Your self-evaluation comments may be written in a space on your lesson plan, or in a separate teaching log.
In the rush of teaching, you may be tempted to skip self-evaluation. There are always plenty of other, pressing
things that need to be done. But if you don't evaluate yourself, you will be the loser.
Self-evaluation is a powerful tool that will help you become a better teacher.
Reflecting on and evaluating your teaching after a lesson is over will give you
insights that may save you lots of trouble later. Even a few brief evaluative notes on
a lesson plan will help you immensely the next time you teach that lesson.
You will be surprised how much you forget if you don't write your ideas down, and you may end up making
the same mistakes over and over. Also, you will be surprised at how just a few minutes of reflective writing
can help you discover things you would have otherwise not noticed.
Regularly evaluating your teaching in this way will eventually lead you to develop a
solid understanding of the language teaching process. Time spent doing self-evaluation
is time well invested in your future.
For ideas on what to write, see the self-evaluations in the example lesson plans given in
the next section.
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