Estimate 240

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Sr. No. Descriptions Quantity Amount (in Rs.)

11 KV HT Line (5.8 Kms.) with ACSR Conductor 100mm2 with span 40 meters and
1 5.8 Kms. 3003270.32
double earth wire with guards (System Strengthening -5.8 Kms.)
11 KV HT Line (161.23 Kms.) with ACSR Conductor 80mm2 with span 40 meters and 161.23
2 60701012.01
double earth wire with guards (System Strengthening -161.23 Kms.) Kms.
11 KV Line (12.2 Kms.) with ACSR Conductor 50mm2 with span 40 meters and
3 double earth wire with guards (SAGY - 1.8 Kms & System Strengthening -10.4 12.2 Kms. 3936026.37
Kms .)
Pole Mounting Sub-stations (03 Nos. ) with 100 KVA Three Phase Transformers (SAGY -
4 3 Nos. 518858.07
3 Nos.)
Augmentation of 10.3 Kms. 11KV HT Line with ACSR Conductor 100mm2 (System
5 10.3 Kms. 3960087.46
Strengthening - 10.3 Kms.)
Augmentation of 107.49Kms. 11KV HT Line with ACSR Conductor 50mm2 (System 107.49
6 27104763.17
Strengthening - 107.49 Kms.) Kms.
Augmentation of 131 Kms. 11KV HT Line with ACSR Conductor 80mm2 (System
7 131 Kms. 43826958.74
Strengthening - 131 Kms.)
8 Augmentation of 07 Nos. DTRs from existing to 100 KVA (SAGY - 7 Nos.) 7 Nos. 942729.83
LT Line (0.6 Kms.) with AB cable (3CX95+70 mm2) with span 40 Meters (SAGY -0.6
9 0.6 Kms 231703.29
Conversion of 105.74 Kms. Existing LT Overhead Line to 105.74
10 40919227.64
ABC cable (SAGY - 12.1 Kms., System Strengthening - 93.64 Kms.) Kms
Replacement of 3165 nos. defective meters (1-Ph Domestic and Commercial meters)
11 3165 Nos. 3521062.50
(Metering - 3165 Nos.)
Replacement of 1346 nos. Electro-Mechanical Meters (1-Ph Domestic and Commercial
12 1346 Nos. 2341367.00
meters) (Metering - 1346 Nos.)
13 Release of 118 Nos. BPL connections (SAGY - 118 Nos. BPL connections) 118 Nos. 339971.22
Total Cost of Jind District 191,347,037.61

Prepared Checked by Verified by Pre-Audited by


AE/ P&D Xen / P&D SE / P&D

Rural Electrification Works in Jind District in Haryana under DDUGJY
(Schedule of rates and prices)

F(15). Estimate for 11 KV HT Line (5.8 Kms.) with ACSR Conductor 100mm2 with span 40 meters and double earth wire with guards (System Strengthening - 5.8 Kms.)
Cost of per unit
P&D approved cost for
for Supply of Total
rate for the Supply of
material Rate of Unit Estimated Estimated
period 11.04.16 material
Sr. including 15% Erection Erection cost for cost for
Description Unit Qty Ref. to 30.09.16 or including
No. overhead Charges Charges Erection supply and
latest PO rate 15%
charges on (in %) (In Rs) (In Rs) erection (In
issued by P&D overhead
P&D rate (In Rs)
(In Rs.) charges (In
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10=4x9 11=4x7 12=10+11
1 Support for 11 KV overhead line as per technical specification, approved drawings and scope of work
1.01 PCC Pole 11 Mtr. Long. No 162 1.2 4775.00 5491.25 15.00 716.25 116032.50 889582.50 1005615.00

Pre-fabricated Hot dip Galvanised steel items like V cross arm, top clamp, DC cross arm, bracket, clamps, cross bracings, bracings, strain
2 plate, guarding channels, back clamp, transformer mounting structure etc made of MS Channels (100x50x6mm), MS angle (65x65x6mm), MS
flats (65x8mm) of given sizes for over head structures as per technical specification, approved drawings and scope of work.
2.01 11 KV Line Pole Top Bracket (1 No.) - 3.625 Kg. X 22 Nos. X 5.8 Kms. = 462.55 Kg.
2.02 11 KV Line V Cross Arm (1 No.) - 15.94 Kg. X 22 Nos. X 5.8 Kms. = 2033.944 Kg.
2.03 M.S. Channel (X-arm) 100x50x6mm-2200 mm for H-Pole (1 No.) - 17.38 Kg. X 6 Nos. X 5.8 Kms. = 604.824 Kg. MT 6.289 2.12 50650.00 58247.50 10.00 5065.00 31853.79 366318.53 398172.31
2.04 M.S. Angle Iron 50x50x6mm-2400 mm for earthing (1 No.) - 10.8 Kg. X 3 Nos. X 5.8 Kms. = 187.92 Kg.
2.05 M.S. Channel 100x50x6mm-1600 mm for earthing (1 No.) - 12.64 Kg. X 22 Nos. X 5.8 Kms. = 1612.864 Kg.
2.06 M.S. Angle 50x50x6mm-2860 mm for Bracing H-Pole (1 No.) - 12.87 Kg. X 6 Nos. X 5.8 Kms. = 447.876 Kg.
2.07 M.S. Angle 50x50x6mm-1400 mm for belting (1 No.) - 6.3 Kg. X 6 Nos. X 5.8 Kms. = 219.24 Kg.
2.08 Half Clamp (1 No.) - 1.47 Kg. X 56 Nos. X 5.8 Kms. = 477.456 Kg.
2.09 Full Clamp (1 No.) - 2.325 Kg. X 18 Nos. X 5.8 Kms. = 242.73 Kg.
3 MS Nuts, Bolts with Washers as per technical specification, approved drawings and scope of work.
3.01 GI Nuts, Bolts & Washer off sizes - 48 Kg. X 5.8 Kms. = 278.4 Kg. Kg. 278.4 13.4 68.00 78.20 10.00 6.80 1893.12 21770.88 23664.00
13.2 &
3.02 Hot dip Galvanised Eye Screw Bolt 9"x5/8" (1 No.) - 0.483 Kg. X 56 Nos. X 5.8 Kms. = 156.878 Kg. Kg. 156.878 62.76 72.17 10.00 6.28 984.56 11322.48 12307.05
Stay Set (Galvanised) with 50x8 mm stay clamp, stay insulator (2 Nos.), anchor plate (200x200x6), nut bolts, 2 Nos turn-buckles, 1.8 m long, 16
6.1 &
4 mm diameter solid GS stay rod & 7/3.15 mm dia GI stranded wire complete as per technical specification, approved drawings and scope of No. 104 1100.00 1265.00 10.00 110.00 11440.00 131560.00 143000.00
5 Insulator and hardware as per technical specification, approved drawings and scope of work.
5.01 11 KV polymeric Disc insulator 45 KN along with suitable hardware fittings No. 104 4.5 135.00 155.25 10.00 13.50 1404.00 16146.00 17550.00
5.02 11 KV Polymeric Pin Insulators with GI PIN No. 435 4.7 148.00 170.20 10.00 14.80 6438.00 74037.00 80475.00
6 Earthing arrangement as per technical specificatons, approved drawings and scope of work.
40 mm dia., 3000 mm long GI pipe earth electrode with test link, RCC pit, RCC cover plates on GI frame, bentonite powder and other accessories
6.01 Set. 6 58.5 1540.00 1771.00 10.00 154.00 924.00 10626.00 11550.00
6.02 Spike Earthing 20mm solid Rod No. 52 616.68 709.18 10.00 61.67 3206.74 36877.46 40084.20
6.03 8 SWG GI wire, GI nuts, bolts & washers for earthing and guarding Kg. 1508 6.2 52.00 59.80 10.00 5.20 7841.60 90178.40 98020.00
7 PG Clamps for 30/50/80/100 mm2 No. 104 3.1 40.00 46.00 10.00 4.00 416.00 4784.00 5200.00
8 Barbed Wire Kg. 162.4 6.3 50.00 57.50 10.00 5.00 812.00 9338.00 10150.00
9 Danger Plate (Enamelled with Clamp) No. 162 58.7 66.00 75.90 10.00 6.60 1069.20 12295.80 13365.00
10 Phase Indication Plates for each phase set of 3 (On H-Pole & 4 Pole) Set. 17 58.6 55.00 63.25 10.00 5.50 93.50 1075.25 1168.75
11 ACSR conductor, Dog type (100 sq mm) KM 17.748 5.3 51519.00 59246.85 10.00 5151.90 91435.92 1051513.09 1142949.02
Total 275844.93 2727425.40 3003270.32

Note: 1. All M. S. Steel items shall be Hot dip Galvanised

2. The word "DDUGJY" shall be engraved on materials viz., Poles, Transformers (All types), Cables, Energy Meter etc supplied under this NIT.

Prepared by Checked by Verified by Pre-Audited by

AE/ P&D Xen / P&D SE / P&D

Rural Electrification Works in Jind District in Haryana under DDUGJY
(Schedule of rates and prices)

F(17). Estimate for 11 KV HT Line (161.23 Kms.) with ACSR Conductor 80mm2 with span 40 meters and double earth wire with guards (System Strengthening -161.23 Kms.)
Cost of per unit
approved rate Estimated
for Supply of Total
for the period cost for Supply
material Rate of Unit Estimated Estimated
11.04.16 to of material
including 15% Erection Erection cost for cost for
Sr. No. Description Unit Qty Ref. 30.09.16 or including 15%
overhead Charges Charges Erection supply and
latest PO rate overhead
charges on (in %) (In Rs) (In Rs) erection (In
issued by charges (In
P&D rate (In Rs)
P&D Rs)
(In Rs.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10=4x9 11=4x7 12=10+11
1 Support for 11 KV overhead line as per technical specification, approved drawings and scope of work
1.01 PCC Pole 9 Mtr. Long. No 4514 1.1 2020.00 2323.00 15.00 303.00 1367742 10486022 11853764.00
Pre-fabricated Hot dip Galvanised steel items like V cross arm, top clamp, DC cross arm, bracket, clamps, cross bracings, bracings,
strain plate, guarding channels, back clamp, transformer mounting structure etc made of MS Channels (100x50x6mm), MS angle
(65x65x6mm), MS flats (65x8mm) of given sizes for over head structures as per technical specification, approved drawings and scope of
2.01 11 KV Line Pole Top Bracket (1 No.) - 3.625 Kg. X 22 Nos. X 161.23 Kms. = 12858.093 Kg.
2.02 11 KV Line V Cross Arm (1 No.) - 15.94 Kg. X 22 Nos. X 161.23 Kms. = 56540.136 Kg.
2.03 M.S. Channel (X-arm) 100x50x6mm-2200 mm for H-Pole (1 No.) - 17.38 Kg. X 6 Nos. X 161.23 Kms. = 16813.064 Kg. MT 174.834 2.12 50650.00 58247.50 10.00 5065.00 885534.21 10183643.42 11069177.63
2.04 M.S. Angle Iron 50x50x6mm-2400 mm for earthing (1 No.) - 10.8 Kg. X 3 Nos. X 161.23 Kms. = 5223.852 Kg.
2.05 M.S. Channel 100x50x6mm-1600 mm for earthing (1 No.) - 12.64 Kg. X 22 Nos. X 161.23 Kms. = 44834.838 Kg.
2.06 M.S. Angle 50x50x6mm-2860 mm for Bracing H-Pole (1 No.) - 12.87 Kg. X 6 Nos. X 161.23 Kms. = 12450.181 Kg.
2.07 M.S. Angle 50x50x6mm-1400 mm for belting (1 No.) - 6.3 Kg. X 6 Nos. X 161.23 Kms. = 6094.494 Kg.
2.08 Half Clamp (1 No.) - 1.47 Kg. X 56 Nos. X 161.23 Kms. = 13272.454 Kg.
2.09 Full Clamp (1 No.) - 2.325 Kg. X 18 Nos. X 161.23 Kms. = 6747.476 Kg.
3 MS Nuts, Bolts with Washers as per technical specification, approved drawings and scope of work.
3.01 GI Nuts, Bolts & Washer off sizes - 48 Kg. X 161.23 Kms. = 7739.04 Kg. Kg. 7739.040 13.4 68.00 78.20 10.00 6.80 52625.47 605192.93 657818.40
13.2 &
3.02 Hot dip Galvanised Eye Screw Bolt 9"x5/8" (1 No.) - 0.483 Kg. X 56 Nos. X 161.23 Kms. = 4360.949 Kg. Kg 4360.949 62.76
RGGV 72.17 10.00 6.28 27369.24 314746.30 342115.55
Stay Set (Galvanised) with 50x8 mm stay clamp, stay insulator (2 Nos.), anchor plate (200x200x6), nut bolts, 2 Nos turn-buckles, 1.8 m
6.1 &
4 long, 16 mm diameter solid GS stay rod & 7/3.15 mm dia GI stranded wire complete as per technical specification, approved drawings No. 2902 1100.00
and scope of work. 1265.00 10.00 110.00 319220.00 3671030.00 3990250.00
5 Insulator and hardware as per technical specification, approved drawings and scope of work.
5.01 11 KV polymeric Disc insulator 45 KN (T&C type) along with suitable hardware fittings No. 2902 4.5 135.00 155.25 10.00 13.50 39177.00 450535.50 489712.50
5.02 11 KV Polymeric Pin Insulators with GI PIN No. 12092 4.7 148.00 170.20 10.00 14.80 178961.60 2058058.40 2237020.00
6 Earthing arrangement as per technical specificatons, approved drawings and scope of work.
40 mm dia., 3000 mm long GI pipe earth electrode with test link, RCC pit, RCC cover plates on GI frame, bentonite powder and other
6.01 Set. 162 58.5 1540.00
accessories complete 1771.00 10.00 154.00 24948.00 286902.00 311850.00
6.02 Spike Earthing 20mm solid Rod No. 1451 616.68
rates 709.18 10.00 61.67 89480.27 1029023.08 1118503.35
6.05 8 SWG GI wire, GI nuts, bolts & washers for earthing and guarding Kg. 41919.80 6.2 52.00 59.80 10.00 5.20 217982.96 2506804.04 2724787.00
7 PG Clamps for 30/50/80/100 mm2 No. 2902 3.1 40.00 46.00 10.00 4.00 11608.00 133492.00 145100.00
8 Barbed Wire Kg. 4514.44 6.3 50.00 57.50 10.00 5.00 22572.20 259580.30 282152.50
9 Danger Plate (Enamelled with Clamp) No. 4514 58.7 66.00 75.90 10.00 6.60 29792.40 342612.60 372405.00
10 Phase Indication Plates for each phase set of 3 (On H-Pole & 4 Pole) Set. 484 58.6 55.00 63.25 10.00 5.50 2662.00 30613.00 33275.00
11 11 KV Line overhead crossing and underground railway crossing ensuring statutory clearances

(0.3 km each) USING 150MM DIA GI PIPES (grade A for underground laying and grade B for pole support), OUTDOOR HEAT SHRINKABLE
11.01 CABLE JOINTING KITS, 11 KV LIGHTENING ARRESTOR STATION CLASS 10KA (6 NOS.), LUGS, 4 Nos GI 3-Meters LONG PIPE Set. 1 1093892.37 1257976.23 5.00 54694.62 54694.62 1257976.23 1312670.84

12 ACSR conductor, Raccon type (80 sq mm) KM 493.364 5.2 38528.00 44307.20 10.00 3852.80 1900832.82 21859577.42 23760410.24
Total 5225202.79 55475809.21 60701012.01
Note: 1. All M. S. Steel items shall be Hot dip Galvanised
2. The word "DDUGJY" shall be engraved on materials viz., Poles, Transformers (All types), Cables, Energy Meter etc supplied under this NIT.

Prepared by Checked by Verified by Pre-Audited by

AE/ P&D Xen / P&D SE / P&D

Rural Electrification Works in Jind District in Haryana under DDUGJY
(Schedule of rates and prices)

C (5) & F (16) Supply of material for 11 KV Line (12.2 Kms.) with ACSR Conductor 50mm2 with span 40 meters and double earth wire with guards (SAGY - 1.8 Kms & System Strengthening -10.4 Kms .)
P&D Cost of per
approved unit for
cost for
rate for the Supply of Total
Supply of
period material Rate of Unit Estimated Estimated
11.4.2016 to including Erection Erection cost for cost for
Sr. No. Description Unit Qty Ref. including
30.9.2016 or 15% Charges Charges Erection supply and
latest PO overhead (in %) (In Rs) (In Rs) erection (In
rate issued charges on Rs)
charges (In
by P&D P&D rate
(In Rs.) (In Rs.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10=4x9 11=4x7 12=10+11
1 Support for 11 KV overhead line as per technical specification, approved drawings and scope of work
1.01 PCC Pole 9 Mtr. Long. No 342 1.1 2020.00 2323.00 15.00 303.00 103626.00 794466 898092.00
Pre-fabricated Hot dip Galvanised steel items like V cross arm, top clamp, DC cross arm, bracket, clamps, cross bracings, bracings, strain
2 plate, guarding channels, back clamp, transformer mounting structure etc made of MS Channels (100x50x6mm), MS angle (65x65x6mm),
MS flats (65x8mm) of given sizes for over head structures as per technical specification, approved drawings and scope of work.

2.01 11 KV Line Pole Top Bracket (1 No.) - 3.625 Kg. X 22 Nos. X 12.2 Kms. = 972.95 Kg.
2.02 11 KV Line V Cross Arm (1 No.) - 15.94 Kg. X 22 Nos. X 12.2 Kms. = 4278.296 Kg.
2.03 M.S. Channel (X-arm) 100x50x6mm-2200 mm for H-Pole (1 No.) - 17.38 Kg. X 6 Nos. X 12.2 Kms. = 1272.216 Kg. MT 13.230 2.12 50650.00 58247.50 10.00 5065.00 67009.95 770614.425 837624.38
2.04 M.S. Angle Iron 50x50x6mm-2400 mm for earthing (1 No.) - 10.8 Kg. X 3 Nos. X 12.2 Kms. = 395.28 Kg.
2.05 M.S. Channel 100x50x6mm-1600 mm for earthing (1 No.) - 12.64 Kg. X 22 Nos. X 12.2 Kms. = 3392.576 Kg.
2.06 M.S. Angle 50x50x6mm-2860 mm for Bracing H-Pole (1 No.) - 12.87 Kg. X 6 Nos. X 12.2 Kms. = 942.084 Kg.
2.07 M.S. Angle 50x50x6mm-1400 mm for belting (1 No.) - 6.3 Kg. X 6 Nos. X 12.2 Kms. = 461.16 Kg.
2.08 Half Clamp (1 No.) - 1.47 Kg. X 56 Nos. X 12.2 Kms. = 1004.304 Kg.
2.09 Full Clamp (1 No.) - 2.325 Kg. X 18 Nos. X 12.2 Kms. = 510.57 Kg.
3 MS Nuts, Bolts with Washers as per technical specification, approved drawings and scope of work.
3.01 GI Nuts, Bolts & Washer off sizes - 48 Kg. X 12.2 Kms. = 585.6 Kg. Kg. 585.6 13.4 68.00 78.20 10.00 6.80 3982.08 45793.92 49776.00
13.2 &
3.02 Hot dip Galvanised Eye Screw Bolt 9"x5/8" (1 No.) - 0.483 Kg. X 56 Nos. X 12.2 Kms. = 329.99 Kg. Kg. 329.99 62.76 72.17 10.00 6.28 2071.01 23816.64 25887.65
Stay Set (Galvanised) with 50x8 mm stay clamp, stay insulator (2 Nos.), anchor plate (200x200x6), nut bolts, 2 Nos turn-buckles, 1.8 m
4 long, 16 mm diameter solid GS stay rod & 7/3.15 mm dia GI stranded wire complete as per technical specification, approved drawings No. 220 6.1 & 58.3 1100.00 1265.00 10.00 110.00 24200.00 278300.00 302500.00
and scope of work.
5 Insulator and hardware as per technical specification, approved drawings and scope of work.
5.01 11 KV polymeric Disc insulator 45 KN along with suitable hardware fittings No. 220 4.5 135.00 155.25 10.00 13.50 2970.00 34155.00 37125.00
5.02 11 KV Polymeric Pin Insulators with GI PIN No. 915 4.7 148.00 170.20 10.00 14.80 13542.00 155733.00 169275.00
6 Earthing arrangement as per technical specificatons, approved drawings and scope of work.
40 mm dia., 3000 mm long GI pipe earth electrode with test link, RCC pit, RCC cover plates on GI frame, bentonite powder and other
6.01 Set. 13 58.5 1540.00 1771.00 10.00 154.00 2002.00 23023.00 25025.00
accessories complete
6.02 Spike Earthing 20mm solid Rod No. 110 JVVL rates 616.68 709.18 10.00 61.67 6783.48 78010.02 84793.50
6.05 8 SWG GI wire, GI nuts, bolts & washers for earthing and guarding Kg. 3172.000 6.2 52.00 59.80 10.00 5.20 16494.40 189685.60 206180.00
7 PG Clamps for 30/50/80/100 mm2 No. 183 3.1 40.00 46.00 10.00 4.00 732.00 8418.00 9150.00
8 Barbed Wire Kg. 341.6 6.3 50.00 57.50 10.00 5.00 1708.00 19642.00 21350.00
9 Danger Plate (Enamelled with Clamp) No. 342 58.7 66.00 75.90 10.00 6.60 2257.20 25957.80 28215.00
10 Phase Indication Plates for each phase set of 3 (On H-Pole & 4 Pole) Set. 37 58.6 55.00 63.25 10.00 5.50 203.50 2340.25 2543.75
11 ACSR conductor, Rabbit type (50 sq mm) KM 37.332 5.1 26540.00 30521.00 10.00 2654.00 99079.13 1139409.97 1238489.10
Total 346660.75 3589365.62 3936026.37
Note: 1. All M. S. Steel items shall be Hot dip Galvanised
2. The word "DDUGJY" shall be engraved on materials viz., Poles, Transformers (All types), Cables, Energy Meter etc supplied under this NIT.

Prepared by Checked by Verified by Pre-Audited by

AE/ P&D Xen / P&D SE / P&D

Rural Electrification Works in Jind District in Haryana under DDUGJY
(Schedule of rates and prices)

C (4). Estimate for Pole Mounting Sub-stations (03 Nos. ) with 100 KVA Three Phase Transformers (SAGY - 3 Nos.)
Cost of per
approved Estimated
unit for
rate for the cost for Total
Supply of
period Rate of Unit Estimated Supply of Estimated
Sr. 11.4.2016 to Erection Erection cost for material cost for
Description Unit Qty Ref. including 15%
No. 30.9.2016 or Charges Charges Erection including 15% supply and
latest PO (in %) (In Rs) (In Rs) overhead erection
charges on
rate issued charges (In (In Rs)
P&D rate (In
by P&D Rs)
(In Rs.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10=4x9 11=4x7 12=10+11
1 DTR Substation Supports as per technical specification, approved drawings and scope of work.
1.01 PCC Pole 11 Mtr. Long. No 6 1.2 4775.00 5491.25 15.00 716.25 4297.50 32947.50 37245.00
Pre-fabricated Hot dip Galvanised steel items like DC cross arm (100x50x6 mm), back clamps (65x8 mm), pole clamp (65x8 mm), DO mounting
2 channel (100x50x6 mm), transformer mounting channel (100x50x6 mm), transformer clamping set (50x50x6 mm), transformer belting set (
50x50x6 mm) as per technical specification, approved drawings and scope of work.
2.01 M.S. Channel 100x50x6mm-2200 mm (1 No.) - 17.38 Kg. X 2 Nos. X 3 Nos. = 104.28 Kg.
2.02 M.S. Angle Iron 50x50x6mm-2400 mm for earthing (1 No.) - 10.8 Kg. X 1 No. X 3 Nos. = 32.4 Kg. MT 0.492 2.12 50650.00 58247.50 10.00 5065.00 2491.98 28657.77 31149.75
2.03 M.S. Channel 75x40x6mm-2200 mm (1 No.) -14.965 Kg. X 2 Nos. X 3 Nos. = 89.79 Kg.
2.04 Transformer Platform Set - 58.85 Kg. X 1 No. X 3 Nos. = 176.55 Kg.
2.05 Half Clamp (1 No.) - 1.47 Kg. X 14 Nos. X 3 Nos. = 61.74 Kg.
2.06 Full Clamp (1 No.) - 2.325 Kg. X 4 Nos. X 3 Nos. = 27.9 Kg.
3 GI Nuts, Bolts with Washers as per technical specification, approved drawings and scope of work. Kg. 36.000 13.4 68.00 78.20 10.00 6.80 244.80 2815.20 3060.00
Stay Set (Galvanised) with 50x8 mm stay clamp, stay insulator (2 Nos.), anchor plate (200x200x6mm), nut bolts, 2 Nos turn-buckles, 1.8 m long,
6.1 &
4 16 mm diameter solid GS stay rod & 7/3.15 mm dia GI stranded wire complete as per technical specification, approved drawings and scope of No. 12 1100.00
work. 1265.00 10.00 110.00 1320.00 15180.00 16500.00
5 Polymeric Insulators with hardware fittings, hardware etc as required as per technical specification, approved drawings and scope of work.

5.01 11 KV, Disc Insulator (45 KN Tounge & Clevis type) with suitable hardware fittings No. 9 4.5 135.00 155.25 10.00 13.50 121.50 1397.25 1518.75
5.02 11 KV, Pin Insulators with hardware fittings No. 18 4.7 148.00 170.20 10.00 14.80 266.40 3063.60 3330.00
Outdoor mounting type Distribution box made of MS sheet of thickness not less than 18 SWG CRCA sheet by deep drawn method, dust and
moisture vermin, weather proof with degree of protection with suitable bus bars, earthing bus, earthing terminals, box illumination, front door
operated with proper locking arrangement, lugs, mounting channel frame, internal wiring with FRLS cables, danger plate, numbering, back
clamps, hardware as per scope of the work, technical specifications and approved drawings suitable for following transformer:
6.07 3 Ph 100 KVA Transformer having 200 A TPN isolator, 160A HRC fuse (incomer) and 6 Nos. 90 A SP MCCB (outgoing) No 3 58.11 500.00 575.00 10.00 50.00 150.00 1725.00 1875.00
7 11 KV Distribution Class Lightening Arrester for DT as per technical specification, approved drawings and scope of work. No 9
11.1 420.00 483.00 10.00 42.00 378.00 4347.00 4725.00
11 kV, 3-ph, 200 A, 3 Pin type, Vertical Mounting type , Gang Operated, AB Switch along with Support Insulators, Base Channel, down Pipe,
8 No. 3
Arcing Horns etc. complete as per technical specifications, scope of works and approved drawings 12.1 6000.00 6900.00 10.00 600.00 1800.00 20700.00 22500.00
3 Nos pipe earthing using 40mm dia GI pipe 3000 mm long, as per IS 1161, making earth grid using 50x6mm GI Flat and riser as per scope of
9 Set 3 58.5 1540.00 1771.00 10.00 154.00 462.00 5313.00 5775.00
work of Distribution Transformer Substations, approved drawings and technical specifications,
ACSR Conductor 80mm2 (or equivalent AAAC conductor) for jumpering including PG Clamps, bi- metallic connectors, hardware etc as per
technical specifications, approved drawings and scope of works.
10.01 PG Clamps for 30/50/80/100 mm2 No. 9 3.1 40.00 46.00 10.00 4.00 36.00 414.00 450.00
10.02 ACSR Conductor 80mm2 (or equivalent AAAC conductor) for jumpering Km. 0.066 5.2 38528.00 44307.20 10.00 3852.80 254.28 2924.28 3178.56
11 Barbed Wire Kg. 6 6.3 50.00 57.50 10.00 5.00 30.00 345.00 375.00
12 Danger Plate (with Clamp) No. 6 58.7 66.00 75.90 10.00 6.60 39.60 455.40 495.00
13 Phase Indication Plates for each phase set of 3 (On H-Pole & 4 Pole) Set. 3 58.6 55.00 63.25 10.00 5.50 16.50 189.75 206.25
14 LT PVC 3.5Cx120mm2 Km. 0.096 28.15 261750.00 301012.50 5.00 13087.50 1256.40 28897.20 30153.60
100KVA, 11/0.433 KV-250V, three phase, oil emmersed, naturally cooled, Al. wound out-door type distribution transformer with CSP
15 (Completely Self protected) feature with thermal based MCCB, and the lasses confirming to 4 star rating of B.E.E and confirming latest technical No. 3 7.3 101516.00 116743.40 2.00 2030.32 6090.96 350230.20 356321.16
specification and relevant ISS with latest amendments.
Total 19255.925 499602.15 518858.07
Note: 1. All M. S. Steel items shall be Hot dip Galvanised
2. The word "DDUGJY" shall be engraved on materials viz., Poles, Transformers (All types), Cables, Energy Meter etc supplied under this NIT.

Prepared by Checked by Verified by Pre-Audited by

AE/ P&D Xen / P&D SE / P&D

Rural Electrification Works in Jind District in Haryana under DDUGJY
(Schedule of rates and prices)

F (9, 10 & 11). Estimate for Augmentation of 10.3 Kms. 11KV HT Line with ACSR Conductor 100mm2 (System Strengthening - 10.3 Kms.)
P&D Cost of per
approved unit for
cost for
rate for the Supply of Total
Supply of
period material Rate of Unit Estimated Estimated
11.4.2016 to including Erection Erection cost for cost for
Sr. No. Description Unit Qty Ref. including
30.9.2016 15% Charges Charges Erection supply and
or latest PO overhead (in %) (In Rs) (In Rs) erection (In
rate issued charges on Rs)
charges (In
by P&D P&D rate
(In Rs.) (In Rs.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10=4x9 11=4x7 12=10+11
Augmentation of 3 phase 11 kV line using additional supports matching with length and type of existing support as per technical specifications, scope of
works and approved drawings
1.01 PCC Pole 11 Mtr. Long. No 60 1.2 4775.00 5491.25 15.00 716.25 42975.00 329475.00 372450.00
Augmentation of 3 phase 11 kV line using new Pre-fabricated Hot dip Galvanised steel items like V cross arm, top clamp, DC cross arm, bracket, clamps,
2 cross bracings, bracings, strain plate, guarding channels, back clamp, transformer mounting structure etc made of MS Channels, MS angle, MS flats of
given sizes for over head structures as per technical specification, approved drawings and scope of work.
2.01 11 KV Line Pole Top Bracket (1 No.) - 3.625 Kg. X 22 Nos. X 10.3 Kms. = 821.425 Kg.
2.02 11 KV Line V Cross Arm (1 No.) - 15.94 Kg. X 22 Nos. X 10.3 Kms. = 3612.004 Kg.
2.03 M.S. Channel (X-arm) 100x50x6mm-2200 mm for H-Pole (1 No.) - 17.38 Kg. X 6 Nos. X 10.3 Kms. = 1074.084 Kg.
2.04 M.S. Angle Iron 50x50x6mm-2400 mm for earthing (1 No.) - 10.8 Kg. X 3 Nos. X 10.3 Kms. = 333.72 Kg. MT 11.169 2.12 50650.00 58247.50 10.00 5065.00 56570.99 650566.33 707137.31
2.05 M.S. Channel 100x50x6mm-1600 mm for earthing (1 No.) - 12.64 Kg. X 22 Nos. X 10.3 Kms. = 2864.224 Kg.
2.06 M.S. Angle 50x50x6mm-2860 mm for Bracing H-Pole (1 No.) - 12.87 Kg. X 6 Nos. X 10.3 Kms. = 795.366 Kg.
2.07 M.S. Angle 50x50x6mm-1400 mm for belting (1 No.) - 6.3 Kg. X 6 Nos. X 10.3 Kms. = 389.34 Kg.
2.08 Half Clamp (1 No.) - 1.47 Kg. X 56 Nos. X 10.3 Kms. = 847.896 Kg.
2.09 Full Clamp (1 No.) - 2.325 Kg. X 18 Nos. X 10.3 Kms. = 431.055 Kg.
3 Augmentation of 3 phase 11 kV line using new Insulator and hardware as per technical specification, approved drawings and scope of work
3.01 11 KV polymeric Disc insulator 45 KN along with suitable hardware fittings No. 185 4.5 135.00 155.25 10.00 13.50 2497.50 28721.25 31218.75
3.02 11 KV Polymeric Pin Insulators 10 KN with GI PIN No. 773 4.7 148.00 170.20 10.00 14.80 11440.40 131564.60 143005.00
4 Augmentation of 3 phase 11 kV line using new Earthing arrangement as per technical specificatons, approved drawings and scope of work.
4.01 40 mm dia., 3000 mm long GI pipe earth electrode with test link, RCC pit, RCC cover plates on GI frame, bentonite powder and other accessories complete Set. 11 58.5 1540.00
1771.00 10.00 154.00 1694.00 19481.00 21175.00
4.02 GI Earthing spike made of 20mm solid Rod No. 93 616.68
rates 709.18 10.00 61.67 5735.12 65953.93 71689.05
4.05 8 SWG GI wire, GI nuts, bolts & washers for earthing and guarding Kg. 2678.000 6.2 52.00 59.80 10.00 5.20 13925.60 160144.40 174070.00
Augmentation of 3 phase 11 kV line using new Stay Set (Galvanised) with 50x8 mm stay clamp, guy insulator, anchor plate (200x200x6mm) , nut bolts, 2 Nos
5 turn-buckles, 1.8 m long, 16 mm diameter solid GI stay rod & 7/3.15 mm dia GI stranded wire complete as per technical specification, approved drawings No. 185 6.1 & 58.3 1100.00 1265.00 10.00 110.00
and scope of work. 20350.00 234025.00 254375.00
Control Points (Augmentation of 3 phase 11 kV line using new 11kV, 600A, 25kA, 3-ph, 3 Pin type, Horizontal/Vertical Mounting type (as desired by
6 DISCOM), Gang Operated, AB Switch along with Support Insulators, Base Channel down Pipe, Arcing Horns etc. complete as per technical specifications, Set 2 12.1 6000.00 6900.00 10.00 600.00
scope of works and approved drawings) 1200.00 13800.00 15000.00
7 PG Clamps for 30/50/80/100 mm2 No. 185 3.1 40.00 46.00 10.00 4.00 740.00 8510.00 9250.00
8 Barbed Wire Kg. 288.4 6.3 50.00 57.50 10.00 5.00 1442.00 16583.00 18025.00
9 Danger Plate (Enamelled with Clamp) No. 288 58.7 66.00 75.90 10.00 6.60 1900.80 21859.20 23760.00
10 Phase Indication Plates for each phase set of 3 (On H-Pole & 4 Pole) Set. 31 58.6 55.00 63.25 10.00 5.50 170.50 1960.75 2131.25
11 Insulated ACSR Conductor 100 mm2 (for Jumpering) Km. 0.309 5.4 60069.00 69079.35 6006.90 1856.13 21345.52 23201.65
12 MS Nuts, Bolts with Washers as per technical specification, approved drawings and scope of work.
12.01 GI Nuts, Bolts & Washer off sizes - 48 Kg. X 10.3 Kms. = 494.4 Kg. Kg. 494.400 13.4 68.00 78.20 10.00 6.80 3361.92 38662.08 42024.00
13.2 &
12.02 Hot dip Galvanised Eye Screw Bolt 9"x5/8" (1 No.) - 0.483 Kg. X 56 Nos. X 10.3 Kms. = 278.594 Kg. Kg. 278.594 62.76
RGGVY 72.17 10.00 6.28 1748.4520107.19 21855.64
13 ACSR conductor, Dog type (100 sq mm) KM 31.518 5.3 51519.00 59246.85 10.00 5151.90 162377.58 1867342.22 2029719.80
Total 329986.00 3630101.46 3960087.46

Note: 1. All dismantled item/materials shall be returned to the nearest DHBVN Store through concerned JE/OP without any value.
2. All M. S. Steel items shall be Hot dip Galvanised
3. The word "DDUGJY" shall be engraved on materials viz., Poles, Transformers (All types), Cables, Energy Meter etc supplied under this NIT.

Prepared by Checked by Verified by Pre-Audited by

AE/ P&D Xen / P&D SE / P&D

Rural Electrification Works in Jind District in Haryana under DDUGJY
(Schedule of rates and prices)
F (13). Estimate for Augmentation of 107.49Kms. 11KV HT Line with ACSR Conductor 50mm2 (System Strengthening - 107.49 Kms.)
Cost of per
P&D approved unit for Estimated
rate for the Supply of cost for Total
period material Rate of Unit Estimated Supply of Estimated
Sr. 11.4.2016 to including Erection Erection cost for material cost for
Description Unit Qty Ref.
No. 30.9.2016 or 15% Charges Charges Erection including 15% supply and
latest PO rate overhead (in %) (In Rs) (In Rs) overhead erection (In
issued by P&D charges on charges (In Rs)
(In Rs.) P&D rate (In Rs)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10=4x9 11=4x7 12=10+11
Augmentation of 3 phase 11 kV line using additional supports matching with length and type of existing support as per technical specifications,
scope of works and approved drawings
1.01 PCC Pole 9 Mtr. Long. No 24 1.1 2020.00 2323.00 15.00 303.00 7272.00 55752.00 63024.00

Augmentation of 3 phase 11 kV line using new Pre-fabricated Hot dip Galvanised steel items like V cross arm, top clamp, DC cross arm, bracket,
2 clamps, cross bracings, bracings, strain plate, guarding channels, back clamp, transformer mounting structure etc made of MS Channels, MS
angle, MS flats of given sizes for over head structures as per technical specification, approved drawings and scope of work.

2.01 11 KV Line Pole Top Bracket (1 No.) - 3.625 Kg. X 22 Nos. X 107.49 Kms. = 8572.33 Kg.
2.02 11 KV Line V Cross Arm (1 No.) - 15.94 Kg. X 22 Nos. X 107.49 Kms. = 37694.59Kg.
2.03 M.S. Channel (X-arm) 100x50x6mm-2200 mm for H-Pole (1 No.) - 17.38 Kg. X 6 Nos. X 107.49 Kms. = 11209.06 Kg. MT 116.560 2.12 50650.00 58247.50 10.00 5065.00 590376.40 6789328.60 7379705.00
2.04 M.S. Angle Iron 50x50x6mm-2400 mm for earthing (1 No.) - 10.8 Kg. X 3 Nos. X 107.49 Kms. = 3482.68 Kg.
2.05 M.S. Channel 100x50x6mm-1600 mm for earthing (1 No.) - 12.64 Kg. X 22 Nos. X107.49Kms. = 29890.82 Kg.
2.06 M.S. Angle 50x50x6mm-2860 mm for Bracing H-Pole (1 No.) - 12.87 Kg. X 6 Nos. X 107.49 Kms. = 8300.38 Kg.
2.07 M.S. Angle 50x50x6mm-1400 mm for belting (1 No.) - 6.3 Kg. X 6 Nos. X 107.49 Kms. = 4063.12 Kg.
2.08 Half Clamp (1 No.) - 1.47 Kg. X 56 Nos. X 107.49Kms. = 8848.58 Kg.
2.09 Full Clamp (1 No.) - 2.325 Kg. X 18 Nos. X 107.49 Kms. = 4498.46 Kg.
3 Augmentation of 3 phase 11 kV line using new Insulator and hardware as per technical specification, approved drawings and scope of work
3.01 11 KV polymeric Disc insulator 45 KN along with suitable hardware fittings No. 1935 4.5 135.00 155.25 10.00 13.50 26122.50 300408.75 326531.25
3.02 11 KV Polymeric Pin Insulators with GI PIN No. 8062 4.7 148.00 170.20 10.00 14.80 119317.60 1372152.40 1491470.00
4 Augmentation of 3 phase 11 kV line using new Earthing arrangement as per technical specificatons, approved drawings and scope of work.
40 mm dia., 3000 mm long GI pipe earth electrode with test link, RCC pit, RCC cover plates on GI frame, bentonite powder and other accessories
4.01 Set. 108 58.5 1540.00 1771.00 10.00 154.00 16632.00 191268.00 207900.00
4.02 GI Earthing spike made of 20mm solid Rod No. 967 JVVL rates 616.68 709.18 10.00 61.67 59632.96 685778.99 745411.95
4.05 8 SWG GI wire, GI nuts, bolts & washers for earthing and guarding Kg. 27947.40 6.2 52.00 59.80 10.00 5.20 145326.48 1671254.52 1816581.00
Augmentation of 3 phase 11 kV line using new Stay Set (Galvanised) with 50x8 mm stay clamp, guy insulator, anchor plate (200x200x6mm) , nut
5 bolts, 2 Nos turn-buckles, 1.8 m long, 16 mm diameter solid GI stay rod & 7/3.15 mm dia GI stranded wire complete as per technical specification, No. 1935 6.1 & 58.3 1100.00 1265.00 10.00 110.00 212850.00 2447775.00 2660625.00
approved drawings and scope of work.

Control Points (Augmentation of 3 phase 11 kV line using new 11kV, 600A, 25kA, 3-ph, 3 Pin type, Horizontal/Vertical Mounting type (as desired
6 by DISCOM), Gang Operated, AB Switch along with Support Insulators, Base Channel down Pipe, Arcing Horns etc. complete as per technical Set 5 12.1 6000.00 6900.00 10.00 600.00 3000.00 34500.00 37500.00
specifications, scope of works and approved drawings)
7 PG Clamps for 30/50/80/100 mm2 No. 1935 3.1 40.00 46.00 10.00 4.00 7740.00 89010.00 96750.00
8 Barbed Wire Kg. 3009.72 6.3 50.00 57.50 10.00 5.00 15048.60 173058.90 188107.50
9 Danger Plate (Enamelled with Clamp) No. 3010 58.7 66.00 75.90 10.00 6.60 19866.00 228459.00 248325.00
10 Phase Indication Plates for each phase set of 3 (On H-Pole & 4 Pole) Set. 322 58.6 55.00 63.25 10.00 5.50 1771.00 20366.50 22137.50
11 Insulated ACSR Conductor 100 mm2 (for Jumpering) Km. 3.2247 5.4 60069.00 69079.35 6006.90 19370.45 222760.18 242130.63
12 MS Nuts, Bolts with Washers as per technical specification, approved drawings and scope of work.
12.01 GI Nuts, Bolts & Washer off sizes - 48 Kg. X 107.49 Kms. = 5159.52 Kg. Kg. 5159.520 13.4 68.00 78.20 10.00 6.80 35084.74 403474.46 438559.20
13.2 &
12.02 Hot dip Galvanised Eye Screw Bolt 9"x5/8" (1 No.) - 0.483 Kg. X 56 Nos. X 107.49 Kms. = 2907.39 Kg. Kg. 2907.39 62.76 72.17 10.00 6.28 18246.73 209837.41 228084.14
13 ACSR conductor, Rabbit type (50 sq mm) KM 328.92 5.1 26540.00 30521.00 10.00 2654.00 872953.68 10038967.32 10911921.00
Total 2170611.13 24934152.04 27104763.17
Note: 1. All dismantled item/materials shall be returned to the nearest DHBVN Store through concerned JE/OP without any value.
2. All M. S. Steel items shall be Hot dip Galvanised
3. The word "DDUGJY" shall be engraved on materials viz., Poles, Transformers (All types), Cables, Energy Meter etc supplied under this NIT.

Prepared by Checked by Verified by Pre-Audited by

AE/ P&D Xen / P&D SE / P&D

Rural Electrification Works in Jind District in Haryana under DDUGJY
(Schedule of rates and prices)
F (13) Estimate for Augmentation of 131 Kms. 11KV HT Line with ACSR Conductor 80mm2 (System Strengthening - 131 Kms.)

P&D Cost of per

approved unit for
rate for the Supply of
cost for Supply Total
period material Rate of Unit
Estimated cost of material Estimated cost
11.4.2016 to including Erection Erection
Sr. No. Description Unit Qty Ref. for Erection including 15% for supply and
30.9.2016 or 15% Charges Charges
(In Rs) overhead erection (In
latest PO rate overhead (in %) (In Rs)
charges (In Rs)
issued by charges on
P&D P&D rate (In
(In Rs.) Rs.)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10=4x9 11=4x7 12=10+11

Augmentation of 3 phase 11 kV line using additional supports matching with length and type of existing support as per technical
specifications, scope of works and approved drawings
1.01 PCC Pole 9 Mtr. Long. No 1673 1.1 2020.00 2323.00 15.00 303.00 506919.00 3886379.00 4393298.00

Augmentation of 3 phase 11 kV line using new Pre-fabricated Hot dip Galvanised steel items like V cross arm, top clamp, DC cross arm,
2 bracket, clamps, cross bracings, bracings, strain plate, guarding channels, back clamp, transformer mounting structure etc made of MS
Channels, MS angle, MS flats of given sizes for over head structures as per technical specification, approved drawings and scope of work.

2.01 11 KV Line Pole Top Bracket (1 No.) - 3.625 Kg. X 22 Nos. X 131 Kms. = 10447.25 Kg.
2.02 11 KV Line V Cross Arm (1 No.) - 15.94 Kg. X 22 Nos. X 131 Kms. = 45939.08 Kg.
2.03 M.S. Channel (X-arm) 100x50x6mm-2200 mm for H-Pole (1 No.) - 17.38 Kg. X 6 Nos. X 131 Kms. = 13660.68 Kg. MT 142.053 2.12 50650.00 58247.50 10.00 5065.00 719498.45 8274232.12 8993730.56
2.04 M.S. Angle Iron 50x50x6mm-2400 mm for earthing (1 No.) - 10.8 Kg. X 3 Nos. X 131 Kms. = 4244.4 Kg.
2.05 M.S. Channel 100x50x6mm-1600 mm for earthing (1 No.) - 12.64 Kg. X 22 Nos. X 131 Kms. = 36428.48 Kg.
2.06 M.S. Angle 50x50x6mm-2860 mm for Bracing H-Pole (1 No.) - 12.87 Kg. X 6 Nos. X 131 Kms. = 10115.82 Kg.
2.07 M.S. Angle 50x50x6mm-1400 mm for belting (1 No.) - 6.3 Kg. X 6 Nos. X 131 Kms. = 4951.8 Kg.
2.08 Half Clamp (1 No.) - 1.47 Kg. X 56 Nos. X 131 Kms. = 10783.92 Kg.
2.09 Full Clamp (1 No.) - 2.325 Kg. X 18 Nos. X 131 Kms. = 5482.35 Kg.
3 Augmentation of 3 phase 11 kV line using new Insulator and hardware as per technical specification, approved drawings and scope of work
3.01 11 KV polymeric Disc insulator 45 KN along with suitable hardware fittings No. 2358 4.5 135.00 155.25 10.00 13.50 31833.00 366079.50 397912.50
3.02 11 KV Polymeric Pin Insulators with GI PIN No. 9825 4.7 148.00 170.20 10.00 14.80 145410.00 1672215.00 1817625.00
4 Augmentation of 3 phase 11 kV line using new Earthing arrangement as per technical specificatons, approved drawings and scope of work.
40 mm dia., 3000 mm long GI pipe earth electrode with test link, RCC pit, RCC cover plates on GI frame, bentonite powder and other accessories
4.01 Set. 131 58.5 1540.00
complete 1771.00 10.00 154.00 20174.00 232001.00 252175.00
4.02 GI Earthing spike made of 20mm solid Rod No. 1179 JVVL rates 616.68 709.18 10.00 61.67 72706.57 836125.58 908832.15
4.05 8 SWG GI wire, GI nuts, bolts & washers for earthing and guarding Kg. 34060.000 6.2 52.00 59.80 10.00 5.20 177112.00 2036788.00 2213900.00
Augmentation of 3 phase 11 kV line using new Stay Set (Galvanised) with 50x8 mm stay clamp, guy insulator, anchor plate (200x200x6mm)
5 , nut bolts, 2 Nos turn-buckles, 1.8 m long, 16 mm diameter solid GI stay rod & 7/3.15 mm dia GI stranded wire complete as per technical No. 2358 6.1 & 58.3 1100.00 1265.00 10.00 110.00 259380.00 2982870.00 3242250.00
specification, approved drawings and scope of work.

Control Points (Augmentation of 3 phase 11 kV line using new 11kV, 600A, 25kA, 3-ph, 3 Pin type, Horizontal/Vertical Mounting type (as
6 desired by DISCOM), Gang Operated, AB Switch along with Support Insulators, Base Channel down Pipe, Arcing Horns etc. complete as Set 69 12.1 6000.00 6900.00 10.00 600.00 41400.00 476100.00 517500.00
per technical specifications, scope of works and approved drawings)
7 PG Clamps for 30/50/80/100 mm2 No. 2358 3.1 40.00 46.00 10.00 4.00 9432.00 108468.00 117900.00
8 Barbed Wire Kg. 3668 6.3 50.00 57.50 10.00 5.00 18340.00 210910.00 229250.00
9 Danger Plate (Enamelled with Clamp) No. 3668 58.7 66.00 75.90 10.00 6.60 24208.80 278401.20 302610.00
10 Phase Indication Plates for each phase set of 3 (On H-Pole & 4 Pole) Set. 393 58.6 55.00 63.25 10.00 5.50 2161.50 24857.25 27018.75
11 Insulated ACSR Conductor 100 mm2 (for Jumpering) Km. 3.93 5.4 60069.00 69079.35 6006.90 23607.12 271481.85 295088.96
12 MS Nuts, Bolts with Washers as per technical specification, approved drawings and scope of work.
12.01 GI Nuts, Bolts & Washer off sizes - 48 Kg. X 131 Kms. = 6288 Kg. Kg. 6288.000 13.4 68.00 78.20 10.00 6.80 42758.40 491721.60 534480.00
13.2 &
12.02 Hot dip Galvanised Eye Screw Bolt 9"x5/8" (1 No.) - 0.483 Kg. X 56 Nos. X 131 Kms. = 3543.288 Kg. Kg. 3543.288 62.76 72.17 10.00 6.28 22237.62 255732.59 277970.21
13 ACSR conductopr, Raccon type (80 sq mm) KM 400.860 5.20 38528.00 44307.20 10.00 3852.80 1544433.41 17760984.19 19305417.60
Total 3661611.86 40165346.88 43826958.74
Note: 1. All dismantled item/materials shall be returned to the nearest DHBVN Store through concerned JE/OP without any value.
2. All M. S. Steel items shall be Hot dip Galvanised
3. The word "DDUGJY" shall be engraved on materials viz., Poles, Transformers (All types), Cables, Energy Meter etc supplied under this NIT.

Prepared by Checked by Verified by Pre-Audited by

AE/ P&D Xen / P&D SE / P&D

Rural Electrification Works in Jind District in Haryana under DDUGJY
(Schedule of rates and prices)

C (2). Estimate for Augmentation of 07 Nos. DTRs from existing to 100 KVA (SAGY - 7 Nos.)
approved Cost of per
rate for the unit for
cost for
period Supply of Total
Supply of
11.4.2016 material Rate of Unit Estimated Estimated
to including Erection Erection cost for cost for
Sr. No. Description Unit Qty Ref. including
30.9.2016 15% Charges Charges Erection supply and
or latest overhead (in %) (In Rs) (In Rs) erection
PO rate charges on (In Rs)
issued by P&D rate
(In Rs)
P&D (In Rs.)
(In Rs.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10=4x9 11=4x7 12=10+11
1 Augmentation of DTR substation by new GI Nuts, Bolts with Washers as per technical specification, approved drawings and scope of work. Kg 35.000 13.4 68.00 78.20 10.00 6.80 238.00 2737.00 2975.00
Augmentation of DTR substation by new Polymeric Insulators with hardware fittings, hardware etc as required as per technical specification,
approved drawings and scope of work.
2.01 11 KV, Disc Insulator with suitable hardware fittings No. 21 4.5 135.00 155.25 10.00 13.50 283.50 3260.25 3543.75
2.02 11 KV, Post Insulators / Pin Insulators with hardware fittings No. 42 4.7 148.00 170.20 10.00 14.80 621.60 7148.40 7770.00
Stay Set (Galvanised) with 50x8 mm stay clamp, stay insulator (2 Nos.), anchor plate (200x200x6mm), nut bolts, 2 Nos turn-buckles, 1.8 m long, 16 6.1 &
3 No. 14 1100.00
mm diameter solid GS stay rod & 7/3.15 mm dia GI stranded wire complete as per technical specification, approved drawings and scope of work. 58.3
1265.00 10.00 110.00 1540.00 17710.00 19250.00
4 LT PVC 3.5Cx120mm2 Km. 0.224 28.15 261750.00
301012.50 5.00 13087.50 2931.60 67426.80 70358.40
5 ACSR Conductor 80mm2 (or equivalent AAAC conductor) for jumpering Km 0.154 5.2 38528.00 44307.20 10.00 3852.80 593.33 6823.31 7416.64
100KVA, 11/0.433 KV-250V, three phase, oil emmersed, naturally cooled, Al. wound out-door type distribution transformer with CSP (Completely
6 Self protected) feature with thermal based MCCB, and the lasses confirming to 4 star rating of B.E.E and confirming latest technical specification No. 7 7.3 101516.00 116743.40 2.00 2030.32 14212.24 831416.04
and relevant ISS with latest amendments. 817203.80
Total 20420.27 922309.56 942729.83

Note: 1. All dismantled item/materials shall be returned to the nearest DHBVN Store through concerned JE/OP without any value.
2. All M. S. Steel items shall be Hot dip Galvanised
3. The word "DDUGJY" shall be engraved on materials viz., Poles, Transformers (All types), Cables, Energy Meter etc supplied under this NIT.

Prepared by Checked by Verified by Pre-Audited by

AE/ P&D Xen / P&D SE / P&D

Rural Electrification Works in Jind District in Haryana under DDUGJY
(Schedule of rates and prices)

C (6) Estimate for LT Line (0.6 Kms.) with AB cable (3CX95+70 mm2) with span 40 Meters (SAGY - 0.6 Km.)
Cost of
P&D per unit
approved for Supply
cost for
rate for the of Total
Supply of
period material Rate of Unit Estimated Estimated
11.4.2016 to including Erection Erection cost for cost for
Sr. No. Description Unit Qty Ref. including
30.9.2016 15% Charges Charges Erection supply and
or latest PO overhead (in %) (In Rs) (In Rs) erection
rate issued charges (In Rs)
by P&D on P&D
(In Rs)
(In Rs.) rate (In
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10=4x9 11=4x7 12=10+11
1 Support for LT overhead Line as per technical specification, approved drawings and scope of work.
1.01 PCC Pole 09 Mtr. Long. No 17 1.1 2020.00 2323.00 15.00 303.00 5151.00 39491.00 44642.00
Galvanised Stay Set with anchor plate (200x200x6mm), 50x8mm stay clamp, Stay guy insulator, nut bolts, 2 Nos turn buckles, 1.8 m long, 16 mm
2 diameter solid GS Stay rod & 7/3.15 mm Dia GI stranded wire etc as required as per technical specification, approved drawings and scope of No. 6 6.1 & 58.3 1100.00
work. 1265.00 10.00 110.00 660.00 7590.00 8250.00
3 Earthing as per approved drawings, technical specifications and scope of work
40 mm dia., 3000 mm long GI pipe earth electrode with test link, RCC pit, RCC cover plates on GI frame, bentonite powder and other accessories
3.01 Set. 1 58.5 1540.00
complete 1771.00 10.00 154.00 154.00 1771.00 1925.00
3.02 GI Earthing spike made of 20mm solid Rod No. 4 JVVL rates 616.68 709.18 10.00 61.67 246.67 2836.73 3083.40
3.05 8 SWG GI wire, GI nuts, bolts & washers for earthing and guarding Kg. 9.000 6.2 52.00 59.80 10.00 5.20 46.80 538.20 585.00
4 Suspension Clamp Assembly suitable for AB Cable (with eye hook) No. 11 3.6 425.00 488.75 10.00 42.50 467.50 5376.25 5843.75
5 Dead End Clamp Assembly suitable for AB Cable (with eye hook) No. 6 3.7 244.00 280.60 10.00 24.40 146.40 1683.60 1830.00
13.2 &
6 Hot dip Galvanised Eye Screw Bolt 9"x5/8" (1 No.)- 0.483 Kg. X 29 Nos. X 0.6 Kms. = 8.404 Kg. Kg. 8.404 62.76 72.17 10.00 6.28 52.74 606.55 659.29
7 Phase Indication Plates for each phase set of 3 (On H-Pole & 4 Pole) Set. 2 58.6 55.00 63.25 10.00 5.50 11.00 126.50 137.50
8 Jt. Kit O/D LT ABC 3Cx150+1Cx150 HS No. 7 1648.06 1895.27 10.00 164.81 1153.64 13266.88 14420.53
9 LT AB cable of size 3CX 95+70 sq mm Conductor KM 0.630 31.40 198845.00 228671.75 5.00 9942.25 6263.62 144063.20 150326.82
Total 14353.37 217349.91 231703.29

Note: 1. All M. S. Steel items shall be Hot dip Galvanised

2. The word "DDUGJY" shall be engraved on materials viz., Poles, Transformers (All types), Cables, Energy Meter etc supplied under this NIT.

Prepared by Checked by Verified by Pre-Audited by

AE/ P&D Xen / P&D SE / P&D

Rural Electrification Works in Jind District in Haryana under DDUGJY
(Schedule of rates and prices)

C (3) & F (14) - Estimate for Conversion of 105.74 Kms. Existing LT Overhead Line to ABC cable (SAGY - 12.1 Kms., System Strengthening - 93.64 Kms.)

Cost of per
unit for
rate for the
Supply of Estimated cost
period Total
material Rate of Unit Estimated for Supply of
11.4.2016 to Estimated cost
including Erection Erection cost for material
Sr. No. Description Unit Qty Ref. 30.9.2016 for supply and
15% Charges Charges Erection including 15%
or latest erection (In
overhead (in %) (In Rs) (In Rs) overhead
PO rate Rs)
charges on charges (In Rs)
issued by
P&D rate
(In Rs.)
(In Rs.)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10=4x9 11=4x7 12=10+11

Conversion of existing LT lines with bare conductor to AB XLPE cable using additional supports matching with length and type of
existing support as per technical specifications, scope of works and approved drawings

1.01 PCC Pole 09 Mtr. Long. No 3066 1.1 2020.00 2323.00 15.00 303.00 928998.00 7122318.00 8051316.00
Conversion of existing LT lines using new Galvanised Stay Set with anchor plate (200x200x6mm), 50x8mm stay clamp, Stay guy
2 insulator, nut bolts, 2 Nos turn buckles, 1.8 m long, 16 mm diameter solid GS Stay rod & 7/3.15 mm Dia GI stranded wire etc as No. 1057 6.1 & 58.3 1100.00 1265.00 10.00 110.00 116270.00 1337105.00 1453375.00
required as per technical specification, approved drawings and scope of work.

3 Conversion of existing LT lines using new Earthing as per approved drawings, technical specifications and scope of work
40 mm dia., 3000 mm long GI pipe earth electrode with test link, RCC pit, RCC cover plates on GI frame, bentonite powder and other
3.01 Set. 94 58.5 1540.00
accessories complete 1771.00 10.00 154.00 14476.00 166474.00 180950.00
3.02 GI Earthing spike made of 20mm solid Rod No. 634 JVVL rates 616.68 709.18 10.00 61.67 39097.51 449621.39 488718.90
3.05 8 SWG GI wire, GI nuts, bolts & washers for earthing and guarding Kg. 1586.10 6.2 52.00 59.80 10.00 5.20 8247.72 94848.78 103096.50
4 Suspension Clamp Assembly suitable for AB Cable (with eye hook) No. 2009 3.6 425.00 488.75 10.00 42.50 85382.50 981898.75 1067281.25
5 Dead End Clamp Assembly suitable for AB Cable (with eye hook) No. 1057 3.7 244.00 280.60 10.00 24.40 25790.80 296594.20 322385.00
13.2 &
6 Hot dip Galvanised Eye Screw Bolt 9"x5/8" (1 No.) - 0.483 Kg. X 29 Nos. X 105.74 Kms. = 1481.1 Kg. Kg. 1481.100 62.76 72.17 10.00 6.28 9295.36 106896.63 116191.99
7 Phase Indication Plates for each phase set of 3 (On H-Pole & 4 Pole) Set. 423 58.6 55.00 63.25 10.00 5.50 2326.50 26754.75 29081.25
8 Jt. Kit O/D LT ABC 3Cx150+1Cx150 HS No. 1269 1648.06 1895.27 10.00 164.81 209138.81 2405096.36 2614235.18
9 LT AB cable of size 3CX 95+70 sq mm Conductor KM 111.027 31.40 198845.00 228671.75 5.00 9942.25 1103858.19 25388738.39 26492596.58
Total 2542881.40 38376346.25 40919227.64

Note: 1. All dismantled item/materials shall be returned to the nearest DHBVN Store through concerned JE/OP without any value.
2. All M. S. Steel items shall be Hot dip Galvanised
3. The word "DDUGJY" shall be engraved on materials viz., Poles, Transformers (All types), Cables, Energy Meter etc supplied under this NIT.

Prepared by Checked by Verified by Pre-Audited by

AE/ P&D Xen / P&D SE / P&D

Rural Electrification Works in Jind District in Haryana under DDUGJY
(Schedule of rates and prices)

E(7) - Estimate for Replacement of 3165 nos. defective meters (1-Ph Domestic and Commercial meters) (Metering - 3165 Nos.)

P&D approved Cost of per unit

Estimated cost Total
rate for the for Supply of
Rate of Unit Estimated for Supply of Estimated
period 11.4.2016 material
Sr. Erection Erection cost for material cost for
Description Unit Qty Ref. to 30.9.2016 or including 15%
No. Charges Charges Erection including 15% supply and
latest PO rate overhead
(in %) (In Rs) (In Rs) overhead erection (In
issued by P&D charges on P&D
charges (In Rs) Rs)
(In Rs.) rate (In Rs.)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10=4x9 11=4x7 12=10+11

Single phase whole current static energy meters class of Accuracy 1.00 of rating 10-60A with
1 Communication and upgrading facility as per Nigams technical specification, relevent ISS with Nos. 3165 20.1 890 1023.5 10 89 281685 3239377.5 3521062.5
upto date amendments.
Total 281685 3239377.5 3521062.5

Note: 1. All dismantled item/materials shall be returned to the nearest DHBVN Store through concerned JE/OP without any value.
2. All M. S. Steel items shall be Hot dip Galvanised
3. The word "DDUGJY" shall be engraved on materials viz., Poles, Transformers (All types), Cables, Energy Meter etc supplied under this NIT.

Prepared by Checked by Verified by Pre-Audited by

AE/ P&D Xen / P&D SE / P&D

Rural Electrification Works in Jind District in Haryana under DDUGJY
(Schedule of rates and prices)

E(9) - Replacement of 1346 nos. Electro-Mechanical Meters (1-Ph Domestic and Commercial meters) (Metering - 1346Nos.)

P&D approved Cost of per unit

Estimated cost Total
rate for the for Supply of
Rate of Unit Estimated for Supply of Estimated
period 11.4.2016 material
Sr. Erection Erection cost for material cost for
Description Unit Qty Ref. to 30.9.2016 or including 15%
No. Charges Charges Erection including 15% supply and
latest PO rate overhead
(in %) (In Rs) (In Rs) overhead erection (In
issued by P&D charges on P&D
charges (In Rs) Rs)
(In Rs.) rate (In Rs.)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10=4x9 11=4x7 12=10+11

Single phase whole current static energy meters class of Accuracy 1.00 of rating 10-60A with
1 Communication and upgrading facility as per Nigams technical specification, relevent ISS with Nos. 1346 20.1 890 1023.5 10 89 119794 1377631 1497425
upto date amendments.

2 LT PVC Cable 2Cx10 mm2 Mtr. 20190 28.10 16.5 18.975 5 0.825 16656.75 383105.25 399762

Polycarbonate weather prof outdoor type Meter Cover Boxes (MCB) for single phase
3 Nos. 1346 22.4 264 303.6 10 26.4 35534.4 408645.6 444180
meter alongwith Zinc plated Clamp as per Nigams Technical Specification.
Total 171985.15 2169381.85 2341367

Note: 1. All dismantled item/materials shall be returned to the nearest DHBVN Store through concerned JE/OP without any value.
2. All M. S. Steel items shall be Hot dip Galvanised
3. The word "DDUGJY" shall be engraved on materials viz., Poles, Transformers (All types), Cables, Energy Meter etc supplied under this NIT.

Prepared by Checked by Verified by Pre-Audited by

AE/ P&D Xen / P&D SE / P&D

Rural Electrification Works in Jind District in Haryana under DDUGJY
(Schedule of rates and prices)
C (1) Estimate for rease of 118 Nos. BPL connections (SAGY - 118 Nos. BPL connections)
approved Cost of per
rate for the unit for
cost for
period Supply of Total
Supply of
11.4.2016 material Rate of Unit Estimated Estimated
to including Erection Erection cost for cost for
Sr. No. Description Unit Qty Ref. including
30.9.2016 15% Charges Charges Erection supply and
or latest overhead (in %) (In Rs) (In Rs) erection (In
PO rate charges on Rs)
charges (In
issued by P&D rate
P&D (In Rs.)
(In Rs.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10=4x9 11=4x7 12=10+11
1 PVC cable for service connection 2c x 4 1ph Kms 3.540 28.7 11142.00 12813.30 5.00 557.1 1972.134 45359.082 47331.216
Single Phase whole static energy meter class of Accuracy 1.00 of rating 10-60A with communication and upgrading facility as per Nigam’s Tec.
2 No. 118 10.00 89.00
Spec. relevant ISS with up to date amendments 20.1 890.00 1023.50 10502 120773 131275.00
Polycarbonate weather prof outdoor type Meter Cover Boxes (MCB) for single phase meter alongwith Zinc plated Clamp as per Nigams Technical
3 No. 118
Specification. 22.4 264.00 303.60 10.00 26.40 3115.20 35824.80 38940.00
4 MCB 6A with Box No 118 MKt. price 55.00 63.25 10.00 5.50 649.00 7463.50 8112.50
5 PVC conduit Pipe 20mm dia Mtr. 354 MKt. price 25.00 28.75 10.00 2.50 885.00 10177.50 11062.50
6 Conduit Clip Batten Holder No. 118 MKt. price 30.00 34.50 10.00 3.00 354.00 4071.00 4425.00

cost on which
7 9 W LED Bulb No. 118
distributed 75.00 86.25 10.00 7.50 885.00 10177.50 11062.50
8 LT connector No. 118 MKt. price 10.00 11.50 10.00 1.00 118.00 1357.00 1475.00
9 Switch Board : Wooden / Fiber Glass Reinforced Polyester sheet moulding compound (SMC) board {200x150x40 (minimum)} No. 118 MKt. price 100.00 115.00 10.00 10.00 1180.00 13570.00 14750.00
10 ISI mark, Piano type 5A, 240V, Switch No. 236 MKt. price 14.00 16.10 10.00 1.40 330.40 3799.60 4130.00
11 ISI mark, 5A, 240V, three-pin socket No. 118 MKt. price 17.00 19.55 10.00 1.70 200.60 2306.90 2507.50
12 Earth terminal No. 118 MKt. price 10.00 11.50 10.00 1.00 118.00 1357.00 1475.00
13 House wiring single core 1.5 sq mm multi-strands copper conductor cable Mtr. 1180 MKt. price 8.00 9.20 10.00 0.80 944.00 10856.00 11800.00
14 LED light point No. 118 MKt. price 10.00 11.50 10.00 1.00 118.00 1357.00 1475.00
15 GI Wire 3.15mm dia (10SWG) Mtr. 3540 MKt. price 5.00 5.75 10.00 0.50 1770.00 20355.00 22125.00
16 G.I. Pipe (20 mm dia) Mtr. 354 MKt. price 30.00 34.50 10.00 3.00 1062.00 12213.00 13275.00
17 MS flat clamps (40x3mm) No. 236 MKt. price 50.00 57.50 10.00 5.00 1180.00 13570.00 14750.00
Total 25383.33 314587.88 339971.22

1. The total cost for realeasing 1 no BPL coneecting including supply of material, erection, testing
anf commisioning, transportation and othe charges shall not be more than Rs. 3000/-. If any bidder
qouted higher price than their cost for release of one no. BPL. Same shall be restricted to Rs. 3000/-
for award purpose and the qouted price shall be taken for evalution purpose.
2. All M. S. Steel items shall be Hot dip Galvanised
3. The word "DDUGJY" shall be engraved on materials viz., Poles, Transformers (All types), Cables, Energy Meter etc supplied under this NIT.

Prepared by Checked by Verified by Pre-Audited by

AE/ P&D Xen / P&D SE / P&D

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