Yoan Salsabilla 1941420016 1A-D4: Pair Up and Discuss
Yoan Salsabilla 1941420016 1A-D4: Pair Up and Discuss
Yoan Salsabilla 1941420016 1A-D4: Pair Up and Discuss
Step 1 : 1 gram of solid NaCL and 100 ml of water, NaCL solution
Step 2 : -Insert in a distillation flask
-Put some boiling stones
- water is run through a condenser cooler
- Distilled ash is heated to boiling
- observe the rise on the thermometer
Step 3 : AgNO3 added in the test tube, added 5 ml of a solution of NaCl
Step 4 : after that compare the results of the reaction