Auxite AND Lumina: by Patricia A. Plunkert

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By Patricia A. Plunkert
Domestic survey data and tables were prepared by Jamal I. Dimashk, statistical assistant, and the world production tables
were prepared by Regina R. Coleman, international data coordinator.

Bauxite is a naturally occurring, heterogeneous material U.S. production of alumina (calcined equivalent), derived
comprised primarily of one or more aluminum hydroxide almost exclusively from imported metallurgical-grade bauxite,
minerals plus various mixtures of aluminosilicates (clay, etc.), increased by 11% compared with that of 2002 (table 2). An
iron oxide (Fe2O3), silica (SiO2), titania (TiO2), and other estimated 91% of the alumina shipped by U.S. refineries went
impurities in trace amounts. The principal aluminum hydroxide to domestic primary smelters for aluminum metal production.
minerals found in varying proportions within bauxite are Consumption by the abrasives, chemicals, refractories, and
gibbsite [Al(OH)3] and the polymorphs boehmite and diaspore specialties industries accounted for the remainder of U.S.
[both AlO(OH)]. alumina shipments.
Bauxite is typically classified according to its intended World output of alumina increased by 3% in 2003 compared
commercial application, such as abrasive, cement, chemical, with that of 2002. The principal producing countries, in
metallurgical, and refractory. Of all bauxite mined, approximately descending order of alumina output, were Australia, China, the
85% is converted to alumina (Al2O3) for the production of United States, Brazil, and Jamaica. These countries accounted
aluminum metal, and an additional 10% is converted to various for 64% of the world’s production; Australia alone accounted for
forms of specialty aluminas for nonmetal uses. The remaining about 30% of total world production (table 12).
5% is used directly for nonmetallurgical bauxite applications. The
bulk of world bauxite production is used, therefore, as feed for the Legislation and Government Programs
manufacture of alumina via a wet chemical caustic leach process
known as the Bayer process. Most of the alumina produced from In October, the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) released its
this refining process is smelted using the Hall-Héroult process Annual Materials Plan (AMP) for the National Defense Stockpile
to produce aluminum metal by electrolytic reduction in a molten (NDS) for fiscal year 2004 (October 1, 2003, to September 30,
bath of natural or synthetic cryolite (NaAlF6). 2004). The 2004 AMP provided for the sale of 43,700 calcined
Specifications for the nonmetallurgical grades of bauxite are metric tons (43,000 calcined long tons) of refractory-grade
more stringent than those for bauxite used to produce alumina bauxite in fiscal year 2004 (Defense Logistics Agency, 2003).
and are based on the processing requirements and special This was the maximum amount recommended for disposal during
properties required of their final commercial products. The the fiscal year, and the actual level of sales would depend upon
natural chemical impurities that exist within these specialty- prevailing market conditions and available inventory.
grade ores are not chemically removed by refining because the At yearend 2003, the uncommitted inventory for Jamaica
ores are used as direct feed for the production of their ultimate type, metallurgical-grade bauxite was depleted, and the NDS
end products. Although global figures on nonmetallurgical calcined refractory-grade bauxite inventory was 42,400 calcined
bauxite production and consumption are not commonly metric tons (41,800 calcined long tons) (Defense Logistics
available, the principal industrial end uses are considered to be Agency, 2004).
in refractories and abrasives, followed by cement applications.
In addition, the aluminum chemicals and steel industries also Production
consume significant quantities of bauxite.
Twenty-two countries reported bauxite mine production in Bauxite.—For many years, domestic mines have supplied
2003, and total world production increased by 2% compared less than 1% of the U.S. requirement for bauxite. Essentially all
with that of 2002 (table 11). Australia, Brazil, Guinea, and the domestic bauxite production was used in nonmetallurgical
Jamaica accounted for about two-thirds of the total bauxite products, such as abrasives, chemicals, proppants, and
mined in 2003. The principal sources of non-metallurgical- refractories. Thus, the United States imported almost all the
grade bauxite were limited to only a handful of countries— bauxite that it required, especially the metallurgical grade.
abrasive grade was produced in Australia, China, Greece, Alumina.—In December, Ormet Corp. restarted the 600,000-
Guinea, Guyana, and Italy, and refractory grade, in Brazil, metric-ton-per-year (t/yr) Burnside, LA, refinery that had been
China, and Guyana (Russell, 1999, p. 49, 58). closed since February 2001. The restart was prompted by a
Total reported world reserves of bauxite are sufficient to meet dramatic rise in alumina prices during the year (Ormet Corp.,
cumulative world primary aluminum metal demand well into the 2003).
21st century. Although bauxite reserves are unevenly distributed The alumina production rate at Alcoa Inc.’s Point Comfort,
throughout the world, with approximately 90% in about a dozen TX, refinery returned to full capacity of 2.3 million metric tons
countries, the sheer magnitude of these reserves (23 billion per year (Mt/yr) at the end of the second quarter. The refinery
metric tons) is sufficient to ensure a readily accessible supply had been operating at a reduced rate of 1.8 Mt/yr since February
for the future (Plunkert, 2004). 2001 (Alcoa Inc., 2003d).


Sherwin Alumina Company (a division of BPU Reynolds refractories, and specialties industries accounted for the
Inc.) signed a $96 million, 3-year contract to provide 160,000 remainder of U.S. alumina use.
t/yr of smelter-grade alumina to China. This was the company’s
first agreement to ship product from its 1.6-Mt/yr Corpus Prices
Christi, TX, refinery to China (Zielenbach, 2003§1).
Kaiser Aluminum & Chemical Corp., which filed for Most metallurgical-grade bauxite and alumina was purchased
bankruptcy protection at the beginning of 2002, filed a motion under long-term contracts. Contract terms normally were not
in a U.S. bankruptcy court requesting that November 7 be set as made public. Spot prices for metallurgical-grade alumina and
a deadline for bids for the following four of its assets: the 1.25- specialty forms of bauxite and alumina for nonmetallurgical
Mt/yr Gramercy, LA, alumina refinery; a 65% interest in Alumina applications, however, were published in trade journals.
Partners of Jamaica (Alpart); a 49% interest in Kaiser Jamaica Industrial Minerals (2003c) quoted end-of-year prices
Bauxite Co. (KJBC); and a 49% interest in the Anglesey, United for several types of imported refractory-grade bauxite from
Kingdom, primary aluminum smelter. Alpart operated a bauxite Brazil, China, and Guyana. The price range for bulk Brazilian
mine and a 1.45-Mt/yr alumina refinery in Nain, Jamaica. KJBC refractory-grade bauxite was $115 to $130 per metric ton,
produced about 4 Mt/yr of bauxite, about 60% of which was free on board (f.o.b.) Brazil. The price quotes for Chinese
shipped to Gramercy (Mining Journal, 2003f). refractory-grade bauxite, minimum 87% Al2O3 f.o.b. Chinese
GEO Specialty Chemicals Inc. started production of alumina ports, were as follows: Shanxi, shaft, lump, $68 to $78 per
chemicals at its new plant in Lake Charles, LA. The plant was ton; Shanxi, rotary, lump, $84 to $92 per ton; and Guizhou,
expected to predominantly produce sodium aluminate, which rotary, lump, $84 to $92 per ton. The price range for Guyanese
could be used by the catalyst, pulp and paper, titanium dioxide, refractory-grade bauxite was $160 to $170 per ton, f.o.b. barge,
and water treatment industries (Industrial Minerals, 2003b). U.S. Gulf Coast. The 2003 annual average values of U.S.
Sherwin Alumina and Nabaltec GmbH of Schwandorf, imports of metallurgical-grade bauxite are listed in table 7.
Germany, signed a memorandum of understanding to establish The market or spot prices for alumina increased dramatically
a joint-venture company, Nashtec LP. Nashtec would build in 2003 owing to tight global supplies and strong demand
and operate a 23,000-t/yr specialty alumina plant at Sherwin’s from China. According to Metal Bulletin, metallurgical-grade
Corpus Christi site with an anticipated mid-2005 startup date alumina spot prices on international markets began 2003 at $175
(Sherwin Alumina Company, 2003). to $190 per ton. The price range trended upward during the
Alcoa announced the sale of Alcoa Specialty Chemicals year and had reached $330 to $350 per ton by yearend. Trade
(ASC) to Rhone Capital LLC. ASC operated 11 facilities data released by the U.S. Census Bureau indicated that the 2003
in 6 countries. In addition to facilities in North America, average annual value of U.S. imports of calcined alumina was
Europe, Japan, and an equity stake in Australia, ASC operated $215 per ton, free alongside ship (f.a.s.) port of shipment, and
production and processing centers in the growing markets of $225 per ton, cost, insurance, and freight (c.i.f.) U.S. ports.
China and India. ASC products were used by the automotive,
cement, ceramics, electronics, plastics, and steel industries Trade
(Alcoa Inc., 2003a).
In addition to the materials listed in tables 8-10, various
Consumption specialty aluminum compounds were also traded. The
compounds exported in 2003 included 14,800 t of aluminum
Bauxite.—Total domestic consumption of bauxite increased chloride; 12,200 t of fluoride-based compounds of aluminum,
by about 12% compared with that of 2002. In 2003, 94% of the including synthetic cryolite and aluminum fluoride; 11,800 t of
bauxite consumed in the United States was refined to alumina aluminum oxide abrasives; and 9,210 t of aluminum sulfate. The
[an estimated 2.1 metric tons (t) of dried bauxite was required compounds imported in 2003 included 164,000 t of aluminum
to produce 1 t of alumina]; the remaining 6% was consumed in oxide abrasives, 10,100 t of fluoride-based aluminum compounds,
nonmetallurgical applications (table 4). Domestic production 5,360 t of aluminum sulfate, and 883 t of aluminum chloride.
and consumption data for bauxite and alumina were obtained by
the U.S. Geological Survey from three voluntary surveys of U.S. World Industry Structure
operations. One of these surveys is “Bauxite Consumption,”
sent to 33 operations, 25 of which responded, representing 99% In 2003, world production of bauxite increased by 2%
of the bauxite consumed for uses other than cement listed in compared with that of 2002 (table 11). Mine production was
table 4. reported in 22 countries, and total world production amounted
Alumina.—An estimated 91% of the alumina shipped by to more than 146 Mt. The leading producers of bauxite, in
U.S. alumina plants went to primary aluminum smelters for decreasing order of tonnage mined, continued to be Australia,
metal production. In 2003, 15 domestic primary aluminum Guinea, Jamaica, and Brazil, which accounted for about two-
smelters consumed 4.95 million metric tons (Mt) of alumina. thirds of total world production.
Consumption in various forms by the abrasives, chemicals, World output of alumina increased by 3% in 2003 compared
with that of 2002 (table 12). The four principal producing
A reference that includes a section mark (§) is found in the Internet countries, in order of quantity of alumina produced, were
Reference Cited section. Australia, China, the United States, and Brazil. These countries


accounted for about 57% of the world’s production; Australia AWAC announced plans for an efficiency upgrade at its
alone accounted for about 30%. Pinjarra alumina refinery in Western Australia that would
Industry Mergers.—On July 7, Alcan Inc. announced an increase capacity from 3.4 Mt/yr to 4.0 Mt/yr. Engineering
unsolicited offer to acquire Pechiney securities. In August, work was underway and, pending final government approvals,
Alcan received clearance from the French Government to the $270 million project could be completed by 2005 (Alcoa
proceed with the purchase. In September, the European Inc., 2003c).
Commission granted acquisition clearance subject to certain Kobe Steel announced the sale of its 30% interest in the Kobe
commitments and conditions, including the licensing of alumina Alumina Associates (KAA) consortium to the other members,
refining technology, aluminum smelter cell technology, and Nissho Iwai Corp. and Itochu Corp. KAA owned a 10% interest
anode baking furnace designs. The U.S. Department of Justice in the 3.2-Mt/yr Worsley alumina refinery in Western Australia
granted clearance for the acquisition upon the condition that (Metal Bulletin, 2003b).
Alcan divest itself of Pechiney’s aluminum rolling mill located Bosnia and Herzegovina.—The Birac alumina refinery in
in Ravenswood, WV. By the beginning of 2004, Alcan had Republika Srpska completed the first stage of its modernization
completed the purchase of all outstanding Pechiney securities, program. One of the 600,000-t/yr plant’s four production lines
and Pechiney became an Alcan subsidiary. As a result of the came onstream in September and reportedly was producing
acquisition, Alcan increased its ownership to 41.4% from 21.4% at the rate of 12,500 metric tons per month (t/mo). A second
in Queensland Alumina Ltd. (Australia) and to 43% from 33% line that would increase production levels to 25,000 t/mo was
in Halco (Mining) Inc.; Halco held a 51% interest in Compagnie scheduled to start up at yearend. Ukio Banko Investicine
de Bauxites de Guinée (CBG), the remaining 49% being held Grupe, a Lithuanian venture capital company, acquired a 63.8%
by the Republic of Guinea. Thus, Alcan went to a 22% equity controlling interest in the refinery in December 2001 (Metal
interest in CBG from an effective 17% interest. Pechiney Bulletin, 2003a).
also owned and operated the 650,000-t/yr Gardanne alumina Brazil.—Alumina do Norte do Brasil SA (Alunorte)
refinery in France; the 17,000-t/yr specialty alumina plant in commissioned a third, 825,000-t/yr production line that increased
Teutschental, Germany; and a 60.2% interest in both the Delphi- capacity at the refinery to approximately 2.4 Mt/yr from 1.6 Mt/yr
Distomon bauxite mines and the 750,000-t/yr Saint Nicolas (Mining Journal, 2003c). The owners of the Alunorte refinery
alumina refinery in Greece (Alcan Inc., 2004, p. 10-16, 32-35). [Companhia Vale do Rio Doce S.A. (CVRD), 57.03%; Norsk
Hydro ASA, 34.03%; Nippon Amazon Aluminium Co. Ltd.,
World Review 5.32%; and Votorantim Inc., 3.62%] approved the construction
of a fourth and fifth production line that would increase capacity
Australia.—Comalco Aluminium Ltd. (a wholly owned by 1.8 Mt/yr to 4.2 Mt/yr. Work on the $583 million project
subsidiary of Rio Tinto Ltd.) signed a long-term sales agreement was expected to be completed by yearend 2006. Bauxite for
to supply 500,000 t/yr of alumina to Hydro Aluminium from these lines was scheduled to come from development of the
2006 to 2030. Deliveries were expected to start in 2005 at new Paragominas Mine, which was wholly owned by CVRD.
300,000 t/yr. The alumina would be supplied from Comalco’s The property reportedly contained 878 Mt of bauxite. Initial
new refinery in Gladstone, Queensland, scheduled to begin production at the rate of 4.5 Mt/yr was scheduled to coincide with
shipments in 2005, and from Comalco’s 38.6% interest in the completion of the refinery expansion (Mining Journal, 2003b).
the existing 3.65-Mt/yr Gladstone refinery. Hydro reported CVRD reported that the refinery expansion was proceeding as
that the alumina would be used to feed its Kurri Kurri and scheduled despite a delay in the approval of an environmental
Tomago smelters in New South Wales (Hydro Aluminium, permit for the Paragominas Mine (Kinch, 2003).
2003). Comalco also announced plans to expand mine capacity Alcoa acquired the Camargo Correa Group’s 40.9% interest
at Weipa to 16.6 Mt/yr from 11.5 Mt/yr in order to provide in its South American operations that included businesses
sufficient ore for the new Gladstone refinery (Clarke, 2003). in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Peru, Uruguay, and
Alumina Ltd., the resultant alumina venture from the Venezuela. The largest subsidiary in the group was Alcoa
demerger of Western Mining Corporation, purchased QBE Aluminio S.A., which was headquartered in Sao Paulo and
Insurance Group’s 0.75% share in Alcoa of Australia. The operated mining, refining, smelting, and fabrication facilities at
purchase increased Alumina Ltd.’s share in Alcoa of Australia various locations in Brazil (Alcoa Inc., 2003b).
to 40% from 39.25%, matching its 40:60 split with Alcoa in the China.—Aluminum Corp. of China (Chalco) completed
Alcoa World Alumina and Chemicals (AWAC) joint venture the Phase 2 expansion of its Pingguo alumina refinery, which
(Mining Journal, 2003a). increased the plant’s capacity by 400,000 t/yr to 850,000 t/yr of
Alcan selected LSL Joint Venture (a newly formed, alumina (Platts Metals Week, 2003).
unincorporated joint venture between the Australian Guinea.—Guinea Aluminium Products Co. (Gapco)
construction company Leighton Contractors Pty Limited announced plans to build a 2.6-Mt/yr alumina refinery near
and an Australian subsidiary of the Canadian engineering the Sangaredi bauxite mine in the eastern region of Boke.
and construction firm SNC-Lavalin Group Inc.) to prepare a Sangaredi was operated by CBG, a joint venture that was
feasibility study for the proposed expansion of Alcan’s alumina 49% owned by the Government of Guinea and 51% by Halco
refinery at Gove in the Northern Territory. The proposed (a consortium run by Alcan, Alcoa, and Pechiney). Gapco
expansion would increase capacity at Gove from 2 Mt/yr to was seeking to arrange financing for the $2.2 billion project
approximately 3.5 Mt/yr (Alcan Inc., 2003). (American Metal Market, 2003).


Russian Aluminum Company (Rusal) gained control of Suriname.—Alcoa (55%) and BHP Billiton (45%) [joint
Alumina Co. of Guinea, which held a 23-year lease on the owners of Suriname Aluminum Company, L.L.C. (Suralco)]
Friguia alumina refinery complex. The complex comprised broke ground on a $65 million expansion of the Paranam
a bauxite mine and a 700,000-t/yr alumina refinery. Rusal alumina refinery. Upon completion of the 250,000-t/yr
announced plans to expand capacity at Friguia to 1.2 Mt/yr. In expansion, scheduled for July 2005, capacity at the refinery
2001, Rusal signed a 25-year agreement to manage Société des would increase to approximately 2.2 Mt/yr (Alcoa Inc., 2003c).
Bauxite de Kindia, which operated bauxite mines northeast of Vietnam.—Chalco reportedly agreed to join a Chinese
Conakry. The agreement included plans to invest $40 million Government initiative to develop a bauxite mine and alumina
during the next 3 years to increase mine production to about 3 refinery in the Dac Nong District of Vietnam. The project in the
Mt/yr from 1.5 Mt/yr (Mining Journal, 2003g). Central Highlands was expected to be developed in conjunction
Guyana.—Cambior Inc. of Canada assumed management with the China Non-ferrous Mining and Construction Group
of the bauxite operations of Linden Mining Enterprise Ltd. and Vietnam National Mineral Corporation (Vimico) (Mining
(Linmine) on a contractual basis through its subsidiary Omai Journal, 2003d).
Bauxite Co. Cambior was expected to manage bauxite
production and processing, maintenance, marketing, and Outlook
shipping on a direct charge basis (Taylor, 2003).
India.—Hindalco Industries Ltd. completed the expansion As the world economies continued to recover, world demand
of its facilities at Renukoot in the State of Uttar Pradesh. The for aluminum was expected to increase. In the short term,
project increased the alumina refinery capacity to 660,000 t/yr demand could outstrip supply. The uncertainty for aluminum
and the smelter capacity to 345,000 t/yr. By removing process as well as for many other mineral commodities was China.
bottlenecks, Hindalco planned to further increase capacity at the China’s demand for aluminum, in recent years, grew at double-
complex to 700,000 t/yr of alumina and 360,000 t/yr of metal by digit rates. There have been some signs, however, that the rate
mid-2005 (Mining Journal, 2003e). of increase in consumption may be slowing slightly. Reported
Sterlite Industries Ltd. signed a memorandum of shortages in power generation could also lead to a decrease in
understanding with the Government of the State of Orissa to China’s aluminum metal production. In the near term, however,
construct an alumina and bauxite complex at Lanjigarh. The announced expansions in worldwide smelter production should
refinery was expected to have an initial capacity of 1 Mt/yr. The be adequate to meet the anticipated demand growth.
bauxite deposits in the area reportedly contained about 120 Mt World alumina supplies were limited during most of 2004,
of bauxite (Metal Bulletin, 2003c). which promoted a market situation that was extremely sensitive
Jamaica.—Alcoa completed a 250,000-t/yr expansion at to any supply disruptions, such as those that occurred in the
its Jamaica Alumina Co. (Jamalco) refinery in Clarendon that Caribbean, or shifts in the buying patterns of consumers,
increased capacity to 1.25 Mt/yr and removed a nearly 30-year- especially those in China. This market sensitivity was likely to
old levy on bauxite production, the result of a previous agreement continue in the near term or until metal market growth slows
with the Government. Jamalco was a 50-50 joint venture between and alumina expansion projects are completed.
Alcoa and the Government of Jamaica (Alcoa Inc., 2003c).
Kazakhstan.—Switzerland’s Corica AG (a subsidiary of J&W References Cited
Investment Group) purchased a 31.76% share of Aluminum of
Kazakhstan, which controlled the 1.5-Mt/yr Pavlodar alumina Alcan Inc., 2003, Alcan selects LSL Joint Venture as partner for Gove expansion
feasibility study: Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Alcan Inc. press release,
refinery and the Torgai and Red October bauxite mines. A October 15, 1 p.
condition of the sale was a commitment to build a 240,000-t/yr Alcan Inc., 2004, Form 10-K—2003: U.S. Securities and Exchange
aluminum smelter, which would be Kazakhstan’s first, in the Commission, 86 p.
Pavlodar region using locally produced alumina and electricity. Alcoa Inc., 2003a, Alcoa announces agreement to sell specialty chemicals
business: Pittsburgh, PA, Alcoa Inc. press release, November 6, 1 p.
In November, the Government reported that the feasibility Alcoa Inc., 2003b, Alcoa completes acquisition of interests in South American
study for the smelter had been completed and the smelter site operations: Pittsburgh, PA, Alcoa Inc. press release, August 1, 1 p.
selected. The smelter was expected to be built in three stages. Alcoa Inc., 2003c, Alcoa’s AWAC completes 250,000 mt Jamaican alumina
The first 60,000 t/yr of capacity was scheduled to be completed expansion; breaks ground on 250,000 mt alumina expansion in Suriname:
Pittsburgh, PA, Alcoa Inc. press release, November 25, 1 p.
by yearend 2007 as required by the agreement. Capacity would Alcoa Inc., 2003d, Alcoa World Alumina to increase production at Point
increase to 120,000 t/yr in the second stage and to 240,000 t/yr Comfort facility: Pittsburgh, PA, Alcoa Inc. press release, March 19, 1 p.
in the final stage (Interfax Mining & Metals Report, 2003a, b). American Metal Market, 2003, Gapco seeks funding for $2.2B alumina project:
Russia.—Boxitogorsky Glinozem, which produced American Metal Market, v. 111, no. 1-4, January 9, p. 4.
Clarke, Jo, 2003, Comalco gears up for alumina expansion: Metal Bulletin,
alumina trihydrate, white fused alumina, and other specialty no. 8777, May 29, p. 7.
grades of alumina at the Boxitogorsk alumina plant in the Defense Logistics Agency, 2003, FY 2004 annual materials plan announced:
Leningrad region of Russia, acquired a substantial part of the Fort Belvoir, VA, Defense Logistics Agency news release, October 1, 2 p.
equipment from Alcan’s Burntisland plant in Scotland, United Defense Logistics Agency, 2004, Inventory of stockpile material M-1: Defense
Logistics Agency, January 14, 2 p.
Kingdom. The Burntisland plant had closed at yearend 2002. Hydro Aluminium, 2003, Comalco and Norsk Hydro enter into landmark
Boxitogorsky planned to use the purchased equipment to alumina deal: Oslo, Norway, Hydro Aluminium press release, June 13, 1 p.
produce the same range of products that had been produced by Industrial Minerals, 2003a, Boxitogorsky takes Alcan plant to Russia: Industrial
Alcan (Industrial Minerals, 2003a). Minerals, no. 430, July, p. 17.


Industrial Minerals, 2003b, GEO opens Al chemicals plant: Industrial Minerals, Taylor, Lindsey, 2003, New world of bauxite: Industrial Minerals, no. 432,
no. 424, January, p. 10. September, p. 12-13.
Industrial Minerals, 2003c, Prices: Industrial Minerals, no. 435, December, p. 74.
Interfax Mining & Metals Report, 2003a, Aluminum smelter study completed in
Kazakhstan: Interfax Mining & Metals Report, v. 11, issue 45, November 7,
Internet Reference Cited
p. 16-17.
Interfax Mining & Metals Report, 2003b, Swiss Co. wins Kazakhstan alumina Zielenbach, Alison, 2003 (December 23), Sherwin OKs $96m China pact,
producer tender: Interfax Mining & Metals Report, v. 11, issue 16, April 18, Corpus Christi Caller-Times, accessed January 13, 2004, at URL http://www.
p. 19-20.,1641.CCCT_873_2526061,00.html.
Kinch, Diane, 2003, Alunorte plans won’t be derailed by mine permit delay,
CVRD says: American Metal Market, v. 111, no. 47-2, November 25, p. 4. GENERAL SOURCES OF INFORMATION
Metal Bulletin, 2003a, Bosnian alumina refinery restarts, signs deal with
Samsung: Metal Bulletin, no. 8812, October 20, p. 15.
Metal Bulletin, 2003b, Kobe Steel exits Worsley Alumina: Metal Bulletin, U.S. Geological Survey Publications
no. 8794, July 31, p. 6.
Metal Bulletin, 2003c, Sterlite signs joint venture for alumina project: Metal Aluminum. Ch. in Mineral Commodity Summaries, annual.
Bulletin, no. 8781, June 12, p. 5.
Mining Journal, 2003a, Alumina ups Alcoa stake: Mining Journal, December
Aluminum. Mineral Industry Surveys, monthly.
19-26, p. 12. Aluminum and Bauxite. Ch. in United States Mineral
Mining Journal, 2003b, Alunorte expands again: Mining Journal, v. 341, Resources, Professional Paper 820, 1973.
no. 8747, August 1, p. 75. Bauxite and Alumina. Ch. in Mineral Commodity Summaries,
Mining Journal, 2003c, Alunorte expansion inaugurated: Mining Journal,
v. 340, no. 8731, April 11, p. 253.
Mining Journal, 2003d, Chalco joins Vietnamese bauxite mine venture: Mining Primary Aluminum Plants Worldwide, 1998.
Journal, December 12, p. 11. U.S. Trade in Bauxite and Alumina. Mineral Industry Surveys,
Mining Journal, 2003e, Hindalco completes expansion: Mining Journal, v. 341, quarterly.
no. 8749, August 15, p. 108.
Mining Journal, 2003f, Kaiser assets for sale: Mining Journal, v. 341, no. 8759,
World Bauxite Resources. Professional Paper 1076-B, 1986.
October 24, p. 317. World Nonbauxite Aluminum Resources—Alunite. Professional
Mining Journal, 2003g, Rusal takes control of Friguia: Mining Journal, v. 340, Paper 1076-A, 1978.
no. 8722, February 7, p. 87. World Nonbauxite Aluminum Resources Excluding Alunite.
Ormet Corp., 2003, Ormet announces potline curtailments: Wheeling, WV,
Ormet Corp. press release, December 23, 1 p.
Professional Paper 1076-C, 1990.
Platts Metals Week, 2003, Chalco completes alumina expansion: Platts Metals
Week, v. 74, no. 27, July 7, p. 6. Other
Plunkert, P.A., 2004, Bauxite and alumina: U.S. Geological Survey Mineral
Commodity Summaries 2004, p. 30-31.
Russell, Alison, 1999, Bauxite & alumina—A guide to non-metallurgical uses
Alumina Monitor. CRU International, monthly.
and markets: Surrey, United Kingdom, Metal Bulletin plc, 112 p. Aluminum. Ch. in Mineral Facts and Problems, U.S. Bureau of
Sherwin Alumina Company, 2003, Nashtec—A joint venture between Sherwin Mines Bulletin 675, 1985.
Alumina Company and Nabaltec to serve the North American market for fine
precipitated ATH: Corpus Christi, TX, Sherwin Alumina Company press
release, December, 1 p.


(Thousand metric tons)

1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

United States:
Production, crude ore (dry equivalent):
Quantity NA NA NA NA NA
Exports (as shipped):
Crude and dried 115 133 67 27 55
Calcined 34 9 14 15 22
Imports for consumption (as shipped):
Crude and dried 9,890 8,550 8,300 7,340 8,390
Calcined 299 310 242 237 307
Consumption (dry equivalent) 11,700 10,800 9,770 9,980 11,200
r r e
World, production 129,000 136,000 138,000 143,000 146,000
Estimated. rRevised. NA Not available.
Data are rounded to no more than three significant digits.



(Thousand metric tons)

Calcined Other As produced Calcined
Year alumina alumina2 or shipped3 equivalent
2002 3,930 605 4,540 4,340
2003 4,350 709 5,060 4,830
2002 3,900 610 4,510 4,310
2003 4,380 713 5,090 4,860
Data are rounded to no more than three significant digits.
Trihydrate, activated, tabular, and other aluminas. Excludes calcium and sodium aluminates.
Includes only the end product if one type of alumina was produced and used to make another type
of alumina.


(Thousand metric tons per year)

Company and plant 2002 2003

Alcoa Inc., Point Comfort, TX 2,300 2,300
BPU Reynolds, Inc., Corpus Christi, TX 1,600 1,600
Kaiser Aluminum & Chemical Corp., Gramercy, LA 1,250 1,250
Ormet Corp., Burnside, LA 600 600
Total 5,750 5,750
Capacity may vary depending on the bauxite used.
Data are rounded to no more than three significant digits; may not add to totals shown.


(Thousand metric tons, dry equivalent)

Industry 2002 2003

Abrasive 52 53
Alumina 9,290 10,600
Cement2 335 r 333
Chemical W W
Refractory 115 150
Other3 183 112
Total 9,980 r 11,200
Revised. W Withheld to avoid disclosing company proprietary data, included with "Other."
Data are rounded to no more than three significant digits; may not add to totals shown.
Data from the D15-Cement Annual Survey Form, U.S. Geological Survey Form 9-4041-A.
Includes municipal water works, oil, and steel and ferroalloys.



(Thousand metric tons, dry equivalent)

Sector 2002 2003

Producers, processors, consumers 1,280 r 959
Government 1,770 66
Total 3,050 r 1,030
Data are rounded to no more than three significant digits; may not add to totals shown.
Domestic and foreign bauxite; crude, dried, calcined, activated, all grades.


(Thousand metric tons, calcined equivalent)

Sector 2002 2003

Producers 337 312
Primary aluminum plants 1,070 935
Total 1,410 1,250
Data are rounded to no more than three significant digits; may not add to totals shown.
Excludes consumers stocks other than those at primary aluminum plants.


(Dollars per metric ton)

Port of Delivered to 2003
shipment, U.S. ports, Port of Delivered to
free alongside cost, insurance, shipment, U.S. ports,
Country ship (f.a.s.) and freight (c.i.f.) f.a.s. c.i.f.
Australia 12.82 23.67 16.91 41.19
Brazil 22.85 29.19 20.45 27.02
Guinea 22.52 28.31 20.04 26.24
Guyana 26.14 34.54 25.24 32.56
Jamaica 17.50 19.51 17.30 19.79
Average, weighted 20.35 24.66 19.48 24.53
Computed from quantity and value data reported to the U.S. Customs Service and compiled by
the U.S. Census Bureau, Department of Commerce. Not adjusted for moisture content of
bauxite or differences in methods used by importers to determine value of individual shipments.



(Thousand metric tons)

Country 2002 2003

Australia 113 96
Brazil 212 837
Guinea 2,200 2,870
Guyana 692 736
Jamaica2 4,070 3,810
Other 57 44
Total3 7,340 8,390
Canada 26 17
China (3) 35
Mexico (3) (3)
Other 1 3
Total 27 55
Data are rounded to no more than three significant digits; may not add to totals shown.
Dry equivalent of shipments to the United States.
Less than 1/2 unit.

Note: Total U.S. imports of crude and dried bauxite as reported by the U.S. Census
Bureau were as follows: 2002--6.43 million metric tons (Mt) and 2003--7.70 Mt.

Sources: U.S. Census Bureau and the Jamaica Bauxite Institute.


(Thousand metric tons and thousand dollars)

2002 2003
Refractory grade Other grade Refractory grade Other grade
Country Quantity Value2 Quantity Value2 Quantity Value2 Quantity Value2
Australia -- -- 47 4,290 -- -- 70 6,330
Brazil 5 504 5 710 3 355 14 1,030
China 97 7,560 67 4,970 69 5,730 102 8,040
Guyana 8 868 8 1,290 17 2,150 31 2,010
Other (3) 10 (3) 26 (3) 17 (3) 10
Total 110 8,950 127 11,300 90 8,250 217 17,400
Canada 2 396 7 533 2 431 4 392
Japan -- -- (3) 85 (3) 4 -- --
Mexico 5 501 (3) 34 7 988 7 1,010
Other 1 361 1 213 1 582 (3) 7
Total 7 1,260 8 865 11 2,010 11 1,410
-- Zero.
Data are rounded to no more than three significant digits; may not add to totals shown.
Value at foreign port of shipment as reported to the U.S. Customs Service.
Less than 1/2 unit.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau.



(Thousand metric tons, calcined equivalent, and thousand dollars)

2002 2003
Country Quantity Value2 Quantity Value2
Australia 1,740 271,000 962 163,000
Brazil 65 12,700 78 21,800
Canada 90 58,000 95 63,100
China 28 8,920 26 8,260
France 11 15,800 12 17,800
Germany 40 68,500 40 74,600
Jamaica 293 49,700 361 72,300
Japan 6 15,200 6 13,500
Suriname 704 108,000 719 121,000
Venezuela (3) 81 2 1,770
Other 30 24,600 11 13,500
Total 3,010 633,000 2,310 571,000
Brazil 1 2,700 2 2,510
Canada 1,110 202,000 897 198,000
China 2 1,720 35 11,400
Finland (3) 372 (3) 125
Mexico 68 25,000 38 22,100
Netherlands 3 4,870 1 7,640
Norway 32 4,570 63 9,890
Russia (3) 179 (3) 536
Sweden 1 1,350 1 1,510
Other 55 119,000 52 114,000
Total 1,270 362,000 1,090 368,000
Data are rounded to no more than three significant digits; may not add to totals shown.
Value at foreign port of shipment as reported to the U.S. Customs Service.
Less than 1/2 unit.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau.



(Thousand metric tons)

Country 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

Australia 48,416 53,802 53,799 r 54,024 55,602
Bosnia and Herzegovinae 75 75 75 75 100
Brazil 14,372 13,866 r 13,790 r 13,189 r 13,148
Chinae 8,500 9,000 9,800 12,000 12,500
Ghana 355 504 678 684 495
Greece 1,883 1,991 2,052 2,492 2,418
Guinea3 15,590 15,700 15,100 r, e 15,300 r, e 15,500 e

Guyana 3
2,359 2,471 1,950 1,690 r 1,500 e

Hungary 935 1,047 1,000 720 r 666

India 6,712 7,562 7,864 9,647 r 10,002
Indonesia 1,116 1,151 1,237 1,283 1,094
Iran 912 400 405 r, e 420 r, e 500 e

Jamaica3, 4 11,688 11,127 12,370 13,120 r 13,444

Kazakhstan 3,607 3,730 3,685 4,377 4,737
Malaysia 224 123 64 40 3
Mozambique 8 8 9 9 12
Pakistan 11 9 9e 8e 8 e

Russia 3,750 4,200 4,000 3,800 4,000
Serbia and Montenegro 500 630 610 612 600
Suriname 3,715 r 3,610 4,394 r 4,002 r 4,215
Turkey5 208 459 242 287 r 300 e

United States NA NA NA NA NA
Venezuela 4,166 4,361 4,585 r 5,191 r 5,200 e

Total 129,000 136,000 138,000 r 143,000 r 146,000

Estimated. rRevised. NA Not available.
World totals and estimated data are rounded to no more than three significant digits; may not add to totals shown.
Table includes data available through July 25, 2004.
Dry bauxite equivalent of crude ore.
Bauxite processed for conversion to alumina in Jamaica plus kiln-dried ore prepared for export.
Public-sector production only.



(Thousand metric tons)

Country 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003e

Australia 14,532 15,680 r 16,313 r 16,382 16,529 4
Azerbaijan 76 63 95 67 r 100
e 4
Bosnia and Herzegovina 50 50 50 50 50
Brazil 3,515 3,743 r 3,445 r 3,962 r 4,000
Canada 1,070 r 1,023 1,036 1,125 r 1,100
China 3,840 4,330 4,650 5,450 6,140
Francee 400 200 4 150 150 150
Germany 583 700 e 520 r 550 r 550
Greece 626 667 679 r 750 r 750
Guinea 568 541 674 r
670 r 732 4
e 4
Hungary 145 150 150 150 150
Indiae 2,080 2,280 2,400 2,800 r 2,500
Iran -- -- -- 102 200
Irelande 1,200 1,200 1,100 1,100 1,100
Italye 973 4 950 500 500 500
Jamaica 3,570 3,600 3,542 3,631 3,844 4
Japan5 335 369 331 333 r 330
Kazakhstan 1,158 1,217 1,231 1,386 1,419 4
Romania 277 417 319 r 350 r, e 350
Russia 2,657 2,850 e 3,046 3,131 3,230 4
Serbia and Montenegro 156 186 185 180 r, e 180
Slovakia 100 110 110 110 110
Sloveniae 70 70 34 30 30
Spaine, 6 1,200 1,200 1,100 1,100 1,100
Surinamee 1,600 r 1,800 r 1,900 r 1,900 r 2,000
Turkey 159 155 146 152 r 150
Ukraine 1,230 1,360 1,343 1,351 1,434 4
United Kingdom 90 80 e 84 r 74 r --
United States 5,140 4,790 4,340 4,340 4,830 4
Venezuela 1,469 1,755 1,833 2,100 1,900
Total 48,900 r 51,500 r 51,300 r 54,000 r 55,500
Estimated. rRevised. -- Zero.
Figures represent calcined alumina or the total of calcined alumina plus the calcined equivalent of hydrate when available;
exceptions, if known, are noted.
World totals, U.S. data, and estimated data are rounded to no more than three significant digits; may not add to totals
Table includes data available through July 25, 2004.
Reported figure.
Data presented are for alumina used principally for specialty applications. Information on aluminum hydrate for all uses
is not adequate to formulate estimates of production levels. Production of aluminum hydroxide, in metric tons: 1999--
736,591; 2000--781,690; 2001--739,098; 2002--723,860 (revised); and 2003--725,000 (estimated).


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