Chapter 6
Heat Pumps
(Heating Mode)
Fine tuning heat pumps in the heating mode is not difficult. In the heating
mode, only sensible heat is added to the air as it passes through the unit.
Therefore, dry bulb temperature measurements indicate the total perfor-
mance of the unit. However, these units still must be thoroughly checked,
and any required adjustments to the indoor airflow or refrigerant charge
must be made in order for the unit to operate as efficiently as possible.
There are many brands and models of test instruments available. Which
particular instrument to use is the user’s choice, but accurate test instru-
ments must be used to properly fine tune heat pumps in the heating mode.
The exact procedure for instrument use can be found in the manufacturer’s
operating instructions. These instruments must be properly cared for and
their accuracy maintained for optimum performance.
This chapter will discuss only those procedures used for efficiency testing
heat pumps in the heating mode, not specific instruments. The following is
a list of the basic test instruments required for testing and adjusting the
efficiency of a heat pump operating in the heating mode:
Two different dry bulb thermometers that have been tested and found to
produce exactly the same readings under the same set of circumstances can
be used. If two thermometers that read exactly the same temperature are
not available, then use one thermometer to measure both temperatures. It
is best to measure the return air temperature first, because it will not change
as fast as the discharge air . An electronic thermometer with two separate,
properly adjusted leads also produces the desired results. Dry bulb ther-
mometers are sometimes incorporated into sling psychrometers.
Total of readings
Average =
Number of readings
Gauge Manifold
The gauge manifold is used to perform many procedures involving refrig-
erant, oil, and evacuation of the refrigeration system. Gauge manifolds are
made up of a pressure gauge, compound gauge, valve manifold, and the
necessary hoses and connections. The operating refrigerant pressures can be
directly related to temperature by the use of a pressure-temperature chart.
Most gauges incorporate a corresponding temperature for the different
pressures of various refrigerants. The manifold has ports for both the com-
pound and the pressure gauges. There are valves in the manifold that are
operated by hand and used to control the flow of fluids through the gauge
ports and the charging hose ports.
The ammeter is used to determine the amount of electrical current used by
the unit. The clamp-on type is the most popular, because the amperage can
be measured without separating the wire. These instruments are the most
accurate when the wire being measured is in the center of the tongs.
The voltmeter is used to measure the voltage in a wire. The analog-type
meter is the most accurate when the indicator is in the center of the scale.
The leads should be checked regularly to ensure they are in good working
condition. When the insulation becomes worn or cracked, the leads should
be replaced. A firm, solid fit between the meter and the lead must be main-
tained. A loose fitting lead can give an improper voltage reading.
The wattmeter is used to measure the voltage to the unit and the total
wattage used by the unit. These instruments are usually more accurate than
using the voltmeter and the ammeter to determine the total wattage used
by the unit. However, wattmeters are more expensive. The analog-type
wattmeter is the most accurate when the indicator is reading at the mid-
scale point.
Indoor Unit
The indoor coil supplies heat to the structure during the heating cycle.
These units are usually designed to operate with 400 to 500 cfm per ton of
heating capacity. The airflow through these units is very critical.Airflow
should be one of the first items checked when fine tuning a heat pump. The
temperature of the air flowing through the indoor coil during the heating
mode varies with the outdoor ambient temperature. However , the tempera-
ture is usually between 90° and 125 °F. Check the equipment manufacturer’s
specifications for the unit being serviced for the exact discharge tempera-
ture desired for that unit.
Outdoor Unit
The outdoor unit houses the compressor and outdoor coil, along with the
other required components. The outdoor coil absorbs the heat from the
ambient air so the refrigerant can take it indoors. The temperature of the
outdoor ambient air determines both the suction and discharge refrigerant
pressures. It is almost impossible to determine exactly what the proper
pressures should be without the equipment manufacturer’s specifications.
However, the higher the outdoor ambient temperature, the higher the re-
frigerant pressures.
Indoor Coil
The indoor coil is an air-over type. During the cooling operation, there
should be a temperature drop across the indoor coil of about 18° to 22 °F db.
During the heating cycle, there should be a temperature rise across the coil
of about 90° to 125 °F db. Check the equipment manufacturer’s specifica-
tions for the exact readings.
Outdoor Coil
The outdoor coil is water-cooled during cooling operation. It also uses
water as the heat source for heating operation. There is a water valve for
The compressor on these units should be able to pump a vacuum of at least
20 inches Hg when subjected to a normal discharge pressure. It should be
able to hold this vacuum for about 5 minutes. If not, tile valves are leaking
and either the compressor or the valves must be replaced. It is very critical
that these compressors meet this requirement because of the very severe
conditions in which they operate. Some equipment manufacturers may
require a different efficiency test for their compressor. Be sure to check their
1. Visually check the entire system for cleanliness, and ensure all compo-
nents are in proper working condition. Be sure the indoor and outdoor
coils, the indoor filter, and indoor blower are clean.
4. Check both the indoor and the outdoor dry bulb temperatures.
6. Measure the entering and leaving air dry bulb temperatures across the
indoor unit.
7. Determine the indoor unit cfm. Use either an airflow measuring meter
as described above, or disable the heat pump unit and set the thermo-
stat to bring on the auxiliary heat strips. If the auxiliary heat strip
disconnect was turned off, be sure that it is turned back on. Then use
the method described in Chapter 2 to determine the airflow. After
8. Determine the heating capacity (Btu output) of the unit. Use the fol-
lowing formula:
For example, if a heat pump has a measured heating capacity of 40,000 Btuh
and the measured wattage is 4.380 kW , what is the COP?
40,000 Btu
COP = = 2.67
4380 W × 3.413
When the heat pump unit is operating at its peak efficiency but is not heat-
ing the structure properly, there are some other options available. First,
open all of the supply air grilles, measure the cfm from each one, and total
them. If the cfm is 10% less than that determined in Step 8, air is leaking
from the duct system. Find the leak and repair it.
The next step is to measure the duct heat loss. To do this, measure the
supply air temperature as it leaves the supply air grille located farthest
from the indoor unit. The difference in the supply air temperature at the
supply air grille and the temperature of the supply air from the indoor unit
should not exceed 3 ° to 5°F. If the difference is more than 5 °F, the duct
needs more insulation.
When the heat pump system meets this criteria, the only other alternative
is to increase the size of the heat pump unit or increase the heating capacity
of the auxiliary heat strips. Be aware that the electric bill will increase with
an increase in heat strip capacity . Make sure the ductwork will handle the
required airflow.
Tools Needed: dry bulb thermometer, velometer, gauge manifold, voltmeter, wattmeter, and tool kit.
3. Turn off all electricity to the auxiliary heat strips. Only the heat pump and the indoor fan are to be operating during
this test.
4. Measure the temperature rise of the air through the indoor unit. Use the following formula:
a. Use the some thermometer for measuring both the return and supply air temperatures.
b. Do not measure the temperature “in view” of the indoor coil. True air temperature cannot be measured in areas
affected by radiant heat.
c. Make the temperature measurements within 6 ft of the indoor unit. Measurements taken at the supply and return
air grilles are not accurate enough.
d. Use the average temperature when more than one duct is connected to the plenum. Use the following formula:
Total of readings
Average =
Number of readings
e. Make sure the air temperature is stable before taking these measurements.
g. Record the temperature difference of the return and supply air as 6T.
6T = ________ – ________
cfm = Btuh
1.08 × 6T