Freecor NBI - English - 03 PDF
Freecor NBI - English - 03 PDF
Freecor NBI - English - 03 PDF
Freecor NBI
1 Description
Freecor NBI is a low-toxic, environmentally Diluted with the appropriate amount of water,
friendly inhibitor concentrate. Based on a Freecor NBI is recommended as a coolant,
combination of organic additive technology flushing fluid or hot test fluid for engine blocks
and traditional silicate technology, aqueous and all cooling systems. The product is
solutions of Freecor NBI provide excellent compatible with glycol-based engine
protection against corrosion and cavitations coolants.
to all engine metals, including aluminum, iron, Freecor NBI is designed especially to meet
copper and solder alloys. Freecor NBI is free the requirements of engine manufacturers
from potentially harmful additives, such as that require hybrid coolants to protect
nitrites, amines and phosphates. modern engines containing aluminum, and
do not require frost protection.
2 Benefits
Freecor NBI offers a lot of benefits to the engine designer as well as to the user:
Efficient and long lasting corrosion Combination of silicate and carboxylate inhibitor
protection technology
Superior technology Provides more flexibility to engine design
Excellent silicate stability High-performing silicate stabilizer package
Environmentally friendly by using carboxylic additives in the inhibitor package
Excellent seal compatibility No adverse effects on good quality rubber hoses and
gasket materials
Improved water pump seal durability Specific lubrication additives
3 Application
Freecor NBI provides excellent corrosion Freecor NBI may be used with confidence in
protection in demanding applications. For engines manufactured from cast iron,
optimal performance a dilution 10% vol. of aluminum or combinations of the two metals,
Freecor NBI in water should be used. and in cooling systems made of aluminum or
copper alloys.
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Technologiepark - Zwijnaarde 2
B-9052 Zwijnaarde - Belgium
08/2010-v03 Product information
Freecor NBI
The use of soft water is preferred for dilution. The water used for dilution should be free of zinc as
presence of zinc will result in the formation of precipitate.
4 Approvals by OEM’s
5 Availability
Freecor NBI is currently available in bulk. coolant concentrate, with a technology similar
Please contact your local Arteco area sales to Freecor NBI. Separate information
manager on availability of packages, dilutions bulletins with more details are available for
and colours or customer adapted variants. this product.
In the range of hybrid technology Arteco can
also offer Freecor SPC, a MEG-based
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Technologiepark - Zwijnaarde 2
B-9052 Zwijnaarde - Belgium
08/2010-v03 Product information
Freecor NBI
6 Storage requirements
The product should be stored above -15°C in translucent packages indoors to avoid this
and preferably at ambient temperatures. issue.
Periods of exposure to temperatures above Freecor NBI can be stored for minimum 2
35°C should be minimized. years in unopened containers without any
Further, it is strongly advised not to expose effect on the product quality or performance.
the coolant in translucent packages to direct It is strongly recommend to use new
sunlight because this can degrade the containers and not recycled ones.
colour dyes present in the coolant, and As with any antifreeze coolant, the use of
result in fading of the colour or discoloration galvanized steel is not recommended for
over time. This reaction can be accelerated pipes or any other part of the storage/mixing
if coupled with high ambient temperatures. It installation.
is therefore advisable to store coolant filled
For toxicity and safety data we refer to the as a hazardous product, and no labeling is
material safety data sheet. The transport is required.
not regulated. Freecor NBI is not classified
All information contained in this Product Information Leaflet is accurate to the best of our knowledge and belief as at the
date of issue specified. However, the Company makes no warranty or representation, express or implied, as to the
accuracy or completeness of such information.
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Technologiepark - Zwijnaarde 2
B-9052 Zwijnaarde - Belgium
08/2010-v03 Product information
Freecor NBI
Chemical and physical properties
colour blue-green
10 % Dilution method
pH 8.8 typ. ASTM D1287
Technologiepark - Zwijnaarde 2
B-9052 Zwijnaarde - Belgium
08/2010-v03 Product information
Freecor NBI
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Technologiepark - Zwijnaarde 2
B-9052 Zwijnaarde - Belgium