Morgan Couldn Wait
Morgan Couldn Wait
Morgan Couldn Wait
first he thought it could be anything in there. Maybe a golden ingot or a diamond
or maybe just an old book.
But something blocked him from opening the box, he didn’t want to open it
beacuse he was afraid that after he found out what’s inside maybe he will be
dissapointed. He ignored the ideea and opened the box. It was just three gold
coins hidden under a little pillow. He thought that the treasure was too small.
Some days later he went into town and he visited the jewler. There he
found out that the gold coins were old spanish ones called Doubloons and there
worh a lot of money, maybe tens of thousands of dollars. Looks like the treasure
was special one. Morgan thanked the man and left.
He thought that it would be dangerous to walk with such valuables and
decided to hide two of the coins in the desert. He knew a good place with some
big rocks and hid them there. The third coin he wanted to sell, so he went to a
bigger city.
There he sold the coin at a big jewler and then he wanted to do something
with the money. So he went the biggest hotel and rented the biggest room and
ate the biggest dinner. It was the best day of his life.