Question Bank Answers
Question Bank Answers
Question Bank Answers
Descriptive Questions
1. Differentiate cut-paste and copy-paste.
Cut-Paste and Copy-Paste are basic computing essentials which allow the person to edit a
document or file easily and quickly.
There are a few differences in the two commands:
The Copy and Paste command is used when data from a document or any file is needed to
be added to another location in addition to the place from where it is being originally copied.
The second location could be either in the same document or location or in a different
document or location.
The Cut and Paste command is used when the data from a document or any file from any
location is to be moved completely to a new location and is no longer required in the original
location. The new location could be in the same document or file or in a different document
or file.
Both these commands need the data to be selected initially, which can be done by dragging
the mouse across the area to be selected.
For Copy and Paste, the mouse should be right clicked in the new location after selection of
data and the copy command is selected. After moving to the new location, the mouse is right
clicked again and the paste command is selected.
Similarly, for Cut and Paste command, the mouse should be right clicked in the new
location after selection of data and the Cut command is selected. After moving to the new
location, the mouse is right clicked again and the paste command is selected.
These commands can be chosen from the Edit Menu too on the document.
Ctrl X + Ctrl V is the shortcut command for Cut (Ctrl X) and Paste (Ctrl V).
Ctrl C + Ctrl V is the shortcut command for Copy (Ctrl C) and Paste (Ctrl V).
1. Papaya
Create a List from Existing Text
This is very simple to convert a list of lines into a bulleted or numbered list.
Following are the simple steps to create either bulleted list or numbered list.
Step 1 − Select a list of text to which you want to assign bullets or numbers. You can use
any of the text selection method to select the portion of text.
Step 2 − Click the Bullet Button triangle to display a list of bullets you want to assign to
the list. You can select any of the bullet style available by simply clicking over it.
Step 3 − If you are willing to create a list with numbers, then click the Numbering Button
triangle instead of the bullet button to display a list of numbers you want to assign to the
list. You can select any of the numbering style available by simply clicking over it.
Create a List as You Type
You can create a bulleted list as you type. Word will automatically format it according to
your text.
Following are the simple steps to create bulleted list as you type.
Step 1 − Type *, and then either press the SPACEBAR or press the TAB key, and then
type the rest of what you want in the first item of the bulleted list.
Step 2 − When you are done with typing, press Enter to add the item in the list
automatically and go to add next item in the list.
Step 3 − Repeat Step 2 for each list item.
You can create a numbered list as you type. Word will automatically format it according
to your text.
Following are the simple steps to create numbered list as you type.
Step 1 − Type 1, and then either press the SPACEBAR or press the TAB key, and then
type the rest of
what you want in the first item of the numbered list.
Step 2 − When you are done with typing, press Enter to add the item in the list
automatically and go to
add next item in the list.
Step 3 − Repeat Step 2 for each list item.
You can create sub-lists. These sub-lists are called multi-lists. It is simple to create
sublists; press the Tab key to put items in sub-list.
j. (6254)10 = (?)8
k. (3FFF)16 = (?)10
l. (F342)16 = (?)2
m. (56)10 = (?)2
n. (B3D8)16 = (?)8
o. (1011.101)2 = (?)16
9. State true or false:
a. The printed copy of a document is called as hard copy.
b. The green line under the text indicates a grammatical error.
c. Type writing activity is an example of word processing.
d. A new paragraph can be introduced by clicking CTRL and N keys together.
e. Generating interview letters for 100 candidates for attending interview is an
example of mail merge operation.
The following steps will help you merge table cells in a Word document.
Step 1 − Bring your mouse pointer position inside the first cell that you want to merge.
Now press the Shift key and click the cells around the cell which you want to merge into
the first cell. This will highlight the cells which you click and they will be ready to be
Step 2 − Now click the Layout tab and then click the Merge Cells button which will merge
all the selected cells.
After merging the cells, all the content of the cells will be scrambled which you can fix
later as you like. For example, you can convert the merged cells text into title or some other
description. For example, let us have center-aligned and bigger font text as follows on top
of the table.
Split a Cell
The following steps will help you split a cell into two sub-cells of a table available in word
Step 1 − Bring your mouse pointer position inside the cell that has to be divided into
multiple cells.
Step 2 − Now click the Layout tab and then click the Split Cells button; this will display a
dialog box asking for the number of rows and columns to be created from the selected cell.
Step 3 − Select the desired number of rows and columns that have to go into the resultant
cell and finally click the OK button to apply the result.
You can divide a cell into multiple cells either row-wise or column-wise or both.
c. Find and Replace
Find Command
The Find command enables you to locate specific text in your document. Following are the
steps to find a word document in the following screen
Step 1 − Let us work
out on a sample text
available in our Word
document. Just type
=rand() and press
Enter; the following
screen will appear
Step 2 − Click the Find
option in the Editing
group on the Home tab
or press Ctrl + F to launch the Navigation pane
Step 3 − Enter a word which you want to search in the Search box, as soon as you finish
typing, Word searches for the text you entered and displays the results in the navigation pane
and highlights the word in the document as in the following screenshot
Step 4 − You can click the clear button (X) to clear the search and results and perform
another search.
Step 5 − You can use further options while searching for a word. Click the option button to
display the options menu and then click the Options option; this will display a list of options.
You can select the options like match case to perform case-sensitive search.
Step 6 − Finally, if you are done with the Search operation, you can click the close button
(X) to close the Navigation Pane.
Find & Replace Operation
We assume you are an expert in searching a word or phrase in a word document as explained
above. This section will teach you how you can replace an existing word in your document.
Following are the simple steps
Step 1 − Click the Replace option in the Editing group on the Home tab or press Ctrl + H to
launch the Find and Replace dialog box shown in Step 2
Step 2 − Type a word which you want to search. You can also replace the word using the
Find and Replace dialog box as in the following screenshot
Step 3 − Click the Replace button available on the Find and Replace dialog box and you will
see the first occurrence of the searched word would be replaced with the replace with word.
Clicking again on Replace button would replace next occurrence of the searched word. If you
will click Replace All button, then it would replace all the found words in one go. You can
also use Find Next button just to search the next occurrence and later you can use Replace
button to replace the found word.
Step 4 − You can use More >> button available on the dialog box to use more options and to
make your search more specific like case sensitive search or searching for whole word only
Step 5 − Finally, if you are done with the Find and Replace operation, you can click the
Close (X) or Cancel button of the dialog box to close the box.
12. Write down steps to cut copy and paste text in a document.
One of the most basic functions you will probably use is to move or copy text. If you
move the text, deleting it from the original location and placing it somewhere else, you
are cutting and pasting text. When you make a copy of the text, leaving a copy in the
original location and placing the new copy in a different place, you are copying and
pasting text.
When you cut or copy a section of text, it is moved to the Windows Clipboard, which
holds the cut or copied sections until you are ready to paste them. Because the Clipboard
is Windows-based, you can use it in all Windows applications, not just Word.
One thing that makes Word so popular is that you can choose from a number of different
methods to accomplish the same result. There are several different ways to cut or copy
and paste selected text.
Generally, the basic steps to copy and move are as follows:
Some methods for copying, cutting, and pasting text work better in certain situations. For
example, if your hands are already on the keyboard, the keyboard methods might be more
convenient. Others prefer to use the mouse.
To copy selected text, perform one of the following actions:
1. Click the Copy button.
2. Choose Edit, Copy.
3. Right-click the selected text and choose Copy.
4. Press Ctrl+C.
5. Press Ctrl+Insert.
To cut selected text, perform one of the following actions:
1. Click the Cut button.
2. Choose Edit, Cut.
3. Right-click the selection and choose Cut.
4. Press Ctrl+X.
5. Press Shift+Delete.
To paste selected text, perform one of the following actions:
1. Click the Paste button.
2. Choose Edit, Paste.
3. Right-click in the document and choose Paste.
4. Press Ctrl+V.
5. Press Shift+Insert.
Command Description
Alt+H, FF;
arrow keys; Alt+H, FF selects the font drop-down menu; use the arrow keys
Font Enter to highlight the font; press Enter to finish the selection.
Alt+H, FS;
arrow keys; Alt+H, FS selects the font size drop-down menu; use the arrow
Font Size Enter keys to highlight the size; press Enter to finish the selection.
Increase Font
Size Alt+H, FG Increases font size.
Decrease Font
Size Alt+H, FK Decreases font size.
Alt+H, 3;
Underline Enter Toggles underline on and off.
Command Description
Alt+H, 3;
Double down arrow;
underline Enter Toggles double underline on and off.
Alt+H, FC; Alt+H, FS FC selects the font color drop-down menu; use the
arrow keys; arrow keys to highlight the color; press Enter to finish the
Color Enter selection.
This command is use when you want to save a file by only one name. For example you
have saved a file by the name of “Excel tip” and now you want to open it and want to insert
some more information about “Excel tips” so when you inserted more information and now you
want to save these more information so as you click on “Save” command. Our more work will
directly save in “Excel tips” file.
Save As:-
This command is use when you want to save a file by two or more than two name. For
example you have saved a file by the name of “Excel functions” and now you want it by another
name. So for this, click on “Office button” then click on “Save As” command or Click “F12”
from keyboard. After click on “Save As” command “Type a name” in the front of “File name”
and lastly click on “Save” button as given below.
16. Explain md, cd, DATE, TIME, VER, DIR, and RD command in DOS with example
MD: For creating the Directory in MS DOS, we use the MD (Make Directory)command
a. C:\> MD NCIT
CD: For changing the directory in MS DOS, we use the CD (Change Directory)
b. C:\>CD NCIT
Now it appears as:
c. C:\NCIT>
VER: command is used to check the version of the Operating System that is used in the
Computer Syntax:
– C:\>VER
E.g. C:\>VER
DATE and TIME: For checking the date from the system in MS DOS, we use the
DATE command. It returns the current system date.
Similarly, the TIME command returns the current time from the system.
– C:\>DATE
E.g. C:\>DATE
DIR: For listing the Sub-directories and Files within a directory, we use the DIR
– DIR [Directory_name]
– E.g. C:\>DIR NCIT
Displays all the directories/files within the directory NCIT
Step 3 − Now you can edit your document header and once you are done, click Close
Header and Footer to come out of the edit header mode.
Using a Drop Cap is a great way to add visual appeal to your page. To create a Drop Cap,
follow these steps:
1. Click in the paragraph to which you want to add a Drop Cap.
2. On the Insert tab, in the Text group, in the Drop Cap list, choose one of the drop-cap
styles: Dropped or In Margin, or choose Drop Cap Options...:
The former places the image within the paragraph text, where as In Margin places the Drop
Cap in the margin outside the paragraph text.
In Drop Cap Options dialog box, you can:
1. From the Font drop-down list, select the typeface you want to use.
2. Choose a setting from the Lines to Drop box. This setting defines how high the letter
will be.
3. Select the Distance from Text to define how much space you want to allow around the
Drop Cap.
4. Click OK to close the dialog box. Word creates a text box with the Drop Cap inside.