Gujarat Technological University: Advanced Separation Techniques B.E. 6 Semester
Gujarat Technological University: Advanced Separation Techniques B.E. 6 Semester
Gujarat Technological University: Advanced Separation Techniques B.E. 6 Semester
Prerequisite: None.
Rationale: Separation techniques are integral unit operation in most of the modern chemical,
pharmaceutical and other process plants. There are many standard and conventional separation
techniques available in the market and these techniques are quite common and the relevant technologies
as well as well developed and well studied. On the other hand, newer separation processes, like,
membrane based techniques, chromatographic separation, super critical fluid extraction, etc., are
gaining importance in modern days plants. The present course is designed to emphasize on these novel
separation processes. The course is designed for an elective subject of final year undergraduate
Sr. No. Topic Teaching Weightage
Hours (%)
1. Super Critical Extraction 06 08
Working Principal, Advantage & Disadvantages of supercritical
solvents over conventional liquid solvents, Advantage &
Disadvantages of supercritical extraction over liquid- liquid
extraction, Decaffeination, ROSE process, Commercial
applications of supercritical extraction.
2. Short path Distillation: 06 08
Concept & working of short path Distillation Unit (SPDU),
Difference between short path Distillation & molecular
distillation, applications of SPDU.
3. Reactive & Catalytic Distillation: 07 10
Concept, Advantage & Disadvantages, BALE & KATMAX
packingManufacturing of MTBE and ETBE and it’s
comparision with conventional techniques.
4. Pressure Swing Distillation: 04 6
Concept & Working, Advantage & Disadvantages of PSD over
azeotropic and Extractive Distillation, Applications
5. Membrane separation technique: 08 11
Principles, mechanisms, cross flow, membrane materials and
various membrane modules used in membrane separation
processes, Classification, application & advantages of
membrane separation processes.
6. Pressure Swing Adsorption: 07 10
Concept & Working, Advantages & Disadvantages of PSA over
cryogenic distillation, four step PSA, six step PSA, Purification
of hydrogen, oxygen, Nitrogen & other commercial applications
of PSA.
7. Melt crystallization: 06 8
Concept, phase equilibrium, different techniques, commercial
8. Reverse Osmosis: 06 9
Concept of osmosis and reverse osmosis, different types of
membrane modules and membrane material for R.O.,
Advantages and commercial applications of R.O.
9. Ultrafiltration and nano filtration: 08 10
Concept & working principal ultrafiltration Vs Conventional
filtration, Ultrafiltration membranes and modules, Commercial
applications of ultrafiltration and nano filtration.
10. Pervaporization: 05 7
Working principal, Advantages, Production of absolute alcohol
and other commercial applications.
11. Membrane Reactor: 05 7
Concept & working, Various modules of membrane used for
membrane reactor, Advantages & Disadvantages, applications
under research
12. Membrane or Osmotic Distillation: 04 6
Working Principal, Various applications, etc.
Text Books:
1. “Membrane separation Processes” by Kaushik Nath, PHI pvt. Ltd., 2008
2. “Introduction to process Engineering & Design” by S.B. Thakore & B.I Bhatt, Tata McGraw-Hill
Reference Books:
1. Perry Chemical Engineers Handbook’ 7th Edition by R.H Perry and D. Green.
2. Ullman’s Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry.
3. “Encyclopedia of Chemical Engineering” by Kirk & Othmer.
4. “Natural Extracts using supercritical carbon dioxide” M. Mukhopadhyay
Suggested Specification table with Marks (Theory):
Note: This specification table shall be treated as a general guideline for students and teachers. The actual
distribution of marks in the question paper may vary slightly from above table.
Course Outcome: After learning the course the students should be able:
List of Experiments:
1. In the beginning of the academic term, faculties will have to allot their students at least one
Open-ended Project / Study Report /Latest outcome in technology.
2. Literature survey including patents and research papers of fundamental process
- Design based small project or
- Study report based on latest scientific development or
- Technology study report/modeling/ simulation/collection report or
- Computer based simulation/web based application/analysis presentations of basic concept field
which may help them in chemical engineering.
3. These can be done in a group containing maximum three students in each.
4. Faculties should cultivate problem based project to enhance the basic mental and technical level of
5. Evaluation should be done on approach of the student on his/her efforts (not on completion) to
study the design module of given task.
6. In the semester student should perform minimum 5 set of experiments and complete one small open
ended dedicated project based on engineering applications. This project along with any performed
List of Practicals:
Students can refer to video lectures available on various websites including NPTEL.
Students can refer to the CDs which are available with some reference books for the solutions of
problems using softwares. Students can develop their own programs for the solutions using excel,
Chemical and other simulation softwares.
Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________
Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________
Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________
Subject Code:2160507 Date:05/05/2018
Subject Name:Advance Separation Techniques
Time:10:30 AM to 01:00 PM Total Marks: 70
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 (a) Define SCE with it’s advantages and disadvantages. 03
(b) Explain concept of Pressure Swing Distillation (PSD). 04
(c) Explain ROSE process for deasphalting with a neat sketch. 07
Q.3 (a) What are the essential properties of a good supercritical solvent? 03
(b) List the advantages & disadvantages of PSA over cryogenic 04
(c) Discuss principal of pressure swing Adsorption with one industrial 07
application in details.
Q.3 (a) List the major applications of short path distillation process. 03
(b) What are the advantages of reactive distillation? 04
(c) Describe the manufacturing process of ETBE by reactive distillation 07
with a neat process flow sheet.
Q.4 (a) Discuss the concept of SPDU. What is the use of roller wiper system 03
in a SPDU?
(b) List down the applications of pervaporization. 04
(c) Discuss about the different techniques used for Melt crystallization? 07
Q.4 (a) Name some commonly used membrane materials. 03
(b) Write a short note on ultrafiltration. 04
(c) Explain working of pressure swing distillation? What is difference 07
between Melt crystallization and distillation?
Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________
Q.1 (a) List all the membrane based separation processes. 03
(b) Explain the importance of separation techniques in chemical industry. 04
(c) Explain ROSE process for deasphalting with a neat sketch. 07
Q.2 (a) Describe the different types of packings used in reactive distillation 07
(b) Describe a short path distillation unit with a neat sketch. 07
(b) Explain the process of separation of air by pressure swing adsorption. 07
Q.3 (a) List the chemicals commonly used as supercritical solvent and their 03
(b) List the commercial applications of short path distillation process. 04
(c) Explain the concept of pressure swing distillation and compare PSD with 07
azeotropic distillation.
Q.3 (a) Explain nanofiltration process and its application in detail. 07
(b) Describe the manufacturing process of MTBE by reactive distillation with 07
a neat process flow sheet.
Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________
Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________
Q.1 (a) Discuss the Advance separation techniques applied in chemical industry 07
and their benefits with example
(b) Define SCE? Explain flow sheet of batch super critical extraction? 07
Q.3 (a) Discuss principal of pressure swing Adsorption with one industrial application 07
in details.
(b) Explain working of pressure swing distillation? What is difference between 07
Melt crystallization and distillation?
Q.3 (a) Discuss about the different techniques used for Melt crystallization? 07
(b) Write in detail about four step pressure swing adsorption process. 07
Q.4 (a) Write with neat sketch about different Modules used in membrane separation 07
(b) Discuss the concept and working of membrane reactor and their application 07
Q.4 (a) Discuss technique of per vaporization with its industrial application 07
(b) Discuss in detail various engineering problems associated with usage of 07
Q.5 (a) Discuss working principle of Reverse Osmosis and its industrial applications 07
(b) Write working principle and applications of Osmotic Distillation. 07
Q.5 (a) Write in details about reactive and catalytic distillation and discuss BALE and 07
KATMAX packing with neat sketch.
(b) Explain Ultra filtration with its industrial applications. 07
Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________
Q.1 (a) Explain Residuum Oil Supercritical Extraction (ROSE) process with a neat 07
flowsheet. Describe the advantages of this process over conventional propane
deasphalting process
(b) Explain the concept of Reactive Distillation and with a neat flowsheet .Describe 07
the manufacturing of ETBE by Reactive Distillation process
Q.2 (a) Explain working of Short Path Distillation unit in detail with a neat sketch 07
indicating all the components of the unit.
(b) Explain concept of Pressure Swing Distillation(PSD). Also describe the working of 07
PSD for the separation of the Acetonitrile-Water sytem.
(b) Discuss in detail the various contact devices used for catalytic distillation 07
Q.3 (a) Describe different types of membrane modules with neat sketch used in membrane 07
separation process.
(b) Explain in detail the purification of hydrogen using six bed Pressure Swing 07
Adsorption (PSA) technique.
Q.3 (a) Explain Ultrafiltration. List down its applications. 07
(b) Explain the concept of Melt Crystallization and explain its applications. 07
Q.4 (a) Explain the concept of Reverse Osmosis (RO) and discuss in detail the use of RO 07
in various water purification and desalination process.
(b) List down the various applications of Short Path Distillation and give a detailed 07
description of any one application
Q.4 (a) Explain the concept of Pervaporation and describe in detail the manufacturing of 07
absolute alcohol by using pervaporation.
(b) Explain the working principle of osmotic distillation and describe its various 07
Q.5 (a) Discuss the concept and working of membrane reactors and their applications. 07
(b) List the Supercritical Solvents. Discuss importance of supercritical solvents and the 07
principle of Supercritical Extraction
Q.5 (a) Explain the advantages and limitations of the various new separation techniques 07
used in the chemical industries over conventional methods.
(b) Discuss in detail various engineering problems associated with usage of membranes 07