RFF Ib 19 04 - 4
RFF Ib 19 04 - 4
RFF Ib 19 04 - 4
The US electricity sector has been a favorable area for profits, and whether a new power plant is likely to be
reductions in carbon dioxide emissions, with CO2 from constructed. Generation value is composed predominantly
the power sector decreasing by 28% between 2005 and of energy and capacity values, which together provide the
2017. In addition to slightly lower electricity demand, market revenue available to the power plant.
the sources of CO2 emissions reduction have been the
substitution between different fossil fuels (mostly of Power Generation Costs
natural gas for coal-fired power) and the installation of
zero-carbon generation capacity (mostly wind and solar). 1. Fuel costs are the costs per megawatt-hour
The relative profitability of existing power plants and the (MWh) of electricity generation for fuel and
expected profitability of new installations explain much the resulting emissions. These costs depend
Variable Costs
of the recent trend in decarbonization and, along with on the price of the fuel delivered to the plant,
demand growth, will determine future electricity sector the efficiency at which the fuel is converted
emissions. Measuring the profitability of electricity- into power, and charges for emissions of CO2,
generation technologies requires accounting for their SO2, or NOX (if such charges exist).
values as well as their costs.1 In this brief, we examine 2. Variable operations and maintenance (O&M)
two approaches to assessing costs and values, first costs are the costs of power plant operations
Operating Costs
considering the cost and value of an individual power and maintenance incurred due to electricity
plant, and then considering the cost of a power plant production. Power equipment may deteriorate
to the entire electricity system.2 The dual approaches more quickly when generating electricity than
yield insights into the changing composition of power when the plant is idle, requiring increased
generation, often unseen system costs, and the likely repair or replacement of parts.
effects of grid integration options, such as energy storage. 3. Fixed O&M costs are the costs of power plant
operations and maintenance that are incurred
Total Costs
Individual Approach: The Cost and whether or not the power plant is generating
electricity (for example, the costs of regular
Value of a Single Power Plant maintenance, monitoring, and inspection).
An individual power plant’s profitability is a market 4. Capital costs are the costs of power plant
determination of the value less the cost of the plant’s development and construction. They are
generation. Power generation costs fall into five general incurred before the plant produces electricity
categories (four are listed in the subsection below, and and consist of equipment (including
the fifth is discussed later in this section). Adding up emissions reduction equipment), installation
those costs informs whether an existing plant will generate and construction labor, permitting and
electricity, whether an existing plant will earn operating interconnection costs, and contractor
For existing facilities, only the variable costs—fuel and the price of electricity were constant, LCOE would
variable O&M costs—are relevant to which power plants be a reasonable proxy for the profitability of different
will produce at a given time. Solar and wind have no technologies. However, since solar and wind are
fuel or variable O&M costs, so they will generate power intermittent generators and the price of electricity does
whenever the sun shines or wind blows (as long as they vary over time, LCOE is inadequate for comparing
do not need to be curtailed).3 Additionally, changes in intermittent technologies with each other or with
fuel costs have altered the utilization of existing fossil dispatchable technologies such as natural gas.
power plants. Whereas Henry Hub natural gas prices
were generally above $6/MMBtu between 2005 and Power Generation Value
2008, they have averaged less than half that amount
over the past four years. As a consequence, average In addition to considering costs, we also need to
utilization (known as the capacity factor) of natural gas assess the prices that a power plant will receive for its
combined-cycle generators has increased from 35% in electricity output. Wholesale power prices indicate the
2005 to 58% in 2018; meanwhile the capacity factor of energy value available to power plants. Although there is
coal plants declined from 67 to 54% over this period. variation in how frequently and at what geographic scale
With the CO2 intensity of coal-fired power roughly wholesale power prices are determined, the wholesale
twice that of natural gas combined-cycle generation, power price is generally a time- and location-specific
the increased utilization of natural gas and decreased value of electricity. Such prices suggest the current
utilization of coal have been significant factors in recent energy revenue that a plant could realize, but the
emissions reductions. relevant prices for new plants are those that will occur
over the next 20 to 30 years (the lifetime of most power
For unbuilt power plants, all four cost categories are plants). Forecast time- and location-specific prices
relevant when gauging the expected future profitability would be essential for a project developer, but these
of the plant. Moreover, since different generation projections would not provide a geographically broad
technologies incur their costs at different times (e.g., measurement of the future energy value for a particular
solar and wind have large capital costs but no fuel or type of power generation. Additionally, in many regions
variable O&M costs), it is necessary to compare all costs of the country, power plants receive capacity payments
in terms of present discounted values over the expected for their contribution to grid reliability, which must be
operating life of the plant. The common metric, levelized included in a complete measurement of value.4
cost of electricity (LCOE), does exactly that:
The US Energy Information Administration (EIA)
Levelized Present Value of All
developed a measurement of the value available
Cost of Plant Costs $
= = to a new power plant. EIA’s levelized avoided cost
Electricity Present Value of MWh of electricity (LACE) is an estimate of the cost of
(LCOE) Electricity Generation
providing energy and capacity to the grid that would
be avoided (or displaced) if the new power plant were
Since all costs and electricity are discounted to their
to operate. The avoided cost to the grid is equal to the
present values, LCOE involves a fifth category, the cost
revenue available to the power plant, so LACE provides
of capital, which determines the rate at which both costs
an assessment of potential plant revenues. While LACE
and electricity production are discounted over time.
is not used by EIA to determine capacity additions,
For example, a technology with a high cost of capital
outputs of EIA’s National Energy Modeling System
will have a lower present value of electricity and thus
(NEMS) are used in LACE calculations.
a higher LCOE. Further, more electricity production
reduces LCOE, so a plant that operates more often or Present Value of Energy
with greater efficiency will have lower levelized costs. Levelized
Avoided Cost = and Capacity Revenue $
of Electricity Present Value of MWh
If all generation technologies were dispatchable—
(LACE) Electricity Generation
capable of producing electricity at any time—or if
Demand-Side Supply-Side
Options Options
* These options may also affect the costs of managing electricity demand (e.g. due to a spike in consumption during a hot summer afternoon), but such
costs are separate from plant integration costs.
** Approximate magnitude of long-term integration costs in 40% wind power scenario. From Figured 9 and 10 in Falko Ueckerdt, L. Hirth, G. Luderer, and
O. Edenhofer (2013), “System LCOE: What Are the Costs of Variable Renewables?” Energy 63 (15 December): 61-75.