Infinity™ Amylase Liquid Stable Reagent: Symbols in Product Labelling Product Summary
Infinity™ Amylase Liquid Stable Reagent: Symbols in Product Labelling Product Summary
Infinity™ Amylase Liquid Stable Reagent: Symbols in Product Labelling Product Summary
INTENDED USE CAUTION: This product contains animal source material. Handle and dispose of this product
This reagent is intended for the in vitro diagnostic use only, for the quantitative as if it were potentially infectious.
determination of α‑Amylase (1,4-α-D-glucan glucanohydrolase EC3.2.1.1) in human
serum or urine on both manual and automated systems. REAGENT PREPARATION
Reagent is supplied ready to use.
α-Amylase is derived mainly from the salivary glands and the exocrine pancreas. STABILITY AND STORAGE
α-Amylase catalyses the hydrolysis of α-1 → 4 glucosidic linkages of starch and Prior to Use:
other related polysaccharides to produce maltose and other oligosaccharides. The When stored at 2-8°C reagent is stable until the expiration date stated on the bottle and
enzyme is a relatively small molecule which is rapidly cleared by the kidneys and kit box label.
excreted in the urine. Once the Reagent is Opened:
α-Amylase is most frequently measured in the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis when When stored capped at 2-8°C, the reagent is stable until expiry.
serum levels may be grossly elevated. In acute pancreatitis α-amylase starts to Indications of Reagent Deterioration:
rise approximately 4 hours after the onset of pain, reaches a peak at 24 hours and • Turbidity;
remains elevated from 3‑7 days. • Reagent Absorbance >1.0 AU at 405nm (1cm); and/or
Hyperamylasaemia is also associated with other acute abdominal disorders, biliary • Failure to recover control values within the assigned range.
tract disease, diabetic ketoacidosis, severe glomerular dysfunction, salivary gland
disorders, ruptured ectopic pregnancy and macroamylasaemia. SPECIMEN COLLECTION AND HANDLING
Serum: Use non-haemolysed serum.4
METHODOLOGY Urine: Random or timed collections are valid specimens.4
Several procedures are available for the assay of serum α-amylase activity. Storage: α-Amylase is exceptionally stable and serum samples may be stored for at least
Amyloclastic methods measure the disappearance of substrate and include the 7 days at room temperature and for at least 1 month at 4°C or -20°C.2 Urine samples are
iodine-starch method. Saccharogenic methods measure the production of sugars stable for 7 days when stored at 4°C. If it is expected that there will be a delay in transporting
such as maltose and glucose. Both these methods lack linearity, sensitivity and the urine sample to the laboratory, the use of a chemical preservative such as Merthiolate
precision when compared to chromogenic methods which yield a colored product (0.24 mmol/L) is recommended.5
that can be measured spectrophotometrically.2
The Infinity Amylase Liquid Stable Reagent utilises Ethylidene-pNP-G7 (E-pNP-G7) ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT REQUIRED but not provided
as the substrate. The use of ethylidene prevents exo-enzymes from breaking down • A clinical chemistry analyser capable of maintaining constant temperature (37°C) and
the substrate, so in the absence of α-amylase, no color change is observed. The measuring absorbance at 405nm (405 - 420nm).
substrate is also commonly referred to as EPS. Once the substrate has been cleaved • Analyser specific consumables, eg: sample cups.
by a-amylase, the smaller fragments produced can be acted upon by α‑glucosidase, • Normal and Abnormal assayed control material.
which causes the ultimate release of the chromophore.
assay procedure
The series of reactions involved in the assay system is as follows: The following system parameters are recommended. Individual instrument applications are
available upon request from the Technical Support Group.
1. 5 E-pNP-G7 + 5H2O
α amylase Temperature 37°C
Primary Wavelength 405 nm (405-420nm)
E-G3 + pNP-G4 + 2E-G4 + 2pNP-G3 + 2pNP-G2 Secondary Wavelength 480-600nm
Assay Type Rate/Kinetic
2. pNP-G4 + 2pNP-G3 + 2pNP-G2 + 14H2O Direction Increase
Sample : Reagent Ratio 1:40
α glucosidase eg : Sample Vol 7 µL
Reagent Vol 280 µL
5 pNP + 14G Delay/Lag Time 60 seconds
Read Time 2 minutes
Where: G = Glucose Reagent Blank Limits Low 0.0 AU
pNP = p-nitrophenol (405nm, 1cm lightpath) High 1.0 AU
Linearity 10 - 2000 U/L
The rate of formation of pNP is proportional to the α-amylase activity present in (refer to linearity section) (0.167 - 33.4 µkat/L)
the sample and is measured by the rate of increase in absorbance at 405 nm Analytical Sensitivity 0.195 ∆mA/min per U/L
(405-420nm). (405nm, 1cm lightpath) (11.7 ∆mA/min per µkat/L)
Serum:* At 37°C 35 - 140 U/L (0.585 - 2.34 µkat/L)
At 30°C 27 - 108 U/L (0.451 - 1.80 µkat/L)
*The quoted values were derived from a study of 59 normal samples and should
serve as a guide only. The 30°C values were calculated as a guide only, using a
temperature conversion factor of 0.77. We do not however recommend the routine
use of temperature conversion factors. It is recommended that each laboratory
verify this range or derives a reference interval for the population that it serves.8
The following data was obtained using the Infinity Amylase Liquid Stable Reagent
on a well maintained automated clinical chemistry analyser.
Fisher Diagnostics
a division of Fisher Scientific Company, LLC © 2012 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved. Hitachi is a registered trademark of
Roche Diagnostics, Indianapolis, IN 46250. ILab 600 is a registered trademark of Instrumentation
a part of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. Laboratory Company, Lexington, MA 02421. All other trademarks are the property of Thermo
Middletown, VA 22645-1905 USA Fisher Scientific Inc. and its subsidiaries.
Phone: 800-528-0494
Fax: 540-869-8132 Reorder Information
Catalogue No. Configuration
WMDE TR25421 2 x 125 mL
Bergerweg 18
6085 AT Horn
The Netherlands
JL840761-en (R1)