Visitor Parking Rules & Regulations
Visitor Parking Rules & Regulations
Visitor Parking Rules & Regulations
The City of Calgary requires condominium developments in Currie to provide off-street visitor
parking. The board has developed these rules and regulations for visitor parking to assist with
enforcing the bylaws of Condominium Corporation No. 1612567:
43. Where there is a violation of these Bylaws:
(C) Any member of the Board who observes that an Owner or his/her agents, licensees or invitees are violating the provisions of
Bylaw 62(c)xxi may contact the Calgary City Police requesting that any vehicle parked or left on the Common Property in
violation of the said Bylaw may be removed therefrom and be impounded in a pound maintained for that purpose. The Unit
Owner will be responsible for all costs including towing charges and recovery of the impounded vehicle. The Corporation will
not be responsible for any damage caused to the Common Property by such towing, or to the violator’s vehicle while on the
Common Property or at any time while the infraction is being remedied.
(A) use the lanes, common driveways or roadways, or any part of the Common Property for the parking of any Private Motor
Vehicles except as permitted by the Board (if at all);
(B) park or store any vehicle or allow any member of his/her household to park or store any vehicle on those areas of the Common
Property designated for Visitor or Handicapped parking without the prior written consent of the Board;
(C) allow a visitor to his/her Unit to park his/her Private Motor Vehicle anywhere on the Parcel except on his/her Parking Unit or in a
stall designated for visitor parking;
(D) wash Private Motor Vehicles anywhere on the Project except in the car wash facility installed in the underground parkade;
(E) Not permit any non resident member of his/her household, guests or visitors to use the car wash facility installed in the
underground parkade;
(F) Not to use the car wash facility in the underground parkade for washing of vehicles not owned/leased or otherwise used by that
Owner and not under any circumstances to use the car wash facility for personal pecuniary gain;
(G) carry out any repairs or adjustments to Private Motor Vehicles on the Project;
(H) bring onto the Project any vehicles other than Private Motor Vehicles without the written consent of the Board or the Manager, or
duly authorized nominee thereof, save in the course of delivery to or removal from the respective premises;
(I) allow trailers, campers, boats, snowmobiles, trail bikes, all terrain vehicles, recreational vehicle or equipment to be parked or
stored anywhere on the Project EXCEPT in the Parking Unit of an Owner or in the storage area constructed within a Parking
Unit. A motorcycle may be parked in a parking area with another motor vehicle if there is sufficient space and provided neither
extends into a common driveway or laneway or blocks any adjacent parking areas;
(J) (notwithstanding the preceding Bylaw 62(a)(xxi)(I))not keep on the Parcel any Private Motor Vehicle which is not currently
licensed or not in operating condition without the prior written consent of the Board;
(K) drive any Private Motor Vehicle on the Parcel at a speed in excess of fifteen (15) kilometres per hour or in any manner that the
Board, in its sole discretion, deems hazardous or dangerous;
(L) carry on any type of business in the Parkade or any other area designated for parking;
(M) erect any structures, improvements or fixtures on or add to any parking area without the prior written consent of the Board;
(N) not use portions of Common Property adjacent to a parking area other than for access to and egress from such parking area;
(O) park any Private Motor Vehicle in a parking area which leaks excessive amounts of oil or grease or leaks any gasoline or
antifreeze or which is in any other way, offensive or hazardous. If such leak occurs, an Owner shall clean up the leakage as soon
as reasonably possible;
(P) allow a Parking Unit or area designated for parking to become or remain in an untidy or unsightly condition PROVIDED THAT
the Corporation shall be responsible for structurally maintaining all the surface of all Parking Units to a standard considered
reasonable by the Corporation and the Corporation shall have the right of entry and access over all Parking Units as may be
necessary to permit repairs or maintenance thereof or to give access to any utility and service areas adjacent thereto;
(Q) obstruct or interfere with the cleaning or maintenance of the Parkade any Parking Unit therein, including the moving of Private
Motor Vehicles as required for the cleaning and painting of lines therein;
(R) allow any propane powered Private Motor Vehicle to be brought into, kept or stored in the Parkade; or
(S) allow any Private Motor Vehicle to run longer than the minimum time required to enter or exit the parkade. Motors must be
turned off when the vehicle is parked;
Board has established the following rules and regulations to ensure that all residents have fair and
equal opportunity to access visitor parking.
1. A combination of vehicle registration, parking patrol and enforcement services will be used
to regulate access to the parkade and ensure that only approved visitors are using the
parking resource.
2. The titled owner of a parking stall shall use the online portal Buildium
(https://www.tobeconfirmed.xx/owner/) to register the license plate number of the primary
vehicle(s) that will be routinely parking in their titled stall.
a. Only one (1) vehicle can be registered as primary vehicle per parking stall.
b. Once registered, this primary license plate number will be assigned a long-term
parkade access fob (digital or physical depending on the security system - to be
c. A second vehicle can be registered as alternate vehicle for parking stall. The cost
for a second parkade access fob will be $XXX.
d. The parkade access fob is linked to the registered license plate and is non-
e. Owner must immediately report any lost, stolen or compromised access fobs to the
Corporation and any owner that fails to do so in a reasonable timeframe may be held
responsible for any damage or theft as a result of the lost or stolen fob.
f. A replacement fee of $XX will be charge for reprogramming and/or replacing any
compromised, lost or stolen access fob.
g. If an Owner is not able to access the online portal, they may contact the Corporation
for a paper copy of the required forms.
3. In the event that any Owner desires to lease or rent their titled parking stall, the owner shall
submit to the Corporation the “Axess Tenant Registration Form” filled in and signed by the
proposed lessee or Occupant.
a. A replacement fee of $XX will be charged for reprogramming and/or replacing the
parkade access fob each time a new lessee or Occupant is authorization to park in
the titled stall of an Owner.
b. The Owner SHALL NOT lease or rent their titled parking stall to a non-resident of
4. Visitor parking registration will be done with mobile phone app or computer using this link
(https://www.tobeconfirmed.xx/visitor/). The system will regulate visitor parking based on
protocols determined by the Corporation.
a. Day time (anytime between the hours of 08:00 through 20:00) visitors must be
registered prior to entering the parkade, but will not be charged for a day pass
(unless they stay longer than authorized by day-time visitor pass, in which case
overnight parking fees will apply).
b. Overnight (anytime between the hours of 20:00 and 08:00) visitors must be
registered prior to entering the parkade and will be charged a nominal parking fee of
$5 for an overnight parking pass.
c. Visitors using a Handicapped Stall must display a valid ‘wheel-chair accessible’ sign.
d. A Unit may have multiple day time visitors at the same time, however only one (1)
vehicle may park in a designated Visitor Parking stall overnight between the hours of
20:00 to 08:00. All other visitors must park on the public street.
e. The Corporation will track the usage of visitor stalls and frequent overnight visitors
(e.g. same license plate number for more than 7 nights/month) maybe denied access
or charged an escalating fee (not sure if the apps allow this but thinking parking fee
doubles to $10/night for next 8-14 nights/month and triple to $15/night for more than
14 nights/month so as to discourage residents from using visitor parking) for each
subsequent stay to ensure visitor parking remains available for its intended purpose.
5. Visitor and Handicapped parking will be patrolled and enforced
a. The frequency and time period for patrolling will be determine by the Corporation
based on registration and usage information and may be modified from time-to-time.
b. Any vehicle found in a Visitor Parking or Handicapped Parking without valid
registration shall be issued a Parking Violation Notice and Invoice of $50 for first time
violation of these parking regulations.
c. A copy of the parking violation notice will be sent to the Owner of the Unit that
granted parkade access to the vehicle.
d. In accordance with Clause 43, c) of the Bylaws of the Corporation, and Clause 28 of
the Calgary Traffic Bylaw, the Corporation may report a parking violation to the
Calgary Parking Authority and A Peace Officer may cause any vehicle parked
contrary to bylaws to be removed therefrom and to be impounded in a pound
maintained by the City for this purpose.