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We look for numerical integration formulas

Z 1 n
f (x) dx ≈ wj f (xj )
−1 j=1
which are to be exact for polynomials of as large a
degree as possible.
n o There are no restrictions
n o placed
on the nodes xj nor the weights wj in working
towards that goal. The motivation is that if it is exact
for high degree polynomials, then perhaps it will be
very accurate when integrating functions that are well
approximated by polynomials.

There is no guarantee that such an approach will work.

In fact,nit o
turns out to be a bad idea when the node
points xj are required to be evenly spaced over the
n o of integration. But without this restriction on
xj we are able to develop a very accurate set of
quadrature formulas.
The case n = 1. We want a formula
Z 1
w1f (x1) ≈ f (x) dx
The weight w1 and the node x1 are to be so chosen
that the formula is exact for polynomials of as large a
degree as possible.

To do this we substitute f (x) = 1 and f (x) = x. The

first choice leads to
Z 1
w1 · 1 = 1 dx
w1 = 2
The choice f (x) = x leads to
Z 1
w1x1 = x dx = 0
x1 = 0
The desired formula is
Z 1
f (x) dx ≈ 2f (0)
It is called the midpoint rule and was introduced in
the problems of Section 5.1.
The case n = 2. We want a formula
Z 1
w1f (x1) + w2f (x2) ≈ f (x) dx
The weights w1, w2 and the nodes x1, x2 are to be so
chosen that the formula is exact for polynomials of as
large a degree as possible. We substitute and force
equality for
f (x) = 1, x, x2, x3
This leads to the system
Z 1
w1 + w2 = 1 dx = 2
Z 1
w1x1 + w2x2 = x dx = 0
Z 1
w1x21 + w2x22 = 2
x dx =
−1 3
Z 1
w1x31 + w2x32 = x3 dx = 0
The solution is given by

w1 = w2 = 1, −1 ,
x1 = sqrt(3) 1
x2 = sqrt(3)
This yields the formula
Z 1 µ ¶ µ ¶
f (x) dx ≈ f sqrt(3) 1
+ f sqrt(3) (1)
We say it has degree of precision equal to 3 since it
integrates exactly all polynomials of degree ≤ 3. We
can verify directly that it does not integrate exactly
f (x) = x4.
Z 1
x4 dx = 25
µ ¶ µ ¶
f sqrt(3) 1
+ f sqrt(3) = 29

Thus (1) has degree of precision exactly 3.

EXAMPLE Integrate
Z 1
dx .
= log 2 = 0.69314718
−1 3 + x
The formula (1) yields
1 1
+ = 0.69230769
3 + x1 3 + x2
Error = .000839

We want to find the weights {wi} and nodes {xi} so

as to have
Z 1 n
f (x) dx ≈ wj f (xj )
−1 j=1
be exact for a polynomials f (x) of as large a degree
as possible. As unknowns, there are n weights wi and
n nodes xi. Thus it makes sense to initially impose
2n conditions so as to obtain 2n equations for the 2n
unknowns. We require the quadrature formula to be
exact for the cases
f (x) = xi, i = 0, 1, 2, ..., 2n − 1
Then we obtain the system of equations
Z 1
w1xi1 + w2xi2 + · · · + wnxin = xi dx
for i = 0, 1, 2, ..., 2n − 1. For the right sides,

Z 1 2

i , i = 0, 2, ..., 2n − 2
x dx = i+1
−1 

0, i = 1, 3, ..., 2n − 1
The system of equations
Z 1
w1xi1 + · · · + wnxin = xi dx, i = 0, ..., 2n − 1
has a solution, and the solution is unique except for
re-ordering the unknowns. The resulting numerical
integration rule is called Gaussian quadrature.

In fact, the nodes and weights are not found by solv-

ing this system. Rather, the nodes and weights have
other properties which enable them to be found more
easily by other methods. There are programs to pro-
duce them; and most subroutine libraries have either
a program to produce them or tables of them for com-
monly used cases.

The nodes and weights possess symmetry properties.

In particular,

xi = −xn−i, wi = wn−i, i = 1, 2, ..., n

A table of these nodes and weights for n = 2, ..., 8 is
given in the text in Table 5.7. A MATLAB program
to give the nodes and weights for an arbitrary finite
interval [a, b] is given in the class account.

In addition, it can be shown that all weights satisfy

wi > 0
for all n > 0. This is considered a very desirable
property from a practical point of view. Moreover, it
permits us to develop a useful error formula.

Integrals on other finite intervals [a, b] can be con-

verted to integrals over [−1, 1], as follows:
Z b Z Ã !
b−a 1 b + a + t(b − a)
F (x) dx = F dt
a 2 −1 2
based on the change of integration variables
b + a + t(b − a)
x= , −1 ≤ t ≤ 1

EXAMPLE Over the interval [0, π], use

x = (1 + t) π2
Z π Z 1³ ´
F (x) dx = 2 π
F (1 + t) 2 dt
0 −1
EXAMPLE Consider again the integrals used as ex-
amples in Section 5.1:
Z 1
2 .
I (1) = e−x dx = .74682413281234
Z 4
I (2) = 2
= arctan 4
Z 2π
dx 2π
I (3) = =
0 2 + cos x sqrt(3)

n I − I (1) I − I (2) I − I (3)

2 2.29E − 4 −2.33E − 2 8.23E − 1
3 9.55E − 6 −3.49E − 2 −4.30E − 1
4 −3.35E − 7 −1.90E − 3 1.77E − 1
5 6.05E − 9 1.70E − 3 −8.12E − 2
6 −7.77E − 11 2.74E − 4 3.55E − 2
7 8.60E − 13 −6.45E − 5 −1.58E − 2
10 ∗ 1.27E − 6 1.37E − 3
15 ∗ 7.40E − 10 −2.33E − 5
20 ∗ ∗ 3.96E − 7

Compare these results with those of Section 5.1.


The usual error formula for Gaussian quadrature for-

Z 1 n
En(f ) = f (x) dx − wj f (xj )
−1 j=1
is not particularly intuitive. It is given by

f (2n)(cn)
En(f ) = en
22n+1 (n!)4 π
en = 2 ≈ n
(2n + 1) [(2n)!] 4
for some a ≤ cn ≤ b.

To help in understanding the implications of this error

formula, introduce
¯ ¯
¯ (k) ¯
¯f (x)¯
Mk = max
−1≤x≤1 k!
With many integrands f (x), this sequence {Mk } is
bounded or even decreases to zero. For example,
 
 cos x
  1

f (x) = 1 ⇒ Mk ≤ k!

 
 1
Then for our error formula,
f (2n)(cn)
En(f ) = en
|En(f )| ≤ enM2n (2)
By other methods, we can show
en ≈ n
When combined with (2) and an assumption of uni-
form boundedness for {Mk }, we have the error de-
creases by a factor of at least 4 with each increase of
n to n + 1. Compare this to the convergence of the
trapezoidal and Simpson rules for such functions, to
help explain the very rapid convergence of Gaussian

Let f (x) be continuous for a ≤ x ≤ b; let n ≥ 1.

Then, for the Gaussian numerical integration formula
Z b n
I≡ f (x) dx ≈ wj f (xj ) ≡ In
a j=1
on [a, b], the error in In satisfies

|I(f ) − In(f )| ≤ 2 (b − a) ρ2n−1(f ) (3)

Here ρ2n−1(f ) is the minimax error of degree 2n − 1
for f (x) on [a, b]:
" #
ρm(f ) = min max |f (x) − p(x)| , m≥0
deg(p)≤m a≤x≤b
EXAMPLE Let f (x) = e−x . Then the minimax er-
rors ρm(f ) are given in the following table.

m ρm(f ) m ρm(f )
1 5.30E − 2 6 7.82E − 6
2 1.79E − 2 7 4.62E − 7
3 6.63E − 4 8 9.64E − 8
4 4.63E − 4 9 8.05E − 9
5 1.62E − 5 10 9.16E − 10

Using this table, apply (3) to

Z 1
I= e dx
For n = 3, (3) implies
µ ¶
−x2 .
|I − I3| ≤ 2ρ5 e = 3.24 × 10−5

The actual error is 9.55E − 6.


Consider using Gaussian quadrature to evaluate

Z 1
I= sqrt(x) dx = 23

n I − In Ratio
2 −7.22E − 3
4 −1.16E − 3 6.2
8 −1.69E − 4 6.9
16 −2.30E − 5 7.4
32 −3.00E − 6 7.6
64 −3.84E − 7 7.8

The column labeled Ratio is defined by

I − I1n
I − In
It is consistent with I −In ≈ 3 , which can be proven
theoretically. In comparison for the trapezoidal and
Simpson rules, I − In ≈ 1.5

Consider needing to evaluate integrals such as

Z 1 Z 1
f (x) log x dx, x 3 f (x) dx
0 0
How do we proceed? Consider numerical integration
Z b n
w(x)f (x) dx ≈ wj f (xj )
a j=1
in which f (x) is considered a “nice” function (one
with several continuous derivatives). The function
w(x) is allowed to be singular, but must be integrable.
We assume here that [a, b] is a finite interval. The
function w(x) is called a “weight function”, and it is
implicitly absorbed into the definition of the quadra-
ture weights {wi}. We again determine the nodes
{xi} and weights {wi} so as to make the integration
formula exact for f (x) a polynomial of as large a de-
gree as possible.
The resulting numerical integration formula
Z b n
w(x)f (x) dx ≈ wj f (xj )
a j=1
is called a Gaussian quadrature formula with weight
function w(x). We determine the nodes {xi} and
weights {wi} by requiring exactness in the above for-
mula for

f (x) = xi, i = 0, 1, 2, ..., 2n − 1

To make the derivation more understandable, we con-

sider the particular case
Z 1 n
x 3 f (x) dx ≈ wj f (xj )
0 j=1
We follow the same pattern as used earlier.
The case n = 1. We want a formula
Z 1
w1f (x1) ≈ x 3 f (x) dx
The weight w1 and the node x1 are to be so chosen
that the formula is exact for polynomials of as large a
degree as possible. Choosing f (x) = 1, we have
Z 1
w1 = x3 dx = 34
Choosing f (x) = x, we have
w1x1 = x 3 x dx = 37
x1 = 4
Z 1 ³ ´
x 3 f (x) dx ≈ 34 f 4
has degree of precision 1.
The case n = 2. We want a formula
Z 1
w1f (x1) + w2f (x2) ≈ x 3 f (x) dx
The weights w1, w2 and the nodes x1, x2 are to be
so chosen that the formula is exact for polynomials of
as large a degree as possible. We determine them by
requiring equality for
f (x) = 1, x, x2, x3
This leads to the system
w1 + w2 = x3 dx = 34
w1x1 + w2x2 = xx 3 dx = 37
w1x21 + w2x22 = 2 3
x x 3 dx = 10
w1x31 + w2x32 = 3 3
x x 3 dx = 13
The solution is
7 − 3 sqrt(35),
x1 = 13 7 + 3 sqrt(35)
x2 = 13
65 65
w1 = 38 − 392
3 sqrt(35), w2 = 38 + 392
3 sqrt(35)

x1 = .2654117024, x2 = .8115113746
w1 = .3297238792, w2 = .4202761208
The formula
Z 1
x 3 f (x) dx ≈ w1f (x1) + w2f (x2) (4)
has degree of precision 3.
EXAMPLE Consider evaluating the integral
Z 1
x3 cos x dx (5)
In applying (4), we take f (x) = cos x. Then

w1f (x1) + w2f (x2) = 0.6074977951

The true answer is
Z 1
1 .
x3 cos x dx = 0.6076257393
and our numerical answer is in error by E2 = .000128.
This is quite a good answer involving very little com-
putational effort (once the formula has been deter-
mined). In contrast, the trapezoidal and Simpson
rules applied to (5) would converge very slowly be-
cause the first derivative of the integrand is singular
at the origin.

As a side note to the preceding example, we observe

that the change of variables x = t3 transforms the
integral (5) to
Z 1 ³ ´
3 t cos t3 dt
and both the trapezoidal and Simpson rules will per-
form better with this formula, although still not as
good as our weighted Gaussian quadrature.

A change of the integration variable can often im-

prove the performance of a standard method, usually
by increasing the differentiability of the integrand.

EXAMPLE Using x = tr for some r > 1, we have

Z 1 Z 1
g(x) log x dx = r tr−1g (tr ) log t dt
0 0
The new integrand is generally smoother than the
original one.

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