Executive Summary

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Executive summary
Maintaining good hygiene at customer-facing services plays a major role in assisting in minimising the spread
of coronavirus (COVID-19). Given the recent outbreak, staff members more than ever need to be aware of
the key practices for their safety and protection, including routine cleaning, proper disinfection practices and
appropriate treatment of waste.

2. Purpose
The purpose of this guideline is to outline the recommended processes to manage the cleaning of public
transport assets and locations throughout the coronavirus (COVID-19) event to maintain the health and
wellbeing of staff, contractors and customers.

3. Scope
This guideline will cover the below assets and locations:
• Rolling stock (carriages, cabs, locomotives)
• Stations/terminals – Staffed
• Stations/terminals/stops – Not staffed
• Booking offices
• Driver depots
• Control centres
• Maintenance depots
• Training centres
• Office buildings
• Vehicles
• Coaches
This guideline solely focuses on the cleaning guideline to be implemented for each asset or location.
Business Continuity Plans are to be referred to for managing unavailability of assets, for example where an
asset or location requires isolating.

4. References
Australian Government Department of Health
Victorian Department of Health and Human Services
World Health Organisation


5. Coronavirus (COVID-19) transmission
Human coronavirus diseases, such as coronavirus (COVID-19), are believed to spread from close contact with
an infected person, mostly through face-to-face or between members of the same household. The time
between when a person is exposed to the virus and when symptoms first appear is typically five to six days,
although may range from two to 14 days.
People may also pick up the virus from surfaces contaminated by a person with the infection and then
transferred by hand-to-face contact. The length of time the virus that causes coronavirus (COVID-19) can
survive on inanimate surfaces varies depending on factors such as the amount of contaminated body fluid
(e.g. respiratory droplets) or soiling present, and environmental temperature and humidity1.
Studies2 are looking into the current virus’s ability to survive on surfaces, however it should be noted that
these figures are based on a perfect lab environment and officials say the virus survival is likely impacted by
several factors, as stated above.
Some of the lab-based studies have estimated the below figures based on surface type.
Aerosol: Less than three hours
Copper: Less than four hours
Cardboard: Less than 24 hours
Stainless steel: Less than 72 hours
Plastic: Less than 72 hours.
While coronaviruses can survive on surfaces for many hours or more, they are readily inactivated by cleaning
and disinfection.
This guideline will focus on cleaning and disinfection in the public transport context and provide operators
with guidance for identification of high touch surfaces to be focused on.

6. Personal hygiene
While cleaning is an important measure in slowing the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), implementing good
personal hygiene practices are the most important way to stop the spread. Staff (and customers) should
always ensure they adopt good hygiene practices in accordance with health guidelines at all times. For
further information, click here.
These practices should be regularly communicated to staff via alerts and other mediums (e.g. intranet,
Twitter), as well as posters in common areas. The Commonwealth and State Governments are also
promoting these requirements. Customer alerts, such as announcements and posters, should be in place
across the networks.

National Institutes of Health, Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, and scientists at Princeton and UCLA


Hand hygiene is the single most important way to prevent the spread of infection:

• Soap and water can be used for hand hygiene at any time and should be used when hands are visibly
• Alcohol-based hand rub (sanitiser) can be used if soap and water are not readily accessible, except
when hands are visibly soiled.
• Cleaning hands regularly also helps to reduce environmental contamination.
• Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds before and after eating, and after going to the toilet
Sneeze/cough etiquette and respiratory hygiene is the best defence against respiratory viruses:
• Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue and dispose of tissue immediately, or cough/sneeze into
the bend of your elbow.
• Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds or use alcohol-based hand sanitiser.

7. Communication strategy
It is vitally important the staff are advised of the cleaning guidelines in place and are aware of any additional
measures that they need to undertake. A coronavirus (COVID-19) specific internal communication strategy
has been developed and is overseen by the established coronavirus (COVID-19) Internal Communication
Team, which is a sub-group of the Incident Management Team (IMT).


8. Cleaning guidelines
This section is separated by assets and work locations and the cleaning guidelines recommended for each.
These guidelines are in additional to existing cleaning processes in place.
The main area of focus for additional cleaning for the management of coronavirus (COVID-19) is for
frequently touched surfaces (high touch points). The below diagram3 provides an overview of cleaning
requirements for frequently and minimally touched surfaces.

Chemicals and cleaning products

The US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention recommends daily disinfection for frequently touched
surfaces identified above with products containing bleach, alcohol or hydrogen peroxide.
Each chemical has its own manufacturing instructions that should be followed; and, it is advisable to leave
the product on the surface for a few minutes prior to wiping away to assist in killing viruses and other
pathogens. Specifically:



• Alcohol solutions should be at a concentration of 60-70% and should be left on a surface for at least
30 seconds to assist in killing viruses.
• Bleach solutions should be left of surfaces that won’t be damaged by bleach for at least 10 minutes
• Hydrogen peroxide is typically manufactured in concentration of 3%. It can be used as is or diluted to
0.5% concentration for effective use against the virus. It should be left on surfaces for one minute
before wiping away.
Important: As per the above diagram, mechanical cleaning using a detergent solution can also be used
where disinfectant products are not available. In the current situation there is a short supply and increased
demand for these products, so the use of standard disinfectant or detergent is recommended where the
above products cannot be sourced.
Where chemicals or other critical PPE supplies cannot be procured by the operator, this should be escalated
to the Department of Transport, Emergency Management Division, for escalation to State. Emergency
Management Victoria (EMV) are overseeing a process to procure and disseminate critical supplies to
essential agencies.
Safe use of chemicals
Where possible chemicals already approved for use in the workplace should be utilised. Where a new
chemical is required you must still follow the required chemical approval process (e.g. ChemAlert risk
When using chemicals:
• Check the label and use according to manufacturer’s instructions
• Be aware of the hazards associated with the products use and always ensure you use the correct PPE
as per the label or Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
• Avoid eye and skin contact
• Do not mix cleaning products with other chemicals
• Where decanting is required, ensure bottles are labelled in accordance with regulations
• Ensure manufacturer’s instructions are followed for any equipment surfaces (e.g. rolling stock cabs,
touch screen in vehicles)
Confirmed case cleaning guideline
Additional requirements are to be implemented in the event of a confirmed case of coronavirus (COVID-19)
being notified. Refer to Section 9.


Rolling stock
The cleaning guideline for rolling stock should be developed in consultation with the maintenance provided
of the rolling stock (e.g. Bombardier). This is to ensure that the cleaning methodology is appropriate for that
rolling stock and will not cause any damage.

Carriages (customer areas)

Item Includes Cleaning standard Frequency

Customer Handles, railings, door opening and Surfaces are to be wiped to ensure Twice daily
touch areas customer assistance buttons, they are free from dirt, dust, film (time
windows, window ledges, luggage and residue. permitting)
racks, hard surface seats/seat
frames, water fountain Spray with coronavirus (COVID-19)
sanitising spray (e.g. Oxivir 5 and
Virex) and leave for required time
before wiping away.

Whole carriage This ensures areas that are difficult Area is to be sprayed / fogged with Daily (each
area to access are cleaned coronavirus (COVID-19) sanitising night)
spray (e.g. Oxivir 5 and Virex).
Staff need to ensure all PPE is worn at
and other staff not to enter the terminating
area whilst cleaning underway. locations

On-train toilets
Item Includes Cleaning standard Frequency

Toilets Includes all fixtures and fittings All customer touch surfaces to be Twice daily
within the toilet wiped (excluding floor) to ensure
they are free from dirt, dust, film
and residue.
Spray with coronavirus (COVID-19)
sanitising spray (e.g. Oxivir 5 and
Virex) and leave for required time
before wiping away.


Floors are to be swept / vacuumed.
Area is to be sprayed / fogged with Daily (each
coronavirus (COVID-19) sanitising night)
spray (e.g. Oxivir 5 and Virex).

Driver cabs (includes locomotives)

Item Includes Cleaning Standard Frequency

Touch areas Handles, railings, door opening Surfaces are to be wiped to ensure Twice daily
handle, hard surface seats/seat they are free from dirt, dust, film
frames, controls, radio and residue.
microphone, cupboard handles,
fridge door Spray* with coronavirus (COVID-
19) sanitising spray (e.g. Oxivir 5
and Virex) and leave for required
time before wiping away.
* Spray can be applied to cloth
then wiped on the surface. This is
important for controls and radio
microphone to avoid damage.
Note: Train maintenance manual
should be referred to for any
specific cleaning requirements to
avoid damage to equipment

High touch Controls, radio microphone and Wipe surfaces with alcohol or Shift
areas any other surfaces frequently other approved sanitising wipe. changeover,
touched during shift to be
Note: one to two wipes will be undertaken
sufficient for this task. by staff

Whole cab This ensures areas that are difficult Area is to be sprayed / fogged with Daily (each
area to access are cleaned coronavirus (COVID-19) sanitising night)
spray (e.g. Oxivir 5 and Virex).
Staff need to ensure all PPE is worn
and other staff not to enter the
area whilst cleaning underway.


Station/terminals – Staffed

The below activities can be undertaken by a cleaning contractor in addition to the current cleaning guideline
and/or a staff member using the required PPE (as per chemical specifications). Items not requiring any
additional coronavirus (COVID-19) cleaning are not included (e.g. walls and floors).
Where sanitising spray is used, ensure you leave it for the required time (as per manufacturer’s instructions)
before wiping down to ensure mechanical cleaning is achieved.
Where coronavirus (COVID-19) product not available: For surfaces that can be wet, mechanical cleaning
using a detergent solution can be used. Where the station is open, and water will create a slip hazard, assess
controls such as the use of signage or an alternative disinfectant spray / wipe. Where water is not suitable
for surface / equipment, an alternative disinfectant / disinfectant wipe can be used where coronavirus
(COVID-19) disinfectant products are not available.

Back office area

Item Includes Cleaning standard Frequency

Doors Internal and external doors Door handles and high touch Daily
points on doors are to be
wiped and then sprayed with
coronavirus (COVID-19)
sanitising spray/wipe.

Electrical Light switches High touch light switches to Daily

fixtures and are to be wiped with cloth
appliances containing coronavirus
(COVID-19) sanitising spray.
Ensure all electrical safety
processes are followed.

Furniture Desks, seats, table, chairs and benchtops To be wiped and then Daily
sprayed with coronavirus
(COVID-19) sanitising

Kitchen High touch areas (e.g. handles/opening All non-electrical items are to Daily
points) on appliances: Stove (if present), be wiped and then sprayed
microwave, oven, fridge/freezer, hot with coronavirus (COVID-19) High use
water urn/kettle/coffee machine, ice sanitising spray/wipe. locations,
machine, sandwich press wipe down


All external surfaces of sinks, taps, Electrical appliances are to be further as
cupboard handles, benchtops, tables, wiped with cloth containing needed
hard surface chairs coronavirus (COVID-19)
sanitising spray. Ensure all
electrical safety processes are

Toilet areas All areas beyond entry doorway into the All surfaces (excluding floors) Daily
toilet or bathroom are to be hygienical wiped to
ensure they are free from
Includes floors, doors, sinks, taps, urinals, dirt, dust, film or residue and
toilets, hand dryers, soap dispensers, then sprayed with
shower taps, shower doors, hard surface coronavirus (COVID-19)
seats, handrails sanitising spray or sanitising
Floors are to be swept and
mopped using standard floor
cleaning products.

Staff side of booking area

Item Includes Cleaning standard Frequency

Barrier All interior windows / glass To be wiped and then sprayed Daily
with coronavirus (COVID-19)
sanitising spray/wipe.

Doors Internal and external doors Door handles and high touch Daily
points on doors are to be
wiped and then sprayed with
coronavirus (COVID-19)
sanitising spray/wipe.

Electrical Light switches, mouse, keyboard, phone, High touch light switches and Shift change
fixtures and money till, EFPTOS machine IT equipment are to be wiped over
appliances with cloth containing
coronavirus (COVID-19)
sanitising spray or alcohol
wipe. Ensure all electrical
safety processes are followed.


Furniture Desks, seats, table, chairs and benchtops All surfaces are to be wiped Shift change
to ensure free from dirt, dust, over
film or residue and then
sprayed with coronavirus
(COVID-19) sanitising spray or
wiped sanitising wipe.

Public foyer
1. High patronage (larger patronage areas should consider additional cleaning)
2. Medium patronage
3. Low patronage

Item Includes Cleaning standard Frequency

1. Twice daily
Service Counter, handrails, barrier To be wiped down to 2. Daily
desk remove any dirt, dust or film 3. Every
and then sprayed with second day
coronavirus (COVID-19)
sanitising spray or wiped
with sanitising wipe.
1. Twice daily
Windows All interior windows, glass, mirrors To be wiped (if required due 2. Daily
and glass including frames that are in a high touch to visible marks) and then 3. Every
area sprayed with coronavirus second day
(COVID-19) sanitising spray.
1. Twice daily
Doors Internal and external doors Door handles and high 2. Daily
touch points on doors are to 3. Every
be wiped and then sprayed second day
with coronavirus (COVID-19)
sanitising spray or sanitising

1. Twice daily
Furniture Hard surface seats, public counters, To be wiped down to 2. Daily
handrails remove any dirt, dust or film 3. Every
and then sprayed with second day
coronavirus (COVID-19)
sanitising spray or sanitising


Assistance buttons, Customer Help Points, To be wiped down to
myki touch points and barriers, escalator remove any dirt, dust or film
handrails and then wiped with a
coronavirus (COVID-19)
sanitising wipes or cloth
containing sanitising

Stairwells, Includes all stairwells, lifts and escalators All handrails and lift buttons Daily
lifts, are to be wiped to ensure
escalators they are free from dirt, dust,
film and residue and then
sprayed with coronavirus
(COVID-19) sanitising spray
or sanitising wipe.
1. Twice daily
Toilet areas All areas beyond entry doorway into the All surfaces (excluding 2. Daily
toilet or bathroom floors) are to be hygienical 3. Every
wiped to ensure they are second day
Includes floors, doors, sinks, taps, urinals, free from dirt, dust, film or
toilets, hand dryers, soap dispensers,
residue and then sprayed
shower taps, shower doors, hard surface with coronavirus (COVID-19)
seats, handrails sanitising spray or sanitising
Floors are to be swept and
mopped using standard
floor cleaning products.

External / waiting area / platform

Item Includes Cleaning standard Frequency

External Handrails, hard surface seats, timetable To be wiped down to 1 & 2. Daily
areas displays, coach bay seats remove any dirt, dust or film
and then sprayed with 3. Every
coronavirus (COVID-19) second day
sanitising spray or sanitising
Assistance buttons, myki touch points and
barriers To be wiped down to
remove any dirt, dust or film


and then wiped with a
coronavirus (COVID-19)
sanitising wipes or cloth
containing sanitising


Station/terminal/stop – Not staffed
The below activities can be undertaken by a cleaning contractor in addition to the current cleaning guideline
and/or a staff member using the required PPE (as per chemical specifications). Items not requiring any
additional coronavirus (COVID-19) cleaning are not included (e.g. walls and floors).
Where sanitising spray is used, ensure you leave it for the required time (as per manufacturer’s instructions)
before wiping down to ensure mechanical cleaning is achieved.
Where coronavirus (COVID-19) product not available: For surfaces that can be wet, mechanical cleaning
using a detergent solution can be used. Where the station is open, and water will create a slip hazard, assess
controls such as the use of signage or an alternative disinfectant spray / wipe. Where water is not suitable
for surface / equipment, an alternative disinfectant / disinfectant wipe can be used where coronavirus
(COVID-19) disinfectant products are not available.

External / waiting area / platform

1. High patronage
2. Medium patronage
3. Low patronage

Item Includes Cleaning standard Frequency

External Handrails (including lifts), hard surface seats, To be wiped down to 1. Daily
areas timetable displays, coach bay seats remove any dirt, dust or film
and then sprayed with 2. Every
coronavirus (COVID-19) second day
sanitising spray or sanitising 3. Twice
wipe. weekly
Assistance buttons, myki touch points and
barriers, lift buttons To be wiped down to
remove any dirt, dust or film
and then wiped with a
coronavirus (COVID-19)
sanitising wipes or cloth
containing sanitising spray.


Booking/ticket office
The below activities can be undertaken by a cleaning contractor in addition to the current cleaning guideline
and/or a staff member using the required PPE (as per chemical specifications). Items not requiring any
additional coronavirus (COVID-19) cleaning are not included (e.g. walls and floors).
Where sanitising spray is used, ensure you leave it for the required time (as per manufacturer’s instructions)
before wiping down to ensure mechanical cleaning is achieved.
Where coronavirus (COVID-19) product not available: For surfaces that can be wet, mechanical cleaning
using a detergent solution can be used. Where the station is open, and water will create a slip hazard, assess
controls such as the use of signage or an alternative disinfectant spray / wipe. Where water is not suitable
for surface / equipment, an alternative disinfectant / disinfectant wipe can be used where coronavirus
(COVID-19) disinfectant products are not available.

Staff back area

Item Includes Cleaning standard Frequency

Doors Internal and external doors Door handles and high touch Daily
points on doors are to be
wiped and then sprayed with
coronavirus (COVID-19)
sanitising spray/wipe.

Electrical Light switches High touch light switches are Daily

fixtures and to be wiped with cloth
appliances containing coronavirus
(COVID-19) sanitising spray.
Ensure all electrical safety
processes are followed.

Furniture Desks, seats, table, chairs and benchtops To be wiped and then Daily
sprayed with coronavirus
(COVID-19) sanitising

Kitchen High touch areas (e.g. handles/opening All non-electrical items are to Daily
points) on appliances: Stove (if present), be wiped and then sprayed
microwave, oven, fridge/freezer, hot with coronavirus (COVID-19)
water urn/kettle, ice machine, sandwich sanitising spray/wipe.


All external surfaces of sinks, taps, Electrical appliances are to be
cupboard handles, benchtops, tables, wiped with cloth containing
hard surface chairs coronavirus (COVID-19)
sanitising spray. Ensure all
electrical safety processes are

Toilet areas All areas beyond entry doorway into the All surfaces (excluding floors) Daily
toilet or bathroom are to be hygienical wiped to
ensure they are free from
Includes floors, doors, sinks, taps, urinals, dirt, dust, film or residue and
toilets, hand dryers, soap dispensers, then sprayed with
shower taps, shower doors, hard surface coronavirus (COVID-19)
seats, handrails sanitising spray or sanitising
Floors are to be swept and
mopped using standard floor
cleaning products.

Staff side of booking area

Item Includes Cleaning standard Frequency

Barrier All interior windows / glass To be wiped and then sprayed Daily
with coronavirus (COVID-19)
sanitising spray/wipe.

Doors Internal and external doors Door handles and high touch Daily
points on doors are to be
wiped and then sprayed with
coronavirus (COVID-19)
sanitising spray/wipe.

Electrical Light switches, mouse, keyboard, phone, High touch light switches and Shift change
fixtures and money till, EFPTOS machine IT equipment are to be wiped over
appliances with cloth containing
coronavirus (COVID-19)
sanitising spray or alcohol
wipe. Ensure all electrical
safety processes are followed.


Furniture Desks, seats, table, chairs and benchtops To be wiped down to remove Shift change
any dirt, dust or film and then over
sprayed with coronavirus
(COVID-19) sanitising

Customer service desk

Item Includes Cleaning standard Frequency

Service desk Counter, handrails, barrier To be wiped down to remove At least

any dirt, dust or film and then twice daily
sprayed with coronavirus
(COVID-19) sanitising


Driver depots
The below activities can be undertaken by a cleaning contractor in addition to the current cleaning guideline
and/or a staff member using the required PPE (as per chemical specifications). Items not requiring any
additional coronavirus (COVID-19) cleaning are not included (e.g. walls and floors).
Where sanitising spray is used, ensure you leave it for the required time (as per manufacturer’s instructions)
before wiping down to ensure mechanical cleaning is achieved.
Where coronavirus (COVID-19) product not available: For surfaces that can be wet, mechanical cleaning
using a detergent solution can be used. Where the area is open and water may create a slip hazard, assess
controls such as the use of signage or an alternative disinfectant spray / wipe. Where water is not suitable
for surface / equipment, an alternative disinfectant / disinfectant wipe can be used where coronavirus
(COVID-19) disinfectant products are not available.

All common areas (including foyers)

Item Includes Cleaning standard Frequency

Doors and Internal and external doors, internal Door handles, handrails and high Daily
handrails handrails touch points on doors are to be
wiped to ensure they are free
from dirt, dust, film and residue
and then sprayed with coronavirus
(COVID-19) sanitising spray or
sanitising wipe.

Stairwells Includes all internal stairwells and lifts All handrails and lift buttons are to Daily
and lifts be wiped to ensure they are free
from dirt, dust, film and residue
and then sprayed with coronavirus
(COVID-19) sanitising spray or
sanitising wipe.

Electrical Light switches and TV remotes High touch light switches and all Daily
fixtures and TV remotes are to be wiped with
appliances cloth containing coronavirus
(COVID-19) sanitising spray.
Ensure all electrical safety
processes are followed.


Furniture Desks, counters, hard surface seats, Surfaces are to be wiped to ensure Daily
tables and benchtops they are free from dirt, dust, film
and residue and then sprayed with
coronavirus (COVID-19) sanitising
spray or sanitising wipe.

Kitchen High touch areas (e.g. All non-electrical items are to be At least
handles/opening points) on wiped and then sprayed with daily, after
appliances: Stove (if present), coronavirus (COVID-19) sanitising each shift
microwave, oven, fridge/freezer, hot spray/wipe. change
water urn/kettle/coffee machine, ice where
Electrical appliances are to be
machine, sandwich press relevant
wiped with cloth containing
All external surfaces of sinks, taps, coronavirus (COVID-19) sanitising
cupboard handles, benchtops, tables, spray. Ensure all electrical safety
hard surface chairs processes are followed.

Toilet areas, All areas beyond entry doorway into All surfaces (excluding floors) are Daily
bathroom the toilet or bathroom to be hygienical wiped to ensure
fixtures, they are free from dirt, dust, film
showers, Includes floors, doors, sinks, taps, or residue and then sprayed with
locker urinals, toilets, hand dryers, soap coronavirus (COVID-19) sanitising
rooms, male dispensers, shower taps, shower spray or sanitising wipe.
and female doors, hard surface seats, handrails
Floors are to be swept and
mopped using standard floor
cleaning products.

Gym Note: consideration should be given Equipment surfaces are to be After each
to close gyms due to current wiped with cloth containing use – staff to
Government advice (subject to EA) coronavirus (COVID-19) sanitising undertake
spray or sanitising wipe. this task

External areas
Item Includes Cleaning standard Frequency

External areas All external areas defined as Surfaces are to be wiped to ensure Daily
walkways and stairwells to depots they are free from dirt, dust, film
with handrails, smoking zones, and residue and then sprayed with


outdoor eating areas, hard surface coronavirus (COVID-19) sanitising
seats, hard surface tables spray.


Control centres
The below activities can be undertaken by a cleaning contractor in addition to the current cleaning guideline
and/or a staff member using the required PPE (as per chemical specifications). Items not requiring any
additional coronavirus (COVID-19) cleaning are not included (e.g. walls and floors).
Where sanitising spray is used, ensure you leave it for the required time (as per manufacturer’s instructions)
before wiping down to ensure mechanical cleaning is achieved.
Where coronavirus (COVID-19) product not available: For surfaces that can be wet, mechanical cleaning
using a detergent solution can be used. Where water may create a slip hazard, assess controls such as the
use of signage or an alternative disinfectant spray / wipe. Where water is not suitable for surface /
equipment, an alternative disinfectant / disinfectant wipe can be used where coronavirus (COVID-19)
disinfectant products are not available.

Staff common area

Item Includes Cleaning standard Frequency

Doors Internal and external doors Door handles and high touch Daily
points on doors are to be
wiped and then sprayed with
coronavirus (COVID-19)
sanitising spray/wipe.

Electrical Light switches High touch light switches are Daily

fixtures and to be wiped with cloth
appliances containing coronavirus
(COVID-19) sanitising spray.
Ensure all electrical safety
processes are followed.

Furniture Desks, seats, table, chairs and benchtops To be wiped and then After each
sprayed with coronavirus shift change
(COVID-19) sanitising

Kitchen High touch areas (e.g. handles/opening All non-electrical items are to After each
points) on appliances: Stove (if present), be wiped and then sprayed shift change
microwave, oven, fridge/freezer, hot with coronavirus (COVID-19)
water urn/kettle/coffee machine, ice sanitising spray/wipe.
machine, sandwich press


All external surfaces of sinks, taps, Electrical appliances are to be
cupboard handles, benchtops, tables, wiped with cloth containing
hard surface chairs coronavirus (COVID-19)
sanitising spray. Ensure all
electrical safety processes

Stairwells and Includes all internal stairwells and lifts All handrails and lift buttons Daily
lifts are to be wiped to ensure
they are free from dirt, dust,
film and residue and then
sprayed with coronavirus
(COVID-19) sanitising spray or
sanitising wipe.

Toilet areas, All areas beyond entry doorway into the All surfaces (excluding floors) Daily
bathroom toilet or bathroom to be hygienical wiped to
fixtures, ensure they are free from
showers, Includes floors, doors, sinks, taps, dirt, dust, film or residue and
locker rooms, urinals, toilets, hand dryers, soap then sprayed with
dispensers, shower taps, shower doors,
male and coronavirus (COVID-19)
female hard surface seats, handrails sanitising spray or sanitising
Floors are to be swept and
mopped using standard floor
cleaning products.

Control rooms
Item Includes Cleaning standard Frequency

Control room Keyboard, mouse, radio, VCS, desk, chair Wipe down using sanitising Shift change
desk hard surfaces wipe. over

Doors Door entry to room Door handles and high touch Daily or shift
points on doors are to be change over
wiped and then sprayed with where door
coronavirus (COVID-19) closed
sanitising spray/wipe.


Electrical Light switches High touch light switches are Daily
fixtures and to be wiped with cloth
appliances containing coronavirus
(COVID-19) sanitising spray or
sanitising wipe. Ensure all
electrical safety processes are


Maintenance depots
The below activities can be undertaken by a cleaning contractor in addition to the current cleaning guideline
and/or a staff member using the required PPE (as per chemical specifications). Items not requiring any
additional coronavirus (COVID-19) cleaning are not included (e.g. walls and floors).
Where sanitising spray is used, ensure you leave it for the required time (as per manufacturer’s instructions)
before wiping down to ensure mechanical cleaning is achieved.
Where coronavirus (COVID-19) product not available: For surfaces that can be wet, mechanical cleaning
using a detergent solution can be used. Where the area is open, and water may create a slip hazard, assess
controls such as the use of signage or an alternative disinfectant spray / wipe. Where water is not suitable
for surface / equipment, an alternative disinfectant / disinfectant wipe can be used where coronavirus
(COVID-19) disinfectant products are not available.

All common areas (including foyers)

Item Includes Cleaning standard Frequency

Doors and Internal and external doors, internal Door handles, handrails and high Daily
handrails handrails touch points on doors are to be
wiped to ensure they are free
from dirt, dust, film and residue
and then sprayed with coronavirus
(COVID-19) sanitising spray or
sanitising wipe.

Stairwells Includes all internal stairwells and lifts All handrails and lift buttons are to Daily
and lifts be wiped to ensure they are free
from dirt, dust, film and residue
and then sprayed with coronavirus
(COVID-19) sanitising spray or
sanitising wipe.

Electrical Light switches and TV remotes High touch light switches and all Daily
fixtures and TV remotes are to be wiped with
appliances cloth containing coronavirus
(COVID-19) sanitising spray.
Ensure all electrical safety
processes are followed.


Furniture Desks, counters, hard surface seats, Surfaces are to be wiped to ensure Daily
tables and benchtops they are free from dirt, dust, film
and residue and then sprayed with
coronavirus (COVID-19) sanitising
spray or sanitising wipe.

Kitchen High touch areas (e.g. All non-electrical items are to be At least daily
handles/opening points) on wiped and then sprayed with (after each
appliances: Stove (if present), coronavirus (COVID-19) sanitising shift change
microwave, oven, fridge/freezer, hot spray/wipe. where
water urn/kettle/coffee machine, ice relevant)
Electrical appliances are to be
machine, sandwich press
wiped with cloth containing
All external surfaces of sinks, taps, coronavirus (COVID-19) sanitising
cupboard handles, benchtops, tables, spray. Ensure all electrical safety
hard surface chairs processes are followed.

Toilet areas, All areas beyond entry doorway into All surfaces (excluding floors) are Daily
bathroom the toilet or bathroom to be hygienical wiped to ensure
fixtures, they are free from dirt, dust, film
showers, Includes floors, doors, sinks, taps, or residue and then sprayed with
locker urinals, toilets, hand dryers, soap coronavirus (COVID-19) sanitising
rooms, male dispensers, shower taps, shower spray or sanitising wipe.
and female doors, hard surface seats
Floors are to be swept and
mopped using standard floor
cleaning products.

External areas
Item Includes Cleaning standard Frequency

External areas All external areas defined as Surfaces are to be wiped to ensure Daily
walkways and stairwells to depots they are free from dirt, dust, film
with handrails, smoking zones, and residue then sprayed with
outdoor eating areas, hard surface coronavirus (COVID-19) sanitising
seats, hard surface tables spray.


Training centres
The below activities can be undertaken by a cleaning contractor in addition to the current cleaning guideline
and/or a staff member using the required PPE (as per chemical specifications). Items not requiring any
additional coronavirus (COVID-19) cleaning are not included (e.g. walls and floors).
Where sanitising spray is used, ensure you leave it for the required time (as per manufacturer’s instructions)
before wiping down to ensure mechanical cleaning is achieved.
Where coronavirus (COVID-19) product not available: For surfaces that can be wet, mechanical cleaning
using a detergent solution can be used. Where the area is open, and water may create a slip hazard, assess
controls such as the use of signage or an alternative disinfectant spray / wipe. Where water is not suitable
for surface / equipment, an alternative disinfectant / disinfectant wipe can be used where coronavirus
(COVID-19) disinfectant products are not available.

Item Includes Cleaning standard Frequency

Doors and Internal and external doors, internal Door handles, handrails and high Daily (when
handrails handrails touch points on doors are to be in use)
wiped to ensure they are free
from dirt, dust, film and residue
and then sprayed with coronavirus
(COVID-19) sanitising spray or
sanitising wipe.

Stairwells Includes all internal stairwells and lifts All handrails and lift buttons are to Daily (when
and lifts be wiped to ensure they are free in use)
from dirt, dust, film and residue
and then sprayed with coronavirus
(COVID-19) sanitising spray or
sanitising wipe.

Electrical Light switches, mouse, keyboards, High touch light switches and IT Daily (when
fixtures and remotes equipment are to be wiped with in use)
appliances cloth containing coronavirus
(COVID-19) sanitising spray or
alcohol wipe. Ensure all electrical
safety processes are followed.

Furniture Desks, counters, hard surface seats, Surfaces are to be wiped to ensure Daily (when
tables and benchtops they are free from dirt, dust, film in use)
and residue and then sprayed with


coronavirus (COVID-19) sanitising
spray or sanitising wipe.

Kitchen High touch areas (e.g. All non-electrical items are to be At least
handles/opening points) on wiped and then sprayed with Daily (when
appliances: Stove (if present), coronavirus (COVID-19) sanitising in use)
microwave, oven, fridge/freezer, hot spray/wipe.
water urn/kettle/coffee machine, ice
machine, sandwich press Electrical appliances are to be
wiped with cloth containing
All external surfaces of sinks, taps, coronavirus (COVID-19) sanitising
cupboard handles, benchtops, tables, spray. Ensure all electrical safety
hard surface chairs processes are followed.

Toilet areas, All areas beyond entry doorway into All surfaces (excluding floors) are Daily (when
bathroom the toilet or bathroom to be hygienical wiped to ensure in use)
fixtures, they are free from dirt, dust, film
Includes floors, doors, sinks, taps,
showers, or residue and then sprayed with
locker urinals, toilets, hand dryers, soap coronavirus (COVID-19) sanitising
rooms, male dispensers, shower taps, shower spray or sanitising wipe.
doors, hard surface seats
and female
Floors are to be swept and
mopped using standard floor
cleaning products.

External All external areas defined as Surfaces are to be wiped to ensure Daily (when
areas walkways and stairwells to depots they are free from dirt, dust, film in use)
with handrails, smoking zones, and residue then sprayed with
outdoor eating areas, hard surface coronavirus (COVID-19) sanitising
seats, hard surface tables spray.

Driver simulator
Item Includes Cleaning standard Frequency

High touch Controls, radio microphone and Wipe surfaces with alcohol or After each
areas any other surfaces frequently other approved sanitising wipe. trainee use
touched during training
Note: One to two wipes will be
sufficient for this task.


Office buildings
Office cleaning guidelines are based on the assumption that use of these is greatly reduced with the majority
of staff working from home. It is also based on the assumption that work areas are allocated to an individual
and are not a shared desk.
Where sanitising spray is used, ensure you leave it for the required time (as per manufacturer’s instructions)
before wiping down to ensure mechanical cleaning is achieved.
Where coronavirus (COVID-19) product not available: For surfaces that can be wet, mechanical cleaning
using a detergent solution can be used. Where the area is open, and water may create a slip hazard, assess
controls such as the use of signage or an alternative disinfectant spray / wipe. Where water is not suitable
for surface / equipment, an alternative disinfectant / disinfectant wipe can be used where coronavirus
(COVID-19) disinfectant products are not available.

Item Includes Cleaning standard Frequency

Doors and Internal and external doors, internal Door handles, handrails and high Daily
handrails handrails touch points on doors are to be
wiped to ensure they are free
from dirt, dust, film and residue
and then sprayed with coronavirus
(COVID-19) sanitising spray or
sanitising wipe.

Stairwells Includes all internal stairwells and lifts All handrails and lift buttons are to Daily
and lifts be wiped to ensure they are free
from dirt, dust, film and residue
and then sprayed with coronavirus
(COVID-19) sanitising spray or
sanitising wipe.

Electrical Light switches High touch light switches are to be Daily

fixtures and wiped with cloth containing
appliances coronavirus (COVID-19) sanitising
spray or alcohol wipe. Ensure all
electrical safety processes are

Furniture Desks, counters, hard surface seats, Surfaces are to be wiped to ensure Daily (areas
tables and benchtops in common they are free from dirt, dust, film in use)


areas (excluding induvial and residue and then sprayed with
workstations) coronavirus (COVID-19) sanitising
spray or sanitising wipe.

Kitchen High touch areas (e.g. All non-electrical items are to be Twice daily
handles/opening points) on wiped and then sprayed with
appliances: Stove (if present), coronavirus (COVID-19) sanitising
microwave, oven, fridge/freezer, hot spray/wipe.
water urn/kettle/coffee machine, ice
machine, sandwich press Electrical appliances are to be
wiped with cloth containing
All external surfaces of sinks, taps, coronavirus (COVID-19) sanitising
cupboard handles, benchtops, tables, spray. Ensure all electrical safety
hard surface chairs processes are followed.

Toilet areas, All areas beyond entry doorway into All surfaces (excluding floors) are Daily
bathroom the toilet or bathroom to be hygienical wiped to ensure
fixtures, they are free from dirt, dust, film
showers, Includes floors, doors, sinks, taps, or residue and then sprayed with
locker urinals, toilets, hand dryers, soap coronavirus (COVID-19) sanitising
rooms, male dispensers, shower taps, shower
spray or sanitising wipe.
and female doors, hard surface seats
Floors are to be swept and
mopped using standard floor
cleaning products.


Shared vehicles
The driver of the vehicle is to undertake these cleaning activities. Vehicle manufacturing guides should be
referred to when selecting appropriate chemical / wipe to be used to minimise risk of damage, especially for
any touch screens. This applies to light vehicles, heavy plant and hi-rails.
Where coronavirus (COVID-19) product not available: An alternative disinfectant / disinfectant wipe can be
used where coronavirus (COVID-19) disinfectant products are not available.

Item Includes Cleaning standard Frequency

Internal – Steering wheel and controls, keys, Wipe with sanitising wipe or cloth Driver
Driver door handle, window control, rear containing sanitising spray. change over
view mirror adjuster, hand brake,
gear stick, heat/air conditioner
controls (if used), navigation / radio
controls (if used), visor, rear view
mirror (if adjusted), seat belt clip,
centre console (if used), radio mouth
piece (if applicable)

Internal – Door handle, window control, seat Wipe with sanitising wipe or cloth After
Passenger belt clip, individual heat/cool controls containing sanitising spray. passenger
(where applicable), visor (if use
applicable), glove box (if used)

External Door handles (including boot) Wipe with sanitising wipe or cloth After use
containing sanitising spray.


Coaches / buses
Where coronavirus (COVID-19) product not available: An alternative disinfectant / disinfectant wipe can be
used where coronavirus (COVID-19) disinfectant products are not available.

Item Includes Cleaning standard Frequency

Internal – Steering wheel & controls, keys, Wipe with sanitising wipe or cloth Driver
Driver window control, rear view mirror containing sanitising spray. change over
adjuster, hand brake, gear stick,
heat/air conditioner controls,
navigation / radio controls (if used),
visor, rear view mirror (if adjusted),
seat belt clip, radio mouthpiece (if

Internal – Handles, railings, customer Surfaces are to be wiped to ensure Daily

Passenger assistance/stop buttons, myki touch they are free from dirt, dust, film
on, windows, window ledges, luggage and residue and then sprayed with
racks, hard surface seats/seat frames, coronavirus (COVID-19) sanitising
toilets spray or sanitising wipe.


9. Cleaning guideline for confirmed case of coronavirus
Management of cases
The management of cases is not covered in this guideline. Refer to your organisation’s relevant procedure /
guideline for the process on managing confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) cases. Processes should be in place
for managing staff members as well as customers on the network.
Isolating areas
The below process applies to any work areas, equipment or vehicles that are identified as requiring
sanitisation following the identification of a confirmed case to ensure no unauthorised access is made to the

• Immediately close off the office or area, using any of the below methods:
• Close and lock the door(s). Use warning tape or similar as required to ensure quarantined areas are
clearly identified.
• Keys to be provided to the area manager.
• Where there are no doors, clearly demarcate the area using warning tape and signage.
• Where a specific floor(s) requires isolating in an office building, consultation must be undertaken
with the building manager.

Vehicles and plant

• Vehicles should be in a specific area, away from regular parking and clearly marked not for use.
• Lock out tags can be applied according to procedure.
• Keys to any vehicle should be held by the manager.
• Consider how the cleaning effluent will be disposed of when selecting the quarantine location. Try to
place the quarantine area near rainwater drains or facility that can take cleaning effluent. Cleaning
effluent must run to a suitable location.
Cleaning and disinfection
An enhanced cleaning procedure should be carried out on work areas, equipment and vehicles that had
been isolated earlier. Where available, process can be undertaken by the organisation’s cleaning contractor.
Where a contractor is not available, cleaning can be undertaken by a staff member, under the advice of the
HSE Team (or CMO) and strict adherence to PPE requirements.


Safety and PPE for cleaning
Minimise the number of people who access the isolated area. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitiser before
and after wearing gloves. Gloves and a surgical or P2 mask must be worn when accessing and cleaning an
area of a confirmed case.


• Where the area is not operationally required, close off areas used by the identified person(s). To
minimise the potential exposure to respiratory droplets, wait as long as practical (up to 24 hours if
possible) before beginning cleaning and disinfection.
• Open outside doors and windows to increase air circulation in the area.
• Clean and disinfect all areas used by the identified person(s) focusing especially on frequently
touched services identified in Section 8.
• Clean surfaces with detergent or soap and water prior to disinfection (excluding where electrical
hazards exist). Detergents are key to breaking down the layers of dirt and dust to allow disinfectants
to work.
• For disinfection, diluted household bleach solutions or alcohol solutions with at least 70% alcohol
should be used. Use the products as outlined above and in the same manner, i.e. leave on the
surface for a period of time before wiping away.
• For soft surfaces such as carpets, rugs, drapes or curtains, remove any visible contamination with
suitable cleaning products. Once cleaned, either launder the items in accordance with
manufacturer’s instructions, ensuring these items are not shaken first, or use disinfection solutions.

Vehicles and plant

• The outside of the vehicle should be washed using standard car washing equipment and process.
• Clean and disinfect all areas of the interior of the vehicle, focusing especially on frequently touched
services identified in Section 8.
• For disinfection, diluted household bleach solutions or alcohol solutions with at least 70% alcohol
should be used. Use the products as outlined above and in the same manner, i.e. leave on the
surface for a period of time before wiping away.
• For soft surfaces such as seats, remove any visible contamination with suitable cleaning products.
Information current as of 14 April, 2020
For further information, please contact:
Linda Palmer
Network Operations
Department of Transport
0409 616 079


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