Quoted Unit prices in Rs. (Exclusive of GST and
other duties & taxes) Total FOR
Total Prices
Sl. No. Item/ Equipments along with all accessories as per specifications Unit Qty Units Unit Pkg, Unit Freight unit rate without
Ex-work Fwdg, & Insurance without GST Col. No.
Prices Charges Charges GST Col. No. (4x8)
(Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (5+6+7) (Rs.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
4(A) 245kV Current Transformer (1000-800-500-300/1A)(POLYMER TYPE) No. 6 215625 215625 1293750
4(B) 245kV Current Transformer (1000-800-500-300/1A)(PORCELAIN TYPE) No. 12 217925 217925 2615100
6.2 For 160MVA T/F (800-400/1A)(POLYMER TYPE) No. 6 103500 103500 621000
6.3 For 40 MVA T/F (400-200-100/1A)(POLYMER TYPE) No. 6 92000 92000 552000
10(A) 36kV Current Transformer(800-400-200/1A) (POLYMER TYPE) No. 6 21850 21850 131100
10(B) 36kV Current Transformer(800-400-200/1A) (PORCELAIN TYPE) No. 27 21850 21850 589950
12.1 36kV Line Isolators with Post Insulators and with earth switch No. 8 46000 46000 368000
12.2 36kV Bus Isolators with Post Insulators and without earth switch No. 24 36800 36800 883200
13.1 245kV Line Isolators with one earth switch (Motorised) No. 2 184000 184000 368000
13.2 245kV Bus Isolators without earth switch (Motorised) No. 10 115000 115000 1150000
14.1 145kV Line Isolators with one earth switch (Motorised) No. 2 126500 126500 253000
14.2 145kV Bus Isolators without earth switch (Motorised) No. 14 86250 86250 1207500
15 36kV Drop Out Fuse Set with Post Insulators No. 2 11500 11500 23000
22 CR Panels 0 0
22.1 220 kV T/F Control Panel for 160 MVA T/F (as per technical specifications of SAS issued by UPPTCL) No. 2 600000 600000 1200000
22.2 220 kV T/F Protection Panel for 160 MVA T/F (as per technical specifications of SAS issued by UPPTCL) No. 2 700000 700000 1400000
22.3 220 kV Simplex Feeder C&R Panel (as per technical specifications of SAS issued by UPPTCL) No. 2 750000 750000 1500000
220kV Transfer Bus Control Panel (TBC) (as per technical specifications of SAS issued by UPPTCL suitable for
22.4 No. 1 473667 473667 473666.6
double main & transfer bus)
22.5 220kV Control Panel (B/C) (as per technical specifications of SAS issued by UPPTCL) No. 1 446229 446229 446228.75
132 kV T/F Control & Protection Panel for 40 MVA T/F (as per technical specifications of SAS issued by
22.6 No. 2 836885 836885 1673769.8
22.7 132kV Simplex Feeder C&R Panel (as per technical specifications of SAS issued by UPPTCL) No. 2 606927 606927 1213854.9
22.8 132kV Simplex type bus coupler panel (as per technical specifications of SAS issued by UPPTCL) No. 1 401914 401914 401913.5
132kV Simplex type transfer bus coupler panel panel (as per technical specifications of SAS issued by
22.9 No. 1 316250 316250 316250
22.10 33kV Triple Feeder C&R Panel (as per technical specifications of SAS issued by UPPTCL) No. 3 936114 936114 2808341.4
22.11 Distributed Type Bus Bar Protection Panel (as per technical specifications of SAS issued by UPPTCL) No. 1 888051 888051 888050.7
22.12 SAS (complete set) as per the UPPTCL specifications LS 1 3320139 3320139 3320138.55
22.13 Optical fibre reqd. for SAS as per the specifications Lot 1 60916 60916 60915.5
22.14 Rotational under frequency Relay Panel(as per technical specifications of SAS issued by UPPTCL) No. 1 575000 575000 575000
23 Battery & battery charger 0 0
23.1 Battery Charger for 110V, 500AH Batteries Nos. 2 249550 249550 499100
23.2 110 V, 500AH Battery Set Set 2 356500 356500 713000
24 110 V DC Distribution Board No. 2 80500 80500 161000
25 415 V AC Distribution Board No. 1 379500 379500 379500
c) Supply of sand buckets stand suitable for 10 nos. bucket as per tech. Specn. No. 5 633 633 3162.5
Water Mist and CAF fire extinguisher back pack capacity 10ltr. Using spl. AFFF compound with Fire rating
55A, 2338,1000V
(i) One spare compressed air cylinder 2ltr x200bar (Carbon Composite)
d) Set 1 17250 17250 17250
(ii) 10Nos O-rings for the pressure vessel
(iii) One CAN 5ltr special AFFF compound
(iv) Tool Kit -1 no
Mulsifyre System, including erection & Commissioning, with all equipments & associated materials on both
43 LS 1 4269375 4269375 4269375
160MVA T/F
44 GI perforated trays of various sizes as per requirement LS 1 373750 373750 373750
45.1 Automatic Transformer Oil BDV Test Set No. 1 235750 235750 235750
45.2 Thermal Imaging Camera No. 1 39561 39561 39561.15
46 10kV Digital Insulation tester (Megger or equivalent make ) No. 1 97750 97750 97750
47 Digital Multimeter (Motvani or equivalent make ) No. 1 17250 17250 17250
47 Transformer Oil for 2 nos. 160 MVA and 2 nos. 40 MVA T/F KL 150 103500 103500 15525000
48 Gasket for 2 nos. old 160 MVA T/F Lot 1 86250 86250 86250
49 Gasket for 2 nos. old 40MVA T/F Lot 1 85388 85388 85387.5
50 10MVAR 33KV Capacitor Bank with all associated equipment (oil cooled cu wound reactor type) Nos. 2 1725000 1725000 3450000
52 SPARES 0 0
Note :
1- Bidder is required to quote prices in this Schedule for all the individual items/sub-items.
2- Please confirm that the prices are after taking into account ITC benefits. As per section 171 of CGST act 2017 , " any reduction in rate of tax any supply of goods or services or the
benefit of input tax credit shall be passed on to the recipient by way of commensureate reduction of prices. Hence supplier/ manufacture to ensure to passe the benefit of reduced prices
to UPPTCL. Further prices quoted by supplier/manufacturer is subject to scrutiny under above section."
3- Evaluation of Tender shall be made after loading 18% GST (present rate) on all items including supply, erection, Testing & commissioning and civil work asuming the work as Work
Designation -Director
Date -06/12/2019
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 160 MVA, 220/132 kV Transformer Nos. 2 200000 400000
2 40 MVA, 132/33 kV Transformer Nos. 2 100000 200000
3 250 kVA, 33/0.4kV Station Transformer Nos. 2 6000 12000
4 245kV SF6 Circuit Breaker Nos. 6 8000 48000
5 145kV SF6 Circuit Breaker Nos. 8 8000 64000
245kV Current Transformer (1000-800-500-
6(A) No. 6 5000 30000
245kV Current Transformer (1000-800-500-
6(B) No. 12 5000 60000
6.1 245kV CT Junction Boxes Nos. 6 0 0
7(A) 145kV Current Transformers(POLYMER TYPE) Nos. 12 3000 36000
25.13 Optical fibre reqd. for SAS as per the specifications LS 1 3500 3500
Note :
1- Bidder is required to quote prices in this Schedule for all the individual items/sub-items.
2- Please confirm that the prices are after taking into account ITC benefits. As per section 171 of CGST act 2017 , " any
reduction in rate of tax any supply of goods or services or the benefit of input tax credit shall be passed on to the
recipient by way of commensureate reduction of prices. Hence supplier/ manufacture to ensure to passe the benefit of
reduced prices to UPPTCL. Further prices quoted by supplier/manufacturer is subject to scrutiny under above
3- Evaluation of Tender shall be made after loading 18% GST (present rate) on all items including supply, erection,
Testing & commissioning and civil work asuming the work as Work Contract.
Designation -Director
Date -06/12/2019
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Supply of Complete fitting of Street
Light Luminairs with LED Lamp 110
1 to 130 Watt, with all accessories (make Nos 60 5000 5000 300000
Philips/CGL/Bajaj)Confirming to
Note :
1- Bidder is required to quote prices in this Schedule for all the individual items/sub-items.
2- Please confirm that the prices are after taking into account ITC benefits. As per section 171 of CGST act 2017, " any reduction
in rate of tax any supply of goods or services or the benefit of input tax credit shall be passed on to the recipient by way of
commensureate reduction of prices. Hence supplier/ manufacture to ensure to passe the benefit of reduced prices to UPPTCL.
Further prices quoted by supplier/manufacturer is subject to scrutiny under above section."
3- Evaluation of Tender shall be made after loading 18% GST (present rate) on all items including supply, erection, Testing &
commissioning and civil work asuming the work as Work Contract.
Designation -Director
Date -06/12/2019
Charges without
Sl. No. Particulars Unit Qty. Charges
without GST
1 2 3 4 5 6
Supply and fixing of steel round pole 9.0 mt long in 1:4:8
cement concrete with 40mm brick ballast in size of
1 450x450x1900 and plastering of 300mm length of concrete No. 20 11000 220000
above ground level
Supply & fixing of GI pipe bend of 35mm dia 'B' class 2.5
meter long and bended at one end by quarter circle in 0.5
4 meter for cable entry to junction box fitted on steel round No. 20 750 15000
Supply and fixing of GI pipe bend of 35mm dia 'B' class 2.0
2 meter long and bended at one end by quarter circle in 0.5 No. 40 600 24000
meter for cable entry to junction box fitted on column
Supply and fixing of Light bend of 50mm dia GI 'B' class pipe
3 1.5 meter long bended at 1 meter at an angle of 300 for 250W No. 40 650 26000
HPSV light in Switchyard.
Supply & fixing of 'B'type light pole 2.5M long and fixing of
cable bend pipe & its concreting in the ratio of 1:2:4 with
20mm stone granite and cement concrete in the size of
1 No. 7 2500 17500
500x300x300mm including excavation, back filling, curing
etc. to complete the job
Supply of Junction Box of size 180x150x100mm made of 16
SWG steel with grey painted suitable for 2x2x6 C Sqmm
cable fitted 2 Nos. HRC Fuse link of 5A & 1 No. Neutral link
terminal block, cable glands etc and fixing of junction box on
light pole with the help of M.S. clamps and then making
plinth of size 225x300x300 in the ratio of 1:2:4 cement &
2 coarse sand with 20mm granite with JB embedded in the No. 7 750 5250
plinth and the top surface of plinth being tapered from all
four sides of plinth with 30mm height in the centre including
all associated works of finishing, plastering etc.
Supply & fixing of 50mm dia GI pipe light pole of 'B' class
3 quality No. 7 2000 14000
Supply & fixing of 'J' bend of 25mm dia GI pipe of 'B' class
4 for cable entry No. 7 250 1750
2 Wiring for 3 Pin 5A light plug point socked outlet on existing Nos.
switch board with 3/22, 1.5mm2 PVC insulated copper
conductor in PVC conduit concealed in wall with 2.24mm dia
bare copper earth wire continuity along with piano type 24 600 14400
switch complete in all respect.
4 Supply & wiring of sub main with PVC insulated copper wire
of size & no. as detailed below along with 2.24mm dia bare
copper earth wire continuity in PVC conduit concealed in 450 0
wall complete in all respect.
8 Supply & Fixing of complete set of street light luminair with Nos.
LED Lamp 110 to 130 Watt complete in all respect with
integral control gear of category 'A' make.(make 7 5000 35000
9 Supply & fixing of factory wired LED light fitting suitable for Nos.
1x20W LED complete in all respect of category 'A' make. 20 750 15000
(make Philips/CGL/Bajaj)
10 Supply & Fixing of Fancy wall bracket 1x15W LED fittings Nos. 20 1000 20000
11 Supply & Fixing of decorative ceiling luminairs for 1x10W Nos.
LED Lamp complete with round twin PVC insulated flexible
cord, approved holder complete in all respect with bulb for 15 500 7500
DC lighting
13 Supply & fixing of 18" Exhaust fan of category 'A' make as Nos.
approved by the Engineer. 8 3000 24000
14 Supply & Fixing of 12" Fresh Air Fan of category 'A' make as Nos.
approved by the Engineer 8 1800 14400
15 Supply & fixing of 6000 capacity Desert cooler of size made Nos.
of 20 SWG galvanized sheet duly wired fitted with 18"
Exhaust fan of cat 'A' make and vertical pump along with
3 15000 45000
stand & other thing required to complete the jobs
16 Supply and fixing of Four Pole Isolator of 60/63 A. No. 2 1500 3000
17 Supply and fixing of surface/flush mounting 16 ways SPN No.
Distribution board with MCB complete in all respect. 1 4500 4500
20 Supply & Fixing of Distribution box 6 bay TPNDB with 100 Nos.
Amp. Isolator and 18 No. SP MCB of different capacity 3 6000 18000
Havells make.
Note :
1- Bidder is required to quote prices in this Schedule for all the individual items/sub-items.
2- Please confirm that the prices are after taking into account ITC benefits. As per section 171 of CGST act 2017 , " any
reduction in rate of tax any supply of goods or services or the benefit of input tax credit shall be passed on to the
recipient by way of commensureate reduction of prices. Hence supplier/ manufacture to ensure to passe the benefit of
reduced prices to UPPTCL. Further prices quoted by supplier/manufacturer is subject to scrutiny under above
3- Evaluation of Tender shall be made after loading 18% GST (present rate) on all items including supply, erection,
Testing & commissioning and civil work asuming the work as Work Contract.
Designation -Director
Date -06/12/2019
Abstract of Cost
Bill of Quantity of Civil works for Construction of 220/132/33 KV Sub Station at Myorpur, District- Sonebhadra.
Description Annexure
1 2 3
Construction of CRB, Store, T/F Plinth, Switchyard, Trenches,
Station Transformer, Internal Road, Culvert, Turfing, Chain Link
1 Fencing, Sump House, pump house, tubewell boring and water Annexure-A
supply mains at 220 kv. Substation Myorpur, district- Sonebhadra.
Total Rs.
(Rs. Fourteen crore Twenty Four Lacs Forty Three Thousand Eight Hundred Forty Three & Paise Eighteen Only)
All civil works shall be executed according to the approved drawings which shall be submitted by firm and which shall
based on traditional UPPTCL drawings and soil test results to be carried out by firm from approved laboratory at his ow
cost for which nothing shall be paid extra. Soil testing shall be done at the laboratory approved by E/I . Working drawin
shall be submitted by the firm within least time and get them approved by the SE(CIVIL) before starting the work. Any
delay in this activity shall not be considered for any compensation.
2 Spot levelling, Contouring shall be done by the firm at his own cost.
3 The Quantities are tentative and may vary to any extent or deleted as per actual approved drawings.
4 All civil works shall be carried out as per UPPWD/UPPTCL Specification.
5 All the tax shall be borne by contractor/firm except G.S.T. which will be paid as per prevailing rule .
6 All work mentioned or not mentioned but necessary for energisation of sub station is in the scope of work.
JE S.D.O. E.E.
Contractor's Offer
I/We have carefully studied the bill of quantities, general/special conditions of tender and specification of work.
I/We EPC INFRACON PRIVATE LIMITED here by offer to execute the above noted work.
My or our rates are 7,12,21,922 (in figure) Saven crore twelve lac twenty one thousand nine hundred and twenty two on
(in words) and below on the estimated cost as printed in the enclosed bill of quantity
Signature of contractor
Station at Myorpur, District- Sonebhadra.
ndred Forty Three & Paise Eighteen Only)
nature of contractor
Bills of Quantity
Name of Work: Construction of Main Gantry,Aux. Foundation,Cable Trenches,Transformer Plinth,Fire wall, Control Room Building,
Store shed,Sump House,Chain link Fencing, Drain, Culvert, C.C. Road, Park & Plantation,Water supply works,Fire Hyderant System &
50 KL O.H Tank, Tube Well Boring , Rain Water Harvesting work and Mis. Development Works etc. at 220/132/33 KV Sub Station,
Myorpur Distt. Sonbhadra. (Annexure.-A)
Boring holes 3.5 M deep below cut off Level in all types of strata including loose
sandy strata under water requiring use of modified auger and cutting tools with
gravity valves and removable casing pipe, if required, for proper completion of
work with cost of all labour, material, T&P required. (CSI No. 21.01)
(a) 300 mm Dia pile bore.( CSI 21.01b) Each 172.00 1111.00
(b) 400 mm Dia pile bore.( CSI 21.01c) Each 292.00 1395.00
Cutting the bore hole for providing under ream of 2.5 times the dia. of pile upto
3.50 metre below the cut off leveling tools including cleaning the bore hole and
2 including cost of all materials, labour and T&P etc. as may be required for proper
completion of work. (CSI No. 21.02)
(a) 300 mm Dia pile bore.( CSI 21.02b) Each 172.00 641.00
(b) 400 mm Dia pile bore.( CSI 21.02c) Each 292.00 777.00
Extra for every additional depth of boring work as described in item no 01 above
but beyond 3.50 Metre below the cut off level. (CSI No. 21.03)
(a) For 300 mm dia pile bore.( CSI 21.03b) Metre 126.00 619.00
(b) For 400 mm dia pile bore.( CSI 21.03c) Metre 422.00 805.00
As in item no 03 above but for under reaming beyond 3.50 Metre below the cut
off level. (CSI No. 21.04)
(a) For 300 mm dia piles(CSI 21.04b) Each 80.00 740.00
(b) For 400 mm dia piles(CSI 21.04c) Each 312.000 1283.00
Providing and filling bentonite solution in pile bore under unstable and/or high
water table soil conditions for retaining shape of bore 5 Kg of bentonite will be
5 used in 100 Lt. clear water (Bentonite solution shall be used with continuous Cu.M. 410.00 817.00
process of cirulation) including all material , labour , T&P etc. The measurement
shall be done as per design dia. & depth of pile upto cut off level.(CSI No. 21.05)
Supply and fabrication of M.S. (tor) reinforcement cages for piles including
cutting, bending, welding as per design and placing of the cage in the pile bore
6 M.T. 25.00 68961.00
including cost of all material, labour,and T&P etc. as may be required for proper
completion of the work including all incidental wastage. (CSI No. 21.06)
R.C.C. work with cement, approved coarse sand 2cm gauge approved stone
ballast in 1:1.5:3 proportion for concreting in all type of piles labour for proper
7 completion of the work. Measurement of work be done according to design Cu.M. 440.00 9464.00
diameter and depth of pile upto cut off level. Under reamed concrete shall be
measured as per IS 2911 Part-II. (CSI 21.08)
Extra for concreting in bore holes filled with water or bentonite solution (Bore
under loose unstable/under water) by displacement method, using tremie pipe and
8 including cost of 10%extra cement required over Normal 1:2:4 mix including Cu.M. 440.00 392.00
cost of all labour & T&P etc. as may required for proper complete work. (CSI
No. 21.09)
Cutting & chipping the piles top above the cut off level including bending &
straightening the pile reinforcement as directed including cost of al materials,
labour & T&P etc as may be required for completion of the work. (CSI No.
(a) For 300 mm dia pile top.(CSI 21.11b) Each 172.00 354.00
(b) For 400 mm dia pile top.(CSI 21.11c) Each 292.00 450.00
Conducting pile load test on working piles or test piles as per I.S. 2911 PART -
IV for settlement. (CSI No. 21.12)
(a) For 300 mm dia under-reamed pile. (CSI 21.12b) Each 1.00 23174.00
(b) For 400 mm dia under-reamed pile.( CSI 21.12c) Each 1.00 27808.00
Conducting pile load test on working piles or test piles as per I.S. 2911 PART -
IV for uplift. (CSI No. 21.13)
(a) For 300 mm dia under-reamed pile. (CSI 21.13b) Each 1.00 16682.00
(b) For 400 mm dia under-reamed pile.( CSI 21.13c) Each 1.00 18570.00
Conducting pile load test on working piles or test piles as per I.S. 2911 PART
-IV for lateral deflection. (CSI No. 21.14)
(a) For 300 mm dia under-reamed pile. (CSI 21.14b) Each 1.00 11123.00
(b) For 400 mm dia under-reamed pile.( CSI 21.14c) Each 1.00 12357.00
Excavation in foundation in ordinary soil (Loam Clay or Sand) including lift
upto 1.5m and lead upto 30m and including filling, watering and ramming of
13 Cu.M 2808.60 159.00
excavated earth into the trenches or into the space between the building and
sides of the foundation work. (CSI No. 4.01)
Earth work in cutting or in embankment in ordinary soil, excavation to be in the
form of regular pits, not exceeding 0.5M in depth and earthwork in embankment
14 Cu.M 200.00 135.00
to be in 20cm layers, including ramming & dressing the surface to reqd. levels
and slopes.(CSI No. 4.03)
Local sand filling in plinth including supply of necessary quantity of local sand
from outside the UPPCL premises including watering, dressing etc. Rate to
15 Cu.M 850.00 1105.00
include cost of all materials, labour and T&P etc. required for proper completion
of work. (CSI No. 4.05)
Clearing jungle including uprooting of rank vegetations,grass, bush, wood, trees
and saplings of girth upto 30cm measured at a height of 1.0m above ground
16 SqM ### 7.00
level and removal of rubbish upto a distance of 50m outside the periphery of
UPPCL area cleared.(CSI No. 4.08)
Earth filling under floors and/or sub station area when earth is obtained from
outside UPPCL premises including cutting and cartage upto 3 Km, cost of earth,
17 Cu.M ### 403.00
royalty and filling at site including watering, rammingin 20 cm layers and
dressing of earth etc. complete. (CSI 4.10)
Levelling and dressing and making proper slopes including cutting and filling of
18 earth upto a depth 100mm if so required including all labour T&P etc. required SqM 200.00 3.00
for proper completion of the work (CSI No. 4.11)
Excavation in hard rock other than grenite by blasting including cost of drilling ,
explosive, removal of rock and stacking upto adistance 30 M including lift upto
19 CuM 450.00 781.00
1.5 M. Stack measurement shall be done and 20% vides shall be deducted.(CSI
No. 4.13)
Concrete with 4cm gauge stone ballast (class 150) , coarse sand (F.M. 1.5 to 2.0)
and cement in proportion of 12:6:1 in foundations and under floors including
20 Cu.M 550.00 5905.00
supply of all materials, labour and tools and plants etc. required for proper
completion. (CSI No.5.02)
Same as in item no 20 above but in proportion of 8:4:1 with 4cm gauge approved
21 Cu.M 342.70 6294.00
hard stone ballast(CSI 5.04a)
Concreting of 40 mm thick RCC trench covers in mild steel frame work with
C.C 1:1.5:3 in Cement,Chopan coarse sand (F. M. 2.0 to 2.5) and 2cm gauge
graded hard stone ballast with 3mm thick floating coat of neat cement finish on
22 SqM 750.00 351.00
top of cover complete with all labour, materials and placing the same in proper
position at required location of cable trench within the substation area.(CSI No.
Cement concrete with 2 cm gauge approved hard stone ballast, coarse sand (F.M.
1.5 to 2.0) and cement in proportion of 1:1.5:3 including supply of all materials,
23 Cu.M 450.00 7673.00
labour, side shuttering if required and T&P etc required for proper completion of
work (CSI 5.21).
RCC work with cement approved coarse sand (F.M. 1.5 to 2.0) and 2 cm gauge
graded approved hard stone ballast like grainite, quartzite etc. from Dalla, Jhansi
or other quarries, in proportion 1:1.5:3 in lintels of doors and windows, excluding
24 Cu.M 50.00 8853.00
supply of reinforcement and its bending but including its fixing and binding the
same with binding wire and including cost of all materials, binding wire, labour
and T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. (CSI 5.23 )
RCC work with cement approved coarse sand (F.M. 1.5 to 2.0) and 2 cm gauge
graded approved hard stone ballast like grainite, quartzite etc. from Dalla, Jhansi
or other quarries, in proportion 1:1.5:3 in slab, excluding supply of reinforcement
25 Cu.M 250.00 10216.00
and its bending but including its fixing and binding the same with binding wire
and including cost of all materials, binding wire, labour and T&P etc. required for
proper completion of the work . ( CSI 5.24)
RCC work with cement approved coarse sand (F.M. 1.5 to 2.0) and 2 cm gauge
graded approved hard stone ballast like grainite, quartzite etc. from Dalla, Jhansi
or other quarries, in proportion 1:1.5:3 in lighter beams i.e. having span up to 6m,
26 excluding supply of reinforcement and its bending but including its fixing and Cu.M 95.00 10993.00
binding the same with binding wire and including cost of all materials, binding
wire, labour and T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work ( CSI
RCC work with cement approved coarse sand (F.M. 1.5 to 2.0) and 2 cm gauge
graded approved hard stone ballast like grainite, quartzite etc. from Dalla, Jhansi
or other quarries, in proportion 1:1.5:3 in heavier beams i.e. having span above
27 6m., excluding supply of reinforcement and its bending but including its fixing Cu.M 90.00 11930.00
and binding the same with binding wire and including cost of all materials,
binding wire, labour and T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work
( CSI 5.26)
RCC work with cement approved coarse sand (F.M. 1.5 to 2.0) and 2 cm gauge
graded approved hard stone ballast like grainite, quartzite etc. from Dalla, Jhansi
or other quarries, in proportion 1:1.5:3 in RCC raft foundation and footings.,
28 Cu.M 340.00 8392.00
excluding supply of reinforcement and its bending but including its fixing and
binding the same with binding wire and including cost of all materials, binding
wire, labour and T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work.(CSI 5.27)
RCC work with cement approved coarse sand (F.M. 1.5 to 2.0) and 2 cm gauge
graded approved hard stone ballast like grainite, quartzite etc. from Dalla, Jhansi
or other quarries, in proportion 1:1.5:3 in RCC pile caping, gantry walls/column
29 foundations and RCC pedestals., excluding supply of reinforcement and its Cu.M 450.00 8661.00
bending but including its fixing and binding the same with binding wire and
including cost of all materials, binding wire, labour and T&P etc. required for
proper completion of the work.(CSI No. 5.28)
RCC work with cement approved coarse sand (F.M. 1.5 to 2.0) and 2 cm gauge
graded approved hard stone ballast like grainite, quartzite etc. from Dalla, Jhansi
or other quarries, in proportion 1:1.5:3 in RCC T beam-slab and column.,
30 excluding supply of reinforcement and its bending but including its fixing and Cu.M 290.00 11238.00
binding the same with binding wire and including cost of all materials, binding
wire, labour and T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. (CSI No.
Supplying and filling 75 mm to 115 mm size bolders in chilling tank complete
including supply of all materials, labour and tools and plants etc. required for
31 Cu.M 25.00 2373.00
proper completion.(Voides 30 % shall be deducted during measurement). (CSI
No. 5.30)
First class brick (class-150) work in 1:6 cement and coarse sand (F.M.1.5 to 2.0)
33 mortar in foundation and plinth including supply of all materials, labour & T&P Cu.M 450.00 5841.00
etc. required for proper completion of work. (CSI No. 6.01)
First class brick (class-150) work in 1:6 cement and coarse sand (F.M.1.5 to 2.0)
mortar in superstructure including necessary cutting & moulding of bricks as
34 required & also including honey comb thick works thickness of wall not to be Cu.M 210.00 6177.00
less then 1.½ brick including supply of all materials, labour & T&P etc. required
for proper completion of work .(CSI 6.01+6.07)
First class brick work in 1:6 cement and coarse sand (F.M.1.5 to 2.0) mortar in
35 super structure for walls of one brick thickness. ( CSI Cu.M 300.00 6463.00
First class brick (class-150) work in 1:4 cement and coarse sand (F.M.1.5 to 2.0)
36 mortar in foundation and plinth including supply of all materials, labour & T&P Cu.M 968.00 6000.00
etc. required for proper completion of work. (CSI No. 6.03)
First class brick (class-150) work in 1:4 cement and coarse sand (F.M.1.5 to 2.0)
mortar in superstructure including necessary cutting & moulding of bricks as
37 Cu.M 310.00 6622.00
required for one brick thick wall including supply of all materials, labour & T&P
etc. required for proper completion of work .(CSI 6.03+6.07+6.08)
First class brick (class-150) work in 1:4 cement and coarse sand (F.M.1.5 to 2.0)
mortar in superstructure including necessary cutting & moulding of bricks as
38 Cu.M 30.00 6765.00
required for half brick (115mm) thickness wall including supply of all materials,
labour & T&P etc. required for proper completion of work(CSI 6.03+6.07+6.09)
Reinforced brick work for walls in 1:3 cement and coarse sand mortar of F. M.
1.5 to 2.0 in foundation and plinth including supply of all labour, materials, T&P
39 Cu.M 4.00 7415.00
etc required for proper completion of work. The reinforced steel work shall be
measured separately against M.S. Steel Works of chapter 9. (CSI No. 6.20)
Same as in item 39 above but R.B.Work in super strucrue. (CSI
40 Cu.M 40.00 7894.00
Add to all items of brick work in superstructure as extra for brick work in
41 Cu.M 4.00 799.00
circullar pillers. (CSI 6.15)
Supply and filling brick bat in soak pit including all labour,material and T&P etc
42 Cu.M 4.00 1515.00
complete. (for 01 soak pit)(CSI No. 6.23)
Indian Sal wood wrought framed and fixed including simple ,mouldings straight
43 work as in Chaukhats including supply of all materials, labour and T&P Cu.M 1.00 86844.00
etc.required for proper completion of the work. (CSI No. 8.03)
Supply and fixing of 32 mm thick Shisham wood part panelled part glazed door
and window shutter including supply and fixing of wooden cleats,stoppers,hinges
44 and including supply fixing of aluminium tower bolts, locks, handles, SqM 15.00 3392.00
springs,Ldrops and other fittings supply & fixing the glass panes with putty and
necessary Screws (Glass panes to be 4 mm thick).(CSI 8.25)
Supply and fixing Anodized Aluminium Window fittings like 2 no 100 mm
handles,2 no 150 mm tower rail, 1 no stopper and 1 no 12 mm belan including all
45 SqM 10.00 204.00
materials, labour & T&P etc. required for proper completion of work. (CSI No.
Providing and fixing aluminium work for doors, windows, vertilators and
partitions with extruded built up standard tubular sections/ appropriate Z sections
and other sections of approved make conforming to IS: 733 and IS: 1285, fixing
with dash fasteners of required dia and size, including neccessary filling up the
gaps at junctions, i.e. at top, bottom and sides with required EPDM rubber/
neoprene gasket etc. Aluminium sections shall be smooth, rust free, straight,
46 Kg 950.00 354.00
mitred and jointed mechanically wherever requiredincluding cleat angle,
Aluminnium snap beading for glazing/ paneling, C.P. brass/ stainless steel
screws, all complete as per architectural drawings and the directions of Engineer-
in-charge. (Glazing, paneling and dash fasteners to be paid for separately) : For
fixed portion powder coated aluminium (minimum thickness of power coating 50
Micron):(CSI No. 28.26)
Providing and fixing aluminium work for doors, windows, vertilators and
partitions with extruded built up standard tubular sections/ appropriate Z sections
and other sections of approved make conforming to IS: 733 and IS: 1285, fixing
with dash fasteners of required dia and size, including neccessary filling up the
gaps at junctions, i.e. at top, bottom and sides with required EPDM rubber/
neoprene gasket etc. Aluminium sections shall be smooth, rust free, straight,
mitred and jointed mechanically wherever requiredincluding cleat angle,
47 Aluminnium snap beading for glazing/ paneling, C.P. brass/ stainless steel Kg 1350.00 411.00
screws, all complete as per architectural drawings and the directions of Engineer-
in-charge. (Glazing, paneling and dash fasteners to be paid for separately) : For
shutters of doors, windows & vertilators including providing and fixing hinges/
pivots and making provision for fixing of fittings wherever required including the
cost of EPDM rubber/ neoprene gasket required (fittings shall be paid for
seperately) powder coated aluminium (minimum thickness of power coating 50
Micron):(CSI No. 28.27)
S/Fixing of double action floor springs including cutting in floors / RCC slabs
and grouting the same with C.C. & finishing the surface properly as and where
48 required under aluminium doors as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. Each 20.00 2889.00
including cost of all other material, labour, tools & plants etc. complete. (CSI No.
Supply and fixing of 32 mm thick single leaf flush door shutter ( boiled water
resistance, phenol maldehide resin bonded, hot pressed factory made) commercial
quality to I.S.2202 part-1 (1983) ISI marked including fixing of wooden cleats
49 SqM 20.00 1797.00
and stoppers and including fixing and adjustment of hinges,bolts.locks,handles,
springs and other fittings but excluding their supply including all materials,
labour & T&P etc. required for proper completion of work. (CSI No. 8.57)
Supply and fixing Anodized Aluminium Door fittings like 2 no 150 mm
handles,2 no 250 mm tower rail, 1 no stopper and 1 no 12 mm belan including all
50 SqM 10.00 391.00
materials, labour & T&P etc. required for proper completion of work. (CSI No.
Supplying & fixing 24 gauge annodized aluminium sheet of approved quality
51 including cutting, wastage and fixing the same over the wooden door shutters SqM 25.00 399.00
with nails with all material, labour and T&P. (CSI No. 8.63)
Mild Steel or Iron work in heavy sizes such as trusses built up gates, door
frames, record, racks roof work gates etc. wrought to required form including
52 holes rivetting or welding where necessary and also fixing in proper position MT 57.40 76551.00
and alignment including cost of all materials supplied by contractor.(CSI No.
Providing and Fixing barbed iron wire fencing including stretching, fixing into
the post including all labour, materials and T&P required for proper completion
54 of work. the weight of hot dipped GI barbed wire having 12 SWG - 2 ply wires RM 1250.00 11.00
and 4 point ordinary barbs @ 150 mm (approx) C/C should be 100 gm per Meter.
(CSI No. 9.07)
Supplying and fixing rolling shutters of approved make made of 80x1.25 mm.
Gauge cold rolled M.S. lathes inter locked through out their inner length and
55 joined together at the end by end lock guides & arrangements for inside and SqM 6.80 2150.00
outside locking with push &pull operation complete but excluding the cost of top
cover and springs. ( CSI No. 9.08)
56 P/F 27.5 cm. long wire spring grades 2 for rolling shutters.(CSI No. 9.09) Each 6.00 506.00
57 Providing and fixing top cover rolling shutters.(CSI 9.10 ) RM 3.00 503.00
58 Providing and fixing ball bearing for rolling shutters.(CSI 9.11 ) No. 2.00 561.00
Supply of 28 mm. dia M.S. Anchor bolts (conforming to IS 266) 900 mm. long
with base plate (75x75x6mm) welded with anchor bolts including its threading
upto a length of 10cm. and also supply of a pair of galvanized standard nuts with
59 threading including supply of 5 mm thick washer and cost of labour, material & No. 2500.00 445.00
T&P for proper completion of work. (CSI No. 9.12)
Fixing and grouting 28/32 mm. dia M.S. Anchor bolts in proper alignment level
60 and setout with help of a template complete including supply of all labour & T&P No. 2500.00 56.00
etc. required for proper completion of the work. (CSI 9.13)
Supply of 25 mm dia.M.S. Anchor bolts (conforming to IS-226) 500 mm long
with base plate(50x50x6 mm)welded with anchor bolts,including its threading
upto a length of 10cm. and galvanizing upto 15cm from top, also supply of a pair
61 of galvanized standard nuts with threading including supply of 5mm thick washer No. 2500.00 293.00
and cost of labour material and T&P etc. required for proper completion of the
work. (CSI No. 9.14)
Fixing and grouting 25 mm dia and below.M.S. Anchor bolts in proper alignment
62 level and setout with the help of a template including supply of all labour T&P No. 2350.00 43.00
etc. reqd. for proper completion of the work. ( CSI 9.15)
Providing and fixing steel glazed window and ventilators of standard rolled
Mann or Mahavir steel sections conforming to IS 7452-1974 as per drawing
joints metered & welded with 100x14x3.15 mm holdfast embedded in cement
concrete block 15x10x10 cm. Size of 1:3:6 proportion I.E. First part of cement 3
63 part of approved coarse sand & 6 part of graded stone (aggregated 20mm. SqM 6.00 4013.00
Nominal size) S/F of glass panes of plain pin headed 4mm. Thick nuts glazing
clips and special putty of approved make complete and including a cost of red
oxide paint. The fabrication should conform to I.S.1038-1975. (Aluminum
beading with rubber packing included).(CSI No. 9.17)
Supply and fixing galvanised mosquito proof jali (16x24 gauge) with M.S. flat of
64 20 x 3 mm. size, on both sides screwed or welded to window or door frame. (CSI SqM 10.00 600.00
No. 9.18)
Providing M.S. Frames work, rack etc for R.C.C. Trench covers and edging with
M.S. angles and M.S reinforcement including cutting, bending and welding as per
65 MT 120.00 72568.00
approved drawing. The rate is including cost of all labour, materials etc. as
required for proper completion of the work.(CSI No. 9.20)
S/F welded wire mesh size 75x25mm and rectangular made out of 10 SWG over
M.S. angle frame with M.S. flat welded as required including cost of drilling
66 holes, washer welding etc as required including cost of all material, labour and SqM 75.00 386.00
T&P etc. required for proper completion of work . exept cost of M.S angle and
flat.(CSI No. 9.22)
S/F 50x50mm, 8 gauge G.I. chain link fencing 1.8 M high including fixing to
vertical posts, horizontal runners with 10mm dia. 40mm long bolts, nuts and
washers complete with all material, labour and T&P etc. required for proper
65 SqM 450.00 744.00
completion of work. Chain link of 8 gauge shall be galvanized by hot dipped
method as per relevant IS Code. (Excluding cost of vertical posts and horizontal
runners) (CSI No. 9.23)
S/F in position 90 lbs M.S. Rail for transformer plinth including cost of all
67 labour, material and T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. (CSI RM 32.00 3495.00
No. 9.26)
Grouting of vertical or inclined post of pale/chain/security fencing in true level,
alignment and in plumb or inclination as required, including cost of all labour,
68 Each 100.00 48.00
materials and T&P required for proper completion of work. ( Post and concrete
for grouting shall be measured separately)(CSI No. 9.28)
Fixing and grouting of trench edging in proper level and alignment including
69 cost of all labour, and T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work but RM 3100.00 12.00
excluding cost of C.C. (labour rates only) . (CSI No. 9.30)
Fixing of template in position level and alignment for grouting of Anchor bolt in
70 Each 110.00 227.00
main gantry (labour rate only). (CSI No. 9.31)
Same in item 70 above but for auxiliary structure. (labour rate only). (CSI No.
71 Each 420.00 144.00
Fixing of cable trench racks in proper position and alignment including cost of all
72 labour, material and T&Petc. required for proper completion of the work (Labour Each 750.00 9.00
rate only). (CSI No. 9.33)
Providing & fixing 1 mm.thick M.S. sheet garrage door with frame of
40x40x6mm angle iron, diagonal bracings with 50x5 mm flat and 5 mm thick
M.S. gusset plates at the junctions and corners including supply and fixing of
73 necessary fitting, 2 no lock rail of 16 dia,375 mm long and including pintel SqM 50.00 2952.00
hooks at the top and bottom, applying a priming coat of red oxide paint on all
sides complete . (CSI No. 9.34)
Fabrication of template for main gantry foundation including cost of all labour,
and T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. Steel shall be arranged
74 by contractor free of cost. This template shall be property of contractor.(Labour No. 6.00 845.00
rate only). (CSI No. 9.35)
Fabrication of template for auxiliary foundation including cost of all labour, and
T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. Steel shall be arranged by
75 No. 6.00 425.00
contractor free of cost. This template shall be property of contractor.(Labour rate
only).(CSI No. 9.36)
P/F Concertina coilfencing with required dia. 600 mm upto 3 M height of wall
between existing angle iron ‘Y’ shaped placed 2.4 M or 3.0 M apart and with 6
horizontal R.B.T. stud tied with G.I. staples and G.I. clips to retain horizontal
including necessary golts or G.I. barbed wire tied to angle iron all complete ( No.
of rounds will be 7 to 8 in one Meter length) as per direction of Engineer I/C with
76 reinforced barbed tape (R.B.T.)/ Spring core (2.5mm thick ) wire of high tensile RM 190.00 334.00
strength of 165 kg/Sqmm with tape ( 0.52 mm thick ) of supreme make or
equivalent and weight 43.478 gm/meter ( cost of MS angle, C.C. blocks shall be
paid separately).(CSI No. 9.37)
Supply and laying water proof craft paper in double layer with grease. including
77 supply of all materials, labour and T&P etc. required for proper completion of the SqM 55.00 148.00
work. (CSI No. 10.09)
Supply and fixing 50 mm dia 150 mm long G.I. pipe in chhajja as spout including
78 supply of all materials, labour and T&P etc. required for proper completion of the Each 55.00 84.00
work. (CSI No. 10.10)
12mm thick plaster with cement mortar with 1:4 cement and coarse sand mortar
over brick work minimum thickness not to be less than 10 mm including cost of
79 SqM 9680.00 199.00
all materials, labour and T&P required for proper completion of work.(CSI
80 Same as in item no.79 above but plaster in 1:6 mix.(CSI 11.09) SqM 1100.00 191.00
Add for extra labour and materials for plaster over rough face of one brick thick
81 SqM 2000.00 23.00
wall. (CSI No. 11.12)
2 cm. thick cement plaster in dado or skirting in 1:2 consisting of one part of
cement and two parts of approved coarse sand laid in panels finished with
82 3mm.floating coat of neat cement or cement and marble dust in ratio of 5:1 SqM 15.00 283.00
including supply of all materials, labour & T&P etc. required for proper
completion of the work.(CSI No.11.13)
S/mixing approved water proofing compound (CICO,DR FIXIT etc) in cement
83 mortar in plaster or concrete work in the proportion as recommended by the Kg 1400.00 47.00
manufacturer. (CSI No. 11.15)
Providing (12x15)mm section groove in plaster including all material, labour and
83 RM 750.00 12.00
T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. (CSI No. 11.16)
84 #ADDIN?
6mm thick plaster with cement mortar with 1:3 cement and approved coarse sand
85 mortar including cost of all materials, labour and T&P required for proper SqM 3200.00 167.00
completion of work( CSI 11.17)
Champering the edge of concrete in auxiliary structure, of size 25 mm wide in
86 triangular section including all materials, labour & T&P etc complete. (CSI RM 9000.00 8.00
Making drip course (25x12) mm in 1:2 cement and course sand including supply
87 of all materials, labour and T&P etc required for proper completion of work. RM 300.00 11.00
(CSI No. 11.19)
3 mm thick floating coat of neat cement finish including supply of all
88 materials,labour and T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. SqM 5900.00 18.00
( cement consumtion 0.044 bag/Sq.m.) (CSI No. 11.20)
2.5 cm. thick 1:2:4 plain cement concrete floor with cement, approved coarse
sand and 2cm. graded approved stone ballast laid in panels finished with 3mm.
floating coat of neat cement or cement and marble dust in ratio of 5:1 as specified
89 and removing any overlapping mortar at the joints of the panels if any and SqM 1000.00 274.00
giving them a uniform finish including supply of all materials, labour and tools
and plants etc. required for proper completion of the work. (without base concrete
). ( CSI 12.02 )
4.0 cm. thick 1:2:4 plain cement concrete floor with cement, approved coarse
sand and 2cm. graded approved stone ballast laid in panels finished with 3mm.
floating coat of neat cement or cement and marble dust in ratio of 5:1 as specified
90 and removing any overlapping mortar at the joints of the panels if any and SqM 500.00 420.00
giving them a uniform finish including supply of all materials, labour and tools
and plants etc. required for proper completion of the work. (without base concrete
). ( CSI 12.04 )
Straight over burnt bricks on edge floor laid dry, joints sand filled, including
preparation of base to proper slope and its ramming including supply of all
91 SqM 2700.00 507.00
material labour & T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. (CSI No.
Supply and Laying 8 mm thick glazed floor tiles of Somany, Johnson or
equivalent make, of size 300x300 mm, laid with 1:3 cement and approved coarse
92 sand mortar finished with white cement slurry, jointing and polishing complete, SqM 25.00 1150.00
including supply of all materials, labour and T&P etc. completion required for
proper completion of the work.(CSI No12.11)
Supply and Laying 6 mm thick glazed tiles of size 200x300 mm in skirting /
dado laid with 1:3 cement and approved coarse sand mortar finished with white
93 cement slurry, jointing and polishing complete,including supply of all materials, SqM 104.00 919.00
labour and T&P etc. completion required for proper completion of the work.
(CSI No. 12.12)
Providing and fixing glass strips of 25mm deep and 3.15 mm thickness in joints
94 of floor and skirting at the time of laying floors, flush with floor level including RM 270.00 27.00
all labour,materials Tools and plants etc. complete. (CSI 12.13)
95 Same as in item no. 94 above but for 40 mm deep.(CSI 12.14) RM 240.00 30.00
Providing and laying floor of 10 mm thick vitrified tiles in flooring or skirting of
approved brand (Bell, Johnson or equi. make) size of 600x600 mm of approved
shade, colour and pattern , laid over base cement mortar 1:4 mix including
96 finishing the joints with white cement mixed with pigment to match the shade of SqM 750.00 1472.00
tile including cost of all material, labour and T&P required for proper completion
of the work. (CSI No. 12.18)
Providing and laying of 20 mm thick granite ( black/ brown) in floor ,of approved
shade, colour,size and pattern , laid over base cement mortar 1:4 mix including
97 finishing the joints with white cement mixed with pigment to match the shade of SqM 250.00 2977.00
granite floor including cost of all material, labour and T&P required for proper
completion of the work, as per direction of Engineer incharge. (CSI No. 12.20)
100 Providing and fixing of Armstrong soft fibre acoustical suspended ceiling system SqM 250.00 1880.00
Painting or varnishing new iron work in small areas or new wood work with one
coat of ready mixed priming paint and one coat of approved superior quality
101 ready mix paint "Luxol" or equivalent brand or varnish including supply of all SqM 2500.00 70.00
materials, labour and T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. Paint
to be used should conform to the I.S. 103-1950. (CSI No. 13.01)
As in item no 101 above but for every coat after first coat. (CSI
102 SqM 2500.00 33.00
No. 13.02)
Finishing walls with water proof cement paint of approved made like "Super
Snowcem" or equivalent quality on new work with two coats to give an even
103 SqM 400.00 59.00
shade including supply of all materials, labour etc. required for proper
completion of work. (CSI No. 13.17)
104 As in item no 103 above but for every coat after first coat. (CSI No. 13.18) SqM 400.00 21.00
Applying Birla or equivalent putty on new interior or exterior surface over one
coat of water based cement primer of ICI or equivalent brand for smoothening
105 and levelling of the surface as per requirement and direction of Engineer I/C SqM 3600.00 84.00
including cost of all material, labour, T & P etc required for proper completion of
work. (CSI No. 13.20)
Painting one coat with APEX or equivalent brand weather coat paint on new wall
surfaces (well prepared with Birla putty and one coat of primer ICI or equivalent
106 which shall be paid separately) including thorough washing with water including SqM 1900.00 96.00
cost of all materials, labour, T&P required for proper completion of work. (CSI
No. 13.22)
Same as in item no 106 above but for every coat of additional APEX or
107 SqM 1900.00 43.00
equivalent brand weather coat paint . (CSI No. 13.23)
Painting one coat with Acrylic emulsion paint of Berger/ Asian/ ICI or equivalent
paint (Paint and water in the ratio 1:1 by volume) over prepared and primed
surface of cement concrete, cement plaster and bricks including all labour,
108 SqM 1600.00 85.00
material and T&P etc required for proper completion of the work, (preparation of
base with Birla putty etc. and a coating of primer shall be paid extra) . (CSI No.
Same as item no 108 but for each additional coat of paint to give an even shade.
109 SqM 1600.00 37.00
(CSI 13.26).
Painting letters & number over cable trench cover or other places with the help of
stencils including painting of base of 150 mm. dia of one coat of primer and two
coats of superior quality synthetic enamel paint size of letter to be 60 mm. x 10
110 Each 2300.00 12.00
mm. including cost of all materials labour and T&P etc. required for proper
completion of the work including placing of Trench covers in required position
(CSI No. 13.28)
White washing three coats including supply of all materials, labour and T&P etc.
111 SqM 500.00 15.00
( CSI 14.03 )
One priming coat and two coat oil bound distemper ono neew work including
112 supply of all materials, labour and T&P etc. required for proper completion of the SqM 500.00 88.00
work (CSI No. 13.08+13.09)
Laying cement concrete road slab consisting of 1 part cement 1.5 part approved
coarse sand and 3 part approved 20mm down graded stone aggregate over
113 prepared sub grade after its rectification and bringing it to proper camber and Cu.M 270.00 8340.00
shape and making good to the satisfaction of E/I inclduing cost of all materials,
labour and T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. (CSI No. 18.13)
Filling of 20mm. wide 100/150 mm. deep joint with coarse sand and saw dust
114 mixed with hot bitumen including all material, labour and T&P. etc. required for RM 1000.00 45.00
proper completion of work. (CSI 18.14)
Developing the tubewell by the air compressor having a capacity of 8.5 CuM or
113 by the borehole pumping set having the capacity of 0.7 CuM/sec as per direction Hr. 50.00 3390.00
of Engineer I/C. (CSI No. 19.01)
Drilling of 450 mm dia bore hole from G.L. to 150 M B.G.L. work to be
114 completed in 7 days of 3 shift of 8 hours each as per direction of E/C. (CSI
a From G.L. to 90 M B.G.L.(CSI 19.04C i) RM 90.00 1825.00
b From 90. to 120 M B.G.L.(CSI 19.04C ii) RM 30.00 1947.00
c From 120. to 150 M B.G.L.(CSI 19.04C iii) RM 30.00 2091.00
Drilling of 300 mm dia bore hole from G.L. to 150 M B.G.L. work to be
115 completed in 7 days of 3 shift of 8 hours each as per direction of E/C. (CSI
a From G.L. to 90 M B.G.L.(CSI 19.04E i) RM 110.00 1650.00
b From 90. to 120 M B.G.L.(CSI 19.04E ii) RM 30.00 1775.00
c From 120 to 150 M B.G.L.(CSI 19.04E iii) RM 30.00 1875.00
Lowering of tube well assembly alongwith shrouding with pea gravels, testing,
verticality of Tube well and washing of the tube well from G.L. to 180 Meter
116 B.G.L. the cost including all labour, materials, T&P required for proper
completion of work but excluding the cost of slotted pipe/ plain M.S.pipe
assembly and Pea gravel. (CSI No. 19.05)
From G.L. to 90 M B.G.L.(CSI19.12 i) RM 90.00 347.00
From 90 M 120 M B.G.L(CSI 19.12 ii) RM 30.00 391.00
From 120 M BGL to 150 M BGL.(CSI 19.12 iii) RM 30.00 438.00
Supply of 200 mm dia M.S plain pipe for making tubewell assembly and cartage
to boring site, the pipes shall be of TATA/ Jindal or approved make including
117 RM 60.00 1680.00
cost of all labour, materials and T&P required for making assembly and proper
completion of work(CSI 19.06 iv)
Same as item no 117 but for 150 mm M.S.plain pipe. (CSI
118 RM 60.00 1155.00
19.06 v)
Same as item no 117 but for 150 mm M.S.slotted pipe. (CSI
119 RM 30.00 1386.00
19.07 iii)
Development of tubewell by O.P. Unit (5 HP to 10 HP submersible pump set),
including bringing Column pipe for the OP unit, assembling, electric connections,
running for required period, dismentling and taking out & carrying away and
120 Hr 30.00 715.00
cleaning the site with cost of all labour, materials, T&P and fuel / Electricity
Charges etc required for proper completion of work and as per direction of
Engineer-in-charge.(CSI No. 19.14)
Supply and fixing of 150 mm dia M.S. bail plug of heavy quality including all
121 Each 1.00 710.00
labour material & T&P .(CSI 19.17c)
Supply and fixing of 200 mm dia MS top plug of heavy quality including all
122 Each 1.00 820.00
labour material & T&P. .(CSI 19.18d)
Supply and fixing of support clamps for,80/100 mm dia. pipes.. (CSI
123 No 12.00 660.00
Transportation and installation of tube well drilling Rig m/c, compressure for
development and other required equipments and accessories at site of work and
124 dismentlling & taking them back after successful completion of the work Job 5.00 11000.00
including cleaning, levelling - dressing the site properly, also disposing off the
surplus earth, silt, sand etc. (CSI No. 19.27)
S/Fof sluice valve of 80 mm size ISI mark and approved make with nuts,bolts
125 No. 2.00 5055.00
and packing.(CSI 26.11a)
S/Fof sluice valve of 100mm size ISI mark and approved make with nuts,bolts
126 No. 2.00 5536.00
and packing.(CSI 26.11b)
Supply and stacking pee gravel properly at levelled ground for measurement as
127 directed by Engineer I/C, including all labour, T&P required for proper Cu.M 44.10 5335.00
completion of work. (CSI No. 19.24)
Supply & installation of electrical control panel of L&T or Havells or equivalent
128 make for submersible pumpset/ pumpset containing contractor relay condenser Each 2.00 7370.00
for 5 H.P pump set three phase. (CSI 19.30d)
Supply & installation of electrical control panel of L&T or Havells or equivalent
129 make for 7.5 H.P three phase submersible pumpset/ pumpset containing Each 1.000 9570.00
contractor relay condenser. (CSI No.19.30 e)
Supply & Installation of submersible pump three phase 7.5 HP outlet 65 mm dia.
or more, Head 57/46, Discharge 24000/30000 LPH of K.S.B. or eqt. make
130 No. 1.00 46173.00
including cost of labour, T&P and material required for completion of work, with
one year of warranty. (CSI No.19.31 f )
S/F submersible pump cable size 4.0 for pump set above 3HP.(CSI 19.32
131 RM 50.00 129.00
Supply & fixing of steel wire rope for submersible pump including cost of
132 labour, T&P and material required for completion of work. (CSI RM 50.00 41.00
No. 19.33)
Supply and installation of 5H.P. Kirloskar or equivalent make single stage,
horizontal, self priming,three phase dewatering pumpset of specification Head
133 14/16 M, Discharge 13.6/10 LPS, solid handle size 15.5 mm, suction 80 mm, No. 2.00 56315.00
delivery 80 mm, RPM 1500 including cost of 80 mm dia G.I. pipe for suction
(3M) and delivery (4.5 M). (CSI No. 19.28)
Placing of trench cover of all size in proper position including transportation from
different places within the S/S area including all labour, T&P etc. required for
134 No 2500.00 9.00
proper completion of the work as per direction of Engineer - in - charge. (CSI No.
Supply and stacking of compost manure at site including carriage upto 3 km
136 ( Manure measured in stacks will be reduced by 8% for payment). (CSI No. Cu.M 30.00 1430.00
Supply and stacking of local sand at site including charges of royalty and
137 Cu.M 30.00 1100.00
carriage of the same at site including all leads after 8 kms.(CSI No. 23.05)
Mixing earth sand and manure in proportion specified or directed by the engineer
138 Cu.M 60.00 33.00
I/C. (CSI No. 23.06)
Spreading of manure sand and good earth mixed in required proportion ( cost of
139 manure, good earth & sand to be paid separately ) (CSI No. Cu.M 60.00 33.00
Supply and plantation of approved 2 years old plants duly planted in earthen
Gamla of approximate size 300x 300 mm nominal size, filled with compost
140 manure and sand mixed in approved proportion including cost of approved Each 100.00 167.00
quality earthen gamla, compost manure, sand all other materials, labour and T&P
etc reqd. for proper completion of work.(CSI No. 23.08)
141 As in item no 140 above but in mosaic gamla.(CSI No. 23.09) Each 100.00 232.00
Supply and planting seasonal flower plants such as Genda, Rose, Ostar, Flox,
Guldawadi,Gulmehndi, Cochia etc. including digging hole of proper size, manure
142 Each 600.00 43.00
and treatment with proper chemical etc., including cost of fertilizer, manure, all
materials, labour and T&P etc complete in allrespects. (CSI No. 23.10)
Supply and planting permanent ornamenta/ plant like Croten, Varil pristal,
Glodulus, Lily, Fern, Bogenbelia etc. including cost of plants, manure, pesticides,
143 Each 400.00 61.00
fertilizer, labour and T&P etc complete also including preparation of flower bed.
(CSI No. 23.11)
Supply and planting Ashoka, Pendula, Mango, Neem,Peepal,Sheesham etc in
pits including cost of all materials, labour and T&p etc complete in all respects.
144 Each 750.00 145.00
(Cost of digging pit shall be paid separetely as per item no. 23.08) (CSI No.
Supply and planting Desi Doob grass in lawn including cost of Doob, fertilizer,
145 manure,labour, T&P and preparation of bed complete in all respects. (CSI No. SqM 1000.00 36.00
Supply and planting of Garden Grass (Australian). including cost of plants,
146 manure, pesticides,fertilizer, labour and T&P etc complete also including SqM 500.00 42.00
preparation of bed. (CSI No. 23.14)
Arranging one mali for maintenance of lawn & plants, including cost of Mali,
147 required T&P and other miscellaneous work as per direction of Engineer I/c . 6.00 11660.00
(CSI No. 23.15)
Providing and fixing 15 mm dia B-class Jindal,JTC, ISI marked G.I. pipes
complete with special such as bend, tee, socket, cross, clamp etc earth work
149 including filling the trenches etc required for proper completion of the work. the RM 200.00 186.00
rate also includes concealed GI fitting where required, cutting and making good
the walls etc and all materials, labour and T&P complete.(CSI No. 26.01a)
150 Same as item no 149 but for 20 mm dia GI pipe (CSI 26.01b) RM 50.00 221.00
151 Same as item no 149 but for 25 mm dia GI pipe (CSI 26.01c) RM 50.00 303.00
152 Same as item no 149 but for 32 mm dia GI pipe (CSI 26.01d) RM 50.00 357.00
153 Same as item no 149 but for 40 mm dia GI pipe. (CSI 26.01e) RM 100.00 427.00
154 Same as itemno 149 but for 50 mm dia GI pipe (CSI 26.01f) RM 150.00 562.00
155 Same as item no 149 but for 65 mm dia GI pipe (CSI 26.01g) RM 150.00 665.00
156 Same as item no 149 but for 80 mm dia GI pipe. (CSI 26.01h) RM 150.00 857.00
Same as item no 149 but for 100 mm dia GI pipe. (CSI 26.01
157 RM 200.00 1112.00
Providing and fixing full way 15mm dia G.M. gate valve with wheel, ISI mark
159 heavy quality including supply of all materials, labour and T&P required for No. 10.00 451.00
proper completion of work.(CSI No. 26.04a)
160 Same as item no 159 but for 20 mm dia Gate valve. (CSI 26.04b) No. 7.00 631.00
161 Same as item no 159 but for 25 mm dia Gate valve. (CSI 26.04c) No. 4.00 971.00
162 Same as item no 159 but for 32 mm dia Gate valve.(CSI 26.04d) No. 4.00 1379.00
163 Same as item no 159 but for 40 mm dia Gate valve. (CSI 26.04e) No. 4.00 1611.00
164 Same as itemno 159 but for 50 mm dia Gate valve.(CSI 26.04f) No. 4.00 2361.00
165 Same as item no 159 but for 65 mm dia Gate valve. (CSI 26.04g) No. 4.00 3844.00
P/F 15 mm dia PVC ball flot valve with brass rod and union complete, including
166 supply of all materials, labour and T&P etc. required for proper completion of the No. 4.00 242.00
work.(CSI 26.06a)
P/FBRASS BIB COCK, 15 mm dia (400 gsm) ISI mark heavy quality including
167 supply of all materials, labour and T&P required for proper completion of work. Each 9.00 381.00
(CSI No. 26.13a)
Providing and fixing PVC CONNECTION PIPE, 300X15 with 2 brass units ISI
168 mark heavy quality including supply of all materials, labour and T&P required Each 13.00 96.00
for proper completion of work. (CSI No. 26.09a)
Providing and fixing CP BRASS bib cock 15 mm dia. HEAVY QUALITY
( 400gm) ( L & K and equi.) fittings, ISI mark heavy quality including supply of
169 Each 14.00 660.00
all materials, labour and T&P required for proper completion of work. (CSI No.
Providing and fixing CP BRASS stop cock 15 mm dia. HEAVY QUALITY
( 400gm) ( L & K and equi.) fittings, ISI mark heavy quality including supply of
170 Each 15.00 660.00
all materials, labour and T&P required for proper completion of work. (CSI No.
Providing and fixing CP BRASS shower 15 mm dia. HEAVY QUALITY
( 400gm) ( L & K and equi.) fittings, ISI mark heavy quality including supply of
171 Each 6.00 800.00
all materials, labour and T&P required for proper completion of work. (CSI No.
Providing and fixing CP BRASS angle volve 15 mm dia. HEAVY QUALITY
( 400gm) ( L & K and equi.) fittings, ISI mark heavy quality including supply of
172 Each 6.00 571.00
all materials, labour and T&P required for proper completion of work. (CSI No.
Providing and fixing CP BRASS piller cock 15 mm dia. HEAVY QUALITY
( 400gm) ( L & K and equi.) fittings, ISI mark heavy quality including supply of
173 Each 4.00 628.00
all materials, labour and T&P required for proper completion of work. (CSI No.
Supply and fixing of 15mm dia CI/PVC bib cock including replacing of old bib
174 Each 4.00 61.00
cock complete (CSI 26.13c)
Providing and fixing of 110 mm dia PVC pipe 6 Kg/ for with special such
175 as Tee, bend, socket, elbow etc including supply of all labour,material,T & P etc RM 124.00 255.00
complete required for proper completion of work. (CSI No. 26.17)
Providing and fixing of 110 mm dia PVC pipe 4 Kg/ for with special such
176 as Tee, bend, socket, elbow etc including supply of all labour,material,T & P etc RM 65.00 183.00
complete required for proper completion of work. (CSI No. 26.18)
Supply and fixing of Syntex or equivalent make water storage tank including all
177 materials, labours, T&P etc required for proper completioon of work. (CSI No. Litre 2000.00 11.00
Supply and fixing white glazed earthern ware W.C."Orissa" Pan Hindustan or
equivalent make of size (58 x 44cm.), including P/F white glaged P or S trap
178 Each 3.00 3000.00
including supply of all materials,labour and T&P etc.complete. (CSI
Supply and fixing white glazed earthern ware European type." Pan Hindustan or
equivalent make of size (58 x 44cm.), including P/F white glaged P or S trap
179 Each 3.00 3800.00
including supply of all materials,labour and T&P etc.complete. (CSI
Providing and fixing flat back 430X370X340 mm. size lipped front urinal basin
of white glazed earthern ware first quality (Hindutan, Neycer make) I.S.I. marked
180 Each 5.00 2035.00
including supply of all materials,labour and T&P etc. required for proper
completion of the work. (CSI No. 27.06)
Providing and fixing 550X400 mm wash hand basin of white glazed earthern
ware first quality I.S.I. marked (Hindustan,Neycer / Cera make) including supply
181 Each 5.00 3102.00
of all materials, labour and T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work.
(CSI No. 27.08)
Providing and fixing PVC low level flushing cistern 10 Lit. capacity including
182 supply of all materials, labour and T&P etc. required for proper completion of Each 6.00 1320.00
the work.(CSI 27.12)
Providing and fixing 600 mm x 450 mm beveled edge mirror of Atul,Kiran
makeglass with Indian polish 6.50 mm thick complete with back of 600 mm x
183 450 mm x 6 mm hard board sheet fixed to wooden cieats with C.P. brass screws Each 5.00 956.00
and washers including supply of all materials, labour and T&P etc.required for
proper completion of the work. (CSI No. 27.15)
Providing and fixing 750 mm x 20 mm size C.P. brass towel rail of approved
quality including brackets including supply of all materials,labour and T&P etc.
184 Each 5.00 603.00
required for proper completion of the work and cutting and making good the wall
plaster etc. required for work (CSI No. 27.16)
Providing and fixing soap dish chromium plated with brackets fixed to wooden
185 cleats with brass screws including supply of all materials,labour and T&P Each 10.00 259.00
etc.required for proper completion of the work. (CSI No. 27.19)
Supply and fixing CP Nahani Trap India make of heavy approved quality
186 complete with CI grating, including supply of all materials,labour and T&P etc. Each 14.00 755.00
required for proper completion of the work. (CSI No. 27.21a)
Providing and fixing Stainless Steel sink 610x450x200 mm Heavy Quality( ISI
187 MARKED ) including all materials, labour cartage T&P etc.required for proper Each 1.00 3531.00
completion of the work.(CSI No. 27.26)
Providing and fixing CI COVER WITH FRAME COMPLETE 450 mm
188 INTERNAL Dia. including all materials, labour cartage T&P etc.required for Each 2.00 880.00
proper completion of the work. (CSI No. 27.27)
Providing and laying SWR, PVC ( Finolex or equivalent ) pipe including cost of
189 excavation, C.C etc including its jointing and connection, all materials, labour RM 15.00 382.00
and T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. (CSI No. 27.29c)
Providing and fixing SWR, PVC ( Finolex or equivalent ) Bends including cost
190 of all materials, labour and T&P etc required for proper completion of the work. Each 2.00 173.00
(CSI No. 27.30c)
Providing and fixing SWR, PVC ( Finolex or equivalent ) Socket including cost
191 of all materials, labour and T&P etc required for proper completion of the work. Each 2.00 129.00
(CSI No. 27.32c)
Wiring point for light with 1.5 sq. mm FR PVC insulated multistrand single core
copper conductor cable in PVC conduit pipe concealed in the wall, complete with
14 SWG copper earth continuity wire,piano type switch and ceiling
192 Each 90.00 643.00
rose/angle/batten holder on 3mm thick phenolic laminated backelite sheet
etc,complete in all respects,as directed,including maching colour wash.(PWD
ELE. SCH,131C)(2018)
Same as item no 192 but for fan/fresh air fan. (PWD ELE.
193 Each 25.00 708.00
Same as item no 192 but for plug. (PWD ELE.
194 Each 25.00 335.00
Same as item no 192 but for exhaust fan. (PWD ELE.
195 Each 14.00 900.00
Supply and fixing and concealing of 20mm thick PVC conduit pipe with ISI
marked embossed and with PVC accessories confirming to IS 3419 for drawing
wires duly sealed at joints original resin/adhesive to make the complete piping
196 RM 400.00 62.00
rigid, plastering with cement sand mortor finished to the level with matching
colour wash including supply of all materials, labour and T&P etc.required for
proper completion of the work.(PWD ELE. SCH,148A)(2018)
197 Same as item no 196 but for 25mm PVC conduit. (PWD ELE. SCH,149A) RM 250.00 72.00
Supply and fixing of 2/3/4 ways round steel junction box confirming to ISS for
20mm dia 16 guage (1.5mm) thick steel conduit concealed in wall, keeping its
198 level upto plaster duly provided with proper size cover screwed as directed at site Each 85.00 31.00
by Engineer-in-charge with supply of all material, labour & T&P etc. required for
proper completion of work. (PWD ELE. SCH,154) (2018)
Supply and fixing of 2/3/4 ways round steel junction box confirming to ISS for
25mm dia 16 guage (1.5mm) thick steel conduit concealed in wall, keeping its
199 level upto plaster duly provided with proper size cover screwed as directed at site Each 50.00 40.00
by Engineer-in-charge with supply of all material, labour & T&P etc. required for
proper completion of work. (PWD ELE. SCH,155) (2018)
Supply and fixing of switch box made up of SWG (1.5mm) thick M.S. sheet of
100x100x65mm size duly painted with red oxide primer and flushed in wall
including cutting of brick work, fixing it to the level with cement sand mortar
200 Each 20.00 98.00
including matching colour wash with s/o all materials, labour and T&P required
for proper completion of work as directed at site by the E/I.(PWD ELE.
201 Same as item no 200 but for 150x150x65 mm size. (PWD ELE. SCH,160)(2018) Each 15.00 130.00
202 Same as item no 200 but for 200x250x65 mm size (PWD ELE. SCH,162)(2018) Each 15.00 172.00
203 Same as item no 200 but for 300x450x65 mm size. (PWD ELE. SCH,166)(2018) Each 2.00 391.00
Supply and wiring of submains with 2 nos. 2.5 & with 1 no earth wire of
1.5 FR PVC insulated 1100V grade insulated multistrand single core
204 copper conductor cable in existing PVC conduit pipe complete,including supply RM 550.00 70.00
of all materials, labour and T&P etc.required for proper completion of the work
(PWD ELE. SCH,291)2018
Supply and wiring of submains with 2 nos. 4 & with 1 no earth wire of 2.5 FR PVC insulated 1100V grade insulated multistrand single core copper
205 conductor cable in existing PVC conduit pipe complete,including supply of all RM 400.00 103.00
materials, labour and T&P etc.required for proper completion of the work. (PWD
ELE. SCH,291A)(2018)
Supply and wiring of submains with 2 nos. 6 & with 1 no earth wire of 4 FR PVC insulated 1100V grade insulated multistrand single core copper
206 conductor cable in existing PVC conduit pipe complete,including supply of all RM 250.00 151.00
materials, labour and T&P etc.required for proper completion of the work.
(PWD ELE. SCH,291D)(2018)
Supply and fixing of 32 Amp.240 V DP metal clad rewireable type switch fuse
207 unit on MDFEG/Teak wood board including making connections etc.complete all Each 20.00 1440.00
respect. (PWD ELE. SCH,305 Cat B)(2018)
Supply and fixing of 63 Amp.415 V metal clad rewireable type switch fuse unit
208 on angle iron bracket including making connections etc.complete all respect. Each 12.00 3840.00
(PWD ELE. SCH,313)(2018)
Supply and fixing of 0.5 to 5.0 Amp. SP MCB of approved make including
209 making connections etc.complete all respect. (PWD ELE. SCH,1001 CAT- Each 35.00 280.00
S/F of 6/10/16/20/25/32 Amp. MCB of approved make and as per sample
210 Each 25.00 206.00
approved by E/I (10KA)(PWD ELE. SCH,1002 CAT-B)2018
Supply and fixing of 40 Amp. SP MCB of approved make including making
211 Each 3.00 390.00
connections etc.complete all respect. (PWD ELE. SCH,1003 A CAT-B)(2018)
S/F surface/flush mounting 4 ways SPN distribution board without MCB
212 complete in all respect as per direction of E/I. (PWD ELE. SCH,1022 CAT- Each 15.00 910.00
S/F hexagonal fan box with hexagonal side approx. 80mm in length fabricated
from 16 SWG M.S. sheet incorporating 10mm dia M.S. round bar duly bent for
supporting fan hanger duly painted with red oxide and screwing arrangement with
213 Each 25.00 150.00
wiring conduit laid in the RCC roof before concreting along with supply of all
materials labour and T&P etc. required for proper completion of work. (PWD
ELE. SCH,1149)(2018)
Contouring of sub-station with help of leveling instrument/ total station
instrument & staff including plotting of trees and structure if any including
214 preparation of contour plan in 6 copies including marking periphery including all Sq.m ### 1.00
labour, Supervisor, instrument, T&P materials complete as per direction of
Engineer I/C.(CSI No.28.11)
Marking of building and foundation in new sub-station (132/220 KV) in UPPCL
land as per approved layout drawing with help of Theodolite/ total station
215 instrument and closing of Travers for main Country etc including cost of all Job 1.00 7810.00
labour, Supervisor, instrument, T&P materials complete as per direction of
Engineer I/C.(CSI No.28.12)
Making borehole in all type of soil by any method required as per site conditions
in accordance with IS specification No 1982-1979 and 1498-1970 and conducting
standard penetration test in accordance with IS specification No 2131 – 1981 at
every 1.5 M approx . or as per strata during making borehole and also collecting
216 undisturbed and disturbed soil samples at a depth of approx. 1.5 M depth or RM 75.00 900.00
change of strata of soil as per site requirements in each borehole in accordance
with IS specification 1892-1978. (Depth of water table as detemine from borehole
or from nearest waterwell ) Each Boreholes to be bored upto 15.00 depth.(CSI
Conducting plate load test near CONTROL ROOM BUILDING site at a depth
of 1.00 Metre as per IS 1980-1982 including supply of all material, labour and
217 Job 1.00 38000.00
T&P equipment and recording of test result as per Codal requirement and
submission of report.(CSI No.28.15)
Dismantling brick work or stone work in lime or cement mortar and including
218 stacking of materials as directed by the Engineer-in-charge within a distance of Cu.M 10.00 466.00
60 metres. (CSI No. 15.01)
Dismantling reinforced cement concrete or reinforced brick work, including
219 stacking of dismantled materials as directed by the Engineer-Incharge within a Cu.M 10.00 1043.00
distance of 60 metres.(CSI No. 15.03)
Dismantling cement concrete or brick or granolithic floors including base
220 concrete and including stacking of dismantled materials as directed by the SqM 10.00 53.00
Engineer In-charge within a distance of 60 metres. (CSI No. 15.05)
Dismantaling doors and windows chowkhats including stacking of materials as
221 SqM 10.00 64.00
directed by Engg-in-Charge within a distance of 60 meters. (CSI No. 15.10)
Providing and fixing Fire Hydrant 63 mm dia Gun Metal ISI marked heavy
222 quality including supply of all materials, labour and T&P required for proper Each 2.00 14273.00
completion of work.(CSI 28.03)
P/F Male & Female coupling 63 mm dia. Gun metal BSI marked confirming to
223 IS:903 heavy quality including supply of all labour , material andT & P for Each 2.00 5376.00
proper completion of work (CSI No. 28.04)
P/F Short Branch pipe Gun Metal BSI marked heavy quality including supply of
224 Each 2.00 1526.00
all labour , material and T & P for proper completion of work.(CSI No. 28.05)
P/F 63 mm dia RLL Hose Pipe heavy quality having length 15.0 m including
225 supply of all labour , material andT & P for proper completion of work. (CSI No. RM 2 321.00
P/F MS Hose Box Single Door with stand for 15 mt RRL Hose heavy quality
226 including supply of all labour , material andT & P for proper completion of work. No 2.00 6229.00
(CSI No. 28.07)
Dismantling brick work or stone work in lime or cement mortar and including
227 stacking of materials as directed by the Engineer-in-charge within a distance of Cum 96.00 466.00
60 meters. (CSI 15.01)
Dismantling reinforced cement concrete or reinforced brick work, including
228 stacking of dismantled materials as directed by the Engineer-in-charge within a Cum 43.00 1043.00
distance of 60 meters. (CSI 15.03)
Brick work in foundation & plinth with old dismantled bricks (supplied by
department free of cost) and coarse sand of F.M. 1.5 to 2.0 mortar in 1:6
229 Cum 50.00 2981.00
including supply of all other materials, labour, removing mortar & cleaning of old
& used bricks,T&P etc complete. (CSI No. 6.18)
Concrete work with 40 mm gauge brick ballast obtained from breaking brick bats
(brick bats supplied by the department free of cost) in proportion of 12:6:1 as in
231 Cum 30.00 3996.00
item 273 above including cost of all labour, materials, T&P etc required for
proper completion of work. (CSI No. 5.20)
Add to Earth work item (SI No. 4.01 to 4.03) for every additional 30m lead or
232 part thereof or for every additional 1.5M lift or part thereof. (CSI No. 4.04) Cum 580.60 24.00
Coarse sand filling in plinth including supply of necessary quantity of coarse sand
from outside the UPPCL premises including watring, dressing etc rate to include
233 Cum 14.12 4015.00
cost of all material , labour & T&P required for proper completion of work ( Ch.-
2, 3(a) +10 % C.P.)
Cement concrete with 2cm gauge approved hard stone ballast, coarse sand (F.M.
1.8 to 2.5) and cement in proportion of 4:2:1 including supply of all materials,
234 labour,side shuttering if required and T&P etc. required for proper completion of CuM 6.80 7353.00
work. (CSI No. 5.06)
Precast cement concrete door sills, chaukhats boundary posts, shelves and similar
small work with cement approved coarse sand (F.M. 1.8 to 2.5) and 2 cm gauge
235 graded approved hard stone ballast in the proportion 1:2;4, excluding CuM 0.16 8862.00
reinforcement but including fixig the same in position including cost of all other
material, labor and T&P. (CSI No. 5.09)
RCC work with cement approved coarse sand (F.M. 1.8 to 2.5) and 2 cm gauge
graded approved hard stone ballast like grainite, quartzite etc from Dalla, Jhansi
or other quarries and approved coarse sand in proportion 1:2:4 in slab,
236 excluding supply of reinforcement & its bending but including its fixing and CuM 6.44 9896.00
binding the same with binding wire, including cost of all other materials labour
and T&P (CSI No. 5.11)
Providing Sloted pipe 200 mm dia for making tubewell assembly and cartage to
boring site, the pipes shall be of TATA / SAIL / Jindal or other ISI marked
237 approved make, including cost of all labour, materials and T&P required for RM 80.00 2079.00
assembly making and proper completion of work. (CSI No. 19.07(ii))
Supply and fixing of M.S. bail plug 200 mm dia of heavy quality including all
238 No 4.00 930.00
labour material & T&P. (CSI No. 19.17(b))
Total Rs
(Rs. Forteen crore twenty four lacs forty three thousand eight hundred forty three & paise eighteen only)
1.All civil work shall be executed according to the approved drawings of UPPTCL.
2.The quantities are tentative and may vary to any extent or deleted during execution as per actual approved lay out plan &
3.All civil work shall be carried out as per UPPWD/UPPTCL specification.
4.All the tax liability shall be borne by contracter/firm.
5.Pozzlona Portland cement confirming to IS 1489(Part 1) 1991 of approved quality like ACC,Ultra-Tech,Birla or
6.Overweight steel section within tolerance shall be measured at standard weight and underweight steel section within tolerence
7.In case any change in Bill of Quantity is suggested by higher authority that will be binding on the contractor.The agreement shall
8.Item rates mantioned above are based on E.C.T.C Alld sehedule of rates applicable from 1 Sep 2017.
9.The cost of dismental material recived from site shall be deducted as follows:
(a) Bricks @ Rs-4200.00/thousand
(b) Brick bats @ Rs-600.00/Cum
(c ) Steel Scrap @ Rs-16.00/Kg
(d) Door Window Shutters @ Rs-70.00/Sqm
J.E S.D.O.
Contractor's Offer
I/We hereby offer to execute over all works as provided above along with conditions of contract ...................... (in
Signature of Contractor
with Full Address
all, Control Room Building,
orks,Fire Hyderant System &
220/132/33 KV Sub Station,
Amount (Rs)
e eighteen only)
like ACC,Ultra-Tech,Birla or
steel section within tolerence
ontractor.The agreement shall