Selina Fraser's English Language Sba
Selina Fraser's English Language Sba
Selina Fraser's English Language Sba
Centre number:090086
Territory: Guyana
This project contributes 25% of the researcher’s CSEC’s marks. The researchers
chose the topic child abuse because it is an activity that is being overlooked and
common in the entire country.
This project explains what is child abuse , the effects and causes of child
abuse. The researcher also gave recommendations based on her findings as to
how child abuse can be prevented.
The researcher would firstly like to thank God for giving her the strength to
complete this School Based Assessment with her group members.
The researcher would then like to thank her parents for staying up with her at
nights and for supporting her financially throughout the project. Also all the group
members for cooperating, helping to analyze and gather information.
Lastly the researcher would like to thank her subject teacher for explaining each
portfolio and for guiding her throughout the SBA.
Plan of Investigation
The researcher chose this topic about child abuse in Geogretown because it is
one of the most wrong and disturbing yet over looked issue. The effects of
child abuse are long lasting. While some children would become better parents
because of their experience, others maybe damaged emotionally and
physically. Which is why the researcher would like to surface the reasons for
child abuse and suggest ways in which child abuse can be prevented.
The researcher intends to collect (3) pieces of data. The researcher would
go on to the internet and collect data in two forms Print and visual. She would
got to the Child Protection Agency and record a representative concerning the
First Entry
The findings affected the researcher knowing that innocent children are
being taken advantage of by their loved ones or sometimes strangers
Second entry
The language used in the print and audio was formal but simplified. For the
audio , their choice of words and abilty to explain helped the researcher to
understand clearly.
The print was a little more indept and technical. It helped the researcher to
understand the history of child abuse and what supposedly triggers individuals
to abuse and take advantage of children.
Third entry
The researchers then did individual research to get the three pieces of
evidence ; Print , Audio and visual. We then analyzed the pieces of data and made
it suitable for presentation.
The print informed us that professional inquiry into Child Abuse begun in
1960. In 1962 a paper entitled “The Battered Child – Syndrome” written by
pediatric C.Henry Kempe and published in the journal of The American Medical
Association , helped to raise alarm and awareness of Child Abuse. Child abuse is
described as the sexual / psychological maltreatment or neglect of a child or
children especially by a parent or a caregiver. They further went pn to explain the
types of abuses, the effects of most of the types were ; depression , self guilt,
flash backs, and post traumatic stress. It also causes developmental problems and
the mistreated child may grow to be abusive adults.
Four pictures were collected for the visual. There was an image of a boy
with an eye that is black and blue, showing physical abuse. A girl covering her ears
and crying while her father beats her mother , showing physiological abuse and
physical abuse to the mother. There was a picture of another boy with a swollen
law and eye, also showed an man assumedly the father placing his hands on a
little girl’s breast with the wrist of his other hand folded while the mother is
forced to watch. This shows physiological and physical abuse to both mother and
daughter and sexual abuse to the daughter.
From this investigation our writing, analyzing and reading skills were
improved. Our knowledge on Child Abuse was widened which caused us to
become more aware of children and how they are treated.
Oral presentation
Children who suffer from the long term effects of child abuse may
need therapy to be reminded that what happened is not their
fault and to deal with it.
The persons that abuse the child should also be given therapy.
It is important to remind the public that acts of child abuse are serious
threats to a child’s healthy development and that overt violence toward children.
Also that persistent lack of attention to their care and supervision are
unacceptable. Individuals have the ability to accept personal responsibility for
reducing the acts of child abuse by providing support to each other and offering
protection to all children within their family and community.