Mathematical Topics: Appendix
Mathematical Topics: Appendix
Mathematical Topics: Appendix
Mathematical Topics
1 Some ordinary differential equations and their solutions
5C.2 Expansions of functions in Taylor series
5C.3 Differentiation of integrals (the Leibniz formula)
3C.4 The gamma function
92.5 The hyperbolic functions
5C.6 The error function
Equation Solution
y = C1 cosh ax + C2 sinh ax or
Some useful reference books on applied mathematics are: M. Abramowitz and I. A. Stegun,
Handbook of Mathematical Functions, Dover, New York, 9thprinting (1973); G. M. Murphy, Ordinary
Differential Equations and Their Solutions, Van Nostrand, Princeton, N.J. (1960);J. J. Tuma, Engineering
Mathematics Handbook, 3rd edition, McGraw-Hill, New York (1987).
5C.2 Expansions of Functions in Taylor Series 853
y = C,x"l + C2xn2 + C3xn3,where the n, are the roots of
the equation n(n - l)(n - 2) + an(n - 1) + bn + c = 0,
provided that all roots are distinct.
" In Eqs. C.l-4 and C.l-6 the decisions as to whether to use the exponential forms or the trigonometric (or
hyperbolic) functions are usually made on the basis of the boundary conditions on the problem or the
symmetry properties of the solution.
Equations C.l-5 and C.l-6 are solved by making the substitution y(x) = u ( x ) / x and then solving the
resulting equation for u(x).
In Eqs. C.1-8 to C.1-13, it may be convenient or necessary to change the lower limits of the integrals to
some value other than zero.
The first term gives the value of the function at x = x,. The first two terms give a straight-
line fit of the curve at x = x,. The first three terms give a parabolic fit of the curve at
x = x, and so on. The Taylor series is often used when only the first several terms are
needed to describe the function adequately.
Here are a few Taylor series expansions of standard functions about the point x = 0:
e i x = l t - + -x+ - + x2
I ! 2! - 3!
X3 ... (C.2-2)
l n ( l + x ) = x - x2
- + - x3
- - + x4
.ee (C.2.3)
2 3 4
2x (
1 - - x2 + . . .x6
+ - - -x4
1!3 2!5 3!7
1 - x 1-. 1x
V " F i = l +
2 2.4
+ 21 .' 41 .' 63 x 3 - . . . (C.2-5)
Further examples may be found in calculus textbooks and handbooks. Taylor series can
also be written for functions of two or more variables.
I(t) = I P(t)
f(x, t ) dx (C.3-1)
which is a function of t [see Fig. C.3-l(a)].If we want to differentiate this function with
respect to t without evaluating the integral, we can use the Leibniz formula
Figure C.3-l(b)shows the meanings of the operations performed here: the first term on
the right side gives the change in the integral because the function itself is changing with
Fig. C.3-1. (a) The shaded area represents I(t) = J f (x, t)dx at an
instant t (Eq.C.3-1).( b )To get dI/dt, we form the difference
I(t + At) - I(t),divide b y At, and then let At + 0. The three shaded
areas correspond to the three terms on the right side of Eq. C.3-2.
sC.4 The Gamma Function 855
time; the second term accounts for the gain in area as the upper limit is moved to the
right; and the third term shows the loss in area as the lower limit is moved to the right.
This formula finds many uses in science and engineering. The three-dimensional analog
is given in Eq. A.5-5.
4 n
6 = 2 x shaded area
I c1 -- --
tan e = PQIOQ 19 = 2 x shaded area tanh 9 = pQ/OQ
c o t e = l/tanO coth I9 = l/coth I9
sec 6 = l/cos 6 sech I9 = I /cosh 0
csc 19 = l/sin I9 csch 8 = l/sinh I9
One can derive a variety of standard relations for the hyperbolic functions, such as
cosh2x - sinh2x = 1
cosh(x y) = cosh x cosh y 2 sinh x sinh y
sinh(x ? y) = sinh x cosh y 2 cosh x sinh y
This function, which arises naturally in numerous transport problems, is monotone in-
creasing, going from erf 0 = 0 to erf = 1, and has the value of 0.99 at about x = 2. The
Taylor series expansion for the error function about x = 0 is given in Eq. C.2-4. It is also
worth noting that erf ( - x ) = -erf x, and that