Antibacterial and Antifungal Activities of Elephantopus Scaber Linn

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Hiradeve and Rangari / International Journal of Biomedical Research 2015; 6(05): 338-345.

International Journal of Biomedical Research
ISSN: 0976-9633 (Online); 2455-0566 (Print)
Journal DOI: 10.7439/ijbr
CODEN: IJBRFA Original Research Article

Antibacterial and antifungal activities of Elephantopus scaber Linn.

Sachin M. Hiradeve* and Vinod D. Rangari

Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya, Koni, Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh, India-

*Correspondence Info:
Sachin M. Hiradeve
Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya, Koni,
Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh, India-495001

The present study was carried out with an objective to investigate the antimicrobial potentials of
petroleum ether, diethyl ether, methanol and water extracts of the root and aerial part of Elephantopus scaber
Linn. by determining the zone of inhibition and minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) against various
bacterial and fungal stains. Disc diffusion technique was used to determine in-vitro antibacterial and antifungal
activities. In addition, minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) was determined by broth dilution method. The
different solvent extracts showed concentration dependent antibacterial activities against four gram-positive
(Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Micrococcus luteus and Bacillus cereus) and four gram-negative
(Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus vulgaris and Salmonella typhi) bacteria. The MIC values
against the tested Gram-positive bacteria ranged from 50 to 500 μg/ml and against Gram-negative bacteria from
100 to 500 μg/ml. The antifungal activities were found strong against three different fungi (Candida albicans,
Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus clavatus). The MIC values of the extract against tested fungal stain were
found in the range of 200-1000 μg/ml.
Keywords: antimicrobial, Elephantopus scaber, deoxyelephantopin.
In many developing countries, traditional and Africa [7-13]. Elephantopus scaber Linn. is one
medicine is one of the primary healthcare systems of the medicinally important species of this genus.
[1,2]. Traditional African, Ayurvedic and Chinese Hiradeve and Rangari (2014) [14] has recently
systems of medicine are amongst the oldest known, reviewed the ethnomedical history of E. scaber. The
and have undoubtedly influenced modern drug whole plant, its various parts and the extracts of E.
development and the isolation of novel compounds scaber have been used for the treatment of a number
with therapeutic value [3]. Ayurvedic medicine is of diseases and also as antibiotic in many countries.
originated in India more than 3,000 years ago and Literature survey indicated the antimicrobial activity
remains one of the country’s traditional health care of the whole plant extracts of E. scaber in certain
systems. In recent decades, research has shown that microorganisms. However the roots and the aerial
plants produce a diverse range of bioactive molecules parts individual antimicrobial and antifungal potential
for industrial interest, making them a rich source of has not been explored till date. Hence the present
different types of medicines and have shown a study has been undertaken to explore the
promising effect in therapeutics [4]. Aromatic and antimicrobial and antifungal activity of various
medicinal plants are known to produce certain extracts of the root and aerial part of E. scaber
bioactive molecules which react with other organisms against gram positive, gram negative bacterial and
in the environment and inhibit bacterial or fungal fungal stains.
growth [5]. Thus medicinal plants have been
representing a rich source of antimicrobial agent [6]. 2. Materials and methods
The lectotype species of Elephantopus 2.1 Collection and authentication of plant material
genus, family Asteraceae, consists of 32 species of The whole plant of E. scaber was collected
centered in the Neotropics, Europe, Asia, Australia in the month of October-November 2012, from the
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forest of Achanakmar, Chhattisgarh, India. The 250.00 µg/ml. The roots and aerial part extracts of E.
collected plant was authenticated by the Dr. G. P. scaber from four selected solvents were weighed and
Sinha, Scientist D, Ministry of environment and dissolved in DMSO to prepare stock solution of
forests, Botanical survey of India, Allahabad, Uttar 250.00 µg/ml concentrations. The same stock
Pradesh. BSI/CRC/TECH/2014-15/ voucher solution has been utilized to get desired
specimen has been preserved in our laboratory for concentrations of 5.00 µg/ml, 25.00 µg/ml, 50.00
future reference. µg/ml, 100.00 µg/ml and 250.00 µg/ml by the serial
2.2 Preparation of plant extract dilutions method.
The whole plant material was washed well 2.3.3 Determination of zone of inhibition (ZOI)
with water to separate the adhering soil material. The The petroleum ether, diethyl ether, methanol and
collected entire plant containing roots and aerial aqueous extracts of E. scaber roots and aerial parts
parts, was dried in the shade. The total loss on drying were screened for antimicrobial activity by using the
was found to be 29.6%. After complete drying the disc diffusion method [15,16]. In the assay each
roots and aerial parts were separated from each other. inoculums suspension (108 CFU/mL) was spread
Dried roots consisted of thin, long roots attached to evenly over the entire nutrient agar surface by sterile
rhizomes while the aerial parts contained leaves, collection swab. Then, discs having of diameter 6
stems and flowers. 1 kg of the dried roots and mm were sterilized at 1210C for 15 min and loaded
rhizomes of E. scaber were comminuted to form with prepared positive control (ampicillin, 20 µg/ml)
coarse powder. The coarsely powdered crude drug and extract solutions of E. scaber at various
material was first defatted with petroleum ether (40- concentrations. The impregnated discs were dried for
600) in Soxhlet extractor. Defatted dried marc of the 3–5 min and dispensed onto the surface of the
crude drug was further subjected to sequential inoculated plates with flamed forceps. Each disc was
extraction with diethyl ether and with methanol. 500 pressed down firmly to ensure complete contact with
gm of coarse powder of root and rhizomes of E. nutrient agar surface. The discs were placed suitably
scaber was macerated with water for 24 hrs (24x3). apart and not relocated once contacted with the agar
The same extraction procedure was followed for the surface. The plates were then labeled and incubated
extraction of aerial parts to afford petroleum ether, at 370C for 24 hours for both bacteria and fungus.
diethyl ether, methanol and water extracts. All the The results were measured and expressed in terms of
extracts obtained were concentrated and dried under zone of inhibition (ZI) of bacterial and fungal growth
reduced pressure using rotary evaporator. around each disc in millimeters.
2.3 Antimicrobial Activity 2.3.4 Determination of Minimum inhibitory
2.3.1 Test Microorganisms and Growth Media concentration (MIC)
Escherichia coli (MTCC 443), Minimum inhibitory concentration is
Pseudomonas aeruginosa (MTCC 1688), Proteus determined by broth dilution method with some
vulgaris (MTCC 8427), Salmonella typhi (MTCC modification [17,18]. Serial dilutions were prepared
98), Bacillus subtilis (MTCC 441), Staphylococcus in primary and secondary screening. In primary
aureus (MTCC 96), Micrococcus luteus (MTCC screening 1000 µg/ml, 500 µg/ml, and 250 µg/ml
106), Bacillus cereus (MTCC 7278), and fungal concentrations of the extracts were taken. The active
strains Candida albicans (MTCC 227), Aspergillus extracts found in this primary screening were further
niger (MTCC 282), Aspergillus clavatus (MTCC tested in a second set of dilution against all
1323), were chosen based on their clinical and microorganisms. The extract found active in primary
pharmacological importance. The bacterial and screening were similarly diluted to obtain 200 µg/ml,
fungal cultures were incubated for 24 hours at 37°C 100 µg/ml, 50 µg/ml, 25 µg/ml, 12.5 µg/ml, 6.250
on nutrient agar and potato dextrose agar (PDA) µg/ml concentrations. The control tube containing no
medium respectively, following refrigeration storage antibiotic is immediately sub cultured (before
at 4°C. The bacterial strains were grown in Mueller- inoculation) by spreading a loopful evenly over a
Hinton agar (MHA) plates at 37°C (bacteria were quarter of plate of medium suitable for the growth of
grown in the nutrient broth at 37°C and maintained the test organism and put for incubation at 37 0C
on nutrient agar slants at 4°C), whereas the yeasts overnight. The tubes are then incubated overnight.
and molds were grown in Sabouraud dextrose agar The MIC of the control organism is read to check the
and PDA media, respectively, at 28°C. The stock accuracy of the drug concentrations. The lowest
cultures were maintained at 4°C. concentration inhibiting growth of the organism is
2.3.2 Sample preparation recorded as the MIC. The amount of growth from the
Antimicrobial activity of the extracts was control tube before incubation (which represents the
tested at various concentrations ranging from 5.00- original inoculums) is compared.
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3. Result and discussion Thin layer chromatographic study of the root

3.1 Extractive values and preliminary extracts of E. scaber has shown three distinct spot in
phytochemical screening solvent system pet. ether: dichloromethane (6:4) by
The result of extractive values of petroleum petroleum ether extract; three spot in benzene: pet.
ether, diethyl ether, methanol and aqueous extract of ether (9:1) by diethyl ether extract and six spot in
root and aerial part of E. scaber has been depicted in hexane: ethyl acetate (8:2) by methanol extract. The
table 1. aerial part extract of E. scaber has shown three spot
Table 1: Extractive Values of different parts of E. in pet ether: chloroform (7:3) by pet ether extract;
scaber in different solvents four spot in pet ether: ethyl acetate (6:4) by diethyl
S. Plant parts Solvent Extract Extractive ether extract and six spot in hexane: ethyl acetate
N. used code value (%)
Petroleum 4.73 (8:2) by methanolic extract. Vanillin-H2SO4,
1. Underground ether phosphomolybdic acid, FeCl3-ethanol and iodine
part (Root) Diethyl 2.74
RDE were used as the chromogenic reagents.
Methanol RME 1.84 3.2 Antibacterial Activity
Water RAQ 2.30 3.2.1 Zone of inhibition
Petroleum 1.70
2 Aboveground ether
APL The result representing antibacterial activity
part (Aerial Diethyl
1.82 of petroleum ether, diethyl ether, methanol and
part) ether aqueous extract of root of E. scaber against gram
Methanol AME 3.91
Water AAQ 2.50 negative bacteria is presented in Table 2. The highest
The various extracts obtained were activity of plant extract has been shown in
subjected to preliminary phytochemical screening. methanolic extract and was found to be 25.00 mm
The root extract of E. scaber shown the presence of diameter of zone of inhibition against E. coli at the
various phytochemical constituent such as glycoside, concentration of 250 µg/disc followed by 24.00 mm
steroid and terpenoid found in petroleum ether diameter of zone of inhibition against P. aeruginosa
extract; alkaloid, steroid, flavanoid, terpenoid and at concentration of 250 µg/disc. In comparison to
saponin found in diethyl ether extract; carbohydrate, ampicillin, chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin and
glycoside, alkaloid, steroid terpenoid and saponin norfloxacin at 250 µg/disc as shown in Table-2,
found in methanolic extract; carbohydrate, alkaloid, methanolic extract of E. scaber root possess
flavonoid, terpenoid and saponin was found in significant antibacterial activity at 250 µg/disc. The
aqueous extract. However the aerial part extracts of antibacterial activity of E. scaber aerial part extracts
E. scaber shown the presence of glycoside and against Gram negative organism. Petroleum ether
steroid in petroleum ether extract; steroid, flavonoid, extract of aerial part of E. scaber possess highest
terpenoid and saponin in diethyl ether extract; zone of inhibition that is 26.00 mm diameter of zone
carbohydrate, flavonoid, tannin, terpenoid and of inhibition against P. vulgaris at 250 µg/disc
saponin in methanolic extract and carbohydrate, concentration.
alkaloid, tannin, terpenoid and saponin in aqueous
Table 2: Zone of inhibition of E. scaber extracts and standard antibiotics against Gram negative organism
Zone of Inhibition (mm)
SN E. coli (MTCC 443) P. aeruginosa (MTCC 1688) P. vulgaris (MTCC 8427) S. typhi (MTCC 98)
5 25 50 100 250 5 25 50 100 250 5 25 50 100 250 5 25 50 100 250
Various extracts of E. scaber
1 RPE - 10 12 17 19 - 8 12 15 20 - 11 14 18 22 - 10 12 16 19
2 RDE - 12 13 15 18 - 9 13 17 19 - 9 12 16 18 - 11 13 17 21
3 RME - 14 17 20 25 - 12 16 21 24 - 8 16 19 22 - 8 12 17 18
4 RAQ - 14 15 17 19 - 14 15 17 19 - 12 11 14 15 - 14 17 18 21
5 APL - 12 14 15 19 - 12 14 15 19 - 13 15 18 26 - 12 15 20 22
6 ADE - 15 16 18 20 - 15 16 18 20 - 15 13 17 17 - 11 12 12 14
7 AME - 14 15 17 20 - 14 15 17 20 - 12 13 15 18 - 10 11 12 15
8 AAQ - 13 14 17 19 - 13 14 17 19 - 11 15 16 17 - 12 14 17 19
Standard Antibiotics
9 AMP 14 15 16 19 23 14 15 15 18 24 15 19 20 24 28 12 15 19 24 27
10 CMP 14 17 23 23 23 14 17 18 19 23 13 16 22 25 29 10 13 18 21 25
11 CPF 20 23 28 28 28 20 23 24 26 27 17 20 23 28 31 16 19 22 25 29
12 NRP 22 25 26 27 29 18 19 21 23 26 13 19 24 27 29 15 17 21 24 28
Root extracts of E. scaber - RPE: Pet. ether extract; RDE: Diethyl ether extract; RME: Methanolic extract; RAQ: Aqueous extract
Aerial part extracts of E. scaber - APL: Pet ether extract; ADE: Diethyl ether extract; AME: Methanolic extract; AQU: Aqueous extract
Standard antibiotics-AMP: Ampicillin; CMP: Chloramphenicol; CPF: Ciprofloxacin; NRP: Norfloxacin. (-) represents the no zone of

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In comparison to standard drugs, Methanolic significant antibacterial activity against Gram

extract of root possess significant antibacterial positive B. cereus and M. Lutues respectively.
properties against the Gram negative E.coli and Aqueous extract of root possess significant
P.aeruginosa at concentration of 250 µg/disc. antifungal effect against C. albicans and A. clavatus
Whereas the petroleum ether, methanolic and at concentration of 250 μg/ml.
aqueous extract of E. scaber root represents
30 P.vulgaris




Samples at 250 µg/ml concentration
Figure 1: Graphical representation of zone of inhibition of E. scaber root and aerial part extract against
Gram negative organism at 250 μg/ml concentration.

Against Gram positive organism, the methanolic and aqueous extract of E. scaber root
methanolic and aqueous extract of root possess 21.00 represents significant antibacterial activity. Whereas
mm and 20.00 mm diameter of zone of inhibition the petroleum ether and methanolic extract of aerial
respectively against M. Lutues at concentration of part possess same zone of inhibition that is 21.00 mm
250 µg/disc. However petroleum ether extract of root of diameter against S. aureus. The diethyl ether
possess 20.00 mm diameter of zone of inhibition extract of aerial part possess 20.00 mm diameter of
against B. cereus at concentration of 250 µg/disc. In zone of inhibition against B. cereus (Table-3).
comparison to standard drugs, petroleum ether,

Table 3: Zone of inhibition of E. scaber extracts and standard antibiotics against Gram positive organism
Zone of Inhibition (mm)
SN B. subtillis MTCC 441 S. aureus MTCC 96 M. lutues MTCC 106 B. cereus MTCC 7278
5 25 50 100 250 5 25 50 100 250 5 25 50 100 250 5 25 50 100 250
Various extracts of E. scaber
1 RPE - 10 14 17 18 - 12 14 16 18 - 14 16 17 18 - 10 13 15 20
2 RDE - 12 13 16 19 - 13 15 17 19 - 11 13 15 17 - 11 12 15 18
3 RME - 12 14 15 17 - 11 14 16 19 - 14 16 18 21 - 12 13 15 17
4 RAQ - 12 13 17 18 - 11 14 15 18 - 12 15 17 20 - 11 12 16 17
5 APL - 10 13 14 17 - 12 14 18 21 - 10 12 14 15 - 12 14 15 19
6 ADE - 11 13 15 16 - 11 14 16 19 - 15 16 17 18 - 12 15 16 20
7 AME - 11 14 16 19 - 12 14 16 21 - 12 14 16 18 - 12 14 15 19
8 AAQ - 10 12 14 17 - 12 14 15 18 - 12 13 15 17 - 10 15 17 18
Standard Antibiotics
9 AMP 11 14 16 18 24 10 13 14 16 24 12 15 16 19 24 13 15 17 20 28
10 CMP 10 13 19 20 24 12 14 19 20 25 11 17 18 20 26 12 16 16 19 25
11 CPF 16 19 21 21 25 17 19 21 22 25 14 15 16 18 25 14 15 18 21 27
12 NRP 18 19 20 21 24 19 22 25 26 28 13 15 19 20 25 14 18 21 24 28

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Petroleum ether extract of aerial part of E. aureus. While the diethyl ether extract of aerial part
scaber possess significant antibacterial effect against possess antibacterial activity against B. cereus.
gram negative P. vulgaris and Gram positive S. Methanolic extract and petroleum ether
aureus at 250 µg/disc concentration. Whereas the extract of aerial part represent significant antifungal
petroleum ether and methanolic extract of aerial part activity against C. albicans and A. clavatus at
possess significant antibacterial activity against S. concentration of 250 μg/ml.

30 B.subtillis




Samples at 250 µg/ml concentration
Figure 2: Graphical representation of zone of inhibition of E. scaber root and aerial part extract against
Gram positive organism at 250 μg/ml concentration

3.2.2 Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) ranged from 50 to 500 μg/ml and against gram-
Measurement negative bacteria from 100 to 500 μg/ml.
The Minimum inhibitory concentration Antibacterial potency of plant extract against these
(MIC) values of the extract against tested both gram bacteria expressed in MIC indicated the plant extract
positive and gram negative bacteria were shown in is more effective against gram-positive at lower
Table-4. The MIC values were found in the range of concentration than that against gram-negative
50-500 μg/ml against the tested organisms. The MIC bacteria.
values against the tested gram-positive bacteria
Table-4: Minimum inhibitory concentration of E. scaber and standard antibiotics against Gram positive
and Gram negative organism.
Minimal inhibition concentration (μg/ml)
Extract E. coli P. aeruginosa P. vulgaris S. typhi B. subtilis S. aureus M. luteus B. cereus
Code MTCC 443 MTCC 1688 MTCC 8427 MTCC 98 MTCC 441 MTCC 96 MTCC 106 MTCC 7278
Various extracts of E. scaber
1 RPE 200 250 500 250 100 100 250 200
2 RDE 250 250 250 250 500 500 500 250
3 RME 100 200 500 250 100 200 250 200
4 RAQ 200 200 200 200 200 250 500 500
5 APL 250 250 200 500 250 250 100 200
6 ADE 100 100 500 500 50 100 200 100
7 AME 100 200 500 200 100 100 500 500
8 AAQ 200 250 250 250 100 100 200 100
Standard Antibiotics
9 AMP 100 100 100 100 200 250 100 100
10 CMP 50 50 100 50 50 50 100 50
11 CPF 25 25 25 25 25 50 25 25
12 NRF 10 10 25 10 25 10 10 10

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E. coli
450 P. aeruginosa
400 P. vulgaris
S. typhi
B. subtilis
MIC300 S. aureus
μg/ml M. luteus
B. cereus




Figure 3: Graphical representation of MIC of E. scaber root and aerial part extract against Gram positive
and Gram negative organism.

3.3 Antifungal Activity at concentration of 250 μg/ml respectively. Petroleum

The antifungal activity of different extract of ether extract of aerial part possess 26.00 mm
E. scaber against fungal strains Candida albicans diameter of zone of inhibition against C. albicans
(MTCC 227), Aspergillus niger (MTCC 282), fallowed by 25.00 mm diameter of zone of inhibition
Aspergillus clavatus (MTCC 1323) is reported in against A. clavatus. However aqueous extract of
Table-5. Aqueous extract of root and methanolic aerial part possess 25.00 mm diameter of zone of
extract of aerial part possess 27.00 mm diameter of inhibition against all three tested fungal stain.
zone of inhibition against C. albicans and A. clavatus

Table-5: Antifungal activity of different extract of E. scaber

Zone of Inhibition (mm)
SN C. albicans MTCC227 A. niger MTCC 282 A. clavatus MTCC 1323
5 25 50 100 250 5 25 50 100 250 5 25 50 100 250
1 RPE - 16 20 22 24 - 18 18 21 22 - 21 21 23 24
2 RDE - 17 18 22 23 - 22 22 24 24 - 18 18 19 22
3 RME - 19 21 22 23 - 18 20 21 22 - 18 19 21 22
4 RAQ - 20 22 25 27 - 21 21 23 24 - 18 20 22 22
5 APL - 22 23 25 26 - 18 18 19 22 - 21 22 23 25
6 ADE - 18 20 22 23 - 18 19 21 22 - 19 21 22 23
7 AME - 18 19 22 24 - 18 20 22 22 - 21 23 25 27
8 AAQ - 21 22 23 25 - 21 22 23 25 - 23 23 25 25
Standard Antibiotics
9 GSF 17 20 22 26 28 19 23 25 25 28 18 21 22 23 27
10 NYT 19 20 21 25 27 18 19 24 29 29 18 21 24 25 26

Root extracts of E. scaber - RPE: Pet. ether extract; RDE: Diethyl ether extract; RME: Methanolic extract; RAQ: Aqueous extract
Aerial part extracts of E. scaber - APL: Pet ether extract; ADE: Diethyl ether extract; AME: Methanolic extract; AQU: Aqueous extract
Standard antibiotics-GSF: Griseofulvin; NYT: Nystatin. (-) represents the no zone of inhibition.

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C. albicans
25 A. niger
A. clavatus

ZOI 15

Samples at 250 µg/ml concentration
Figure 4: Graphical representation of zone of inhibition of E. scaber and standard drugs against fungal
The Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values of the extract against tested fungal stain were
shown in Table-6. The MIC values were found in the range of 200-1000 μg/ml against the tested organisms.
Table-6: Minimal inhibition concentration of E. scaber extracts and standard antibiotics against fungal
Minimal inhibition concentration (μg/ml)
SN Extract Code C. albicans A. niger A. clavatus
MTCC 227 MTCC 282 MTCC 1323
Various extracts of E. scaber
1 RPE 500 1000 500
2 RDE 200 1000 250
3 RME 1000 500 1000
4 RAQ 200 500 500
5 APL 200 >1000 >1000
6 ADE 500 500 500
7 AME 1000 >1000 200
8 AAQ 200 250 250
Standard Antibiotics
9 NYT 100 100 100
10 GSF 500 100 100

1000 C. albicans
900 A. niger
800 A. clavatus
MIC 500
Figure 5: Graphical representation of zone of inhibition of E. scaber and standard drugs against fungal
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