This example generates two 1D random walks and demonstrates reconstructing them using the forward and inverse 1D
transforms. Note that :py:func‘dtcwt.Transform1d.forward‘ and dtcwt.Transform1d.inverse() will trans-
form columns of an input array independently
# Show input
# 1D transform, 5 levels
transform = dtcwt.Transform1d()
vecs_t = transform.forward(vecs, nlevels=5)
# Inverse
vecs_recon = transform.inverse(vecs_t)
# Show output
# Show error
plot(vecs_recon - vecs)
title('Reconstruction error')
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4 Input
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
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10 Lowpass signals
0 5 10 15 20
4 Output
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
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0 50 100 150 200 250 300
2.2.2 2D transform
Using the pylab environment (part of matplotlib) we can perform a simple example where we transform the standard
‘mandrill’ image and show the level 2 wavelet coefficients:
# Load the mandrill image
mandrill = datasets.mandrill()
# Show mandrill
imshow(mandrill, cmap=cm.gray, clim=(0,1))
import dtcwt
transform = dtcwt.Transform2d()
2.2.3 3D transform
In the examples below I assume you’ve imported pyplot and numpy and, of course, the dtcwt library itself
0 100 200 300 400 500
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We can demonstrate the 3D transform by generating a 64x64x64 array which contains the image of a sphere
SPHERE_RAD = int(0.45 * GRID_SIZE) + 0.5
trans = dtcwt.Transform3d()
sphere_t = trans.forward(sphere, nlevels=2)
0 100 200 300 400 500
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The function returns a dtcwt.Pyramid instance containing the lowpass image and a tuple of complex highpass
>>> print(sphere_t.lowpass.shape)
(16, 16, 16)
>>> for highpasses in sphere_t.highpasses:
... print(highpasses.shape)
(32, 32, 32, 28)
(16, 16, 16, 28)
(8, 8, 8, 28)
If you plot the locations of the large complex coefficients, you can see the directional sensitivity of the transform
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
imshow(sphere[:,:,GRID_SIZE>>1], interpolation='none', cmap=cm.gray)
title('2d slice from input sphere')
Yh = sphere_t.highpasses
nplts = Yh[-1].shape[3]
nrows = np.ceil(np.sqrt(nplts))
ncols = np.ceil(nplts / nrows)
W = np.max(Yh[-1].shape[:3])
for idx in range(Yh[-1].shape[3]):
C = np.abs(Yh[-1][:,:,:,idx])
ax = gcf().add_subplot(nrows, ncols, idx+1, projection='3d')
good = C > 0.2*C.max()
x,y,z = np.nonzero(good)
ax.scatter(x, y, z, c=C[good].ravel())
ax.auto_scale_xyz((0,W), (0,W), (0,W))
0 100 200 300 400 500
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2d slice from input sphere
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
15 20
15 20
15 20
15 20
10 10 10 10 10
055 055 055 055 055
15 1020
15 20
10 20
10 20
50 510 055 50 510 055 50 510 055 50 510 055 50 510 055
1520 1520 1520 1520 1520
15 20
15 20
15 20
15 20
10 10 10 10 10
055 055 055 055 055
15 1020
15 20
10 20
10 20
50 510 055 50 510 055 50 510 055 50 510 055 50 510 055
1520 1520 1520 1520 1520
15 20
15 20
15 20
15 20
10 10 10 10 10
055 055 055 055 055
15 1020
15 20
10 20
10 20
50 510 055 50 510 055 50 510 055 50 510 055 50 510 055
1520 1520 1520 1520 1520
15 20
15 20
15 20
15 20
10 10 10 10 10
055 055 055 055 055
15 1020
15 20
10 20
10 20
50 510 055 50 510 055 50 510 055 50 510 055 50 510 055
1520 1520 1520 1520 1520
15 20
15 20
15 20
15 20
10 10 10 10 10
055 055 055 055 055
15 1020
15 20
10 20
10 20
50 510 055 50 510 055 50 510 055 50 510 055 50 510 055
1520 1520 1520 1520 1520
15 20
15 20
10 10 10
055 055 055
15 20
10 20
50 510 055 50 510 055 50 510 055
1520 1520 1520
18 Chapter 2. Contents
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In addition to the basic 1, 2 and 3 dimensional DT-CWT, this library also supports a selection of variant transforms.
For some applications, one may prefer the subband responses to be more rotationally similar.
In the original 2-D DTCWT, the 45 and 135 degree subbands have passbands whose centre frequencies are somewhat
further from the origin than those of the other four subbands. This results from the combination of two highpass 1-D
wavelet filters to produce 2-D wavelets. The remaining subbands combine highpass and lowpass 1-D filters, and hence
their centre frequencies are a factor of approximately sqrt(1.8) closer to the origin of the frequency plane.
The dtwavexfm2b() function employs an alternative bandpass 1-D filter in place of the highpass filter for the appropri-
ate subbands. The image below illustrates the relevant differences in impulse and frequency responses[1].
Usage is very similar to the standard 2-D transform function, but one uses the ‘near_sym_b_bp’ and ‘qshift_b_bp’
import dtcwt
transform = dtcwt.Transform2d(biort='near_sym_bp', qshift='qshift_bp')
While the Hilbert transform property of the DTCWT is preserved, perfect reconstruction is lost. However, in applica-
tions such as machine vision, where all subsequent operations on the image take place in the transform domain, this is
of relatively minor importance.
For full details, refer to:
[1] N. G. Kingsbury. Rotation-invariant local feature matching with complex wavelets. In Proc. European Conference
on Signal Processing (EUSIPCO), pages 901–904, 2006. 2, 18, 21
Working on the Lena image, the standard 2-D DTCWT achieves perfect reconstruction:
import dtcwt
# Forward transform
image = datasets.mandrill()
image_t = transform.forward(image)
# Inverse transform
Z = transform.inverse(image_t)
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0 1e 7
100 1
400 4
0 100 200 300 400 500
The error signal appears to be just noise, which we can attribute to floating-point precision.
Using the modified wavelets yields the following result:
import dtcwt
# Forward transform
image = datasets.mandrill()
image_t = transform.forward(image)
# Inverse transform
Z = transform.inverse(image_t)
100 0.12
500 0.16
0 100 200 300 400 500
As we would expect, the error is more significant, but only near 45 and 135 degree edge features.
The dtcwt library currently provides three backends for computing the wavelet transform: a NumPy based implemen-
tation, an OpenCL implementation which uses the PyOpenCL bindings for Python, and a Tensorflow implementation
which uses the Tensorflow bindings for Python.
2.3.1 NumPy
The NumPy backend is the reference implementation of the transform. All algorithms and transforms will have a
NumPy backend. NumPy implementations are written to be efficient but also clear in their operation.
2.3.2 OpenCL
Some transforms and algorithms implement an OpenCL backend. This backend, if present, will provide an identical
API to the NumPy backend. NumPy-based input may be passed in and out of the backends but if OpenCL-based
input is passed in, a copy back to the host may be avoided in some cases. Not all transforms or algorithms have an
OpenCL-based implementation and the implementation itself may not be full-featured.
22 Chapter 2. Contents
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OpenCL support depends on the PyOpenCL package being installed and an OpenCL implementation being installed
on your machine. Attempting to use an OpenCL backend without both of these being present will result in a runtime
(but not import-time) exception.
2.3.3 Tensorflow
If you want to take advantage of having a GPU on your machine, some transforms and algorithms have been im-
plemented with a Tensorflow backend. This backend will provide an identical API to the NumPy backend. I.e.
NumPy-based input may be passed to a tensorflow backend in the same manner as it was passed to the NumPy back-
end. In which case it will be converted to a tensorflow variable, the transform performed, and then converted back to
a NumPy variable afterwards. This conversion between types can be avoided if a tensorflow variable is passed to the
dtcwt Transforms.
The real speedup gained from using GPUs is obtained by parallel processing. For this reason, when using the tensor-
flow backend, the Transforms can accept batches of images. To do this, see the forward_channels and inverse_channels
methods. More information is in the Tensorflow section.
Tensorflow support depends on the Tensorflow python package being installed in the current python environment, as
well as the necessary CUDA + CUDNN libraries installed). Attempting to use a Tensorflow backend without the
python package available will result in a runtime (but not import-time) exception. Attempting to use the Tensorflow
backend without the CUDA and CUDNN libraries properly installed and linked will result in the Tensorflow backend
being used, but operations will be run on the CPU rather than the GPU.
If you do not have a GPU, some speedup can still be seen for using Tensorflow with the CPU vs the plain NumPy
backend, as tensorflow will naturally use multiple processors.
The top-level transform routines, such as dtcwt.Transform2d, will automatically use the NumPy backend. If
you are not primarily focussed on speed, this is the correct choice since the NumPy backend has the fullest feature
support, is the best tested and behaves correctly given single- and double-precision input.
If you care about speed and need only single-precision calculations, the OpenCL or Tensorflow backends can provide
significant speed-up. On the author’s system, the 2D transform sees around a times 10 speed improvement for the
OpenCL backend, and a 8-10 times speed up for the Tensorflow backend.
The NumPy, OpenCL and Tensorflow backends live in the dtcwt.numpy, dtcwt.opencl, and dtcwt.tf mod-
ules respectively. All provide implementations of some subset of the DTCWT library functionality.
Access to the 2D transform is via a dtcwt.Transform2d instance. For example, to compute the 2D DT-CWT of
the 2D real array in X:
In this case Y is an instance of a class which behaves like dtcwt.Pyramid. Backends are free to return whatever
result they like as long as the result can be used like this base class. (For example, the OpenCL backend returns a
dtcwt.opencl.Pyramid instance which keeps the device-side results available.)
The default backend used by dtcwt.Transform2d, etc can be manipulated using the dtcwt.
push_backend() function. For example, to switch to the OpenCL backend
xfm = Transform2d()
# ... Transform2d, etc now use OpenCL ...
As is suggested by the name, changing the backend manipulates a stack behind the scenes and so one can temporarily
switch backend using dtcwt.push_backend() and dtcwt.pop_backend()
# Run benchmark with NumPy
It is safer to use the dtcwt.preserve_backend_stack() function. This returns a guard object which can be
used with the with statement to save the state of the backend stack
with dtcwt.preserve_backend_stack():
Finally the default backend may be set via the DTCWT_BACKEND environment variable. This is useful to run scripts
with different backends without having to modify their source.
Algorithm overview
This section provides a brief overview of the algorithm itself. The algorithm is a 2D version of the 3D registration
algorithm presented in Efficient Registration of Nonrigid 3-D Bodies. The motion field between two images is a vector
field whose elements represent the direction and distance of displacement for each pixel in the source image required
to map it to a corresponding pixel in the reference image. In this algorithm the motion is described via the affine
transform which can represent rotation, translation, shearing and scaling. An advantage of this model is that if the
motion of two neighbouring pixels are from the same model then they will share affine transform parameters. This
allows for large regions of the image to be considered as a whole and helps mitigate the aperture problem.
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The model described below is based on the model in Phase-based multidimensional volume registration with changes
designed to allow use of the DTCWT as a front end.
Motion constraint
where v(x) is the motion vector at location x = [𝑥 𝑦]𝑇 . A motion constraint is a three-element vector, c(x) such that
c𝑇 (x) ṽ(x) = 0.
In the two-dimensional DTCWT, the phase of each complex highpass coefficient has an approximately linear relation-
ship with the local shift vector. We can therefore write
= ∇x 𝜃𝑑 · v(x)
where ∇x 𝜃𝑑 ≡ [(𝜕𝜃𝑑 /𝜕𝑥) (𝜕𝜃𝑑 /𝜕𝑦)]𝑇 and represents the phase gradient at x for subband 𝑑 in both of the 𝑥 and 𝑦
Numerical estimation of the partial derivatives of 𝜃𝑑 can be performed by noting that multiplication of a subband
pixels’s complex coefficient by the conjugate of its neighbour subtracts phase whereas multiplication by the neighbour
adds phase. We can thus construct equivalents of forward-, backward- and central difference algorithms for phase
Comparing the relations above, it is clear that the motion constraint vector, c𝑑 (x), corresponding to subband 𝑑 at
location x satisfies the following:
[︂ ]︂
∇x 𝜃 𝑑
c𝑑 (x) = 𝐶𝑑 (x)
− 𝜕𝜃
where 𝐶𝑑 (x) is some weighting factor which we can interpret as a measure of the confidence we have of subband 𝑑
specifying the motion at x.
This confidence measure can be heuristically designed. The measure used in this implementation is:
⃒∑︀ ⃒2
⃒ 4
⃒ 𝑘=1 𝑢*𝑘 𝑣𝑘 ⃒
𝐶𝑑 (x) = ∑︀4 3 3 .
𝑘=1 (|𝑢𝑘 | + |𝑣𝑘 | ) + 𝜖
where 𝑢𝑘 and 𝑣𝑘 are the wavelet coefficients in the reference and source transformed images, subscripts 𝑘 = 1 . . . 4
denote the four diagonally neighbouring coefficients and 𝜖 is some small value to avoid division by zero when the
wavelet coefficients are small. It is beyond the scope of this documentation to describe the design of this metric. Refer
to the original paper for more details.
Cost function
Each location x has six constraint equations for six unknown affine parameters in ã. We can solve for ã by minimising
squared error 𝜖(x):
6 ⃦
∑︁ ⃦2
⃦ 𝑇
𝜖(x) = ⃦c𝑑 (x)K̃(x)ã⃦
= ã𝑇 K̃𝑇 (x) c𝑑 (x)c𝑇𝑑 (x) K̃(x) ã
= ã𝑇 Q̃(x)ã
Q̃(x) ≡ K̃𝑇 (x) c𝑑 (x)c𝑇𝑑 (x) K̃(x).
In practice, in order to handle the registration of dissimilar image features and also to handle the aperture problem,
it is helpful to combine Q̃(x) matrices across more than one level of DTCWT and over a slightly wider area within
each level. This results in better estimates of the affine parameters and reduces the likelihood of obtaining singular
matrices. We define locality 𝜒 to represent this wider spatial and inter-scale region, such that
Q̃𝜒 = Q̃(x).
The Q̃𝜒 matrices are symmetric and so can be written in the following form:
[︂ ]︂
Q𝜒 q𝜒
Q̃𝜒 =
q𝑇𝜒 𝑞0,𝜒
where q𝜒 is a six-element vector and 𝑞0,𝜒 is a scalar. Substituting into our squared error function gives
𝜖𝜒 = a𝑇 Q𝜒 a + 2a𝑇 q𝜒 + 𝑞0,𝜒 .
∇a 𝜖𝜒 = 2Q𝜒 a + 2q𝜒 = 0
Q𝜒 a𝜒 = −q𝜒 .
In our implementation, we avoid calculating the inverse of Q𝜒 directly and solve this equation by eigenvector decom-
26 Chapter 2. Contents
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There are three stres in the full registration algorithm: transform the images to the DTCWT domain, perform motion
estimation and register the source image. We do this via an iterative process where coarse-scale estimates of a𝜒 are
estimated from coarse-scale levels of the transform and progressively refined with finer-scale levels.
The following flow diagram, taken from the paper, illustrates the algorithm.
The pair of images to be registered are first transformed by the DTCWT and levels to be used for motion estimation
are selected. The subband coefficients of the source image are shifted according to the current motion field estimate.
These shifted coefficients together with those of the reference image are then used to generate motion constraints.
From these the Q̃𝜒 matrices are calculated and the local affine distortion parameters updated. After a few iterations,
the distortion parameters are used to warp the source image directly.
The implementation of the image registration algorithm is accessed via the dtcwt.registration module’s
functions. The two functions of most interest at dtcwt.registration.estimatereg() and dtcwt.
registration.warp(). The former will estimate a𝜒 for each 8x8 block in the image and dtcwt.
registration.warp() will take these affine parameter vectors and warp an image with them.
As an example, we will register two frames from a video of road traffic. Firstly, as boilerplate, import plotting
command from pylab and also the datasets module which is part of the test suite for dtcwt.
from pylab import *
import datasets
If we show one image in the red channel and one in the green, we can see where the images are incorrectly registered
by looking for red or green fringes:
ref, src = datasets.regframes('traffic')
imshow(np.dstack((ref, src, np.zeros_like(ref))))
title('Registration input images')
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transform = dtcwt.Transform2d()
ref_t = transform.forward(ref, nlevels=6)
src_t = transform.forward(src, nlevels=6)
Registration is now performed via the dtcwt.registration.estimatereg() function. Once the registration
is estimated, we can warp the source image to the reference using the dtcwt.registration.warp() function.
Plotting the warped and reference image in the green and red channels again shows a marked reduction in colour
The velocity field, in units of image width/height, can be calculated by the dtcwt.registration.
velocityfield() function. We need to scale the result by the image width and height to get a velocity field
in pixels.
We can plot the result as a quiver map overlaid on the reference image:
X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(ref.shape[1]), np.arange(ref.shape[0]))
step = 8
quiver(X[::step,::step], Y[::step,::step],
vxs[::step,::step], vys[::step,::step],
color='g', angles='xy', scale_units='xy', scale=0.25)
We can also plot the magnitude of the velocity field which clearly shows the moving cars:
imshow(np.abs(vxs + 1j*vys), cmap=cm.hot)
title('Velocity field magnitude')
30 Chapter 2. Contents
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The 3d_dtcwt_directionality.py script in the docs/ directory shows how one may demonstrate the direc-
tional sensitivity of the 3D DT-CWT complex subband coefficients. It computes empirically the maximally sensitive
directions for each subband and plots them in an interactive figure using matplotlib. A screenshot is reproduced below:
0.6 21
0.2 25 17
0.0 5
0.2 9 1
0.0 0.2
1.0 0.4 0.2
0.8 0.6
1.2 1.2 1.0
There are some points to note about this diagram. Each subband is labeled sich that ‘1’ refers to the first subband, ‘5’
the fifth and so forth. On this diagram the highpasses are all four apart reflecting the fact that, for example, highpasses
2, 3 and 4 are positioned in the other four quadrants of the upper hemisphere reflecting the position of subband 1.
There are seven visible subband directions in the +ve quadrant of the hemisphere and hence there are 28 directions in
total over all four quadrants.
This library includes support for 2D image registration modelled after the 3D algorithm outlined in the paper Efficient
Registration of Nonrigid 3-D Bodies. The image-registration.py script in the docs/ directory shows a
complete worked example of using the registration API using two sets of source images: a woman playing tennis and
some traffic at a road junction.
It will attempt to register two image pairs: a challenging sequence from a video sequence and a sequence from a traffic
32 Chapter 2. Contents
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100 100
200 200
300 300
400 400
500 500
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
0 velocity field (median subtracted), x2 Magnitude
0 of computed velocity (median subtracted)
100 100
200 200 0.012
300 300 0.008
400 400 0.006
500 500 0.002
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
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• pyramid – A dtcwt.Pyramid-like class holding the transform domain representation
to invert.
• gain_mask – Gain to be applied to each subband.
Returns A numpy-array compatible instance with the reconstruction.
The (d, l)-th element of gain_mask is gain for subband with direction d at level l. If gain_mask[d,l] ==
0, no computation is performed for band (d,l). Default gain_mask is all ones. Note that both d and l are
class dtcwt.Transform3d(biort=’near_sym_a’, qshift=’qshift_a’, ext_mode=4)
An implementation of the 3D DT-CWT via NumPy. biort and qshift are the wavelets which parameterise the
transform. Valid values are documented in dtcwt.coeffs.biort() and dtcwt.coeffs.qshift().
forward(X, nlevels=3, include_scale=False, discard_level_1=False)
Perform a n-level DTCWT-3D decompostion on a 3D matrix X.
• X – 3D real array-like object
• nlevels – Number of levels of wavelet decomposition
• biort – Level 1 wavelets to use. See dtcwt.coeffs.biort().
• qshift – Level >= 2 wavelets to use. See dtcwt.coeffs.qshift().
• discard_level_1 – True if level 1 high-pass bands are to be discarded.
Returns a dtcwt.Pyramid instance
Each element of the Pyramid highpasses tuple is a 4D complex array with the 4th dimension having size
28. The 3D slice [l][:,:,:,d] corresponds to the complex higpass coefficients for direction d at level
l where d and l are both 0-indexed.
If biort or qshift are strings, they are used as an argument to the dtcwt.coeffs.biort() or dtcwt.
coeffs.qshift() functions. Otherwise, they are interpreted as tuples of vectors giving filter coeffi-
cients. In the biort case, this should be (h0o, g0o, h1o, g1o). In the qshift case, this should be (h0a, h0b,
g0a, g0b, h1a, h1b, g1a, g1b).
There are two values for ext_mode, either 4 or 8. If ext_mode = 4, check whether 1st level is divisible by
2 (if not we raise a ValueError). Also check whether from 2nd level onwards, the coefs can be divided
by 4. If any dimension size is not a multiple of 4, append extra coefs by repeating the edges. If ext_mode
= 8, check whether 1st level is divisible by 4 (if not we raise a ValueError). Also check whether from
2nd level onwards, the coeffs can be divided by 8. If any dimension size is not a multiple of 8, append
extra coeffs by repeating the edges twice.
If discard_level_1 is True the highpass coefficients at level 1 will not be discarded. (And, in fact, will never
be calculated.) This turns the transform from being 8:1 redundant to being 1:1 redundant at the cost of
no-longer allowing perfect reconstruction. If this option is selected then the first element of the highpasses
tuple will be None. Note that dtcwt.Transform3d.inverse() will accept the first element being
None and will treat it as being zero.
Perform an n-level dual-tree complex wavelet (DTCWT) 3D reconstruction.
• pyramid – The dtcwt.Pyramid-like instance representing the transformed signal.
• biort – Level 1 wavelets to use. See biort().
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with dtcwt.preserve_backend_stack():
# ... things which may raise an exception
Name Wavelet
antonini Antonini 9,7 tap filters.
legall LeGall 5,3 tap filters.
near_sym_a Near-Symmetric 5,7 tap filters.
near_sym_b Near-Symmetric 13,19 tap filters.
near_sym_b_bp Near-Symmetric 13,19 tap filters + BP filter
Return a tuple whose elements are a vector specifying the h0o, g0o, h1o and g1o coefficients.
See Rotational symmetry modified wavelet transform for an explanation of the near_sym_b_bp wavelet fil-
• IOError – if name does not correspond to a set of wavelets known to the library.
• ValueError – if name specifies a dtcwt.coeffs.qshift() wavelet.
Load level >=2 wavelet by name,
Parameters name – a string specifying the wavelet family name
Returns a tuple of vectors giving filter coefficients
Name Wavelet
qshift_06 Quarter Sample Shift Orthogonal (Q-Shift) 10,10 tap filters, (only 6,6 non-zero taps).
qshift_a Q-shift 10,10 tap filters, (with 10,10 non-zero taps, unlike qshift_06).
qshift_b Q-Shift 14,14 tap filters.
qshift_c Q-Shift 16,16 tap filters.
qshift_d Q-Shift 18,18 tap filters.
qshift_b_bp Q-Shift 18,18 tap filters + BP
Return a tuple whose elements are a vector specifying the h0a, h0b, g0a, g0b, h1a, h1b, g1a and g1b coefficients.
See Rotational symmetry modified wavelet transform for an explanation of the qshift_b_bp wavelet filters.
• IOError – if name does not correspond to a set of wavelets known to the library.
Warning: The interface and behaviour of this function is the subject of an open research project. It
is provided in this release as a preview of forthcoming functionality but it is subject to change between
The rows of the returned keypoint array give the x co-ordinate, y co-ordinate, scale and keypoint energy. The
rows are sorted in order of decreasing keypoint energy.
If refine_positions is True then the positions (and energy) of the keypoints will be refined to sub-pixel accuracy
by fitting a quadratic patch. If refine_positions is False then the keypoint locations will be those corresponding
directly to pixel-wise maxima of the subband images.
The max_points and threshold parameters are cumulative: if both are specified then the max_points greatest
energy keypoints with energy greater than threshold will be returned.
Usually the keypoint energies returned from the finest scale level are dominated by noise and so one usually
wants to specify skip_levels to be 1 or 2. If skip_levels is 0 then all levels will be used to compute keypoint
The upsample_highpasses and upsample_keypoint_energy parameters are used to control whether the individual
subband coefficients and/org the keypoint energy map are upscaled by 2 before finding keypoints. If these
parameters are None then no corresponding upscaling is performed. If non-None they specify the upscale
method as outlined in dtcwt.sampling.upsample().
38 Chapter 2. Contents
dtcwt Documentation, Release 0.13.0dev1
[1] Julien Fauqueur, Nick Kingsbury, and Ryan Anderson. Multiscale Keypoint Detection using the Dual-Tree
Complex Wavelet Transform. 2006 International Conference on Image Processing, pages 1625-1628, Octo-
ber 2006. ISSN 1522-4880. doi: 10.1109/ICIP.2006.312656. http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/lpdocs/epic03/wrapper.
[2] Pashmina Bendale, Bill Triggs, and Nick Kingsbury. Multiscale Keypoint Analysis based on Complex
Wavelets. In British Machine Vision Con-ference (BMVC), 2010. http://www-sigproc.eng.cam.ac.uk/~pb397/
This module contains function for rescaling and re-sampling high- and low-pass highpasses.
Note: All of these functions take an integer co-ordinate (x, y) to be the centre of the corresponding pixel. Therefore
the upper-left pixel notionally covers the interval (-0.5, 0.5) in x and y. An image with N rows and M columns,
therefore, has an extent (-0.5, M-0.5) on the x-axis and an extent of (-0.5, N-0.5) on the y-axis. The rescale and
upsample functions in this module will use this region as the extent of the image.
Name Description
nearest Nearest-neighbour sampling
bilinear Bilinear sampling
lanczos Lanczos sampling with window radius of 3
dtcwt.sampling.upsample_highpass(im, method=None)
As upsample() except that the highpass image is first phase rolled so that the filter has approximate DC
centre frequency. The upshot is that this is the function to use when re-sampling complex subband images.
Note: This module is experimental. It’s API may change between versions.
This module implements function for DTCWT-based image registration as outlined in [1]. These functions are 2D-
only for the moment.
dtcwt.registration.estimatereg(source, reference, regshape=None, levels=None)
Estimate registration from which will map source to reference.
• source – transformed source image
• reference – transformed reference image
40 Chapter 2. Contents
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The reference and source parameters should support the same API as dtcwt.Pyramid.
The local affine distortion is estimated at at 8x8 pixel scales. Return a NxMx6 array where the 6-element vector
at (N,M) corresponds to the affine distortion parameters for the 8x8 block with index (N,M).
Use the velocityfield() function to convert the return value from this function into a velocity field.
If not-None, levels is a sequence of sequences of 0-based level indices to use when calculating the registration.
If None then a default set of levels are used.
dtcwt.registration.velocityfield(avecs, shape, method=None)
Given the affine distortion parameters returned from estimatereg(), return a tuple of 2D arrays giving the
x- and y- components of the velocity field. The shape of the velocity component field is shape. The velocities
are measured in terms of normalised units where the image has width and height of unity.
The method parameter is interpreted as in dtcwt.sampling.rescale() and is the sampling method used
to resize avecs to shape.
dtcwt.registration.warp(I, avecs, method=None)
A convenience function to warp an image according to the velocity field implied by avecs.
dtcwt.registration.warptransform(t, avecs, levels, method=None)
Return a warped version of a transformed image acting only on specified levels.
• t – a transformed image
• avecs – an array of affine distortion parameters
• levels – a sequence of 0-based indices specifying which levels to act on
t should be a dtcwt.Pyramid-compatible instance.
The method parameter is interpreted as in dtcwt.sampling.rescale() and is the sampling method used
to resize avecs to shape.
Note: This function will clone the transform t but it is a shallow clone where possible. Only the levels specified
in levels will be deep-copied and warped.
Note: The level parameter is 1-indexed meaning that the third level has index “3”. This is unusual in Python
but is kept for compatibility with similar MATLAB routines.
Should also work with other types of complex arrays (e.g., SLP coefficients), as long as the format is the same.
Usage example:
import dtcwt import dtcwt.plotting as plotting
mandrill = datasets.mandrill()
transform2d = dtcwt.Transform2d() mandrill_t = transform2d.forward(mandrill, nlevels=5)
plotting.overlay_quiver(mandrill*255, mandrill_t.highpasses[-1], 5, 0.5)
Useful utilities for testing the 2-D DTCWT with synthetic images
Return an appropriate complex data type depending on the type of X. If X is already complex, return that, if it is
floating point return a complex type of the appropriate size and if it is integer, choose an complex floating point
type depending on the result of numpy.asfarray().
Return v as a column vector with shape (N,1).
Similar to numpy.asfarray() except that this function tries to preserve the original datatype of X if it is
already a floating point type and will pass floating point arrays through directly without copying.
dtcwt.utils.drawcirc(r, w, du, dv, N)
Generate an image of size N*N pels, containing a circle radius r pels and centred at du,dv relative to the centre
of the image. The edge of the circle is a cosine shaped edge of width w (from 10 to 90% points).
Python implementation by S. C. Forshaw, November 2013.
dtcwt.utils.drawedge(theta, r, w, N)
Generate an image of size N * N pels, of an edge going from 0 to 1 in height at theta degrees to the horizontal
(top of image = 1 if angle = 0). r is a two-element vector, it is a coordinate in ij coords through which the step
should pass. The shape of the intensity step is half a raised cosine w pels wide (w>=1).
T. E . Gale’s enhancement to drawedge() for MATLAB, transliterated to Python by S. C. Forshaw, Nov. 2013.
dtcwt.utils.reflect(x, minx, maxx)
Reflect the values in matrix x about the scalar values minx and maxx. Hence a vector x containing a long linearly
increasing series is converted into a waveform which ramps linearly up and down between minx and maxx. If x
contains integers and minx and maxx are (integers + 0.5), the ramps will have repeated max and min samples.
dtcwt.utils.stacked_2d_matrix_matrix_prod(mats1, mats2)
Interpret mats1 and mats2 as arrays of 2D matrices. I.e. mats1 has shape PxQxNxM and mats2 has shape
PxQxMxR. The result is a PxQxNxR array equivalent to:
result[i,j,:,:] = mats1[i,j,:,:].dot(mats2[i,j,:,:])
result[i,j,:] = mats[i,j,:,:].dot(vecs[i,j,:])
42 Chapter 2. Contents
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dtcwt.utils.stacked_2d_vector_matrix_prod(vecs, mats)
Interpret mats and vecs as arrays of 2D matrices and vectors. I.e. mats has shape PxQxNxM and vecs has shape
PxQxN. The result is a PxQxM array equivalent to:
result[i,j,:] = mats[i,j,:,:].T.dot(vecs[i,j,:])
Note: You can still unpack a tf or opencl pyramid as if it were created by a numpy. In this case it will return a
numpy array, rather than the backend specific array type.
Functions for compatibility with MATLAB scripts. These functions are intentionally similar in name and behaviour
to the original functions from the DTCWT MATLAB toolbox. They are included in the library to ease the porting of
MATLAB scripts but shouldn’t be used in new projects.
Note: The functionality of dtwavexfm2b and dtwaveifm2b has been folded into dtwavexfm2 and
dtwaveifm2. For convenience of porting MATLAB scripts, the original function names are available in the dtcwt
module as aliases but they should not be used in new code.
44 Chapter 2. Contents
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46 Chapter 2. Contents
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1st level is divisible by 4 (if not we raise a ValueError). Also check whether from 2nd level onwards, the
coeffs can be divided by 8. If any dimension size is not a multiple of 8, append extra coeffs by repeating the
edges twice.
If discard_level_1 is True the highpass coefficients at level 1 will be discarded. (And, in fact, will never be
calculated.) This turns the transform from being 8:1 redundant to being 1:1 redundant at the cost of no-longer
allowing perfect reconstruction. If this option is selected then Yh[0] will be None. Note that dtwaveifm3()
will accepts Yh[0] being None and will treat it as being zero.
2.6.8 Backends
The following modules provide backend-specific implementations. Usually you won’t need to import these modules
directly; the main API will use an appropriate implementation. Occasionally, however, you may want to benchmark
one implementation against the other.
A backend which uses NumPy to perform the filtering. This backend should always be available.
48 Chapter 2. Contents
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If discard_level_1 is True the highpass coefficients at level 1 will not be discarded. (And, in fact, will never
be calculated.) This turns the transform from being 8:1 redundant to being 1:1 redundant at the cost of
no-longer allowing perfect reconstruction. If this option is selected then the first element of the highpasses
tuple will be None. Note that dtcwt.Transform3d.inverse() will accept the first element being
None and will treat it as being zero.
Perform an n-level dual-tree complex wavelet (DTCWT) 3D reconstruction.
• pyramid – The dtcwt.Pyramid-like instance representing the transformed signal.
• biort – Level 1 wavelets to use. See biort().
• qshift – Level >= 2 wavelets to use. See qshift().
• ext_mode – Extension mode. See below.
Returns Reconstructed real image matrix.
If biort or qshift are strings, they are used as an argument to the dtcwt.coeffs.biort() or dtcwt.
coeffs.qshift() functions. Otherwise, they are interpreted as tuples of vectors giving filter coeffi-
cients. In the biort case, this should be (h0o, g0o, h1o, g1o). In the qshift case, this should be (h0a, h0b,
g0a, g0b, h1a, h1b, g1a, g1b).
There are two values for ext_mode, either 4 or 8. If ext_mode = 4, check whether 1st level is divisible by
2 (if not we raise a ValueError). Also check whether from 2nd level onwards, the coefs can be divided
by 4. If any dimension size is not a multiple of 4, append extra coefs by repeating the edges. If ext_mode
= 8, check whether 1st level is divisible by 4 (if not we raise a ValueError). Also check whether from
2nd level onwards, the coeffs can be divided by 8. If any dimension size is not a multiple of 8, append
extra coeffs by repeating the edges twice.
dtcwt.numpy.lowlevel.colfilter(X, h)
Filter the columns of image X using filter vector h, without decimation. If len(h) is odd, each output sample is
aligned with each input sample and Y is the same size as X. If len(h) is even, each output sample is aligned with
the mid point of each pair of input samples, and Y.shape = X.shape + [1 0].
• X – an image whose columns are to be filtered
• h – the filter coefficients.
Returns Y the filtered image.
dtcwt.numpy.lowlevel.colifilt(X, ha, hb)
Filter the columns of image X using the two filters ha and hb = reverse(ha). ha operates on the odd samples of
X and hb on the even samples. Both filters should be even length, and h should be approx linear phase with a
quarter sample advance from its mid pt (i.e :math:‘|h(m/2)| > |h(m/2 + 1)|).
The output is interpolated by two from the input sample rate and the results from the two filters, Ya and Yb,
are interleaved to give Y. Symmetric extension with repeated end samples is used on the composite X columns
before each filter is applied.
50 Chapter 2. Contents
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The output is decimated by two from the input sample rate and the results from the two filters, Ya and Yb,
are interleaved to give Y. Symmetric extension with repeated end samples is used on the composite X columns
before each filter is applied.
Raises ValueError if the number of rows in X is not a multiple of 4, the length of ha does not match hb or the
lengths of ha or hb are non-even.
Provide low-level OpenCL accelerated operations. This backend requires that PyOpenCL be installed.
class dtcwt.opencl.Pyramid(lowpass, highpasses, scales=None)
An interface-compatible version of dtcwt.Pyramid where the initialiser arguments are assumed to by
pyopencl.array.Array instances.
The attributes defined in dtcwt.Pyramid are implemented via properties. The original OpenCL arrays may
be accessed via the cl_... attributes.
Note: The copy from device to host is performed once and then memoized. This makes repeated access to the
host-side attributes efficient but will mean that any changes to the device-side arrays will not be reflected in the
host-side attributes after their first access. You should not be modifying the arrays once you return an instance
of this class anyway but if you do, beware!
The CL array containing the lowpass image.
A tuple of CL arrays containing the subband images.
(optional) Either None or a tuple of lowpass images for each scale.
class dtcwt.opencl.Transform2d(biort=’near_sym_a’, qshift=’qshift_a’, queue=None)
An implementation of the 2D DT-CWT via OpenCL. biort and qshift are the wavelets which parameterise the
If queue is non-None it is an instance of pyopencl.CommandQueue which is used to compile and execute
the OpenCL kernels which implement the transform. If it is None, the first available compute device is used.
If biort or qshift are strings, they are used as an argument to the dtcwt.coeffs.biort() or dtcwt.
coeffs.qshift() functions. Otherwise, they are interpreted as tuples of vectors giving filter coefficients.
In the biort case, this should be (h0o, g0o, h1o, g1o). In the qshift case, this should be (h0a, h0b, g0a, g0b, h1a,
h1b, g1a, g1b).
Note: At the moment only the forward transform is accelerated. The inverse transform uses the NumPy
Note: X may be a pyopencl.array.Array instance which has already been copied to the device. In
which case, it must be 2D. (I.e. a vector will not be auto-promoted.)
inverse(pyramid, gain_mask=None)
Perform an n-level dual-tree complex wavelet (DTCWT) 2D reconstruction.
• pyramid – A dtcwt.Pyramid-like class holding the transform domain representation
to invert.
• gain_mask – Gain to be applied to each subband.
Returns A numpy-array compatible instance with the reconstruction.
The (d, l)-th element of gain_mask is gain for subband with direction d at level l. If gain_mask[d,l] ==
0, no computation is performed for band (d,l). Default gain_mask is all ones. Note that both d and l are
dtcwt.opencl.lowlevel.axis_convolve(X, h, axis=0, queue=None, output=None)
Filter along an of X using filter vector h. If h has odd length, each output sample is aligned with each input
sample and Y is the same size as X. If h has even length, each output sample is aligned with the mid point of
each pair of input samples, and the output matrix’s shape is increased by one along the convolution axis.
After convolution, the pyopencl.array.Array instance holding the device-side output is returned. This
may be accessed on the host via to_array().
The axis of convolution is specified by axis. The default direction of convolution is column-wise.
If queue is non-None, it should be a pyopencl.CommandQueue instance which is used to perform the
computation. If None, a default global queue is used.
If output is non-None, it should be a pyopencl.array.Array instance which the result is written into. If
None, an output array is created.
dtcwt.opencl.lowlevel.coldfilt(X, ha, hb, queue=None)
Filter the columns of image X using the two filters ha and hb = reverse(ha). ha operates on the odd samples of
X and hb on the even samples. Both filters should be even length, and h should be approx linear phase with a
quarter sample advance from its mid pt (i.e. |ℎ(𝑚/2)| > |ℎ(𝑚/2 + 1)|).
52 Chapter 2. Contents
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+q filt on x b b a a a a b b
-q filt on o a a b b b b a a
The output is decimated by two from the input sample rate and the results from the two filters, Ya and Yb,
are interleaved to give Y. Symmetric extension with repeated end samples is used on the composite X columns
before each filter is applied.
Raises ValueError if the number of rows in X is not a multiple of 4, the length of ha does not match hb or the
lengths of ha or hb are non-even.
dtcwt.opencl.lowlevel.colfilter(X, h)
Filter the columns of image X using filter vector h, without decimation. If len(h) is odd, each output sample is
aligned with each input sample and Y is the same size as X. If len(h) is even, each output sample is aligned with
the mid point of each pair of input samples, and Y.shape = X.shape + [1 0].
The filtering will be accelerated via OpenCL.
• X – an image whose columns are to be filtered
• h – the filter coefficients.
Returns Y the filtered image.
dtcwt.opencl.lowlevel.colifilt(X, ha, hb, queue=None)
Filter the columns of image X using the two filters ha and hb = reverse(ha). ha operates on the odd samples of
X and hb on the even samples. Both filters should be even length, and h should be approx linear phase with a
quarter sample advance from its mid pt (i.e :math:‘|h(m/2)| > |h(m/2 + 1)|).
The output is interpolated by two from the input sample rate and the results from the two filters, Ya and Yb,
are interleaved to give Y. Symmetric extension with repeated end samples is used on the composite X columns
before each filter is applied.
dtcwt.opencl.lowlevel.get_default_queue(*args, **kwargs)
Return the default queue used for computation if one is not specified.
This function is memoized and so only one queue is created after multiple invocations.
Currently the Tensorflow backend only supports single precision operations, and only has functionality for the Trans-
form1d() and Transform2d() classes (i.e. changing the backend to ‘tf’ will still use the numpy Transform3d() class).
To preserve functionality, the Transform1d() and Transform2d() classes have a forward method which behaves iden-
tically to the NumPy backend. However, to get speedups with tensorflow, we want to feed our transform batches of
images. For this reason, the 1-D and 2-D transforms also have forward_channels and inverse_channels methods. See
the below documentation for how to use these. Provide low-level Tensorflow accelerated operations. This backend
requires that Tensorflow be installed. Works best with a GPU but still offers good improvements with a CPU.
class dtcwt.tf.Pyramid(lowpass, highpasses, scales=None, numpy=False)
A tensorflow representation of a transform domain signal.
An interface-compatible version of dtcwt.Pyramid where the initialiser arguments are assumed to be tf.
Variable instances.
The attributes defined in dtcwt.Pyramid are implemented via properties. The original tf arrays may be
accessed via the ..._op(s) attributes.
A tensorflow tensor that can be evaluated in a session to return the coarsest scale lowpass signal for the
input, X.
A tuple of tensorflow tensors, where each element is the complex subband coefficients for corresponding
scales finest to coarsest.
(optional) A tuple where each element is a tensorflow tensor containing the lowpass signal for correspond-
ing scales finest to coarsest. This is not required for the inverse and may be None.
class dtcwt.tf.Transform1d(biort=’near_sym_a’, qshift=’qshift_a’)
An implementation of the 1D DT-CWT in Tensorflow.
• biort – Level 1 wavelets to use. See dtcwt.coeffs.biort().
• qshift – Level >= 2 wavelets to use. See dtcwt.coeffs.qshift().
Note: Calling the methods in this class with different inputs will slightly vary the results. If you call the
forward() or forward_channels() methods with a numpy array, they load this array into a tf.
Variable and create the graph. Subsequent calls to dtcwt.tf.Pyramid.lowpass or other attributes
in the pyramid will create a session and evaluate these parameters. If the above methods are called with a ten-
sorflow variable or placeholder, these will be used to create the graph. As such, to evaluate the results, you will
need to look at the dtcwt.tf.Pyramid.lowpass_op attribute (calling the lowpass attribute will try to
evaluate the graph with no initialized variables and likely result in a runtime error).
The behaviour is similar for the inverse() and inverse_channels() methods, except these return an
array, rather than a Pyramid style class. If a dtcwt.tf.Pyramid was created by calling the forward methods
with a numpy array, providing this pyramid to the inverse methods will return a numpy array. If however a
dtcwt.tf.Pyramid was created by calling the forward methods with a tensorflow variable, the result from
calling the inverse methods will also be a tensorflow variable.
54 Chapter 2. Contents
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Can provide the forward transform with either an np array (naive usage), or a tensorflow variable or place-
holder (designed usage).
• X – 3D real array. Batch of matrices whose columns are to be transformed (i.e. the second
• nlevels – Number of levels of wavelet decomposition
Returns A dtcwt.tf.Pyramid object representing the transform result.
If biort or qshift are strings, they are used as an argument to the biort() or qshift() functions.
Otherwise, they are interpreted as tuples of vectors giving filter coefficients. In the biort case, this should
be (h0o, g0o, h1o, g1o). In the qshift case, this should be (h0a, h0b, g0a, g0b, h1a, h1b, g1a, g1b).
inverse(pyramid, gain_mask=None)
Perform an n-level dual-tree complex wavelet (DTCWT) 1D reconstruction.
• pyramid – A dtcwt.Pyramid-like object containing the transformed signal.
• gain_mask – Gain to be applied to each subband.
Returns Reconstructed real array. Will be a tf Variable if the Pyramid was made with tf inputs,
otherwise a numpy array.
The l-th element of gain_mask is gain for wavelet subband at level l. If gain_mask[l] == 0, no computation
is performed for band l. Default gain_mask is all ones. Note that l is 0-indexed.
inverse_channels(pyramid, gain_mask=None)
Perform an n-level dual-tree complex wavelet (DTCWT) 1D reconstruction on a 3D array of signals. The
inverse is done on the second dimension of these.
This is designed to work after calling the forward_channels() method.
• pyramid – A dtcwt.Pyramid-like object containing the transformed signal. The
lowpass signal in the pyramid should be a 3D array to use this method.
• gain_mask – Gain to be applied to each subband.
Returns Reconstructed array. Will be a tf Variable if the Pyramid was made with tf inputs,
otherwise a numpy array.
The l-th element of gain_mask is gain for wavelet subband at level l. If gain_mask[l] == 0, no computation
is performed for band l. Default gain_mask is all ones. Note that l is 0-indexed.
class dtcwt.tf.Transform2d(biort=’near_sym_a’, qshift=’qshift_a’)
An implementation of the 2D DT-CWT via Tensorflow.
• biort – The biorthogonal wavelet family to use.
• qshift – The quarter shift wavelet family to use.
Note: biort and qshift are the wavelets which parameterise the transform. If biort or qshift are strings, they are
used as an argument to the dtcwt.coeffs.biort() or dtcwt.coeffs.qshift() functions. Other-
wise, they are interpreted as tuples of vectors giving filter coefficients. In the biort case, this should be (h0o,
g0o, h1o, g1o). In the qshift case, this should be (h0a, h0b, g0a, g0b, h1a, h1b, g1a, g1b).
Note: Calling the methods in this class with different inputs will slightly vary the results. If you call the
forward() or forward_channels() methods with a numpy array, they load this array into a tf.
Variable and create the graph. Subsequent calls to dtcwt.tf.Pyramid.lowpass or other attributes
in the pyramid will create a session and evaluate these parameters. If the above methods are called with a ten-
sorflow variable or placeholder, these will be used to create the graph. As such, to evaluate the results, you will
need to look at the dtcwt.tf.Pyramid.lowpass_op attribute (calling the lowpass attribute will try to
evaluate the graph with no initialized variables and likely result in a runtime error).
The behaviour is similar for the inverse methods, except these return an array, rather than a Pyramid style class.
If a dtcwt.tf.Pyramid was created by calling the forward methods with a numpy array, providing this
pyramid to the inverse methods will return a numpy array. If however a dtcwt.tf.Pyramid was created by
calling the forward methods with a tensorflow variable, the result from calling the inverse methods will also be
a tensorflow variable.
Note: If a numpy array is provided, the forward function will create a tensorflow variable to hold the input
image, and then create the graph of the right size to match the input, and then feed the input into the graph
and evaluate it. This operation will return a Pyramid object similar to how running the numpy version
56 Chapter 2. Contents
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– ”nhw” : the input will be interpreted as a batch of 2D images, with the batch dimension
as the first.
– ”chw” : will function exactly the same as “nhw” but is offered to indicate the input is a
2D image with channels.
– ”hwn” : the input will be interpreted as a batch of 2D images with the batch dimension
as the last.
– ”hwc” : will function exatly the same as “hwc” but is offered to indicate the input is a
2D image with channels.
– ”nchw” : the input is a batch of images with channel dimension as the second dimension.
Batch dimension is first.
– ”nhwc” : the input is a batch of images with channel dimension as the last dimension.
Batch dimension is first.
Returns A dtcwt.tf.Pyramid object
inverse(pyramid, gain_mask=None)
Perform an inverse transform on an image.
Can provide the inverse transform with either an np array (naive usage), or a tensorflow variable or place-
holder (designed usage).
• pyramid – A dtcwt.tf.Pyramid like class holding the transform domain represen-
tation to invert
• gain_mask – Gain to be applied to each sub-band. Should have shape (6, nlevels) or be
Returns An array , X, compatible with the reconstruction. Will be a tf Variable if the Pyramid
was made with tf inputs, otherwise a numpy array.
Note: A tf.Variable is returned if the pyramid input was a Pyramid class. If it wasn’t, then, we return a
numpy array (note that this is inefficient, as in both cases we have to construct the graph - in the second
case, we then execute it and discard it).
The (d, l)-th element of gain_mask is gain for subband with direction d at level l. If gain_mask[d,l] ==
0, no computation is performed for band (d,l). Default gain_mask is all ones. Note that both d and l are
inverse_channels(pyramid, data_format, gain_mask=None)
Perform an inverse transform on an image with multiple channels.
Must provide with a tensorflow variable or placeholder (unlike the more general inverse()).
This is designed to work after calling the forward_channels() method. You must use the same
data_format for the inverse_channels as the one used for the forward_channels (unless you have explicitly
reshaped the output).
• pyramid – A dtcwt.tf.Pyramid like class holding the transform domain represen-
tation to invert
• data_format (str) – An optional string of the form: “nhw” (or “chw”), “hwn” (or
“hwc”), “nchw” or “nhwc”. Note that for these strings, ‘n’ is used to indicate where the
batch dimension is, ‘c’ is used to indicate where the image channels are, ‘h’ is used to
indicate where the row dimension is, and ‘c’ is used to indicate where the columns are. If
the data_format is:
• gain_mask – Gain to be applied to each subband. Should have shape [6, nlevels].
Returns An array , X, compatible with the reconstruction. Will be a tf Variable if the Pyramid
was made with tf inputs, otherwise a numpy array.
The (d, l)-th element of gain_mask is gain for subband with direction d at level l. If gain_mask[d,l] ==
0, no computation is performed for band (d,l). Default gain_mask is all ones. Note that both d and l are
dtcwt.tf.lowlevel.coldfilt(X, ha, hb, no_decimate=False)
Filter the columns of image X using the two filters ha and hb = reverse(ha).
• X – The input, of size [batch, h, w]
• ha – Filter to be used on the odd samples of x.
• hb – Filter to bue used on the even samples of x.
• no_decimate – If true, keep the same input size
Both filters should be even length, and h should be approx linear phase with a quarter sample (i.e. an 𝑒𝑗𝜋/4 )
advance from its mid pt (i.e. |ℎ(𝑚/2)| > |ℎ(𝑚/2 + 1)|):
The output is decimated by two from the input sample rate and the results from the two filters, Ya and Yb,
are interleaved to give Y. Symmetric extension with repeated end samples is used on the composite X columns
before each filter is applied.
:raises ValueError if the number of rows in X is not a multiple of 4, the length of ha does not match hb or
the lengths of ha or hb are non-even.
dtcwt.tf.lowlevel.colfilter(X, h, align=False)
Filter the columns of image X using filter vector h, without decimation.
• X – an image whose columns are to be filtered
58 Chapter 2. Contents
dtcwt Documentation, Release 0.13.0dev1
The output is interpolated by two from the input sample rate and the results from the two filters, Ya and Yb,
are interleaved to give Y. Symmetric extension with repeated end samples is used on the composite X columns
before each filter is applied.
dtcwt.tf.lowlevel.rowdfilt(X, ha, hb, no_decimate=False)
Filter the rows of image X using the two filters ha and hb = reverse(ha).
• X – The input, of size [batch, h, w]
• ha – Filter to be used on the odd samples of x.
• hb – Filter to bue used on the even samples of x.
• no_decimate – If true, keep the same input size
Both filters should be even length, and h should be approx linear phase with a quarter sample advance from its
mid pt (i.e. |ℎ(𝑚/2)| > |ℎ(𝑚/2 + 1)|):
The output is decimated by two from the input sample rate and the results from the two filters, Ya and Yb, are
interleaved to give Y. Symmetric extension with repeated end samples is used on the composite X rows before
each filter is applied.
:raises ValueError if the number of columns in X is not a multiple of 4, the length of ha does not match hb
or the lengths of ha or hb are non-even.
dtcwt.tf.lowlevel.rowfilter(X, h, align=False)
Filter the rows of image X using filter vector h, without decimation.
• X – a tensor of images whose rows are to be filtered
• h – the filter coefficients.
• align – If true, then will have Y keep the same output shape as X, even if h has even
length. Makes no difference if len(h) is odd.
Returns Y the filtered image.
If len(h) is odd, each output sample is aligned with each input sample and Y is the same size as X. If len(h) is
even, each output sample is aligned with the mid point of each pair of input samples, and Y.shape = X.shape +
[0 1].
60 Chapter 2. Contents
Python Module Index
dtcwt, 34
dtcwt.coeffs, 37
dtcwt.compat, 43
dtcwt.keypoint, 38
dtcwt.numpy, 47
dtcwt.numpy.lowlevel, 50
dtcwt.opencl, 51
dtcwt.opencl.lowlevel, 52
dtcwt.plotting, 41
dtcwt.registration, 40
dtcwt.sampling, 39
dtcwt.tf, 53
dtcwt.tf.lowlevel, 58
dtcwt.utils, 42
dtcwt Documentation, Release 0.13.0dev1
A dtcwt.tf (module), 53
appropriate_complex_type_for() (in module dtcwt.utils), dtcwt.tf.lowlevel (module), 58
42 dtcwt.utils (module), 42
as_column_vector() (in module dtcwt.utils), 42 dtwaveifm() (in module dtcwt.compat), 44
asfarray() (in module dtcwt.utils), 42 dtwaveifm2() (in module dtcwt.compat), 45
axis_convolve() (in module dtcwt.opencl.lowlevel), 52 dtwaveifm2b() (in module dtcwt.compat), 46
dtwaveifm3() (in module dtcwt.compat), 47
B dtwavexfm() (in module dtcwt.compat), 43
dtwavexfm2() (in module dtcwt.compat), 44
backend_name (in module dtcwt), 36
dtwavexfm2b() (in module dtcwt.compat), 45
biort() (in module dtcwt.coeffs), 37
dtwavexfm3() (in module dtcwt.compat), 46
cl_highpasses (dtcwt.opencl.Pyramid attribute), 51 estimatereg() (in module dtcwt.registration), 40
cl_lowpass (dtcwt.opencl.Pyramid attribute), 51
cl_scales (dtcwt.opencl.Pyramid attribute), 51 F
coldfilt() (in module dtcwt.numpy.lowlevel), 50
find_keypoints() (in module dtcwt.keypoint), 38
coldfilt() (in module dtcwt.opencl.lowlevel), 52
forward() (dtcwt.numpy.Transform1d method), 48
coldfilt() (in module dtcwt.tf.lowlevel), 58
forward() (dtcwt.numpy.Transform2d method), 48
colfilter() (in module dtcwt.numpy.lowlevel), 50
forward() (dtcwt.numpy.Transform3d method), 49
colfilter() (in module dtcwt.opencl.lowlevel), 53
forward() (dtcwt.opencl.Transform2d method), 52
colfilter() (in module dtcwt.tf.lowlevel), 58
forward() (dtcwt.tf.Transform1d method), 54
colifilt() (in module dtcwt.numpy.lowlevel), 50
forward() (dtcwt.tf.Transform2d method), 56
colifilt() (in module dtcwt.opencl.lowlevel), 53
forward() (dtcwt.Transform1d method), 34
colifilt() (in module dtcwt.tf.lowlevel), 59
forward() (dtcwt.Transform2d method), 34
forward() (dtcwt.Transform3d method), 35
D forward_channels() (dtcwt.tf.Transform1d method), 54
drawcirc() (in module dtcwt.utils), 42 forward_channels() (dtcwt.tf.Transform2d method), 56
drawedge() (in module dtcwt.utils), 42
dtcwt (module), 34 G
dtcwt.coeffs (module), 37 get_default_queue() (in module dtcwt.opencl.lowlevel),
dtcwt.compat (module), 43 53
dtcwt.keypoint (module), 38
dtcwt.numpy (module), 47 H
dtcwt.numpy.lowlevel (module), 50 highpasses (dtcwt.numpy.Pyramid attribute), 48
dtcwt.opencl (module), 51 highpasses (dtcwt.Pyramid attribute), 36
dtcwt.opencl.lowlevel (module), 52 highpasses_op (dtcwt.tf.Pyramid attribute), 54
dtcwt.plotting (module), 41
dtcwt.registration (module), 40 I
dtcwt.sampling (module), 39 inverse() (dtcwt.numpy.Transform1d method), 48
dtcwt Documentation, Release 0.13.0dev1
qshift() (in module dtcwt.coeffs), 37
reflect() (in module dtcwt.utils), 42
rescale() (in module dtcwt.sampling), 39
rescale_highpass() (in module dtcwt.sampling), 40
rowdfilt() (in module dtcwt.tf.lowlevel), 59
rowfilter() (in module dtcwt.tf.lowlevel), 60
sample() (in module dtcwt.sampling), 39
sample_highpass() (in module dtcwt.sampling), 39
scales (dtcwt.numpy.Pyramid attribute), 48
scales (dtcwt.Pyramid attribute), 36
scales_ops (dtcwt.tf.Pyramid attribute), 54
stacked_2d_matrix_matrix_prod() (in module
dtcwt.utils), 42
stacked_2d_matrix_vector_prod() (in module
dtcwt.utils), 42
stacked_2d_vector_matrix_prod() (in module
dtcwt.utils), 42
Transform1d (class in dtcwt), 34
64 Index