Acorus Plant

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Volume 53(1):45-49, 2009

Acta Biologica Szegediensis


Antimicrobial activity of Acorus calamus (L.) rhizome and

leaf extract
Asha Devi S and Deepak Ganjewala*

School of Biotechnology, Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology University, Vellore-632 014
(T.N.), India

ABSTRACT Antimicrobial activity of Acorus calamus rhizome and leaf extracts obtained with KEY WORDS
different solvents viz., petroleum ether, chloroform, hexane and ethyl acetate was evaluated.
Acorus calamus
Extracts obtained with ethyl acetate among others were found to be highly effective. Rhizomes antimicrobial, asarone
and leaf ethyl acetate extracts exhibited pronounced antifungal activity with diameter zone of minimum inhibitory concentration
inhibition ranged from 20-28 and 18-25 mm as well as antiyeast activity with diameter zone of zone of inhibition
inhibition ranged from 22-25 and 20-23 mm, respectively. The minimum inhibitory concentration
(MIC) of the rhizome and leaf extracts for antifungal activity measured was 2-4mg/ml, except
Penicillium chrysogenum whereas against yeasts was relatively higher, 4-5 and 6-8 mg/ml. MIC
value for antibacterial activity was comparatively very high ~16-42 mg/ml. In addition, authentic
A- and B-asarones were also tested for their antimicrobial potential. Both A- and B-asarones
exhibited very strong antimicrobial activities against the fungi and yeasts than those of rhizome
and leaf extracts. The study clearly suggested that A. calamus rhizomes and leaves must possess
active principle A- and B-asarones which is believed to be responsible for their antimicrobial ac-
tivities. Both rhizomes and leaf extracts, however, had no antibacterial activity except E. coli.
Acta Biol Szeged 53(1):45-49 (2009)

Our interest in plants because of their medicinally and al. 2002; Phongpaichit et al. 2005), allelopathic (Nawamaki
pharmacologically important active ingredients is increas- and Kuroyanagi 1996), anticellular and immunosuppressive
ing rapidly. Plant produces a plethora of natural products, (Mehrotra et al. 2003). Essential oil of A. calamus possesses
such as alkaloids, phenolics, ßavonoids and terpenoids or antigonadal activity in insects (Mathur and Saxena, 1975;
isoprenoids which has often been correlated with medicinal Koul et al. 1977a, b; Saxena et al. 1977; Schmidt and Bro-
and pharmacological properties of the plants. These plant chers 1981). Aromatic oils obtained by alcoholic extraction
natural products have been studied extensively and their role of the rhizome are used in the pharmaceutical and oenological
in several useful biological activities, such as antibacterial, an- industries (Bertea et al. 2005). A. calamus whole plant and
tifungal, antiyeast, insecticides and herbicides have been well plant parts viz., roots, rhizomes, leaves and essential oil have
documented. Number of plant products with the useful bioac- been extensively investigated for chemical compositions,
tive properties is increasing rapidly as an outcome of several previously (Namba 1993; Wang et al 1998; Raina et al. 2003;
ongoing research programs on investigation of biological Venskutonis and Dagilyte 2003). Previous studies on chemi-
activities of a number of plants. These bioactive compounds cal investigations of A. calamus have revealed the presence of
have served as lead molecules for the development of many various compounds, such as asarone (A- and B), caryophyl-
synthetic potential antibiotics. Acorus calamus (L.) family lene, isoasarone, methyl isoeugenol and safrol in rhizome
Araceae is a well known plant in Indian traditional medicines and roots (Namba 1993; Wang et al. 1998). Essential oils also
(Mehrotra et al. 2003) for centuries. It is a perennial, semi- have a very similar chemical composition to that of rhizomes,
aquatic and smelly plant, found in both temperate and sub dominated by A- and B-asarone (Lander and Schreier 1990;
temperate zones. It grows up to 6 feet tall with sword-shaped Oprean et al. 1998; Raina et al. 2003; Venskutonis and Dagi-
leaves, small yellow/green ßowers and branched rhizomes lyte 2003). Both A- and B- asarone identiÞed as the major
(Sabitha et al. 2000). The rhizomes, roots and essential oil chemical constituent in roots, rhizomes, leaves and essential
distilled from these plant parts have been reported to posses oils held responsible for almost all the biological activities of
several important biological activities including antifungal A. calamus. Despite the fact that A. calamus roots, rhizomes
(Lee et al. 2004; Lee et al. 2005), antibacterial (McGraw et and essential oils possess several useful biological activities,
sufÞciently not enough efforts have been devoted to study
Accepted April 22, 2009 their antifungal and antiyeast properties. In the present study
*Corresponding author. E-mail: we investigated antimicrobial activities of rhizomes and leaf

Devi, Ganjewala

extracts against fungi, yeasts and bacteria (gram negative crosporum canis MTCC2820 and yeasts viz., Cryptococcus
and positive). Simultaneously, we investigated antimicrobial gastricus MTCC1715, Candida albicans MTCC3017, C.
activities of the active principles A- and B-asarones. The albicans NCIM. Bacterial cultures were maintained in the
present clearly has suggested that the active principle A- and nutrient agar medium, fungi and yeast in Sabourd Dextrose
B-asarones are responsible for the antimicrobial activity of agar (SDA)
rhizome and leaf extracts.
Antibacterial activity
Materials and methods Antibacterial activities of rhizome and leaf extracts were
Plant materials evaluated by agar well diffusion method (Priya and Gan-
jewala 2007). Simultaneously, antimicrobial activity of A
Plants were collected from Horticultural Research Station,
and B-asarones were also investigated. 24 h broth cultures of
Yercaud in Tamil Nadu, India and grown at Herbal Garden,
the bacteria used for the antibacterial assay. A sterile cotton
Vellore Institute of Technology University, Vellore, India.
swab dipped into bacterial suspension and evenly streaked
The fresh rhizomes and leaves were collected, washed thor-
over the entire surface of sterile Muller Hinton agar plate to
oughly. A known amount of rhizome and leaves (100 g each)
obtain uniform inoculum. Wells were punched on the seeded
were kept in an oven at 40¡C for drying till constant weight.
plates using sterile borer (8 mm). 20 to 200 µL of rhizome
Rhizome and leaves thus dried were powdered in a mixer
and leaf extracts obtained with ethyl acetate, petroleum ether,
chloroform and hexane (100 mg extract dissolved in 1 ml of
Extract preparation
dimethyl sulfoxide, DMSO) were dispensed into each well
using sterile micropipette. Streptomycin (30µg/ml) was used
A known amount of leaf and rhizome powder (4 g each) was as a positive control. The plates were then incubated at 37¡C
extracted separately with different solvents viz., petroleum for 18 h and diameter zone of inhibition was measured. The
ether, chloroform, hexane and ethyl acetate for 24 hrs as per minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values were deter-
the procedure published previously (Mehrotra et al. 2003). mined by double dilution method (Lorian 1996). The rhizome
Extracts thus prepared were weighed and stored at 4¡C. and leaf extract as well as both A- and B-asarone were serially
diluted in double strength of Muller Hinton broth. The broths
TLC analysis then inoculated with 100 µl of bacterial culture. The MIC is
The extracts were subjected to thin layer chromatographic the highest dilution of extract which shows clear ßuid with
separation. 5-10 µL of extracts were loaded on pre-coated no developments of turbidity. The absence of growth was
silica gel-G plates along with authentic standard A- and conÞrmed again on solid media. In the second set of experi-
B-asarone (Sigma Aldarich). The plates were developed in a ment A and B-asarone (10 mg/ml DMSO) were used for the
chamber saturated with solvent system toluene: ethyl acetate antibacterial screening in similar way.
(v/v, 8:2) described by Oprean et al. (1998). The plates were
removed from the chamber, dried and observed under visible Antifungal and Antiyeast activity
and UV light for visualization of the spots. Presence or ab- Antifungal and antiyeast activity assay was performed using
sence of the A- and B-asarone in the extracts was conÞrmed well diffusion method. 20-200 µL of the extracts 100 mg/ml
by authentic A- and B-asarone. DMSO was loaded into wells in SDA plates. Simultaneously,
amphotericin B (50 µg/ml) was also loaded as a positive con-
Antimicrobial screening trol. The plates were then incubated at room temperature for
2-4 days and diameter zone of inhibition was measured. The
Microorganisms MIC values were determined for rhizome and leaves extract as
well as both A- and B-asarone by following previous method
All the microorganisms except Vibrio cholera (Clinical iso- using Sabourd dextrose broth.
lates) used in the present study were obtained form Micro-
bial Type Culture Collection (MTTC), Institute of Microbial Results
Technology, Chandigarh and National Collection of Industrial
Microorganisms (NCIM), Pune, India. Microorganisms used Antimicrobial activities of rhizome and leaves
includes bacteria viz., Escherichia coli MTCC901, E. coli extracts
NCIM, Pseudomonas aeruginosa MTCC429, Salmonella Our preliminary study of antibacterial assay revealed that
parathypi A MTCC735, Enterococcus faecalis MTCC 439, only ethyl acetate extracts of rhizome and leaf exhibited
Staphylococcus aureus MTCC96 , Shigella sonnei MTC- strong inhibitory action against the microorganisms tested,
C2957fungi viz., Penicillium chrysogenum MTCC2725, however, extracts in other solvents did not show any activi-
Aspergillus niger MTCC1344, A. Flavus MTCC2799, Mi- ties. Antimicrobial potentials of the extracts were evaluated

Antimicrobial activity of Acorus calamus (L.)

Table 1. Antimicrobial activity of rhizome and leaf ethyl acetate extracts. 200µL extracts (100mg/ml DMSO) were used in the antimi-
crobial screening.

Microorganism Zone of inhibition (mm) MIC (mg/ml)

Rhizome Leaves Streptomycin Rhizome Leaves
Bacteria (Gram negative)
Escherichia coli MTCC901 20 18 21 16 18
Escherichia coli NCIM 25 22 21 42 42
Pseudomonas aeruginosa MTCC 429 R R 17 ND ND
Salmonella parathypi A MTCC 735 R R 22 ND ND
Shigella sonnei MTCC2957 R R 18 ND ND
Vibrio cholera R R 18 ND ND
Bacteria (Gram positive)
Enterococcus faecalis MTCC 439 R R 15 ND ND
Staphylococcus aureus MTCC 96 R R 16 ND ND
Fungi Amphotericin B
Penicillium chrysogenum MTCC2725 22 20 18 32 32
Aspergillus niger MTCC 1344 25 20 21 2 2
Aspergillus Flavus MTCC2799 28 25 18 3 4
Microsporum canis MTCC 2820 20 18 19 4 4
Cryptococcus gastricus MTCC1715 22 20 18 5 6
Candida albicans MTCC 3017 25 23 22 4 8
Candida albicans NCIM 23 22 21 4 8

R = resistant; ND = Not determined

by measuring the diameter zones of inhibition (mm) as well Antimicrobial activities of the A and B-asarone
as minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC). Further, the
Both A- and B-asarone exhibited signiÞcant and comparable
study revealed that ethyl acetate extract of rhizome and leaves
antimicrobial activities (zone of inhibition) to that of rhizome
exhibited strong activity against fungi and yeasts but not the
and leaf extracts but with relatively less MIC values (Table
bacteria tested (Table 1). Only Escherichia coli (MTCC901
2). Overall the study showed that B- asarone had relatively
and NCIM) was found to be highly sensitive to both rhizomes
higher antimicrobial activity than the A-asarone. For instance,
and leaves extracts. Rest of the bacteria gram negative as well
B-asarone displayed with MIC value 0.5-8 mg/ml a high anti-
as positive was found to be resistant to rhizome and leaves ex-
fungal activity (ZI, 20-29 mm) whereas A-asarone displayed
tract. Rhizome and leaves extract showed marked antifungal
almost equal antifungal activity (ZI, 19-27 mm) but with high
activity against Aspergillus niger (MTCC 1344), A. Flavus
MIC value 2-8 mg/ml. Trends of antiyeast activity obtained
(MTCC2799), Microsporum canis (MTCC 2820) except
for A- and B-asarone was almost similar to that of antifungal
Penicillium chrysogenum, (MTCC2725) with zone of inhibi-
activity except slight alteration in the ZI and MIC values.
tion (ZI) ranged 20-28 and 18-25 mm, respectively along with
Both A- and B-asarone did not display antibacterial activity
MIC value 2-4 mg/ml for each rhizome and leaves extract.
except E. coli (MTCC901 and NCIM).
Aspergillus ßavus among other was found to be most sensitive
both to the rhizome and leaf ethyl acetate extract (Table 1).
Rhizome and leaf extracts also displayed signiÞcant antiyeast
activity against Cryptococcus gastricus (MTCC1715), Can- Several previous and recent studies have described many
dida albicans (MTCC 3017 and NCIM) with diameter zone important biological activities, particularly antimicrobial of
of inhibition 22-25 and 20-23 mm, respectively along with A. calamus roots, rhizome and essential oils (Grosvenor et
MIC value ranged 4-5 mg/ml for rhizome extract and 6-8 mg/ al. 1995; Mungkornasawakul 2000; MacGaw et al. 2002;
ml for leaves extract. Both rhizome and leaf extracts were Rani et al. 2003; Phongpaichit et al. 2005). Although our
not effective against bacteria tested except E. coli. however present study only further strengthened and supported previ-
rhizome (MIC 16-42 mg/ml) and leaf extracts (18-42 mg/ ously published reports on useful biological properties of
ml) has shown considerable antibacterial activity against the A. calamus, for the Þrst time we attempted to investigate
Escherichia coli (MTCC901 and NCIM) with dimeter zone antimicrobial properties of the leaves derived active ingredi-
of inhibition 20-25 and 18-22 mm, respectively. ents. Overall analysis of the results obtained here has clearly

Devi, Ganjewala

Table 2. Antimicrobial activity of A-and B-asarone. 200 µL of A and B-asarone (10 mg/ml DMSO) were used in the antimicrobial

Microorganism Zone of inhibition (mm) MIC(mg/ml)

A-asarone B-asarone Streptomycin A-asarone B-asarone
Bacteria (Gram negative)
Escherichia coli MTCC901 19 22 21 16 8
Escherichia coli NCIM 20 24 21 32 16
Pseudomonas aeruginosa MTCC 429 R R 17 ND ND
Salmonella parathypi A MTCC 735 R R 22 ND ND
Shigella sonnei MTCC2957 R R 18 ND ND
Vibrio cholera R R 18 ND ND
Bacteria (Gram positive)
Enterococcus faecalis MTCC 439 R R 15 ND ND
Staphylococcus aureus MTCC 96 R R 16 ND ND
Fungi Amphotericin B
(50 µg/ml)
Penicillium chrysogenum MTCC2725 24 22 18 8 4
Aspergillus niger MTCC 1344 22 26 21 2 0.5
Aspergillus Flavis MTCC2799 27 29 18 3 0.5
Microsporum canis MTCC 2820 19 20 19 4 8
Cryptococcus gastricus MTCC1715 24 26 18 5 6
Candida albicans MTCC 3017 26 28 22 2 0.5
Candida albicans NCIM 22 23 21 2 0.5

R = resistant; ND = Not determined

showed that rhizome predominantly possess bioactivities 2002; Rani et al. 2003). A recent study by Phongpaichit et al.
(antifungal and antiyeast) than any other plant parts such as (2005) has revealed strong antimicrobial (antifungal and anti-
leaf that has less bioactive effects (Fig. 1). Although both yeast) properties of the crude methanol extracts of A. calamus
rhizome and leaf extracts demonstrated substantial antifungal rhizome. In their study they found that methanol extract of
and antiyeast activities, they did not show any antibacterial the rhizome exhibited high activity against Þlamentous fungi,
activity except that of E. coli. Previously, De et al. (1999) Trichophyton rubrum, Microsporum gypseum, and Penicil-
in his report on antimicrobial activities of A. calamus has lium marneffei with IC50 values of 0.2, 0.2 and 0.4 mg/ml,
described lack of antibacterial activity while recently Phong- respectively. However, it showed moderate activity against
paichit et al. (2005) have observe very less antibacterial ac- yeasts: Candida albicans, Cryptococcus neoformans and Sac-
tivity in his study on antimicrobial properties of A. calamus charomyces cerevisiae (MIC 0.1-1 mg/ml) and low activity
rhizome. Our results of lack of antibacterial activities hence against bacteria (MIC 5-10 mg/ml). Results presented here
are in full agreement with those reported by De et al. (1999) on the antimicrobial activities of the rhizome and leaf extracts
and Phongpaichit et al. (2005). Although, there are several completely matches with those reported by Phongpaichit et al.
published reports are also available on antibacterial activity (2005). Nevertheless, there are slight differences in the MIC
of A. calamus extracts (Grosvenor et al. 1995; MacGaw et al. and zone of inhibition values. Also, there are reports available
suggesting that antimicrobial properties of the plant parts or
whole plants vary with the type of solvent used to prepare the
extracts from respective plant parts. Extracts of A. calamus
rhizomes obtained with dichloromethane and ethanol (Mung-
kornasawakul 2000; Thirach et al. 2003) has been reported to
exhibit substantial antifungal activity. The ethanol extract of
A. calamus inhibited clinical isolates of C. albicans. There-
fore from several previous studies it has become clear that
the differences in the effectiveness (MIC value) could be due
to the solvents used for extraction of active ingredients from
the concerned plant parts or climatic and geographical differ-
Figure 1. Well diffusion assay of rhizome [A] and leaves [B] extracts ences. The sensitivity of the microorganisms to the rhizome
exhibiting antifungal activity against Aspergillus flavis. and leaf extract could be due to morphological as well as

Antimicrobial activity of Acorus calamus (L.)

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However, puriÞcation of the crude extract will enhance the Raina VK, Srivastava SK, Syamasunder KV (2003) Essential oil composition
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