Ved 22
Ved 22
Ved 22
Reported nickel consumption (primary plus secondary) in availability from domestic producers (Trump, 2018; U.S.
the United States in 2018 decreased by 3% to 230,000 metric Department of Commerce, 2018).
tons (t) compared with 238,000 t (revised) in 2017 (table 1). Throughout the year, modifications and changes were made
U.S. apparent consumption of primary nickel was 136,000 t to the list of countries subject to the tariff. For some countries,
or about 6% of the 2.33 million metric tons (Mt) of world quotas were established in place of the additional duties and
consumption reported by the International Nickel Study exemptions for certain products were granted. Many countries
Group (INSG). Stainless-steel production accounted for 40% responded to the increased import duties by increasing the duties
of U.S. reported primary consumption of nickel compared for imports of aluminum and steel articles of United States
to 66% globally, including the United States. This difference origin, including European Union countries, Canada, China,
was likely a reflection of the large number of specialty metal India, Japan, Mexico, Russia, and Turkey. As of December 2018,
companies and a readily available supply of stainless-steel scrap the additional import duty for steel articles imported into the
in the United States (table 4). In 2018, U.S. industry melted United States remained at 25% for most countries of origin and
123,000 t of nickel contained in scrap, a 7% decrease from was 50% for Turkey. The only countries that did not have the
133,000 t (revised) in 2017 (table 2) (Nickel Institute, 2016, increased import duty for steel were Argentina, Brazil, and the
p. 14; International Nickel Study Group, 2020b, p. A–1). Republic of Korea, all of which had import quotas in place, and
In this chapter, primary nickel refers to a nickel product Australia (U.S. Geological Survey, 2019, p. 7).
produced from the beneficiation and processing of mined ore In March, Allegheny & Tsingshan Stainless was formed as
that is ready for use in a downstream consuming industry. The a joint venture between Allegheny Technologies Inc. (ATI)
form and composition of the primary product are typically (Pittsburgh, PA) and Shanghai STAL Precision Stainless Steel
a function of the mineralogy of the ore deposit and types of Company Ltd. (China) to produce 60-inch-wide stainless-steel
processing used. Unwrought nickel metal in all forms (for sheets from stainless-steel slab imported from Indonesia. ATI
example, briquet, cathode or electrolytic, flake, pellet, powder, entered into the agreement with the intent of improving capacity
rondelles) in this chapter has a purity of greater than 99% and utilization, specifically by reopening its previously idled Direct
generally conforms to the INSG’s definition of Class I nickel. Roll Anneal and Pickle operation in Midland, PA. Because
Nickel oxide sinter and iron- and nickel-containing products, imports from Indonesia were subject to the section 232 tariffs,
such as ferronickel and nickel pig iron (NPI), generally conform ATI filed for an exclusion and still was awaiting a decision at
to the INSG’s definition of Class II nickel (International yearend 2018 (Allegheny Technologies Inc., 2019, p. 26).
Nickel Study Group, 2020b, p. iii). Specifications for nickel
traded on the London Metal Exchange Ltd. (LME) require a Production
purity of 99.8% (American Society for Testing and Materials
The United States had one active nickel mine, the
International standards) or 99.9% (Chinese National Standards)
underground Eagle Mine in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan,
(London Metal Exchange Ltd., undated). Nickel chemicals and
which began operation in 2014. In 2018, the Eagle Mine
salts often are produced at nickel refineries but in this chapter
produced 17,600 t of nickel in concentrate, a 20% decrease
are differentiated from production of metal whenever feasible.
compared with 22,100 t in 2017, although 2018 production
Legislation and Government Programs exceeded the company’s production guidance for the year
(Lundin Mining Corp., 2019b, p. 2).
U.S. coinage in the form of nickels, dimes, quarters, half Limited quantities of byproduct nickel were recovered at
dollars, and one-dollar coins contain nickel in the form of Sibanye Gold Ltd.’s (South Africa) base-metal refinery in
cupronickel or manganese-brass alloy. Total nickel consumption Columbus, MT. Leading processors of recycled nickel included
for coin production was 2,872 t in 2018, an 11% decrease International Metals Reclamation Co. Inc.’s (INMETCO’s)
compared with 2017 (U.S. Mint, undated a, b). [owned by American Zinc Recycling LLC (Pittsburgh, PA)]
In March, in response to the U.S. Department of Commerce’s secondary smelter in Ellwood City, PA, and Gladieux Metals
(DOC’s) investigation into the effect of aluminum and steel Recycling’s (Freeport, TX) facility in Freeport, TX. The
imports on the national security of the United States, using refinery and secondary recovery data from these operations
authority granted under section 232 of the Trade Expansion were included with scrap statistics to avoid disclosing company
Act of 1962, the President ordered that a 25% ad valorem proprietary data (tables 1–5).
tariff be placed on steel imports, including stainless steel, from No ferronickel was produced from ores in the United States in
all countries except Canada and Mexico. As directed by the 2018. Any U.S. ferronickel exports were likely either reexports
proclamation, the DOC subsequently established a process or material upgraded for special purposes.
for companies to apply for an exclusion to the tariff if certain Michigan.—Lundin Mining Corp. (Canada) mined the Eagle
conditions were met, such as a particular product’s lack of deposit—a chalcopyrite-pentlandite-rich peridotite intrusion,
nickel—2018 [ADVANCE RELEASE] 51.1
historically known as the Yellow Dog peridotite, in the Upper for ferrochromium and ferronickel. INMETCO was capable of
Peninsula of Michigan. The ore was processed at the associated processing a wide range of nickel-bearing wastes including flue
Humboldt mill, which produced separate concentrates of dust, grinding swarf, mill scale, and shot blast generated during
copper and nickel sulfides. The two sulfide concentrates were the manufacturing of stainless steel. The complex also accepted
transported on a dedicated rail spur from Humboldt Township filter cakes, plating solutions, spent pickle liquor, sludges,
to the Canadian National Railway line and then to smelters and all types of spent nickel-containing batteries (Horsehead
in Canada or to ports for shipment overseas. In 2018, trade Holding Corp., 2015, p. 8–10).
statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau indicated that 51% of Gladieux Metals Recycling processed spent catalysts from
total United States nickel concentrate exports went to Canada petroleum refineries. The Freeport, TX, facility (formerly
and 47% to Finland. owned by Gulf Chemical & Metallurgical Corp.) treated nickel-
In 2018, Lundin continued development of an access ramp molybdenum and cobalt-molybdenum hydrotreating catalysts
to the Eagle East mine extension. The Eagle East project is that had been contaminated by nickel and vanadium in crude oil.
located approximately 2 kilometers (km) east and 600 meters Gladieux first roasted and leached the spent catalysts to recover
deeper than the Eagle deposit and is part of the same intrusive the molybdenum and vanadium. The nickel-and-alumina residue
complex. The Eagle East project was to be developed using then was converted to a marketable nickel-cobalt-molybdenum
existing infrastructure and mining methods similar to those used alloy in a direct-current electric arc furnace (Stephan, 2013).
at the Eagle Mine and the company was able to amend the Eagle
Mine permit to include development of Eagle East. The project Consumption
was expected to begin contributing mill feed in 2020 and would
Reported primary nickel consumption in the United States
extend the Eagle Mine life to at least 2023. According to the
was 107,000 t in 2018, a slight increase compared with
company’s 2018 resource and reserve statement, the average
105,000 t (revised) in 2017 (table 1). The estimated value of
nickel grade of Eagle East’s probable reserves was 3.7%,
reported primary nickel consumption was $1.40 billion, a 29%
approximately 57% higher than that of the original Eagle Mine.
increase compared with that in 2017, which was primarily the
Total proven and probable reserves for the project, including
result of a 26% increase in the annual average LME cash price.
the Eagle Mine and Eagle East, totaled 108,000 t of nickel, with
U.S. industry consumed 13,500 t of ferronickel in 2018, of
Eagle East contributing 57,000 t (Lundin Mining Corp., 2019a,
which more than 99% was used in stainless, heat-resisting, or
p. 32–39, 89; 2019b, p. 17).
specialty alloy steels (table 4).
Minnesota.—In June, PolyMet Mining Corp. (Canada)
Stainless Steel and Low-Alloy Steels.—In 2018, stainless-
completed a land exchange with the U.S. Forest Service that
steel producers accounted for 40% of reported primary nickel
gave the company control over both surface and mineral rights
consumption, 69% of total nickel consumption, and 95% of
in and around the NorthMet copper, nickel, and platinum-
nickel-containing scrap consumption in the United States. Alloy
group-metal (PGM) deposit. By yearend 2018, the company
steels—other than stainless steel—accounted for 8% of U.S.
had received all necessary permits from the Minnesota
primary nickel use (table 4). Production of raw stainless steel
Department of Natural Resources and the Minnesota Pollution
and heat-resisting steel in the United States increased slightly
Control Agency but was still awaiting the Record of Decision
to 2.81 Mt. Production of nickel-bearing grades increased by
and wetlands permit, which was the last permit needed to
14% to 2.08 Mt compared with that in 2017 and accounted
begin development, from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
for 74% of total stainless-steel production (American Iron and
The project is located 10 km south of the town of Babbitt in
Steel Institute, 2018, 2019). Leading domestic stainless-steel
St. Louis County. Ore mined from a proposed open pit would
producers included AK Steel Holding Corp. (West Chester
be shipped to the reconditioned Erie mill near Hoyt Lakes, MN,
Township, OH), ATI, North American Stainless (Ghent, KY),
for processing by flotation to produce a marketable concentrate.
and Outokumpu Stainless USA, Llc (Calvert, AL).
In phase 2 of the project, the concentrate would be processed
Superalloys and Related Nickel-Base Alloys.—Of the
in a new hydrometallurgical plant to be built at the Erie site
primary nickel consumed in the United States in 2018,
(PolyMet Mining Corp., 2019, p. 4).
approximately 39% was used to make high-performance
Byproduct Smelter and Refinery Production.—Sibanye Gold
superalloys and related nickel-base alloys, primarily for the
Ltd., trading as Sibanye-Stillwater, mined PGMs from the J-M
aerospace, electric power, and petrochemical industries (table 4).
Reef in Montana’s Beartooth Mountains. Concentrates from
Leading domestic producers of these products included ATI,
the company’s two mills (East Boulder and Nye) were trucked
Carpenter Technology Corp. (Philadelphia, PA), Haynes
to the smelting and refining complex at Columbus, MT, where
International Inc. (Kokomo, IN), Precision Castparts Corp.
a PGM filter cake and byproduct crystalline nickel sulfate
(Portland, OR), and Special Metals Corp. (New Hartford, NY).
containing minor amounts of cobalt were produced (Sibanye
Typical applications for nickel-base alloys and superalloys in
Gold Ltd., 2017; Stillwater Mining Co., 2017, p. 7–8, 21).
the aerospace industry included jet engine blades, casings, discs,
Secondary Production.—INMETCO operated the only
rings, and vanes. ATI expected that increased fuel efficiency
secondary smelter in North America dedicated to recovering
requirements in the commercial aerospace sector would result
chromium- and nickel-containing waste and scrap. The
in increased demand for specialty alloys and metal powders
smelter at Ellwood City, PA, produced an iron-base remelt
that could withstand higher temperatures. In 2018, the company
alloy that typically averaged 13% chromium and 12% nickel.
reported that sales of jet engine products increased by nearly
Stainless-steel producers used the remelt alloy as a substitute
2017 2018
Kind of scrap:
Aluminum-base 1,840 1,900
Copper-base 1,270 1,260
Ferrous-base2 127,000 r
Nickel-base 2,630 2,530
Total 133,000 123,000
Form of recovery:
Aluminum-base alloys 1,840 1,900
Copper-base alloys 2,080 r 2,100
Ferrous-base alloys 128,000 r 118,000
Nickel-base alloys 1,020 902
Total 133,000 r 123,000
Table includes data available through May 13, 2021. Data are rounded
to no more than three significant digits; may not add to totals shown.
Primarily stainless- and alloy steel scrap consumed at steel mills and
2018 Grand
Oxide and Other Total Secondary Grand total in
Use Metal Ferronickel oxide sinter Chemicals forms primary (scrap) total 2017
Chemicals and chemical uses W -- -- W -- W -- W W
Electroplating, sales to platers 7,240 -- -- W -- 7,240 -- 7,240 7,350
Other nickel and nickel alloys 14,000 W W -- 84 14,100 2,640 16,700 16,500
Stainless and heat resistant 29,000 13,500 W -- 131 42,600 117,000 159,000 169,000
Alloys, excludes stainless 8,480 32 -- -- W 8,510 W 8,510 6,810
Superalloys 27,300 W -- -- W 27,300 W 27,300 27,300
Other2 3,620 W 202 W 2,500 7,040 3 3,840 10,900 10,600 r
2017 2018
Quantity Quantity
(metric tons, Value (metric tons, Value
Class nickel content) (thousands) nickel content) (thousands)
r r
Cathodes, pellets, briquets, shot 1,220 $15,200 1,460 $21,300
Ferronickel 15 435 14 437
Powder and flakes 1,460 52,500 1,570 62,100
Metallurgical-grade oxide2 3,170 22,700 956 16,000
Catalysts3 4,050 349,000 4,700 362,000
Salts4 1,040 13,000 1,090 17,300
Total 11,000 453,000 9,780 479,000
Stainless-steel scrap 36,500 r 424,000 r 49,000 323,000
Waste and scrap 15,000 121,000 r 18,300 157,000
Total 51,500 544,000 r 67,200 481,000
Grand total 62,400 r 997,000 r 77,000 960,000
Wrought, not alloyed:
Bars, rods, profiles, wire 609 14,100 922 26,200
Sheets, strip, foil 300 8,860 392 14,200
Tubes and pipes 54 1,280 37 1,850
Total 963 24,300 1,350 42,300
Alloyed, gross weight:
Unwrought alloyed ingot 5,550 157,000 5,570 193,000
Bars, rods, profiles, wire 23,300 688,000 27,100 853,000
Sheets, strip, foil 12,800 330,000 15,400 413,000
Tubes and pipes 1,720 r 130,000 2,750 247,000
Other alloyed articles 2,200 339,000 2,730 604,000
Total 45,600 1,640,000 53,500 2,310,000
Table includes data available through May 13, 2021. Data are rounded to no more than three significant digits;
may not add to totals shown.
Nickel content is assumed to be 77%.
Typical catalyst is assumed to have a nickel content of 22%.
Nickel contents are as follows: chemical-grade oxide, sesquioxide, and hydroxide, 65%; chlorides, 25%;
sulfates, 22%; and other salts, assumed to be 22%.
Waste and scrap content is assumed to be 50% nickel; stainless-steel scrap, 7.5%.
pellets, and Powder Wrought
briquets and Metallurgical- Waste Stainless- Total Total nickel
Country or locality3 (unwrought) flakes Ferronickel grade oxide4 and scrap steel scrap Chemicals in 2018 in 2017 in 20185
Australia 21 7 -- -- 718 3 16 766 285 6
Austria -- -- -- -- -- 143 6 149 124 --
Bangladesh -- (6) -- -- -- 151 -- 151 24 --
Belgium 10 10 -- 4 48 560 432 1,060 262 5
Brazil 83 55 -- (6) -- 502 86 727 182 3
Canada 137 189 -- 566 14,200 19,600 1,180 35,900 24,500 38
China 27 202 -- 2 -- 3,290 647 4,160 7,560 114
Colombia 18 11 -- 1 -- -- 98 128 50 1
Denmark -- 18 -- -- -- 3 159 179 112 (6)
Finland -- -- -- -- -- 71 47 118 131 --
France (6) 4 -- 3 -- 2 113 122 269 16
Germany (6) 321 -- 5 9 64 93 492 462 57
Hong Kong -- 3 -- (6) 52 239 6 300 1,270 15
India (6) 21 10 (6) 550 6,400 470 7,450 4,320 23
Indonesia -- 16 -- 49 -- 324 9 398 290 --
Japan 133 109 -- 4 838 615 32 1,730 1,360 2
Korea, Republic of -- 84 (6) 2 33 603 168 890 882 78
Kuwait -- -- -- -- -- -- 259 259 671 --
Malaysia -- -- -- (6) -- 497 44 541 183 8
Mexico 930 57 3 13 14 3,180 82 4,280 2,640 813
Netherlands -- 7 -- (6) 290 286 245 828 678 2
Pakistan -- 2 -- -- -- 2,790 11 2,800 4,530 --
Saudi Arabia -- 4 -- -- -- -- 132 136 45 1
Serbia -- -- -- -- -- -- 148 148 (6) --
Singapore 1 199 (6) (6) 8 8 74 292 310 21
Spain -- 1 -- -- 86 25 1 113 58 (6)
Sweden -- 11 -- (6) 748 136 3 899 923 18
Taiwan 8 17 (6) -- 19 7,490 249 7,790 7,560 11
Thailand -- 90 (6) -- -- 211 90 392 127 7
United Kingdom 83 39 -- 278 517 88 16 1,020 1,010 44
Vietnam -- 5 -- -- -- 1,600 159 1,760 121 13
Other7 5 85 -- 29 84 123 709 1,030 1,510r
Total 1,460 1,570 14 956 18,300 49,000 5,790 77,000 62,400 1,350
Revised. -- Zero.
Table includes data available through May 13, 2021. Data are rounded to no more than three significant digits; may not add to totals shown.
The nickel contents are assumed to be as follows: metallurgical-grade oxide, 77%; waste and scrap, 50%; and stainless-steel scrap, 7.5%. The “Chemicals”
category contains the following: chemical-grade oxide, sesquioxide, and hydroxide, 65% nickel; chlorides, 25% nickel; and sulfates, 22% nickel. Other salts and
various catalysts are assumed to be 22% nickel.
Countries and (or) localities listed were the leading export recipients in 2018 in terms of quantity (nickel content).
Chemical-grade oxide is included in the “Chemicals” category.
Not included in “Total in 2018.”
Less than ½ unit.
Includes 75 countries and (or) localities with less than 100 metric tons each in 2018.
2017 2018
Quantity Quantity
(metric tons, Value (metric tons, Value
Class nickel content) (thousands) nickel content) (thousands)
Cathodes, pellets, briquets, shot 118,000 $1,240,000 112,000 $1,490,000
Ferronickel 22,700 243,000 21,700 299,000
Powder and flakes 5,430 92,100 6,800 140,000
Metallurgical-grade oxide2 225 5,900 319 8,010
Catalysts3 1,590 82,900 1,780 102,000
Salts4 1,660 24,100 1,280 22,100
Total 150,000 1,690,000 144,000 2,060,000
Stainless-steel scrap 21,200 280,000 24,800 345,000
Waste and scrap 16,900 214,000 20,300 318,000
Total 38,100 494,000 45,100 663,000
Grand total 188,000 2,180,000 189,000 2,720,000
Wrought, not alloyed:
Bars, rods, profiles, wire 311 10,100 264 6,290
Sheets, strip, foil 562 11,200 508 10,700
Tubes and pipes 103 2,570 65 1,800
Total 977 23,800 837 18,800
Alloyed, gross weight:
Unwrought alloyed ingot 7,480 66,500 6,640 70,300
Bars, rods, profiles, wire 14,300 306,000 r 14,400 365,000
Sheets, strip, foil 3,980 78,800 4,340 91,000
Tubes and pipes 2,320 r 104,000 r 2,520 118,000
Other alloyed articles 4,150 232,000 6,420 309,000
Total 32,300 r 787,000 r 34,300 954,000
Table includes data available through May 13, 2021. Data are rounded to no more than three significant digits;
may not add to totals shown.
Nickel content from Australia, 90%; elsewhere, 77%.
Typical catalyst is assumed to have a nickel content of 22%.
Nickel contents are as follows: chemical-grade oxide, sesquioxide, and hydroxide, 65%; chlorides, 25%;
sulfates, 22%; and other salts, assumed to be 22%. Excludes nickel carbonate.
Waste and scrap is assumed to have 50% nickel; stainless-steel scrap, 7.5%.
pellets, and Powder Wrought
briquets and Metallurgical- Waste Stainless- Total Total nickel
Country or locality3 (unwrought) flakes Ferronickel grade oxide and scrap steel scrap Chemicals in 2018 in 2017 in 20184
Australia 18,200 378 73 22 260 2 -- 19,000 9,160 (5)
Belgium -- 226 -- -- 22 2 347 596 431 --
Brazil 115 -- 6,800 -- 267 143 5 7,330 6,790 --
Canada 48,400 4,090 -- -- 4,680 9,560 155 66,900 72,700 1
China 300 125 450 252 1,310 8 106 2,550 2,220 31
Colombia -- -- 775 -- 12 29 -- 816 935 --
Denmark -- -- -- -- -- -- 155 155 311 3
Dominican Republic -- -- 5,640 -- -- 4 -- 5,640 4,220 --
Finland 10,300 529 -- -- 8 225 177 11,300 14,300 --
France -- 13 101 -- 1,070 4 361 1,550 1,400 160
Germany (5) 84 -- -- 1,090 1 324 1,500 1,840 478
Guatemala -- -- 3,110 -- -- 9 -- 3,120 5,510 --
India -- 17 -- -- 93 9 404 523 588 38
Indonesia -- -- -- -- 8 266 -- 274 11 --
Italy -- 1 26 -- 458 2 4 492 241 5
Japan 3,610 66 -- -- 1,150 60 337 5,220 5,360 10
Korea, Republic of -- (5) -- 9 318 5 32 365 357 (5)
Kuwait -- -- -- -- -- -- 108 108 -- --
Madagascar 1,860 -- -- -- -- -- -- 1,860 3,420 --
Malaysia 703 -- -- -- -- 15 -- 718 10 1
Mexico -- -- -- 18 1,720 10,600 1 12,300 10,800 1
Netherlands 112 -- -- -- 40 2,960 192 3,310 507 3
New Caledonia -- -- 3,720 -- -- -- -- 3,720 5,700 --
North Macedonia -- -- 892 -- -- -- -- 892 -- --
Norway 13,800 -- -- 16 10 -- -- 13,800 18,300 --
Philippines -- -- -- -- 17 -- 117 134 241 --
Poland -- -- -- -- 74 -- 30 103 83 --
Russia 9,280 53 -- -- 1,070 596 -- 11,000 12,700 --
Saudi Arabia -- -- -- -- 611 3 25 640 31 --
Singapore -- 1 -- -- 608 -- -- 609 455 --
South Africa 4,820 455 57 -- 196 -- 10 5,540 3,050 --
Spain -- 2 -- -- 407 2 -- 410 414 --
Switzerland -- 1 -- -- 110 (5) -- 111 224 (5)
Taiwan -- 1 -- -- 214 61 39 316 331 (5)
Turkey -- -- -- -- 236 -- -- 236 252 --
United Kingdom 461 746 31 3 3,930 16 126 5,320 4,270 60
Other6 91 8 -- -- 280 255 1 635 649 r
Total 112,000 6,800 21,700 319 20,300 24,800 3,050 189,000 188,000 837
Revised. -- Zero.
Table includes data available through May 13, 2021. Data are rounded to no more than three significant digits; may not add to totals shown.
The nickel contents are assumed to be as follows: metallurgical-grade oxide from Australia, 90%; elsewhere, 77%. The “Chemicals” category contains the following:
chemical-grade oxide, sesquioxide, and hydroxide, 65% nickel; chlorides, 25% nickel; sulfates, 22% nickel. Other salts and various catalysts are assumed to be 22%
nickel. Waste and scrap is assumed to be 50% nickel; stainless-steel scrap, 7.5% nickel.
Countries and (or) localities listed were the leading import sources in 2018 in terms of quantity (nickel content).
Not included in “Total in 2018.”
Less than ½ unit.
Includes 43 countries and (or) localities with less than 100 metric tons each in 2018.
e e r, e e
Total 16,851 44,400 96,200 96,600 98,200
Chemicals 5,673 10,045 11,153 16,773 15,624
Ferronickele 70,100 71,200 70,300 65,300 68,200
Metal 56,129 64,068 63,132 61,377 57,517
e e e r
Oxide sinter 45,900 47,500 46,900 43,558 45,438
Total 178,000 193,000 191,000 187,000 187,000
Korea, Republic of, ferronickel10 22,799 39,005 45,600 47,400 44,500
Kosovo, ferronickel 7,746 11,301 2,540 7,100 5,700
Macedonia, ferronickel 18,054 17,699 10,603 7,175 10,100
Madagascar, metal 37,053 47,271 42,105 35,474 33,183
e r e
Morocco, chemicals, nickel hydroxide 200 203 188 196 200
New Caledonia:
Ferronickel 54,683 56,486 67,518 73,219 82,114
Oxide sinter 7,366 21,044 28,465 30,875 25,800
Total 62,049 77,530 95,983 104,094 107,914
Norway, metal 90,500 91,220 92,700 86,500 90,800
Chemicals 2,700 2,900 2,400 -- --
Metal 234,700 231,200 188,700 157,396 158,005
Total 237,400 234,100 191,000 157,396 158,005
South Africa:
Chemicals11 3,500 e
5,300 e
4,743 r
4,966 r
r r r r
Metal 39,356 41,910 42,332 42,362 40,093
r, e r, e r r
Total 42,900 47,200 47,075 47,328 45,388
See footnotes at end of table.