T-Scan A Digital Pathway To Occlusal Perfection: A Review: Corresponding Author
T-Scan A Digital Pathway To Occlusal Perfection: A Review: Corresponding Author
T-Scan A Digital Pathway To Occlusal Perfection: A Review: Corresponding Author
Corresponding Author:
Reeta Jain
Professor & Head, Department of Prosthodontics, Genesis Institute of Dental Sciences & Research,
E-mail: rtjn132@gmail.com
For years, dental occlusion had been largely a matter of guess work for dentists. Articulation paper marks,
waxes, pressure indicator paste, etc. were the only tools available to access and balance the bite force. These
methods do not detect simultaneous contact, nor do they quantify time and force. With the advent of T-SCAN the
scenario has changed. The evolution of T SCAN from 1st generation to 8th generation (1847-2015) has revolutionized
the concept of occlusal analysis. The modern version of T SCAN system released in 2012 i.e. T SCAN 8 was
purposefully designed to minimize the T SCAN 3 user interface complexity. T SCAN 8 has reversed desktop graphics
for simpler data display with less software, toolbar buttons and icons. The system comprises of Microsoft windows
based software, associated hardware and patented thin disposable sensor. Patient is asked to bite on ultra-thin
senor. The occlusal contact is transferred to the computer and presented in a dynamic movie format. It thereafter
allows for full color 3 or 2 dimensional graphics. It depicts the percentage of force per tooth. The software enables
the doctor to dynamically visualize the patient bite from beginning to end and everything in between. The analytic
software displays such as centre of force (COF) and COF trajectory provides an in depth understanding of the
overall balance of occlusion.
applied.[17] This establishes the inadequacy of AP to increased intensity of otherwise relatively low
marks in describing the occlusal load.[16] T-Scan bite forces which become focused onto a small
has a higher sensitivity and specificity as a area and produce high pressure. This may also
diagnostic tool for assessing guided closure lead to inaccurate recording of the occlusal contact
contacts, when compared to articulating paper, and/or artifacts in the produced images. The T-
waxes and other conventional occlusal Scan system is able to reproduce occlusal
indicators.[18] interferences only exceeding 0.6mm in dimension.
Although the T-Scan sensors are available in Also, the two different modes of the system (force
two different sizes to accommodate arches of and time analysis modes) may reproduce different
different dimensions, the literature search did not occlusal contact data. Time mode has been shown
identify any articles reporting the use of this to register the maximum number of contacts, while
system in children and patients with limited mouth the force mode has been shown to present the least
opening and hence, no conclusions can be drawn variability. However, these differences are small.
about their benefits or limitations in these cases.
An important aspect of the T-Scan system that Conclusion
should be considered is that the contact timing and Compared to conventional occlusal indicators,
the force analysis can be studied on the software. the T-Scan system clearly has more clinical utility
Thus T-Scan is able to provide a definitive in diagnosing and treating cases of
diagnosis of the occlusal force balance and temporomandibular disorders when caused due to
masticatory muscular function.[19, 20] occlusal disturbances. Computerized occlusal
The product is now marketed in its third analysis with the T-Scan II can be applied to
version as T-Scan III with software version 8.0. analyze the relative time of initial occlusal contact
Moreover, the newer software provides a better of natural teeth and dental implant prostheses, so
representation of the intraoral dental arch in the that it is possible to separate them as they come
analysis program of the software when compared under occlusal loading. T-Scan system
to previous versions.[21] demonstrates sufficient sensitivity and specificity
as a diagnostic tool and presents higher reliability
Safety Issues in intra-oral conditions with presence of saliva.
T-Scan systems are classified as Class I This technology reduces the subjective
devices by the FDA. They have low-risk profiles interpretation of occlusal analysis data and also
since they are not “life-supporting, life-sustaining provides registration of dynamic occlusal
or of substantial importance in preventing information. Therefore it is recommended that the
impairment of health nor present a potential use of T-Scan system should be supported in
unreasonable risk of illness or injury”. clinical practices for the diagnosis and occlusal
optimization in cases of occlusal disturbance
Limitations of the T-Scan System related temporomandibular disorder, due to its
It has been shown that thinner occlusal capability of measuring occlusal force and contact
registration materials provide more consistent timing.
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