Intensivecarenutritionand Post-Intensivecare Recovery: Jan Gunst,, Greet Van Den Berghe

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In t ens iv e C are N u t r i t i on a n d

P o s t – I n t e n s i v e C a re
Jan Gunst, MD, PhD, Greet Van den Berghe, MD, PhD*

 Critical illness  Feeding  Parenteral nutrition  Enteral nutrition
 ICU-acquired weakness  Catabolism  Recovery  Autophagy

 Critically ill patients are at risk of developing intensive care unit (ICU)-acquired weakness,
which aggravates outcome and may persist even years after ICU admission.
 Early full-dose artificial nutrition does not benefit critically ill patients and may even be
harmful, especially early parenteral nutrition.
 The ideal timing of artificial nutrition for critically ill patients as well as the optimal dose and
composition remain unclear.
 There is no benefit of adding specialized “immunonutrients” to the feeding mixture of crit-
ically ill patients, and glutamine administration may be harmful.
 The harmful impact of early parenteral nutrition seems explained by the inability to inhibit
muscle wasting and by feeding-induced suppression of autophagy.


Intensive care unit (ICU)-acquired weakness is a devastating complication of critical

illness. With time in ICU, the incidence increases and its presence is associated with
increased short-term and long-term mortality.1,2 In ICU survivors, ICU-acquired weak-
ness often does not recover completely, even years after ICU admission.3 Persistent

Conflict of Interest Statement: The authors declare to have no conflict of interest.

Funding Sources: J. Gunst receives a postdoctoral research fellowship funded by the Clinical
Research and Education Council of the University Hospitals Leuven and a research grant
from the University of Leuven (C24/17/070). J. Gunst and G. Van den Berghe receive a research
grant from the Research Foundation Flanders (T003617N). G. Van den Berghe receives struc-
tural research financing via the Methusalem Program funded by the Flemish Government
(METH/14/06), and a European Research Council Advanced Grant (grant number Adv-2012-
321670) from the Ideas Programme of the EU FP7.
Clinical Division and Laboratory of Intensive Care Medicine, Department of Cellular and
Molecular Medicine, KU Leuven, Herestraat 49, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:

Crit Care Clin 34 (2018) 573–583
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574 Gunst & Van den Berghe

ICU-acquired weakness is considered to be part of the postintensive care syndrome,

which encompasses a spectrum of persistent physical, mental, and cognitive impair-
ment seen in survivors of critical illness, especially after prolonged and/or severe critical
illnesses.4 The mechanisms underlying ICU-acquired weakness are complex and
involve structural and functional alterations in both muscles and nerves.5 Attained myo-
fibers show signs of atrophy, which may be triggered by inflammation, immobilization,
endocrine and metabolic alterations, impaired microcirculation, denervation, and
certain drugs.5 Apart from that, relative starvation may also play a role. Indeed, a consid-
erable number of patients have a nutritional deficit on ICU admission and/or cannot
receive normal feeding. In healthy volunteers, prolonged underfeeding mimics the se-
vere muscle atrophy as typically observed in prolonged critically ill patients. In these
otherwise healthy people, this condition obviously can be reversed by giving nutrition.6


Several observational studies have associated the accumulation of a caloric and/or

protein deficit in critically ill patients with an increased risk of ICU-acquired weakness
and mortality. Hence, for a long time, early full nutritional support has been recommen-
ded for critically ill patients.7 However, whether the relationship between feeding
deprivation and ICU-acquired weakness and decreased survival is causal or not
cannot be deducted from observational studies. Indeed, because tolerance of
feeding, especially of enteral nutrition (EN), is affected by the severity of illness, the as-
sociation of enhanced feeding with improved outcome could be explained by a better
feeding tolerance in less sick patients.8 Establishing a causal relationship can only be
done by a randomized controlled trial (RCT). Because of the long-lasting dogma of
starvation harming critically ill patients and the resultant ethical constraints, RCTs
randomizing patients to artificial feeding or no feeding have not been performed.
Instead, in the last years, several large RCTs have investigated the impact of different
doses (and routes) of artificial feeding.9–17 These studies have substantially changed
the insights in the effects of nutritional support in critical illness (Table 1). Indeed,
recent RCTs have not confirmed the hypothesized benefit of early, enhanced artificial
feeding of critically ill patients and several trials have indicated potential harm.9,10,15
This article reviews the evidence obtained from these studies, the underlying mecha-
nisms potentially explaining the results, and the remaining questions.



In patients unable to eat by mouth, early EN has been recommended over early paren-
teral nutrition (PN).18 Often, however, full EN is not tolerated or even contraindicated.
Hence, the question arises when to initiate or associate PN to ensure the intended
nutritional target. Because of the lack of adequately powered RCTs, clinical practices
have varied widely. Proponents of early PN have referred to the avoidance of a caloric
and protein deficit by this approach, whereas opponents referred to the potentially
increased risk of complications, especially infectious complications.8
In the last years, several RCTs have investigated whether early supplementation of
insufficient or failing EN with PN offers clinical benefit.9–13 In contrast to the expecta-
tions, none of these RCTs showed benefit on the primary endpoint and the 2 largest
RCTs, the Early Parenteral Nutrition Completing Enteral Nutrition in Adult Critically Ill
Patients (EPaNIC) and Early versus Parenteral Nutrition in the Pediatric Intensive
Care Unit (PEPaNIC) trial, demonstrated harm.9–13,19 Indeed, as compared with with-
holding PN until 1 week after ICU admission, early supplementation of insufficient EN

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Intensive Care Nutrition 575

Table 1
Overview of the results of recent large feeding RCTs in critically ill patients

Intervention Impact References

Early vs late supplementation of No benefit of early supplemental
insufficient EN with PN PN; increased morbidity in the 2
largest RCTs
Early EN vs isocaloric early PN No benefit of early EN (more bowel
ischemia in patients with severe
Early full vs hypocaloric EN No benefit of full feeding, also not
on the long-term
Early amino acid supplements vs No benefit of early amino acid
regular amino acid dose supplements, increased
Indirect calorimetry–based feeding No benefit of indirect calorimetry
vs formula-based feeding
Immunonutrients vs no No benefit of immunonutrients;
immunonutrients possible harm by glutamine

Abbreviations: EN, enteral nutrition; PN, parenteral nutrition; RCT, randomized controlled trial.

with PN resulted in a prolonged ICU dependency in both critically ill children and
adults, with a prolongation of organ failure and a prolonged dependency on mechan-
ical ventilation.9,10 Harm occurred in all studied subgroups, including subgroups with
the highest perceived risk of underfeeding, being critically ill neonates, patients with
the highest nutritional risk score, and patients unable to receive early EN.9,10 In a pro-
spectively planned subanalysis of the EPaNIC study including mostly long-stay ICU
patients, ICU-acquired weakness was increased by early supplemental PN, and re-
covery from ICU-acquired weakness was impaired.20 Importantly, in the EPaNIC
and PEPaNIC trial, withholding PN was only applied to the macronutrients (carbohy-
drates, lipids, and amino acids). All patients received a sufficient supply of micronu-
trients (vitamins and trace elements) throughout ICU stay, also during the acute
phase of illness, to prevent refeeding syndrome. In the EPaNIC study, blood glucose
was maintained in the normal range for all patients (80–110 mg/dL).9 In the PEPaNIC
study, the blood glucose target was center specific, going from a strict, age-adjusted
normal target range in one center to more liberal blood glucose control in other centers
(up to 180 mg/dL).10 The results of this study did not reveal a center difference.


Theoretically, the potential harm of early supplemental PN could be explained by a

different feeding dose and/or by a different feeding route. Indeed, traditionally, EN
has been recommended over PN because of its lower degree of invasiveness and
potentially less complications, its lower cost, and its potential trophic effects on the
intestinal mucosa.8 Hence, harm by early supplemental PN observed in the EPaNIC
and PEPaNIC trials could theoretically be explained by the fact that more nutrition
was delivered through the parenteral route. However, until recently, EN and PN
were not directly compared in large RCTs. Hence, the perceived superiority of EN
largely originated from observational studies, which may be confounded by indication,
because sicker patients tend to have a lower tolerance to EN.8 In addition, PN may
cause severe hyperglycemia, and prevention of this condition with insulin therapy

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576 Gunst & Van den Berghe

may have rendered PN safer in current ICU practice.21 Two recent RCTs have inves-
tigated whether administering early EN affects outcome as compared with early PN in
current practice.14,15 The CALORIES trial found no major difference between 1 week
of early EN and an isocaloric amount of PN in a general ICU population.14 However,
more patients in the early EN group had signs of gastrointestinal intolerance (vomiting),
whereas there was a nonsignificant trend toward more liver dysfunction in the early PN
group. The NUTRIREA-2 study randomized patients with severe shock to receive early
PN or early EN. In the early PN group, PN was administered for at least 72 hours and
could be switched to EN after resolution of shock.15 In this sick patient population,
early EN, at a nearly isocaloric dose as early PN, induced significant clinical harm,
with a 4-fold increased incidence of bowel ischemia and acute colonic pseudoob-
struction. Hence, these studies show that in current ICU practice and during a short
time period, EN is not superior to PN and may even be harmful when administered
to patients with severe shock.14,15 Importantly, because the intervention window in
both studies was restricted to maximum 1 week, the outcome effects of longer admin-
istration of EN versus PN in patients with less severe illness remain unclear.


In recent years, several large RCTs have investigated whether early full EN provides
benefit as compared with hypocaloric EN in the acute phase.16,17,22–24 Relatively small
single-center RCTs have shown mixed results, with some studies being neutral,22,24
one study showing less infectious complications,25 and another RCT suggesting
increased mortality by early enhanced EN.23 Two larger multicenter RCTs did not find
a benefit of early EN as compared with hypocaloric feeding.16,17 The EDEN trial ran-
domized patients with acute lung injury to full or hypocaloric EN during the first week
in ICU, with restriction of all macronutrients in the hypocaloric arm.16 There was no dif-
ference in short-term clinical endpoints, and after 1 year, physical function and mortality
were unaffected.16,26,27 Likewise, the PermiT trial did not find a benefit of early
enhanced EN in patients with an expected ICU stay of minimum 3 days.17 In the latter
trial, the intervention window was extended to 2 weeks, but both groups were isonitrog-
enous, meaning that macronutrient restriction only applied to carbohydrates and
lipids. A secondary analysis of the PermiT trial also revealed no benefit of full EN in
patients with the highest nutritional risk.28 In line with this, a recent meta-analysis did
not find benefit of early enhanced EN as compared with hypocaloric EN.29 A second
meta-analysis, which included RCTs in which a different dose of EN was achieved,
also revealed no difference in mortality, but associated a lower caloric intake with a
lower risk of bloodstream infections and incident renal replacement therapy.30 Hence,
combining these results with the results from the early EN versus PN trials suggests that
the harm observed by early supplemental PN may be explained by the higher feeding
dose rather than by the different route. This is confirmed by a secondary analysis of the
EPaNIC study, which suggested a negative dose-dependent impact of early feeding on
outcome.31 In line with this, a recent meta-analysis of EN versus PN trials only found
benefit by EN in the subset of RCTs in which a lower dose of nutrition was provided
through EN.32 These findings may also explain why 2 cluster RCTs did not find benefit
of a protocol that aims to enhance nutritional intake.33,34 One small RCT even found
greater in-hospital mortality with such a protocol.35


Critics have argued that the absence of a beneficial impact of early supplemental PN
is explained by the relatively low amount of administered amino acids.36 In the early

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Intensive Care Nutrition 577

PN group of the EPaNIC study, patients on average received amino acid dosage of
0.8 g/kg/d, whereas some observational studies have suggested beneficial effects
with amino acid dosage of 1.2 to 1.5 g/kg/d.9,37 However, recent RCTs have not
confirmed this hypothesis.38 In the Nephro-Protective trial, administration of amino
acid supplements did not lead to clinical benefit, with patients receiving on average
amino acid dosage of 1.75 g/kg/d in the intervention group, as compared with
0.75 g/kg/d in the control group.39 Instead, the higher amino acid dose increased
ureagenesis, with a trend toward an increased need for renal replacement therapy.39
Also, in 3 RCTs of early supplemental PN, ureagenesis increased by an increase in
amino acid dose in the early PN group.9,10,13,40,41 The increased ureagenesis
observed with amino acid supplements, which was disproportional to changes in
plasma creatinine, likely points to catabolism of the supplementary provided amino
acids. The stimulatory effect of amino acids on glucagon could mediate at least part
of such an effect.42 Indeed, during critical illness, elevated plasma glucagon has
shown to drive amino-acid breakdown in the liver, a phenomenon that is further aggra-
vated by infusing amino acids, which further increased plasma glucagon but did not
protect against muscle wasting.42



A second point of critique that has been suggested to explain the negative impact of
the recent feeding RCTs is the absence of indirect calorimetry guidance in most
studies. Indeed, for most studies, the energy target in the intervention group was
calculated by a fixed formula and hence not “individualized”. Several observational
studies have shown that the calculated energy target may substantially differ from
the measured energy expenditure by indirect calorimetry.37 Some experts have sug-
gested that indirect calorimetry–based feeding is superior to formula-based feeding.37
However, only 1 single-center RCT directly compared the impact of indirect
calorimetry–based feeding with formula-based feeding.43 The study found no signifi-
cant impact on the primary endpoint (in-hospital mortality) but more infections and a
prolongation of mechanical ventilation in the indirect calorimetry group.43 Other recent
RCTs also do not support the use of indirect calorimetry. Indeed, in 3 of the multicenter
RCTs comparing early versus late supplemental PN, indirect calorimetry was used at
least in a subgroup of patients.10,12,13 In the PEPaNIC study, which showed harm by
early supplemental PN, indirect calorimetry was a standard practice in 1 of the 3
participating centers. Because the trial found harm without any center difference,
this RCT does not support the critique that feeding guided by indirect calorimetry ben-
efits critically ill patients.10


Certain nutrients may have immune-modulating properties, including glutamine, argi-

nine, omega-3 fatty acids, gamma-linolenic acid, L-carnitine, taurine, and pharmaco-
logic doses of selected vitamins (vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta-carotene) and trace
elements (selenium, zinc, copper, and manganese).8 Despite promising pilot studies,
large RCTs have been disappointing. Indeed, large multicenter RCTs have been
neutral or even demonstrated potential harm by adding selected immunonu-
trients.44–50 The largest RCT, the REDOXS study, found in a 2  2 factorial trial
increased mortality by glutamine administration to critically ill patients with multiple
organ failure, whereas high doses of micronutrients (selenium, zinc, beta-carotene,
vitamin E, and vitamin C) did not provide any benefit.45 As in the RCTs on amino

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578 Gunst & Van den Berghe

acid supplements, glutamine supplements also increased ureagenesis.45 Besides the

REDOXS trial, the METAPLUS study also did not show a beneficial impact of
immunonutrient-enhanced feeding, with a trend toward increased mortality.46 In
this study, the intervention group received supplements of glutamine, omega-3 fatty
acids, vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, and zinc. Hence, glutamine may have contrib-
uted to the potential harm observed in this study. However, other presumed immu-
nonutrients may be harmful as well, because the OMEGA trial also found harm by
immunonutrition not containing any glutamine.48 In the latter study, patients with
acute lung injury were randomized to immunonutrient-enhanced enteral feeding or
isocaloric control feeding. The study found an increased dependency on ICU care
in the immunonutrient group, with fewer ventilator-free days and more days with or-
gan failure. There was also a trend toward increased mortality. As the intervention
group received supplements of several presumed immunonutrients (omega-3 fatty
acids, gamma-linolenic acid, vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, zinc, selenium,
L-carnitine, and taurine), but no glutamine, the culprit compound remains unclear.
With regard to selenium, large RCTs specifically investigating high-dose selenium
administration to critically ill patients have been neutral, as was a recent meta-anal-
ysis.44,49,51 In summary, current evidence does not support administration of these
immunonutrients to critically ill patients, and some of these compounds may even
be harmful, as shown for glutamine.


Several mechanisms may explain why early enhanced feeding, especially early sup-
plemental PN, has failed to benefit patients and may even increase ICU-acquired
weakness and ICU dependency: the inability to suppress muscle catabolism and
feeding-induced suppression of autophagy (Fig. 1). Several RCTs have shown
that increased amino acid supplementation in the acute phase of critical illness
increased ureagenesis.13,39–41,45 In the EPaNIC study, over 2 weeks, almost two-
third of the supplementary amino acids provided by early PN were net wasted in
urea.40 This suggests that the supplementary amino acids are broken down to
urea instead of incorporated into proteins. In line with this, detailed mechanistic
studies have shown that early supplemental PN did not counteract microscopic
or macroscopic muscle wasting.20,52 On the other hand, in a prospective subanal-
ysis of the EPaNIC study mainly including long-stay ICU patients, ICU-acquired
weakness was increased by early supplemental PN, which cannot be explained
by the equal loss of myofibers.20 Detailed mechanistic studies put forward
feeding-induced suppression of autophagy as a potential mechanism.20,53 Indeed,
autophagy is an important housekeeping process that selectively removes
damaged organelles and intracellular microorganisms.54 In normal physiology, the
process is activated by a variety of stress signals but is strongly inhibited by nutri-
ents. Over recent years, increasing evidence has implicated autophagy as essential
recovery process necessary to survive critical insults.54 Both animal and human
studies have shown that early supplemental PN indeed suppresses autophagy in
muscle and vital organs of critically ill patients and animals.20,53 The degree of auto-
phagy suppression even correlated with the severity of organ failure and ICU-
acquired weakness.20,55 Of note, of the 3 macronutrients, in particular amino acids
are known to be powerful suppressors of autophagy.54 Although speculative, this
may explain why secondary analyses of the EPaNIC and PEPaNIC studies statisti-
cally attributed the clinical harm of early PN to the supplementary administered
amino acids and not to the extra glucose or lipids.31,41

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Intensive Care Nutrition 579

Fig. 1. Potential mechanisms explaining why early full nutrition has failed to benefit critically
ill patients. In critical illness, numerous stressors may induce cellular damage and catabolism,
which leads to muscle wasting and ICU-acquired weakness, as well as vital organ failure.
Critical illness–induced anorexia and feeding intolerance may further aggravate catabolism.
Early nutritional support, in particular early supplemental parenteral nutrition (PN), which
used to be administered in an effort to reduce muscle catabolism and ICU-acquired weakness,
seemed inefficient to do so and actually aggravated ICU-acquired weakness and prolonged
organ failure. Mechanistically, the harmful impact of early PN seems explained by feeding-
induced suppression of autophagy, a crucial damage removal pathway.


Limited information is available regarding the nutritional management of prolonged

critically ill patients and patients recovering from critical illnesses. All large RCTs
have been performed in the acute phase of critical illness, so the neutral or negative
results cannot be extrapolated beyond the first week or beyond ICU and hospital
stay. Also in the post-ICU setting, underfeeding is common and associated with
increased mortality.56 However, a recent Cochrane review, involving 28,619 patients
from 244 RCTs, did not identify a beneficial impact of nutritional support on mortality
or serious adverse events in hospitalized adults at nutritional risk, although the studied
population was heterogeneous and most included RCTs were at high risk of bias.57 On
the other hand, enhanced and early oral feeding has been a cornerstone of enhanced
recovery after surgery programs, which have lowered postoperative morbidity and
hospital length of stay.58,59 However, the relative contribution of enhancing nutritional
intake to the observed benefit remains unclear, because these programs typically
involve multimodal management including, among others, early mobilization, medical
counseling, and smoking cessation.59

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580 Gunst & Van den Berghe


Despite the association of a nutritional deficit with poor outcome, recent large RCTs
have not shown benefit of early full nutritional support. Two large studies showed
harm by early supplementation of insufficient EN with PN with more infections,
more ICU-acquired weakness, and a prolongation of organ failure, hereby prolonging
ICU dependency. Likewise, early full EN delivered to patients with severe shock and
glutamine administration to patients with multiple organ failure was found to be harm-
ful. The harmful effect of early full nutritional support may at least partially be explained
by feeding-induced suppression of autophagy. The ideal timing, dose, and composi-
tion of artificial nutrition remain unclear.


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