The Judas Goats - The Enemy Within PDF
The Judas Goats - The Enemy Within PDF
The Judas Goats - The Enemy Within PDF
Zionist scheme to exploit America’s military might to conquer the globe;
that good people who oppose the Zionist Imperium must put aside dif-
ferences and close ranks, united for the final battle. Passionate, making
no pretense of being without bias, Piper identifies and savages those who
manifest attitudes of open hatred for nationalism and freedom. Having
fashioned historical writing into an art form, Piper has few peers. Nor are
proves precisely how pro-American he is.
—Ryu Ohta, Chairman of the Society for the Critique
of Contemporary Civilization, based in Tokyo, Japan
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This is a grotesque but accurate representation of the vile, ugly and brutal
Bolshevik revolutionary, Leon Trotsky, whose intellectual disciples evolved into
the ruling elite in hard-line Zionist “neo-conservative” circles in America today.
How “left wing” Trotskyite elements rose to power in the United States by infil-
trating the “right wing”—while working to eviscerate traditional American
nationalism—is part of the amazing panorama outlined in The Judas Goats.
Meet the Judas Goats . . .*
The two-legged kind are far worse
than the four-legged kind . . .
“A Judas Goat is a term used to describe a trained goat used
at a slaughterhouse and in general animal herding.The Judas goat
is trained to associate with sheep or cattle, leading them to a spe-
cific destination.
“In stockyards, a Judas goat will lead sheep to slaughter, while
its own life is spared. Judas goats are also used to lead other animals
to specific pens and onto trucks. The term Judas Goat is derived
from a biblical reference to Judas Iscariot [who betrayed Jesus
Christ to the Pharisees].
“The phrase has also been used to describe a goat that is used
to find feral goats that are targeted for eradication.The Judas Goat
is outfitted with a transmitter, painted red and then released. The
goat then finds the remaining herds of wild goats, allowing hunters
to exterminate them.
—From Wikipedia, the Internet encyclopedia.
“. . . Lambs were being led by a Judas goat into the chute.Two
workers stood at the end, jolting the animals with enough elec-
tricity to render them brain dead. In an instant, prongs at the
sheep's brains and in the fleece near their hearts delivered a zap
that collapsed them, after which they were handed through . . . to
the kill floor.The Judas goats . . . then returned to the pens, where
they collected another batch of sheep.”
—From:“A Slaughter House Tour” at
Published by:
To Leonard Joseph Snyder, Jr.
For daring to speak out and raise questions about what really hap-
pened on 9-11 and about the dangerous U.S. policy toward Israel and the
Arab world—a policy that has made America many enemies around the
globe—Cynthia McKinney was driven from the U.S. Congress in 2002.
A Judas Goat—a former Republican, no less—was recruited to run
against Miss McKinney in the Democratic Party primary. GOP organizers
moved into the Democratic Party to assist the Judas Goat.Tons of Zionist
money poured into Georgia to help Miss McKinney’s challenger. In the
end, Miss McKinney was defeated.
But two years later Cynthia McKinney made a comeback and she
sits in the U.S. Congress today—a voice for sane policies and one who
still does not hesitate to speak the truth.And as this is written, they are
moving against her once again. Her voice is one for all good people.
Dear God: Let there be more like Cynthia McKinney!
As this is written, Jim sits in a prison cell, railroaded into jail by cor-
rupt federal prosecutors for crimes he did not commit. Jim’s only crime
was speaking the truth. Committed to honesty, integrity and justice, Jim
paid a mighty price and saw no honesty, integrity or justice on the part
of the criminals who put him where he is today. A genuine populist, a
man of the people in every sense, Jim Traficant is another victim of The
Judas Goats—The Enemy Within.
Those who say such things are lambs ripe for the slaughter.
This is not a book for the faint-hearted.
If what you are about to read will disturb you and you are
unable to recognize that many whom you may consider to be
your friends and allies are really Judas Goats—The Enemy
Within—then read no further.
This book is for those with open minds, those who can
absorb difficult concepts, those who are able to recognize that all
is not as it seems, those who are ready for the big battle ahead.
And, hopefully, a few such folks who previously may have
been inclined to be misled by The Judas Goats will finally come
around and see the error of their ways . . . before it’s too late.
A very personal note from the author . . .
t’s difficult to admit, but in two of my most important endeav-
ors, I’ve failed. Since my school days, I predicted repeatedly that
because of our biased U.S. Middle East policy, favoring imperial
Israel over the Arab states and the beleaguered Palestinians, our nation
would ultimately be the victim of a terrorist attack. On September 11,
2001 it finally happened. I had worked relentlessly to reform Middle East
policy, but no one heeded my warnings and 3,000 Americans died.
For years I was also working to prevent America from getting
involved in a senseless Middle East war on behalf of Israel. I saw no
national interest in our kids being butchered defending Israel. Yet,
America is now embroiled in Iraq and it’s likely we’ll send our boys and
girls to fight and die against other Arab states and against the Islamic
Republic of Iran. So, again, I failed.
Now, as a consequence of revulsion toward U.S. policy (recognized
as being directed by the powerful Zionist lobby), more and more peo-
ple worldwide are turning against America. Meanwhile, many of my fel-
low Americans—particularly the loved ones of our troops—are coming
to realize it was Zionist influence that led to U.S. involvement in Iraq.
For years there have been concerns a global uprising against the
Jewish people could happen. Many have warned of the rise of “the new
anti-Semitism.”Americans and people across the planet are angry at the
power of the wealthy Zionist elite and their drive for a international
imperium using U.S. resources (and lives) to achieve their aim.As such,
it is possible there could be a worldwide anti-Jewish rebellion.
And if it does happen I want to remembered afterward as “The
American Schindler” who rescued good Jewish folks who opposed
Israeli misdeeds and all manner of Zionist intrigue. And those corrupt
and venal non-Jewish politicians, journalists, educators and others who
supported Israel, because they were paid to, or blackmailed, or because
it was a “good career move,” will hang their heads in shame.
Rather than allowing Jewish folks to continue on the dangerous
racist supremacist course of calling themselves “God’s Chosen People,”
Americans should join those of us who’ve been working to bring the
Jewish people into the community of nations.
Let us break the back of the Zionist lobby. Let us change U.S. poli-
cy. I hope to have just one success, even if I’ve otherwise failed! This
book is an endeavor toward preventing tragedy and it’s my hope that all
good people can learn something about the very real dangers present-
ed by The Judas Goats—The Enemy Within.
The Strange World of The Judas Goats
Page 25
Nationalism:The Wave of the Future—
The Prime Target of Zionism and Internationalism
Page 29
An Introduction:
An Ugly and Sordid History
Page 41
Chapter One
The Return of COINTELPRO
Page 42
Chapter Two
“Controlled Opposition”
The Soviet “Trust” Model for Infiltration and Manipulation
Page 64
Chapter Three
J. Edgar Hoover, the FBI and The Enemy Within
Page 67
Chapter Four
John Roy Carlson—
The First Notorious Judas Goat of the 20th Century
Page 73
Chapter Five
The Great Sedition Trial of 1944:
Early Collaboration Between the ADL and the FBI—
Accusing Patriots of Being “Traitors”
Page 78
Chapter Six
Walter Winchell and The Enemy Within:
Media Front Man for Zionist and British Interests
Page 102
Chapter Seven
Capitol Hill Judas Goat:
A Zionist Spy for Soviet Intelligence
Page 108
Chapter Eight
The ADL’s Secret Role in Determining Who Got Hired
By United States Federal Agencies
Page 110
Chapter Nine
The Anti-Defamation League:
U.S-based Spy Agency and Lobby for Israel
Page 113
Chapter Ten
“Charming, Skilled and Clever”
First-Hand Encounters with the ADL’s #1 Spy: Roy Bullock
Page 119
Chapter Eleven
The ADL Spy Scandal
Page 128
An Introduction:
Cold War Intrigue
Page 143
Chapter Twelve
The Little-Understood Struggle Between
Stalin-Era Soviet Communism and Zionism:
Page 144
Chapter Thirteen
Zionist Infiltration of the Soviet KGB
and the Impact on the U.S. Intelligence Services:
The Secret Foundation of Neo-Conservatism in America
Page 155
Chapter Fourteen
Trotskyite Communism—Now Called “Neo-Conservatism”—
And the Story Behind Senator Joseph R. McCarthy
Page 159
Chapter Fifteen
The FBI and the Communist Party USA:
The Truth About “The Communist “Threat”
Page 172
Chapter Sixteen
The Cold War and the Trotskyite “Neo-Conservatives”
As the Zionist Vanguard of The Enemy Within
Page 176
An Introduction:
The Rise of the “Responsible Conservatives”
(And Some “Irresponsible” Conservatives,Too)
Page 179
Chapter Seventeen
Early Zionist Corruption of the Nationalist Cause
Page 181
Chapter Eighteen
William F. Buckley, Jr.
Self-Appointed “Responsible Conservative”
Page 185
Chapter Nineteen
The Vatican’s Own Enemy Within:
Malachi Martin’s Secret Role as a Subversive
Page 188
Chapter Twenty
The “Conservative” Fund-Raising Racket:
Looting American Patriots
on Behalf of The Enemy Within
Page 192
Chapter Twenty-One
Manipulation of the “Anti-Communist” Cause
To Advance the Zionist Agenda
Page 195
Chapter Twenty-Two
The John Birch Society:
A Premier Case Study of The Judas Goat
Page 199
Chapter Twenty-Three
The Rise and Fall of Human Events:
Self-Styled “Responsible Conservatives”
Who Helped Destroy America’s Traditional Conservatism
Page 206
An Introduction:
The CIA’s Central Role
Working for The Enemy Within
Page 211
Chapter Twenty-Four
Intelligence Agency Manipulation
of the Science of Mind Control
And Exploitation of the Cult Phenomenon:
A Very Real Tactic of The Enemy Within
Page 212
Chapter Twenty-Five
Korean Cult Leader Sun Myung Moon:
Rockefeller Empire Front Man and
Moneybags for the Zionist Network
Page 219
Chapter Twenty-Six
A Major American Media Outlet:
A Willing Propaganda Tool for The Enemy Within
Page 223
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Drew Pearson and Jack Anderson—
Media Shills for the Anti-Defamation League:
Page 226
Chapter Twenty-Eight
A Frightening First-Hand Account:
How The Enemy Within Recruits “Right Wing” Patsies
For Political Assassinations
Page 229
Chapter Twenty-Nine
The CIA’s Infiltration of the Anti-Vietnam War Movement
Bill and Hillary Clinton and John Kerry
as Judas Goats for The Enemy Within
Page 232
Chapter Thirty
The Fix Was In:
How Zionist Judas Goats Led the GOP to Defeat in 1940
And the Democrats to Defeat in 2004
Page 240
Two Big Names—Two Bad Records
Page 245
Chapter Thirty-One
The Sad Story of Jesse Helms:
Page 246
Chapter Thirty-Two
Newt Gingrich: A Judas Goat From the Beginning:
Page 252
An Introduction:
Explosive Events in Recent History
Page 257
Chapter Thirty-Three
The FBI-ADL-Mossad Nexus
In the First Attack on the World Trade Center:
Page 258
Chapter Thirty-Four
The FBI-ADL Nexus and the Waco Holocaust
Page 263
Chapter Thirty-Five
Andreas Strassmeir, Kirk Lyons
and a Sordid Cast of Other Enemies Within
Linked to the Oklahoma City Bombing
Page 267
Chapter Thirty-Six
Timothy McVeigh and the ADL:
The Untold Story
Page 275
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Disinformation Central:
Neo-Conservative Zionist Propaganda
Regarding the Oklahoma City Bombing
Page 279
Chapter Thirty-Eight
What Really Happened in Oklahoma City?
A Scenario That Does Make Sense
Page 284
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Talmudic Justice . . .
The Criminal Misdeeds of Michael Chertoff
Chief Tactician in the Zionist Campaign
To Crucify Jim Traficant and David Duke
Page 292
An Introduction:
What Could Lie Ahead . . .
Page 299
Chapter Forty
The Fox News Phenomenon:
How Zionist Plutocrats Created a “Media Alternative”
To the Garbage of the Established Liberal Media in America
Page 300
Chapter Forty-One
The Past, Present and Future Agenda of The Enemy Within:
Declaring American Patriots to be the “Real” Enemy Within
Page 305
Chapter Forty-Two
Modern-Day “Thought Police” Conspired
To Censor Campus Criticism of Israel and Zionism:
Two “Conservative” Shills for the Zionist Cause
Page 311
Chapter Forty-Three
The Zionist Take-Over and Manipulation
of Local Law Enforcement in America:
Using Police Power to Strike Down American Patriots
Page 316
Chapter Forty-Four
“If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck . . .”
Jared Taylor’s New “Zionist-Friendly Nationalism”
Page 320
The “Israelization” of America
Page 324
Nationalism is the wave of the future—
And there’s no way to stop it.
Page 340
Page 346
Page 348
Photo Section
Page 351
for the ADL or the FBI or even the CIA.As we shall see, such fears have
solid foundation.
In the wake of the Oklahoma City bombing more people became
aware of government agents inside the “right wing.” For example, those
who have investigated are fully convinced that German immigrant
Andreas Strassmeir was an undercover agent operating around convict-
ed bomber Timothy McVeigh. And this, too, raised questions as to why
self-styled “nationalist” attorney Kirk Lyons continued to defend
Strassmeir, leading many to conclude Lyons was also a Judas Goat. (We
will examine the Strassmeir-Lyons intrigues in these pages).
The point is this: Judas Goats often, as ‘cover,” say and do “the right
thing” in order to win friends and influence people. Infiltrators and
informants are not necessarily on the scene for the purpose of disrupt-
ing an organization. Sometimes—more often than not—their purpose is
to find out what the organization is up to; with whom its leaders have
contact; to keep a running watch on its mailing list and its internal oper-
ations. On occasion, infiltrators successfully use their influence inside
Organization A, for example, to use its resources to target or disrupt
Organization B.
Some of the best agents actually contribute a great deal to the work
of the organization being infiltrated, providing ideas and input and other
services. After all, what better way to insinuate oneself into a targeted
organization than to actually help the organization?
Infiltrators do and say the “right” things: they wouldn’t be good
infiltrators if they didn’t.They have to blend in.They have to appear to
be “on the same page” as the people they are mixing with.They have to
appear to share the same beliefs.The last thing an infiltrator wants to do
is to seem to be going against the grain or otherwise objecting to the
point of view of the group that he is targeting.
Sometimes infiltrators will even go out of their way to appear
“extreme” in order to convince their targets of their sincerity—and on
occasion the infiltrators go overboard, inadvertently tipping off their tar-
gets to the fact that things might not be as they seem. Infiltrators are
often very good and generous regular financial contributors to the
organizations they are targeting, thereby making themselves valuable (in
a very basic sense) to the organization.
In fact, during the period of the initial COINTELPRO infiltrations of
the FBI, the old joke was that the only KKK members who paid their
dues on time were the FBI and ADL informants inside the Klan.
On the other hand, as Dr. Edward R. Fields, a veteran American
nationalist, once revealed in his popular journal, The Thunderbolt, when
the FBI did have infiltrators inside the KKK, the FBI instructed its
ists that the eradication of all national and racial borders will usher in
world peace in which everyone will live happily ever after— a chimeri-
cal dream of poets and religious leaders for millennia.
In actual application, Carto averred, internationalism could only
produce mass confusion, tension, anarchy and violence. Plutocrats used
internationalism to break down national boundaries and promote mul-
ticulturalism, an essential step to complete their conquest of the world
and the formal erection of their world super state, the Global Plantation,
often called a “New World Order”—by both the nationalists and the
Carto put it simply: the concept of a New World Order is no less
than the drive for a world government directed by the plutocrats who
see it as a way to capture all of the natural resources of the globe and to
effectively enslave all of the people under an international bureaucracy
chosen and controlled by the financial elite.
In any event, Carto’s influence in shaping the philosophical foun-
dation of the American nationalist movement was (and is) beyond ques-
tion. In fact, when longtime Republican Party figure Pat Buchanan—the
syndicated columnist—began emerging as a serious, high-profile crit-
ic—from a nationalist perspective—of the growing internationalist bent
within Republican ranks, major media voices throughout the land
acknowledged—albeit grudgingly—that it had been Carto and Liberty
Lobby that helped pave the way for Buchanan’s ascension.
t was Pat Buchanan—formerly a “mainstream” figure—who
began echoing the rhetoric and historical foundation that had
been preserved through Carto’s earlier work, and thereby
brought at least a Buchanan version of “nationalism” into the American
political arena as he made successive bids for the Republican Party’s
presidential nomination.As early as June 26, 1995, the progressive week-
ly, The Nation, began taking note of the new populism and nationalism
that was driving the Buchanan campaign. Describing a Buchanan rally in
New Hampshire, The Nation pointed out that:
ronically, the greatest force standing against traditional
American nationalism happens to be Zionism. Although
Zionism is, in itself, defined as Jewish Nationalism, aimed at the
establishment of a Jewish State, which, in fact, ultimately emerged in
1948 with the founding of Israel, the truth is that Zionism is essentially
an international movement of vast scope and power with Israel serving
as hardly more than its spiritual (albeit geographically specific) capital.
However, it was not just the FBI that was carrying out such domes-
tic operations of this sort.The CIA stands equally to be indicted for the
same misdeeds. According to an account by Verne Lyon, a former CIA
undercover operative, writing in the Summer 1990 issue of Covert
Action Information Bulletin, the CIA’s most widespread domestic spy-
ing operations began in 1959.
Under Project RESISTANCE and later Project MERRIMAC, the CIA
infiltrated agents into domestic groups of all types and activities. Later,
the CIA incorporated all domestic intelligence operations into
Operation CHAOS. Perhaps not surprisingly, the individual placed in
charge of CHAOS was veteran CIA officer Richard Ober, a deputy to the
Israeli Mossad’s longtime loyalist at Langley, James Jesus Angleton.
(A detailed account of Angelton’s bizarre and sordid career, partic-
ularly his role as a key player in the assassination of President John F.
Kennedy, can be found in this author’s previous work: Final Judgment:
The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy.)
According to the Center for National Security Studies, Ober and his
operatives in CHAOS had accumulated personality files on over 13,000
individuals, including more than 7,000 U.S. citizens and had assembled
files on over 1,000 domestic political organizations.
In addition, it seems, the CIA had also shared information on more
than 300,000 people with other agencies including the FBI and the
Defense Intelligence Agency.
(For its own part, as we’ve already noted, the FBI’s Domestic
Intelligence Division had 62,000 Americans—presumed “subversives”—
under investigation via its own COINTELPRO operation. How many
names overlapped between the CIA’s various domestic spying opera-
tions and those of the FBI will probably never be known.)
On May 13, 1985 The Spotlight, the weekly newspaper then pub-
lished by Liberty Lobby, the longtime populist institution on Capitol Hill
in Washington, revealed that famed “liberal” activist Allard Lowenstein—
who served in Congress from 1969 to 1971—had actually been a long-
time undercover CIA operative.
The liberal idol had been shot to death in 1980 (purportedly as a
consequence of a personal dispute), but the facts about his covert
career did not emerge until afterward.
Lowenstein began working as a paid CIA informant in 1949, a few
months before the spell-binding young campus left-wing orator was
elected to the presidency of the National Student Association (NaStA).
Although the “student” association took a pugnacious “left-radical” stand
on major issues, no one knew then that it had been set up as a CIA front
by senior officers from the CIA’s clandestine services division, including
Cord Meyer who is later believed, as the CIA’s London station chief, to
have recruited young Oxford scholar Bill Clinton in the CIA’s controlled
“anti-war movement” opposition.
As one of the nation’s best known student leaders, Lowenstein
moved comfortably in circles critical of the CIA, all the while on the
CIA’s “pad,” finking on his friends for the CIA.Thus, during the Vietnam
War era, the American taxpayers paid not only for the cost of the war —
the plutocratic elite. He was named after his father’s friend, former
Secretary of State John Foster Dulles (in turn, the brother of the CIA
Director Allen Dulles, who was fired by President Kennedy).This might
explain why Berlet operated throughout his adulthood in the sphere of
CIA-affiliated institutions.
Another example of federal informants at work: In a series of exclu-
sives published in the 1980s, The Spotlight exposed the role of federal
undercover agents for the BATF and the FBI in instigating events leading
to a 1979 shoot-out in Greensboro, North Carolina between members of
the Communist Workers Party and a group of Ku Klux Klansmen and
members of an American “Nazi” group. Five communists died and anoth-
er person was wounded.
At least five government informants posing as “right wing patriots,”
were implicated and identified: Bernard Butkovich, a full-time BATF
undercover operative, and Ed Dawson, a paid FBI fink. Both skillfully
mouthed “right wing” rhetoric with the best of them, all the while work-
ing for the government.
Two other BATF undercover agents and a female undercover agent
for the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation were also “regulars”
at meetings of “right wing” groups involved in the Greensboro tragedy.
But there are even more examples. Take, for instance, the case of
the infamous and violence-prone terrorist group known as the Jewish
Defense League (JDL). The facts suggest there’s much more to the JDL
than meets the eye:
The JDL was founded in 1968 by its long-time leader, Brooklyn-
born Meir Kahane, who is best-remembered as the “militant rabbi”
gunned down after being elected to the Israeli parliament. However, the
truth is that for many years Kahane had actually been an asset of both
the FBI and the CIA, including a stint for the CIA in Africa, posing as a
“news correspondent.”
In 1965, under the name “Michael King” (which apparently was his
legitimate birth name), Kahane and one Joseph Churba formed a group
to mobilize campus support for the Vietnam war, a venture that was part
of a CIA operation “working both sides” of the Vietnam war issue, with
the CIA funding anti-war groups at the very same time.
In 1968 Kahane shed his “Michael King” persona and evolved into
the Meir Kahane we remember today. His colleague Churba (also a
rabbi) rose to power as an influential behind-the-scenes asset for Israeli
intelligence in U.S. foreign policy-making circles, promoted by the John
Birch Society, and funded by the CIA-backed empire of Korean cult
leader Sun Myung Moon. (Later in these pages, we will review the murky
background of both the John Birch Society and the increasingly influ-
their homes were broken into and their personal files were pho-
tographed or purloined outright.
Targeted over the years by the ADL were not only those whom the
liberal media calls “extremists.” Also victimized were a wide variety of
organizations representing everyone from African-Americans to Native
Americans to Asian-Americans and homosexual advocacy groups.
Most people have heard the ADL described by the media as a
“respected civil rights organization.” However, clearly, there is much
more to the ADL than the media might suggest.
And while there has been much public furor, over the years, about
the FBI and the CIA and their domestic spying and illegal efforts to
destroy American political dissidents, the role of the ADL in these same
matters has been carefully suppressed.
A case in point: after Attorney General Ashcroft called for reinvigo-
rating the FBI’s domestic spying capabilities, the American Civil
Liberties Union (ACLU) rushed out a retrospective “case study” on “the
dangers of domestic spying by federal law enforcement.”
The ACLU study focused on the FBI’s now-widely known (but then
quite secret) surveillance in the 1960s of the late Martin Luther King, Jr.,
and described this as “an ignominious chapter in America’s past.” The
ACLU report concluded:“As a nation, we must make sure that we moni-
tor the actions of the FBI and Attorney General Ashcroft to ensure that
what happened to Dr. King never happens again.”
While the ACLU report did demonstrate the dangers of the FBI
being used for politically-motivated domestic surveillance of American
citizens, the report failed to mention one particularly interesting item:
the fact that much of the “ignominious”FBI surveillance of King and oth-
ers of both the political “right” and the “left” was actually being carried
out on behalf of the FBI by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).
The fact that the ADL was targeting King surprised both many of
King’s admirers and his detractors, particularly since King has often
been praised publicly by the ADL, particularly in its publications that are
aimed at Black audiences. The first public revelation that the ADL had
been spying on King came in the April 28, 1993 issue of The San
Francisco Weekly-—a liberal “alternative” journal-—which reported:
It turns out, though, that the ADL was also engaged in heavy-duty
spying on other Black civil rights leaders, not just King.The 1995 release
of previously classified FBI documents relating to the assassination of
President John F. Kennedy and the Warren Commission investigation
which followed unveiled other ADL intrigue against famed Black comic
and political activist Dick Gregory who had, as a sideline, become
involved as an independent investigator into the JFK assassination.
There are at least two documents citing ADL actions aimed at
Gregory. Document #124-10027-10233 is dated Febuary 2, 1965. It is
from the Special Agent in Charge of the Atlanta office of the FBI to FBI
Director Hoover. It reads as follows:
So, on the one hand, while the ADL official, Harris, told the FBI that
he was “embarrassed” that one of his associates had even passed the
“ridiculous” information on to the ADL’s regional office, he was nonethe-
less still passing it on to the FBI so that it would be aware of Gregory’s
activities. Note also the fact that the ADL asked that the FBI keep quiet
about the fact that the ADL was providing the spy data to the FBI.That,
of course, would have been quite embarrassing to the ADL, which was
then—as now—busy masquerading as an ally of Black activists in the
civil rights movement.
Why was the ADL keeping tabs on Gregory? It involved much more
than the fact that he was an outspoken black figure.The evidence shows
that the ADL was also concerned about Gregory’s effort to dig out the
truth about who really killed President Kennedy—and why.
That Gregory’s JFK inquiries were of interest to the ADL is quite
revealing. Why the ADL was monitoring an independent investigation
of the JFK assassination is a question that the ADL would prefer never
be asked or answered.
The second declassified FBI document sheds light on how the ADL
was reporting back to the FBI on Gregory’s JFK assassination inquiries.
Document #124-10027-10232 is dated Feb. 5, 1965 and evidently refers
to the same ADL surveillance of Gregory referred to in the previously
referenced Feb. 2, 1965 document. It is a memorandum from “A. Rosen”
to “Mr. Belmont” (two top-level FBI officials in Washington).
The memo describes how on Feb. 1, 1965, the aforementioned ADL
investigator in Atlanta, Sherman Harris, furnished information to the FBI
that Harris had received from an unidentified ADL employee in Miami
who had, in turn, gleaned information from Gregory (described as “the
rabble rousing Negro comedian”) when the ADL employee spoke with
Gregory on January 18, 1965.The FBI summary of the ADL investigator’s
report to the FBI read in part:
tial.” Gregory also alleges the FBI has him under constant
surveillance and will someday in the near future put an end
to his life. Further, that prior to the assassination President
Johnson was aware of the plot but was powerless to stop it
because to do so would admit the FBI and the “intelligence
hierarchy” controlled the country.
But Dr. King and Dick Gregory were just two—among many—who
were targets of the ADL. Even Black nationalist leader Malcolm X was
known to have complained to his mentor, Nation of Islam leader Elijah
Muhammed, about the ADL’s malicious spying operations.
One of the most precise descriptions of the ADL’s methods
appeared in American Jewish Organizations and Israel. The author,
Lee O'Brien, provided a capsule study of the ADL's modus operandi:
It’s worth pointing out another little known fact: the ADL has long
had a history of financing “anti-Semitic” and “neo-Nazi” hate groups.The
earliest documented evidence of such activity was presented in 1955 by
veteran populist writer Joseph P. Kamp.
In his newsletter, Headlines, Kamp exposed the activities of the
ADL’s then-top spy, Sanford Griffith, the prime mover behind ADL spon-
sorship of a “neo-Nazi” organization that received widespread publicity
in the media at the time.
In the years preceding and during World War II, Griffith was a lead-
ing American asset of British intelligence, working to destroy the grass-
roots American opposition to U.S. involvement in the war in Europe and
then, after the war began, working to undermine those good Americans
who still opposed the policies of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
Griffith’s intrigues have been documented by Professor Thomas
Maul in his study of British intelligence intrigue on American soil,
Desperate Deception. But what Mahl doesn’t mention—probably for his
own good—is that much of Griffith’s disruptive activities on behalf of
British intelligence were also carried out in conjunction with the ADL.
Following World War II and well into the 1950s and early 1960s,
Griffith operated out of New York City, as a key ADL trouble-maker and
informant, keeping close watch on groups considered “subversive” by
this powerful Zionist spy network.
Or, as we’ve said, actually helping such groups along for the ADL’s
own purposes. In one notable instance, acting under the alias, “Al
Scheffer,” the ubiquitious Griffith came to the aid of a one-man political
party in New York City and turned it into a “Nazi menace.”
The ADL provided the party not only a headquarters, but also finan-
cial backing, Nazi-like uniforms, swastika-bedecked tie pins and other
accoutrements.What’s more, the ADL also made sure that the new “Nazi
menace” received media attention, timed, of course, to coincide with
ADL fund-raising across the country.
In fact, the ADL was so successful in its campaign of deception that
it convinced a member of Congress, Rep. Harold Velde (R-Ill.) to issue a
“Preliminary Report on Neo-Fascist and Hate Groups” which specifical-
ly cited the ADL-created “Nazi menace” as one of the very hate groups
that were a danger to American democracy.
(Velde, of course, didn’t realize that he’d been taken to the clean-
ers by the ADL until Joe Kamp exposed the ADL’s machinations.)
Needless to say, when members of Congress considered looking
into the activities of the hate groups further, the ADL quickly distanced
itself from the affair, announcing that the ADL-financed operation was “a
pipsqueak organization of little importance or effectiveness.”
Obviously, a full investigation of the party would have exposed the
ADL’s activities behind the scenes and that’s the last thing that the ADL
wanted. So, facing exposure, the ADL withdrew its backing for the
“party” which quickly faded into obscurity.
The facts about the ADL’s hate group racket were actually publi-
cized by a crusading Jewish journalist, Lyle Stuart, in his now-defunct
magazine, Expose.
As a consequence, the ADL sought to drive Stuart out of business
but Stuart counterattacked by suing the ADL.The ADL failed to destroy
Stuart who later became a wildly successful maverick book publisher
whose firm remains in operation to this day.
Among modern-day American nationalists, the much-admired
author and lecturer Eustace Mullins is one of the last to recall Griffith,
noting that Griffith spent a great deal of time working to infiltrate the
nationalist movement—but by that time Mullins and others had figured
out Griffith’s game.
So although Griffith is long gone there are many more Judas
Goats—Enemies Within—who continue to carry out his same type of
dirty deeds on behalf of the ADL and other spy agencies.
ow, what follow are a handful of capsule descriptions of
some more notable instances of the COINTELPRO-style tac-
tics of the FBI and its longtime ally, the Anti-Defamation
League. We’ve also thown in an intriguing case of one FBI snitch who
also did some work for the CIA—and there are more than a few of those
type characters operating today.This list is by no means complete, but
these are good examples that demonstrate how insidious The Judas
Goats—The Enemy Within truly are.
But there was much more to this ugly story. Jack Nelson of The Los
Angeles Times reported in his shocking exposé that Detective
Scarbrough had told him that the ADL’s man, Botnick, had also told the
informants, the Roberts brothers, that he (Botnick) could raise an addi-
tional $150,000 more from the Jewish community for what he
described as more “assistance” if the Roberts brothers would provide
testimony linking another KKK leader, Sam Bowers of Tupelo,
Mississippi to the so-called terrorist attacks. In other words, Botnick was
essentially asking the Roberts brothers to lie under oath to provide any
form of evidence that could be used to send Bowers to jail.
In another instance, Nelson reported that Kenneth Dean, a
Mississippi-based civil rights activist, had said that Botnick had also
talked of making out a contract to have two Klansmen in a northern
state “liquidated,” and promised that he could arrange for this and be
assured that there would be no investigation.
One can only imagine the howl of international outrage if it were
revealed that someone had arranged to have a Jewish leader such as
Botnick “liquidated.”Yet, Botnick was never charged for any of his crim-
inal behavior, although he should have certainly been marched off to be
gassed, shot, or hanged, which was conventionally the treatment accord-
ed murderers in the United States.
Another of the ADL’s Jewish “Nazis”
But don’t think that Jimmy Rosenberg was the only “nice Jewish
boy” posing as a “hater” and causing trouble. In 1979 young Mordechai
Levy, an ADL informant who was also a member of the terroristic Jewish
Defense League (JDL), adopted the moniker “James Guttman” and
applied for a permit to organize a “white power” demonstration in front
of Independence Hall in Philadelphia that would feature American Nazi
and Ku Klux Klan members. Levy announced that he was a “coordina-
tor” for a neo-Nazi organization and made strenuous efforts to invite
Philadelphia and New Jersey branches of the Ku Klux Klan to partici-
pate. (In the meantime, the aforementioned ADL informant, Jimmy
Rosenberg, just happened to be a key ADL operative inside the New
Jersey KKK affiliate!)
To make matters all the more interesting, Mordechai Levy’s pals at
the JDL were planning a “counter rally” against the “white power” rally
organized by their own man Levy. So while the major media in the
Philadelphia area and the Anti-Defamation League were raising a hue
and cry about “the rise of Nazism in America,” in news reports about the
affair, the whole business was actually the work of two longtime ADL
operatives. And to make it even more interesting is the fact that, for
years, the ADL had officially and publicly “condemned” the JDL, even as
the JDL was effectively functioning as the ADL’s terrorist arm, attack-
ing—even wounding and killing—targets of the ADL’s wrath. But, of
course, the ADL was officially “non-violent” and always went to great
lengths to denounce the violent activities of its secret operatives.
Love him or hate him, Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. has been one of the
most controversial and widely publicized so-called “fringe” political fig-
ures in America. The founder of the National Caucus of Labor
Committees and a bevy of other organizations and publications that
have been widely circulated in American dissident circles, LaRouche, not
surprisingly, emerged as a major target of the ADL due to his overt oppo-
sition to many of the intrigues of the Israeli lobby in America.
After a concerted campaign by the ADL—in league with the CIA
and the FBI and a host of other agencies and individuals—LaRouche ulti-
mately ended up spending time in prison on what many, including for-
mer Attorney General Ramsey Clark, believe were trumped-up “corrup-
tion” charges.
In any event, as part of his defense, LaRouche and his attorneys, not
to mention his hard-working associates, began investigating the “deep
cover” nature of the “Get LaRouche” campaign and found that, indeed,
there were many undercover informants acting COINTELPRO-style
against LaRouche. One instance, in particular, is quite illustrative.
For ten years, it seems, one Ronald Fino, the former president of the
Buffalo Laborers Union Local 210, had spied on LaRouche while pre-
tending to support LaRouche’s efforts. It turns out that Fino had been
working for years as a government informant on his fellow laborers,
ostensibly reporting back organized crime links to the FBI. However,
when the CIA needed a man to get close to the LaRouche organization
as an informant, they turned to Fino.
Apparently, Fino started out as a government informant going back
to the 1960s when as a student at the State University of New York at
Buffalo he worked for the CIA spying on the anti-war movement there.
In any case, as LaRouche and his associates have documented time
and time again in numerous books and magazine articles, the fine hands
of the CIA and the FBI—not to mention the ADL—have played a major
were convicted, having been railroaded by Allen’s intrigues, the case was
clearly another instance of a Judas Goat of the first order causing prob-
lems and instigating a so-called “conspiracy” that would have never
occurred in the first place had he not been on the scene.
The John Birch Society’s Beloved Judas Goat in the KKK
American Party and in 1984 and 1988 was its presidential candidate! It
is thus no surprise the American Party is long gone from the scene.
Klan Leader Exposed as FBI Informant
As early as 1974, young David Duke, then a rising star in the white
racialist movement in America, spotted one of his lieutenants, Bill
Wilkinson, as being “trouble.”In fact, precisely as Duke suspected, for the
final eight months of his membership in Duke’s Knights of the Ku Klux
Klan,Wilkinson was acting as a paid informant for the FBI.
And although Duke warned people Wilkinson was not to be trust-
ed,Wilkinson went on to found his own Invisible Empire of the Ku Klux
Klan after splitting with Duke. And for eight years that followed,
Wilkinson managed to dupe many innocent folks in the “Empire” who
had no idea that Wilkinson was actually working for the FBI.
Young Duke was attempting to “reform” the KKK movement, so to
speak, and “clean up its image” and to counter the media stereotype that
KKK members were violent haters. However, once Wilkinson was
ensconced as leader of his own (FBI-sponsored) Klan group,Wilkinson
worked assiduously to build up a public profile as a KKK leader spout-
ing angry rhetoric and hinting of violence through such slogans as
“Guns, Guts and Bullets,” thereby stirring up increased racial tension.
Wilkinson’s antics thus assisted fundraising efforts by the ADL
which pointed to Wilkinson as a growing “threat,” when, in fact, he was
under the thumb of the ADL’s allies at the FBI.
Writing in The Thunderbolt, Dr. Edward Fields described one thing
about Wilkinson’s FBI-sponsored Klan which demonstrates precisely
how Wilkinson was also working on behalf of the ADL:
informer while “leading” his own KKK was publicly revealed, effectively
ending Wilkinson’s career in the “right wing,” but the revelations finally
convinced many that there were indeed Judas Goats within the ranks of
American dissident groups, a bitter pill for many to swallow, but a warn-
ing that many still seem to have failed to properly heed.
hus, as we have seen—in just these few brief examples—
there is a very real and very sordid history of infiltration and
disruption of American dissident groups by agents of gov-
ernments, both foreign and domestic, not to mention the unseemly and
frequent alliance between our own FBI and the Anti-Defamation League
(ADL), which is, obviously, an agent of a foreign government: Israel.
In any event, in light of the similar role that both the FBI and the
ADL (together and individually) have played in infiltrating and disrupt-
ing dissident groups, the formal link-up between the FBI and the ADL is
particularly disconcerting, since much of the growing emphasis on
“combatting terrorism” may lead to a new wave of FBI-ADL orchestrat-
ed acts of provocation designed to create public demand for a crack-
down on freedom of speech and assembly.
In fact, according to Edward S. Herman of the Annenberg School of
Communications at the University of Pennsylvania, writing in his book:
The “Terrorism” Industry:The Experts and Institutions That Shape Our
View of Terror:“In the United States, the FBI has long engaged in agents
provocateurs actions, urging violence on penetrated dissident organiza-
tions and carrying out direct acts of violence, then attributed to the
individuals and organizations under attack.”
While this may come as a shock to the average American, it is a fact
not subject to debate. And in the pages of this volume, we will learn
much more about the subversive activity by Judas Goats who have led
many American lambs to the slaughter.
In the meantime, in the chapter which follows, we will take a
brief—but critical—digression and explore the strange history of the so-
called “Trust,” a bizarre Soviet model for not only monitoring its opposi-
tion, but also for the actual purpose of creating a phony opposition.
To understand how The Judas Goats have operated on American
soil, it is appropriate to see how a similar phenomenon took place in
early 20th century history.And, in the end, the Soviet “trust”model, as we
shall see, is very much being utilized by the enemies of legitimate
American nationalism today.
Chapter Two:
“Controlled Opposition”
The Soviet “Trust” Model for Infiltration and Manipulation
—Even the Actual Creation—of Opposing Forces:
Utilized Today in America by The Enemy Within
The "Trust" model for infiltration has been applied by the Mossad
and its allies in the CIA and the FBI in this country to other dissident
movements targeted for infiltration and take-over. Intelligence units such
as the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the Southern Poverty Law
Center (SPLC) are often part of the operation.
Careful study of recent ADL and SPLC bulletins will frequently (but
not always) reveal precisely which "dissident" groups and leaders are
being utilized (and promoted) to collect names and assemble dossiers
on perceived or potential threats. The ADL and SPLC give a big “build-
up” to their own controlled agents so as to give them “credibility.” In
other words, the average person will assume that because the ADL and
SPLC happen to be attacking an individual or organization, that is some-
how “proof” that the individual or organization is legitimate, as evi-
denced by the ADL or SPLC attacks.Those who affiliate themselves with
such "trust" operations do so at their own risk.
In the pages of The Judas Goats—The Enemy Within we will learn
much more about the actions of Soviet-style “Trust” intrigues on
American soil.We will name those who lead phony opposition groups.
We will demonstrate that there has been a concerted effort to control—
or destroy—genuine grass-roots American political opposition that
threatens the power of Zionism and its (often-uneasy) allies in the glob-
al corporate elite.We will meet some of the more infamous media shills
who use their influence to defame those who stand in the way of the
internationalist agenda. We will survey the way in which traditional
American political movements have been infiltrated and taken over, sub-
verted in their otherwise pro-American agenda.
None of this is going to be a pleasant story as it unfolds, but it is a
story that must be told if Americans are going to reclaim their nation
and their heritage . . .
Chapter Three:
J. Edgar Hoover, the FBI and The Enemy Within
In fact, as we have seen, the ADL-FBI nexus went as far back as the
years prior to World War II.And at this juncture it seems appropriate to
raise a disturbing question. Did the ADL blackmail former FBI Director J.
Edgar Hoover? Stories about organized crime having a hold over Hoover
have been bandied about in the national press, but the central role of
the ADL in the Hoover blackmail caper was carefully ignored.
Noted author Anthony Summers created a media sensation when
he alleged in a new book and on the PBS series "Frontline" that organ-
ized crime boss Meyer Lansky blackmailed FBI chief J. Edgar Hoover
with supposed photos of Hoover engaged in homosexual activity.
Although such rumors about Hoover had been commonplace for years,
no well-known author had affixed his own name to the charge.
Citing numerous sources—some suspect and virtually all of them
unsavory—Summers has claimed that not only Lansky, but also several
others had access to similar photos (which Summers is apparently
unable to produce). Summers reports that none other than former CIA
counterintelligence chief, James Jesus Angleton also had control of the
Hoover photos.
That both Lansky and Angleton were in possession of such evi-
dence is quite interesting for one particular reason:
Lansky was a long-time devotee of Israel and a financial angel of the
Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of B'nai B'rith, an illegally unregistered
foreign agent for Israel. In his later years Lansky even settled in Israel.
Angleton, who, while in charge of covert activities at the CIA, had
been directly involved with the Lansky crime syndicate through the
CIA's dealings with Lansky's drug-smuggling allies in the Corsican and
Sicilian Mafias, was also Israel's patron at the CIA.Angleton, who headed
the Israeli desk at the CIA, was the individual at the CIA who was cloest
to Israel, so much so that he was often accused by critics of being a "co-
opted agent of Israel."
In fact,Angleton is so revered in Israel that upon his death several
monuments were established in Israel in his memory—the only known
such public memorials to any American intelligence officer anywhere in
the world. (He truly was a devoted friend of Israel.)
The relevance of this is quite provocative when one considers the
strange relationship between J. Edgar Hoover and the ADL—a relation-
ship which has been the subject of controversy among anti-communists
for many years. Hoover's coziness with the ADL became apparentwhen
the aforementioned book entitled Masters of Deceit, a critique of com-
munism, written by a Hoover ghost-writer, and published under
Hoover's name, appeared.
In Masters of Deceit, Hoover's ghost-writer wrote, "Some of the
FBI and the ADL is a prime example of how The Enemy Within has
achieved a special status in American intelligence and law enforcement,
manipulating federal agencies (and private spy organizations) to
advance its own agenda.
Although, to this day, there are undoubtedly good, solid patriotic
elements inside the FBI (and the Justice Department of which it is the
investigative arm)—as evidenced by recent (2005-2006) criminal indict-
ments of a variety of hard-line pro-Israel elements—the historical record
shows, sadly, that the FBI, on the whole, has been manipulated and used
to a great degree by The Enemy Within.
In our next chapter we shall review the sordid career of one
man—largely forgotten today—who perhaps exemplifies, from a his-
toric standpoint, one of the worst of The Judas Goats.
Chapter Four:
John Roy Carlson—
The Grand Old Man of the Enemies Within:
The First Notorious Judas Goat of the 20th Century
In the years preceding World War II—and for several years that fol-
lowed—one man received national fame for his role as the first widely
publicized undercover informant inside the American nationalist move-
ment His name—or least the pseudonym he was known by—was John
Roy Carlson.Virtually every public library in America today has—or did
have—a copy of the famous (many would say, infamous) World War II-
era best-seller, Under Cover, purportedly authored by Carlson.The book
can still be found quite readily in many second-hand bookstores.
The book’s subtitle gives one the flavor of the book:“My Four Years
in the Nazi Underworld of America—The Amazing Revelation of How
Axis Agents and Our Enemies Within Are Now Plotting to Destroy the
United States.”
Although Under Cover is, frankly, a thoroughly entertaining vol-
ume, rife with fascinating real-life characters portrayed in colorful prose,
the fact is that most modern-day readers (unless they happen upon this
present volume) will unfortunately never know that the author and the
book were thoroughly repudiated in a libel trial in federal court in
Chicago, three years after the book was published.
Here’s some background information that provides an answer to
the question:Whatever happened to John Roy Carlson?
First of all, the author’s real name was not “John Roy Carlson.”That
was just one of numerous aliases adopted over the years by one Arthur
(Avedis) Derounian. Born in Greece in 1909, Derounian came to the
New York at age 12, and entered into a career in journalism. Many crit-
ics said Derounian was of Jewish extraction, although he denied it.
In the years prior to American entry into World War II, during the
war itself, and thereafter, Derounian became active in some 30 different
political organizations, using names ranging from “George Pagnanelli” to
“Robert Thompson, Jr.” to “Patricia O’Connell,” among others.
Although based primarily in New York City, Derounian maintained
active nationwide correspondence with leaders of what might loosely
be termed “the America First movement” which was fighting to prevent
President Franklin Roosevelt from bringing the United States into the
war in Europe.
Derounian also traveled extensively across the country, making
personal acquaintance with many of the same individuals, introducing
himself as a sympathizer with their cause, often using letters of intro-
duction (obtained from others whom he had previously engratiated
himself with) to make their acquaintance.
libel. I wanted this jury to return a verdict which would put an end for-
ever to smear campaigns; to put an end to such a contagion as this book
anywhere in America from now on.”
Although Robnett asked for a new trial in hopes of winning a big-
ger judgment, federal Judge John P. Barnes refused to order a new trial
but made it clear that if it had been up to him, that he would have award-
ed Robnett “a very substantial sum.”The judge minced no words in sum-
marizing what he had discovered during the course of Robnett’s pres-
entation of his case against Derounian and his publisher:
“Judges and lawyers alike will tell you the mass sedition trial of
World War II will go down in legal history as one of the blackest marks
on the record of American jurisprudence. In the legal world, none can
recall a case where so many Americans were brought to trial for politi-
cal persecution and were so arrogantly denied the rights granted an
American citizen under the Constitution.”
This is how The Chicago Tribune, then a voice for America First in
a media world brimming with New Deal-style internationalism,
described the infamous war-time “show trial” and its aftermath, finally
put to an end on June 30, 1947.
At that time, the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of
Columbia upheld the dismissal of the charges against the defendants in
the trial that had been handed down on November 22, 1946 by Judge
Bolitha Laws of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia.
Having declared that to allow the case to continue would be “a
travesty on justice,” Judge Laws ordered the charges against the
American citizens dismissed, ending some five long years of harassment
and, for many of them, lengthy periods of imprisonment.
Although “The Great Sedition Trial” had formally come to an unex-
pected halt (nearly three years previously) on November 30, 1944, fol-
For his own part, commenting on the way that the FBI had been
used by the ADL, for example, Lawrence Dennis pointed out:“The FBI,
like the atomic bomb and so many other useful and dangerous tools, is
an instrument around the use of which new safeguards against abuse by
unscrupulous interests must soon be created.” Writing in his 1999 book,
Montana’s Lost Cause, a study of Sen. Burton Wheeler and other mem-
bers of Montana’s congressional delegation who opposed the Roosevelt
administration’s war in Europe, Roger Roots points out another cog in
the behind-the-scenes maneuvering that led to the sedition trial:
Rogge was an ideal choice, for the Roosevelt administration and its
allies were determined to pursue the prosecution, one way or the other.
He moved forward relentlessly.As Roger Roots points out:“Not wishing
to waste momentum, the government re-convened another grand jury,
re-submitted the same pamphlets, publications, and materials that the
previous grand jury had already seen, re-called the same (recorded) tes-
timony of the witnesses, and once again pleaded the grand jury to return
yet another indictment . . . .”
The third and final indictment was handed down on January 3,
1944. In fact, Rogge and his Justice Department allies had decided to
take a new tack and added eight new names (including Lawrence
Dennis) and dismissed twelve defendants who had been named.
Among those whose names were dismissed were: influential New
York Catholic lay leader William Griffin and his newspaper, The New
York Evening Enquirer (the only publication officially indicted); former
American diplomat Ralph Townsend of Washington, D.C. and Paquita
(Mady) deShishmareff, the well-to-do and articulate American-born
widow of a former Russian Czarist military figure, later best known as
the author (under the name “L. Fry”) of Waters Flowing Eastward, a his-
tory of the infamous Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.
Townsend, who had enraged the Roosevelt administration by
opposing its anti-Japanese policies in the Pacific, had written an explo-
sive book, Ways That Are Dark, highly critical of imperial China. But
although he was now “free,” he and his family had been broken finan-
cially by the indictment and, according to his wife, Janet, many of their
close friends deserted them in this time of crisis.
“It was a very difficult period in our lives,” she later recalled,“but it
didn’t prevent Ralph from continuing to speak out.” Indeed,Townsend
did continue to speak out, and in later years he became a friend of
Liberty Lobby’s founder, Willis A. Carto.
Tony Blizzard, who was research director for Liberty Lobby in
Washington, was a protege—in the 1960’s—of Paquita deShishmareff
and he commented on the circumstances surrounding the decision to
drop the indictment against her, along with some fascinating details
about this remarkable woman. In Blizzard’s estimation:
the SEC, FDR then appointed Eicher to the judgeship. And serving as
prosecutor was Eicher’s former legal counsel at the SEC, the aforemen-
tioned O. John Rogge.
It seemed that, in many ways, the case was “fixed” from top to bot-
tom. Rumor even had it that Judge Eicher was promised a Supreme
Court appointment if he were to be able to ensure a conviction.
Albert Dilling, the attorney who represented his wife Elizabeth
Dilling, called for a congressional investigation of the trial on the
grounds that it was impossible for such a trial to be fair during wartime.
But the trial was under way.
Although proving “sedition” was the ostensible purpose of the
prosecution, Lawrence Dennis reached other conclusions about the
actual political basis for the trial:“The trial,” he said,“was conceived and
staged as a political instrument of propaganda and intimidation against
certain ideas and tendencies which are popularly spoken of as isola-
tionism, anti-communism and anti-Semitism. The biggest single idea of
the trial was that of linking Nazism with isolationism, anti-Semitism and
anti-communism.” However, as Dennis (correctly) pointed out:
• “American isolationism was born with George Washington’s
Farewell Address, not with anything the Nazis ever penned.
• “As for anti-Semitism, it has flourished since the dawn of Jewish
history. It is as old and widespread as the Jews . . .
• “As for anti-communism, while it was one of Hitler’s two or three
biggest ideas, it is in no way peculiar to Hitler or the Nazis, any more
than anti-capitalism is peculiar to the Russian communists.”
To add shock value to the indictment, the government—in an
accompanying bill of particulars that was basically a rehash of the his-
tory of the Nazi Party in Germany—actually named German leader Adolf
Hitler as a “co-conspirator” with the defendants.
During the trial itself, the prosecutor, Rogge, actually charged that
Hitler himself had picked the defendants to head a Nazi occupation gov-
ernment in the United States once Germany won the war in Europe!
What the prosecutor was essentially trying to do, according to
Lawrence Dennis, was “to perfect a formula to convict people for doing
what was against no law. It boiled down to choosing a crime which the
Department of Justice would undertake to prove equaled anti-Semitism,
anti-communism and isolationism.The crime chosen was causing insub-
ordination in the armed forces.The law was the Smith Act [which had
been enacted in 1940].”
In fact, as Dennis pointed out,“one of the many ironies of the mass
sedition trial was that the defendants were charged with conspiring to
violate a law aimed at the communists and a communist tactic—that of
We will prove that Mr. Rogge was selected for this job
of punishing these defendants because no one else in the
Department of Justice felt that he could find sufficient
grounds to spell out a crime against these defendants.
We will prove that the Communists control not only
our government but our politics, our labor organizations,
our agriculture, our mines, our industries, our war plants and
our armed encampments.
We will prove that the law under which these defen-
dants are being tried was enacted at the repeated demands
of the heads of our armed forces to prevent Communists
from destroying the morale of our soldiers, sailors, marine
and air forces [and that this prosecution] was undertaken to
protect Communists who were and are guilty of the very
crimes charged against these defendants who are utterly
innocent and have been made the victims of this law.
Klein also forcefully made the allegation that FBI agents themselves
had been acting as agents provocateurs, attempting to stir up acts of
sedition. He said:
Klein also put forth a rather interesting allegation about the source
of certain funds purportedly supplied by Nazi Germany to no less than
Day after day, the trial wore on. Page after page of pub-
lications authored by the defendants was introduced into
evidence, giving rise to all in attendance to the idea that it
was their writings which were really on trial.
The government announced that it intended to intro-
duce 32,000 exhibits. It became obvious that what the
defendants were really being prosecuted for was ‘Jew-bait-
ing’ which gave an indication of one principal source of the
prosecution’s support. It became one of the longest and
al decency toward David Baxter will never be known, but under the cir-
cumstances, it was apparent that there was no way that the case could
continue on a fair basis.
As a consequence, after a period of legal haggling on both sides
(with one defendant, Prescott Dennett, actually asking for the trial to
continue, determined to present his defense in open court after having
been tried and convicted in the media), a mistrial was declared.
Prodded primarily by Jewish groups, Prosecutor Rogge hoped to
be able to to keep the case alive and set a new trial in motion. But by
the spring of 1945, the trial’s chief instigator, President Roosevelt, was
dead, and the war had come to a close. Rogge, however, continued to ask
for delays in setting a new trial date. Since Germany had fallen, Rogge
claimed, he was confident that he could find “evidence” in the German
archives that the sedition trial defendants had been Nazi collaborators.
However, according to historian Glen Jeansonne—no friend of the pur-
ported seditionists—”nothing Rogge found proved the existence of a
conspiracy” between the German government and the defendants.
Undaunted, however, Rogge launched a nationwide lecture tour
that was, not surprisingly, conducted under the auspices of B’nai B’rith.
The combative and loquacious Rogge, prodded by his sponsors, could
not contain himself in his enthusiastic recounting of the events of the
trial and of the personalities involved and, in the end, was fired on
October 25, 1946, for leaking information to the press. At that time
Rogge was ordered to hand over all Justice Department and FBI docu-
ments in his possession.The Justice Department had apparently decid-
ed that Rogge had outlived his usefulness.
Less than a month later, District Judge Bolitha Laws dismissed the
charges altogether, declaring that the defendants had not received a
speedy trial as guaranteed by the Constitution. Although the Justice
Department appealed, the dismissal was upheld on June 30, 1947 by the
U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. The “great sedition trial” thus came to a
close.As even defendant Lawrence Dennis was moved to comment:
Walter Winchell died in 1972 just short of his 75th birthday. His
career had sputtered to a halt many years before.
In his heyday, however,Winchell was one of the most powerful fig-
ures in the American press. Upon his death, The New York Times said he
was “the country’s best-known and most widely read journalist as well
as its most influential.”
(All quotations cited in this chapter are taken from the authorita-
tive Winchell biography, Winchell: Gossip, Power and the Culture of
Celebrity, by Neal Gabler.)
Gabler himself summarized Winchell’s immense media clout: “For
more than four decades Walter Winchell had been an American institu-
tion, and arguably one of the principal architects of the culture. By one
estimate, 50 million Americans—out of an adult population of roughly
75 million—either listened to his weekly radio broadcast or read his
daily column, which, at its height in the late thirties and forties, was syn-
dicated in more than 2,000 newspapers; it was, according to one observ-
er, the ‘largest continuous audience ever possessed by a man who was
neither politician nor divine.’”
What impact did Winchell have upon that massive audience? After
Winchell’s death a friend said,“Historians will be unable to explain the
20th century without understanding Winchell.” This eulogy does not
appear to be an understatement. The evidence, put forth by Gabler in
his authoritative Winchell biography, suggests the columnist was a key
player in what may well be the most dramatic event of the 20th centu-
ry—U.S. intervention in what became the Second World War.
Although the flamboyant and combative Winchell “would be
remembered spewing bile, picking fights, destroying lives through his
column,”—all of which was true—there was much more to Walter
Winchell “the gossip columnist” than is generally known.
Gabler has assembled a mass of information about Winchell that
proves beyond question—although Gabler never flatly suggests it (nor,
perhaps, would he) that Walter Winchell—who touted himself as the
consummate patriot—often functioned as nothing more than a boom-
ing radio and newspaper voice for foreign propaganda.
The columnist who had once told one of his subordinates,“Get me
a good murder or a train wreck so I can get off to a good start,” soon was
being called “the most rabid anti-Hitlerite in America.” Winchell was so
inside tips on fixed races for Hoover (a dedicated fan of the horse races)
as a payoff for “looking the other way” as far as the mob was concerned.
In fact, for years Hoover heatedly denied the very existence of
organized crime in America, preferring to hunt down bank robbers like
John Dillinger and “Baby Face”Nelson and chase “subversives”as defined
by the Roosevelt administration.
Winchell himself, incidentally, had good reason to be so chummy
with organized crime. Winchell’s uncle by marriage, one Billy Koch, was
a high-ranking henchman in the gambling operations of Meyer Lansky,
who, by the 1940s, was emerging as the de facto “chairman of the
board” of the national crime syndicate.
In any event, America did go to war and along with FDR and the
ADL and British intelligence,Winchell had cause to celebrate.
Later, Winchell, along with Washington-based columnist Drew
Pearson, played a major part in a coordinated smear campaign against
then-Secretary of Defense James Forrestal.
The defense secretary’s “crime”in the eyes of Winchell and Pearson
(who was, incidentally, half Jewish) was having encouraged President
Harry Truman to avoid pressure from the ADL and other elements in the
pro-Israel lobby to recognize the state of Israel which, in the end, came
into existence on May 14, 1948. Forrestal had argued that a Jewish state
would antagonize the Arab states, threaten Western oil supplies and cre-
ate a potential for ongoing crisis in coming years (all of which has
proven true). Forrestal suggested that the uprooted European-born
Jewish survivors of World War II should migrate to Peru.
Prodded by his “sources” at the ADL and driven by his own
demons, Winchell’s attacks on Forrestal were vintage Winchell. One
Palestinian Arab official described Winchell as “the most vicious Zionist
writer”—outclassing even Drew Pearson. However, even after Winchell
and Pearson and their foreign sponsors prevailed and Israel became a
state and was recognized (even against his own judgment) by President
Harry Truman, the two columnists “maintained a steady tattoo of abuse,”
according to Winchell’s biographer.
The president himself was no real fan of Forrestal, but he resented
the Winchell-Pearson onslaught and perceived it to be a showdown.
Another columnist, populist Westbrook Pegler—no fan of Forrestal him-
self—was equally perturbed by the propaganda ravings of Winchell and
Pearson. “If our press is worth a damn, it ought to destroy these bas-
tards,” Pegler wrote Forrestal.
Winchell won. On May 22, 1949, Forrestal died. He fell or jumped—
some still say he was pushed—from his hospital room at the Bethesda
Naval Medical near Washington where he had gone for rest, deeply dis-
And while there were many who simply attributed Dickstein’s hys-
teria to the fact that he was Jewish, and therefore an obvious foe of Adolf
Hitler’s rule in Germany, the fact is, as we have seen, that Dickstein was
also a quite greedy paid agent of the Soviet Union.
And what is particularly interesting is that Dickstein was among
the early promoters of the establishment of what became known as the
House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC). The New York Times
even called Dickstein “the founder of HUAC.” However, when HUAC
began its inquiries it soon discovered that the real subversives on
American soil were Soviet agents and that many real patriots in America
simply saw no need for U.S. intervention in Europe in a war against
Germany, Dickstein did an about-face and denounced the very commit-
tee that he had helped establish in the first place.
It ultimately turned out that Dickstein’s financial demands on his
Soviet handlers were so endless that the NKVD assigned Dickstein the
code name “Crook” in their internal memoranda and intelligence traffic.
By 1938, Dickstein’s New York-based conduit to the NKVD, Peter
Gutzeit, was warning his superiors in a memo that “‘Crook’ is complete-
ly justifying his code name. This is an unscrupulous type, greedy for
money . . . a very cunning swindler.” (And this assessment was hardly the
kind of favorable commentary about Dickstein that was appearing in
the media at the time.)
In any case, by late 1940, Dickstein and his Soviet handlers parted
company, but Dickstein had already done an immense amount of quite
effective dirty work on behalf of his foreign sponsors. Dickstein left
Congress following the 1944 election and became a judge on the New
York State Supreme Court, dying in 1954 a very wealthy and honored
man.This traitor’s papers—although not the evidence of his treason—
are lovingly and respectfully preserved in the American Jewish Archives
at the distinguished Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati.
Obviously, Dickstein would have probably been very pro-Soviet
and anti-Nazi even without the financial support of his Soviet handlers,
but the fact that he was prepared to secretly lend his efforts on behalf
of secret Soviet agents—for money—says quite a lot about this so-called
“statesman.” In fact, Dickstein is a classic model of one of The Judas
Goats—The Enemy Within who have done so much damage to America.
And for this, if for no other reason, we must recall his sordid record.
The truth is that there are many more like him in Congress today.
The record of politicians “on the take” from the Israeli lobby iis equally
sordid but these politicians brag of being on the receiving end of foreign
money, whereas Dickstein, of course, kept his treason close to his vest.
And that says very much about how far off course America has gone.
Chapter Eight:
The ADL’s Secret Role in
Determining Who Got Hired
By U.S. Federal Agencies
Soviet Kremlin, of the Communist Party U.S.A, even at the same time the
Communist Party was controlled at the top by an asset of ADL-allied FBI
Director J. Edgar Hoover (more about which later in these pages).
However, the ADL’s particular influence over the Communist Party
USA has largely been ignored or forgotten.The ADL’s special influence
was reported by the late Dr. Bella Dodd, a former CPUSA leader, who
told intimates—after leaving the red orbit—that whenever the American
communists needed financing or strategic advice they had instructions
to visit ADL bigwigs in Manhattan.
Certain conservatives, who are under the discipline of the ADL or
who have otherwise been afraid to mention anything that might be per-
ceived as harmful to the ADL, have frequently quoted Dr. Dodd's intrigu-
ing revelation, but have always been careful to delete her reference to
the ADL, reporting only that the ADL operatives were "extremely
wealthy American capitalists." Very clearly, then, the ADL was, as the CSC
commissioner presumed, a communist organization.
In any case, committee Chairman Hoffman stated flatly and cor-
rectly about the ADL and the Friends of Democracy: "I will tell you that
they are smear artists."
A historical footnote: In the 1992 U.S. Senate campaign in
Pennsylvania, the ADL got its revenge against the deceased Rep. Porter
Hardy who had boldly joined Rep. Hoffman in investigating the ADL's
spy activities. When Hardy's daughter, Lynn Hardy Yeakel, a successful
businesswoman, challenged incumbent Sen.Arlen Specter (R-Penn.) for
reelection, one of the ADL's leading advocates in Congress, a whispering
campaign was unleashed accusing Mrs. Yeakel of being "anti-Semitic."
Specter won re-election.
This is just one example of how the ADL—representing The Enemy
Within—has played a pivotal behind-the-scenes role in impacting upon
American public policy, literally positioned to determine who could get
employment in the American government.
If anyone truly believes that the ADL does not yet still play a simi-
lar role—particularly in this day of computerization and high-tech spy-
ing—that person is truly naïve.
All of this is just the tip of the iceberg regarding the activities of
the ADL, and in the chapters that follow, we will learn much more about
the ADL and its destructive part in distorting the American agenda.
Chapter Nine:
The Anti-Defamation League:
Both a Foreign Lobby for Israel
and a Private Spy Agency
For The Enemy Within
In every sense, the ADL carries out each of the actions of a foreign
agent as defined in the FARA. In fact, a proposed amendment to the act,
passed by the Senate in 1964, restated the provision of the original 1938
law, which declared that an agency relationship exists “where the agent
acts other than pursuant to contractual agreement, or merely holds him-
self out as an agent of a foreign principal.”
Again, the law flies in the face of Justice Department claims to the
contrary; By merely holding itself out as a representative of the govern-
ment of Israel, the ADL establishes itself as an agent of a foreign power—
and should thus be registered with the Justice Department.
dent of B’nai B’rith (of which the ADL is the key political arm) declared
that Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Eban had stated that Israel’s public
relations budget was so little that Israel needed assistance from outside
sources. Said the B’nai B’rith president:“He [Eban] implored [the ADL]
to emphasize his need for funds so that Israel’s position may be accu-
rately interpreted throughout the world.”The ADL, of course, responded
wholeheartedly to Eban’s request.
• In a “confidential” report, dated May 15, 1978, the ADL provided
an inside look at how the ADL has not only lobbied publicly on behalf
of Israel, but how the group has also represented Israel’s interests in
Washington at the direction of the government of Israel itself.The report
detailed various aspects of a series of meetings between ADL officials
and Israeli government leaders. These meetings culminated in the ADL
representatives returning to the United States and carrying the Israeli
message directly to President Jimmy Carter, Vice President Walter
Mondale and other top administration officials.The ADL concluded the
report by bragging that its “suggestions” to the U.S. government must
have “borne fruit” in view of the subsequent actions taken by the United
States in favor of Israeli interests. (Here, alone, is the ultimate proof that
the ADL is working “at the order, request, or under the direction or con-
trol, of a foreign principal.”Therefore, the ADL is, by definition, a foreign
agent—but one which remains unregistered, contrary to the law.
• In the December, 1976 issue of the “ADL Bulletin,” Israeli Foreign
Minister Yigal Allon was quoted as having told an ADL reception (in
speaking of the ADL and its relationship to Israel), “We are one, and
thanks to our oneness, we shall win the battle for peace.”
In the same bulletin, President Ephraim Katzir of Israel is quoted as
saying;“ADL protects Israel. It is a most noble task, which you know how
to do and do well.” Further, Avraham Harmon, president of Israel’s
Hebrew University, was quoted by the ADL as having said accurately
enough, that the ADL “performs better” than any other organization on
behalf of Israel.
It was also revealed in this bulletin that the ADL had been respon-
sible for a series of radio and TV programs entitled “Dateline Israel,” nar-
rated by the ADL’s own Arnold Forster. This series is produced by the
ADL in Israel and is designed to spread "a positive image of Jews and
understanding of Jewish concerns, particularly Israel.“
• In the November, 1977 issue of the “ADL Bulletin,” the ADL
announced the opening of a branch office in Jerusalem. According to
the ADL:“The Jerusalem office was established to achieve better under-
standing between the American Jewish community and the Israeli pub-
lic and to assist ADL’s Middle Eastern Affairs Department and 26 region-
I once knew a spy for Israel’s intelligence agency, the Mossad. His
name was Roy Edward Bullock. Although he wasn’t even Jewish, for
many, many years Roy was an undercover informant for the Mossad’s
chief American domestic intelligence and propaganda conduit, the Anti-
Defamation League (ADL) of B’nai B’rith.
In the end, I played—I’m proud to say—a pivotal role in exposing
Bullock’s activities, although in some ways I regretted having to do so.
You see, I liked Roy Bullock personally, but I don’t like what he did.
Although there’s nothing more I detest than having an author
inserting himself into the narrative of his own non-autobiographical
book, which is what I am doing right now, it’s simply impossible to tell
the whole story of Roy Bullock and the ADL spy scandal that enmeshed
him, without telling my own part in the story.And so I must. I think the
readers will find my account informative and even entertaining.
My first encounter with Roy Bullock, as best I can recall, came
sometime probably in 1983.As the junior staffer in the editorial depart-
ment of the national populist weekly newspaper, The Spotlight, pub-
lished on Capitol Hill in Washington by Liberty Lobby, I was frequently
delegated to attend to visiting Spotlight readers who ventured to Liberty
Lobby headquarters. Through this, of course, I had occasion to meet
many hundreds of Spotlight readers of all sizes, shapes and colors. And
one of them, it turned out, was a likeable and engaging chap from San
Francisco named Roy Bullock.
A middle-aged man with thinning dark hair and a flamboyant han-
dlebar mustache, Bullock spoke in a measured baritone voice, with an
inherent hint of cynicism. Short, stocky, barrel-chested and powerfully
built with the shoulders of a professional wrestler, the bull-necked
Bullock carried himself with an erect military bearing. Although an art
dealer by trade, Bullock, ironically, could easily be cast by a Hollywood
director as a soldier of fortune fighting in some far corner of the world.
A witty conversationalist with a merry smile, a twinkle in his eyes
and a hearty laugh, Bullock was highly inquisitive and would be the life
of any party. A teetotaler, Bullock was a vegetarian and very much a
health enthusiast. Once when having lunch with Bullock and another of
my Spotlight colleagues, I noticed that Bullock carried a large amount of
cash in big bills. His expenses, of course, were provided by his ADL pay-
masters. He always insisted on paying the dinner bill for his prey, cer-
tainly a benefit for me, considering my own pathetic pay scale.
course, but I was more convinced than ever: Roy Bullock was indeed an
agent of the ADL.
As best I can recall, I saw Bullock next in September of 1985, again
in Washington. Bullock stopped by Liberty Lobby and advised me that
he was going to be attending a meeting of the Arab-American Anti-
Discrimination Committee and it just so happened that an Arab-
American friend of mine had given me two tickets to a breakfast being
held during that conference.
And so it was that my colleague and dear friend, the late Lois
Petersen, and I sat with Bullock and several others at that breakfast
gathering at the Arab-American meeting.
(It was only years later I also found out that sitting at our table was
an American spy for Saudi Arabian intelligence (!) although, at that time,
he had no idea that Roy Bullock was working for the ADL.
(In 2005, in a personal letter to me from the Saudi spy, he told me
of his affiliatin and that he recalled dining with Bullock and Mrs.
Petersen and me.)
In any case, following the breakfast, we parted company. Roy had
been his ebullient self—as always—but I was ever more convinced that
I was dealing with the Devil!
Of course, it was only my gut instinct and at the time I was still rel-
atively young and hardly any veteran in dealing with The Judas Goats—
The Enemy Within. I was in no position to make any accusations about
Bullock but my suspicions were strong.
It was in the late part of 1985 or early in 1986 that Bullock next
made contact with me when in Washington. He wanted to attend the
annual conference of a California-based historical organization (which
had been founded by Willis Carto of Liberty Lobby) and his application
had been rejected. He asked if he could use my name as a reference. I
told him “Go right ahead,” since, after all, I did not want to rouse his sus-
picions by saying, “no,” because, obviously, he and I had always had
friendly contact up until that time.
What I did not know, at that time, was that Willis Carto had already
been informed, by Dr. Edward R. Fields of The Thunderbolt newspaper,
that Bullock was an ADL agent.And it was for this reason that Bullock’s
application to attend the historical conference had been rejected. I did-
n’t hear from Bullock again in regard to the matter, and Willis and I did-
n’t discuss it—until later . . .
In any case, it was sometime soon, again in the spring of 1986, that
Bullock once again popped up in Washington. He called and asked if I
would like to have dinner with him.Although I was wary about the mat-
ter—by now convinced in my own mind that Bullock was almost cer-
Willis’ proposal made good sense to me, and I thought that, at the
very least, it would be a very good learning experience for me—facing
down the Devil, literally across the dinner table.
So it was that I jaunted off to my dinner with Roy.
We went to a popular Capitol Hill nightspot known as the Tune
Inn, perhaps best internationally known for having been hailed by
Esquire magazine as one of the “best” bars in the nation (in Washington,
D.C. in particular).
A narrow, old-fashioned barroom, complete with stuffed animals
and other formerly living beings decorating its walls, along with a few
choice pieces of weaponry, the Tune Inn had been a rough-and-tumble
“joint” that evolved into a yuppie favorite, filled in the evenings with
Capitol Hill staffers eagerly spending their taxpayer-financed salaries on
some of the lowest-priced drinks in the nation’s capital.
Roy and I took a table at the rear of the inn, ordered drinks and
dinner and settled down for what I knew would be an interesting
evening. Roy, of course, ordered a soda.
A two-fisted drinker, I ordered something much stronger, thinking,
still, that I would have to keep my wits about me. But I did need to relax.
Staring across the table at Roy Bullock, I saw him in a different
light. He wasn’t the jovial, friendly, amusing and likeable acquaintance of
several years. Instead, he was the Devil incarnate.“My God,” I remember
thinking,“Here’s Mike Piper having dinner at the ADL’s expense, in the
company of one of its covert operatives.”
Only moments after the drinks arrived Bullock began quizzing me.
It was quizzing. Not friendly chat. Now there was no doubt in my mind.
“Tell me,” he asked, raising the name of another individual who—like
Bullock—was quite ubiquitous, showing up at various and sundry polit-
ical events of the same type.“Who is this chap? He’s a rather interesting
sort.Where is he coming from?”
Bullock was referring to one Matthew Peter Balic, an unusual fig-
ure, mentioned earlier, who had periodically popped up at Liberty
Lobby headquarters over the years, and, like Bullock, he had an affinity
for attending Arab-American meetings.
(In fact, I still have in my possession a photograph taken of Bullock
and myself in the presence of none other than that same Mr. Balic at the
aforementioned Libyan Students Association meeting.)
“Oh, him? I’ve always suspected he might be an ADL operative,” I
said, quite seriously. (Inwardly I was surprised at my own brass. I had
actually broached the subject of the ADL!)
“Oh? Do you think so?” said Bullock.
“I think it’s a good possibility,” I said.“He’s always showing up, mix-
ing with the Arabs. He travels a lot. Spends a lot of money.” (I realized, of
course, that this precise description fit Bullock.)
Either Balic was an ADL agent or an agent of some sort and Bullock
knew it—and was trying to find out if I had any suspicions—or perhaps
the ADL really wondered who Balic really was.
Alternatively, I was thinking that perhaps Balic was an ADL agent
whose Bullock’s ADL superiors had never told him about.That seemed
wholly possible in the clandestine so-called “wilderness of mirrors” that
permeates the strange world of the ADL.
In any case, Bullock was definitely interested in Balic and I had
given him a choice morsel to report to his Mossad-sponsored superiors
at ADL headquarters in New York—that Liberty Lobby’s Mike Piper sus-
pected Balic of being an ADL agent!
The conversation continued. Bullock got down to business. “This
bombing [of Carto’s office] was a rather interesting affair,” he said.
I practically jumped out of my seat. I could feel my blood boiling. I
was certain that Bullock must have seen my reaction—or was it my
imagination? Somehow—was it an accident?—Bullock had brought up
the very topic of my own covert assignment. Finding out what Bullock
knew—or could find out—about the bombing of Willis Carto’s office.
(“My God,” I thought.“Is the Liberty Lobby office bugged? Did the
ADL hear the conversation that Willis and I had engaged in earlier? Did
the ADL tip off Bullock as to what was afoot?”)
We chatted about the bombing, but in my own mind, Bullock had
thrown up a roadblock. It was as though he had deliberately preempted
me—and he knew it. I resolved that it wasn’t the time to spring Willis’s
proposal on Bullock. I was ill-prepared, I felt—unskilled, unlike
Bullock—to engage in this game of cat-and-mouse, not knowing what
Bullock did or didn’t know about what I knew, or suspected.
We concluded the evening after dinner with several drinks at a
restaurant down the street where I encountered a congressman of casu-
al acquaintance. I introduced him to Bullock and vice-versa, knowing
full well that Bullock was making a mental note to tell his boss at ADL
headquarters in New York, Irwin Suall, that “Mike Piper is personally
acquainted with Congressman So-and-So.”
(I’ve always felt guilty about that.There’s no question in my mind
that, in the unlikely event the ADL didn’t have a file on that congress-
man, a harmless soul who has since left office, they certainly do now!)
Bullock and I parted company, shaking hands and agreeing to “keep
in touch.” (“Indeed,” I thought, wondering when I would next hear from
Roy Edward Bullock,ADL agent extraordinaire.)
In fact, I did not hear from Bullock for some time, and then under
circumstances which will shortly be detailed. But finally the time came
when it seemed appropriate to publicly blow the whistle on Bullock’s
ADL affiliation.
It came at a time when the Populist Party—which Liberty Lobby
had played a part in establishing in 1984—had been split down the mid-
dle through the ruthless and destructive activities of a long-time trouble-
maker in third party affairs, one William K. Shearer of Lemon Grove,
Shearer himself had long been suspected of being an ADL asset or
in the employ of the CIA or the FBI—even the Republican Party, some
guessed. Whether the real truth about Shearer will ever be known
remains to be seen.
However, on June 30, 1986 in an article in The Spotlight, I detailed
Bullock's ties to Shearer, boss of the basically defunct American
Independent Party, then the Golden State affiliate of the Populist Party.
The relevant portion of the story read in part:
He said,“Well, I have to tell you that what you said about me, being
an ADL agent, is not true. In fact, I swear on a stack of Mein Kampfs
[Adolf Hitler’s famous volume] that I’m not an ADL spy.“
I chuckled about Roy’s reference to Hitler. But he continued in a
more serious tone, saying,“I’ve talked to a lawyer about this.”
“Well, Roy, if you want to file a lawsuit,” I responded,“you’ll have to
go ahead and do it, because I stand behind the article and I know that
my source on that is reliable. In addition, I had suspected it myself for
some time, a long time, prior to the time that it was published.We sat on
that for a long time.”
He responded, asking, “Well, who was your source?” I responded,
truthfully,“Willis Carto.” Bullock chuckled, making a remark to the effect
that Willis was not the most reliable source. I replied,“Well, I wouldn’t
expect the ADL to consider Willis a reliable source. But I’ve always found
him reliable.”
Bullock said,“I’m sorry that you wrote that. I’ve always liked you. I
thought we were friends.” I said,“Well, Roy, I’ve always liked you, but I
do believe that you are an ADL agent.”
After Bullock commented laughingly,“Oh, and by the way, my name
really is Roy Bullock. I don’t just travel about under that name,” we
closed the conversation and it ended at that. No lawsuit was ever filed.
A few folks around the country were upset that I had dared to call “a
fine patriot like Roy Bullock” an ADL agent.And so it remained.
It took nearly eight years before that passing reference in The
Spotlight to Bullock’s ADL affiliation was proved accurate—that Bullock
truly was a paid agent of The Enemy Within.
And the story of Bullock’s ultimate exposure is what follows . . .
Chapter Eleven:
The San Francisco Earthquake:
The ADL Spy Scandal Unmasks The Enemy Within
In short, the seemed to have come from the Oval Office, suggest-
ing that it was President George Bush himself who gave the approval for
the controversial move. Bush’s move against the ADL came hardly more
than a month after he had been defeated for re-election by Bill Clinton.
“This was George Bush’s way of sticking it to the ADL and the
Israeli lobby in the final days of his lame duck administration,” a retired
career diplomat, Stephen A. Koczak, who served in the Middle East both
during Republican and Democratic administrations, told The Spotlight:
In the wake of new and growing revelations about the ADL’s activ-
ities, the ADL spy scandal in San Francisco began receiving attention in
the Establishment media throughout the country.The ADL's masquerade
as a "civil rights" organization had effectively now been debunked.
The illegal spying operations of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL)
of B'nai B'rith were finally exposed in daily newspapers coast to coast.
A San Francisco Examiner article outlining the outrageous spy
scandal was reprinted in a number of newspapers across the country,
including even the Little Rock, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, President
Bill Clinton's hometown newspaper. Prior to this, the only national cov-
erage the spy scandal received was in the San Francisco press and in the
pages of The Spotlight.
(However, as of this point, neither The Washington Post nor The
New York Times, both of which vie for the sobriquet "the national news-
paper of record" had yet to publish any details regarding the scandal.)
The Examiner article, which was reprinted across the country,
noted that Liberty Lobby was one of the targets of the ADL's criminal
surveillance through its paid informant Roy Bullock.
For its own part, the ADL smeared the San Francisco press for
reporting the truth about its criminal operations. In seeking to prevent
the release of ADL intelligence files seized by the SFPD and the Federal
Bureau of Investigation, the ADL decried what it called "sensationalized
and inaccurate reports in the San Francisco press."
To make matters even more embarrassing for the ADL, syndicated
columnist Lars-Erik Nelson, a devout liberal, published an article con-
demning the ADL's spy tactics. His column also appeared in various
newspapers around the country.
Noting that he was aware that the ADL had been keeping tabs on
various targets, Nelson commented, "Indeed, I have never questioned it
until now.Then I wondered how I would feel if the tables were turned:
Suppose right-wing or black nationalist groups were maintaining intelli-
gence dossiers on Jews and sharing them with sympathetic newspapers
and the police. Suddenly I get the willies."
According to Nelson, it was the ADL and several other pro-Israel
groups that blocked a prominent Black liberal, Johnetta Cole, president
of the predominantly Black Spelman College in Georgia, from being
appointed secretary of education in the Clinton administration. Miss
Cole's sole crime was having written articles for an organization that
advocates justice for the Palestinian people who were uprooted from
their ancestral homeland and sent into exile.
The targeting of Miss Cole illustrated clearly what the ADL’s chief
target of enmity—Liberty Lobby—had long contended: the ADL, an
tison all that schlock and do something positive with your life.”
I chortled at Bullock’s comments. “No, Roy, I do think I’m doing
something positive,” I said in response. “I entered this arena knowing
what it entailed and I don’t have any regrets.”
“Well, no hard feelings I hope?” he said, sincerely, I felt, even hoped,
having been rather kindly disposed toward Roy.
“Not at all,” I said.“Not at all. You were doing your job, and I was
doing mine.” (Which was quite true.)
“It’s been good talking to you again after all these years,” he said.
“I’m actually glad you called.”
“Yes, I’ve enjoyed it,” I said.“It’s been fun. So I guess maybe I should
close for now. I hope,” (I added, in my own way, not insincerely) “you
won’t be getting in trouble over all of this.”
“I don’t think I will,” he said. But it was clear that Bullock was not
enjoying the situation.
“Well, good luck to you, Roy. It’s been interesting.” I concluded.
“You take care,” he closed.“It’s been good talking with you.”
It had been interesting. I hung up the phone and pondered the sit-
uation. Roy Bullock was indeed an ADL operative and I had been in his
clutches. Talking the matter over—sorting out the truth, so to speak—
had been a form of therapy for me. I had confronted the enemy.
The next day I informed Willis Carto that I had called Bullock.“No
kidding?” he asked, laughing, somewhat amused at my audacity. “What
did he have to say?” I related the conversation as Willis chuckled.
Clearly there was a lot more to come.Thus far we had only learned
what ultimately proved to be the tip of the proverbial iceberg.
s the ADL scandal continued to grow—very much a public
affair, heavily publicized in the San Francisco papers—
declassified San Francisco Police Department documents
revealed that The Spotlight and its publisher, Liberty Lobby, had actually
played the key role in unmasking the illegal espionage and dirty tricks
network of the ADL. Roy Bullock informed the FBI while being interro-
gated that it was The Spotlight (in its June 30, 1986 issue) that first
exposed Bullock as an agent of the ADL’s criminal spy apparatus. In fact,
The Spotlight’s expose set in motion the process which not only began
unraveling the ADL’s spy network, but which also led to what Bullock
described as his current “imbroglio.”
(As noted previously, The Spotlight had revealed how self-styled
“California statesman” William K. Shearer allowed Bullock to infiltrate
the Populist Party’s national convention even though Shearer had been
warned Bullock was an ADL agent provocateur.)
ABC TV’s “Nightly News,” with Sam Donaldson sitting in for anchor
Peter Jennings, broadcast a lengthy—and detailed—report on the scan-
dal which first erupted in San Francisco but which clearly had national
What amazed many viewers, interviewed by The Spotlight after-
ward, is that ABC’s report left the ADL in a very bad light—something to
which the ADL was not accustomed.
ABC News reporter James Walker brought millions of TV viewers a
story that, in essence, had been told by The Spotlight and its publisher,
Liberty Lobby, since 1955—decades earlier: that the ADL had been oper-
ating a massive ongoing clandestine spying and espionage apparatus
throughout the United States, functioning as a foreign intelligence
agency providing information to the government of Israel.
Interestingly, according to the police, it was not only patriotic
groups such as Liberty Lobby and Black nationalist groups such as the
Nation of Islam that were targeted by the ADL.
The ADL even sent operatives into the ranks of such traditionally
liberal organizations as the National Association for the Advancement of
Colored People and the United Farm Workers.
Also targeted were the anti-abortion group, Operation Rescue, the
environmentalist group Greenpeace and, interestingly, the board of
directors of station KQED, a San Francisco public TV station.These, how-
ever, were just a handful of the ADL’s victims.
The televised report on ABC news was significant in that it includ-
ed film footage of not only ADL informant Roy Bullock, but also very
rare, somewhat blurry film footage of the elusive Irwin Suall, the “ex-
Marxist” who ran the ADL’s spy division out of his offices at the United
Nations plaza in Manhattan.
ABC reported that it had received information that Bullock—
whose code name was “Cal”—had been hailed by Suall as being the
ADL’s “number one” spy.
The Establishment network also reported that a former ADL official
in Los Angeles told ABC that, in addition to Bullock, he was aware that
the ADL had at least three key spies operating in Chicago and at least
one in Atlanta. The ADL official also admitted that his own job was to
maintain the ADL’s spy files at the ADL office where he was employed.
Other evidence indicated that the ADL also maintained operatives
in Washington, St. Louis, and New York, among other major cities.These
operatives could be deployed elsewhere as the need arose.
ABC reporter Walker went all the way to a remote Philippine island
and obtained an interview with fugitive former cop, Tom Gerard, the
ADL’s contact in the San Francisco police who was stealing police files
After the facts about the ADL’s illegal activities were uncovered, a
number of the ADL’s victims were determined to bring the ADL to the
bar and three civil suits (including McCloskey's) followed, despite the
ADL's successful resolution of its legal problems with the San Francisco
criminal authorities.
While the two other suits were settled, with the ADL on the losing
end, the McCloskey suit continued to drag through the courts.
In the McCloskey case, the ADL agreed to pay $50,000 each to the
three plaintiffs—Jeffrey Blankfort, Steve Zeltzer and Anne Poirier—who
continued to press forward alongside McCloskey against the ADL,
despite a continuing series of judicial roadblocks that forced 14 of the
original defendants to withdraw. (Two other defendants died during the
drawn-out proceedings.)
Although the ADL continued to claim it did nothing wrong in mon-
itoring their activities, Blankfort, Zeltzer and Poirier were taking their
case against the ADL to any media forum that would listen—although
there are few media outlets that are prepared to present the ADL and its
activities in anything other than a favorable light.
Ironically, although the ADL represents itself as a group that
defends the interests of Jewish people, two of the three ADL victims
were Jewish. Blankfort and Zeltzer were targeted by the ADL because
the two were critical of Israel's policies toward the Palestinian people
(policies now being bared to the world in light of current events).
It turns out that the third ADL victim in the McCloskey case, Miss
Poirier, was not involved in any activities even vaguely related to Israel
or the Middle East. Instead, Miss Poirier ran a scholarship program for
South African exiles who were fighting the apartheid system in South
Africa.And this was a very interesting revelation . . .
Although the ADL liked to boast of its “alliance” with the African-
American community in the United States (which was highly critical of
the South African government), it was discovered that the ADL and its
foreign principal, the Mossad, worked closely with the government of
South Africa. And ADL operative Bullock had been busy providing ADL
spy data on Miss Poirier and her associates to the South African govern-
ment As a consequence of this revelation, the ADL was hard-pressed to
explain why it was secretly assisting a regime that American Blacks
opposed, but few Black leaders in America dared to slam the ADL for its
obvious deception and lies.
Although the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) had long
made much noise about illegal domestic spying of the very type carried
out by the ADL, its San Francisco office would not comment on the
McCloskey case nor would it give a reason for its silence.
The conclusion of the McCloskey case did not bring an end to the
ADL's legal problems, however.
On March 31, 2001 U.S. District Judge Edward Nottingham of
Denver upheld most of a $10.5 million defamation judgment that a fed-
eral jury in Denver levied against the ADL in April of 2000.The jury had
stunned the ADL with the massive judgment after finding that the self-
styled “civil rights organization” had falsely labeled Evergreen, Colorado
residents—William and Dorothy Quigley—as “anti-Semites” because
they had become involved in a dispute with neighbors who happened
to be Jewish.Although the ADL appealed that initial judgment by a jury,
its appeal was slapped down.
The ADL spy scandal and the subsequent lawsuits—along with the
much more financially devastating Colorado case—rocked the ADL to its
dirty core.Yet, the ADL persists in its wicked ways and continues to do
so even as this is being written.
The ADL should be considered a criminal enterprise, which it is,
and all persons associated with the ADL or who otherwise endorse its
activities should likewise be considered criminals.
Any politician or public figure who lends his or her credibility
should be publicly called on the carpet and any newspaper editor who
allows ADL propaganda to appear in its pages should be contacted and
advised of the ADL’s criminal behavior.
The ADL is one of the primary forces carrying out the evil agenda
of The Enemy Within. The ADL is a fully functioning foreign agent and
intelligence conduit for Israel and a public relations agency and pressure
group on behalf of the interests of the Rothschild dynasty and other
Zionist families in the Rothschild sphere of influence.
By way of backtracking . . .
An Introduction to Part II
Monk pointed out that the Zionist movement and affiliated groups
such as the ADL had quickly aligned themselves with the Trotskyite
movement that set up shop in the United States—in New York City in
particular—upon Trotsky’s exile from Russia.“If we run with the Trotsky
Communist slogan, ‘Down with the Communists,” we automatically
become partisans of the filthiest underground that has ever existed any-
where on this earth:Trotsky Communism.”
Monk’s essays on this controversial topic were even reprinted by
famed Lyrl Clark Van Hyning in her popular Women’s Voice newsletter,
which no one ever accused of being a “communist” journal.
On September 15, 1969, writing in the popular American national-
ist newspaper, Common Sense, which had, over the years, frequently
featured the works of outspoken Jewish-born American anti-Zionist
spokesman Benjamin Freedman, one Morris Horton (under his pen
name “Fred Farrell”) wrote a fascinating assessment of the reality of
Trotskyite Communism. Horton wrote in part:
The best known Soviet spy in history was the late British turncoat,
H. A. R. “Kim” Philby. But “the rest of the story” about Philby’s intrigue
was kept under wraps for nearly half a century.The truth is Philby was
not just a KGB agent. He was also doubling as an agent for yet another
intelligence agency—Israel’s Mossad. Only The Spotlight, the
Washington-based populist weekly, told the amazing story—one which
points to a “hidden history” of intrigue that has been deliberately sup-
pressed by the “mainstream” media in the West.
In its June 25, 1984 issue The Spotlight reported on a highly-classi-
fied summary of East-bloc espionage operations compiled in April of
1984 by Defense Department analysts. (A copy of that report was pro-
vided by well-placed sources to Andrew St. George, the chief diplomatic
correspondent for The Spotlight.)
The summary cited several instances when covert agents from the
KGB, the Soviet Union’s primary intelligence agency, joined forces with
agents of Israel’s intelligence service, the Mossad, to penetrate U.S. tar-
gets. Philby was among those who provided aid to the Mossad.
The study revealed that veteran CIA official William King Harvey
ran afoul of the KGB and the Mossad as early as 1942 when he con-
cluded a high-level investigation with a report denouncing Philby, then
a top British counterintelligence official, as a Soviet “mole,”that is, a long-
range covert Soviet penetration agent.
At the time Philby was serving in Washington as the chief liaison
officer between British and American intelligence, giving him access to
the U.S. government’s most closely guarded security secrets.
What the other evidence in the Pentagon summary regarding
Philby revealed—but which went unreported in all of the “mainstream”
media accounts of the Philby affair—was that while Philby was spying
for the Soviets, he was also working as an agent for the cause of politi-
cal Zionism since the early 1940s.
This was well before the emergence of Israel as a sovereign state
and the formation of the Mossad, which, according to former Mossad
officer Victor Ostrovsky, functions as “the real engine of policy” in Israel.
The Pentagon report revealed that in 1932 Philby was married in
Vienna, Austria to Litzi Friedman, a communist organizer who was also
active on behalf of the Zionist cause. Present at the nuptials were sev-
eral key figures who later assumed leading roles in Israeli espionage.
Among them were “Teddy” Kollek, who became much better known as
the future longtime mayor of Jerusalem, and Jacob Meridor, one of the
founders and directors of the Mossad.
When Harvey exposed Philby as a Red spy, he also cast doubt on
Philby’s close friend, James Jesus Angleton, the CIA’s director of coun-
terintelligence who was also the CIA’s liaison to the Mossad and a faith-
ful supporter of the Zionist cause.
Angleton and the Mossad felt threatened by Harvey’s unmasking of
Philby as a Soviet mole. Soon enough, rumors began to circulate in
Washington of Harvey’s “heavy drinking”and “scandalous”behavior, with
the rumors being fed directly to the White House.
In 1967, President Johnson fired Harvey from his CIA post and he
retired in disgrace. As The Spotlight put it:“The leading American spy-
master of the post-World War II era, who had exposed Philby and other
major communist spies, spent his last years working for a publishing
company in a dead-end job. He died in 1976 of a heart attack, obscure,
poorly paid and lonely.
(Ironically, in recent years, there was a fraudulent attempt to link
Harvey to the JFK assassination, with the outlandish suggestion that
Harvey had worked hand-in-glove with his longtime enemy, Angleton,
and Angleton’s CIA lieutenants, in arranging the president’s murder.
Nothing, could be further from the truth.)
In reality, Harvey was right. Philby was ultimately exposed as a
major Soviet penetration agent and ultimately confessed, fleeing to
Moscow where he ultimately died.
Angleton’s fate was somewhat similar. In a long-suppressed top-
secret report (which was cited in the Pentagon summary described by
The Spotlight) a senior CIA security official, C. Edward Petty, concluded
that Angleton may have been a Soviet-Israeli penetration agent while he
made his way to the top of the CIA bureacracy.
The Petty report suggested that Angleton, throughout his career as
the dominant figure in U.S. counteringelligence, had slipped vital infor-
mation to both the Soviet Union and Israel.The report was submitted to
President Gerald Ford in April of 1975, but a political decision was made
that the evidence was not sufficient to indict and try Angleton, largely
because it would have been impossible to stage a public trial of an intel-
ligence official who was privy to as many secrets as Angleton was.
Instead, then-CIA director William Colby fired Angleton, enraging
the Israeli lobby which had relied for so long on Angleton’s key place-
ment in the counterintelligence bureaucracy.Angleton retired and died
a broken man on May 11, 1987.
On December 14, 1998, The Spotlight was the only newspaper on
the planet to publish a suppressed fact about the otherwise widely-pub-
licized secrets about KGB espionage that were revealed with the release
of the fabled Soviet diplomatic cables that were secretly decrypted
beginning in 1946 by the U.S. Army Signals Security Agency and code-
named “Venona.”
Military historian Ulick Steadman described the Venona venture as
“a historic achievement,” but noted that there was “a shocking twist.” In
fact, a vast majority of the alien agents unmasked by the decoded Soviet
cables turned out to be active in Zionist circles rather than merely in the
Communist underground. According to H. Dexter Gamage, who served
as a Pentagon cryptography analyst, the Venona files revealed that
Zionists “made up three-fourths of the enemy spies recruited by the
Soviets” in the United States.
As a consequence, at the time the Venona project was under way,
Gen. Omar Bradley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, ordered the
intercepts withheld from President Truman, because—according to
Steadman—Bradley was “concerned that anything known to the White
House would soon become known to the Zionist insiders [surrounding
the president] and subsequently to the Soviets” who would discover
that their cables were being intercepted.
Beginning in 1995-1996 portions of the Venona decryptions were
finally released to great fanfare. However, significant portions of those
long top secret documents have never been released, nor was a list of
the Kremlin’s spies, each of whom was identified by name and code
name.The identity of those spies is most interesting indeed.
In the original Soviet messages, a large number of operatives were
marked with the letter “K”for “KRYSY”(i.e.“Rats”).“KRYSY”was the con-
tempuous Soviet code designation for the Zionist operatives under its
control. In the version of these documents made public in the United
States, The Spotlight revealed, the “K” designation was erased before
release, reportedly by State Department censors.
A review by The Spotlight’s inimitable Andrew St. George of 35
decoded Soviet messages came up with 20 names of Zionist operatives
in Moscow’s service. The same documents revealed only four
Communist agents who had no apparent ethnic links to Zionism.
These more recent revelations certainly confirm other evidence
we have examined that there really was a split at the highest levels
between the Zionists and the Russian nationalists in the USSR during
thee final days of the Stalin era and well into the years that followed.
This was a major secret element in the development of the Cold
War—a rift that laid the groundwork for the rise of the pro-Zionist “neo-
conservative” network that has ultimately proved to be one of the most
dangerous of America’s Enemies Within.
clef, but was, in fact, a controversial non-fiction work that told the same
story told in Denker’s The King Maker. However, Moldea’s book was
more explosively—and perhaps more accurately—titled Dark Victory:
Ronald Reagan, MCA, and the Mob.
In any case, Hooker’s anti-Semitism did not go over well with his
bosses, Lew Wasserman and Jules Stein, and ultimately Hooker had a
parting of the ways with MCA (only to have his MCA years memorial-
ized in Denker’s book). However, Hooker, through his own ingenuity,
managed to walk away from MCA a very rich man and actually was able
to outwit Wasserman of MCA to the point that Hooker was later
described in print by show business columnist Walter Winchell as the
only one of MCA’s employees who ever outfoxed Wasserman.
In personal conversations Winchell was known to say, more can-
didly, that Hooker was the “only goy” (i.e. non-Jew) to have accom-
plished that feat, although Winchell’s additional language was far more
gutteral in describing what Hooker had done to his former employer.
Hooker later moved toward setting up a “fourth” television net-
work in the mid-1950’s, much to the distress of the media elite. Hooker
candidly admitted that his project was designed to be the first “non-
Jewish-controlled” television network.
Although he actively solicited the financial backing of Ambassador
Joseph P. Kennedy (father of then-Senator John F. Kennedy) for the proj-
ect, the founder of the Kennedy dynasty refused to participate (although
he wholeheartedly supported the concept). Kennedy said that his par-
ticipation would enrage the Jewish community and would endanger his
son’s chances of winning the presidency. Hooker’s first-hand reminis-
cences of his then-secret meeting with Kennedy were told in detail for
the first time in this author’s work, Final Judgment.
In any case, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of B’nai B’rith
learned of Hooker’s effort to organize a “fourth” network and in 1954
the ADL devoted a two-page spread in its bulletin to “exposing” Hooker
under the title “The Case of the Charming Bigot.” The title itself was
quite revealing about Hooker’s dynamism: Even the ADL, so disposed to
smearing people and casting aspersions on their character, was forced
to acknowledge that Hooker was possessed of an engaging personality
that just wouldn’t quit.
Ultimately, New York State Attorney General (and later U.S. Senator)
Jacob Javits, a corrupt and vicious Jewish ally of the ADL, issued an
injunction preventing Hooker from raising funds for the network,there-
by killing the project on behalf of the other Zionist-run networks.
Although Hooker then left the United States and went into self-
imposed exile in Italy where he made a fortune in the soda bottling busi-
Rather than targeting the big American Zionist families (such as the
For nearly 30 years J. Edgar Hoover and his FBI were effectively run-
ning the Communist Party USA.That little known detail raises new ques-
tions about how “real” the so-called Cold War really was.
Hoover became a legend in his own time and a hero to American
anti-communists for his perceived role in “fighting communist subver-
sion” in America. However, Hoover held a very big secret about the com-
munist movement that that he kept under wraps for the 20 years that
preceded his death in 1974.
The fact is that beginning in 1954—and for the 27 years that fol-
lowed—the FBI was essentially directing the activities of the
Communist Party USA. This eye-opening tidbit appeared in the book,
The Secret History of the FBI, by veteran mainstream journalist Ronald
Kessler. Despite its sensational title Kessler’s book was hardly a genuine
“secret history.” But the revelation regarding Hoover’s secret “reign” over
the Communist Party was certainly an item that has not really been
given the public airing that it deserves.According to Kessler:
for all it was worth. One columnist reported the lifestyle of the would-
be leader of the proletarian revolution in the United States:
At almost precisely the time that the FBI was enlisting high-ranking
Communist Party USA official Morris Childs, as described earlier, a host
of “ex-Communists” banded together under the leadership of William F.
Buckley, Jr. to form the editorial bulwark of Buckley’s fortnightly maga-
zine National Review.
In the succeeding years Buckley—in alliance with his close friend
and collaborator, Zionist operative Marvin Liebman—began a heavy-
handed war against hard-line American nationalists, attempting to isolate
them and deny them respectability. In so doing, Buckley was actively
aided and abetted by the mainstream media monopoly in America.
In The New Jerusalem, this author’s earlier work, a point about
Buckley was raised that probably had never before been committed to
print, and in the context of what we are about to examine, is probably
worth repeating here:Although Buckley is widely recognized as an Irish
Catholic and is known as a devout Catholic, his Roman Catholic
antecedents are not from his Scotch-Irish father’s side, as widely
believed, but, are instead from his mother’s side.
Although Buckley’s mother was born to a German Catholic family
based in New Orleans named Steiner, the late Chicago Tribune colum-
nist Walter Trohan privately told intimates that it was his understanding
that the Steiner family was originally Jewish and converted to Roman
Catholicism, as did many Jewish families in New Orleans during the
18th and 19th centuries.
In any case, whatever his real ethnic heritage, young Buckley—
enthusiastically encouraged by his cohorts and friendly promoters in
the major media—authoritatively began to “draw the lines” and deter-
mine what was “proper” and permissible for American conservatives to
discuss and what was not. Buckley announced that anyone who dared
raise questions about such issues as Zionism or the power of elite
groups such as Bilderberg and the Council of Foreign Relations was
“beyond the pale” and delving into “fever swamps.”
Buckley and his “ex-Communist” allies and their minions declared
themselves to be “responsible conservatives” and actively waged war
against anyone they deemed not to be.
A favorite Buckley target was the growing populist movement sur-
rounding Liberty Lobby, founded by Willis Carto (at roughly the same
time Buckley was establishing National Review) in 1955. Not only did
Buckley later file a legal action against Liberty Lobby, but Buckley’s close
friend and former CIA colleague, E. Howard Hunt, did likewise.
Over the years, the four major lawsuits that were filed against
Liberty Lobby all had one thing in common: those responsible all had
definite connections to the CIA and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL)
of B’nai B’rith, the U.S.-based intelligence and propaganda arm of the
CIA’s close collaborator, Israel’s spy agency, the Mossad.
• The first of these lawsuits was filed by “ex” CIA operative E.
Howard Hunt, best known for his role in the Watergate burglary that led
to the forced resignation of President Richard M. Nixon. (Today it is gen-
erally suspected that the Watergate affair was largely a CIA orchestration
designed to lay the groundwork for a coup d’etat aimed at Nixon.)
Hunt filed his suit against Liberty Lobby shortly after The Spotlight
published an explosive story in its August 14, 1978 issue in which the
author, former high-ranking CIA official Victor Marchetti, charged that
the CIA intended to frame Hunt for involvement in the assassination of
John F. Kennedy.
Although Hunt admitted under oath that the story could be true—
that his colleagues at the CIA could indeed be targeting him as a scape-
goat in the crime of the century—he still persisted in pursuing his law-
suit. When the case went to trial, Hunt won a potentially devastating
$650,000 libel judgment against Liberty Lobby. However, due to errors
in jury instructions by the trial judge, Liberty Lobby was able to wage a
successful appeal and the case was ordered for re-trial.
During that second trial in January of 1985, famed JFK assassina-
tion investigator Mark Lane came on board as Liberty Lobby’s defense
counsel. Much to Hunt’s dismay, Lane brought forth evidence that
revealed, contrary to Hunt’s denials, that Hunt had been in Dallas just
prior to the JFK assassination in the company of CIA-backed Cuban
exiles. The jury rejected Hunt’s arguments and ruled against him—a
major victory for Liberty Lobby. Then, after the trial, jury forewoman
Leslie Armstrong announced publicly that she and her colleagues had
concluded that Lane’s defense was on target and that the CIA had
indeed been involved in the assassination of President Kennedy.
• During the period leading up to the final victory in the Hunt
case, Liberty Lobby’s sources advised the populist institution that Hunt’s
case was being actively assisted by the CIA, to the point that the CIA
actually provided attorneys and others to assist Hunt. What’s more, it
was discovered that Hunt’s CIA protege, millionaire dilettante,William F.
Buckley, Jr., was also providing Hunt tactical and financial assistance.
Buckley, who was Hunt’s deputy in the CIA station in Mexico City
in the early 1950’s, had long harbored a grudge against Liberty Lobby’s
newspaper, The Spotlight, which had quickly outpaced Buckley’s own
publication, National Review, in terms of circulation and outreach.
Martin did just that, outlining the amazing story of Martin’s intrigue.
Relying largely on an indubitably “mainstream” article, “How the
Jews Changed Catholic Thinking” by Joseph Roddy—published in the
January 25, 1966 issue of the now-defunct Look magazine—Patterson
pointed out that the Look article revealed quite candidly that a priest
working inside the Vatican was shuttling back and forth between Rome
and New York during the Vatican II proceedings.
The priest was providing inside information about proposed
Catholic Church “reforms” to not only The New York Times, but also to
the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of B’nai B’rith and the American
Jewish Committee and its magazine, Commentary.
Then, as the article noted, this confidential information leaked from
inside the Vatican was then used to pressure the Vatican into making
major changes in church policy.
The Look author would not identify the priest by his real name,
referring only to him as “Timothy Fitzharris-O’Boyle,” but also explained
that this priest also wrote for Commentary under the name “F. E. Cartus”
and had written a book, entitled The Pilgrim, under the name “Michael
(The Pilgrim was a 1964 book, rushed into print, according to
Michael A. Hoffman II, for the very purpose of divulging efforts by tra-
ditionalists inside the Vatican to counter the proposed revolution in
church teachings.)
As Lawrence Patterson’s investigation determined, when Malachi
Martin (by then an internationally-known writer) released his 1974
book, The New Castle, a filler page listing “books by Malachi Martin”indi-
cated that Martin had written the aforementioned book, The Pilgrim,
“under the pseudonym, Michael Serafian.”
And as if Patterson’s revelations (based on Martin’s own published
acknowledgment) are not enough evidence that he was indeed the
“priest-spy” inside the Vatican, a July 31, 1999 Milwaukee Journal
Sentinel obituary for Martin said that he had published The Pilgrim
under the “Michael Serafian” pseudonym.
Almost immediately after completing his subversive ventures
inside the Vatican, Martin left the priesthood and went to New York
where he began writing for the American Jewish Committee’s
Commentary (under his real name) and acting as “religious editor” for
William F. Buckley, Jr.’s National Review.
In the years that followed, Martin’s novels and other works
received widespread international promotion in the organs of the major
media, making Martin almost certainly a multi-millionaire.
According to Michael A. Hoffman II, Martin “was the descendant of
“Satan’s smoke has made its way into
the Temple of God through some crack.
*BETTER KNOWN UNDER HIS TITLE of Pope Paul VI—under which name
he implemented the controversial Vatican II “reforms” that re-directed and dis-
torted traditional Roman Catholic doctrine—at a time when Judas Goat
Malachi Martin (see accompanying chapter) was acting as an agent inside the
Vatican II conference on behalf of Zionist interests. On more than one occasion
Montini (above) publicly wore the Freemasonic emblem known as the “ephod,”
the symbol worn by Caiaphus, the Jewish High Priest who ordered the death of
Jesus Christ. Montini’s ephod can be seen (circled) at the bottom of his portrait.
At right is an ephod in which Hebrew letters can clearly be seen at the top. Said
to be of Jewish extraction, Montini was buried Jewish-style, in a plain wooden
box, in a ceremony at the Vatican which featured not a single crucifix. Many
traditionalist Catholics consider Montini a Judas Goat. Zionist interests have
also forcefully infiltrated Protestant fundamentalist churches, promoting the
“dispensationalist” doctrine, first cooked up by John Darby in the 1840’s and
then widely promoted in the 20th century by Cyrus Scofield, whose famous
“Scofield Reference Bible” was financed by the Zionist Rothschild family-fund-
ed Oxford University Press in London. Today, Rothschild-sponsored “dispensa-
tionalism” dictates the pro-Zionist stance of the so-called “Christian Right,” a
major influence in the Republican Party. Thus, an alliance between Radical
Judaism and Radical Christianity is responsible for the misconduct of U.S. for-
eign policy for the benefit of the Zionist imperium under President George W.
Bush, a fervent disciple of dispensationalism surrounded by Zionist fanatics.
a Jewish banker who sought refuge in Ireland,” where Martin was born
in 1921. Hoffman scored Martin for, as recently as 1997, comparing him-
self with Maimonides, whom Hoffman identifies as “the foremost inter-
preter of the Jewish Talmud and one of the most implacable enemies of
Christ in the annals of Judaism” who once “commanded the extermina-
tion of Christians.”
This is interesting since Martin, in fact, did study at the Hebrew
University in Jerusalem where he concentrated on the knowledge of
Jesus Christ as transmitted in Jewish sources. Soon afterward, according
to London’s Independent of August 6, 1999, Martin was “marked out as
a high flyer” and promoted to a post at the Vatican as a theological advi-
sor to Cardinal Augustin Bea, who was himself, along with several other
of his advisors, of Jewish descent.
It was Bea who emerged inside the Vatican as the prime mover
behind the changes in church policy during Vatican II, and Martin acted
as his agent in dealings with the Jewish community in New York City
during that time frame. Revilo Oliver went so far as to suggest that
Martin may have actually been a “courier” for vast amounts of cash
bribes transferred out of New York to Rome and elsewhere during the
Vatican II period.
The fact that Martin forged a close relationship with William F.
Buckley, Jr.—one that lasted for decades—is noteworthy since both
Buckley and his former supervisor in the CIA, E. Howard Hunt, waged
extensive (albeit failed) lawsuits against The Spotlight for the purpose of
demolishing the populist weekly. Thus the question remains as to
whether Martin was later acting as an agent for the vengeful team of
Buckley and Hunt in assisting other operatives who were working to
silence The Spotlight.
The bottom line: Malachi Martin’s role in financing a conspiracy to
destroy The Spotlight does point toward the origin of that conspiracy,
and it is safe to say that Martin was clearly a prime example of The
Enemy Within—in this case involved in the subversion of the Roman
Catholic Church.
The damage done to the church by the revolutionary conclave
known as Vatican II may never be undone and the future will remember
Malachi Martin as a treacherous Judas Goat of the worst order.
Chapter Twenty
The “Conservative” Fund-Raising Racket:
Looting American Patriots
on Behalf of The Enemy Within
On August 26, 1985 The Spotlight warned its readers about the
controversial activities of direct mail fund-raiser Richard Viguerie, a pro-
tégé of the ubiquitous Zionist intriguer, Marvin Liebeman, discussed in a
previous chapter.Accurately headlined, "Scandal hallmark of direct mail
king Viguerie's rise to power," The Spotlight's report described
Viguerie's peculiar craft—and his heavy-handed fund-raising gimmick-
ry—in detail.
For years,Viguerie essentially looted millions of American patriots
of perhaps hundreds of millions of dollars contributed to various "con-
servative" causes that Viguerie hyped—and in some instances, actually
created—even though, in some cases, Viguerie and his associated com-
panies were pocketing, it was said, as much as 75 percent of the money
raised, quite a profitable racket.
However, some seven years later, in its November 12, 1992 issue—
with the conservative movement moribund and drained of its resources
and energy—the Establishment's New York Times finally let the cat out
of the bag and confirmed The Spotlight's reports about Viguerie's mode
of operation.
In a story beginning on page one and then filling an entire page in
the national section of the Establishment daily, the Times told its read-
ers of Viguerie's latest fund-raising enterprise.
Operating from a non-profit, tax exempt outfit called the United
Seniors Association (USA), Viguerie was raking in millions by sending
out letters to senior citizens and milking them for contributions, in one
instance, to keep on "fighting hard in the nation's capital to ensure the
rights and benefits of America's seniors are protected.”
(Actually, Viguerie has operated several different "senior citizens"
outfits—USA being just one of them.)
Viguerie's "fright mail"—announcing the end of Social Security for
example—scared up contributions from unwitting senior citizens who
were led to believe that Viguerie's outfit was really out there fighting
hard for their security. In fact, most of the money Viguerie raised was
immediately re-channeled into new direct mail pitches sent to other
potential contributors.
What happened, then, the Times noted, is that in the process
Viguerie and his various front groups "spread large sums among list-
renters, letter-writers, printers, mailers and other subcontractors, always
including Mr.Viguerie himself."
John F. Kennedy, Kutner had known Ruby since at least 1936 when Ruby
assisted Kutner in his unsuccessful congressional campaign. In 1950
Kutner represented Ruby when his client was called before the staff of
the Kefauver Senate Rackets Committee in 1950 to discuss underworld
activities in Chicago.
Later, as the historical record shows, Kutner was involved in wide-
ranging international intelligence operations—from Latin American
coups to the defense of ousted Congolese leader Moise Tshombe.
Kutner was also active in efforts to advance the interests of Israel, serv-
ing as “honorary counsel” of the Center for Global Security, Inc., a pro-
Israel lobby group.
So it is that wherever one looks it seems that Lee Edwards has inti-
mate ties to some very unusual people who are always ready to lend
him a hand in “passing the hat.” His current venture honoring the
“Jewish Victims of Communism”is but one more example of the corrupt
nature of The Enemy Within.
Chapter Twenty-Two
The John Birch Society:
A Premier Case Study of The Judas Goat
any questions about the John Birch Society (JBS) have
passed through my own mind since I first became aware
of the existence of the JBS when I was a sixteen-year-old
high school student. Honestly, I’m fully aware that there will be many
good people who will be utterly inflamed by my remarks, but let’s let
the chips fall where they may.
My first awareness of the JBS came at a time when I was becoming
embroiled (for better or worse) in political affairs. Having pretty much
determined (on my own, with no input from friends or family) that I was
some sort of “conservative,” I quickly began the process of trying to
model, funded by billions in U.S. tax dollars. In addition, I was also aware
of the predominant influence of Russian and Eastern European Jews in
the worldwide communist movement and knew that many Jews of a
Marxist bent had been involved in establishing the Jewish state.What’s
more, I also knew that not only had Israel been strategically assisted, in
its founding years, with arms and support from the communist bloc, but
also that tiny Israel was the only nation in the Middle East with a freely-
flourishing communist party.
With all of this in mind, imagine how surprised I was to learn that
—at least according to the JBS in its American Opinion chart—com-
munist influence in Israel was hardly more than 10 to 20 percent!
At that moment—having only had a JBS publication in my hand for
the first time ever, for less than several minutes, in fact—I realized that
something was very much amiss.
Skimming the rest of the chart, I soon saw that, in the Birch world-
view, Israel was probably the only serious bastion of anti-communism on
the entire face of the planet. Not even the anti-communist regimes in
Argentina and Chile seemed to qualify.
It was then I knew, pure and simple, that those at the highest lev-
els of the JBS had fallen under the influence—perhaps the outright con-
trol—of the insidious force of political Zionism.That was enough for
me. I knew then that the JBS was not for me. My “membership” in the
JBS, if truth be told, lasted little more than a minute.
Little did I know at that time, however, that I had learned, rapidly
and quite easily, what thousands of good, honest members of the JBS had
to learn with much more pain over a considerably longer period of time.
I had no idea that there were disillusioned former members of the JBS
all over the United States who had, in one way or another, figured out
what I had discovered on my own, without ever even having been a
member of the JBS.
The most notable among the former Birchers, perhaps, was the late
Dr. Revilo P. Oliver, an eminent classicist and former U.S. intelligence offi-
cer who, for several years, was quite active in the JBS and very much
publicly identified with the group. However, Oliver quit the Birchers
precisely because he knew that Birch Boss Welch was determined to
carry water for the Zionist cause and Oliver wanted nothing to do with
it. (Some remarkable commentary on the Birchers by Oliver, excerpted
from his writings, can be found on the lively and fascinating website of
John “Birdman” Bryant at the
In any case, some four years later, when I went to work in
Washington for The Spotlight, I learned the full history of the Zionist
infiltration and manipulation of the JBS.At The Spotlight I gained access
And, for the record, in more recent years, famed populist historian
Eustace Mullins, author of The Federal Reserve Conspiracy, The World
Order and other classics, has said publicly—more than once—that his
research led him to the conclusion that the Birch Society was indeed a
creation of the Rockefeller empire, based on precisely the same data
that led Bealle to reach his assessment. So Bealle was not standing alone,
by any means, in making these allegations.
In the matter of the privately-owned Federal Reserve banking
monopoly, the JBS took some mighty peculiar positions. In the
September 1964 issue of American Opinion, one of Birch’s favorite
economists, Hans Sennholz, wrote an article about the Federal Reserve
System.The article stated of the Fed as follows:
John Rees, a Britisher by birth and one with quite a murky past, who had
squirreled his way into the inner circles of the JBS, establishing himself
as the real “power behind the throne” during Robert Welch’s declining
days. The Spotlight pinpointed Rees’ disturbing role in operating his
own intelligence and spying operation which was, in many respects,
quite akin to that of the Anti-Defamation League, the all-powerful
American adjunct of Israel’s intelligence agency, the Mossad.
For my own part, as a student of the JFK assassination, I discovered
the fact that like Robert Welch in his heyday, the John Birch Society—to
this day—endorses the discredited Warren Commission fraud that “one
lone nut” assassinated President Kennedy.
Morris Bealle pointed out early on (June 19, 1965) in his newslet-
ter, Capsule News, that Robert Welch had declared Bealle’s book, The
Guns of the Regressive Right—which pointed a finger in the direction
of the CIA—to be “all wrong” and told his followers that it was not the
CIA but Lyndon Johnson behind the JFK assassination.
According to Bealle,“We examined thoroughly all of his 1964 bul-
letins . . . [which] were filled with attacks on Earl Warren and curious
expressions of hearty agreement with him on the myth that ‘a
Communist [meaning the Decoy Man Oswald] killed Kennedy.’”
In fact, as I pointed out in Final Judgment, my own book on the
JFK assassination, Welch played a major part in directing conservative
attention away from a possible role by the CIA in the JFK assassination
and in the direction of the Soviet KGB. This was the same propaganda
line of top CIA figure James J. Angelton, the CIA’s pro-Israel liaison to
Israel’s Mossad.
So while the Birchers think Lee Harvey Oswald was a lone-nut
communist under the direction of the Soviet KGB—the theory put forth
by the Mossad loyalist Angleton—they are very careful to avoid pointing
toward the culpability of the CIA and certainly never ever dare mention
that—as documented in my own book—the Mossad also played a criti-
cal role in the assassination conspiracy.
On Nov. 21, 1988 the Birch Society’s New American magazine tout-
ed the Warren Commission Report, saying that “evidence demonstrates
beyond a reasonable doubt” that Lee Harvey Oswald—one lone com-
munist nut—killed JFK.
In any case, however, the JBS acceptance of the obviously dubious
claim that one lone communist nut killed JFK remains in force. In 1995,
I sent a copy of the second edition of my book to a vast array of indi-
viduals inviting them to debate the thesis of the book with me—on
radio or in any public forum or in writing. I gave them the opportunity
to refute the book in the manner they wished. One of those to whom
I sent a copy of the book was Bill Jasper, senior editor of the Birch
Society’s New American.To this day—more than ten years later, and fol-
lowing the sales of almost 50,000 copies of Final Judgment to enthusi-
astic readers around the world—I have yet to hear from Mr. Jasper.
My experiences with the JBS—as far as the issue of the JFK assas-
sination is concerned—were certainly instructive. But (years before) I
had already figured out that the Birch Society was somewhat dubious,
based on my research and that of others and on the study of Birch pub-
lications.Certainly, there are many fine Americants who are supporters
of the JBS but my “one minute membership” was enough for me.
In closing this essay on the role of the Birchers in “shifting” the phi-
losophy of many good Americans, it seems appropriate to recall what
Richard Gid Powers, in his book Not Without Honor: A History of
American Anti-Communism, had to say about Robert Welch and the
John Birch Society:
was seeking the GOP nomination in 1968, 1976 and even in 1980.The
Establishment media then said that Reagan was “too conservative” and
too tough-talking and outspoken.
Yet, when Human Events was undermining Buchanan and boost-
ing its favored 1988 candidate, Reagan administration HUD Secretary
Jack Kemp, Human Events unleashed those same arguments against
Buchanan. The Spotlight warned at that time that Kemp, in fact, was, in
its words, a “Trojan Horse.” The Spotlight pointed out that among
Kemp’s most influential backers was Irving Kristol, father of William
Kristol who ultimately emerged as a villain in Human Events’s eyes.
ITEM: In its March 11, 1991 issue The Spotlight reported that
Human Events had published a story attacking The Spotlight for pub-
lishing what Human Events claimed were “anti-Israeli” and “pro-Iraqi
stories” leading up to and during the Persian Gulf War. In fact, The
Spotlight had only pointed out the role of the pro-Israel lobby in push-
ing for the war and of the secret participation by Israel in the war itself.
The allegations in Human Events were based upon claims made by a so-
called “disinformation specialist” at the U.S. Information Agency whom
The Spotlight later determined was associated with the Mossad-affiliat-
ed Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith.
Human Events failed to note that long before Iraq’s invasion of
Kuwait The Spotlight was not only taking Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein
to task for his brutality, but also exposing the American government (in
league with Israel) for helping prop up Saddam’s regime when the U.S.-
Israel axis was quietly supporting Saddam in his war against Iran.That
Human Events would take such a stance is no surprise. After all, in its
July 23, 1977 issue Human Events described then-Israeli Prime Minister
Menachem Begin as “Israel’s Ronald Reagan.” (Begin was a former ter-
rorist with a record so reprehensible that even many pro-Israel zealots
had furiously rejected him in the 1950’s when he came to the United
States as a representative of Israel.)
ITEM:With history virtually repeating itself, on December 30, 1991
The Spotlight reported that Human Events had determined that Pat
Buchanan’s nationalist views might be a reason for “disqualifying”
Buchanan for conservative support in his 1992 primary challenge
against then-President George Bush. According to Human Events’s
December 21, 1991 issue, there were three “problems” with Buchanan
that unidentified “conservatives” found “disquieting, if not disqualifying:
his views on isolationism, protection and the state of Israel.”
Interestingly, this same kind of snide broadsides about Buchanan
appeared in issues of both Time and Newsweek that appeared during
the same period, not to mention a similar attack published in another
An Introduction to Part IV
Marks noted that the CIA’s prime locale for its mind-control exper-
iments was Mexico City.The Mexican capital was, during the Cold War
period, according to all accounts, the Western Hemisphere’s primary
nest of international intelligence intrigue. It was in Mexico City where—
as we’ve noted—E. Howard Hunt served as the CIA’s station chief and
one of his CIA lieutenants was none other than future pundit,William F.
Buckley, Jr.,who emerged as a leading figure in the effort to bend tradi-
tional American conservatism toward internationalism. Mexico City was
also a major base of operations for Israel’s Mossad.
According to formerly secret CIA documents released under the
Freedom of Information Act, among the “additional avenues to the con-
trol of human behavior” that Gottlieb’s operatives found appropriate to
investigate were “radiation, electro-shock, various fields of psychology,
psychiatry, sociology and anthropology, graphology, harassment sub-
stances and paramilitary devices and materials.”
The New York Times reported on September 20, 1977 that “The
documents show that the tests were carried out in New York City and
San Francisco between 1953 and 1966, in CIA ‘safe houses,’ mainly apart-
ments and motel rooms, that were secretly rented for the agency by an
official of the old Federal Bureau of Narcotics, since supplanted by the
Drug Enforcement Administration.
“Prostitutes, perhaps men as well as women, may have been
employed to lure the subjects to the safe houses, where they were
offered cocktails laced with various chemicals while unseen CIA offi-
cials observed, photographed and recorded their reactions.”
Trento also revealed that “Copley Press’s relations with the FBI are
as intriguing as its CIA connections.”Trento’s investigation revealed that
many times Copley reporters were turned into virtual informants for the
FBI, so much so that the Copley Press effectively “ran a system of intel-
ligence gathering for the FBI.”
According to Trento, Copley reporters were sent to cover anti-war
demonstrations and other public meetings of political dissidents.
Afterward, when the reporters turned in stories and photographs, the
materials were often turned directly over to the FBI and never even pub-
lished in the Copley newspapers.
Trento quoted Union-Tribune photographer Thane McIntosh who
said that forwarding of the photographs to the FBI was something “that
all the photographers suspected. Some were disturbed about it and
some were not, but you couldn’t help participating.You had the assign-
ment, so you had to do it.”
One photographer was asked to supply pictures to the Los Angeles
Police Department, according to Trento, but that photographer refused
to cooperate and resigned. In addition, Copley employees were ordered
to draft memos on events that they covered, which memos were then
turned over by Copley management to the FBI.
Trento also revealed that:“The FBI also used Copley to release ‘raw’
and often unverified data about individuals of whom it didn’t approve.”
In other words, the Copley press would effectively publish unproven
smears of individuals who were targeted for special treatment by the
intelligence community.Also,Trento learned, the FBI placed editorials in
the Copley Press against dissident groups of which the FBI did not
When one Copley writer,Vi Murphy, attempted to force full disclo-
sure by Copley regarding the names of journalists at Copley who were
collaborating with the CIA, she was told that she could “never utter
another public statement or another three-letter word spelled CIA as
long as she was an employee of the Union.”
The fact is, as we have demonstrated,The Enemy Within can even
constitute an established media combine—working for secret con-
trollers behind the scenes.
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Drew Pearson and Jack Anderson—
Media Shills for the Anti-Defamation League:
Propagandists for The Enemy Within
counsel Mark Lane told the court that all Liberty Lobby asked was to be
able to present its case to a jury to defend itself against Anderson's lies.
On June 25, 1986—to the shock of the major media—the high court
ruled in Liberty Lobby's favor directing the case against Anderson to go
to trial in the U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C. In the wake of this
defeat,Anderson and his supporters practiced "damage control," falsely
proclaiming Anderson had "won," the truth notwithstanding.
Despite the ruling, the case lay dormant for four years. Then, on
May 2, 1990 the chief judge of the district court stepped in and ordered
Anderson to stand trial. Facing a public spectacle with his hit-and-run
tactics subject to scrutiny,Anderson offered to settle—a clear-cut victo-
ry for Liberty Lobby. Anderson publicly apologized for any negative mis-
conceptions he had promoted about Liberty Lobby and announced that
since both Liberty Lobby and Anderson supported "the frank assertion
of differing views and robust freedom of speech" he and Liberty Lobby
were making a joint contribution of $1,000 to the Reporters Committee
for Freedom of the Press.What Anderson did not tell the public was that
his portion of the contribution was $999.99. Liberty Lobby's share was
only one penny.
Anderson and his mentor were not just shills for the ADL.They also
did dirty work for the ADL's ally, CIA counterintelligence chief James
Angleton, the Israeli loyalist who was CIA liaison to Israel's Mossad.
In 1967—just two weeks after the public learned New Orleans
District Attorney Jim Garrison had launched an investigation of CIA
involvement in the assassination of John F. Kennedy—Pearson and
Anderson floated Angleton disinformation alleging that former Attorney
General Robert Kennedy had "approved an assassination plot [against
Castro] which then backfired against his late brother [resulting in JFK’s
assassination].” In this fanciful account, Castro had captured U.S.-spon-
sored hitmen who were gunning for him and then “turned” them to go
after JFK. Pointing the finger at Castro, the duo shifted attention from
Garrison's investigation which—if pursued—would have uncovered
CIA-Mossad collaboration in the JFK assassination.
On December 17, 2005 Jack Anderson died in retirement at age 83
and no doubt joined his mentor “In That Place Which the Lord Hath
Prepared for Them,” to recall the colorful words of the late Rev. Kenneth
Goff, a former communist who became an outspoken anti-communist
and critic of the odious Pearson-Anderson duo.
However, despite their descent into the netherworld, the incendi-
ary torch of that evil team has been picked up by other media prosti-
tutes who have no qualms about using their sometimes rather dubious
literary “skills” to promote the agenda of The Enemy Within.
Chapter Twenty-Eight
A Frightening First-Hand Account:
How The Enemy Within
Recruits “Right Wing” Patsies
For Political Assassinations
This is just one story by one man, but based on the well-docu-
mented record of The Enemy Within, it is safe to say that there are many
such stories that could fill the record.
What appears in the pages of this volume is only the tip of the ice-
berg—a deep, murky hidden world of intrigue that would shock the
average American if he knew the truth.
Chapter Twenty-Nine
The CIA’s Infiltration of the Anti-War Movement
During the Vietnam War:
Bill and Hillary Clinton and John Kerry
as Judas Goats for The Enemy Within
President Clinton to stop a CIA plot on July 17, 1993 to assassinate Iraqi
leader Saddam Hussein.That plot was later publicly exposed in the Nov.
1, 1993 issue of The Chicago Tribune.According to Skolnick:
Why did the White House abort that plot? Well, Saddam
has a half-brother in Geneva who said that if Saddam is
assassinated by the CIA he will release bank records show-
ing Saddam had private business deals with George Bush.
It appears that there is an overlap between Saddam’s
deals with Bush and with the affairs of the Clintons. The
Clintons, Bush and Saddam—to put it in simple terms—are
all effectively business partners.
hat about Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.)—who, unlike
Clinton, started out as a Vietnam war “hero” and then
apparently did a 180-degree turn-about and became a
very prominent critic of the war from his position as a decorated com-
bat veteran? The truth is that there’s probably much more to Senator
John Kerry’s wartime service in Vietnam—and his subsequent anti-war
activities—than is at first apparent. John Kerry’s “Swiftboat Scandal” was
the buzz among Republican Party campaign workers, on the Internet,
and the subject of a book that raised questions about whether Kerry
really was a “hero” and whether he deserves the medals (and accolades)
he received for his service in Vietnam.
While a handful of veterans who served with Kerry—for at least a
brief period—were touring the country in the 2000 campaign on
Kerry’s behalf, there were considerable numbers of other former Swift
boat officers and sailors campaigning against Kerry and challenging his
claims regarding his war record.
What it came down to was this: which group of veterans were vot-
ers to believe? If one group was lying, why were they are lying? Was
Kerry a hero or a fraud? And what about Kerry’s anti-war activities after
he came back from Vietnam?
At this juncture, it is necessary to draw the parallel between
Kerry’s woes and the similar “scandal” that surrounded Bill Clinton dur-
ing the 1992 presidential campaign when it was revealed that Clinton
had actively worked to avoid the draft.
The Bush campaign in 2004 actually had very little to say about
Kerry’s possible distortions of historical truth regarding what Kerry
did—or did not do—in Vietnam, which may be due to the fact that the
president’s military record was rather spotty, in and of itself, and not
something that Bush wanted to remind voters about.This did not stop
“independent” political activists from raising quite a ruckus about
Kerry’s war-time ventures.
However, recall that in 1992, Bush’s father and his re-election cam-
paign actually had very little to say about Bill Clinton’s effort to dodge
the draft. In fact, in 1992—and in the years that followed—some sug-
gested that the very reason that former CIA Director George Bush (then
running for relection against his Democratic challenger Bill Clinton) did
not actively take on Clinton and call him a “draft dodger” was precisely
because the former CIA director knew that Clinton—as a college stu-
dent—was almost certainly working as a CIA asset, infiltrating anti-war
groups in Britain and elsewhere.
So although many veterans and grass-roots Republicans were call-
ing Clinton a “draft dodger” and implying he was somehow “disloyal to
his country,” the truth is that Clinton evidently had found a way to avoid
military service, but still get an “in” with the power elite in this country:
acting as a student sleuth for the CIA.
Although, as noted, The Spotlight was certainly the first publication
to pinpoint Clinton’s early service for the CIA (which neither Clinton
nor the CIA, of course, have ever acknowledged), a wide variety of writ-
ers—including former National Security Council staffer Roger Morris,
British correspondent Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, and journalist Daniel
Brandt, among others—have since filled in some of the missing pieces
covert CIA operative going back many years, it may well be that Kerry
was, in the end, hardly more than a willing “fall guy,” ready to sacrifice
himself on behalf of the globalist agenda, even if it meant actually losing
the election.
This was reminscent of the same situation in the 1940 Republican
presidential primary campaign when GOP voters were selecting a can-
didate to oppose FDR. In 1940 the overwhelming grass-roots favorite of
GOP voters was Ohio’s Bob Taft, a fervent critic of FDR’s foreign policy.
Taft, in 1940, essentially played the same role in the Republican primar-
ies that maverick Vermont Governor Howard Dean played in the
Democratic presidential primaries 64 years later: Although Dean—like
Taft before him—shot to the early lead for his outspoken opposition to
American involvement in a senseless foreign war, the elite media in the
United States began hammering away at Dean—just as it had done to
Taft—undermining his campaign.
Thus, it is no coincidence—although the media never focused on
his remarks—that, during the primary campaign, Dean himself repeat-
edly pointed out that an increasingly smaller number of elite financial
interests were grabbing control of the mass media in America. So it was
that Dean’s campaign was sabotaged and, as some newspapers, notably
Forward, a leading Jewish newspaper, pointed out, the tide was turned
against Dean and in Kerry’s favor when many leaders of Iowa’s
small, but influential, Jewish community rallied behind Kerry and
saved his faltering campaign in that critical caucus state.
Although Dean’s wife was Jewish, Dean’s opposition to the Iraq
war—which was supported by pivotal leaders and leadership groups in
the American Jewish community—was what sparked the most signifi-
cant opposition (and media hostility) to his candidacy. As such, with
Dean out of the way, a “loyal opposition” Democrat—who had actually
voted for the Bush war in Iraq—was on his way to the nomination.
This was similar to the fate of GOP favorite Taft. But we now know
that Wendell Willkie’s famous “dark horse stampede” of the Republican
National Convention in Philadelphia in 1940 was anything but that.
Instead, as Dr.Thomas E. Mahl has carefully demonstrated, beyond ques-
tion, in his book Desperate Deception: British Covert Operations in the
United States, 1939-1941, the Willkie campaign at the GOP convention
was essentially bought-and-paid-for by wealthy American interests who
were sympathetic to FDR’s foreign policy and who wanted to ensure
that the GOP nominated a candidate who would not take serious issue
with FDR’s views.As such, it was vital that Taft’s candidacy be destroyed.
In addition, according to Mahl’s thoroughly documented research,
it’s very clear that British intelligence—and persons working with
anti-war movement from within came into view after prominent liberal
Rabbi Michael Lerner alleged that he was barred from speaking at an
anti-war rally in San Francisco because the rally’s primary organizer,
International ANSWER (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism) was total-
ly anti-Zionist whereas he (Lerner) favored the establishment of a
Palestinian state alongside Israel.ANSWER denied this, saying that Lerner
was not allowed to speak because, previously, Lerner had been attacking
ANSWER and the diverse group of organizers for the rally had already
agreed that they would not have speakers who had criticized any of
those groups. In fact, Lerner had attacked ANSWER saying that, in organ-
izing anti-war rallies across the country,ANSWER had included too many
speakers who charge that the U.S. war on Iraq is stimulated primarily by
Israel’s desire to see Iraq destroyed.
Whatever the case, because of the Lerner furor, a group of some
150 other self-styled “progressive intellectuals” (most of whom were
overwhelmingly Jewish supporters of Israel and who said they were
against the war) raised a ruckus and sent out an open letter condemn-
ing ANSWER’s refusal to allow Lerner to speak, going so far as to say that
ANSWER is unfit “to lead mass mobilizations against the war in Iraq.”
Considering the tremendous success that ANSWER had already
achieved—whatever its political orientation—in organizing mass
demonstrations against the war, critics questioned the motivation of the
pro-Israeli forces in attempting to undermine the anti-war movement
leadership at this critical time.
Meanwhile, as Zionist elements schemed to split the anti-war
movement, a prominent longtime Zionist money speculator George
Soros, emerged as an outspoken “critic” of President George W. Bush and
the war in Iraq. Casting himself as the “money bags” for many progres-
sive groups and anti-war activist units, Soros effectively grabbed control
of the opposition, thereby blunting many possible sources of opposition
to Zionist influence in America.With Soros—a Jew—providing funding
for such a variety of organizations, he has set himself up as the virtual
“dictator” of the American progressive movement for years to come.
What all of this means quite simply is that—once again—the
American people have been manipulated and misdirected. The 2004
presidential election was the ultimate “sham,” and the truth about the
war in Iraq—one of the primary issues of debate during that corrupt
presidential campaign—was never fully aired to the American people.
Another victory for The Judas Goats—The Enemy Within.
American nationalist Whitelaw Reid (upper right) lashes out at “British Free
Traders” and “Pharisees” in this 1884 cartoon. British Prime Minister
Benjamin Disraeli (upper left)—a tool of the Rothschild banking dynasty—
abandoned his initial opposition to free trade and under Disraeli (who died in
1881) British imperialism reached its pinnacle, the “British” empire emerging
as a Rothschild fiefdom. U.S. President Woodrow Wilson (inset), a disciple of
Disraeli and British free trade, worked to dismantle traditional American
nationalism, such that he (like Disraeli) is much admired by modern-day neo-
conservative Zionist elements promoting the New World Order. Under the
Rothschild imperial agenda, British colonials (such as those shown above, pos-
ing triumphantly with a trophy) established a record that led many in “The
Third World” to be sympathetic to Adolf Hitler (at right, with a friend).
Although Hitler hoped to forge an alliance with Britain against Soviet Russia,
Jewish opposition stymied his plans, an irony in light of the fact that some
Zionist elements actually sought to curry favor with Hitler because his domes-
tic policies had the effect of stimulating Jewish immigration to Palestine.
Were they lambs—or Judas Goats?
An Introduction to Part V
The two chapters that follow are veritable case studies of promi-
nent figures who, while being lionized by American conservatives, were
actually acting as agents for The Enemy Within.
The two personalities in question are considered by many as
“titans” of the American “conservative” movement. But a close examina-
tion of their recores unfortunately tells a far different story.
We refer to longtime North Carolina Senator Jesse Helms and for-
mer Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich.
In the case of Senator Helms, it appears that the senator was co-
opted, effectively forced to repudiate his own apparent past dedication
to traditional American nationalism.
In the case of Newt Gingrich, it appears Gingrich was never what
he appeared to be.
In both instances, however, the careers of the two Republican con-
gressional “giants” are sadly parallel.
Chapter Thirty-One
The Sad Story of Jesse Helms:
How an American Patriot Became
A Judas Goat for The Enemy Within
One of Kahane’s proteges, New York JDL boss Victor Vancier, told
journalist Friedman in an interview that Helms’ close friend Jacobs “said
the JDL should be beating up American Arabs and left-wing Jews, espe-
cially journalists, who support the PLO. This is what [JDL founder
Kahane] told him should be the JDL’s priority.”
Precisely because of the critical support from people like Jacobs
and Zionist billionaire and media kingpin Newhouse—who reportedly
intervened on Helms’s behalf and urged other supporters of Israel to
either fund Helms or else withdraw their financing of his Democratic
opponent—Helms won re-election in 1984.
Since the Israeli lobby had managed to defeat Sen. Charles Percy (R-
Ill.), who was—unlike Helms—an unbending critic of Israel, Helms suc-
ceeded Percy as GOP chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee and quickly demonstrated his fealty to his new allies.
In 1985 Helms publicly supported continued Israeli military occu-
pation of Arab lands, making the remarkable assertion that Israeli occu-
pation was “not an issue at the core of the Israeli-Arab dispute.”
Helms also played an unusual role in a series of circumstances that
led to the takeover of media giant CBS by a consortium of "new rich"
hard-line pro-Israel financial manipulators.
The Spotlight was the lone newspaper in America to tell the full
story behind the story of Helms’ purported bid to buy CBS and make it
into a conservative television network. Helms had sent out a call for con-
servatives to rally together to buy control of CBS, saying this would tem-
per the network's liberal bias.That sounded good, but the truth was that
a successful takeover by Helms would have required a war chest of
some $5 billion.
Yet, in the wake of Helms’ campaign, CBS stock shot up in value
more than 30 percent. One who made vast profits was Zionist billion-
aire stock speculator Ivan Boesky who procured a substantial interest in
CBS stock. In fact, Boesky was part of a consortium of pro-Israel billion-
aires led by Lawrence Tisch, who did finally gain control of the network.
According to Spotlight sources on Wall Street, the Helms campaign
had effectively "diverted the attention" of CBS management and set the
stage for the Tisch consortium to grab the network.And today, of course,
CBS remains as liberal as ever.
In 1996 Helms stunned many of his longtime supporters once
again when he wrote an article for the Sept/Oct 1996 issue of Foreign
Affairs, the journal of the Council on Foreign Relations, the internation-
alist pressure group, talking about UN “reform,” effectively accepting the
role of the UN in American affairs—quite another turnabout indeed.
Helms' political evolution—some might call it a “revolution”—con-
tinued. In the year 2000, two years before his retirement, Helms gave a
fiery speech to the United Nations Security Council, criticizing the UN.
"Conservative” newspapers cheered Helms on.
But again, there was more to the story that the conservative jour-
nals preferred not to mention. In fact, Helms’s speech was part of a care-
fully orchestrated plan—concocted by then-President Bill Clinton's UN
Ambassador, Richard Holbooke—to deflect criticism from the UN dur-
ing the election year.And since Holbrooke was a member of not only the
internationalist power group known as Bilderberg but also the Council
on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Trilateral Commission, his plan was
clearly being directed from and approved at the highest levels.
Writing on Feb. 3, 2000 in The Washington Post, Holbrooke's fel-
low Bilderberger—columnist, Jim Hoagland—revealed the inside story.
Helms fans who read the column were left feeling squeamish.
Commenting that "[populist commentator and presidential hopeful] Pat
Buchanan's cynical fear-mongering" was "gaining little attention,"
Hoagland said Helms' UN appearance was “an important barometer of
change” and revealed that it was Holbrooke who invited Helms to speak
in the first place.
Scoffing that while “the ultraconservative Republican senator
barked predictably about UN shortcomings,” Hoagland dropped the real
bombshell: that Helms had “quietly proposed a continuing dialogue to
seek improvement in U.S.-UN relations.” Hoagland added that "the high
profile" appearance by Helms was "engineered by Holbrooke to under-
line the need for bipartisanship in U.S. policy toward the United Nations
and insulate the relationship from election-year drive-by shootings."
The whole exercise was a charade to assure conservatives there
are still "UN critics" in the GOP; that there was no need to turn to Pat
Buchanan who was waging a presidential campaign in which he said he
wanted to “Get the US out of the UN and the UN out of the US.”
Perhaps Helms’ most astounding venture, which effectively hinted
at the surrender of American sovereignty and the seeming merger of the
governments of the United States and Mexico, took place in 2001.
On April 17-19, 2001, Helms took the entire Senate Foreign
Relations Committee (of which he was chairman) with him on a trip to
Mexico. The visit was reported in the elite media as being “warm” and
“unprecedented,” with Helms now “reassessing” his previous critical atti-
tude toward the notoriously corrupt, drug-money-infested regime.
While there was friendly coverage in major papers such as The
Washington Post and The New York Times in the days preceding the
Helms trip, the actual press coverage strangely halted during the trip
itself. Neither the Post nor the Times (which calls itself the “newspaper
of record”) provided any on-the-spot coverage of Helms’ actual time in
Mexico or what went on there. It was as if the media imposed a black-
out on what Helms and the American lawmakers had said and done in
the company of their colleagues from south of the border.
In truth, what actually happened was this: Helms took the unprece-
dented step of convening a joint meeting in Mexico between the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee and its counterpart in the Mexican Senate.
The Washington Times reported on April 4 that Helms himself had
bragged of the impending session, declaring:“This will be, to the best of
my knowledge, the first time in history that a committee of the United
States Congress has held a joint meeting on foreign soil with a commit-
tee of another nation’s congress or parliament.”
Liberal Sen. Christopher Dodd (D-Conn.), a member of the elite
Bilderberg group who served with Helms on the Foreign Relations
Committee, praised Helms’ venture:“I commend you,” said Dodd,“It is an
exciting way to begin the 21st century—to try to reach out and estab-
lish closer ties with these emerging stronger democracies.”
While the average, perhaps naive, observer might view Helms’
action as nothing more than a symbolic act of friendship, there was
much more at work behind the scenes.A careful review of the facts (and
history) surrounding Helms’ Mexican venture paints a more disturbing
picture.The elite press reported that Marc Theiessen, a spokesman for
the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, had said Helms’ visit to Mexico
was modeled on Helms’ previous trip to the United Nations.
Gingrich.This set the stage for many future such puff-pieces promoting
Gingrich and placing him in line for his ultimate election as House
Minority Whip (second-ranking position in the GOP hierarchy).
Then, to the outrage of nationalist-minded Republicans, Gingrich’s
COS colleague,Vin Weber, authored a prominently-placed op-ed column
in the Post (never permitted as a forum for GOP conservatives) which
called upon the GOP to become “America’s new internationalist party.”
Ultimately The Spotlight’s world exclusive on the secret meeting
between Gingrich and the Post was confirmed by the Post itself—but
only after Gingrich had reached a position of influence. In short, The
Spotlight’s “conspiracy theory”—as some called it—proved not to be a
“conspiracy theory,” but a fact.
As The Spotlight warned, Gingrich himself is an unabashed inter-
nationalist and has been recognized as such by the self-styled “new age”
movement. One internationalist journal, New Options, even hailed
Gingrich as a key “globally responsible” legislator.
In keeping with his orientation, Gingrich, in 1983, joined then-Rep.
Albert Gore Jr. (D-Tenn.), later vice president, in introducing a bill to
“advise the president on ‘critical trends and alternative futures’”—an
effort heralded by a well-known “one world” advocacy journal known as
Leading Edge.
All of this should have been no surprise to long-time Gingrich
watchers, however. In 1968 when then-California Governor Ronald
Reagan and Richard Nixon were vying for “conservative” support in
their respective bids for the GOP presidential nomination, Gingrich
opted to sign on as the Southeast regional coordinator for one of their
opponents, New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller. Later, prior to his
election to Congress, Gingrich taught at the Rockefeller-funded Emory
University in Atlanta, Georgia, an outpost of the Rockefeller empire.
The reality of what Gingrich truly represents is reflected in his crit-
ical role in railroading NAFTA through Congress. Gingrich was almost
single-handedly responsible for ensuring passage of the sovereignty-rob-
bing, job-exporting North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). He
rallied the GOP votes necessary to enable NAFTA’s enactment, deliver-
ing a victory to his fellow member of the Rockefeller-financed Council
on Foreign Relations, President Bill Clinton.
On September 3, 1995 The Washington Post assured its readers
that Gingrich was “okay” despite many public criticisms of Gingrich by
some liberal critics. The Post rushed to the defense of the new House
Speaker and pointed out in a headline that “For the ultra-right, Gingrich
is just a tool of the world government plot.”The Post said that “anyone
who glances at The Spotlight, the weekly newspaper of the far-right
An Introduction to Part VI
In the preceding pages we’ve explored a broad history of ugly
intrigue reaching into many places.We’ve covered a lot of ground, to say
the very least.
In several chapters that follow, however, we’ll be going into much
further detail, describing the activities of The Judas Goats—The Enemy
Within as they have been intimately connected to some of the most dev-
astating events—true Holocausts, by anyone’s definition—ever to have
taken place on American soil.
Ranging from the first attack on the World Trade Center to the
bizarre tragedy at Waco to the horrendous Oklahoma City bombing and
more, we’ll see precisely how far-reaching (and yet still how hidden) the
role of The Judas Goats has been, even in some of the most widely-pub-
licized events of our time.
Chapter Thirty-Three
The FBI-ADL-Mossad Nexus
In the First Attack on the World Trade Center:
The Little-Known (and Chilling) Story
The FBI officially severed its contacts with Salem seven months
before the bombing. However, in the aftermath of the tragedy, the FBI
opened up relations with Salem once again. At that time, however,
Salem—unbeknown to the FBI—began recording his exchanges with
his FBI handler.
Salem’s recorded conversations confirmed that the FBI, in fact, had
extensive prior knowledge of the plot to bomb the World Trade Center.
The recordings indicate that Salem had told the FBI that he would sab-
otage the plot by replacing the explosive components of the bomb with
an inert powder, after which time the FBI could come in and capture
those involved in the conspiracy.
In his book, The Medusa File, investigator Craig Roberts, a well-
regarded 26-year veteran police officer and U.S. Marine Vietnam veteran,
outlined the parameters of this outrageous scandal that has been effec-
tively buried by the mainstream media.According to Roberts:
These interesting details about the first World Trade Center tragedy
paint a starkly different picture of what happened than what we have
been told by both the FBI and their allies in the ADL. It is another ugly
profile of the manner in which The Enemy Within has been operating
on American soil, and one which—quite obviously—raises the question:
“If the Israelis were responsible for the first attack on the World Trade
Center in 1993—using Arabs as “false flags”—did they come back in
2001 to finish the job?”
Don’t bet against it.
Chapter Thirty-Four
The FBI-ADL Nexus
That Provoked the Holocaust at Waco
On April 16, 1993—just three days before the fiery holocaust at the
Branch Davidian Church in Waco, Texas—a leading supporter of the
Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of B’nai B’rith publicly revealed the ADL’s
role in prodding the FBI/BATF actions at Waco, presumably not know-
ing, of course, of the awful ADL-provoked tragedy which lay ahead.
In a signed headline story which appeared in the April 16, 1993 edi-
tion of Heritage, Herb Brin, the publisher of the Southern California-
based (and highly influential) Jewish weekly praised the ADL’s intelli-
gence network and stated flatly:
In other words, it was the ADL which was “advising”the FBI and the
BATF on how to respond to the Davidians and what course of action
would be necessary to bring the church members out of the compound.
And in light of the relationship between the FBI and the BATF and the
ADL, it is apparent that it was the ADL’s “documentation”—in Brin’s
words—that led to the fiery holocaust.
Brin’s amazing revelation (ostensibly designed to praise the ADL’s
activities) shed light on the truth about the propaganda and disinfor-
mation directed at the hapless and beleaguered Branch Davidian reli-
gious sect.Then, of course, it was just three days later that the Davidians
were massacred.
Despite all the words that have been written about Waco, the only
publication to reveal the ADL role (other than Brin’s Heritage newspa-
per) was The Spotlight, in a special report published on May 17, 1993,
shortly after the Waco holocaust.
Although the FBI and the BATF played the front-line role in the
botched raid on the Branch Davidian church at Waco, Texas, with the
loss of several BATF agents in the process, the fact is that the ADL was
active behind the scenes.
Even material published later in the so-called “mainstream” press
provides additional evidence that there were indeed “outside” agencies
such as the ADL that were prodding the government leading up to the
Waco holocaust.
Two notable examples come to mind that are definitely worth not-
ing for the official record,
First of all, on May 1, 1995, The Washington Times published an
If there is one thing about the Oklahoma City bombing of April 19,
1995 that is absolutely certain, it is this: undercover informants—Judas
Goats—were surrounding accused bomber Timothy McVeigh and were
clearly tuned in to his most clandestine ventures.
The Enemy Within—represented by such groups as the Anti-
Defamation League (ADL) and the Southern Poverty Law Center
(SPLC)—along with intelligence agencies such as the CIA, the FBI and
the BATF, were closely involved in monitoring (and directing) the activ-
ities of the handful of individuals who were implicated (but not neces-
sarily charged) in the Oklahoma bombing.
And, of course, in view of the ADL’s role in the affair, it is also accu-
rate to say the ADL’s foreign principal, Israel’s Mossad, was definitely
keyed in to (and probably directed) the events leading up to the tragedy.
Although there is a wealth of information that has continued to
emerge surrounding the official Justice Department and FBI cover-up of
the facts about the bombing, one particularly sad fact is this: even many
of those who have been quite forward in publicly discussing aspects of
this cover-up have been afraid to venture so far as to suggest the likeli-
hood of involvement by Israel’s Mossad. Nevertheless, there is solid evi-
dence pointing toward the role of undercover informants in the cir-
cumstances surrounding the tragedy.
On May 12, 1997, highly-regarded syndicated columnist Sam
Francis (since deceased) raised questions about an individual named
Andreas Strassmeir whom Francis described as “perhaps the single
biggest anomaly in the whole case” surrounding the bombing.
Until that time only The Spotlight and a handful of independent
publications had questioned whether Strassmeir may have had some
connection to the tragic events.
However, on Oct. 20, 1997, The Washington Post rocked the other-
wise complacent world of those who decry “conspiracy theories” by
publishing a column by syndicated commentator Robert Novak that
suggested that undercover government informants—specifically
Strassmeir—may have been moving in Timothy McVeigh’s circle prior to
the Oklahoma City bombing.
Novak focused on what he calls “grave and disturbing questions”
raised in a book by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, the longtime Washington
correspondent for The Daily Telegraph of London. The book, entitled
The Secret Life of Bill Clinton:The Unreported Stories, opened with 108
comes much closer to the truth than any other book on the subject.
And, as already noted, although McVeigh publicly proclaimed him-
self as a “lone bomber”—even dismissing the role of his friend, Terry
Nichols—McVeigh told a far different version to his friends in prison.As
such, what Secrets reports is far more credible than what is found in
“mainstream” media books.
The book contends that McVeigh was recruited (while still in the
military) by a superior to immerse himself in the rhetoric and lifestyle
of the American “militia” and “patriot” movements, traveling from gun
show to gun show, reporting back his findings. In short, McVeigh was a
federal “snitch.”
However, although unusual from a psychological standpoint,
McVeigh evidently shared the views of those he was informing on.
Eventually, McVeigh was ordered to organize a team of “extremists”
to carry out a terrorist bombing in the United States in order to give the
federal authorities the opportunity to crack down on political dissidents
in this country. McVeigh did orchestrate a bombing conspiracy (the
details of which he reported back to his superiors) and that conspiracy
included at least one other undercover informant, the now-notorious
Andreas Strassmeir.
McVeigh himself sent a letter to this author, Michael Collins Piper,
from his cell on death row at the federal prison in Terre Haute, Indiana.
Inside the envelope was a print-out of an article about an individual
named Cary Gagan who claimed to have inside knowledge about the
Oklahoma bombing. In his own handwriting on the print-out, McVeigh
wrote,“One lie too many smokes out a con artist,” evidently suggesting
that Gagan was a liar.
But what made this note from McVeigh interesting was the fact
that, never once, had I written anything about Gagan. Instead, my writ-
ing for The Spotlight, had focused almost exclusively on the Strassmeir
My immediate reaction to receiving this note from McVeigh was to
make the deduction that McVeigh was indirectly communicating to me
(through a round-about, indirect means) was that what I actually had
written was on the mark.And now, of course, I have the satisfaction of
knowing that I was very much on target all along, much to the dismay
of Andreas Strassmeir, Kirk Lyons and all of their allies and handlers in
the murky world of covert action.
However, despite all of this, there is much, much more to the ugly
“story behind the story”of the Oklahoma City bombing and in the pages
that follow we will explore all of this further.
Chapter Thirty-Six
Timothy McVeigh and the ADL:
The Untold Story
ing, Toval’s specter is intriguing. Couple that with the obvious “inside”
knowledge about McVeigh’s activities by the Mossad-connected ADL
and a whole new light is shed on the affair.
And there’s one other point worth noting: Although, before his
execution, Timothy McVeigh said that he acted alone in delivering a
bomb to the Murrah Building on April 19, 1995, McVeigh never revealed
the name of the person in Oklahoma City who—on April 17, two days
before the bombing—mailed The Spotlight what can only be described
as a “warning” of the impending bombing.
The existence of this warning laid myth to McVeigh’s claim that no
one else—other than Terry Nichols and their friends, Michael and Lori
Fortier—knew of the bomb plot. It also raises two pertinent questions:
1) Did the the ADL—which was clearly monitoring McVeigh—have a
hand in putting forth this “warning” or have knowledge of who was
responsible for sending it? and 2) Why has the FBI refused to comment
publicly about what—if anything—the bureau did to identify the person
(or persons) who mailed this warning to The Spotlight?
Here’s the story that only The Spotlight and New York’s left-wing
Village Voice (in its October 1, 1997 issue) and later American Free
Press dared to report.
On April 20, 1995—the day after the OKC bombing—The
Spotlight’s mail room opened an envelope postmarked “Oklahoma City.”
The envelope had been mailed to The Spotlight on April 17—two days
before the bombing. It was hand-addressed in script, but we now know
that the writing is very clearly not McVeigh’s.
Inside the envelope was a postcard featuring a Depression-era pho-
tograph depicting a dust storm over Oklahoma. This famous picture is
ominously entitled “Black Sunday” (which, incidentally, was also the
name of a Hollywood film about terrorism).The postcard also bears the
printed legend,“Dust Storm Approaching at 60 mi. per hr.April 14,‘35.”
Also enclosed alongside the postcard was a photocopy of a twelve-
year-old article from The Spotlight about the government murder of IRS
and Federal Reserve critic Gordon Kahl. There was no name or return
address anywhere on the envelope or on any of the contents.
When the staff of The Spotlight saw this postcard (just one day
after the bombing) they knew something was up and called in The
Spotlight’s attorney, Mark Lane, who immediately turned the original
card and envelope over to Attorney General Janet Reno and the FBI.
Although this strange postcard strongly points to foreknowledge
(by somebody) about the impending bombing, the FBI subsequently
told Lane that they had “lost” the postcard! Fortunately, however, The
Spotlight had made a copy.
Internet-based World Net Daily. Not only has Farah long operated in the
sphere of billionaire Richard Scaife, whose CIA-connected intrigues go
back decades, but in 2003 Farah was honored as “journalist of the year”
by the Zionist Organization of America, one of the most vociferous advo-
cates of the war against Saddam.Although an Arab-American, Farah is a
fervent supporter of Israel and hardly an unbiased source.
Now about the book: Jayna Davis presented a convincing case that
Timothy McVeigh was traveling with at least one—and likely more—
Iraqi nationals (based in Oklahoma City) in the minutes, days, weeks and
months leading up to the disaster. And—although she never mentions
it—it was the now-defunct Spotlight that most consistently gave atten-
tion to Davis’ investigation, even while “mainstream” news sources stu-
diously ignored her work.
However, obviously, that’s changed. But to those who carefully
reviewed The Spotlight’s reportage on Davis’s work, none of this comes
as any surprise, for—as The Spotlight said early on—so-called evidence
of “Iraqi” involvement actually pointed elsewhere: that is, toward the
likelihood that elements operating inside the U.S. (and manipulating
McVeigh) were setting the stage for a terrorist attack that could be false-
ly blamed on Saddam, for the very purpose of stoking up a war against
the Iraqi strongman—a war that finally came in the spring of 2003.
Although Davis no doubt believes that there was a Middle East con-
nection—of Arab or Muslim origin—ultimately behind the bombing,
there are many serious problems with her book. First of all, Davis com-
pletely disregarded the following critical evidence:
• Eyewitness testimony by bombing survivor Jane Graham, who—
a day or so prior to the bombing—spotted a group of mysterious figures
engaged in activity which suggests they were placing explosives inside
the Murrah Building; these men were not Arabs, they were white
Americans and definitely neither McVeigh nor his alleged co-conspirator
Terry Nichols;
• Testimony by multiple bombing survivors—including, notably, V.
Z. Lawton—who insist there was a major internal blast inside the
Murrah Building following the explosion of the “McVeigh truck bomb”
outside on the street;
• Seismographic data indicating more than one blast at the time of
the disaster;
• And while multiple news reports at the time—from a wide array
of sources—indicated other unexploded bombs had been found inside
the Murrah Building after the explosion, Davis stated flatly that these
bomb scares “proved innocuous.”
• Although Davis referenced the heroics of Oklahoma City police-
claim that Saddam was behind the bombing was part of the long-stand-
ing neo-conservative drive to topple the Iraqi leader.
In one instance Davis pointed out that a Senate staffer told her she
was known as “the baby with the loaded gun.”The fear was, he said, that
“they don’t know where you are going to point it next.”Although Davis
evidently never considered it, one could read into this remark that per-
haps Davis’s dogged inquiries were going a bit too far.
In short, if Davis started digging too deeply into the “Iraqi connec-
tion” she could discover something quite the opposite: that the Iraqi
connection was another Israeli “false flag” designed to shift the blame
for a covert operation carried out by Israeli intelligence.
So although Davis painted a fairly convincing picture that an Iraqi
immigrant, Hussain Al-Hussaini, was in league with McVeigh in the
Oklahoma bombing, her book is unclear in explaining whether she
believes it was Saddam’s sworn enemy, Islamic fundamentalist Osama
bin Laden or Iraq’s secular Arab ruler Saddam (who actively suppressed
Islamic fundamentalists) who was the ultimate sponsor of Al-Hussaini.
Instead, Davis weaved a tangled story that links Osama and Saddam
in an unlikely scenario that never precisely pinpoints the finger of
blame—a rather important detail that seems to be missed by those so
eager to accept her thesis.A discerning reader will note this immediate-
ly, but then, again, most readers are not that discerning, a point arguing
in favor of the likelihood that many will—regrettably—take Davis’s
book seriously. ( “Arab plots” are popular in the media these days.)
At one point, she does state that “it really is a foreign conspiracy
masterminded and funded by Osama bin Laden, according to my intelli-
gence sources,” but this flat-out charge is refuted by other claims she
made elsewhere regarding Al-Hussaini having “possibly”(her word) been
“a devoted member of Saddam Hussein’s prized military unit, the
Republican Guard,” (and therefore an agent of Saddam—not Bin Laden).
When Davis begins to explore the purported link of the mysteri-
ous Ramzi Yousef to the Oklahoma affair is when her theory really
begins to unravel. For here, she is treading on shaky ground, attempting
to tie an alleged Islamic fundamentalist (ostensibly under the discipline
of bin Laden’s Al-Qaeda network) to an agent of Saddam Hussein—the
Iraqi leader whom bin Laden himself had vowed to destroy.
And there are real questions about just whom Yousef and his uncle,
Khalid Shaikh Mohammed (said to be Al Qaeda’s chief of operations)
were really working for.
As we saw earlier in these pages, evidence first published by
Jewish-American journalist Robert I. Friedman in New York’s Village
Voice indicates Yousef was working closely with an Israeli mole inside
the conspiracy behind the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center
(WTC), forerunner of the September 11, 2001 tragedy.
So when Davis asseted that “the terrorist who engineered the deliv-
ery of a Ryder truck packed with a powerful fertilizer-fuel oil bomb to
America’s financial district likely orchestrated a similarly executed
bombing in Oklahoma City,” she was—unwittingly—suggesting that per-
haps Israeli intelligence may have also had a hand in Oklahoma as it did
in the 1993 WTC attack.
But don’t expect Davis or her media promoters to say that.
All of this is not to suggest Davis is deliberately promoting false
information. However, it is conceivable that Davis—driven by a desire to
bring her painstakingly assembled story to the fore—has been manipu-
lated and that she has not recognized or understood the more subtle
intricacies of the world of intrigue.
To sum it all up: there was much, much more to the Oklahoma
bombing than most Americans realize—and those hidden facts point
unmistakably to the role of Judas Goats—The Enemy Within.
Chapter Thirty-Eight
What Really Happened in Oklahoma City?
A Scenario That Does Make Sense
Let us note, at the outset, that what follows in this brief chapter is
purely speculative in nature. However, it is based upon this author’s own
long-term review of a wide variety of published information put togeth-
er by many different independent Oklahoma City bombing investiga-
tors, not to mention an assortment of facts and statements put forth by
official investigators.
And it should be added that even within the ranks of those who
have been investigating the OKC bombing, there is a great range of dif-
fering opinion as to precisely what happened on that tragic day.
Most of the varying theories intersect at some points, but the truth
is that most of those who put forth what appear to be competing the-
ories seem to be quite prepared to dismiss the basics of the other theo-
ries, quibbling with details or deliberately ignoring uncomfortable facts
that would suggest that the conspiracy led in directions that they would
prefer to ignore.
It must be noted here that many of those supposedly “independ-
ent” investigators who choose to ignore uncomfortable facts appear to
be afraid to suggest that, perhaps, there might be an Israeli connection
to the Oklahoma City tragedy. Some of them, for example, reason to
acknowledge that the Arab players who have been linked to the con-
spiracy may, in fact, have been acting as “false flags” for Israel’s intelli-
gence service, the Mossad. (That aspect, of course, has already been dis-
cussed at some length in a previous chapter.)
So what of the various theories? Let’s review them and attempt to
delineate, as simply as possible, the main points of each..
Some hold that it was a “U.S. government operation” deliberately
designed to destroy the Murrah Building and place blame upon “right
wing militias” for the purpose of setting in place police-state measures
ultimately designed to impose martial law on the United States and
thereby dissolve our Constitutional republic.
Many promoters of this scenario suggest that the orders “came
from the top”—that is, that President Bill Clinton and his top advisors
were “in on it,” acting perhaps as proxies for favorite villains such as “the
Illuminati” or the Council on Foreign Relations or some other shadowy
international power bloc. This is the simplistic version that disregards
some of the more down to earth details that we’ll explore shortly.
While some contend that McVeigh was simply a “patsy”—perhaps
brainwashed and under mind control—others suggest that McVeigh was
a knowing agent of higher-ranking behind-the-scenes conspirators, that
he was part of a secret government team staging acts of terrorism.
ur Oklahoma City bombing scenario follows:Timothy
McVeigh was a young man—an ex-Army combat veteran—
with leanings toward the philosophy of the “right wing”
and the militia movement. He may have been recruited by a secret intel-
ligence unit to infiltrate the militias and report back on their activities.
This assignment to infiltrate the militias was part of a calculated
effort to place McVeigh in the position of being—in the public percep-
tion—precisely the type of “right wing militia”activist that he (McVeigh)
believed he was monitoring for his superiors (who had a covert agenda
kept well hidden from McVeigh).
McVeigh himself—if sympathetic to the militias, as many believe,
based on what are purported to be McVeigh’s own writings and state-
ments—was probably told that he was acting on behalf of higher-ups in
the government or in the military who were sympathetic to the militias,
seeing them as a possible ally in some ultimate fight against the dread-
ed “New World Order.”
In this part of the scenario, McVeigh may have believed, as a con-
sequence, that he was not acting as a “rat” or as an informant but was,
instead, working to help the militia movement by acting as a liaison
between the movement and its purported sympathizers inside the fed-
eral military or law enforcement apparatus.
There is also the possibility that as an aspect of his recruitment and
training, as part of some clandestine operation, McVeigh was subject-
ed—even at this early stage—to some form of programming or mind-
control of which he may not have been aware.
McVeigh’s former federal prison associate, David Paul Hammer, has
put forth the idea that McVeigh had been recruited into some secret
unit and that McVeigh was indeed sympathetic to the philosophy of the
militia groups he was monitoring.
However—and here’s the point—it is entirely possible that the
unit (or entity) that recruited McVeigh was not an officially-sanctioned
U.S. government operation per se, and was, instead, a “rogue” operation
under the thumb of a genuine militia sympathizer within U.S. military
and intelligence circles.
There is another alternative: this operation (which had enough ear-
marks to convince McVeigh that it was U.S.-government sponsored)
may not have even been a U.S. government operation at all. Instead, it
could have been a totally spurious operation, set up on American shores
by Israel’s Mossad.
This Mossad operation could have been utilizing home-grown
American assets who were—either knowingly or unknowingly—work-
ing on behalf of Israeli intelligence. In other words, even McVeigh’s
Despite all of this, in the end, it was Traficant's brash public chal-
lenge to the Israeli lobby that was—in Traficant’s own judgment—the
reason why the Zionist-dominated Justice Department was so deter-
mined to knock Traficant out of Congress and into prison.
In fact, in 1983, at the time of the first Justice Department attack
on Traficant—and all during the years of GOP rule under Ronald Reagan
and George H.W. Bush—Justice (along with other federal agencies) was
penetrated in key posts by members of a clique acting as an "inside"
pressure group for Zionist interests.The existence of the group—known
as “Nesher” (Hebrew for “eagle”)—was revealed by the late Andrew St.
George in The Spotlight.While Nesher acknowledged that its members’
Zionist views influenced their policy decisions, the story was contro-
versial and one Nesher figure threatened to bring a libel suit. However,
St. George deftly leaked the evidence he had to back up his story, and
Nesher backed off. But Nesher—often called “The Talmudist Lobby” by
its critics—remains in place, even today . . .
Not coincidentally, The Spotlight was shut down in 2001 by cor-
rupt federal Judge S. Martin Teel who had been a Justice Department
attorney under the thumb of key Nesher operative, then-Deputy
Attorney General Arnold Burns, who was then mired in an ugly scandal
involving the theft—by Justice officials—of high-tech surveillance soft-
ware belonging to the INSLAW company. In fact, INSLAW discovered the
stolen data had been turned over to Israeli intelligence, for whom Burns
was known to have done many "favors" over the years.
When INSLAW brought suit against the thieves,Teel was the Justice
lawyer fighting that lawsuit and was rewarded with his judgeship after
the judge in the case (who ruled against the Justice Department) was
forced off the bench by Nesher operative Arnold Burns.
One detail about Nesher and INSLAW brings the matter of Jim
Traficant's prosecution full circle: It turns out that the Justice unit that
stole INSLAW’s software was the Office of Special Investigations (OSI)—
the Mossad-collaborating "Nazi hunting unit" in Justice. Traficant
exposed the OSI as a fraud when he came to the defense of Ukraine-
born naturalized American, John Demjanjuk, a retired Cleveland, Ohio
autoworker, who had been falsely accused by Jewish groups and the OSI
of being “Ivan the Terrible,” a so-called “Nazi death camp guard.” During
the entire time the Zionists in the OSI were persecuting Demjanjuk,
Traficant was the only member of Congress who came to his defense,
drawing the ire of Jewish groups and the Nesher network for doing so.
Although stripped of his citizenship and sent to Israel where he
was charged and convicted of war crimes, Demjanjuk escaped the hang-
man’s noose when, in 1993, the Israeli supreme court overturned his
conviction, admitting Traficant and others had proven Demjanjuk had
been misidentified as being “Ivan.” Traficant then traveled to Israel to
bring Demjanjuk home. Despite all this, the Chertoff gang and the OSI
came up with new charges against Demjanjuk, saying that if he wasn’t
had been given in cash to Traficant. However, the judge would not let
the investigator testify.This testimony (if heard by the jury) would have
certainly dealt a mortal wound to the conspiracy to crucify Traficant.
Earlier, during jury selection, the judge wouldn’t allow Traficant to
ask potential jurors about their political associations, a relevant matter
since AIPAC and other Jewish groups had publicly targeted Traficant as
an "enemy." Traficant hoped to determine whether potential jurors were
associated with such hostile organizations.
In the end—it turned out—a Jewish juror caused such a commo-
tion during jury deliberations that she relentlessly badgered other
jurors—who were holding out to acquit Traficant—until they finally
voted to convict him, just to shut the hellish woman up and bring the
matter to a close. In addition, solid evidence since emerged proving
Chertoff and his henchman clearly suborned perjury, forcing witnesses
to lie in order to convict Traficant. (Thus, Chertoff should be in jail.)
Traficant was convicted and—unlike other public figures convict-
ed of crimes and allowed to remain free until their appeals are exhaust-
ed—the vicious judge ordered that Traficant immediately be taken into
custody at the time she handed down his nine-year prison sentence.As
this is written,Traficant has been behind bars since July 30, 2002.
Since that time,Traficant has given only one interview to any jour-
nalist anywhere, this author, Michael Collins Piper, representing
American Free Press (AFP), speaking by telephone with Traficant on
August 2, 2002 as he sat in his holding cell in an Ohio jail, prior to his
transfer to federal prison.“Yours is the only paper I’ve agreed to talk to,”
said Traficant who noted that AFP was the only media voice in the
United States to expose the nature of the conspiracy to destroy him.
Despite his imprisonment,Traficant still ran for re-election in 2002
(as an independent) and won 15% of the vote in a three-way race. He
remains highly regarded at home and across the country, but still sits in
federal prison, a victim of Zionist power. Although it was said Traficant
might be offered early release if he admits to his “crimes” and apologizes
for them,Traficant has said he will not admit to crimes he did not com-
mit in order to get his sentence cut short.
ust as in the Traficant case, the “mainstream” media had a field
day with the news that another critic of the Israeli lobby—for-
mer State Rep. David Duke of Louisiana—had been “bagged” by
Michael Chertoff’s Justice Department. Headlines screamed: “David
Duke pleads guilty to defrauding his supporters.” Loaded terms like “tax
evasion,” “mail fraud” and “money laundering” echoed across the air-
waves, recalling the media misdirection and lies in the Traficant case.
Despite the hoopla in the press, it was never noted that Duke—like
Traficant—was a victim of a Zionist vendetta. A careful look at the Duke
case demonstrates there is no question Duke’s prosecution was unwar-
ranted. Like Traficant, Duke was confronted with a nightmarish “Twilight
he shocking demonstration of raw power by Zionist
intriguer Chertoff, corrupting and abusing the American jus-
tice system to crucify two prominent critics of Israel, is
instructive indeed, clear evidence how far America has gone astray.
Jim Traficant and David Duke are not the only victims of Zionist
misdeeds in America and unfortunately they will probably not be the
last.When one considers the fact that the man responsible for their trou-
bles has now been designed chief of “homeland security,” the future for
American political dissidents is frightening indeed . . .
And so it continues . . .
levels in the “news” divisions of the three major networks was also
becoming increasingly more obvious. In short, people began to recog-
nize that the “liberal” networks were effectively the media voices of a
Jewish elite whose values—and interests—did not, in any way, shape or
form, represent those of the vast majority of the American people.
As a consequence of this, there began to emerge a distinct dissat-
isfaction not only with the three major networks, but a growing talk in
the heartlands about “Jewish control of the media.” To be sure, many
folks were not so vocal about discussing the Jewish aspect of the prob-
lem with the networks, but this remained a constant (if only quietly spo-
ken) phenomenon.
And on occasion, some big names in American life—ranging from
former Vice President Spiro Agnew to General George Brown, chairman
of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and even Hollywood giants such as Robert
Mitchum and Marlon Brando and famed author Truman Capote—actual-
ly dared to say publicly that there was an inordinate Jewish influence
upon (or control of) the major media outlets in America.
In the end, this disillusionment with the broadcast industry and its
machinations actually set the stage, in many respects, for the rise of
Ronald Reagan and his election to the presidency in 1980. Americans
were looking for a change and while Reagan promised a “new conser-
vatism,” in the end it proved to be something entirely different. But
Americans were eager for an alternative to the “liberal” media—and
along came Rupert Murdoch to the “rescue”—or so it seemed.
Americans who were fed up with the “liberal” media now had a
self-appointed savior, a colorful foreign-born media tycoon who seemed
to share their dissatisfaction and who seemed to be willing to provide a
real “alternative.” But that “alternative” is not what most Americans were
really looking for, and many folks don’t seem understand that they’ve
been conned—in fact, conned big-time.
Although already well-established in Australia as a growing media
power on his own, Murdoch quietly received the international sponsor-
ship and financial backing of some of the world’s most wealthy and
powerful Jewish families: the Rothschilds of Europe, the Bronfmans of
Canada and the Oppenheimers of South Africa.With their firm support,
he began expanding his empire into Britain and around the planet.
In short order, Rupert Murdoch became the “hottest” item in the
global media, and soon was on his way to achieving vast wealth beyond
his wildest dreams and immense political power through the rise of his
News Corporation empire and the lucrative advertising industry. It is
thus no wonder that Murdoch himself came to be counted, along with
the Rothschilds, Bronfmans and Oppenheimers, as part of a group quite
On May 29, 2005 The Washington Post revealed that the Bush
administration was redirecting its vaunted “war on terrorism” toward a
new “strategy against violent extremism.”Then, precisely one week later,
on June 5, the Post featured a prominently placed commentary by a for-
mer FBI agent, Mike German—who specialized in infiltrating “right
wing” dissident groups in the United States—proposing that federal
authorities begin efforts to wage all-out warfare against perceived
domestic “extremist” groups.
The former FBI agent contended that what he called the American
“extremist” groups are a breeding ground for violence and therefore
need to be dealt with essentially as a criminal conspiracy.“Behind the
Lone Terrorist, a Pack Mentality” read the headline on German’s com-
mentary. German made it clear that the “domestic terrorist” groups that
he says need special treatment are a diverse group. The former FBI
undercover operative pulled no punches in declaring that those whom
he perceives to be America’s potential terrorists are not just those who
might “look” like terrorists. German wrote:
groups, Mike German was certainly working closely with the ADL dur-
ing his many years in the field. so he echoes this alien propaganda line.
Now that the Bush administration has moved toward a fight against
“violent extremism” at a time when the ADL and other pro-Israel lobby
groups are making the claim that American critics of Israel are lending
moral aid and support to Islamic extremists by making statements criti-
cal of Israel, it appears as though German’s commentary in The
Washington Post was nothing less than a proverbial trial balloon.
The stage is being set for future endeavors to destroy political dis-
sidents in America who dare to criticize the global war-mongering and
pro-Israel extremism of the so-called “high priests of war”who dominate
policy in the Bush administration and who fully intend to dominate pol-
icy in future administrations Republican and Democratic alike.
Chapter Forty-Two
Modern-Day “Thought Police” Conspired
To Censor Campus Criticism of Israel and Zionism:
Two “Conservative” Shills for the Zionist Cause
that AFP (which is hardly a “left-wing” publication) first gave legs to the
story, asserting only that “the story originated with several leading con-
spiracy theorists and Holocaust revisionists.”
However, this, in itself, was disingenuous at best. In fact, as AFP’s
original report clearly indicated, AFP’s report was based on a story
appearing in the pro-Israel New York Sun. So the truth is the story orig-
inated in a distinctly pro-Israel publication. However, AFP picked up on
the story, recognizing its import, and gave it the attention it deserved—
much to the distress of those who set the whole story in motion in the
first place—including Santorum and his colleagues on Capitol Hill.
Thus, despite this, Jewish Week said the story “has become an arti-
cle of faith throughout the Arab world and in some U.S. left-wing cir-
cles,” and went on to assert that “to pro-Israel leaders and leading mem-
bers of the Senate, it’s a dangerous urban legend at best, deliberate dis-
information at worst.”
(Some will recall that the Justice Department of then-Attorney
General John Ashcroft also lied by saying that factual stories—first
nationally publicized by AFP—surrounding the FBI seizure of Israeli
spies operating on American soil prior to the 9-11 attacks were also an
“urban legend.” Evidently the term “urban legend,” like the term “con-
spiracy theory,” is now Zionist “doublespeak” applied to any solid infor-
mation that runs contrary to the official propaganda line.)
In any case, for the record, the original article in the pro-Israel Sun
stated flatly (in discussing the Capitol Hill meeting where the “ideologi-
cal diversity” scheme originated):
laws were in the works and only that Santorum “[was] currently looking
at the problem and gathering information.”The paper also said “several
Jewish leaders who attended the meeting confirmed that claim.”
Jewish Week reported that “Several participants suggested creating
a Capitol Hill working group to examine rising anti-Semitism. Others
suggested a panel to look at ideological diversity on campus.” The
newspaper never mentioned—as did the Sun, and then, AFP—that
Santorum’s GOP colleague, Sen. Sam Brownback (Kansas) had urged the
formation of a special federal commission to “investigate” so-called anti-
Semitism on campus. If the story was false or an “urban legend” or some
sort of “disinformation,” why did a pro-Israel publication such as The
New York Sun publish the story in the first place? And if the Sun was
mistaken, why has the Sun not yet run a correction?
So the story was indeed true and Santorum was considering such
legislation. However, thanks to the fact that AFP blew the whistle and
put the story in its proper context—revealing the totalitarian nature of
the scheme—Santorum and his allies in the pro-Israel lobby backed off.
And then they had the chutzpah to begin trying to deny they ever con-
cocted the scheme in the first place.
However, despite efforts to keep the story under wraps, the truth
wouldn’t go away. On April 29, 2003, Hillel, which, as noted, amounts to
a national network of pro-Israel student-manned “campus police,” com-
plained on its website that newspapers—namely AFP—and web pages
such as (which picked up an advance copy of AFP’s story)
and the Palestine-based Palestine Media Center, among others, were try-
ing to “distort” the intentions of those who participated in the Capitol
Hill meeting on “ideological diversity” legislation.
The pro-Israel group was also incensed to learn that the
Progressive Faculty Network—an alliance of independent-minded col-
lege and university instructors—had widely distributed an e-mail
announcing the scheme. Hillel claimed that AFP and the other media
that picked up the story “are promoting a bizarre version of the meet-
ing” that was held between various U.S. Senators—led by Santorum and
Brownback—and a variety of pro-Israel lobby groups including Hillel.
Rather than directly addressing the specifics of the AFP article,
Hillel instead took a shot at AFP and charged that the paper was “anti-
Semitic”—which, of course, is precisely the smear levelled against any-
one on any campus anywhere who dares to criticize Israel.
However, the bottom line was that the Capitol Hill meeting did
take place and GOP conservatives had been planning to introduce leg-
islation to deny federal funding to American colleges found to be in
some way permitting speech deemed to be “anti-Semitic.”
During the last 25 years, a key element in the Zionist effort to gain
increasing power at the local level has been the effort to infiltrate and
manipulate local law enforcement agencies.
While Zionist influence at the level of the FBI and the CIA has long
been in place, the Zionist role at the local level of law enforcement is
not as well known, despite the fact that it was Zionist-sponsored
intrigue (that is, corruption) inside the San Francisco Police Department
that sparked the ADL spy scandal described earlier in these pages.
And although that spy scandal did focus attention on the role of
the ADL in abusing police powers by influencing local law enforcement,
the truth is that, since then, groups such as the ADL and the Southern
Poverty Law Center (SPLC) of Morris Dees have been even more aggres-
sive in providing “services” to local law enforcement in the name of
fighting such enemies as “domestic terrorism” and “hate crimes,” launch-
ing any number of well-funded programs to “train”—that is, inculcate—
local law enforcement in the propaganda mindset of the ADL.
It would belabor the point to go into the details of these ventures
here, all of which are thoroughly accessible on the Internet websites of
the ADL and the SPLC, but suffice it to say that these Zionist lobby oper-
ations (disguised as “civil rights” organizations) have come to have a
great deal of influence on local law enforcement.Today, anyone deemed
“dangerous” to the Zionist cause is subject to violence and abuse from
local law enforcement officials acting on behalf of the Zionists.
A primary example comes in the story of the thoroughly-illegal
March 22, 1995 SWAT-team raid on the West Coast office of Liberty
Lobby, located in the Escondido, California home of that nationalist insti-
tution’s founder,Willis A. Carto. Included among the group were agents
of not only the FBI, but also the IRS, the BATF and (of all things), the
Drug Enforcement Administration.
At 7:00 am on the morning of March 22, 1995 some 25 gun-waving
members of a SWAT team raided the Carto home. Although Carto was
not there at the time, his wife Elisabeth and two young visiting family
members were present. Mrs. Carto, alerted to the danger by the barking
of the family’s pet dog, Charlie, encountered the marauders outside the
front door.They were converging upon the house after having broken
down the gate leading onto the property.
As a helicopter whirred about overhead and as at least one sniper
was positioned nearby with his rifle trained on Mrs. Carto, gun-wielding
officers (some carrying assault weapons and wearing ski masks) vio-
lently seized Mrs. Carto, placed her in handcuffs and then sprayed
Charlie in the face with an immobilizing chemical, leaving the hapless
puppy howling in pain and unable to protect his mistress.
They then forced their way into the house. Alerted to the events
by the ensuing noise, Mrs. Carto’s attractive young niece came to the
front door in her nightgown, where she was accosted by the thugs who
pointed weapons in her face, shouting “Put your hands in the air” and
demanding,“Are you carrying a gun?”
In the meantime the girl’s cousin was being rousted from his sleep,
dragged from his bed in handcuffs, and isolated from the rest of the fam-
ily. He was held in handcuffs for twenty minutes before being released.
The young man, a recent law school graduate, had come to California for
a three-week rest before beginning his new job.
Although the marauders subsequently took the handcuffs off the
prisoners, Mrs. Carto and the two young people were held incommuni-
cado as “the law”ransacked the house from top to bottom for five hours.
At one point Mrs. Carto overheard officers pondering the possibility of
bringing in bulldozers for excavating on the property, for the purpose of
uncovering “stolen goods” they said “might be buried.”
The marauders took with them fourteen boxes of documents, Mr.
Carto’s personal gun collection, and Mrs. Carto’s computer. Despite the
energetic efforts of the SWAT team, no “evidence” turned up of any
“stolen goods,”—the phony pretext of the raid.
It was only after the raid that attorneys for the Cartos uncovered
evidence that a longtime asset of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL)
of B’nai B’rith had played a key role in orchestrating the raid.
It turned out that a San Diego County Deputy Sheriff,Tim Carroll,
was a prime mover behind the attack on the Carto home which was
located in San Diego County, outside the jurisdiction of the Costa Mesa
(Orange County) Police Department which officially directed the raid.
Carroll was not only the San Diego Sheriff’s Office liaison with the ADL,
but also an admitted long-time collaborator with the ADL’s San
Francisco-based operative, Roy Bullock. In fact, when the SFPD launched
its inquiry into the ADL’s spying operations in 1992, the SFPD relied
extensively upon admissions by Carroll as the basis for filing for a search
warrant for the ADL’s offices n San Francisco and in Los Angeles.
In asking for that search warrnt, the SFPD’s investigator, Ron Roth,
detailed his interview with Carroll. A transcript of that interview was
part of official records on the ADL spy case released by the SFPD to the
public at the time the investigation was under way. In short, Carroll’s
admissions—under questioning by the SFPD—were a key element in
the earliest stages of the inquiry into the ADL’s illicit spying operations.
Carroll answered the SFPD’s questions not because he wanted to, but
because he had to. As the ADL’s man inside the San Diego County
Sheriff’s Office, Carroll was as much a part of the ADL’s law enforce-
ment-linked spy apparatus as his associate Bullock and Bullock’s SFPD
contact,Tom Gerard, were in San Francisco
Here are highlights from the police interrogation of Carroll that
illustrated the close relationship between Carroll (the central player in
the ADL-orchestrated attack on Liberty Lobby) and the ADL and its “num-
ber one investigator,” Roy Bullock:
• When Investigator Roth asked the San Diego ADL collaborator
how long he had known Bullock, Carroll responded: “Probably goes
back five or six years. I do a lot of work with the ADL in San Diego and
that’s how I met [Bullock] and, uh, I have met him at various confer-
ences,” including two, he noted, where Bullock was a “guest speaker.”
• Carroll also admitted he traveled to Israel in May 1991 on “an
ADL sponsored law enforcement trip,” which included some eleven
American law enforcement people—including the SFPD’s Gerard.
(Carroll’s so-called “law enforcement trip” was actually an all-
expenses paid Mediterranean vacation, compliments of the ADL—a
lucrative “gratuity” indeed. Many police officers, in other circumstances,
have lost their jobs and/or gone to jail for accepting far less valuable
gifts and favors from those suspected of criminal activities.)
• Accompanying the ADL’s police informants on the trip, Carroll
admitted, was Mira Lansky Boland of the ADL’s Washington office who,
in his words, “coordinated everything with the ADL people in
Jerusalem.” Since that time, Carroll said, he had “talked to her off and on
. . . She may want to know stuff, I may want to know.”
• Carroll also admitted that Bullock had told him that he (Bullock)
had received classified intelligence information from the SFPD files.
(This suggests Carroll himself may have been criminally liable for having
failed to report a crime: i.e. Bullock’s receipt of stolen SFPD files.)
• Of his relationship with Bullock, Carroll also confessed that
“we’ve done joint ventures together,” although he did not specify what
those “joint ventures” were.
That a long-time ADL collaborator (Carroll) who played a key part
in the attack on Liberty Lobby was a material witness in the ADL affair
is significant.As we saw earlier, Liberty Lobby’s expose of Bullock’s ADL
affiliation in the June 30, 1986 issue of The Spotlight set in motion the
process which led to the investigation of the ADL’s criminal activities.
The ADL was thus ensnared in a crisis that should have sent top ADL offi-
cials—and its police collaborators, including Tim Carroll—to jail.
This, however, is not the end of Carroll’s peculiar involvement in
the world of intrigue involving the ADL and the Mossad. In fact, shortly
after the SWAT-team raid on Liberty Lobby, Carroll suddenly “retired,”
only to mysteriously return to active duty a few weeks later as a “special
investigator” into the murder of Ian Stuart Spiro, a San Diego County
man whose strange death (along with his family) on Nov. 7, 1992 still
remains officially “unsolved.”
If Carroll was serious about solving the Spiro case he could have
referred to former Mossad officer Victor Ostrovsky’s The Other Side of
Deception. According to Ostrovsky, Spiro had worked with the Mossad
for years.The Mossad had given Spiro several million dollars to pay to a
third party. However, Spiro kept the money.Then, when a Mossad team
came to Spiro’s house to reclaim the money, the Mossad murdered his
family and Spiro was forced to give up the money and then fed poison
to make it appear he committed suicide after killing his family.
Ultimately—and to no one’s surprise—ADL asset Tim Carroll con-
cluded the Spiro case was a simple “murder-suicide.” No Mossad involve-
ment. No CIA intrigue. Just an everyday crime.That Carroll returned to
duty as the “investigator” into Spiro’s death suggested Carroll’s real job
was to whitewash the Mossad’s murder of the Spiro family.
The sheriff of San Diego County, who appointed Carroll to this new
assignment, was William Kolender, a dedicated Zionist. In March 1995—
at the time of the raid on Liberty Lobby—the San Diego ADL office
donated a computer system to Kolender’s office to assist him and
Carroll in keeping track of “hate crimes” in their jurisdiction.
In the end, by the way—despite the “big show” at the Carto home
and the office of Liberty Lobby—no charges were ever brought against
Mr. or Mrs. Carto. In fact, San Diego County settled out of court with the
Cartos after the couple brought a civil rights suit against the county in
response to the egregious attack staged by the ADL asset Carroll and his
law enforcement colleagues.
The bottom line is that Zionist influence (over a local law enforce-
ment agency) played the key part in a flagrantly illegal and dangerous
scheme to harass and intimdate an American patriot and his family. On a
pretext of phony allegations, Zionist-dominated law enforcement offi-
cers conducted a SWAT team raid that could have ended in tragedy.
The sad truth is that in years ahead it is likely that more and more
Americans will suffer what Willis and Elisabeth Carto were subjected to.
Only when Americans finally stand up and rebel and say “no more” and
reclaim their freedoms will this type of totalitarian tyranny be put to
rest. Let us pray that the Second American Revolution comes soon.
Chapter Forty-Four
“If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck . . .”
Jared Taylor and the New “Zionist-Friendly Nationalism”
David Duke’s 1990 campaign for the U.S. Senate. Miss Rich released an
audio tape to the national media that she had secretly recorded of
Duke’s private conversation with a supporter. The tape (taken entirely
out of context) was used to “prove” that Duke was a “Nazi.”
In fact, evidence demonstrates that Taylor does seem to have some
sort of friendly behind-the-scenes entente cordiale with the ADL.
According to one American revisionist, whose name is well known to
revisionists worldwide, Taylor’s wife-to-be, Miss Rich, received a phone
call at the home she shared with Taylor from no less than Irwin Suall, the
now-deceased longtime chief of the ADL’s “fact finding division.”
According to the source (who was visiting Taylor’s home at the time),
Taylor answered the phone, then handed it to Miss Rich saying, “It’s
Irwin Suall,” after which Miss Rich conversed with the ADL spymaster.
[Note: due to a court-issued gag order on the publisher of this
book, the name of the individual who witnessed Taylor’s call from the
ADL cannot be mentioned. However, the name of that person was pub-
lished some years ago in the now-defunct Spotlight newspaper.]
There is a great irony here. Although the ADL claims it opposes
“racism,” the fact is Taylor’s views on affirmative action and race quotas
are quite similar to those of the ADL and the American Jewish
Committee whose magazine, as noted, favorably reviewed Taylor’s
book. So perhaps the ADL-Taylor link is not really so surprising.
The inimitable Dr. Robert L. Brock, a longtime Black nationalist
who has been a no-holds-barred critic of the Israeli lobby, has summa-
rized Taylor’s stance: “Mr. Taylor talks about how Black folks commit
crime and how we’re not as smart as Whites but Mr.Taylor never men-
tions Zionist power in America.”
In May 2006, writing in his American Renaissance magazine,
Taylor lashed out at his critics whom he says advocate the theory of
what he calls “a Jewish conspiracy,” never addressing the role of Zionist
power in America.With such a tone, he implicitly dismisses criticism of
Zionist intrigue and makes it clear he is not about to be re-directed
despite the growing criticism of his position on this issue.
Considering all of this, particularly Taylor’s opposition to discus-
sion of Zionism and its role in American affairs, it’s probably worth
pointing out that Taylor—a graduate of Yale, a longtime recruiting
ground for the CIA—just happened to be wandering around in Ghana
during the early 1970s when that West African country was a major
focus of interest to the CIA and its allies in Israel’s Mossad.
Israeli historian Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi has written that “if Burma
was the great Israeli [geopolitical] success story in Asia, Ghana was the
equivalent in Africa.” Beit-Hallahmi writes that Israel’s outpost in Ghana
“turned out to be a stepping stone to the rest of Black Africa” but that
things went sour, much to Israel’s dismay. Beit Hallahmi points out that
the Mossad was riding high in Ghana for years:
For its own part, the Times’s daily “liberal” counterpart, The
Washington Post, declared editorially on January 21, 2005 that Bush’s
address was “more Wilsonian than conservative”—that is, recalling the
messianic internationalism of former U.S. President Woodrow Wilson,
hardly a hero of American nationalists or traditional conservatives.
Effectively endorsing Bush’s turnabout, the Post acknowledged.
that Bush’s pronouncement “promised an aggressive internationalism,
one that if seriously pursued would transform relations with many
nations around the world,”saying that if Bush is serious, U.S. policy “is on
the verge of a historic change.”
The fact is that since Chavez first came to power in 1999, the neo-
conservative “high priests of war”—along with their allies in pro-Israel
journals and propaganda outlets in the United States and worldwide—
had been muttering ominously that Chavez and his government are hos-
tile to the interests of Israel and therefore “anti-Semitic.”
Chavez and his supporters (quite correctly) saw Robertson’s
remarks as an effective “trial balloon” launched by Robertson in collab-
oration with the Bush administration—a scheme to focus attention on
Chavez, perceived as an enemy of Israel and of imperialism
Probably not coincidentally, Robertson’s call for Chavez’s murder
came on August 22, 2005—just shortly after the neo-conservative jour-
nal, The Weekly Standard, published a broadside aimed at Chavez in its
August 8 issue, claiming that Chavez was “a threat to more than just his
own people.” The article was devoted to the thesis that Chavez is a
threat to the tiny but wealthy Jewish population in Venezuela—roughly
22,000 people in a nation of 22 million.
The Standard bemoaned the fact that Venezuelan state television
broadcast a report speculating that Israel’s intelligence service, the
Mossad, may have been linked to the assassination of a local official in
Venezuela. Police officials conducted a raid on a Jewish school that was
believed by the government to be housing weapons that may have been
involved in the crime.
This act of national defense, against a perceived threat from the spy
agency of a foreign power—Israel—was presented by the Standard as
some sort of Adolf Hitler-style Gestapo action.Asserting that “hostility to
Jews has become one of the hallmarks of the Venezuelan government,”
the Standard cited a U.S. State Department “Report on Global Anti-
Semitism” that purported to document, in the Standard’s words,“how
openly anti-Semitic the Venezeulan government now is.”
Of particular concern to the pro-Israel journal is that one of
Chavez’s closest advisors was the late Norberto Ceresole, described as
“an Argentinian writer infamous for his books denying the Holocaust
and his conspiracy theories about Jewish plans to control the planet”
and whose book hailing Chavez, in its opening chapter, forcefully raised
questions about Zionist influence worldwide.
Chavez has refused to back down in the face of Zionist criticism.
In 2000, when he announced a trip to Iraq to visit Saddam Hussein,
Chavez taunted neo-conservative media critics by saying,“Imagine what
the Pharisees will say when they see me with Saddam Hussein.”
Actually, complaints by Israel’s supporters against Chavez go back
to the beginning of his first years in office. In 2000, the Stephen Roth
Institute on Anti-Semitism and Racism at the Tel Aviv University in Israel
regime. So the fact that Chavez has been friendly toward Castro—as vir-
tually all South American leaders, not to mention leaders worldwide,
have been—is hardly “proof” Chavez is a “communist.”
However, when Robertson went on his 700 Club—which is “must”
viewing among many grass-roots Republicans—and called for Chavez’s
murder, he was sending a message loud and clear: “We don’t like
Chavez.”The “we” in this case were the neo-conservatives and their allies
in Israel who have collaborated closely with Robertson and other
“Christian Right” television evangelists who have provided the Israeli
lobby with a fervent (and powerful) base of support.
In the end, all of this globalist saber-rattling in the name of some ill-
defined form of “democracy” as divined by George W. Bush’s philosoph-
ical mentor, Natan Sharansky, is hardly winning America any new friends
abroad. If anything, it is making America more enemies.
Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, often described as the “Father of Modern
Malaysia” and long respected as a voice for the developing countries, is
not backing down in the face of these war-like provocations. In a 2005
interview with Britain’s Guardian newspaper, the longtime Malaysian
prime minister (who retired in 2003) declared the Bush administration
a “rogue regime” and denounced Bush ally, British Prime Minister Tony
Blair, as a “proven liar” for having propagated misinformation and disin-
formation put forth by Bush and his pro-Israel policy advisors.
The outspoken Malaysian, who is highly regarded throughout the
developing world, created a major stir in 2003 when—in the course of
an extended lecture before an international gathering of leaders from
Muslim countries—he stated that “Jews rule the world by proxy,” only
one brief comment in a lengthy discourse, but one that was enough to
incite a global media frenzy.
However, Dr. Mahathir told the Guardian that he was not pre-
pared to withdraw his remarks. He said:
Even if you get bin Laden, you can't be sure there won't
be another bin Laden. You cannot get terrorists to sign a
peace treaty. The only way to beat terror is to go for the
basic causes.They don't blow themselves up for no reason,
they're angry, they're frustrated.
And why are they angry? Look at the Palestinian situa-
tion. Fifty years after you created the state of Israel, things
are going from bad to worse. If you don't settle that, there
will be no end to the war on terror. For how long are you
going to go on examining people's shoes?
s one effort to throw a roadblock in the way of imperialism
and wars to advance imperialism, Malaysia’s Dr. Mahathir has
assembled the Perdana Global Peace Organization—see per- on the Internet. On December 17, 2005 Dr. Mahathir
and those attending a special forum of the organization, announced the
Kuala Lumpur Initiative to Criminalize War.As its name implies, the ini-
tiative and the efforts to promote its message constitute a serious call for
a global drive to make the conduct of war a criminal act.The initiative
reads as follows:
That’s exactly what I have tried to do in the several books and the
thousands of published articles that I have written.
We can no longer continue worrying about offending “the nice
Jewish man next door whose sister lives in Israel.”
If that nice Jewish man resents the fact that grassroots Americans
don’t like the way the Israeli lobby is dictating U.S. foreign policy to the
detriment of America’s interests, that’s his problem.
To Steve, James the Poet, Van Loman, Curt Maynard, Jerry Myers,
Joe and Dee Fields,Tony Blizzard, and Paul Topete who keep me posted
on things I need to know. And to George Kadar, Scott Winchester and
Paul Christian Wolff for being the no-nonsense guys they are.
To A. G. Hassinger and Michael Williams—emerging leaders.
To Vince and Elaine Ryan—a dynamic duo.
To Dale & Mary Crowley—Christian Soldiers and my friends.
To Jim and Sylvia Floyd—the best.
To E and B who are simply great people.
To J and G for their enthusiasm.
To my friend—“Mother Earth”—who looks at the world as I do.
To KV—whose spirituality and friendship I appreciate deeply.
To J and E—who never forget my birthday.
To that gal from Little Chicago—and also her son—whose joint
interest in my work has been particularly rewarding.
To W & E who understand the bitter truths that so many fail to rec-
ognize.Your encouragement has been much appreciated.
To “The Home Owner,” whose insights continue to amaze me.
To “The Home Buyer,” who knows the score as few do.
To the late Ken and Lucy Lehman who told me to never shut up—
despite the opposition. I hold in trust for future generations the valuable
legacy that Lucy bequeathed me.
To “Sis” who taught me how to use the card catalogue.
To Ginny, whose opposition to my work has inspired me.
To Kirk Lyons who—with his friend Andreas Strassmeir—helped
many people finally understand what really happened in Oklahoma City
on April 19, 1995. Lyons’ performance in the courtroom in Pittsburgh
confirmed to me that I was on the right track all along.Thanks also to
Don Wassall for making the mistake of bringing him there.
To an assortment of Mossad-connected intriguers whose machina-
tions provided material for this book and who—unwittingly and to their
dismay—made it possible for the birth of two powerful publications,
American Free Press and The Barnes Review, that will play a major role
in defeating the forces that stand in opposition to American nationalism.
And last but very, very far from least . . .
To the ADL’s charming, skilled and clever longtime Undercover
Informant #1, Roy Bullock, who gave me my first-ever first-hand training
in knowing how to spot The Judas Goats—The Enemy Within.
The tradition of America First nationalism and opposition to U.S. meddling abroad
was maintained well into the mid-20th century by such figures as two eminent United
States Senators, Robert LaFollette (R-Wis.) and Burton Wheeler (D-Mont.)—top left
and center—who teamed up in 1924 as the candidates for president and vice president
of the Progressive Party. Prior to World War II, famed aviator Charles A. Lindbergh
(top right) emerged as a leading nationalist spokesman, fighting efforts by the Jewish
lobby, allied with pro-British forces, to drag America into World War II. A preeminent
American nationalist theoretician of the period, Lawrence Dennis (below left), was
actually charged with “sedition” for combating the war-mongering Franklin
Roosevelt administration. Inspired by earlier American nationalists, Willis A. Carto
(below center)—a friend of Dennis—kept the nationalist movement alive despite
strenuous efforts to destroy Carto and his work. Following in the path carved out by
Carto through the venue of Liberty Lobby, the Washington populist institution, long-
time Republican Party stalwart Pat Buchanan (below right) dumped the GOP and
emerged, at least for a time, as an outspoken nationalist voice in the electoral arena.
The split between Josef Stalin (above left) and his former Bolshevik ally, Leon Trotsky
(above center), laid the groundwork for the rise of a Trotskyite Communist element in
the United States (largely Jewish) that evolved into the modern-day “neo-conserva-
tive” movement. Today, these Trotskyite neo-conservatives are the vanguard of the
Zionist movement in America. During the days of the Cold War, the split between the
hard-line Russian nationalists surrounding Stalin and their Zionist-Trotskyite ene-
mies began overflowing into the American political arena, but most American nation-
alists and anti-Communists failed to understand the division, precisely because they
were being manipulated by Zionist Judas Goats. Among those American nationalists
who did learn the truth about the split between the Stalinists and the Zionists was the
late DeWest Hooker (upper right) whose own revelations appear in The Judas Goats—
The Enemy Within. Irving Kristol (below left) and Norman Podhoretz (below center)
were among the early Jewish Trotskyites in the United States who orchestrated the
shift to so-called neo-conservatism and with Kristol’s son, William Kristol (below
right), are among the most influential Zionist propagandists today.
Jewish “statesman” Bernard Baruch (above, far left), a war profiteer, never stopped
grasping for power. During the Cold War, when Josef Stalin’s Trotskyite foes were
establishing themselves as power players in America, Baruch and Jewish mob-linked
liquor king Louis Rosenstiel—shown above (left) with close friend, FBI Director J.
Edgar Hoover (right)—set up the American Jewish League Against Communism
(AJLAC), working to get the U.S. into a shooting war against the USSR or China or
both. AJLAC was a Trotskyite-Zionist combine. Shocking evidence indicates that Sen.
Joseph McCarthy was instigated and manipulated by AJLAC’s agent, Roy Cohn, who
was installed as McCarthy’s “handler.” (The two are shown below left). These facts
cast new light on the period when the Zionists and Trotskyites were whipping up Cold
War hysteria in America, at the time when anti-Zionist Russian nationalists were ris-
ing to power in the Soviet military-intelligence system. Meanwhile, Cohn’s close
friend, FBI chief Hoover (who received financial benefits from AJLAC’s Rosenstiel)
was in effective control of the Communist Party-USA through an informant, high-
ranking party officer, Morris Childs (lower right), an anti-Stalinist Jew.
The famed British spy for the KGB, Kim Philby (above left), doubled as a spy inside
the KGB itself on behalf of Israel’s intelligence service, the Mossad. This was at a time
when the split between Russian nationalists and the Zionist elements was intensifying
inside Russia in the early days of the Cold War between the U.S. and the USSR. Not
coincidentally, Philby was a close friend of top American CIA official James Jesus
Angleton (above center), a devoted Mossad ally inside the CIA. Among other fantasies,
Angleton promoted the theory that a communist assassin murdered President John F.
Kennedy, a theme echoed by Robert Welch (top right), founder of the John Birch
Society (JBS). Following the Angleton line, the JBS touted the claim that Israel was a
bulwark against Soviet expansionism. The JBS received unusually widespread public-
ity in the controlled media in America. So-called “neo-conservatives” such as hard-
line Zionists Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz and I. Lewis Libby (below left to right)
echoed the Angleton-Birch line and it became the foundation of their advancement
inside the conservative (and Republican) apparatus in the national security establish-
ment, the think tanks, foundations and other policy-making pressure groups.
Billionaire Rockefeller brothers David and Nelson (above left and center), were ene-
mies of the traditional nationalists in Republican Party ranks and—in alliance with
the Rothschild family—pushed internationalist policies through groups such as
Bilderberg and the Council on Foreign Relations (a “junior” branch of the
Rothschild-funded Royal Institute of International Affairs in London). In a brilliant
tactical move, to undermine traditional nationalism, the Rockefellers funded the
American political ventures of Sun Myung Moon (above right), the Korean cult leader.
Moon set up the “conservative” Washington Times newspaper and an influence-ped-
dling network surrounding it, sprinkling money among conservative leaders, urging
them to shift to internationalism. Although posturing as a conservative, Rep. Newt
Gingrich (R-Ga.)—bottom left—was a “Rockefeller Republican” who rose to power
through a secret deal with the liberal Washington Post. Sen. Jesse Helms (R-N.C.)—
bottom center—flip-flopped, going internationalist and feverishly supporting Israel
after billionaire media baron S. I. Newhouse (bottom right) came to Helms’ rescue,
intervening and curtailing the flow of Zionist money to Helms’ reelection opponent.
Although Australian-born Rupert Murdoch (top left) made billions as head of the
global media giant, the News Corporation, parent of Fox News, the shamelessly impe-
rialist-minded pro-Zionist propaganda network, it’s long been known Murdoch and
his media empire were essentially “created” by a joint effort of even wealthier billion-
aire Zionist patrons including Lord Jacob Rothschild of London (top center) and
liquor king Edgar Bronfman of Montreal (top right). Like Murdoch, now a U.S. citi-
zen, Bronfman—longtime head of the World Jewish Congress—owns a controlling
interest in the Time-Warner media empire and has used its outreach to enthusiasti-
cally promote multiple pro-Israel propaganda ventures of television evangelist Tim
LaHaye (bottom right). Like-minded pro-Zionist False Prophets such as Pat
Robertson and Jerry Falwell (below left and center) receive valuable publicity in
Zionist-controlled media, precisely because they are Judas Goats leading Christians
into supporting the Zionist cause, even to the point of siding with Israel over fellow
Christians among the Arab people. (For more details of how these “Christian” Judas
Goats act on behalf of Zionism, see The High Priests of War by Michael Collins Piper.)
Delmar Dennis (upper left) was an FBI informant inside the Ku Klux Klan in
Mississippi and was later highly praised by the John Birch Society for his efforts on
behalf of the FBI. In another Klan group, the leader, Bill Wilkinson (above center),
was a valued FBI informant whose handlers told him it was “okay” to condemn
Blacks, but never Jews. Another FBI fink in a KKK unit, Gary Rowe (above right,
hiding behind a mask while giving testimony to Congress), repeatedly instigated Klan
violence, including the murder of civil rights activist Viola Liuzzo. Under the alias
“Jimmy Anderson,” Anti-Defamation League (ADL) asset James Rosenberg (lower
left) became a prominent KKK and “neo-Nazi” agitator organizing “hate” rallies
widely noted in the press. Only later was this Jewish lad exposed as an ADL trouble-
maker. KKK man Alton Roberts (below center) and his brother were paid $36,500 by
New Orleans ADL chief A. I. Botnick, to set up a fellow KKK man in a “sting” that
led to 26-year-old teacher, Kathy Ainsworth (below right), being killed. Botnick’s close
ties to ex-FBI man (and CIA asset) Guy Banister—who deployed accused JFK assas-
sin Lee Oswald as an ADL-style “fact finder”—have never been adequately explored.
The late highly regarded nationalist Sam Francis (above left), was one of the first to
suggest that Hebrew-speaking German immigrant Andreas Strassmeir (above cen-
ter)—who was posturing as a “neo-Nazi”—was some type of undercover informant in
the Oklahoma City bombing plot. When The Spotlight forcefully asserted Strassmeir
was precisely that, many nationalists refused to believe “Andy the German” was a
Judas Goat, since Strassmeir was warmly endorsed by his close friend, self-styled
“nationalist attorney” Kirk Lyons (above right). Investigators have since found evi-
dence proving Strassmeir was indeed an informant for the Southern Poverty Law
Center of Morris Dees (below left). It’s also known that the Anti-Defamation League,
headed by Abe Foxman (below center), was monitoring Strassmeir’s crony, confessed
bomber Tim McVeigh, for over a year prior to the bombing. Strassmeir’s apparent
“handler,” Kirk Lyons, was also a close friend of—and lawyer for—the enigmatic Don
Wassall (below right), who shut down the Populist Party. Michael Collins Piper once
publicly confronted Lyons in federal court, accusing him of being an FBI asset. (See
page 288 for a description of Lyons’ hysterical, bizarre and quite telling response.)
TWO OSWALDS—TWO McVEIGHS? Ten days after the Oklahoma bombing, a “right wing”
Israeli terrorist, 28-year-old Sharon Toval, was arrested in New York and deported to Israel. The
one known photograph of Toval (top center) shows someone who—without beard and mus-
tache—could be mistaken by a stranger for accused bomber Tim McVeigh (top right) and also
bears a likeness to the famous “John Doe No. 1” image (above left) that authorities initially
released after the bombing and which was used to implicate McVeigh. In fact, McVeigh’s attor-
neys were said to have been looking into the possibility “right wing terrorists” from Israel had a
hand in the bombing. This postcard (shown below) featuring a famous Depression-era photo-
graph, titled “Black Sunday” (which had been the name of a well-known 1977 Hollywood film
about terrorism), was mailed—inside a hand-addressed envelope—to the Washington office of
The Spotlight newspaper from Oklahoma City on April 17, 1995 (see postmark inset), two days
before the bombing. An original caption on the photo noted “Dust Storm Approaching . . . April
14, [19]35.” The postcard arrived at The Spotlight the day after the bombing and was immedi-
ately turned over to the FBI, which was more interested in trying to implicate The Spotlight in the
bombing than investigating who had sent the card, which clearly indicated foreknowledge of the
bombing. The handwriting on the envelope was not that of McVeigh or his alleged co-conspira-
tor, Terry Nichols. The card’s existence is proof positive of a very big plot by Zionist-run Judas
Goats to implicate anti-Zionist forces in that horrible tragedy.
For decades, Roy Bullock (above left) was the foremost undercover operative of the
Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of B’nai B’rith, the American propaganda, lobbying
and intelligence arm of Israel’s clandestine services agency, the Mossad. Bullock’s
superior was Irwin Suall (above center), longtime chief of the ADL’s so-called “fact
finding” division. Bullock was first publicly unmasked as an ADL spy in an article by
Michael Collins Piper in Liberty Lobby’s weekly newspaper, The Spotlight, but it was
years before Bullock’s work for the ADL was confirmed by authorities investigating
the ADL’s criminal activity. Another longtime ADL operative was Sanford Griffith
(above right) who also served before and during World War II as a top spy for British
intelligence. Three prominent victims of ADL spying included (below, left to right): Dr.
Martin Luther King, Jr., who the ADL considered a “loose cannon,” according to a
former ADL official; King’s friend, the popular comic, social critic and assassinations
investigator Dick Gregory; and Black nationalist leader Malcolm X, who complained
about ADL spying to his mentor, Nation of Islam founder Elijah Muhammed (not pic-
tured). The ADL spied on thousands of people and turned the data over to the FBI.
Rabbi Meyer Schiller (top left) brags that his close association with “nationalist”
Jared Taylor (inset) has helped lessen opposition to Zionism among American nation-
alists. Yale man Taylor—whose wife had a friendly working relationship with ADL
spy chief Irwin Suall—was wandering about Ghana when that country was of special
interest to the CIA and the Mossad. Today, Taylor seeks to “denazify” the nationalist
movement. Michael Chertoff (top center)—whose mother worked for Israeli intelli-
gence—is now in charge of America’s “homeland security.” Previously, while in a top
post at the Justice Department, Chertoff orchestrated trumped-up criminal charges
against two outspoken critics of U.S. support for Israel: ex-Louisiana State Rep. David
Duke (upper right) and then-U.S. Rep. Jim Traficant (D-Ohio) (right). The late
Malachi Martin (below left) is now known to have been a spy inside the Vatican (in the
early 1960s) for the Anti-Defamation League and the American Jewish Committee
(AJC). A close friend and collaborator of CIA asset William F. Buckley, Jr., Martin
was a regular writer for the AJC’s Commentary (which also promoted Jared Taylor’s
work). This magnificent German Shepherd, Charlie (below), was brutally maced by
police officers raiding the home of Liberty Lobby founder Willis Carto. Charlie’s
abusers were acting illegally at the direction of a “dirty” cop who was a known ADL
asset. Charlie, now deceased, was a better creature than any two-legged Judas Goat.
An array of evidence suggests that not only Bill and Hillary Clinton but also Sen. John
Kerry (D-Mass.)—shown above—were longstanding covert CIA assets. Bill Clinton
was (and Kerry was almost certainly) a CIA informant in the anti-Vietnam War move-
ment. Like her husband, Hillary was immersed in the CIA’s weapons and drugs smug-
gling out of Mena, Arkansas, a pivotal corner of the Israeli-instigated Iran-contra
affair. Hillary was also involved in the secret arming of Iraq at the time the U.S. and
Israel were “tilting” to Iraq during the Iran-Iraq war. Allard Lowenstein (lower left)
was an anti-war movement hero in the 1960s, but it turns out he was both a CIA
informant and an asset of Israel’s Mossad. In the 1940 presidential election, British
and Zionist agents foisted Wendell Willkie (below center) on the GOP in the same
manner pro-Iraq war Zionist elements boosted John Kerry to the Democratic nomi-
nation in 2004. This satisfied the Zionist need to have both major parties field pro-war
candidates in both critical elections. Today, predatory Zionist billionaire George Soros
(lower right) is funding dissident “progressive” groups to make certain they do not
stray out of line: Bought and paid for, they are the classic “controlled opposition.”
A gallery of Judas Goats in the “Conservative” Media. These are just a few of the
more egregious voices for Zionist Internationalism, but there are many more.
n March 10, 2003,
Michael Collins
Piper sparked a
firestorm of frenzy
from the Zionist
lobby in America, when he
addressed the topic of “Zionist
Influence on the American Media.”
Piper was the featured speaker at the
Arab League’s official think tank, the
distinguished Zayed Centre for
Coordination and Follow-Up based in Abu Dhabi in the United
Arab Emirates. Here’s the un-censored text of Piper’s historic
speech—the first ever in more than fifty years by an American
nationalist to an official assembly of the Arab League. Read for
yourself what journalists, ambassadors and opinion-makers from
around the globe heard in Abu Dhabi. Piper upset the Zionists for
daring to say who really controls the media in America and how
they have used that power to shape the course of American and
world affairs. There is no copyright on this document. This 8.5 x 11
document is yours to reproduce at your own expense for wide-
spread distribution. Zionist Influence on the American Media, soft-
cover, Six two-sided pages (numbered 1-12). Donation: $10.00
nlike anything ever pub-
lished in the modern
day, this explosive study
combines in 184 pages,
for the first time ever
between two covers, all of the amazing
facts and figures which document the
massive accumulation of wealth and
power by those who have used that
influence to direct the course of U.S.
foreign and domestic policy today.
While there are many historical books
on “the Israeli lobby” and about Zionist intrigues, etc, this is the
only book that brings things “up to date” and constitutes a bold
and thorough inquiry. Chapters include a list of prominent figures
throughout history accused of “anti-Zionism” and “anti-
Semitism,” a detailed dissection of the Bronfman family, who are
often called “the Royal family of American Zionism,” an eye-open-
ing summary of some 200 little-known, immensely wealthy
Zionist families in America; a fascinating inquiry in to the infa-
mous Enron and INSLAW affairs, documenting the suppressed
“Zionist connection” plus more. The New Jerusalem, softcover, 176
pages, $19.95.
he secret history of how
America’s “neo-conserva-
tive” Trotskyites came to
power and orchestrated the
war against Iraq as the first
step in their drive for Global Empire,
the so-called New World Order. This is
the only full-length book on the “neo-
cons” that tells the entire story—no
holds-barred. The book is now being
circulated internationally and is being
translated into a variety of languages,
acclaimed as the one book that explains the “who, what, when,
where, why and how” of the tragic involvement of the United States
in the Iraq war. This fast-reading, carefully-documented 144-page
volume has helped spread the word about the REAL reason for the
Iraq war and how it is all part of a grand design that is being sup-
pressed by the Controlled Media. Large photo section shows who
these neo-cons are and the role they play in the plot. The High
Priests of War, softcover, 144 pages, $19.95.
his massive 768-page volume
is just now back from the
printer in the second printing
of its Sixth Edition, contain-
ing explosive new material.
More than 45,000 copies of previous edi-
tion of this book are in circulation here
and around the world, documenting—
just as Israeli nuclear whistle-blower
Mordechai Vanunu has said—that JFK’s
obstinate efforts to prevent Israel from
building nuclear weapons of mass
destruction played a critical role in the conspiracy behind JFK’s assas-
sination. On the strength of this amazing book, Piper has been invit-
ed all over the world to discuss his findings—everywhere from the
Arab world to Moscow to Malaysia and Japan. Find out what the rest
of the world knows about JFK’s assassination and what the
Controlled Media wants to keep under wraps. This is definitively the
last word on the subject, endorsed by former high-ranking Pentagon
and State Department officials and endless numbers of independent
researchers who aren’t afraid to utter the dreaded word . . . Mossad.
Final Judgment, softcover, 768 pages, 1,000+ footnotes, $25.
Dear Friend:
Zionist scheme to exploit America’s military might to conquer the globe;
that good people who oppose the Zionist Imperium must put aside dif-
ferences and close ranks, united for the final battle. Passionate, making
no pretense of being without bias, Piper identifies and savages those who
manifest attitudes of open hatred for nationalism and freedom. Having
fashioned historical writing into an art form, Piper has few peers. Nor are
proves precisely how pro-American he is.
—Ryu Ohta, Chairman of the Society for the Critique
of Contemporary Civilization, based in Tokyo, Japan