Retrogression and Strength From Uttarakalamrta: Uttarakalamrta 1.2.6. A Vakri Graha's Strength Is Equivalent To
Retrogression and Strength From Uttarakalamrta: Uttarakalamrta 1.2.6. A Vakri Graha's Strength Is Equivalent To
Retrogression and Strength From Uttarakalamrta: Uttarakalamrta 1.2.6. A Vakri Graha's Strength Is Equivalent To
Phaladeepika on Retrogression
वक्रं गतः स्वोच्चफलं विदध्या त्सपत्ननीचर्क्षगतोऽपि
खेतः। वर्गोत्तमंशस्थिखेचरोऽपि स्वक्षेत्रगस्योक्तफलानि
तद्वत ्॥२०॥
vakraṁ gataḥ svoccaphalaṁ vidadhyā
tsapatnanīcarkṣagato’pi khetaḥ |
svakṣetragasyoktaphalāni tadvat ||20||
When Two grahas occupy Trikona from each other, they are in
inimical tatkalika sambandha. Thus, if they are natural friends,
they become neutral (sama). If they are natural enemies, they
become extreme enemies (ati-shatru). If the are natural neutral,
they become enemies (shatru).
Uttarakalamrta 1.4.3.
Dharmakarmadhipatya Yoga
Uttarakalamrta 1.4.3. Birth in one of the following
Rajayogas blesses the native with wealth and happiness:(a)
Dharmesha and Karmesha occupy their own Bhavas (b) they
conjoin in either of 9th or 10th Bhavas (c) they exchange Bhavas
i.e., occupy each other Bhavas (d) they mutually aspect each
other (paraspara drsti) (e) they conjoin with another Kendra (1L,
4L, 7L) or Kona lord (5L), (f) occupy another Kendra (1, 4, 7) or
Kona (5) Bhavas. Rider:These lords should not simultaneously
own Randhra or Labha, else, the yogas don’t manifest.
Kendra-Kona Rajayogas are one of the most well known principles
of Jyotish. Among the Kendras, Karma is the strongest, while
among the Konas, Dharma is the strongest. Hence, their lords
associating in a sambandha cause the strongest of the Rajayogas.
However, the associated Rider is worth noting. Among the
Trishadaaya 11th is the strongest, hence most capable of nullifying
the yoga. 8th being governor of the house of loss of Dharma can’t
give rajayoga. Lets examine the various lagnas to understand the
blemish associated with one of these Bhava lords.
So, Among the 12 Lagnas, only Mesha and Mithuna suffer serious
blemish as one of the lords, Dharma or Karma suffer from the
lordship of Randhra or Labha.
Bhava involved
1. The Dharmakarmadhipatya yoga happening in a Susthana
i.e., Kendra, Kona, Labha is highly favourable for material
success i.e., wealth, authority etc.
2. The Dharmakarmadhipatya yoga happening in a Dusthana
i.e., Shatru (6th), Randhra (8th) and Vyaya (12th) can cause
weakness to the yoga, however, if the grahas are aspected by
Shubha grahas, Guru, Budha and Shukra, they become capable
of bestowing success.
3. The Dharmakarmadhipatya yoga happening in other houses
i.e., 2nd or 3rd is also positive, but of lesser degree compared to
Kendra, Kona and Labha. The 2nd house indicate involvement
of people of one’s community, while 3rd house indicate self-
effort in manifesting the results.
4. The success promised by th Dharmakarmadhipatya yoga can
come from one of these indications (1) natural significations of
the Dharmesha and Karmesha, (2) natural significations of the
Rasi occupied by them, (3) functional signification of the Bhava
occupied by them, and (4) the natural or functional
significations of the Grahas conjoining or aspecting them.
5. When another graha conjoins them, the success can be
attained in the matters governed by this graha. If no graha
conjoin them, the significations of the aspecting graha should
be taken into consideration. If none conjoin or aspect them, the
significations of the Dharma and Karma lords have to be taken
into consideration.
6. Other strength rules should also be applied here, such as
Combustion, Graha Yuddha, Shubha or Papa Kartari Yoga,
Shubha Rasi or Vargas, Shubha or Papa drstis etc. These will
modify the the results in a better or worse way depending on
their influences.
Conditions of association
This order indicate the order in which one should judge a Bhava.
For instance, if Guru is weak and afflicted, the hope for a great
fortune and wealth is defeated, even if the person may have an
excellent Dhana Bhava or Bhagya Bhava.
Since, the Karaka indicate the collective karma and destiny, lets
not focus there for the time-being and instead focus on the factors
that govern the individual’s destiny, which is seen from the Lagna.
The two important factors here are the Bhavesha and the Bhava.
The four detrimental positions of the Bhavesha that is mentioned
in the verse are as follows: