Moringa Oleifera: An Underutilized Tree in Nigeria With: Amazing Versatility: A Review
Moringa Oleifera: An Underutilized Tree in Nigeria With: Amazing Versatility: A Review
Moringa Oleifera: An Underutilized Tree in Nigeria With: Amazing Versatility: A Review
This article aimed to review the potential of Moringa oleifera tree, emphasizing its nutritional
applications for humans, industrial uses and its propagation methods, as not everyone knows the
enormous benefits it has. It is an exceptionally nutritious vegetable tree with a variety of potential uses.
The tree is considered one of the world’s most useful trees, as almost every part of the tree can be used
for food, or has some other beneficial property.
Key words: Moringa oleifera, benefits, water purification, nutritional composition growing.
M. oleifera plant is used in difference ways as; domestic seeds are also eaten green, roasted, powdered and
cleaning agent (crushed leaves), blue dye (wood), steeped for tea or used in curries (Gassenschmidt et al.,
fencing (living trees), fertilizer (seed-cake) (Emmannuel 1995). This tree has in recent times been advocated as
et al., 2011a and b), foliar nutrient (juice expressed from an outstanding indigenous source of highly digestible
the leaves), green manure (from leaves), gum (from tree protein, Ca, Fe, Vitamin C, and carotenoids suitable for
trunks), honey- and sugar cane juice-clarifier (powdered utilization in many of the so called “developing” regions of
seeds), honey (flower nectar), medicine (all plant parts), the world where under nourishment is a major concern
ornamental plantings, bio-pesticide (soil incorporation of (Tsaknis et al., 1999). Moringa plant is an exceptionally
leaves to prevent seedling damping off), pulp (wood), nutritious tree with a variety of potential uses (Fahey,
rope (bark), tannin for tanning hides (bark and gum), 2005).
water purification (powdered seeds). M. oleifera seed oil
(yield 30-40% by weight), also known as Ben oil, is a
sweet non-sticking, non-drying oil that resists rancidity. It BRIEF HISTORY OF M. OLEIFERA AS MEDICINAL
has been used in salads, for fine machine lubrication, and PLANT
in the manufacture of perfume and hair care products
(Tsaknis et al., 1999). The history of Moringa dates back to 150 B.C. Historical
In the West, one of the best known uses for M. oleifera proofs reveal that ancient kings and queens used
is the use of powdered seeds to flocculate contaminants Moringa leaves and fruit in their diet to maintain mental
and purify drinking water (Berger et al., 1984), but the alertness and healthy skin. Ancient Maurian warriors of
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Zaku et al. 457
India were fed with Moringa Leaf Extract in the warfront protein in milk and half the protein in egg, and has more
(Jahn, 1996). The Moringa drink was believed to add iron than in beef, more calcium than in milk, equal vitamin
them extra energy and relieve them of the stress and A to carrot and more vitamin C than in orange
pain incurred during war. These brave soldiers were the (Wangcharoen and Gomolmanee, 2013). Moringa is the
ones who defeated “Alexander” the Great. Inspired by the sole genus of the flowering plant Moringaceas with 13
news of this Moringa drink, three young professionals species out of which are; Moringa oleifera, Moringa
started analyzing the nutritional benefits of Moringa tree. stenopetala, Moringa peregrine and Moringa doughardii.
As their research deepened they were amazed by the Moringa leaves contain seven times the vitamin C of
huge amount of nutritional contents these small leaves oranges, four times the vitamin A of carrots, four times
and fruits bears (Makkar et al., 1997). Traditionally, the calcium of milk, three times the potassium of bananas
besides being a daily used vegetable among people of and two times the protein in yoghurt (Gopalan et al.,
these regions, the Moringa is also widely known and 1989). Johnson (2005) observed that the leaf, seed and
used for its health benefits. Among commoners, it has fruits of M. oleifera are naturally rich sources of vitamins
earned its name as ‘the miracle tree’ due to its amazing and minerals. In an analysis of 100 g of the edible portion
healing abilities for various ailments and even some of fresh M. oleifera leaves parts have shown to contain
chronic diseases. Several investigations were carried out much of the following water soluble vitamins; 2.6 mg of
to isolate bioactive compounds from various parts of the vitamin B1 (thiamine), 20.5 mg of vitamin B2 (riboflavin),
plant due to its various applications (Guevara et al., 8.2 mg of vitamin B3 (nicotinic acid) and 220 mg of
1999). Therefore, herbal plants in medicine or known as vitamin C. In addition, this same portion of edible product
phytomedicine are still trustworthy and widely applied as contains the following fat-soluble vitamins: 16.3 mg of
one of the alternative way in medicinal field due to its vitamin A, 113 mg of vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol acetate)
affordable cost (Abalaka et al., 2009). as much as 423 mg of the lipotropic element, chorine,
19.2 g of fibre and several key minerals: 2003 mg of
calcium, 368 mg of magnesium 204 mg phosphorus,
SOCIO-ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE 1324 mg of potassium, 3.1 mg of copper, 28.2 mg of Iron
and 870 mg of selenium (Johnson, 2005). In addition to
Moringa is one of the most useful tropical trees. The these vitamins and minerals, one of the most significant
relative ease with which it propagates through both benefits of M. oleifera is the ability of this plant to provide
sexual and asexual means and its low demand for soil as much as 27.1 g of protein (nearly one-third of the
nutrients and water after being planted makes its edible portion); containing all of the essential amino
production and management easy. Introduction of this acids. These leaves could be a great boom to people
plant into a farm which has a biodiverse environment can who do not get protein from animal source such as milk
be beneficial for both the owner of the farm and the and egg. It also contains arginine and histidine, the two
surrounding eco-system (Fuglie, 1999). amino acids especially important for infants (Gopalan et
al., 1989). Dried M. oleifera leaf powder in capsules has
become a popular food supplement for many in Thailand
USES OF M. OLEIFERA (Wangcharoen and Gomolmanee, 2011).
They are an exceptionally good source of provitamin A,
Human consumption of M. oleifera vitamins B, and C, minerals (in particular iron), and the
sulphur-containing amino acids methionine and cystine
M. oleifera leaves are highly nutritious. The young leaves (Chawla et al., 1988). The young green pods are very
are edible and are commonly cooked and eaten like tasty and can be boiled and eaten like green beans. The
spinach or used to make soups and salads. The leaves pods are best for human consumption at the stage when
can be consumed either in raw, cooked or dried over a they can be broken easily without leaving any visible
screen for several days and ground into a fine powder strings of fibre. These are rich in free leucine (Dogra et
that can be added to almost any food as a nutrient al., 1975). The seeds must first be boiled for a few
supplement (Makkar and Becker, 1996), such as pap, minutes to remove the fine transparent hull and the water
cereals and drinks to improve their nutritive value drained before they are eaten. Seeds should be eaten
(Gardener and Ellen, 2002). The leaves which were green before they change color to yellow. The hull is not
boiled resulted in three times more bio-available iron than desirable as food because it tastes bitter.
the raw leaves. These results were also seen in the
powdered Moringa leaves. The protein quality of Moringa
leaves compares very well with that of milk and eggs Moringa oleifera nutritional values
(Gardener and Ellen, 2002). On other hand, In 100 g dry
matter, they contain 29±6 g of protein 28±6 mg of iron, The Moringa’s incredible medicinal usage which is
1,924±288 mg of calcium, 15,620±6,475 IU of vitamin A claimed by many cultures and communities is based on
and 773±91 mg of vitamin C. This is at least twice the science (Table 1). Through research, the Moringa was
458 Afr. J. Food Sci.
Table 1. Analysis of dried leaf powder 2003). It was also found that each different part of the
contains the following per 100 g of edible Moringa tree which was studied, be it the fruits, seeds,
leaves, flowers, bark and roots, all resulted in the
discovery of at least one, or in most studies, a number of
Nutritional value per 100 g Values
beneficial nutrients. It was similarly mentioned in an
Moisture (%) 7.5 article by the Trees. For Life organization that ‘every part
Calories (Kcal) 205 of the Moringa tree is said to have beneficial properties
Protein (g) 27.1 that can serve humanity’. In addition, the Moringa was
Fat (g) 2.3 found to have a group of unique compounds containing
Carbohydrate (g) 38.2 sugar and rhamnose, which are uncommon sugar-
Fiber (g) 19.2 modified glucosinolates (Fahey et al., 2001; Fahey, 2005;
Amaglo et al., 2010). These compounds were reported to
Trace minerals
demonstrate certain chemopreventive activity, by
Calcium (mg) 2,003
inducing apoptosis (Brunelli et al., 2010).
Magnesium (mg) 368
Phosphorus (mg) 204
Potassium (mg) 1,324 Industrial uses of M. oleifera oil
Iron (mg) 28.2
Sodium (mg) 870 The oil content of de-hulled seed (kernel) is approxi-
mately 42%. The oil is brilliant yellow. It is used as a
lubricant for fine machinery such as timepieces because
Vitamin A-Beta Carotene (mg) 16.3
it has little tendency to deteriorate and become rancid
Vitamin B1 – thiamin (mg) 2.64
and sticky (Ramachandran et al., 1980). It is also useful
Vitamin B2 – riboflavin (mg) 20.5
as vegetable cooking and frying oil. The oil is known for
Vitamin B3 - nicotinic acid (mg) 8.2 its capacity to absorb and retain volatile substances and
Vitamin C ascorbic acid (mg) 17.3 is therefore valuable in the perfume industry for
Vitamin E tocopherol acetate mg) 113 stabilizing scents. The free fatty acid content varies from
Amino acids 0.5 to 3%. The seed oil of Moringa contains approxi-
Arginine (g/16 g N) 1.33% mately 13% saturated fatty acids and 82% unsaturated
fatty acids (Ferrao and Mendez, 1970). It has a particu-
Histidine (g/16 gN) 0.61%
larly high level of oleic acid (70%). Other vegetable oils
Lysine (g/16 gN) 1.32%
normally contain only about 40% oleic acid.
Tryptophan (g/16 gN) 0.43%
Phenylanaline (g/16 gN) 1.39%
Methionine (g/16 gN) 0.35% Water purification
Threonine (g/16 gN) 1.19%
Leucine (g/16 gN) 1.95% Moringa seeds contain between 30-42% oil and the press
Isoleucine (g/16 gN) 0.83% cake obtained as a by-product of the oil extraction
Valine (g/16 gN) 1.06% process contains a very high level of protein (Olsen,
1987). Some of these proteins (approximately 1%) are
Other constituents
active cationic polyelectrolytes having molecular weights
Oxalic acid (mg) 1.6%
between 7-17 K Dalton (Olsen, 1987). The cationic
Source: Jahn (1996). polyelectrolytes neutralize the colloids in muddy or dirty
water since the majority of these colloids have a negative
electrical charge. This protein can therefore be used as a
found to contain many essential nutrients, for instance, non-toxic natural polypeptide for sedimenting mineral
vitamins, (Fahey, 2005; Hsu et al., 2006; Kasolo et al., particles and organics in the purification of drinking water,
2010). Nutrition content of a plant plays an essential for cleaning vegetable oil, or for sedimenting fibers in the
function in medicinal, nutritional, and therapeutic juice and beer industries. It thus works as a primary
properties (Al Kharusi et al., 2009). It is believed that coagulant as natural bridges are continuously formed
Moringa leave to consist high sources of vitamin C, between the colloid particles. In contrast, industrial
calcium and potassium as well as protein. It works as an coagulants such as alumina can be toxic. Their proper
effective source of natural antioxidants. Due to the use requires qualified personnel and the majority of
presence of several sorts of antioxidant compounds such underdeveloped countries don’t have the means of
as flavonoids, ascorbic acid, carotenoids, and phenolics, producing them. In addition, these industrial coagulants
Moringa is able to extend the period of food containing are expensive and represent a considerable drain on the
fats (Dillard and German, 2000; Siddhuraju and Becker, hard currency reserves of developing countries. It has
Zaku et al. 459
been employed with particular effectiveness in both Egypt in waterlogged soil the roots have a tendency to rot. Trees
and Sudan for cleaning water from the Nile specifically for can be easily grown from seed or from cuttings. Moringa
human consumption (Berger et al., 1984). The wings are seeds have no dormancy period, so they can be planted as
removed from the dry seeds and then the seeds are soon as they are mature and they will retain the ability to
ground to powder. The powder is mixed with water, germinate for up to one year (Fuglie, 1999). Moringa trees
agitated for approximately five minutes and after about an will flower and fruit annually and in some regions twice
hour, then filtered through a piece of woven fabric to annually. During its first year, a Moringa tree will grow up to
obtain pure water. Alternatively, a cloth containing the five m in height and produce flowers and fruit. Left alone,
seed powder is suspended in water, generally overnight, the tree can eventually reach 12 m in height with a trunk
to coagulate impurities (Berger et al., 1984). The cloth 30cm wide; however, the tree can be annually cut back to
containing the seeds is then removed, and the purified one meter from the ground. The tree will quickly recover
water is decanted leaving behind the coagulated particles and produce leaves and pods within easy reach.
on the bottom. Up to 99% of colloids can be removed.
Only one seed is required per litre for slightly conta-
minated water and two seeds for very dirty water. In the nursery
Growing from cuttings
M. oleifera is one of the vegetables of the Brassica order
and belongs to the family Moringaceae. The Moringaceae Use hard wood, not green wood, for cuttings. Cuttings
is a single genus family with 13 known species (Khawaja should be 0.45 to 1.5 m long and 10 cm thick. Cuttings can
et al., 2010). M. oleifera is a small native tree of the sub- be planted directly or planted in sacks in the nursery. When
Himalayan regions of North West India, which is now planting directly, plant the cuttings in light, sandy soil. Plant
indigenous to many regions in Islands and South America one-third of the length in the ground (that is, if the cutting is
but is now found worldwide in the tropics and sub-tropics. It 1.5 m long, plant it 50 cm deep). Do not over water; if the
grows best in direct sunlight under 500 m altitude. It soil is too heavy or wet, the roots may rot. When the
tolerates a wide range of soil conditions, but prefers a cuttings are planted in the nursery, the root system is slow
neutral to slightly acidic (pH. 6.3-7.0), well-drained sandy or to develop. Add phosphorus to the soil if possible to
loamy soil. Minimum annual rainfall requirements are encourage root development. Cuttings planted in a nursery
estimated at 250 mm with maximum at over 3,000 mm, but can be out-planted after two or three months (Odee, 1998).
460 Afr. J. Food Sci.
Spacing soil used to fill the planting pits. Phosphorus can be added
to encourage root development and nitrogen will encourage
For intensive Moringa production, plant the tree every 3 m leaf canopy growth. In some parts of India, 15cm-deep ring
in rows 3 m apart. To ensure sufficient sunlight and airflow, trenches are dug about 10 cm from the trees during the
it is also recommended to plant the trees in an east-west rainy season and filled with green leaves, manure and ash
direction. When the trees are part of an alley-cropping (Olsen, 1987). These trenches are then covered with soil.
system, there should be 10 m between the rows. The area This approach is said to promote higher pod yields.
between trees should be kept free of weeds. Moringa trees Research done in India has also showed that applications
can be planted in gardens; the tree’s root system does not of 7.5 kg farmyard manure and 0.37 kg ammonium sulfate
compete with other crops for surface nutrients and the light per tree can increase pod yields threefold (Morton,1991)
shade provided by the tree will be beneficial to those
vegetables which are less tolerant to direct sunlight. From Pest and diseases
the second year onwards, Moringa can be inter-cropped
with maize, sunflower and other field crops. Sunflower is Moringa is resistant to most pests. In India, various
particularly recommended for helping to control weed caterpillars are reported to cause defoliation unless
growth (Fuglie, 1999). However, Moringa trees are reported controlled by spraying. The budworm Noordia moringae
to be highly competitive with eggplant (Solanum and the scale insects Diaspidotus sp. and Ceroplastodes
melongena) and sweet corn (Zea mays) and can reduce cajani are reportedly able to cause serious damage.
their yields by up to 50% (Olsen, 1987) (Fuglie,1999). Also mentioned as pests in India are Aphis
craccibora, the borer Diaxenopsis apomecynoides and
Pinching the terminal tips the fruit fly Gitonia sp (Olsen, 1987). Elsewhere in the
world, where Moringa is an introduced tree, local pests
When the seedlings reach a height of 60 cm in the main are less numerous.
field, pinch (trim) the terminal growing tip 10cm from the top
(Odee ,1998). This can be done using fingers since the
terminal growth is tender, devoid of bark fiber and brittle,
and therefore easily broken. A shears or knife blade can When harvesting pods for human consumption, harvest
also be used. Secondary branches will begin appearing on when the pods are still young and snap easily. Older pods
the main stem below the cut about a week later. When they develop a tough exterior, but the white seeds and flesh
reach a length of 20 cm, cut these back to 10 cm. Use a remain edible until the ripening process begins. When
sharp blade and make a slanting cut. Tertiary branches will producing seed for planting or for oil extraction, allow the
appear, and these are also to be pinched in the same pods to dry and turn brown on the tree. In some cases, it
manner. This pinching, done four times before the flowers may be necessary to prop up a branch that holds many
appear (when the tree is about three months old), will pods to prevent it breaking off. Harvest the pods before
encourage the tree to become bushy and produce many they split open and seeds fall to the ground. Seeds can be
pods within easy reach. Pinching helps the tree develop a stored in well-ventilated sacks in dry and shady places
strong production frame for maximizing the yield (Olsen, (Tsaknis et al., 1999).
1987). If the pinching is not done, the tree has a tendency
to shoot up vertically and grow tall, like a mast, with sparse
flowers and few fruits found only at the very top. CONCLUSIONS/RECOMMENDATION