Chap2 PDF
Chap2 PDF
Chap2 PDF
Chapter Two
Organization and
Scope of Chapter
The Uniform Partnership Act, which has been adopted by most of the states, defines a part-
nership (often referred to as a firm) as “an association of two or more persons to carry on,
as co-owners, a business for profit.” In this definition, the term persons includes individu-
als and other partnerships, and in some states, corporations. Partnerships generally are as-
sociated with the practice of law, medicine, public accounting, and other professions, and
also with small business enterprises. In some states licensed professional persons such as
CPAs are forbidden to incorporate because the creation of a corporate entity might weaken
the confidential relationship between the professional person and the client. However, a
number of states have approved legislation designed to permit professional corporations,
which have various requirements as to professional licensing of stockholders, transfers of
stock ownership, and malpractice insurance coverage.
The traditional form of partnership under the Uniform Partnership Act has been the
general partnership, in which all partners have unlimited personal liability for unpaid
debts of the partnership. However, laws of several states now permit the formation of lim-
ited liability partnerships (LLPs), which have features of both general partnerships and
professional corporations. Individual partners of LLPs are personally responsible for their
own actions and for the actions of partnership employees under their supervision; how-
ever, they are not responsible for the actions of other partners. The LLP as a whole, like a
general partnership, is responsible for the actions of all partners and employees. Since
many of the issues of organization, income-sharing plans, and changes in ownership of
now-prevalent LLPs are similar to those of general partnerships, LLPs are discussed in
this section. The organization of limited liability partnerships and income-sharing plans
and changes in ownership of such partnerships are discussed and illustrated first, followed
by an explanation of the characteristics of, accounting for, and financial statements of
limited partnerships (which differ significantly from LLPs). The chapter ends with a
description of SEC enforcement actions involving unethical violations of accounting stan-
dards for partnerships.
Larsen: Modern Advanced I. Accounting for 2. Partnerships: © The McGraw−Hill
Accounting, Tenth Edition Partnerships and Branches Organization and Operation Companies, 2005
8. Provision for arbitration of disputes and liquidation of the partnership at the end of the
term specified in the contract or at the death or retirement of a partner. Especially im-
portant in avoiding disputes is agreement on procedures such as binding arbitration for
the valuation of the partnership assets and the method of settlement with the estate of a
deceased partner.
One advantage of preparing a partnership contract with the aid of attorneys and accoun-
tants is that the process of reaching agreement on specific issues will develop a better under-
standing among the partners on many issues that might be highly controversial if not settled at
the outset. However, it is seldom possible to cover in a partnership contract every issue that
may later arise. Revision of the partnership contract generally requires the approval of all partners.
Disputes arising among partners that cannot be resolved by reference to the partnership
contract may be settled by binding arbitration or in the courts. A partner who is not satis-
fied with the handling of disputes always has the right to withdraw from the partnership.
partnership balance sheet and loans payable to partners are displayed as liabilities. The clas-
sification of these items as current or long-term generally depends on the maturity date, al-
though these related party transactions may result in noncurrent classification of the
partners’ loans, regardless of maturity dates.
If a substantial unsecured loan has been made by a limited liability partnership to a part-
ner and repayment appears doubtful, it is appropriate to offset the receivable against the
partner’s capital account balance. If this is not done, partnership total assets and total part-
ners’ equity may be misleading. In any event, the disclosure principle requires separate list-
ing of any receivables from partners.
2005 2005
Jan.–Dec. 60,000 Jan.–Dec. 60,000
Income Summary
Dec. 31 300,000
from the Income Summary ledger account to the partners’ capital accounts by the follow-
ing journal entry:
The drawing accounts are closed to the partners’ capital accounts on December 31,
2005, as follows:
After the drawing accounts are closed, the balances of the partners’ capital accounts
show the ownership equity of each partner on December 31, 2005.
If Alb & Bay LLP had a net loss of, say, $200,000 during the year ended December 31,
2005, the Income Summary ledger account would have a debit balance of $200,000. This
loss would be transferred to the partners’ capital accounts by a debit to each capital account
for $100,000 and a credit to the Income Summary account for $200,000.
If Alb and Bay share earnings in the ratio of 60% to Alb and 40% to Bay and net income
was $300,000, the net income would be divided $180,000 to Alb and $120,000 to Bay. The
agreement that Alb should receive 60% of the net income (perhaps because of greater
experience and personal contacts) would cause Partner Alb to absorb a larger share of the
net loss if the partnership operated unprofitably. Some partnership contracts provide that a net
income is to be divided in a specified ratio, such as 60% to Alb and 40% to Bay, but that a
net loss is divided equally or in some other ratio. Another variation intended to compensate
for unequal contributions by the partners provides that an agreed ratio (60% and 40% in
this example) shall be applicable to a specified amount of income but that any additional
income shall be shared in some other ratio.
The journal entry to close the Income Summary ledger account would be similar to the
journal entry illustrated on page 31.
Assuming that the net income is divided in the ratio of capital account balances at the
end of the year (before drawings and the division of net income), the net income of
$300,000 for 2005 is divided as follows:
Division of Net Alb: $300,000 $500,000$1,250,000 $120,000
Income in Ratio of
Bay: $300,000 $750,000$1,250,000 $180,000
End-of-Year Capital
Account Balances Division of net income on the basis of (1) original capital investments, (2) yearly begin-
ning capital account balances, or (3) yearly ending capital account balances may prove in-
equitable if there are material changes in capital accounts during the year. Use of average
balances as a basis for sharing net income is preferable because it reflects the capital actu-
ally available for use by the partnership during the year.
If the partnership contract provides for sharing net income in the ratio of average capi-
tal account balances during the year, it also should state the amount of drawings each part-
ner may make without affecting the capital account. In the example for Alb & Bay LLP, the
partners are entitled to withdraw $5,000 cash monthly. Any additional withdrawals or in-
vestments are entered directly in the partners’ capital accounts and therefore influence the
computation of the average capital ratio. The partnership contract also should state whether
capital account balances are to be computed to the nearest month or to the nearest day.
The computations of average capital account balances to the nearest month and the
division of net income for Alb & Bay LLP for 2005 are as follows:
Increase Capital Fraction Capital
(Decrease) Account of Year Account
Partner Date in Capital Balance Unchanged Balances
Alb Jan. 1 400,000 400,000 ⁄4 100,000
Apr.1 100,000 500,000 ⁄4 375,000
Bay Jan. 1 800,000 800,000 ⁄2 400,000
July 1 (50,000) 750,000 ⁄2 375,000
Total average capital account balances for Alb and Bay 1,250,000
Division of net income:
To Alb: $300,000 $475,000/$1,250,000 114,000
To Bay: $300,000 $775,000/$1,250,000 186,000
Total net income 300,000
many partnerships choose to divide only a portion of net income in the capital ratio and to
divide the remainder equally or in some other specified ratio.
To allow interest on partners’ capital account balances at 15%, for example, is the same
as dividing a part of net income in the ratio of partners’ capital balances. If the partners
agree to allow interest on capital as a first step in the division of net income, they should
specify the interest rate to be used and also state whether interest is to be computed on cap-
ital account balances on specific dates or on average capital balances during the year.
Again refer to Alb & Bay LLP with a net income of $300,000 for 2005 and capital ac-
count balances as shown on page 30. Assume that the partnership contract allows interest
on partners’ average capital account balances at 15%, with any remaining net income or
loss to be divided equally. The net income of $300,000 for 2005 is divided as follows:
The journal entry to close the Income Summary ledger account on December 31, 2005,
is similar to the journal entry illustrated on page 31.
As a separate case, assume that Alb & Bay LLP had a net loss of $10,000 for the year
ended December 31, 2005. If the partnership contract provides for allowing interest on cap-
ital accounts, this provision must be enforced regardless of whether operations are prof-
itable or unprofitable. The only justification for omitting the allowance of interest on
partners’ capital accounts during a loss year would be in the case of a partnership contract
containing a specific provision requiring such omission. Note in the following analysis that
the $10,000 debit balance of the Income Summary ledger account resulting from the net
loss is increased by the allowance of interest to $197,500, which is divided equally:
The journal entry to close the Income Summary ledger account on December 31, 2005,
is shown below:
At first thought, the idea that a net loss of $10,000 should cause one partner’s capital to
increase and the other partner’s capital to decrease may appear unreasonable, but there is
sound logic to support this result. Partner Bay invested substantially more capital than did
Partner Alb; this capital was used to carry on operations, and the partnership’s incurring of
a net loss in the first year is no reason to disregard Bay’s larger capital investment.
A significant contrast between two of the income-sharing plans discussed here (the capital-
ratio plan and the interest-on-capital-accounts plan) is apparent if one considers the case of a
partnership operating at a loss. Under the capital-ratio plan, the partner who invested more
capital is required to bear a larger share of the net loss. This result may be considered unrea-
sonable because the investment of capital presumably is not the cause of a net loss. Under the
interest plan of sharing earnings, the partner who invested more capital receives credit for this
factor and is charged with a lesser share of the net loss, or may even end up with a net credit.
Using interest allowances on partners’ capital accounts as a technique for sharing partner-
ship earnings equitably has no effect on the measurement of the net income or loss of the part-
nership. Interest on partners’ capital accounts is not an expense of the partnership, but interest
on loans from partners is recognized as expense and a factor in the measurement of net income
or loss of the partnership. Similarly, interest earned on loans to partners is recognized as part-
nership revenue. This treatment is consistent with the point made on pages 28–29 that loans to
and from partners are assets and liabilities, respectively, of the limited liability partnership.
Another item of expense arising from dealings between a partnership and one of its part-
ners is commonly encountered when the partnership leases property from a lessor who is
also a partner. Rent expense is recognized by the partnership in such situations. The lessor,
although a partner, also is a lessor to the partnership.
Salary Allowance with Resultant Net Income or Loss Divided in Specified Ratio
Salaries and drawings are not the same thing. Because the term salaries suggests weekly or
monthly cash payments for personal services that are recognized as operating expenses by
the limited liability partnership, accountants should be specific in defining the terminology
used in accounting for a partnership. This text uses the term drawings in only one sense: a
withdrawal of cash or other assets that reduces the partner’s equity but has no part in the di-
vision of net income. In the discussion of partnership accounting, the word salaries means
an operating expense included in measuring net income or loss. When the term salaries is
used with this meaning, the division of net income is the same, regardless of whether the
salaries have been paid.
A partnership contract that authorizes partners to make regular withdrawals of specific
amounts should state whether such withdrawals are intended to be a factor in the division
of net income or loss. For example, assume that the contract states that Partner Alb may
make drawings of $3,000 monthly and Partner Bay $8,000. If the intent is not clearly stated
to include or exclude these drawings as an element in the division of net income or loss,
controversy is probable, because one interpretation will favor Partner Alb and the opposing
interpretation will favor Partner Bay.
Assuming that Partner Alb has more experience and ability than Partner Bay and also
devotes more time to the partnership, it seems reasonable that the partners will want to rec-
ognize the more valuable contribution of personal services by Alb in choosing a plan for di-
vision of net income or loss. One approach to this objective would be to adopt an unequal
ratio: for example, 70% of net income or loss to Alb and 30% to Bay. However, the use of
such a ratio usually is not a satisfactory solution, for the same reasons mentioned in criti-
cizing the capital ratio as a profit-sharing plan. A ratio based only on personal services may
not reflect the fact that other factors are important in determining the success of the part-
nership. A second point is that if the partnership incurs a loss, the partner rendering more
personal services will absorb a larger portion of the loss.
Larsen: Modern Advanced I. Accounting for 2. Partnerships: © The McGraw−Hill
Accounting, Tenth Edition Partnerships and Branches Organization and Operation Companies, 2005
Thus, the prebonus income of $300,000 in this case is divided $180,000 ($60,000
$120,000 $180,000) to Alb and $120,000 to Bay, and the $60,000 bonus is recognized as
an operating expense of the partnership.
The concept of a bonus is not applicable to a net loss. When a limited liability partner-
ship operates at a loss, the bonus provision is disregarded. The partnership contract also
may specify that extraordinary items or other unusual gains and losses are to be excluded
from the basis for the computation of the bonus.
The journal entries to recognize partners’ salaries expense, partners’ withdrawals of the
salaries, and closing of the Income Summary ledger account are similar to those described
on page 35.
December 31, 2005, the division of net income as shown above and the disclosure of
partners’ salaries expense, a related party item:
Note that because a partnership is not subject to income taxes, there is no income taxes
expense in the foregoing income statement. A note to the partnership’s financial statements
may disclose this fact and explain that the partners are taxed for their shares of partnership
income, including their salaries.
Partners’ capital at end of year is reported as owners’ equity in the December 31, 2005,
balance sheet of the partnership that follows.
Larsen: Modern Advanced I. Accounting for 2. Partnerships: © The McGraw−Hill
Accounting, Tenth Edition Partnerships and Branches Organization and Operation Companies, 2005
Balance Sheet
A condensed balance sheet for Alb & Bay LLP on December 31, 2005, is presented below.
used to describe events ranging from a minor change of ownership interest not affecting
operations of the partnership to a decision by the partners to terminate the partnership.
Accountants are concerned with the economic substance of an event rather than with its
legal form. Therefore, they must evaluate all the circumstances of the individual case to de-
termine how a change in partners should be recorded. The following sections of this chapter
describe and illustrate the principal kinds of changes in the ownership of a partnership.
As an illustration of this situation, assume that Lane and Mull, partners of Lane & Mull
LLP, share net income or losses equally and that each has a capital account balance of
$60,000. Nash (with the consent of Mull) acquires one-half of Lane’s interest in the part-
nership by a cash payment to Lane. The journal entry to record this change in ownership
The cash paid by Nash for half of Lane’s interest may have been the carrying amount of
$30,000, or it may have been more or less than the carrying amount. Possibly no cash price
was established; Lane may have made a gift to Nash of the equity in the partnership. Re-
gardless of the terms of the transaction between Lane and Nash, the journal entry illustrated
above is all that is required in the partnership’s accounting records; no change has occurred
in the partnership assets, liabilities, or total partners’ capital.
To explore further some of the implications involved in the acquisition of an interest by
a new partner, assume that Nash paid $40,000 to Lane for one-half of Lane’s $60,000 eq-
uity in the partnership. Some accountants have suggested that the willingness of the new
partner to pay $10,000 [$40,000 ($60,000 1⁄2) $10,000] in excess of the carrying
amount for a one-fourth interest in the total capital of the partnership indicates that the to-
tal capital is worth $40,000 ($10,000 0.25 $40,000) more than is shown in the ac-
counting records. They reason that the carrying amounts of partnership assets should be
written up by $40,000, or goodwill of $40,000 should be recognized with offsetting credits
of $20,000 each to the capital accounts of the existing partners, Lane and Mull. However,
most accountants take the position that the payment by Nash to Lane is a personal transac-
tion between them and that the partnership, which has neither received nor distributed any
assets, should prepare no journal entry other than an entry recording the transfer of one-half
of Lane’s capital to Nash.
What are the arguments for these two opposing views? Those who advocate a write-up
of assets stress the legal concept of dissolution of the former partnership and formation of
a new partnership. This change in identity of owners, it is argued, justifies a departure from
the going-concern principle and the revaluation of partnership assets to current fair values
to achieve an accurate measurement of the capital invested by each member of the new
The opposing argument, that the acquisition of an interest by a new partner requires
only a transfer from the capital account of the selling partner to the capital account of the
new partner, is based on several points. First, the partnership did not participate in nego-
tiating the price paid by Nash to Lane. Many factors other than the valuation of partner-
ship assets may have been involved in the negotiations between the two individuals.
Perhaps Nash paid more than the carrying amount because Nash was allowed generous
credit terms by Lane or received more than a one-fourth share in partnership net income.
Perhaps the new partner was anxious to join the firm because of the personal abilities of
Lane and Mull or because of the anticipated growth of the partnership. Further, goodwill,
defined as the excess of the cost of an acquired company over the sum of its identifiable
net assets,3 attaches only to a business as a whole.4 For these and other reasons, one may
FASB Statement No. 142, “Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets,” par. F1.
Larsen: Modern Advanced I. Accounting for 2. Partnerships: © The McGraw−Hill
Accounting, Tenth Edition Partnerships and Branches Organization and Operation Companies, 2005
conclude that the cash paid for a partnership interest by a new partner to an existing
partner does not provide sufficient evidence to support changes in the carrying amounts of
the partnership’s assets.
Zell has a capital account balance of $80,000 and thus owns a 40% [$80,000 ($60,000
$60,000 $80,000) 0.40] interest in the net assets of the firm. The fact that the three
partners share net income and losses equally does not require that their capital account bal-
ances be equal.
As indicated on page 41, only acquired goodwill should be recognized, and, as explained in Chapter 5,
it currently must be written off, in whole or in part, when it is determined to be impaired.
Larsen: Modern Advanced I. Accounting for 2. Partnerships: © The McGraw−Hill
Accounting, Tenth Edition Partnerships and Branches Organization and Operation Companies, 2005
of Eck as a partner. The previous example required Eck to receive a one-third interest in
partnership net assets for an investment of $60,000. Why not write up the partnership’s
identifiable assets from $90,000 to $120,000, with a corresponding increase in the capital
account balances of the existing partners? Neither a bonus nor the recognition of goodwill
then would be necessary to record the admission of Eck with a one-third interest in net as-
sets for an investment of $60,000 because this investment is equal to one-third of the total
partnership capital of $180,000 ($120,000 $60,000 $180,000).
Such restatement of asset values would not be acceptable practice in a corporation when
the market price of its capital stock had risen. If one assumes the existence of certain con-
ditions in a partnership, adherence to cost as the basis for asset valuation is as appropriate
a policy as for a corporation. These specific conditions are that the income-sharing ratio
should be the same as the share of equity of each partner and that the income-sharing ratio
should continue unchanged. When these conditions do not exist, a restatement of net assets
from carrying amount to current fair value may be the best way of achieving equity among
the partners.
In outlining this method of accounting for the admission of Hart, it is assumed that the
net assets of the partnership were valued properly. If the admission of the new partner to a
one-third interest for an investment of $20,000 was based on recognition that the net assets
of the existing partnership were worth only $40,000, consideration should be given to writ-
ing down net assets by $30,000 ($70,000 $40,000 $30,000). Such write-downs would
be appropriate if, for example, trade accounts receivable included doubtful accounts or if
inventories were obsolete.
Larsen: Modern Advanced I. Accounting for 2. Partnerships: © The McGraw−Hill
Accounting, Tenth Edition Partnerships and Branches Organization and Operation Companies, 2005
New Partner Invests Identifiable Tangible and Intangible Net Assets 20,000
Single Proprietorship Goodwill ($35,000 $20,000) 15,000
with Goodwill Hart, Capital 35,000
To record admission of Hart; goodwill is attributable to superior
earnings of single proprietorship invested by Hart.
The point to be stressed is that generally goodwill is recognized as part of the investment
of a new partner only when the new partner invests in the partnership a business enterprise
of superior earning power. If Hart is admitted for a cash investment and is credited with a
capital account balance larger than the cash invested, the difference should be recorded as
a bonus to Hart from the existing partners, or undervalued tangible or identifiable intangi-
ble assets should be written up to current fair value. Goodwill should be recognized only
when substantiated by objective evidence, such as the acquisition of a profitable business
Retirement of a Partner
A partner retiring from a limited liability partnership usually receives cash or other assets
from the partnership. It is also possible that a retiring partner might arrange for the sale of
his or her partnership interest to one or more of the continuing partners or to an outsider.
Because the accounting principles applicable to the latter situation already have been con-
sidered, the discussion of the retirement of a partner is limited to the situation in which the
retiring partner receives assets of the partnership.
An assumption underlying this discussion is that the retiring partner has a right to with-
draw under the terms of the partnership contract. A partner always has the power to
withdraw, as distinguished from the right to withdraw. A partner who withdraws in viola-
tion of the terms of the partnership contract, and without the consent of the other partners,
may be liable for damages to the other partners.
Computation of the Settlement Price
What is a fair measurement of the equity of a retiring partner? A first indication is the re-
tiring partner’s capital account balance, but this amount may need to be adjusted before it
represents an equitable settlement price. Adjustments may include the correction of errors
in accounting data or the recognition of differences between carrying amounts of partner-
ship net assets and their current fair values. Before making any adjustments, the accountant
should refer to the partnership contract, which may contain provisions for computing the
amount to be paid to a retiring partner. For example, these provisions might require an
appraisal of assets, an audit by independent public accountants, or a valuation of the part-
nership as a going concern according to a prescribed formula. If the partnership has not
maintained accurate accounting records or has not been audited, it is possible that the
partners’ capital account balances are misstated because of incorrect depreciation expense,
failure to provide for doubtful accounts expense, and other accounting deficiencies.
Larsen: Modern Advanced I. Accounting for 2. Partnerships: © The McGraw−Hill
Accounting, Tenth Edition Partnerships and Branches Organization and Operation Companies, 2005
If the partnership contract does not contain provisions for the computation of the retir-
ing partner’s equity, the accountant may obtain written authorization from the partners to
use a specific method to determine an equitable settlement price.
In most cases, the equity of the retiring partner is computed on the basis of current fair
values of partnership net assets. The gain or loss indicated by the difference between the
carrying amounts of assets and their current fair values is divided in the income-sharing ra-
tio. After the equity of the retiring partner has been computed in terms of current fair val-
ues for assets, the partners may agree to settle by payment of this amount, or they may
agree on a different amount. The computation of an estimated current fair value for the re-
tiring partner’s equity is a necessary step in reaching a settlement. An independent decision
is made whether to recognize the current fair values and the related changes in partners’
capital in the partnership’s accounting records.
The bonus method illustrated here is appropriate whenever the settlement with the
retiring partner exceeds the carrying amount of that partner’s capital. The agreement for
Larsen: Modern Advanced I. Accounting for 2. Partnerships: © The McGraw−Hill
Accounting, Tenth Edition Partnerships and Branches Organization and Operation Companies, 2005
settlement may or may not use the term goodwill; the essence of the matter is the determi-
nation of the amount to be paid to the retiring partner.
Bonus to Continuing Partners
A partner anxious to escape from an unsatisfactory business situation may accept less than
his or her partnership equity on retirement. In other cases, willingness by a retiring partner
to accept a settlement below carrying amount may reflect personal problems. Another pos-
sible explanation is that the retiring partner considers the net assets of the partnership to be
overvalued or anticipates less partnership net income in future years.
In brief, there are many factors that may induce a partner to accept less than the carry-
ing amount of his or her capital account balance on withdrawal from the partnership. Be-
cause a settlement below carrying amount seldom is supported by objective evidence of
overvaluation of assets, the preferred accounting treatment is to leave net asset valuations
undisturbed unless a large amount of impaired goodwill is carried in the accounting
records as a result of the prior admission of a partner as described on page 45. The differ-
ence between the retiring partner’s capital account balance and the amount paid in settle-
ment should be allocated as a bonus to the continuing partners.
For example, assume that the three partners of Merz, Noll & Park LLP share net in-
come or losses equally, and that each has a capital account balance of $60,000. Noll retires
from the partnership and receives $50,000. The journal entry to record Noll’s retirement
The final settlement with a retiring partner often is deferred for some time after the part-
ner’s withdrawal to permit the accumulation of cash, the measurement of net income to date
of withdrawal, the obtaining of bank loans, or other acts needed to complete the transaction.
Death of a Partner
Limited liability partnership contracts often provide that partners shall acquire life insur-
ance policies on each others’ lives so that cash will be available for settlement with the es-
tate of a deceased partner. A buy-sell agreement may be formed by the partners, whereby
the partners commit their estates to sell their equities in the partnership and the surviving
partners to acquire such equities. Another form of such an agreement gives the surviving
partners an option to buy, or right of first refusal, rather than imposing on the partnership
an obligation to acquire the deceased partner’s equity.
The legal provisions governing limited partnerships (not to be confused with limited lia-
bility partnerships) are provided by the Uniform Limited Partnership Act. Among the fea-
tures of a limited partnership are the following:
1. There must be at least one general partner, who has unlimited liability for unpaid debts
of the partnership.
Larsen: Modern Advanced I. Accounting for 2. Partnerships: © The McGraw−Hill
Accounting, Tenth Edition Partnerships and Branches Organization and Operation Companies, 2005
2. Limited partners have no obligation for unpaid liabilities of the limited partnership; only
general partners have such liability.
3. Limited partners have no participation in the management of the limited partnership.
4. Limited partners may invest only cash or other assets in a limited partnership; they may
not provide services as their investment.
5. The surname of a limited partner may not appear in the name of the partnership.
6. The formation of a limited partnership is evidenced by a certificate filed with the
county recorder of the principal place of business of the limited partnership. The cer-
tificate includes many of the items present in the typical partnership contract of a lim-
ited liability partnership (see pages 27–28); in addition, it must include the name and
residence of each general partner and limited partner; the amount of cash and other
assets invested by each limited partner; provision for return of a limited partner’s in-
vestment; any priority of one or more limited partners over other limited partners; and
any right of limited partners to vote for election or removal of general partners, termi-
nation of the partnership, amendment of the certificate, or disposal of all partnership
The equity section of a [limited] partnership balance sheet should distinguish between
amounts ascribed to each ownership class. The equity attributed to the general partners
should be stated separately from the equity of the limited partners, and changes in the num-
ber of equity units . . . outstanding should be shown for each ownership class. A statement of
changes in partnership equity for each ownership class should be furnished for each period
for which an income statement is included.
Staff Accounting Bulletin 40, Topic F, Securities and Exchange Commission (Washington, DC: 1981).
Larsen: Modern Advanced I. Accounting for 2. Partnerships: © The McGraw−Hill
Accounting, Tenth Edition Partnerships and Branches Organization and Operation Companies, 2005
Although the foregoing standards are mandatory only for limited partnerships subject to the
SEC’s jurisdiction, they are appropriate for other limited partnerships.
To illustrate financial statements for a limited partnership, assume that Wesley Randall
formed Randall Company, a limited partnership that was exempt from the registration re-
quirements of the Securities Act of 1933. On January 2, 2005, Wesley Randall, the general
partner, acquired 30 units at $1,000 a unit, and 30 limited partners acquired a total of 570 units
at $1,000 a unit. The limited partnership certificate for Randall Company provided that lim-
ited partners might withdraw their net equity (investment plus net income less net loss) only
on December 31 of each year. Wesley Randall was authorized to withdraw $500 a month at
his discretion, but he had no drawings during 2005. Randall Company had a net income of
$90,000 for 2005, and on December 31, 2005, two limited partners withdrew their entire
equity interest of 40 units.
The following condensed financial statements (excluding a statement of cash flows) in-
corporate the foregoing assumptions and comply with the provisions of Staff Accounting
Bulletin 40:
Revenue $400,000
Costs and expenses 310,000
Net income $ 90,000
Division of net income ($150* per unit based on 600
weighted-average units outstanding):
To general partner (30 units) $ 4,500
To limited partners (570 units) 85,500
Total $90,000
AAER 202
AAER 202, “Securities and Exchange Commission v. William A. MacKay and Muncie A.
Russell” (September 29, 1988), deals with a general partnership formed by the former chief
executive officer (CEO) and chief financial officer (CFO) (a CPA) of American Biomateri-
als Corporation, a manufacturer of medical and dental products. The SEC alleged that the
partnership, Kirkwood Associates, ostensibly an executive search firm, had received more
than $410,000 from American Biomaterials for nonexistent services. The partnership had
no offices or employees, and its telephone number and address were those of a telephone
answering and mail collection service. Although its CEO and CFO directly benefited from
the $410,000 payments, American Biomaterials did not disclose this related-party trans-
action in its report to the SEC. The CEO and the CFO, without admitting or denying the
SEC’s allegations, consented to the federal court’s permanently enjoining them from vio-
lating the federal securities laws.
AAER 214
In AAER 214, “Securities and Exchange Commission v. Avanti Associates First Mortgage
Fund 84 Limited Partnership et al.” (January 11, 1989), the SEC reported on a federal
court’s entry of a permanent injunction against the general partner (a CPA) of a limited
partnership that in turn was the general partner of a second limited partnership that made
and acquired short-term first mortgage loans on real property. According to the SEC, the
financial statements of the second limited partnership, filed with the SEC in Form 10-K, in-
cluded a note that falsely reported the amount and nature of a related-party transaction.
Larsen: Modern Advanced I. Accounting for 2. Partnerships: © The McGraw−Hill
Accounting, Tenth Edition Partnerships and Branches Organization and Operation Companies, 2005
Correct reporting of the related-party transaction would have disclosed that the CPA had
improperly profited from a kickback scheme involving payments made by borrowers from
the limited partnership to a distant relative of the CPA. In a related enforcement action, re-
ported in AAER 220, “. . . In the Matter of Richard P. Franke . . .” (March 24, 1989), the
SEC permanently prohibited appearing or practicing before it by the CPA who had ostensi-
bly audited the limited partnership’s financial statements that were included in Form 10-K.
Review 1. In the formation of a limited liability partnership, partners often invest nonmonetary
assets such as land, buildings, and machinery, as well as cash. Should nonmonetary as-
Questions sets be recognized by the partnership at current fair value, at cost to the partners, or at
some other amount? Explain.
2. Some large CPA firms have thousands of staff members, and hundreds of partners, and
operate on a national or an international basis. Would the professional corporation
form of organization be more appropriate than the limited liability partnership form for
such large organizations? Explain.
3. Explain the limited liability partnership balance sheet display of loans to and from
partners and the accounting for interest on such loans.
4. Explain how partners’ salaries should be displayed in the income statement of a lim-
ited liability partnership, if at all.
5. List at least five items that should be included in a limited liability partnership
6. List at least five methods by which net income or losses of a limited liability partner-
ship may be divided among partners.
7. Ainsley & Burton LLP admitted Paul Craig to a one-third interest in the firm for his
investment of $50,000. Does this mean that Craig would be entitled to one-third of the
partnership’s net income or losses?
8. Duncan and Eastwick are negotiating a partnership contract, with Duncan to invest
$60,000 and Eastwick $20,000 in the limited liability partnership. Duncan suggests
that interest at 8% be allowed on average capital account balances and that any re-
maining net income or losses be divided in the ratio of average capital account bal-
ances. Eastwick prefers that the entire net income or losses be divided in the ratio of
average capital account balances. Comment on these proposals.
9. The partnership contract of Peel & Quay LLP is brief on the sharing of net income and
losses. It states: “Net income is to be divided 80% to Peel and 20% to Quay, and each
partner is entitled to draw $2,000 a month.” What difficulties do you foresee in imple-
menting this contract? Illustrate possible difficulties under the assumption that the
partnership had a net income of $100,000 in the first year of operations.
10. Muir and Miller operated Muir & Miller LLP for several years, sharing net income and
losses equally. On January 1, 2005, they agreed to revise the income-sharing ratio to
70% for Muir and 30% for Miller, because of Miller’s desire for semiretirement. On
March 1, 2005, the partnership received $10,000 in settlement of a disputed amount re-
ceivable on a contract completed in 2004. Because the outcome of the dispute had been
uncertain, no trade account receivable had been recognized. Explain the accounting
treatment you would recommend for the $10,000 cash receipt.
11. Should the carrying amounts of a limited liability partnership’s assets be restated to
current fair values when a partner retires or a new partner is admitted to the firm?
Larsen: Modern Advanced I. Accounting for 2. Partnerships: © The McGraw−Hill
Accounting, Tenth Edition Partnerships and Branches Organization and Operation Companies, 2005
12. A new partner admitted to a limited liability partnership often is required to invest an
amount of cash larger than the carrying amount of the interest in net assets the new
partner acquires. In what way might such a transaction be recorded? What is the prin-
cipal argument for each method?
13. Two partners invested $2,000 each to form a limited liability partnership for the con-
struction of a shopping center. The partnership obtained a bank loan of $800,000 to fi-
nance construction, but no payment on this loan was due for two years. Each partner
withdrew $50,000 cash from the partnership from the proceeds of the loan. How
should the investment of $4,000 and the withdrawal of $100,000 be displayed in the fi-
nancial statements of the partnership?
14. A CPA firm was asked to express an auditors’ opinion on the financial statements of a
limited partnership in which a corporation was the general partner. Should the finan-
cial statements of the limited partnership and the auditors’ report thereon include the
financial statements of the general partner?
15. How do the financial statements of a limited partnership differ from those of a limited
liability partnership?
16. Differentiate between a limited liability partnership (LLP) and a limited partnership.
(Exercise 2.1) Select the best answer for each of the following multiple-choice questions:
1. The partnership contract of Lowell & Martin LLP provided for salaries of $45,000 to
Lowell and $35,000 to Martin, with any remaining income or loss divided equally.
During 2005, pre-salaries income of Lowell & Martin LLP was $100,000, and both
Lowell and Martin withdrew cash from the partnership equal to 80% of their salary
allowances. During 2005, Lowell’s equity in the partnership:
a. Increased more than Martin’s equity.
b. Decreased more than Martin’s equity.
c. Increased the same amount as Martin’s equity.
d. Decreased the same amount as Martin’s equity.
2. When Andrew Davis retired from Davis, Evans & Fell LLP, he received cash in excess
of his capital account balance. Under the bonus method, the excess cash received by
a. Reduced the capital account balances of Evans and Fell.
b. Had no effect on the capital account balances of Evans and Fell.
c. Was recognized as goodwill of the partnership.
d. Was recognized as an operating expense of the partnership.
3. A large cash withdrawal by Partner Davis from Carr, Davis, Exley & Fay LLP, which
is viewed by all partners as a permanent reduction of Davis’s ownership equity in the
partnership, is recorded with a debit to:
a. Loan Receivable from Davis.
b. Davis, Drawing.
c. Davis, Capital.
d. Retained Earnings.
4. The partnership contract for Gore & Haines LLP provided that Gore is to receive an
annual salary of $60,000, Haines is to receive an annual salary of $40,000, and the
Larsen: Modern Advanced I. Accounting for 2. Partnerships: © The McGraw−Hill
Accounting, Tenth Edition Partnerships and Branches Organization and Operation Companies, 2005
net income or loss (after partners’ salaries expense) is to be divided equally between
the two partners. Net income of Gore & Haines LLP for the fiscal year ended Decem-
ber 31, 2005, was $90,000. The appropriate closing entry for net income on December 31,
2005, is a debit to Income Summary for $90,000 and credits to Gore, Capital and
Haines, Capital, respectively, of:
a. $54,000 and $36,000.
b. $55,000 and $35,000.
c. $45,000 and $45,000.
d. Some other amounts.
5. Which of the following is an expense of a limited liability partnership?
a. Interest on partners’ capital account balances.
b. Interest on loans from partners to the partnership.
c. Both a and b .
d. Neither a nor b .
6. The CPA partners of Tan, Ullman & Valdez LLP shared net income and losses 25%,
35%, and 40%, respectively. On January 31, 2006, by mutual consent of the partners,
Julio Valdez withdrew from the partnership, receiving $162,000 for his $150,000 cap-
ital account balance. The preferable journal entry (explanation omitted) for the part-
nership on January 31, 2006, is:
7. The two partners of Adonis & Brutus LLP share net income and losses in the ratio of
7 : 3, respectively. On February 1, 2005, their capital account balances were as follows:
Adonis $70,000
Brutus 60,000
Larsen: Modern Advanced I. Accounting for 2. Partnerships: © The McGraw−Hill
Accounting, Tenth Edition Partnerships and Branches Organization and Operation Companies, 2005
Adonis and Brutus agreed to admit Cato as a partner on February 1, 2005, with a one-
third interest in the partnership capital and net income or losses for an investment
of $50,000. The new partnership will begin with total capital of $180,000. Immediately
after Cato’s admission to the partnership, the capital account balances of Adonis,
Brutus, and Cato, respectively, are:
a. $60,000, $60,000, $60,000.
b. $63,000, $57,000, $60,000.
c. $63,333, $56,667, $60,000.
d. $70,000, $60,000, $50,000.
e. Some other amounts.
8. According to this text, the recognition of goodwill in the accounting records of a lim-
ited liability partnership may be appropriate for:
a. The admission of a new partner for a cash investment.
b. The retirement of an existing partner.
c. Either of the foregoing situations.
d. Neither of the foregoing situations.
9. The partnership contract for Clark & Davis LLP provides that “net income or losses
are to be distributed in the ratio of partners’ capital account balances.” The appro-
priate interpretation of this provision is that net income or losses should be distrib-
uted in:
a. The ratio of beginning capital account balances.
b. The ratio of average capital account balances.
c. The ratio of ending account balances (before distribution of net income or loss).
d. One of the foregoing methods to be specified by partners Clark and Davis.
10. Salaries to partners of a limited liability partnership typically should be accounted
for as:
a. A device for sharing net income.
b. An operating expense of the partnership.
c. Drawings by the partners from the partnership.
d. Reductions of the partners’ capital account balances.
11. The income-sharing provision of the contract that established Early & Farber LLP pro-
vided that Early was to receive a bonus of 20% of income after deduction of the bonus,
with the remaining income distributed 40% to Early and 60% to Farber. If income be-
fore the bonus of Early & Farber LLP was $240,000 for the fiscal year ended August 31,
2005, the capital accounts of Early and Farber should be credited, respectively, in the
amounts of:
a. $120,000 and $120,000.
b. $124,800 and $115,200.
c. $96,000 and $144,000.
d. $163,200 and $76,800.
e. Some other amounts.
12. Which of the following typical expense of a corporation is not relevant for a limited
liability partnership?
a. Salaries expense.
b. Interest expense.
c. Income taxes expense.
d. Pension expense.
e. None of the above.
Larsen: Modern Advanced I. Accounting for 2. Partnerships: © The McGraw−Hill
Accounting, Tenth Edition Partnerships and Branches Organization and Operation Companies, 2005
13. Are the results of operations on a per unit basis displayed in the income statement of a:
(Exercise 2.2) On January 2, 2005, Carle and Dody established Carle & Dody LLP, with Carle investing
$80,000 and Dody investing $70,000 on that date. The income-sharing provisions of the
partnership contract were as follows:
CHECK FIGURE 1. Salaries of $30,000 per annum to each partner.
Credit Dody, capital, 2. Interest at 6% per annum on beginning capital account balances of each partner.
a total of $9,975.
3. Remaining income or loss divided equally.
Pre-salary income of Carle & Dody LLP for the month of January 2005 was $20,000. Nei-
ther partner had a drawing for that month.
Prepare journal entries for Carle & Dody LLP on January 31, 2005, to provide for part-
ners’ salaries and close the Income Summary ledger account. Show supporting computa-
tions in the explanations for the entries.
(Exercise 2.3) Activity in the capital accounts of the partners of Webb & Yu LLP for the fiscal year ended
December 31, 2005, follows:
Webb, Capital Yu, Capital
b. Net income to Yu,
$28,000. Balances, Jan. 1 $40,000 $80,000
Investment, July 1 20,000
Withdrawal, Oct. 1 40,000
Net income of Webb & Yu LLP for the year ended December 31, 2005, amounted to
Prepare a working paper to compute the division of the $48,000 net income of Webb &
Yu LLP under each of the following assumptions:
a. The partnership contract is silent as to sharing of net income and losses.
b. Net income and losses are divided on the basis of average capital account balances (not
including the net income or loss for the current year).
c. Net income and losses are divided on the basis of beginning capital account balances.
d. Net income and losses are divided on the basis of ending capital account balances (not
including the net income or loss for the current year).
(Exercise 2.4) The partnership contract of Ray, Stan & Todd LLP provided that Ray was to receive a bonus
equal to 20% of income and that the remaining income or loss was to be divided 40% each
to Ray and Stan and 20% to Todd. Income of Ray, Stan & Todd LLP for 2005 (before the
bonus) amounted to $127,200.
Explain two alternative ways in which the bonus provision might be interpreted, and pre-
pare a working paper to compute the division of the $127,200 income of Ray, Stan & Todd
LLP for 2005 under each interpretation.
Larsen: Modern Advanced I. Accounting for 2. Partnerships: © The McGraw−Hill
Accounting, Tenth Edition Partnerships and Branches Organization and Operation Companies, 2005
(Exercise 2.5) The partnership contract of Jones, King & Lane LLP provided for the division of net in-
come or losses in the following manner:
CHECK FIGURE 1. Bonus of 20% of income before the bonus to Jones.
Net income to Jones, 2. Interest at 15% on average capital account balances to each partner.
3. Residual income or loss equally to each partner.
Net income of Jones, King & Lane LLP for 2005 was $90,000, and the average capital
account balances for that year were Jones, $100,000; King, $200,000; and Lane,
Prepare a working paper to compute each partner’s share of the 2005 net income of
Jones, King & Lane LLP.
(Exercise 2.6) The partnership contract of Ann, Bud & Cal LLP provides for the remuneration of partners
as follows:
CHECK FIGURE 1. Salaries of $40,000 to Ann, $35,000 to Bud, and $30,000 to Cal, to be recognized annu-
Debit bonus expense, ally as operating expense of the partnership in the measurement of net income.
$10,000. 2. Bonus of 10% of income after salaries and the bonus to Ann.
3. Remaining net income or loss 30% to Ann, 20% to Bud, and 50% to Cal.
Income of Ann, Bud & Cal LLP before partners’ salaries and Ann’s bonus was $215,000 for
the fiscal year ended December 31, 2005.
Prepare journal entries for Ann, Bud & Cal LLP on December 31, 2005, to (1) accrue
partners’ salaries and Ann’s bonus and (2) close the Income Summary ledger account
(credit balance of $100,000) and divide the net income among the partners. Show support-
ing computations in the explanation for the second journal entry.
(Exercise 2.7) The partnership contract for Bates & Carter LLP provided for salaries to partners and the
division of net income or losses as follows:
CHECK FIGURE 1. Salaries of $40,000 a year to Bates and $60,000 a year to Carter.
Net income to Bates, 2. Interest at 12% a year on beginning capital account balances.
3. Remaining net income or loss 70% to Bates and 30% to Carter.
For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2005, Bates & Carter LLP had presalaries income
of $200,000. Capital account balances on January 1, 2005, were $400,000 for Bates and
$500,000 for Carter; Bates invested an additional $100,000 in the partnership on Septem-
ber 30, 2005. In accordance with the partnership contract, both partners drew their salary
allowances in cash from the partnership during the year.
Prepare journal entries for Bates & Carter LLP on December 31, 2005, to (1) accrue
partners’ salaries and (2) close the Income Summary (credit balance of $100,000) and
drawing accounts. Show supporting computations in the journal entry closing the Income
Summary account.
(Exercise 2.8) Emma Neal and Sally Drew are partners of Neal & Drew LLP sharing net income or losses
equally; each has a capital account balance of $200,000. Sally Drew (with the consent of
Neal) sold one-fifth of her interest to her daughter Paula for $50,000, with payment to be
made to Sally Drew in five annual installments of $10,000, plus interest at 15% on the un-
paid balance.
Prepare a journal entry for Neal, Drew & Drew LLP to record the change in ownership,
and explain why you would or would not recommend a change in the valuation of net as-
sets in the accounting records of Neal, Drew & Drew LLP.
Larsen: Modern Advanced I. Accounting for 2. Partnerships: © The McGraw−Hill
Accounting, Tenth Edition Partnerships and Branches Organization and Operation Companies, 2005
(Exercise 2.9) On January 31, 2005, Nancy Ross and John Clemon were admitted to Logan, Marsh &
Noble LLP (CPA firm), which had net assets of $120,000 prior to the admission and an
CHECK FIGURE income-sharing ratio of Logan, 25%; Marsh, 35%; and Noble, 40%. Ross paid $20,000 to
Credit Clemon, capital, Carl Logan for one-half of his 20% share of partnership net assets on January 31, 2005, and
$14,000. Clemon invested $20,000 in the partnership for a 10% interest in the net assets of Logan,
Marsh, Noble, Ross & Clemon LLP. No goodwill was to be recognized as a result of the
admission of Ross and Clemon to the partnership.
Prepare separate journal entries on January 31, 2005, to record the admission of Ross
and Clemon to Logan, Marsh, Noble, Ross & Clemon LLP.
(Exercise 2.10) Partners Arne and Bolt of Arne & Bolt LLP have capital account balances of $30,000 and
$20,000, respectively, and they share net income and losses in a 3 : 1 ratio.
Prepare journal entries to record the admission of Cope to Arne, Bolt & Cope LLP
under each of the following conditions:
CHECK FIGURE a. Cope invests $30,000 for a one-fourth interest in net assets; the total partnership capital
b. Credit Arne, capital, after Cope’s admission is to be $80,000.
$19,500. b. Cope invests $30,000, of which $10,000 is a bonus to Arne and Bolt. In conjunction
with the admission of Cope, the carrying amount of the inventories is increased by
$16,000. Cope’s capital account is credited for $20,000.
(Exercise 2.11) Lamb and Meek, partners of Lamb & Meek Limited Liability Partnership who share net in-
come and losses 60% and 40%, respectively, had capital account balances of $70,000 and
$60,000, respectively, on June 30, 2005. On that date Lamb and Meek agreed to admit
Niles to Lamb, Meek & Niles Limited Liability Partnership with a one-third interest in total
partnership capital of $180,000 and a one-third share of net income or losses, for a cash
investment of $50,000.
Prepare a working paper to compute the balances of the Lamb, Capital, Meek, Capital
and Niles, Capital ledger accounts on June 30, 2005, following the admission of Niles to
Lamb, Meek & Niles Limited Liability Partnership.
(Exercise 2.12) Floyd Austin and Samuel Bradford are partners of Austin & Bradford LLP who share net
income and losses equally and have equal capital account balances. The net assets of the
CHECK FIGURE partnership have a carrying amount of $80,000. Jason Crade is admitted to Austin, Bradford &
b. Credit Crade, capital, Crade LLP with a one-third interest in net income or losses and net assets. To acquire this
$34,000. interest, Crade invests $34,000 cash in the partnership.
Prepare journal entries to record the admission of Crade in the accounting records of
Austin, Bradford & Crade LLP under the:
a. Bonus method.
b. Revaluation of net assets method, assuming partnership inventories are overstated.
(Exercise 2.13) On August 31, 2005, Logan and Major, partners of Logan & Major Limited Liability Part-
nership who had capital account balances of $80,000 and $120,000, respectively, on that
CHECK FIGURE date and who shared net income and losses in a 2 : 3 ratio, agreed to admit Nelson to Logan,
Sept. 30, credit Major, Major & Nelson Limited Liability Partnership with a 20% interest in net assets and net in-
capital, $24,000. come in exchange for a $60,000 cash investment. Logan and Major were to retain their
prior income-sharing arrangement with respect to the 80% remainder of net income (100%
20% 80%). On September 30, 2005, after the closing of the partnership’s revenue and
expense ledger accounts, the Income Summary ledger account had a credit balance of
Larsen: Modern Advanced I. Accounting for 2. Partnerships: © The McGraw−Hill
Accounting, Tenth Edition Partnerships and Branches Organization and Operation Companies, 2005
Prepare journal entries for Logan, Major & Nelson Limited Liability Partnership to
record the admission of Nelson on August 31, 2005, and to close the Income Summary
ledger account on September 30, 2005.
(Exercise 2.14) On January 31, 2005, partners of Lon, Mac & Nan LLP had the following loan and capital
account balances (after closing entries for January):
Loan receivable from Lon $ 20,000 dr
Credit Ole, capital,
Loan payable to Nan 60,000 cr
Lon, Capital 30,000 dr
Mac, Capital 120,000 cr
Nan, Capital 70,000 cr
The partnership’s income-sharing ratio was Lon, 50%; Mac, 20%; and Nan, 30%.
On January 31, 2005, Ole was admitted to the partnership for a 20% interest in total
capital of the partnership in exchange for an investment of $40,000 cash. Prior to Ole’s
admission, the existing partners agreed to increase the carrying amount of the partnership’s
inventories to current fair value, a $60,000 increase.
Prepare journal entries on January 31, 2005, for Lon, Mac, Nan & Ole LLP to record the
$60,000 increase in the partnership’s inventories and the admission of Ole for a $40,000
cash investment.
(Exercise 2.15) On May 31, 2004, Ike Loy was admitted to Jay & Kaye LLP by investing Loy Company, a
highly profitable proprietorship having identifiable tangible and intangible net assets of
$600,000, at carrying amount and current fair value. Prior to Loy’s admission, capital ac-
count balances and income-sharing percentages of Jay and Kaye were as follows:
Capital Account Income-Sharing
May 31, 2005, credit
Balances Percentages
Loy, capital, a total
of $72,000. Jay $400,000 60%
Kaye 500,000 40%
The partnership contract for the new Jay, Kaye & Loy LLP included the following
1. Loy was to receive a capital account balance of $660,000 on his admission to the part-
nership on May 31, 2004.
2. Income for the fiscal year ending May 31, 2005, and subsequent years was to be allo-
cated as follows:
a. Bonus of 10% of income after the bonus to Loy.
b. Resultant net income or loss 30% to Jay, 20% to Kaye, and 50% to Loy.
Income before the bonus for the year ended May 31, 2005, was $132,000.
Prepare journal entries for Jay, Kaye & Loy LLP on May 31, 2004, and May 31, 2005
(the latter to accrue Loy’s bonus and to close the Income Summary ledger account having
a credit balance of $120,000).
(Exercise 2.16) The inexperienced accountant for Fox, Gee & Hay LLP prepared the following journal en-
tries during the fiscal year ended August 31, 2005:
Larsen: Modern Advanced I. Accounting for 2. Partnerships: © The McGraw−Hill
Accounting, Tenth Edition Partnerships and Branches Organization and Operation Companies, 2005
Prepare journal entries for Fox, Gee & Hay LLP on August 31, 2005, to correct the ac-
counting records, which have not been closed for the year ended August 31, 2005. Assume
that Hay’s admission to the partnership should have been recorded by the bonus method.
Do not reverse the foregoing journal entries.
(Exercise 2.17) On June 30, 2005, the balance sheet of King, Lowe & More LLP and the partners’ respec-
tive income-sharing percentages were as follows:
Credit cash, $107,000.
Balance Sheet
June 30, 2005
Current assets $185,000
Plant assets (net) 200,000
Total assets $385,000
Liabilities and Partners’ Capital
Trade accounts payable $ 85,000
Loan payable to King 15,000
King, capital (20%) 70,000
Lowe, capital (20%) 65,000
More, capital (60%) 150,000
Total liabilities and partners’ capital $385,000
Larsen: Modern Advanced I. Accounting for 2. Partnerships: © The McGraw−Hill
Accounting, Tenth Edition Partnerships and Branches Organization and Operation Companies, 2005
King decided to retire from the partnership on June 30, 2005, and by mutual agreement of
the partners the plant assets were adjusted to their total current fair value of $260,000. The
partnership paid $92,000 cash for King’s equity in the partnership, exclusive of the loan,
which was repaid in full. No goodwill was to be recognized in this transaction.
Prepare journal entries for King, Lowe & More LLP on June 30, 2005, to record the ad-
justment of plant assets to current fair value and King’s retirement.
(Exercise 2.18) The partners’ capital (income-sharing ratio in parentheses) of Nunn, Owen, Park & Quan LLP
on May 31, 2005, was as follows:
Nunn (20%) $ 60,000
Credit Reed, capital,
Owen (20%) 80,000
Park (20%) 70,000
Quan (40%) 40,000
Total partners’ capital $250,000
On May 31, 2005, with the consent of Nunn, Owen, and Quan:
1. Sam Park retired from the partnership and was paid $50,000 cash in full settlement of
his interest in the partnership.
2. Lois Reed was admitted to the partnership with a $20,000 cash investment for a 10%
interest in the net assets of Nunn, Owen, Quan & Reed LLP.
No goodwill was to be recognized for the foregoing events.
Prepare journal entries on May 31, 2005, to record the foregoing events.
(Exercise 2.19) The accountant for Tan, Ulm & Vey LLP prepared the following journal entry on January
31, 2005:
Prepare a journal entry for Tan, Ulm & Vey LLP on January 31, 2005, to correct, not re-
verse, the foregoing entry. Show supporting computations in the explanation for the entry.
(Exercise 2.20) Macco Company (a limited partnership) was established on January 2, 2005, with the is-
suance of 10 units at $10,000 a unit to Malcolm Cole, the general partner, and 40 units in
the aggregate to five limited partners at $10,000 a unit. The certificate for Macco provided
that Cole was authorized to withdraw a maximum of $24,000 a year on December 31 of each
year for which net income was at least $100,000 and that limited partners might withdraw
Larsen: Modern Advanced I. Accounting for 2. Partnerships: © The McGraw−Hill
Accounting, Tenth Edition Partnerships and Branches Organization and Operation Companies, 2005
their equity for cash or promissory notes on December 31 of each year only. For 2005
Macco Company had a net income of $300,000, and on December 31, 2005, Cole withdrew
$24,000 cash and a limited partner redeemed 10 units, receiving a two-year promissory
note bearing interest at 10%.
Prepare a statement of partners’ capital for Macco Company (a limited partnership) for
the fiscal year ended December 31, 2005.
(Case 2.1) The author of Modern Advanced Accounting takes the position (page 27) that salaries
awarded to partners of a limited liability partnership should be recognized as operating
expenses of the partnership. Some other accountants maintain that partners’ salaries should
be accounted for as a step in the division of net income or losses of a limited liability
Which method of accounting for partners’ salaries do you support? Explain.
(Case 2.2) During your audit of the financial statements of Arnold, Bright & Carle LLP for the fiscal
year ended January 31, 2005, you review the following general journal entry:
Is recognition of goodwill in the foregoing journal entry in accordance with generally
accepted accounting principles? Explain.
(Case 2.3) In a classroom discussion of accounting standards for limited liability partnerships, student
Ronald suggested that interest on partners’ capital account balances, allocated in accor-
dance with the partnership contract, should be recognized as an operating expense by the
What is your opinion of student Ronald’s suggestion? Explain.
Larsen: Modern Advanced I. Accounting for 2. Partnerships: © The McGraw−Hill
Accounting, Tenth Edition Partnerships and Branches Organization and Operation Companies, 2005
(Case 2.4) The partners of Arch, Bell & Cole LLP had the following capital account balances and
income-sharing ratio on May 31, 2005 (there were no loans receivable from or payable to
The partners are considering admission of Sidney Dale to the new Arch, Bell, Cole & Dale
LLP for a 25% interest in partnership capital and a 20% share of net income. They request
your advice on the preferability of Dale’s investing cash in the partnership compared with
their selling to Dale one-fourth of each of their partnership interests.
Present the partners of Arch, Bell & Cole LLP with the advantages and disadvantages of
the two possible methods of the admission of Dale. Disregard income tax considerations.
(Case 2.5) During your audit of Nue & Olde LLP for its first year of operations, you discover the
following end-of-year adjusting entry in the partnership’s general journal:
Is the recognition of income taxes expense in the foregoing journal entry in accordance
with generally accepted accounting principles? Explain, including in your explanation the
accepted definitions of expense and income taxes expense.
(Case 2.6) Dee, Ern & Fay LLP, whose partners share net income and losses equally, had an operating
income of $30,000 for the first year of operations. However, near the end of that year, the
partners learned of two unfavorable developments: (a) the bankruptcy of Sasha Company,
maker of a two-year promissory note for $20,000 payable to Partner Dee that had been in-
dorsed in blank to the partnership by Dee at face amount as Dee’s original investment, and
(b) the appearance on the market of new competing patented devices that rendered worth-
less a patent with a carrying amount of $10,000 that had been invested in the partnership
by Ern as part of Ern’s original investment.
Dee, Ern & Fay LLP had retained the promissory note made by Sasha Company with the
expectation of discounting it when cash was needed. Quarterly interest payments had been
received regularly prior to the bankruptcy of Sasha, but present prospects were for no fur-
ther collections of interest or principal.
Fay argues that the $30,000 operating income should be divided $10,000 to each part-
ner, with the $20,000 loss on the uncollectible note debited to Dee’s capital account and the
$10,000 loss on the worthless patent debited to Ern’s capital account.
Larsen: Modern Advanced I. Accounting for 2. Partnerships: © The McGraw−Hill
Accounting, Tenth Edition Partnerships and Branches Organization and Operation Companies, 2005
Do you agree with Fay? Explain.
(Case 2.7) A series of substantial net losses from operations has resulted in the following balance
sheet drafted by the controller of Nobis, Ortho & Parr LLP:
Current assets $420,000
Plant assets (net) 550,000
Total assets $970,000
(Case 2.9) Carl Dobbs and David Ellis formed Dobbs & Ellis LLP on January 2, 2005. Dobbs invested
cash of $50,000, and Ellis invested cash of $20,000 and marketable equity securities
(classified as available for sale) with a current fair value of $80,000. A portion of the secu-
rities was sold at carrying amount in January 2005 to provide cash for operations of the
The partnership contract stated that net income and losses were to be divided in the cap-
ital ratio and authorized each partner to withdraw $1,000 monthly. Dobbs withdrew $1,000
on the last day of each month during 2005, but Ellis made no withdrawals during 2005 until
July 1, when he withdraw all the securities that had not been sold by the partnership. The
securities that Ellis withdrew had a current fair value of $41,000 when invested in the part-
nership on January 2, 2005, and a current fair value of $62,000 on July 1, 2005, when with-
drawn. Ellis instructed the accountant for Dobbs & Ellis LLP to record the transaction by
reducing Ellis’s capital account balance by $41,000, which was done. Income from opera-
tions of Dobbs & Ellis LLP for 2005 amounted to $24,000.
Determine the appropriate division of net income of Dobbs & Ellis LLP for 2005. If the
income-sharing provision of the partnership contract is unsatisfactory, state the assump-
tions you would make for an appropriate interpretation of the partners’ intentions. Describe
the journal entry, if any, that you believe should be made for Dobbs & Ellis LLP. (Disregard
income taxes.)
(Case 2.10) George Lewis and Anna Marlin are partners of Lewis & Marlin LLP, who share net in-
come and losses equally. They offer to admit Betty Naylor to Lewis, Marlin & Naylor LLP
for a one-third interest in net assets and in net income or losses for an investment of
$50,000 cash. The total capital of Lewis & Marlin LLP prior to Naylor’s admission was
$110,000. Naylor makes a counteroffer of $40,000, explaining that her investigation of
Lewis & Marlin LLP indicates that many trade accounts receivable are past due and that a
significant amount of the inventories is obsolete. Lewis and Marlin deny both of these
allegations. They contend that inventories are valued in accordance with generally
accepted accounting principles and that the accounts receivable are fully collectible. How-
ever, after prolonged negotiations, the admission price of $40,000 proposed by Naylor is
agreed upon.
Explain two ways in which the admission of Naylor might be recorded by Lewis, Marlin &
Naylor LLP, and indicate which method is preferable.
(Case 2.11) Lowyma Company LLP, a partnership of Ed Loeser, Peter Wylie, and Herman Martin, has
operated successfully for many years, but Martin now plans to retire. In discussions of the
settlement to be made with Martin, the point was made that inventories had been valued at
last-in, first-out cost for many years. Martin suggested that because the partnership had be-
gun managing inventories by the just-in-time system, the first-in, first-out cost of the in-
ventories should be determined and the excess of this amount over the carrying amount of
the inventories should be recognized as a gain to the partnership to be shared equally by the
three partners. Loeser objected to this suggestion on grounds that any method of inventory
valuation would give reasonably accurate results provided it were followed consistently and
that a departure from the long-established last-in, first-out method of inventory valuation
used by the partnership would produce an erroneous earnings record for the life of the part-
nership to date.
Evaluate the objections of Ed Loeser by reference to APB Opinion No. 20, “Accounting
Larsen: Modern Advanced I. Accounting for 2. Partnerships: © The McGraw−Hill
Accounting, Tenth Edition Partnerships and Branches Organization and Operation Companies, 2005
(Problem 2.1) Among the business transactions and events of Oscar, Paul & Quinn LLP, whose partners
shared net income and losses equally, for the month of January 2005, were the following:
Jan. 2 With the consent of Paul and Quinn, Oscar made a $10,000 cash advance to the
partnership on a 12% demand promissory note.
6 With the consent of Oscar and Paul, Quinn withdrew from the partnership
merchandise with a cost of $4,000 and a fair value of $5,200, in lieu of a regular
cash drawing. The partnership uses the perpetual inventory system.
13 The partners agreed that a patent with a carrying amount of $6,000, which had
been invested by Paul when the partnership was organized, was worthless and
should be written off.
27 Paul paid a $2,000 trade account payable of the partnership.
Prepare journal entries for the foregoing transactions and events of Oscar, Paul & Quinn
LLP and the January 31, 2005, adjusting entry for the note payable to Oscar.
(Problem 2.2) The condensed balance sheet of Gee & Hawe LLP on December 31, 2004, follows:
a. Credit Ivan, capital,
Balance Sheet
$120,000; b. Net
December 31, 2004
income to Hawe,
$12,000. Assets Liabilities and Partners’ Capital
Current assets $100,000 Liabilities $300,000
Plant assets (net) 500,000 Louis Gee, capital 200,000
Ray Hawe, capital 100,000
Total $600,000 Total $600,000
Gee and Hawe shared net income or losses 40% and 60%, respectively. On January 2, 2005,
Lisa Ivan was admitted to Gee, Hawe & Ivan LLP by the investment of the net assets of her
highly profitable proprietorship. The partners agreed to the following current fair values of
the identifiable net assets of Ivan’s proprietorship:
Ivan’s capital account was credited for $120,000. The partners agreed further that the
current fair values of the net assets of Gee & Hawe LLP were equal to their carrying
amounts and that the accounting records of the old partnership should be used for the new
partnership. The following partner-remuneration plan was adopted for the new partnership:
1. Salaries of $10,000 to Gee, $15,000 to Hawe, and $20,000 to Ivan, to be recognized as
expenses of the partnership.
2. A bonus of 10% of income after deduction of partners’ salaries and the bonus to Ivan.
3. Remaining income or loss as follows: 30% to Gee, 40% to Hawe, and 30% to Ivan.
Larsen: Modern Advanced I. Accounting for 2. Partnerships: © The McGraw−Hill
Accounting, Tenth Edition Partnerships and Branches Organization and Operation Companies, 2005
For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2005, Gee, Hawe & Ivan LLP had income of
$78,000 before partners’ salaries and the bonus to Ivan.
Prepare journal entries for Gee, Hawe & Ivan LLP to record the following (include sup-
porting computations in the explanations for the entries):
a. The admission of Ivan to the partnership on January 2, 2005.
b. The partners’ salaries, bonus, and division of net income for the year ended Decem-
ber 31, 2005.
(Problem 2.3) Ross & Saye LLP was organized and began operations on March 1, 2004. On that date,
Roberta Ross invested $150,000, and Samuel Saye invested land and building with current
fair values of $80,000 and $100,000, respectively. Saye also invested $60,000 in the part-
nership on November 1, 2004, because of its shortage of cash. The partnership contract in-
cludes the following remuneration plan:
Ross Saye
a. Net income to Ross,
$66,000; b. Saye, Annual salary (recognized as operating expense) $18,000 $24,000
capital, $294,000. Annual interest on average capital account balances 10% 10%
Remainder 60% 40%
Lucas, May,
b. Net income to May,
Capital Capital
$43,500; d. Net
income to Lucas, Original investments, Jan. 2, 2005 $120,000 $180,000
$28,800. Investments: May 1 15,000
July 1 15,000
Withdrawals: Nov. 1 (30,000) (75,000)
Capital account balances, Dec. 31, 2005 $105,000 $120,000
The income of Lucas & May LLP for 2005, before partners’ salaries expense, was
$69,600. The income included an extraordinary gain of $12,000.
Prepare a working paper to compute each partner’s share of net income of Lucas & May
LLP for 2005 to the nearest dollar, assuring the following alternative income-sharing plans:
Larsen: Modern Advanced I. Accounting for 2. Partnerships: © The McGraw−Hill
Accounting, Tenth Edition Partnerships and Branches Organization and Operation Companies, 2005
Alex $ 96,000
a. Net income to Alex,
Baron 144,000
$11,760; b. Crane,
Crane 216,000
capital, $202,540.
Chu, Dow, and Eng share net income and losses in the ratio of 3 : 2 : 1, respectively.
Prepare journal entries to record Eng’s withdrawal from the Chu, Dow & Eng LLP on July 10,
2005, under each of the following independent assumptions:
a. Eng is paid $54,000, and the excess paid over Eng’s capital account balance is recorded
as a bonus to Eng from Chu and Dow.
b. Eng is paid $45,000, and the difference is recorded as a bonus to Chu and Dow from Eng.
c. Eng is paid $45,000, and goodwill currently in the accounting records of the partner-
ship, which arose from Chu’s original investment of a highly profitable proprietorship,
is reduced by the total amount of impairment implicit in the transaction.
d. Eng accepts cash of $40,500 and plant assets (equipment) with a current fair value of
$9,000. The equipment had cost $30,000 and was 60% depreciated, with no residual
value. (Record any gain or loss on the disposal of the equipment in the partners’ capital
(Problem 2.7) Yee & Zane LLP has maintained its accounting records on the accrual basis of accounting,
except for the method of handling uncollectible account losses. Doubtful accounts expense
has been recognized only when specific trade accounts receivable were determined to be
CHECK FIGURE The partners of Yee & Zane LLP are anticipating the admission of Arne to the firm on
a. Debit Yee, capital, December 31, 2005, and they retain you to review the partnership accounting records be-
$3,530; b. Credit Arne, fore this action is taken. You suggest that the firm change retroactively to the allowance
capital, $20,000. method of accounting for doubtful accounts receivable so that the planning for admission
of Arne may be based on the accrual basis of accounting. The following information is
The partners shared net income and losses equally through 2004. In 2005 the income-
sharing plan was changed as follows: salaries of $8,000 and $6,000 to Yee and Zane, re-
spectively, to be expensed by the partnership; the resultant net income or loss to be divided
60% to Yee and 40% to Zane. Income of Yee & Zane LLP for 2005 was $52,000 before
partners’ salaries expense.
a. Prepare a journal entry for Yee & Zane LLP on December 31, 2005, giving effect to the
change in accounting method for doubtful accounts expense. Support the entry with an
Larsen: Modern Advanced I. Accounting for 2. Partnerships: © The McGraw−Hill
Accounting, Tenth Edition Partnerships and Branches Organization and Operation Companies, 2005
exhibit showing changes in doubtful accounts expense for the year ended December 31,
b. Assume that after you prepared the journal entry in a above, Yee’s capital account bal-
ance was $48,000, Zane’s capital account balance was $22,000, and Arne invested
$30,000 for a 20% interest in net assets of Yee, Zane & Arne LLP and a 25% share in net
income or losses. Prepare a journal entry for Yee, Zane & Arne LLP to record the ad-
mission of Arne on December 31, 2005, by the bonus method.
(Problem 2.8) Following are financial statements and additional information for Alef, Beal & Clarke
Net cash provided by
Income Statement
operating activities,
For Year Ended December 31, 2005
Revenue and gain:
Fees $480,000
Gain on disposal of equipment 600
Total revenue and gain $480,600
Depreciation $ 3,220
Other 427,670
Total expenses 430,890
Net income $ 49,710
Division of net income:
Partner Alef $ 22,280
Partner Beal 5,150
Partner Clarke 22,280
Total $ 49,710
Additional Information
1. Alef, Beal, and Clarke shared net income and losses equally. On July 1, 2005, after the
$15,450 net income of the partnership for the six months ended June 30, 2005, had been di-
vided among the partners, Andrew Beal retired from the partnership, receiving $2,000 cash
Larsen: Modern Advanced I. Accounting for 2. Partnerships: © The McGraw−Hill
Accounting, Tenth Edition Partnerships and Branches Organization and Operation Companies, 2005
and a 5%, five-year promissory note for $10,000 in full settlement of his interest. The
partners agreed to recognize goodwill of $3,000 prior to Beal’s retirement and to retain
Beal’s name in the partnership name. Alef and Clarke agreed to share net income and
losses equally following Beal’s retirement.
2. Following Beal’s withdrawal, the insurance policy on his life was canceled, and the part-
nership received the cash surrender value of $3,420.
3. The partnership had acquired equipment costing $15,210 on August 31, 2005, for $6,210
cash and an equipment contract payable $300 a month at the end of each month beginning
September 30, 2005, plus interest at 6%. The partnership made required payments when due.
4. On September 30, 2005, the partnership had disposed of equipment that had cost $4,500
for $1,200, recognizing a gain of $600.
5. The partnership had borrowed $3,330 from the bank on a six-month, 8% promissory
note due April 15, 2006.
Prepare a statement of cash flows under the indirect method for Alef, Beal & Clarke LLP
for the year ended December 31, 2005. A working paper is not required.
(Problem 2.9) Southwestern Enterprises (a limited partnership) was formed on January 2, 2005, with the
issuance of 1,200 units, $1,000 each, as follows:
Laurence Douglas, general partner, 400 units $ 400,000
Net income to limited
10 limited partners, 800 units total 800,000
partners, $360,000.
Total (1,200 units) $1,200,000
The trial balance of Southwestern Enterprises on December 31, 2005, the end of its first
year of operations, is as follows:
Debit Credit
Cash $ 20,000
Trade accounts receivable 90,000
Allowance for doubtful accounts $ 10,000
Inventories 100,000
Plant assets 1,500,000
Accumulated depreciation of plant assets 100,000
Note payable to bank 20,000
Trade accounts payable 50,000
Accrued liabilities 30,000
Laurence Douglas, capital 400,000
Laurence Douglas, drawings 0
Limited partners, capital 800,000
Limited partners, redemptions 260,000
Net sales 1,400,000
Cost of goods sold 700,000
Operating expenses 140,000
Totals $2,810,000 $2,810,000
Larsen: Modern Advanced I. Accounting for 2. Partnerships: © The McGraw−Hill
Accounting, Tenth Edition Partnerships and Branches Organization and Operation Companies, 2005
Additional Information
1. The Limited Partners, Capital and Limited Partners, Redemptions ledger accounts are
controlling accounts supported by subsidiary ledgers.
2. The certificate for Southwestern Enterprises provides that general partner Laurence
Douglas may withdraw cash each December 31 to the extent of his unit participation in
the net income of the limited partnership. Douglas had no drawings for 2005. The cer-
tificate also provides that limited partners may withdraw their net equity only on June 30
or December 31 of each year. Two limited partners, each owning 100 units in South-
western Enterprises, withdrew cash for their equity during 2005, as shown by the fol-
lowing Limited Partners, Redemptions ledger account:
3. Net income of Southwestern Enterprises for the year ended December 31, 2005, was
subdivided as follows:
4. The 10%, six-month bank loan had been received on December 31, 2005.
5. There were no disposals of plant assets during 2005.
Prepare an income statement, a statement of partners’ capital, a balance sheet, and a state-
ment of cash flows (indirect method) for Southwestern Enterprises (a limited partnership)
for the year ended December 31, 2005. Show net income per weighted-average unit sepa-
rately for the general partner and the limited partners in the income statement, and show
partners’ capital per unit in the balance sheet. A working paper is not required for the state-
ment of cash flows.
(Problem 2.10) The partners of Noble & Roland LLP have asked you to review the following balance sheet
(AICPA Professional Standards, vol. 2, “Compilation and Review of Financial Statements,”
sec. AR100.04 defines review as follows:
CHECK FIGURE Review of financial statements. Performing inquiry and analytical procedures that provide the
b. Total assets, accountant with a reasonable basis for expressing limited assurance that there are no material
$115,000. modifications that should be made to the statements in order for them to be in conformity
with generally accepted accounting principles or, if applicable, with another comprehensive
basis of accounting.
Also, sec. AR100.35 states: “Each page of the financial statements reviewed by the ac-
countant should include a reference such as ‘See Accountant’s Review Report.’ ”)
Larsen: Modern Advanced I. Accounting for 2. Partnerships: © The McGraw−Hill
Accounting, Tenth Edition Partnerships and Branches Organization and Operation Companies, 2005
Current assets:
Cash and cash equivalents $ 3,000
Short-term investments in marketable equity
securities, at cost 10,000
10% note receivable, due on demand 20,000
Trade accounts receivable 40,000
Short-term prepayments 1,000
Total current assets $ 74,000
Equipment, net of accumulated depreciation $4,000 50,000
Total assets $124,000
a. Prepare journal entries to correct the accounting records of Noble & Roland LLP as of
June 30, 2005. Allocate all entries affecting income statement accounts to the partners’
capital accounts in their income-sharing ratio: Noble, 60%; Roland, 40%.
b. Prepare a corrected balance sheet for Noble & Roland LLP as of June 30, 2005.
Larsen: Modern Advanced I. Accounting for 2. Partnerships: © The McGraw−Hill
Accounting, Tenth Edition Partnerships and Branches Organization and Operation Companies, 2005