Glass and Ceramics 2010 Preprints Corning Content
Glass and Ceramics 2010 Preprints Corning Content
Glass and Ceramics 2010 Preprints Corning Content
ISBN: 978-0-87290-182-7
Library of Congress Control Number: 2010931220
Cover Image:
10 Introduction
32 What Color Has Saffron? Understanding German Recipes for the Production
of Colored Glazes in the 16th Century
Helena Fuertes and Christoph Krekel
Special Collections
53 Deterioration and Preservation of Blaschka Glasses
Astrid van Giffen, Katherine Eremin, Susanna Kirk, Jim Tate, and Richard Newman
93 Reattaching Paper Labels to Ceramics and Glass
Juanita Navarro
110 18 Tons of Roman Glass under the Sea: A Complex Conservation Puzzle
Paul Mardikian and Pascale Girard
119 In Situ Mosaic Preservation of Three Glass and Marble Opus Sectile Panels
at the Roman Villa of Faragola (Ascoli Satriano, Italy)
Maria Concetta Laurenti, Elisabeth Huber, and Antonella Martinelli
174 When Glass and Metal Corrode Together, II: A Black Forest Schäppel
and Further Occurrences of Socoformacite
Gerhard Eggert, Anne Bührer, Bruno Barbier, and Harald Euler
194 The Use of Glass Bricks in Architecture in the 19th and 20th Centuries: A Case Study
K. De Vis, P. Jacobs, J. Caen, and K. Janssens
229 Posters
The papers in this publication
are dedicated to
Dr. Robert H. Brill
Research Scientist Emeritus
The Corning Museum of Glass
Dr. Robert H. Brill. (Photo: Frank J. Borkowski)
What a wonderful meeting we had in Slovenia in 2007! of glass conservators. It was written by Stephen P. Koob,
It left lasting memories of the unmatched hospitality of the Corning Museum’s chief conservator, and it presents
Jana Šubic Prislan from the Goriški Muzej Kromberk in invaluable hints and tips that are based on his decades of
Nova Gorica and all of her colleagues in the country. All experience with the subject. In our continuing search for
participants remember the three exciting days with pre- more stable conservation materials, such as glass and ce-
sentations of current conservation projects and research, ramic adhesives, all of us are following his tested route.
excursions to other places in the vibrant cultural melting Meeting both of these outstanding scholars and prac
pot of Slovenia, the tour to Murano, and the, h’m, let’s say titioners in the lectures and social activities in Corning
avant-garde venue of a hotel casino. Last but not least, be- will be a highlight for all participants. More information
cause of Lisa Pilosi’s tireless efforts, a well-edited and on both of them will be found in the paper by Agnès Gall-
-produced preprints volume1 made the content of the Ortlik and Pau Maynés on pages 15–21 of this volume.
conference available also to all those in the conservation Because of the considerable interest in the interim
community who could not make it to Slovenia, as well as meeting displayed by our colleagues in the working group
to future generations. and beyond, as well as the submission of papers, the 2010
As always, success raises expectations. Our working meeting will cover all aspects of glass and ceramics con-
group2 was delighted, at its meeting during the ICOM-CC servation (as will be seen in the table of contents). Indi-
triennial conference in New Delhi in 2008, to receive the vidual sessions will be devoted to history, technology, and
invitation of The Corning Museum of Glass to host the training; special collections; treatments; science and tech-
group’s next interim meeting in 2010. The museum, with nology; and architectural glass, ceramic tiles, and terra
its internationally renowned collection and its special ex- cotta. The contributions will lead us all around the world,
hibitions, will be the ideal locale for our international con- affording our somewhat Eurocentric group (most of our
ference “Glass and Ceramics Conservation 2010.” And it members are Europeans) a truly international perspective.
is not just the institution that is the attraction here. The All of the papers were selected and reviewed by members
Corning Museum has several highly regarded experts in its of the program committee, led by our editorial coordi
ranks, and two of them are of particular significance to us: nator, Hannelore Roemich of New York City. The other
• What glass conservator will not have come across the members of the committee are Stephen P. Koob of Cor-
papers of Dr. Robert H. Brill on crizzling? When trying to ning and Gerhard Eggert of Stuttgart, along with assistant
make sense of a glass analysis, who will not make compar-
isons with the data found in the (so far) two volumes of
his Chemical Analyses of Early Glasses (Corning: The Cor-
ning Museum of Glass, 1999), the scholarly achievement
of a lifetime and an indispensable reference work? It is in 1. Glass and Ceramics Conservation 2007, preprints of the interim
gratitude for these publications and for other contribu- meeting of the ICOM-CC Working Group, Nova Gorica, Slovenia, Au-
gust 27–30, 2007, ed. Lisa Pilosi, Nova Gorica: Goriški Muzej Kromberk,
tions by Dr. Brill, research scientist emeritus at the Cor- 2007.
ning Museum, that we dedicate this volume to him. 2. Glass and Ceramics is one of the working groups (WG) of the Com-
• Conservation and Care of Glass Objects (London: Ar- mittee for Conservation (CC) of the International Council of Museums
(ICOM). Its members are interested conservators, conservation scien-
chetype Publications in association with The Corning Mu- tists, and curators. More information about the working group will be
seum of Glass, 2006) is an essential book in the education found on our Web site,
10 introduction
coordinators Kate van Lookeren Campagne of Amster- to achieve this goal is through “improved communication
dam, Agnès Gall-Ortlik of Barcelona, Laurianne Robinet between experts . . . on current conservation research,
of Gif-sur-Yvette (France), Renske Dooijes of Leiden, and practice, and education.” We hope that “Glass and Ceram-
Isabelle Garachon of Amsterdam. ics Conservation 2010” and this volume of preprints will
We also thank the staff members of The Corning Mu- be milestones in this pursuit!
seum of Glass who made this publication possible: Rich-
ard W. Price, head of the Publications Department, who
edited the papers; Jacolyn S. Saunders, publications spe- Hannelore Roemich
cialist, who designed the volume and prepared the layouts Institute of Fine Arts, New York University
of the papers; and Dr. David Whitehouse, the museum’s Editorial Coordinator
executive director, who served as editorial adviser.
In its triennial program of 2008–2011, the ICOM-CC Gerhard Eggert
Glass and Ceramics Working Group aims to foster the State Academy of Art and Design Stuttgart
conservation of the world’s cultural heritage made of glass, Coordinator, ICOM-CC Glass
ceramics, and related materials. We believe that the way and Ceramics Working Group
Editor’s Note: In the bylines of papers and posters with more than
one author, the name of the corresponding author is followed by
an asterisk, and that author’s e-mail address appears at the end of
the byline.
introduction 11