TI 610 43 PE 100 RC HDPE Pressure Pipe Material Data
TI 610 43 PE 100 RC HDPE Pressure Pipe Material Data
TI 610 43 PE 100 RC HDPE Pressure Pipe Material Data
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Outstanding Resistance to slow crack growth. Our pipes comply to PAS 1075 (Publicly
Available Specification)
Polymer Data
Density (Compound) ISO 1183 [g/cm³] 0,959
Melt Flow (190°C/5,0 Kg) ISO 1133 [g/10 min] 0,23-0,25
Mechanical Properties
Shore Hardness (Shore D(3 sec)) ISO 868 Shore D 63
Tensile Modulus ISO 527-1 [MPa] >900
Flexural Modulus ASTM D 790 [MPa] 1000
Tensile Strength at yield ISO 527-1 [Mpa] >23
Tensile strength at break ISO 527-1 % > 600
Tensile Creep Modulus 1hr ISO 899-1 MPa 850
Tensile Creep Modulus 1000hr ISO 899-1 MPa 360
Flexural creep modulus (4 point method 1min) DIN 19537-2 MPa 1100
Flexural creep modulus (4 point method 24 hr) DIN 19537-2 MPa 560
Flexural creep modulus (4 point method 2000hr) DIN 19537-2 MPa 330
Charpy notched impact strength (-30°C) ISO 179 [KJ/m] 13
Charpy notched impact strength ( 23°C) ISO 179 [KJ/m] 26
Other properies
MRS Classification ISO 9080 10
Hydostatic Design Basis ISO 9080 [Mpa] 10
ESC (ESCR) Environmental Stress Crack Resistance ASTM D 1693 hr >10000
OIT Oxidation Induction Time (210°C) ISO 11357-6 Minutes >70
Creep Rupture (12 Mpa @ 20°C) ISO 1167 hr >200
FNCT (4.0MPa, 2% Arkopal N 100, 80°C) ISO 16770 hr >8000
Rapid Crack Propagation (S4 Test @ 0°C) ISO 13477 bar >10
Slow Crack Resistance (Notch test 9,2bar@80°C) ISO 13479 [hrs] > 5000
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