Chapter 21. Change The Dispatch Order of Power Plants: 1. Profile
Chapter 21. Change The Dispatch Order of Power Plants: 1. Profile
Chapter 21. Change The Dispatch Order of Power Plants: 1. Profile
ne option for reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) Regardless of who does the balancing, an approach
emissions in the power sector is to change the known as “security-constrained economic dispatch” is the
order in which power plants are dispatched, norm for controlling power plant output. First, the system
so lower emitting power plants operate more operator identifies the generating capabilities and the vari-
frequently and higher emitting power plants operate less able operating costs of all of the available electric generating
frequently. A number of different policies can accomplish units (EGUs). The capabilities of interest for each EGU in-
this goal. Before explaining those policy options, we will clude its maximum and minimum generation levels, ramp
first explain the status quo approach to dispatch. rate (how quickly its output can be changed up or down),
Because large batteries and pumped storage dams are minimum notification time for startup, minimum amount
currently expensive, electricity generally cannot be stored of time it must run once started, and minimum amount of
economically. The supply of electric energy from power time it must stay off once switched off.2 In addition, some
plants must be in balance at all times with the demand for EGUs might have operating restrictions associated with
electricity from consumers, accounting for losses in the air pollution control permits or other regulatory approv-
transmission and distribution system.1 This requires so- als. Variable operating costs include all of the categories of
phisticated control of power plants and transmission lines costs that vary depending on whether and at what capacity
to provide reliable service. the EGU is operated, including startup costs. The biggest
The North American power system or grid is divided category of variable costs for fossil-fueled EGUs is the cost
into dozens of balancing areas (also known as control of fuel. Environmental compliance costs are included to
areas). Within each balancing area, supply and demand are the extent that they are variable, but externalities such as
kept in balance by an entity called a balancing authority, the social cost of carbon would not be included because
who issues dispatch orders to power plant operators to turn the generator does not have an associated compliance cost.
on a generator, ramp its output up or down, or turn it off. Capital costs, such as the costs of constructing the EGU or
The role of a balancing authority is filled by different its pollution control equipment, are not variable and would
types of entities in different parts of the country. In some
places, balancing is done by a vertically integrated utility
that owns generation (i.e., power plants), transmission, 1 When supply and demand (plus losses) are not in balance,
and distribution system assets. These utilities control the the frequency of delivered power will increase above or
dispatch of their own power plants and those of indepen- decrease below the design frequency. Most equipment can
dent power producers (IPPs) that are connected to their handle very narrow deviations from electrical specifications,
system, and they are required by law to provide nondis- and thus the supply and demand do not need to be exactly
equal at all times. But if the changes in frequency go
criminatory access to IPPs. In many other places, utilities
beyond those narrow tolerances, this can damage electrical
have voluntarily agreed to cede this balancing authority to equipment or cause system failure.
an independent system operator (ISO) or regional transmis-
2 This explanation of economic dispatch is adapted from:
sion organization (RTO) that oversees a competitive market
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Staff. (2005,
for the wholesale generation of electricity by utilities and November). Economic Dispatch: Concepts, Practices, and
IPPs. Lastly, there are parts of the country where a federal Issues. Available at:
power marketing agency serves as the balancing authority, Files/20051110172953-FERC%20Staff%20Presentation.pdf.
Implementing EPA’s Clean Power Plan: A Menu of Options
Figure 21-1
Renewables Demand = 67 GW; Demand = 114 GW;
Nuclear early morning hours afternoon on a hot day
Natural Gas: Combined-Cycle
Natural Gas: Other
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
System Capacity Available to Meet Electric Demand (GW)
also be excluded. In areas governed by an ISO or RTO, Based on the reliability assessment, system operators
operating costs are revealed through competitive bids made sometimes must deviate from merit order dispatch. One
by generators. of the more common reasons this can happen is because
With all of the information on capabilities and costs in of security constraints. For example, there can be cases in
hand, the system operator then ranks the available EGUs which a more expensive EGU is dispatched to meet load
in merit order from the least costly to the most costly, as and ensure reliability in a specific geographic area because
depicted in Figure 21-1. there is inadequate transmission capacity to deliver less
Ideally the system operator would want to minimize the expensive power from an EGU located outside the area.
costs of meeting electric demand by scheduling EGUs for Another reason an EGU might be temporarily operated out
dispatch based on merit order. The least costly EGU would of merit order is that the EGU is economical to dispatch in
be scheduled first, and then the next least costly EGU, and almost all hours, but does not have the flexibility to ramp
so forth until enough generation was scheduled to meet the down for a few hours and then ramp back up when it mer-
expected demand. This concept is shown in Figure 21-1 for its dispatch. For example, this may happen in the case of
two different hypothetical demand levels.4 However, before nuclear power plants.5
the system operator actually schedules the dispatch of any Although EGUs are sometimes dispatched out of merit
EGUs, he or she will complete a reliability assessment that order, merit order itself is a purely economic consider-
considers, among other key factors, the capabilities of the ation. The emissions that result from the dispatch of any
transmission system. particular EGU are only considered to the extent that there
3 US Energy Information Administration. (2012, August). To- important), and the variable costs can be different (e.g., if a
day in Energy. Available at: unit is already operating, its startup costs are not part of its
images/2012.08.17/DispatchCurve.png. variable costs over the next hour).
4 The description here mostly describes day-ahead scheduling 5 There are a variety of other reasons EGUs might be
of EGUs to meet forecasted demand. System operators make dispatched out of merit order. Those reasons can be
similar decisions in hour-ahead scheduling adjustments extremely important for ensuring reliable operation of the
and real-time balancing decisions based on actual demand, system, but are generally beyond the scope of this chapter
except that the capabilities most needed in those shorter and need not be explained to understand the potential to
time frames can be different (e.g., ramp rate can be more reduce CO2 emissions by changing dispatch order.
21. Change the Dispatch Order of Power Plants
is a variable regulatory compliance cost associated with June 2014 to regulate CO2 emissions from existing power
emissions. Fortunately, many of the renewable technolo- plants. Great River Energy operates within the Midconti-
gies that produce no emissions also have no fuel costs and nent ISO (MISO), where MISO uses security-constrained
near-zero variable operating costs. Nuclear EGUs also tend economic dispatch based on competitive bids made by
to have very low variable operating costs, because their EGUs. The cooperative has proposed that the MISO could
fuel costs are considerably less than those of fossil-fueled impose a CO2 emissions price on EGUs under its control.
EGUs. Consequently, renewable and nuclear EGUs gener- The price would be determined based on simulation mod-
ally rank very high on merit order and tend to be among els, and set at whatever level would be necessary to change
the first EGUs dispatched by the system operator, as shown dispatch order enough to ensure compliance with Clean
in the hypothetical dispatch curve in Figure 21-1. However, Power Plan regulations across the system.7
after those options are exhausted, if more supply is still An alternative to emissions pricing that also shifts the
needed to meet demand, we find that the least-cost EGUs dispatch order toward lower emitting EGUs is called “envi-
are not always the lowest emitting EGUs. For example, in ronmental dispatch.” Environmental dispatch is a policy in
the hypothetical dispatch curve, we see that coal-fired units which the system operator explicitly considers environmen-
have lower variable costs than gas-fired units, but we know tal criteria (primarily air emissions) when making dispatch
that the coal-fired units also have approximately double the decisions, even if the environmental impacts do not lead to
CO2 emissions of gas-fired units. In other words, emissions an actual regulatory compliance cost. EGUs that have lower
could be reduced (at some economic cost) if the dispatch environmental impacts can potentially be operated out of
order were changed. economic merit order. There are many possible scenarios
There are several ways to address this issue and change under which environmental dispatch could be imple-
the order in which power plants are dispatched. In some mented, and the scenarios vary based on which variable(s)
jurisdictions, emissions pricing policies are in place for are being emphasized. For example, some of the possible
CO2. These policies include emissions taxes or, more com- approaches to environmental dispatch include:
monly in the United States, emissions trading programs • Preferentially dispatching certain resources first;
that directly or indirectly place a price on emissions.6 If • Imputing a cost adder (dollars per megawatt-hour
an EGU must pay a tax on each ton of CO2 emissions, [MWh]) in the variable costs of fossil-fuel EGUs
or must obtain an allowance for each ton, this regulatory to account for environmental and public health
requirement is “internalized” and adds to the EGU’s variable externalities; and
operating costs. This, in turn, leads to lower emitting EGUs • Optimizing dispatch for one variable, such as heat
ranking higher in the merit order and being dispatched ear- rate or CO2.
lier and operating for more hours. Putting such emissions Dispatching resources based on heat-rate (British ther-
pricing policies in place in more jurisdictions is thus an mal units [BTUs] per kilowatt-hour [kWh]) could be a
effective way to reduce CO2 emissions from power plants. relatively straightforward way to introduce environmental
The electric cooperative Great River Energy and the dispatch, because there is a good correlation between those
consulting firm Brattle Group have proposed a variation on units that consume the least fuel to generate electricity and
emissions pricing in response to the Clean Power Plan that those with the lowest CO2 emissions.8
the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed in
Implementing EPA’s Clean Power Plan: A Menu of Options
21. Change the Dispatch Order of Power Plants
3. State and Local Implementation costs of complying with the Acid Rain Program and com-
Experiences plying with regional CO2 cap-and-trade programs already
factor into dispatch decisions in those jurisdictions.9
In this chapter, we have explained how the merit order Other than emissions trading policies that indirectly
concept is based on variable operating costs, including impose a variable regulatory compliance cost on EGUs,
variable regulatory compliance costs. In a certain sense, there are relatively few examples of policies in the United
virtually all of the states have experience with changing the States that are designed to change the dispatch order of
dispatch order of power plants to reduce emissions because power plants to reduce emissions. Examples from other
regulatory compliance costs are ubiquitous. For example, countries, including China, may offer further insights into
EGUs regulated under the Acid Rain Program can be found this approach.
in 48 states. And looking specifically at CO2 emissions, we California has had a loading order policy since 2004.
see examples of cap-and-trade programs affecting EGUs To implement the policy, the California Public Utilities
in nine northeastern states and in California. The variable Commission requires investor-owned utilities to include a
The California Public Utilities Commission ordered curement decisions rather than dispatch decisions. But if
utilities to include an imputed dollar-per-ton cost adder California wished to implement environmental dispatch
for CO2 emissions when evaluating resources to procure. to optimize CO2 emissions, the same CO2 price adders (of
Table 21-1 provides an example of how this cost adder $4 and $6 per MWh, respectively) could be added to the
contributes to variable operating costs for two types of fuel costs, resulting in an imputed variable operating cost
EGUs. of $39 per MWh for the combined-cycle plant and $61
In this example, although both units use natural gas per MWh for the combustion turbine. Examples could be
as a fuel, their heat rates differ: 7 million BTU per MWh similarly derived for all of the available generating options,
(MMBtu/MWh) for the combined-cycle plant, versus 11 and these imputed costs could be used in lieu of actual
MMBtu/MWh for the combustion turbine. The heat rate variable operating costs in making dispatch decisions.
difference affects their
emissions rates, which are Table 21-1
819 pounds of Example of Imputed Cost Adder for CO2 Emissions10
CO2/MWh for the
combined-cycle plant, Combined- Combustion
versus 1287 pounds of Factor Units Formula Cycle Plant Turbine
CO2/MWh for the com- Gas Price $/MMBtu $5 $5
bustion turbine. Likewise,
CO2 Price $/ton $10 $10
the heat rate also affects
emissions costs, which CO2 Price $/lb (=10/2000) $0.005 $0.005
end up being $4/MWh Emissions Factor lbs/MMBtu 117 117
for the combined-cycle
Heat Rate MMBtu/MWh 7 11
EGU, and $6/MWh for
the combustion turbine. Emission Rate lbs/MWh (=Emissions Factor x Heat Rate) 819 1287
California used this Emissions Cost $/MWh (=Emissions Rate x CO2 Price/lb) $4 $6
approach in the context of Fuel Cost $/MWh (=Heat Rate x Gas Price) $35 $55
making resource pro-
9 Cap-and-trade programs and other market-based approaches programs actually result in emissions reductions.
to reducing emissions are treated in much greater detail
10 The example is based on: Sterkel, M. (2006, March). Climate
in Chapter 24. They are mentioned briefly here simply to
Action at the CPUC. Presentation to the Public Service Com-
underscore that such programs have an impact on variable
mission of Wisconsin. Available at:
operating costs and thus on dispatch order. Understanding
merit order helps one understand how market-based
Implementing EPA’s Clean Power Plan: A Menu of Options
cost adder when evaluating the potential procurement of As part of the Ozone Transport Commission efforts
resources to reflect the risk for future greenhouse gas (GHG) to characterize emissions associated with “high electric
legislation or standards. In other words, this cost adder demand days,” the New York ISO and the utility
reflects externalities beyond current regulatory compliance Consolidated Edison analyzed the effects of a potential
costs. The carbon price adder was initially set at $8 per regional policy that would use a multivariate analysis
ton of CO2 emissions, with an escalation of approximately to minimize regional NOX emissions through dispatch
five percent each year. An example of how this price adder decisions. This framework was based on:
works, and its effect on the cost of generation and dispatch, • A robust air quality forecast, which is already in place
is shown in the text box.11 in the Ozone Transport Commission region;
California has also adopted a companion policy to • A near-term load forecast from the regional electricity
its state cap-and-trade program that imposes a tariff on grid operator, currently standard practice in several
electricity imports from other states. This is intended to regions; and
put out-of-state generators on an even footing with in-state • An emissions forecast based on predicted dispatch
generators subject to the state cap. Most of the electricity from the load forecast.13
imported into California is generated by fossil-fueled EGUs. In this example, the New York research effort optimized
A rate of $17.92 per MWh is applied to unspecified out-of- dispatch on NOX emissions, which can vary from less than
state imports to account for their CO2 emissions. However, 0.10 pounds per MWh (lbs/MWh) for a new NGCC EGU
power imported from the Pacific Northwest is discounted to more than 25 lbs/MWh for a diesel engine. Although
by 80 percent, to $3.58 per MWh, to reflect the low GHG NOX was optimized in the New York research, CO2 could
emissions characteristics of power coming from the North- similarly be optimized. CO2 emissions fall in a tighter
west, most of which is generated by hydroelectric EGUs.12 range, from approximately 750 lbs/MWh for an NGCC
At the local level, from 2000 to 2001 California’s South EGU to more than 2100 lbs/MWh for the average US coal-
Coast Air Quality Management District implemented a fired EGU.14
temporary policy to dispatch generators based on their In fact, today’s computing powers would permit opti-
nitrogen oxide (NOX) emissions. This occurred during a mization across multipollutants so that dispatch would
time period when market manipulation by certain IPPs reduce CO2 emissions and, at the same time, not result
and failure by some generators to install emissions controls in increased criteria pollutant emissions.15 Although such
in time to comply with air quality regulations raised analyses would indeed be complicated, transmission system
electric reliability concerns. The South Coast Air Quality operators routinely deal with complex, diverse, and rapidly
Management District settled enforcement cases with some changing conditions (e.g., management of the generation
power producers that required their EGUs to operate on from wind turbines as it varies over the course of each day).
environmental dispatch principles based on minimizing Outside the United States, China took a significant step
NOx emissions, until the required emissions controls were in 2007 to adopt a groundbreaking environmental dispatch
installed and operating. rule, and today the policy is being piloted in several Chinese
11 Supra footnote 10. 14 The Regulatory Assistance Project. (2001, November). Model
Regulations for the Output of Specified Air Emissions from Smaller-
12 Western Electricity Coordinating Council. (2011, December).
Scale Electric Generation Resources: Model Rule and Technical
Scoping Document for California AB32 Sensitivity for 2011 TEPPC
Support Documents. Available at:
Study Program.
document/download/id/421. Refer to emissions data from
13 Zhang, K. M., Schuler, R., Nguyen, M., Chen, C., Palacio, S., Figures 2 (NOX) and 4 (CO2), on pages 33 and 34.
& Valentine, K. (2012). Dynamic Energy and Environmental
15 Aribia, H., Derbel, N., & Abdallah, H. (2013). The
Dispatch: Achieving Co-Benefits of Power Systems Reliability and
Active-Reactive: Complete Dispatch of an Electrical Network.
Air Quality. Cornell University, US Department of Energy, and
Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Volume 44, pp.
Consortium for Electric Reliability Technology Solutions.
236–248. Available at:
Available at:
21. Change the Dispatch Order of Power Plants
provinces.16 The rule, developed jointly by energy and en- • Oil-fired generating facilities.17
vironmental regulatory authorities, establishes a mandatory In order for Chinese regulators to collect the necessary
dispatch order based on a combination of thermal efficiency data to implement this dispatch approach, the regulations
and pollutant emissions. Whereas the standard international require installation of real-time emissions and heat-rate
practice of security-constrained economic dispatch seeks monitors at all thermal units and data sharing across
to minimize total variable costs on the system – which in agencies to establish and maintain an index of generating
practice are mostly fossil fuel costs – this approach aims to units for each provincial or regional grid.
include consideration of emissions. Specifically, where envi-
ronmental dispatch is applied, generating units are scheduled 4. GHG Emissions Reductions
according to the following priority ranking:
• Non-dispatchable renewable energy generating units Very little empirical work has been done on the potential
(e.g., wind); GHG reductions from changing the dispatch order of
• Dispatchable renewable energy generating units power plants in the United States, partly because there
(e.g., biomass); is little direct experience with environmental dispatch in
the United States. Potential reductions from this practice
• Nuclear power plants; would depend on what variables are accounted for in
• Combined heat and power facilities that meet determining generator costs, at what cost level they are
specified thermal efficiency criteria; incorporated (e.g., are public health impacts or other
externalities factored in and, if so, at what cost?), and
• Natural gas, coal-bed gas, and gasification generating what resources are available to meet load. The sum of fuel,
units; capital, and internalized costs of current externalities for
• Coal-fired power plants – within this category each generating unit would determine dispatch order, from
facilities are ranked by thermal efficiency, and which GHG reductions would follow.
plants with the same thermal efficiencies are ranked A 2010 report by the Congressional Research Service
according to sulfur dioxide emissions rates; and finally (CRS) looked at the potential emissions reductions that
Table 21-2
Estimated Estimated CO2 Estimated CO2 Net Reduction Total CO2 Emissions Hypothetical Net
Hypothetical Emissions From Emissions From in Emissions of From Coal for Power Reduction in CO2
Coal Generation Displaced Coal NGCC Generation CO2 by Natural Generation, 2007 Emissions as a
Displaced by Generation Used to Displace Gas Displacement (Million Metric Tons) Percentage of 2007
Natural Gas (Million Metric Coal (Million of Coal (Million Total Electric Power
(MWh) Tons) Metric Tons) Metric Tons) Coal Emissions of CO2
(2) - (3) (4) / (5)
16 See: The Regulatory Assistance Project. (2013, October). Regulatory Commission, and the National Energy Bureau,
Recommendations for Power Sector in China: Practical Solutions 2007. Available at:
for Energy Climate and Air Quality and Integrating Energy and
18 Kaplan, S. (2010, January). Displacing Coal With Generation
Environmental Policy. Available at:
From Existing Natural Gas-Fired Power Plants. Congressional
Research Service. Available at:
17 China National Development and Reform Commission, R41027_20100119.pdf.
State Environmental Protection Agency, State Electricity
19 Supra footnote 18 at page 9.
Implementing EPA’s Clean Power Plan: A Menu of Options
could be achieved from changing the dispatch of exist- coal to gas EGUs is only feasible when the EGUs are within
ing EGUs to maximize the output of NGCC EGUs.18 The 10 miles (one scenario) or 25 miles (the other scenario) of
CRS evaluated a hypothetical scenario in which all existing each other. The results, showing a more modest three- to
NGCC EGUs were assumed to operate at 85-percent capac- five-percent reduction in CO2 emissions, are summarized in
ity factors (i.e., operate at 85 percent of their rated capacity Table 21-3.
on an annual average basis). The increases in NGCC dis- In the proposed Clean Power Plan, the EPA established
patch were offset by decreases in the dispatch of coal-fired goals for each state based on an assumption that NGCC
steam EGUs. The CRS analyzed this scenario to provide an EGUs could feasibly operate at a 70-percent capacity factor.
estimate of the theoretical maximum reduction in emissions The EPA summarized the potential emissions reduction
from re-dispatch strategies, but acknowledged that “it is and costs of this strategy in an associated technical sup-
unlikely that this maximum could actually be achieved” for port document. The EPA’s modeling results indicated that
a number of technical reasons. The results of this maximum a potential 11-percent reduction in emissions was possible
potential scenario, showing a 19-percent reduction in CO2 through this strategy, compared to a base case without re-
emissions from coal-fired power plants, are summarized in dispatching. If NGCC EGUs were assumed to operate at an
Table 21-2. even higher 75-percent capacity factor, a 14-percent reduc-
In the same report, the CRS also looked at two re- tion in CO2 emissions was found to be possible.21
dispatch scenarios that used the proximity of NGCC EGUs The Brattle Group conducted “proof of concept” model-
to coal-fired EGUs as a proxy for assessing one of the most ing in support of the environmental dispatch concept it
significant constraints on maximum potential: transmission developed with Great River Energy.22 As a reminder, the
system limitations. In these scenarios, the CRS used the cooperative proposed that MISO could impose a CO2 emis-
same assumptions as in the maximum potential scenario, sions price on EGUs under its control, which would then
but with the added assumption that re-dispatching from affect dispatch order. The price would be set at whatever
Table 21-3
21. Change the Dispatch Order of Power Plants
Implementing EPA’s Clean Power Plan: A Menu of Options
the need for cooling water and the production of coal ash, $1.86 to $5.02, with a noticeable increase in prices since
may also be reduced. the cap was made more stringent in 2013.26 In California,
For environmental dispatch policies, the magnitude of allowance prices for the AB32 trading program have ranged
these complementary co-benefits would depend upon the between about $10 and $12 since the first auction in
specific variables on which the environmental dispatch November 2012.
were based, and how those variables were valued in de- Of course, in the case of a carbon tax, the cost of
termining dispatch order. To the extent that low or zero changing dispatch will be predetermined by the amount of
emissions supply options are available (e.g., wind or solar the tax, as that amount will be directly added to variable
photovoltaic generation), multipollutant emissions reduc- operating costs when dispatch decisions are made. With
tions could be substantial. For example, modeling work a carbon tax, what is uncertain is the extent to which
completed for proposed implementation of the 1990 US emissions will decrease.
Clean Air Act Amendments reflected that, for the state of Although cap-and-trade systems and carbon taxes add
Ohio, NOX reductions of up to 50 percent were possible to the short-term price of wholesale electricity, they also
from a combination of environmental dispatch and energy create a revenue stream that can be used to offset such price
conservation programs.25 increases. The RGGI states, for example, use allowance
The full range of co-benefits that can be realized through auction revenues to fund consumer energy efficiency
changing dispatch order is summarized in Table 21-4. programs that reduce electric demand. Evidence to date
suggests that this reduction in demand more than offsets
6. Costs and Cost-Effectiveness the added cost of CO2 allowances, as wholesale energy
prices in the region have declined since the start of the
Changing the dispatch order of power plants will by its program. In this manner, the RGGI states get the emissions
very nature increase the overall short-term cost of electric benefits of imposing an emissions cost that changes
power, because EGUs will be dispatched in new ways that dispatch order, without increasing total system costs. More
are not based solely on their short-term variable costs. The details on the costs and cost-effectiveness of cap-and-trade
costs and cost-effectiveness of these policies will vary great- programs can be found in Chapter 24. Details on carbon
ly depending on the specific location, situation, the EGUs taxes are found in Chapter 25.
available and their costs, and the policy design itself. As In a technical support document that was published
such, it is not possible to draw general conclusions about with the proposed Clean Power Plan, the EPA describes its
costs and cost-effectiveness; however, specific examples are use of computer modeling to assess the potential costs of
examined here. the building block that focuses on changing dispatch order:
As noted earlier, one way to change dispatch order is to “EPA employed the Integrated Planning Model (IPM), a
impose a cost on emissions indirectly (through a cap-and- multi-regional, dynamic, deterministic linear programming
trade system) or directly (through a tax). The cost of a cap- model of the US electric power sector that the EPA has
and-trade policy is ultimately reflected in the market price used for over two decades to evaluate the economic and
of emissions allowances. This is true because generators emissions impacts of prospective environmental policies.
will include the market value of allowances in their IPM provides a wide array of projections related to the
calculation of variable operating costs even if allowances electric power sector and its related markets (including
are allocated at no cost, because any allowance that isn’t least cost capacity expansion and electricity dispatch
used can be sold. Of course, the price of allowances will
in large part depend on the stringency of the cap relative
to expected levels of emissions. If generators expect that
25 Heslin, J., & Hobbs, B. (1990). Application of a Multi-
the industry as a whole will have little problem complying Objective Electric Power Production Costing Model to the
with the cap, allowances will have little value; if they see US Acid Rain Problem. Case Western Reserve University.
the cap as being very challenging, allowances will have a Engineering Costs and Production Economics, 20, 241–251.
greater value. The Northeastern and Mid-Atlantic states Available at:
participating in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative v_3a20_3ay_3a1990_3ai_3a2_3ap_3a241-251.htm
(RGGI) use auctions to distribute allowances. Since the 26 Auction results are summarized at:
first auction in 2008, allowance prices have ranged from market/co2_auctions/results.
21. Change the Dispatch Order of Power Plants
27 Supra footnote 21. Power Act, which requires the Northwest Power and
Conservation Council to account for environmental
28 Adapted from Table 3-7 at: Supra footnote 21.
externalities in their resource costs and benefits calculations,
29 Supra footnote 7. to the extent to which these things can be monetized. Refer
to the Regional Technical Forum’s Recommendations to the
30 See, for example: Delaware and Delmarva integrated resource
Bonneville Power Administration Regarding Conservation
planning (IRP) requirements. Delaware Department of
and Renewable Resources Eligible for Conservation and
Natural Resources and Environmental Control, comments
Renewable Resources Rate Discount and Related Matters,
on Delmarva’s IRP, September 16, 2013. Available at: http://
RTF Meeting August 2000. Available at: http://rtf.nwcouncil.
Comments.pdf. Another example comes from the Northwest
Implementing EPA’s Clean Power Plan: A Menu of Options
costs of various generating technologies (including wind, dispatch policies with related energy policies makes for
solar, and biomass). For example, the National Academy a comprehensive package on which to engage energy
of Sciences report reflects a median impact of coal-fired regulators and electricity grid operators.
electricity generation of 4.36 cents per kWh, with a Although the cost impacts of changing dispatch order
95th-percentile cost of over 12 cents per kWh (which is have already been acknowledged in this chapter, a few
higher than the retail cost of electricity in many states).31 other considerations regarding the potential of this strategy
The Synapse report includes all supply-side resources bear mentioning. Most of the recent analyses of re-dispatch
(coal, oil, gas, solar, wind, biomass, nuclear); their costs; opportunities in the United States have focused on the
subsidies provided; and climate change, air, land, and water potential to increase generation from lower emitting
impacts.32 NGCC EGUs and reduce generation from higher emitting
Determining the external costs associated with various EGUs, especially coal-fired EGUs. One limitation on the
EGUs should not be a major obstacle in light of the wealth potential of this strategy that is generally noted is that
of existing research and data. For example, transmission the supply of natural gas, the capacity to transport the
operators in New England routinely calculate the system’s gas to NGCC EGUs, and the capacity to store natural gas
marginal emissions rate to help air regulators assess at or near NGCC EGUs may not allow for across-the-
the benefits of energy efficiency and renewable energy board, sustained, high capacity factor use of NGCC EGUs.
programs. The Northwest Power and Conservation Regional and seasonal limitations on the natural gas supply
Council’s definition of cost-effectiveness allows the chain could come into play as capacity factors increase.
inclusion of external costs and benefits from energy In addition, if the amount of natural gas used for electric
efficiency programs. The EPA’s Environmental Benefits generation increases dramatically, there would likely be
Mapping and Analysis Program enables air regulators to impacts on the commodity price of natural gas that would
calculate the public health benefits of emissions control affect other uses of the fuel, notably for industrial processes
measures they are evaluating.33 The Regulatory Assistance and space heating.35
Project identified more than two dozen categories of Large-scale changes in dispatch order could also have
costs associated with power generation, including several consequences for the viability of some EGUs. Fossil-
categories of externalities that could potentially factor into fueled EGUs subject to new environmental requirements
dispatch decisions.34 may choose retirement over pollution control retrofits if
they expect to run at a lower capacity factor in the future.
7. Other Considerations Even in the absence of new environmental requirements,
some owners of fossil-fueled EGUs that move lower in
Seeking to maximize GHG reductions, including the dispatch order may find that they are now losing
externalities (uncaptured societal costs imposed by money and choose to cut their losses by retiring the
EGUs) in dispatch decisions, is consistent with how good unit. This could conceivably raise new problems with
integrated resource plans are being prepared today, how resource adequacy (i.e., the ability to satisfy peak
cost-effectiveness screens for energy efficiency programs demand for electricity). However, safeguards are in place.
are determined, and how transmission planning is Balancing authorities (e.g., an ISO or RTO such as PJM
conducted. The complementary nature of environmental Interconnection) and regional reliability organizations are
31 National Academy of Sciences. (2010). Hidden Costs of 33 Refer to the EPA website at:
Energy: Unpriced Consequences of Energy Production and Use.
34 Lazar, J., & Colburn, K. (2013, September). Recognizing the
ISBN 978-0-14640-1.
Full Value of Energy Efficiency (What’s Under the Feel-Good
32 Keith, G., Jackson, S., Napoleon, A., Comings, T., & Ramey, Frosting of the World’s Most Valuable Layer Cake of Benefits).
J. A. (2012, September). The Hidden Costs of Electricity: Montpelier, VT: The Regulatory Assistance Project. Available
Comparing the Hidden Costs of Power Generation Fuels. at
Prepared by Synapse Energy Economics for the Civil Society
35 For more information on these limitations, refer to: Supra
Institute. Available at: http://www.civilsocietyinstitute.
footnote 18.
21. Change the Dispatch Order of Power Plants