English A SBA

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Year of Examination: 2024

Territory: Guyana
Name of School: Saraswati Vidya Niketan
Centre Code: 090100
Subject: English
Name of Teacher: Ms. Salomie Itwaru

Candidate Name: Devindra Balgobin

Candidate Number: 090100 0051

Title of project: Chronic Diseases:


Score Awarded: Total (45)

Naraine, 0901000469

Table of Contents

Item Page

Acknowledgement ………………………………………………………………… 3
Plan of Investigation ……………………………………………………………… 4
Reflection ………………………………………………………………………….. 5
Reflection NO.1 …………………………………………………………….. 5
Reflection NO. 2 ……………………………………………………………. 6
Reflection NO. 3 ……………………………………………………………. 7
Artifacts……………………………………………………………………………. 8
Artifact NO. 1 ……………………………………………………………… 8
Artifact NO. 2 ……………………………………………………………… 9
Artifact NO. 3 ……………………………………………………………… 10
Group Report ……………………………………………………………………... 11
Group Artifacts …………………………………………………………………… 13
Artifact NO. 1 ……………………………………………………………… 13
Artifact NO. 2 ……………………………………………………………… 14
Artifact NO. 3 ……………………………………………………………… 15
Oral Presentation ………………………………………………………………… 16
Bibliography ……………………………………………………………………… 18

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The researcher would like to express his heartfelt gratitude to all those who have contributed

to the successful completion of his English School-Based Assessment (SBA).

First and foremost, he extends his deepest appreciation to his English teacher, Ms. Salomie

Itwaru, for her invaluable guidance, support, and encouragement throughout this undertaking. Her

expertise, patience, and dedication have been instrumental in shaping and refining this project.

He is also immensely thankful to his classmates and group members who provided assistance,

feedback, and motivation, making this academic endeavour an enriching collaborative experience.

Furthermore, he would like to acknowledge the support of his family for their unwavering

encouragement, understanding, and belief in his abilities. Their continuous support has been a

constant source of strength throughout this journey.

Lastly, he extends his appreciation for all the resources, references, and materials that have

contributed to the depth and breadth of this project.

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Plan of Investigation

The general topic is Chronic Diseases and the sub-topic is Diabetes. This topic was chosen

because Diabetes is prevalent in my community.

I would like to know more about the negative effects and ways to prevent diabetes.

The benefits to an English student doing this SBA are summary writing, persuasive speaking

and argumentative writing.

The three artifacts are a poster, poem and a song, they will be sourced from reputable websites

and textbooks.

Summary writing will be used in reflections, written report and oral presentation. Persuasive

speaking and argumentative writing will be used in oral presentation.

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Reflection NO. 1

I began researching this SBA with the thought that diabetes was not very serious in today’s society. In

fact, I thought it was an ordinary disease.

I have gathered great knowledge from the ‘Cleveland Clinic’ website that diabetes is a

common condition that affects people of all ages. There are several forms of diabetes. Type 2 is the

most common.

The poem, “Diabetes” by Nick Bell states that the persona feels like he is at war, that diabetes

ruined his childhood and the pain is so much that he is going insane. The persona wants to die because

of the pain and all the tears and fears.

In the poster they are showing the symptoms, risk factors, prevention and complication.

The song focuses on the pancreas not working and your insulin depriving. It also states that if you

want to eat you have to check your blood sugar.

I have learned that diabetes is indeed a serious disease and can cause a lot of suffering.

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Reflection NO. 2

“Diabetes” is a poem which has end rhymes. Examples of end rhymes are thinkin’ and sinkin’,

tears and fears, place and space. These rhymes help with rhythm and give the poem a musical effect.

It makes the message easy to understand.

“Diabetes Poster” is a poster in which visual symbolism was used. These images were used to

convey a clear message to readers. The use of visuals makes the artifact attractive and captures

readers attention.

In the song “The Diabetes Rap” there was the use of repetition. For example, I am a Diabetic, I

am a Diabetic.

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Reflection NO. 3

This SBA helped me to understand that chronic diseases especially diabetes should be taken seriously.

I learned that it is prevalent in the Guyanese society.

I learnt that there are a lot of risk factors, symptoms, prevention and complications. Some of

these things are obesity, genetic inheritance, high cholesterol, itchy skin, excess weight, frequent

urination, healthy eating, exercise, glucose control, nerve tissue damage, retina damage, heart damage,


My experience working with group members was challenging. It was difficult initially but

then we learnt how to cope and help each other. Eventually, the group was able to reach all its


Working in a group taught me how to be patient and to cooperate with each other to reach a

common goal.

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Artifact NO. 1- Poster

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Artifact NO. 2- Song

The Diabetes Rap

I A M D I A B E T I C you know what that means man

I A M D I A B E T I C you know what that means man

Pancreas don’t work and I don’t know why

Start to damage my cells, insulin deprived

If you think you’re gonna fight it with a diet

You be done, you got the wrong kind of mind

I’m a type one son!

See you get type one from your family history

And if it’s not from that then you gatta like meat man

I got that clear style, looking real good

I let it hang in my pocket like a playa would

You wanna eat a meal? Check your blood sugar, man

Put in your carbs, press ACT, and then you’re pumpin’!

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Artifact NO. 3- Poem

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Group Report

We investigated the topic, “Chronic Diseases” because it was a common interest amongst all

the group members. From the main topic, the sub-topics are as follow, Alzheimer’s Disease,

Diabetes, Cancer, Heart illnesses and Hypertension. These Chronic Diseasees are particularly

common in our society, hence, it was fairly easy to acquire information and artefacts on the sub-

topics. The only challenge faced, however, was that there were many available artefacts to choose

from and as such, an information overload.

Our group had composed a total of fifteen artefacts. We selected the best three that had

properly described our main topic. The artefacts selected were two poems.

The poem, “Don’t Ask Me to Remember” by Owen Darnell and “Diabetes” by Nick Bell and

a poster, “Ways of Diabetes” from Canva.

The poem, “Diabetes” by Nick Bell states that the persona feels like he is at war, that diabetes

ruined his childhood, and the pain is so much that he is going insane. The persona wants to die

because of the pain and all the tears and fears. (Neuroscience, 2019)

The poster shows the symptoms, risk factors, prevention, and complication of diabetes. It

focuses on the pancreas which is not working and insulin deprivation. It also states that if someone

wants to eat he/she must check his/her blood sugar. (Canva, 2020)

The poem, “Don’t Ask Me to Remember” by Owen Darnell talks about a person who is losing

their memory and was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. The poem focuses on how the person knows that

they cannot remember their loved ones, but they just hope that even so, their loved ones would stay at

her side. (English Diary, 2019)

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Upon completing the investigation, we have learnt a lot about chronic diseases.

We have also benefitted academically especially in terms of persuasive writing and

argumentative writing. In addition, our self-discipline has improved.

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Group Artifacts
Artifact NO. 1

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Artifact NO. 2

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Artifact NO. 3

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Oral Presentation
Genre: Prose
Today, I stand before you to present on a critical health concern affecting millions worldwide:

diabetes. Diabetes isn't just a disease; it's a global epidemic that demands our attention, understanding,

and proactive measures.

What is diabetes? It's a chronic condition characterized by elevated levels of sugar (glucose) in

the blood. This happens due to the body's inability to produce enough insulin or to effectively use the

insulin it produces. Insulin, produced by the pancreas, helps regulate glucose levels in our blood,

providing energy to our cells.

There are primarily two types of diabetes: Type 1 and Type 2. Type 1 diabetes occurs when

the immune system mistakenly attacks and destroys insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. On the

other hand, Type 2 diabetes results from a combination of genetic and lifestyle factors, where the

body becomes resistant to insulin or doesn’t produce enough.

The causes of diabetes are varying. Type 1 is often attributed to genetic predisposition or

environmental triggers. Type 2 diabetes, however, is largely linked to unhealthy lifestyle choices—

sedentary habits, poor diet, obesity, and high stress levels. Additionally, gestational diabetes can

develop during pregnancy, posing risks to both the mother and the child.

Recognizing the symptoms of diabetes is crucial for early detection and management.

Increased thirst, frequent urination, unexplained weight loss, fatigue, blurred vision, slow-healing

wounds, and tingling sensations are common signs that shouldn’t be ignored. Timely diagnosis can

prevent complications such as heart disease, kidney failure, blindness, and nerve damage.

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Yet, there's hope. Education and lifestyle modifications play pivotal roles in managing and

preventing diabetes. Eating a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins,

combined with regular exercise, can significantly reduce the risk of Type 2 diabetes. For those already

diagnosed, medication, insulin therapy, and monitoring blood sugar levels are crucial components of

managing the condition.

Technology continues to revolutionize diabetes care with continuous glucose monitors, insulin

pumps, and innovative treatment methods, promising a better quality of life for those affected.

But we can't stop here. Awareness, early detection, and support for diabetes research are

imperative. It’s a collective responsibility to promote healthier lifestyles, educate communities, and

ensure access to quality healthcare for all.

Let us stand together in our commitment to combating this global health crisis. By

empowering ourselves and others with knowledge, making healthier choices, and supporting

advancements in research and treatment, we can alleviate the burden of diabetes and strive for a

healthier future for generations to come.

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1. Diabetes Poem, Nick Bell https://www.google.com/search?



598&dpr=1.5&safe=active&ssui=on#imgrc=O0k1DixVRXNmYM ( 2012)

2. Diabetes Poster, https://www.google.com/search?








3. Diabetes Rap Song, Discovery Life, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGLMWyywd-0


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Rating Scale Final
Areas Score
0 1 2 3

No reason and
Reason for choosing the title given or Reason given is Original and
obscure reason vague or weak ; insightful
(a) topic and selection of
with appropriate
reason and title
reason and /3
title inappropriate title given title given

Benefits are
Benefits are
Benefits given clearly
Expected benefits to clearly
are not clearly expressed, but
(b) you as a student of No benefits given expressed ,
stated, few are they are not all
English sound and
attainable sound, most are /3

Material to be Material to be
collected stated collected stated
(type or nature (type or nature
Material to be of material) of material)
collected not Limited list of Various sources /2
stated sources given for possible
(Internet etc…)
Proposal for collection
and use of material Use of the Use of the
Use of the

English English English

Language skills
to be used in Language skills Language skills
analysing the outlined and an clearly outlined
material not attempt made and clear
stated to indicate how indication of
they will be how they will be
used. used provided.

Total marks for Plan of Investigation=10 marks

Scale down to 5 marks

Score awarded = = ______________

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The total mark for Individual Participation will be 5 marks based on the responses obtained from
the sessions conducted by the teacher.

Areas Questions for students Final


Do/Did you know what you are/were expected to do to work

1. well in a team? /1

2. Are you able to focus on what is taking place in your group? /1

How do /did you feel in the group? I feel self-confidence, self- /1

3. esteem and self-efficacy.

Do/Did you know how to manage how you behave in the /1


5. Do /Did you manage your tasks on time and thoroughly? /1

Total score /5

This scale should be completed by the teacher in discussion with the student on two different
occasions. After the first assessment, discussion should take place and feedback should be given to
the student to allow for improvement. The second assessment should produce the final mark out of
five agreed on by the teacher and student.

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Name of Group :_______________

Date: _______________________

Rating Scale
Facets of process Final Score
0 1 2 3

The plan of work exists and All members have seen , read
Plan of work not known by all
1 Communication most group members have and discussed the plan of
group members /2
seen , read and discussed it work

No awareness of what Some awareness of what Members seek out and are /2
2 Collaboration members of the group are members of the group are aware of what all members
doing doing of the group are doing

Group members show no Group members engaged in Group members engaged in Group members engaged in /3
reflection on work at the end reflection on work at the end reflection on work at the end
6 Reflection* evidence of reflecting on their of some of the activities or of most of the activities or of all of the activities or
work sessions sessions sessions

There is obvious Members attempt to resolve /3

Members are actively
misunderstanding among issues and problems to Members respect and
creating interaction with
7 Interaction members. Group unable to ensure a comfortable appreciate each other; and
each other and displaying
resolve problems relationship among group show empathy to all members
members trust and respect

Total marks for Quality of Within-Group Activities = 10 marks /10

Total Score


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NOTE TO TEACHER: The mark awarded is a group mark. All students receive the same mark.

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Rating Scale
Facets of Task
1 2 3 4

Does not meet the required The required number of stimuli Contexts in/from which the stimuli Contexts in/from which the stimuli are
number of pieces has been selected but some of are chosen are explicitly given. chosen are explicitly given.
the issues are only implied.

Stimuli chosen are of little There is evidence of the procedures There is clear evidence of the procedure
Some tasks are noted but
relevance or a weak attempt used in selecting the three stimuli used in selecting the three stimuli
generally there seems to be
is made to force relevance
inadequacy, and lack of clarity.

1. Content Some of the issues associated with Issues raised (in the stimuli) are clearly
Only one or two tasks The report indicates an the stimuli are not clearly
attempted understanding of tasks but defined and fully explored
Stated (more information is needed)
execution is insufficient

All relevant tasks (processes, procedures)

There is indication of the tasks to be which should have been/ are to be,
done but some aspects are left out performed by group members and
described in the reporting are noted and

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Weak response to the tasks: Analysis focuses on some of the Excellent response to the tasks:
key issues.
(focus, summary, analysis (focus, summary, analysis)

Good evidence of research

Issues are not clearly Analysis focuses on the key issues.
Good handling of documentation
with the occasional error. Findings of discussions and
Inadequate evidence of research of the relevance to the
research stimulus
2. Evidence of material are clearly stated

All sources of the various stimuli

are acknowledged and

Any comments on the stimuli,

apart from students’ original
comments, are appropriately
acknowledged and

Rating Scale
Facets of Task
1 2 3 4

3. Language use The report: The report: The report:

and vocabulary

Good control of basic Very good control of language Excellent use of Standard English in
grammar, vocabulary and (grammar and vocabulary) - the appropriate tone and register
mechanics. Competent errors do not suggest lack of
sentence structure but lacking capacity
in maturity of expression

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The vocabulary shows excellent

knowledge of and interaction with
the issues and context.

Total marks for Written Report = 10 marks

Score awarded = __________ + _________+ _________ = __________


Rating Scale
Facets of Tasks
0 1 2 3 4

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awkward but acceptable

choppy Intelligible;
1. Fluency of delivery jerky, halting fragmentary intonation; clear; smooth;
long pauses continuous; well-paced flow

connections with
topic/issue unclear; Clear organisation of
2. Structure, incomprehensible; key Connections with ideas;
issues not depicted; topic/issue unclear; comprehension lacks Key issues well
Comprehensibility, Sustained treatment
style of presentation Very incoherent in elaboration; Slightly developed Well
and development of topic/theme/issues;
does not always aid in parts; incoherent in parts; expressed in many
of depicting the key Style very effective
Utterance incorrect Somewhat limited; parts; very effective
topic issues. and impactful in

Ideas limited to Adequate style of

inadequate words and presentation
lacks basic words; Accurate use of
jargon Basic sentences are
grammar Effective use
lack specificity; used; Control of basic
3. Language use and Lacks specificity of grammar and
very many errors grammatical structures;
vocabulary vocabulary; High
in words and Limited range of Reliance on practical degree of fluency;
sentences expressions; Rich vocabulary

Score awarded = __________ + _________+ _________ = __________

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The assessment of this component will be based on the following:

Theme factors – critical knowledge related to theme, how material shaped thinking
Language factors – analysis of language, good organisation.
Process factors – personal value, benefits clearly identified

Reflection on topic/issue/ theme, use of language, process and its effects

Descriptors Marks Final


Candidate produces an excellent reflection comprising THREE

entries which
5 marks /5
• discusses how the THREE pieces of material have affected
the candidate’s thinking about the issue
• examines the use of language in the three pieces

• discusses the process and its effect on the candidate

Candidate produces a very good reflection which

• integrates the treatment of the issue in the three pieces
4 marks /4
• provides a very good examination of the use of language

• discusses the process and its effect

Candidate produces a good reflection which

• addresses the treatment of the issue in the three pieces

• provides a good examination of the use of language

3 marks /3
• gives little discussion of the process and its effects

Candidate produces a limited reflection which

• provides a limited treatment of the issue in the three
2 marks /2
• attempts to provide an examination of the use of language
with limited success
• gives very little or no discussion of the process and its

Candidate produces a weak reflection which 1 mark

• mentions the issue
• very weak examination of the use of language OR none
• no discussion of the process and its effect.

5 marks /5

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Last Name, Candidate number

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