0100SRM1390 (12 2018) Us en PDF
0100SRM1390 (12 2018) Us en PDF
0100SRM1390 (12 2018) Us en PDF
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death
or serious injury.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor
or moderate injury and property damage.
On the lift truck, the WARNING symbol and word are on orange back-
ground. The CAUTION symbol and word are on yellow background.
Table of Contents
Series Code / Model Designation Reference Table ................................................................................................ 1
General .....................................................................................................................................................................2
Description of Operation .........................................................................................................................................4
Cab Structure ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
Cab Tilt System ................................................................................................................................................... 4
Cab Tip-Up System ............................................................................................................................................. 6
Tilting the Cab .....................................................................................................................................................7
Raising ............................................................................................................................................................. 7
Lowering .......................................................................................................................................................... 8
Remove and Install ..................................................................................................................................................9
Cab Door Assembly ............................................................................................................................................. 9
Cab Door ...........................................................................................................................................................9
Remove ......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Install ........................................................................................................................................................... 9
Door Hinge ..................................................................................................................................................... 10
Remove ....................................................................................................................................................... 10
Install ......................................................................................................................................................... 10
Door Latch ......................................................................................................................................................11
Remove ....................................................................................................................................................... 11
Install ......................................................................................................................................................... 11
Door Handle ...................................................................................................................................................11
Remove ....................................................................................................................................................... 11
Install ......................................................................................................................................................... 12
Door Release .................................................................................................................................................. 12
Remove ....................................................................................................................................................... 12
Install ......................................................................................................................................................... 12
Door Push Button .......................................................................................................................................... 13
Remove ....................................................................................................................................................... 13
Install ......................................................................................................................................................... 13
Cab Tilt System ................................................................................................................................................. 13
Electric Tilt Pump ......................................................................................................................................... 13
Remove ....................................................................................................................................................... 13
Install ......................................................................................................................................................... 13
Hand Tilt Pump .............................................................................................................................................14
Remove ....................................................................................................................................................... 14
Install ......................................................................................................................................................... 15
Cab Tilt Cylinder ........................................................................................................................................... 16
Remove ....................................................................................................................................................... 16
Disassemble ............................................................................................................................................... 16
Clean ...........................................................................................................................................................18
Inspect ........................................................................................................................................................ 18
Assemble .................................................................................................................................................... 18
Install ......................................................................................................................................................... 19
Latch ...............................................................................................................................................................19
Remove ....................................................................................................................................................... 19
Install ......................................................................................................................................................... 20
Brake and Inching Pedal .................................................................................................................................. 21
Remove ........................................................................................................................................................... 21
Install ............................................................................................................................................................. 21
Accelerator Pedal and Sensor ........................................................................................................................... 22
Remove ........................................................................................................................................................... 22
Install ............................................................................................................................................................. 22
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
0100 SRM 1390 Series Code / Model Designation Reference Table
General 0100 SRM 1390
This SRM describes the functions of the cab and components are options that may not be present on
the replacement instructions for the cab each cab. The operation of the various switches and
components. See Figure 1. Some of the described controls can be found in the Operating Manual.
0100 SRM 1390 General
Description of Operation 0100 SRM 1390
The description and repair instructions for the Information on systems that are related to the cab
heater and air conditioner are in the following Cab are in SRM for the Electrical System, Hydraulic
Heater manuals: System, Brake System, Steering System and
Cab Heater (Prior to Oct. 2008) Diagrams specific to each model lift truck.
0100SRM1458 Before making any repairs to the lift truck,
• Cab Heater/Air Conditioning (October, complete the following procedures:
2008 - October, 2017) 0100SRM1459 1. Place the lift truck on a solid, level surface.
• Cab Heater/Air Conditioning (After
2. Lower the mast completely and tilt forward.
October, 2017) 0100SRM2107
3. Place the shift lever in NEUTRAL.
The remove and replace instructions for the cab as
an assembly are in the frame SRM specific to each 4. Apply the parking brake.
model lift truck. 5. Shut down the engine.
Description of Operation
CAB STRUCTURE be raised by rotating the cab tilt hand pump
directional valve clockwise and operating the cab
The cab frame is a welded structure. The overhead tilt hand pump. See Figure 3. To lower the cab from
guard is an integral part of the cab frame. See the raised position, rotate the cab tilt hand pump
Figure 1. In order to maintain maximum overhead directional valve counterclockwise and operate the
protection, changes to the cab frame and integrated cab tilt hand pump. The cab tilt cylinder retracts to
overhead guard are not allowed. There are two cab lower the cab.
options: an open cab and a closed cab. The closed
cab features windows and wipers, doors, a heater, The optional electrical cab tilt pump is push-button
and optional air conditioning. Both cab types operated. See Figure 8.
feature interior components. NOTE: If the optional electrical cab tilt pump is
inoperable, the cab can be raised or lowered by
CAB TILT SYSTEM using the manually operated cab tilt hand pump.
On lift trucks with a cab tilt system, the cab can tilt When the cab has been raised to the partially open
to the right-hand side, providing service access to position, a latch will engage with a retainer plate
the engine compartment and components under the that is welded to the frame. To raise or lower the
cab. cab after the latch has engaged, pull and hold the
The cab tilt system consists of a cab support frame, latch release handle and raise or lower the cab until
cab tilt cylinder, cab tilt hand pump assembly, cab the latch has passed the retainer plate.
latches, and an optional electrical cab tilt pump. See Just before the fully open position is reached,
Figure 2. movement becomes gravity-controlled by the weight
The cab is attached to the lift truck in the lowered of the cab. The cab is in the fully open position when
position by the cab support pivots on the right-hand the cab tilt cylinder is fully extended.
frame channel, the two cab latches on the left-hand
frame channel, and the cab tilt cylinder.
Hydraulic pressure is required to unlock the cab
latches and extend the cab tilt cylinder. The cab can
0100 SRM 1390 Description of Operation
Description of Operation 0100 SRM 1390
CAB TIP-UP SYSTEM the cab raises or lowers depending on signals from
the height sensor, which is installed at the back-side
Additional to the cab tilt system, a cab tip-up of the mast. See Figure 6.
system can be installed. The cab tip-up system lets
the cab tip up to 10° and down. This can be
controlled by moving the cab up and down, or
automatically by following the load, depending on
the height of the load, controlled by a height sensor.
The cab tip-up system consists of an additional
support frame, mounted on the cab support frame,
catch security brackets and actuators. See Figure 5.
The cab tip-up system can have three states, OFF,
ON and AUTO. In the ON state the cab can be
raised and lowered manually, in the AUTO state
0100 SRM 1390 Description of Operation
Make sure no one and no body parts are under the
cab when raising or lowering the cab, or serious
personal injury may occur.
Before doing any work under the cab, always make
sure the cab is fully tilted/raised, or if partially
open, is locked with the tilt latch, or serious
personal injury may occur.
Cab damage may occur if the mast is not
completely tilted forward.
Description of Operation 0100 SRM 1390
1. CAB
Figure 7. Pump and Direction Valve Figure 8. Pump Lever and Tilt Latch Release
8. Operate the pump with the pump lever (or
push-button, if equipped with an electric Lowering
pump), until the cab locks in the partially open
position. See Figure 8.
NOTE: Just before the fully open position is Make sure no one is under the cab when raising or
reached, movement becomes gravity-controlled by lowering the cab, or serious personal injury may
the weight of the cab. occur.
9. Pull the latch release handle and continue to
tilt/ raise the cab to the fully open position. See
Figure 8. WARNING
Before doing any work under the cab, always make
sure the cab is fully tilted/raised, or if partially
open, is locked with the tilt latch, or serious
personal injury may occur.
Cab damage may occur if the mast is not
completely tilted forward.
0100 SRM 1390 Remove and Install
3. Operate the pump with the pump lever (or 4. Pull the tilt latch release handle and continue
push-button, if equipped), until the cab locks in to lower the cab until the cab is in the fully
the partially open position. See Figure 8. lowered and latched position.
Use caution when lifting the cab door to avoid
damage to the cab frame.
4. Lift the cab door out of the cab door hinges. See
Figure 9.
5. Move the cab door away from the lift truck and
place it on the ground.
1. Open the sliding windows.
Remove and Install 0100 SRM 1390
Door Hinge
1. Remove the cab door. See the section Cab Door.
2. Mark the location of the two hinges on the cab
frame. Figure 10. Door Hinge
3. Remove the six capscrews retaining the two Install
hinges to the cab frame and remove the two
hinges. See Figure 10. 1. Position the two hinges to the cab frame as
marked and install the six capscrews to retain
the hinges to the cab frame.
0100 SRM 1390 Remove and Install
NOTE: Adjust one hinge at a time. 3. Install the capscrew and washer that retain the
plastic cover to the door latch.
4. If necessary, adjust the hinge location when the
door is closed.
4. Make sure the locking system functions
5. Loosen the three capscrews and use a nylon
hammer to adjust the hinge. Retighten the
capscrews. Door Handle
Door Latch
1. Remove the door latch. Refer to the section
Remove Door Latch.
1. Remove the capscrew and washer that retain
2. Remove the plastic plug at the inside of the
the plastic cover to the door latch. See
door frame. See Figure 12.
Figure 11.
Figure 11. Door Latch
Figure 12. Door Handle
2. Remove the two capscrews that retain the door
latch to the door frame. 3. Remove the capscrew and washer that retain
the door handle, through the hole from the
3. Disconnect the connector rod from the door plastic plug.
latch attached to the door release.
4. Remove the large nut and washer that retain
Install the door handle on the release button side of
the door handle.
1. Connect the connector rod to the door latch
attached to the door release. 5. Remove the door handle and two rubber
2. Install the two capscrews to retain the door
latch to the door frame.
Remove and Install 0100 SRM 1390
1. Position the door handle and two rubber
cushions on the door. See Figure 12.
Door Release
1. Remove the door latch. Refer to the section
Door Latch.
2. Remove the capscrew that retains the door 3. CONNECTOR ROD
release inside the bar located at the inside of 4. CAB DOOR
the door frame. See Figure 13.
Figure 13. Door Release
1. Connect the connector rod to the door release.
See Figure 13.
0100 SRM 1390 Remove and Install
1. Install the three capscrews, washers, and nuts 2. Install the two capscrews that retain the
that retain the door holder (push button), electrical tilt pump on the bracket.
washer, and seal to the door frame. Hand
tighten the nuts. See Figure 14. 3. Position the bracket with the electrical tilt
pump on the frame.
2. Position the cab door in the locking system.
4. Install the two nuts that retain the bracket
3. Tighten the three nuts. with the electrical tilt pump to the frame.
4. Make sure the door holder is positioned 5. Remove the plugs and connect the two hoses to
properly by placing the door in the lock system. the electrical tilt pump.
Adjust the door holder (push button) as needed.
6. Connect the electrical connector to the
5. Install the three plastic caps to the nuts located electrical tilt pump.
at the inside of the door frame.
Remove and Install 0100 SRM 1390
7. Position the left-hand panel on the frame and Hand Tilt Pump
install the two capscrews and washers to retain
the panel to the frame. Remove
1. Tilt/raise the cab to the fully open position.
8. Connect the electrical connector to the cab tilt Refer to the section Tilting the Cab.
push-button. See Tilting the Cab and Figure 8.
2. If equipped, disconnect the electrical connector
9. Lower the cab to the fully lowered and latched located at the left-hand panel, from the cab tilt
position. Refer to the section Tilting the Cab. push-button. See Tilting the Cab and Figure 8.
10. Operate the electric tilt pump to check for leaks 3. Remove the two capscrews and washers that
and to remove air from the cab tilt system. retain the left-hand panel to the frame and
remove the left-hand panel.
11. Check the hydraulic oil level. Refer to the
section Check Oil Level for Cab Tilt System. 4. Remove the two capscrews and washers that
retain the hand pump to the frame. See
12. Operate the cab tilt system to check for correct
Figure 15.
0100 SRM 1390 Remove and Install
NOTE: Keep the hydraulic hose connection 2. Position the hand pump on the frame and
locations from the hand pump facing upward to install the two capscrews and washers that
avoid spilling hydraulic oil. retain the hand pump to the frame. See
Figure 15.
5. Tag and disconnect the three hydraulic hoses
and place plugs on the three hose ends. See
3. Position the left-hand panel to the frame and
Figure 15.
install the two capscrews and washers to retain
the left-hand panel to the frame.
1. Remove the plugs from the three hose ends and 4. If equipped, connect the electrical connector to
connect the three hydraulic hoses to the hand the cab tilt push-button. See Tilting the Cab
pump. See Figure 15. and Figure 8.
Remove and Install 0100 SRM 1390
1. Place the cab tilt cylinder in a horizontal
position with the fittings pointing downward in
a vise with soft jaws.
0100 SRM 1390 Remove and Install
Remove and Install 0100 SRM 1390
16. Remove and discard the pilot piston assembly, 5. Install a new O-ring on the piston rod.
located inside the cylinder shell.
6. Assemble the gland on the piston rod.
0100 SRM 1390 Remove and Install
13. Pressurize the push port until the extended rod 9. Lower the cab until it is in the fully lowered
locks the gland into the gland retaining ring. and latched position.
14. Install the wiper. 10. Operate the cab tilt system to check for leaks
and correct operation.
1. Position the cab tilt cylinder inside the frame Latch
with the hydraulic hose fittings positioned to Remove
the underside.
1. Tilt/raise the cab until it locks in the partially
2. Install the cab tilt cylinder to the pin of the cab open position. Refer to the section Tilting the
tilt frame and the pin of the frame. Cab.
3. Install the snap ring to the pin that retains the 2. Disconnect the hydraulic hose from the front
cab tilt cylinder to the cab tilt frame. latch and plug the hose end. See Figure 18.
Remove and Install 0100 SRM 1390
0100 SRM 1390 Remove and Install
Remove and Install 0100 SRM 1390
7. Install the washer and split pin to the rod, 2. Grease and install the bushing and pedal pivot
located behind the inching pedal. onto the capscrew. Position the end of the
sensor connecting rod into the pedal and fit the
8. Check if adjustments to the inching and brake assembly onto the mounting plate. Tighten the
pedals are required, and adjust as needed. nut. See Figure 20.
Refer to the sections Brake Pedal Adjustment
and Inching Pedal Adjustment. 3. Fit the spring and check the adjustment of the
accelerator pedal sensor.
Adjust Sensor
1. Start the engine and verify that idle speed will
1. Remove the spring and capscrew on which the raise after the pedal has been depressed
pedal pivots. See Figure 20. between 6 and 10 mm (0.236 and 0.394 in.). See
Dimension A in Figure 20.
2. Turn the pedal 90 degrees and maneuver the
lower part of the pedal through the hole in the 2. If adjustment is incorrect, raise the cab until it
floor plate into the cab. rests in the partially open position. Refer to the
section Tilting the Cab.
NOTE: Use a lifting device for the removal of the
NOTE: The ground cable is attached with a
1. DIMENSION A capscrew at the right rear corner of the suspension.
2. ACCELERATOR PEDAL 1. Disconnect the battery ground cable.
5. MOUNTING SCREW NOTE: There is one electrical connector on the
6. CONNECTING ROD mechanical seat. There are two electrical connectors
7. CAB FLOOR PLATE on the air suspension seat.
9. COUNTERCLOCKWISE 2. Disconnect the electrical connector(s).
3. Turn the electrical plug counterclockwise and
Figure 20. Accelerator Arrangement disconnect the electrical plug located at the
instrument panel side console.
1. Maneuver the lower part of the pedal from the
cab interior through the hole in the floor plate.
0100 SRM 1390 Remove and Install
NOTE: The seat must be positioned completely to 2. Install the four capscrews, washers, and nuts
the front to allow access to the two front capscrews located above the sliding system that retain the
inside the sliding system. The seat must be seat to the seat suspension.
positioned completely to the rear to allow access to
the two rear capscrews inside the sliding system. 3. Connect the electrical plug located at the
instrument panel side console.
4. Remove the four capscrews, washers, and nuts
located above the sliding system that retain the NOTE: There is one electrical connector on the
seat to the seat suspension. mechanical seat. There are two electrical connectors
on the air suspension seat.
5. Remove the seat. See Figure 21.
4. Connect the connector(s).
Seat Cushion
Refer to Figure 21 for the following procedures.
1. SEAT CUSHION 7. Lift the seat cushion until the guide block
2. BACK CUSHION becomes detached.
4. SEAT SUSPENSION 8. Rotate the seat cushion clockwise.
Figure 21. Seat 9. Lift the cushion upward to detach the front of
the seat cushion.
NOTE: Use a lifting device to install the seat. 10. Grip the seat cushion at about the halfway
point toward the rear of the cushion.
1. Position the seat onto the seat suspension.
NOTE: Increase the lifting force until the rear of
NOTE: The seat must be positioned completely to the cushion detaches.
the front to allow access to the two front capscrews
inside the sliding system. The seat must be 11. Lift the seat cushion from right to left.
positioned completely to the rear to allow access to
12. Cut the cable tie securing the connector block
the two rear capscrews inside the sliding system.
to the seat cushion.
Remove and Install 0100 SRM 1390
13. Disconnect the spade connectors from the 4. Remove the two screws that retain the back
connector block. cushion to the back pan.
14. Remove and discard the seat cushion. 5. Remove the back cushion.
Install Install
1. Feed the cables of the new cushion through the 1. Position the back cushion.
hole in the armrest bracket.
2. Install the two screws that retain the back
2. Connect the spade connectors to the connector cushion to the back pan.
3. Install the two guides, located at the top side of
3. Use a cable tie to attach the connector block to the back cushion, that retain the back cushion
the seat cushion. to the back pan.
4. Locate the rear tab on the underside of the seat 4. If equipped, install the headrest in the two
cushion over the rectangular hole in the metal guides.
5. Reposition the seat assembly to the correct
5. Apply downward pressure over the tab. operating position.
6. Slide the cushion around until the tab is Seat Suspension Replacement
partially located in the rectangular hole.
Refer to Figure 21 for the following procedures.
7. With the cushion angled at approximately 35°
to 45°, apply a sharp blow to the front of the 1. Remove the four capscrews that retain the seat
seat cushion. The tab will enter the hole with suspension to the cab floor.
an audible click.
2. Remove the seat suspension from the cab floor.
8. Pull the cushion upward to make sure the
3. Position the new seat suspension onto the cab
cushion is correctly locked into position.
9. Install three new clips to the cushion front.
4. Install the four capscrews that retain the seat
10. Install a new screw to the front right side. suspension to the cab floor.
3. Remove the two guides, located at the top side 4. Install the 22 plastic plugs that retain the boot
of the back cushion, that retain the back to the seat suspension.
cushion to the back pan.
0100 SRM 1390 Remove and Install
NOTE: Replacement instructions for the air seat
and mechanical seat are similar.
Remove the seat from the suspension. Refer to
Remove the seat suspension from the cab. Refer
to the section Seat Suspension Replacement.
Remove the boot. Refer to Boot Replacement.
Position the suspension on a workbench with
the lower housing facing upward.
For air seats remove the retaining screws for
the air bladder.
Using a 9/16” Allen wrench, remove the lower
housing pivot shaft nut.
Remove and Install 0100 SRM 1390
Remove the pivot shaft.
For mechanical seats: Lift the lower housing
and place the suspension scissor in the highest
raised position.
For mechanical seats: Lift the rear of the lower
housing while sliding the lower housing
forward to disengage the height adjustment
rollers from the roller channels of the lower
0100 SRM 1390 Remove and Install
STEP 10.
Rotate the rear of the lower housing clockwise
to disengage the front suspension scissor rollers
from the roller channels of the lower housing.
STEP 11.
Remove the lower housing from the suspension.
STEP 12.
For mechanical seats: Remove the tether belts
from the suspension scissor lower pivot tubes.
STEP 13.
Using a 9/16” Allen wrench, remove the upper
housing pivot shaft nut.
Remove and Install 0100 SRM 1390
STEP 14.
Remove the pivot shaft.
STEP 15.
Remove the weight indicator tension spring
from the suspension scissor to avoid damage to
the weight indicator tension spring.
STEP 16.
Lift the suspension scissor while sliding the
suspension scissor forward to disengage the
front suspension scissor rollers from the roller
channels of the upper housing.
STEP 17.
For both types: Remove the suspension scissor
from the upper housing and place the
suspension scissor on one side. For air seats:
Remove the bladder.
0100 SRM 1390 Remove and Install
STEP 18.
Remove the tether belts from the suspension
scissor upper pivot tubes.
STEP 19.
Remove the rear bearing tubes from the
suspension scissor.
STEP 20.
Remove the front suspension scissor rollers
from the suspension scissor.
STEP 21.
Remove the push-on PAL nut that retains the
upper shock absorber bearing to the suspension
Remove and Install 0100 SRM 1390
STEP 22.
Slide the shock absorber and the shock
absorber bearings out of the suspension scissor.
Install a new upper shock absorber bearing
onto the suspension scissor and slide the shock
absorber onto the suspension scissor.
Install the new lower shock absorber bearing
into the shock absorber and onto the
suspension scissor.
0100 SRM 1390 Remove and Install
Install a new push-on PAL nut to retain the
shock absorber to the suspension scissor.
Use a hollow punch and a mallet to push the
push-on PAL nut until the push-on PAL nut
contacts the upper shock absorber bearing.
Install the front suspension scissor rollers onto
the suspension scissor and apply MoS2 grease
on the rollers.
Remove and Install 0100 SRM 1390
Install the rear bearing tubes to the suspension
For mechanical seats: Place the tether belts
over the suspension scissor upper pivot tubes.
For air seats: Install the bladder.
Make sure the front suspension scissor rollers are
positioned completely within the roller channels
or damage may occur.
Position the front suspension scissor rollers into
the roller channels of the upper housing and
align the bearing shaft tubes of the suspension
scissor with the upper housing holes.
0100 SRM 1390 Remove and Install
Install the weight indicator tension spring on
the suspension scissor.
NOTE: The pivot shaft must be aligned so the flat surface of the pivot shaft head faces the upper housing.
This alignment prevents the pivot shaft from rotating when the pivot shaft is installed.
STEP 10.
Apply a coat of MoS2 grease on the pivot shaft
and install the pivot shaft. Make sure the flat
surface of the pivot shaft head faces the upper
STEP 11.
For mechanical seats: Install the pivot shaft
nut and tighten to
38 to 56 N•m (28 to 41 lbf ft).
Remove and Install 0100 SRM 1390
STEP 12.
For mechanical seats: Position the height
adjustment mechanism so the suspension
scissor is in the lowest position.
STEP 13.
For mechanical seats: Place the tether belts
over the suspension scissor lower pivot tubes.
STEP 14.
Lift the suspension scissor to the highest raised
STEP 15.
Use a wooden block [approximate length
110 mm (4.33 in.)] to keep the suspension
scissor in the highest raised position.
0100 SRM 1390 Remove and Install
The pivot shaft must be aligned so the flat surface
of the pivot shaft head faces the upper housing.
This alignment prevents the pivot shaft from
rotating when the pivot shaft is installed.
STEP 16.
Rotate the lower housing counterclockwise and
position the front suspension scissor rollers of
the suspension scissor into the roller channels
of the lower housing.
STEP 17.
Remove the wooden block and place the height
adjustment rollers in the roller channels of the
lower housing. Place the wooden block back
into position.
STEP 18.
Align the bearing shaft tubes of the suspension
scissor with the lower housing holes.
NOTE: The pivot shaft must be aligned so the flat surface of the pivot shaft head faces the lower housing.
This alignment prevents the pivot shaft from rotating when the pivot shaft is installed.
Remove and Install 0100 SRM 1390
STEP 19.
Apply a coat of MoS2 grease on the pivot shaft
and install the pivot shaft. Make sure the flat
surface of the pivot shaft head faces the lower
STEP 20.
Install the pivot shaft nut and tighten to
38 to 56 N•m (28 to 41 lbf ft).
STEP 21.
Remove the wooden block from the suspension.
STEP 22.
For air seats: Install the retaining screws for
the air bladder.
0100 SRM 1390 Remove and Install
STEP 23.
Install the boot. Refer to the section Boot
STEP 24.
Install the seat suspension in the cab. Refer to
Seat Suspension Replacement.
STEP 25.
Install the seat. Refer to the section Seat.
Remove the seat from the suspension. Refer to
Remove the seat suspension from the cab. Refer
to the section Seat Suspension Replacement.
Remove the boot. Refer to Boot Replacement.
Using a 1/16" Allen wrench, remove the air
control knob.
Remove and Install 0100 SRM 1390
Remove the nut and lockwasher that retain the
air valve to the upper housing and withdraw
the air valve into the suspension.
Using a 9/16" Allen wrench, remove the upper
housing pivot shaft nut.
Remove the pivot shaft.
0100 SRM 1390 Remove and Install
Lift the rear of the upper housing while sliding
the housing forward to disengage the front
rollers from the roller channels and remove the
upper housing.
Use a wooden block (approximate dimensions of
45 x 25 x 100 mm (1.77 x 0.98 x 3.94 in.) to
chock the front roller bar of the suspension.
STEP 10.
Deflate the suspension to remove all air in the
pneumatic system.
Remove and Install 0100 SRM 1390
STEP 11.
Remove the tie wrap that retains the air valve
electrical wire harness and tube to the
STEP 12.
Disconnect the orange electrical wire connector
from the air valve body.
STEP 13.
Disconnect the compressor black electrical wire
connector from the suspension harness at the
rear of the compressor assembly.
0100 SRM 1390 Remove and Install
STEP 14.
Unscrew (counterclockwise) the plastic tube
retaining nut from the output port of the
compressor. Remove the nut and O-ring from
the tube and discard.
STEP 15.
Remove and retain the two screws that retain
the compressor and bracket to the suspension
scissor. Remove the compressor and bracket
from the suspension.
STEP 16.
Note the orientation of the compressor in the
bracket. Remove the compressor from the
Remove and Install 0100 SRM 1390
Place the new compressor into the bracket as
Position the compressor and bracket into the
suspension and make sure the black electrical
wire is routed toward the rear of the seat and
the orange electrical wire is routed forward
toward the air valve.
0100 SRM 1390 Remove and Install
Align the compressor bracket with the
suspension mounting holes and install the two
retaining screws. Remove the protective cap
from the compressor.
Trim the tube that enters the compressor port
past the grooved/necked area created by the old
O-ring. If the tube is damaged or kinked,
replace the entire length of the tube and use
the original tube as a guide.
Remove and Install 0100 SRM 1390
Install a new plastic nut and O-ring on the tube
as shown.
DO NOT crossthread or overtighten the plastic
nut, as damage can occur.
Insert the tube into the compressor port and
slide the plastic nut and O-ring up to the
compressor and tighten (clockwise) the nut.
Make sure while tightening the nut that the
tube remains fully inserted into the compressor
port. Tighten the plastic nut until the face of
the nut is flush with the body of the compressor
as shown.
Connect the compressor black electrical wire
connector to the black electrical wire connector
of the suspension harness.
0100 SRM 1390 Remove and Install
Route the orange electrical wire to the air valve
and attach it to the air valve. Make sure the
wires are routed without knots or kinks.
Install a new tie wrap to retain the electrical
wire harness and tube to the suspension.
STEP 10.
Power up the suspension and inflate the system
for approximately 45 seconds. Use a leak
detection spray or weak soapy water to check
for leaks from the air system. Remove the
wooden chock block from the suspension.
Remove and Install 0100 SRM 1390
STEP 11.
Position the front suspension scissor rollers into
the roller channels of the upper housing and
lower the upper housing onto the rear bearing
shaft tubes of the suspension scissor.
STEP 12.
Apply a coat of MoS2 grease on the pivot shaft
and install the pivot shaft.
STEP 13.
Install the pivot shaft nut and tighten to
38 to 56 N•m (28 to 41 lbf ft).
0100 SRM 1390 Remove and Install
STEP 14.
Insert the air valve through the upper housing.
Install the lockwasher and nut. Tighten the nut
to 10 to 18 N•m (88 to 159 lbf in).
STEP 15.
Using a 1/16" Allen wrench, install the air
control knob.
STEP 16.
Install the boot. Refer to the section Boot
STEP 17.
Install the seat suspension in the cab. Refer to
the section Seat Suspension Replacement.
STEP 18.
Install the seat on the suspension. Refer to the
section Seat.
Remove and Install 0100 SRM 1390
1. Install the cable through the power assist
armrest from the front side of the power assist
Gas Spring
1. Raise the power assist armrest, and make sure
the gas spring has reached its maximum
extended length.
0100 SRM 1390 Remove and Install
4. Manually lower the power assist armrest. 2. Position the joystick in the power assist
armrest with the electric cable pointing to the
5. Remove the top-mounting capscrew and washer right.
that retain the gas spring to the armrest frame.
3. Turn the joystick 90° clockwise.
6. Remove the gas spring.
4. Reroute the electrical cables and electrical
connectors inside the power assist armrest.
1. Make sure that the gas spring has reached its 5. Install the four joystick screws to retain the
maximum extended length. joystick to the power assist armrest.
2. Position the gas spring. 6. Place the cover with the joystick label in
position on the power assist armrest. Install
3. Install the top-mounting capscrew and washer the four screws to retain the cover to the power
to retain the gas spring to the armrest frame. assist armrest.
4. Manually raise the power assist armrest. 7. Make sure the joystick functions properly.
1. Remove the four screws that retain the cover
with the joystick label to the power assist
armrest. See Figure 23.
Remove and Install 0100 SRM 1390
1. Install the lever from the underside to the 1. COVER
cover. 3. LEVER SCREWS
2. Install the two screws to retain the lever to the
cover. Figure 24. Levers Removal
1. Connect the electrical connector to the rocker
0100 SRM 1390 Remove and Install
3. Install the bottom plate using six retaining 4. Remove the four screws that retain the fuse
screws. panel cover at the right side of the instrument
panel and remove the cover to gain access to
Armrest Top Cover the underside of the instrument panel. See
Figure 25.
1. Remove the joystick or lever cover. Refer to the 5. Remove the key switch by sliding the key
section Joystick or the section Electrical switch downward out of the hole to the inside of
Levers. the instrument panel top console.
2. Remove all rocker switches. Refer to the section 6. Disconnect the electrical connector from the
Armrest Rocker Switches. key switch.
2. Install the eight screws to retain the armrest 5. Make sure that the key switch functions
top cover to the armrest plate. correctly.
3. Install the six screws at the underside of the 6. Position the fuse panel cover to the right side of
armrest frame to retain the armrest top cover the instrument panel and install the four
to the armrest frame. retaining screws. See Figure 25.
Key Switch
1. Switch the key to the OFF position.
Remove and Install 0100 SRM 1390
1. Install the 12V power socket to the instrument
panel top console from the outside to the inside
until the 12V power socket is secured to the
instrument panel top console. See Figure 26.
1. Remove the four screws that retain the fuse
Figure 25. Fuse Panel and Cover Location panel cover to the right side of the instrument
panel and remove the cover to gain access to
12V Power Socket the underside of the instrument panel. See
Figure 25.
1. Remove the four screws that retain the fuse 2. Disconnect the electrical connector from the
panel cover to the right side of the instrument potentiometer at the inside of the instrument
panel and remove the cover to gain access to panel box.
the underside of the instrument panel. See
Figure 26. 3. Remove the air recirculation knob at the
instrument panel top console. See Figure 26.
2. Disconnect the electrical connector from the
12V power socket.
0100 SRM 1390 Remove and Install
4. Remove the nut that retains the potentiometer 5. Position the fuse panel cover to the right side of
to the instrument panel top console. the instrument panel and install the four
retaining screws. See Figure 25.
5. Remove the potentiometer by sliding it
downward out of the hole to the inside of the Cable-Operated Heater Control (Heater
instrument panel top console. Only)
Install Remove
1. Install the potentiometer by sliding it upward 1. Remove the four screws that retain the fuse
into the hole to the inside of the instrument panel cover to the right side of the instrument
panel top console. panel and remove the cover to gain access to
the underside of the instrument panel. See
2. Install the nut that retains the potentiometer Figure 25.
to the instrument panel top console.
2. Remove the heat control knob at the
3. Install the air recirculation knob at the instrument panel top console. See Figure 26.
instrument panel top console. See Figure 26.
3. Remove the nut that retains the heat rotary
4. Connect the electrical connector to the control assembly to the instrument panel top
potentiometer at the inside of the instrument console.
panel box.
Remove and Install 0100 SRM 1390
4. Remove the heat rotary control assembly from 6. Position the fuse panel cover to the right side of
the underside of the instrument panel top the instrument panel and install the four
console. retaining screws. See Figure 25.
5. Remove the cable clip and unlatch the inner Instrument Panel Rocker Switches
cable from the rotary control. Replacement
Install 1. Remove the four screws that retain the fuse
panel cover to the right side of the instrument
1. Pull the inner cable to make sure the water panel and remove the cover to gain access to
valve has reached its end position. the underside of the instrument panel. See
Figure 25.
2. Turn the rotary control to the extended (full
hot) position. NOTE: Most connectors are equipped with symbol
labels for identification.
3. Position and latch the inner cable to the heat
rotary control and install the cable clip. 2. If necessary, tag the connector for
4. Install the heat rotary control assembly from
the underside of the instrument panel top 3. Disconnect the connector from the rocker
console. switch by pressing the clip at the connector.
5. Install the nut to retain the heat rotary control 4. Remove the rocker switch by pressing the two
assembly to the instrument panel top console. clips together and pushing the rocker switch
from the inside to the outside. See Figure 26.
6. Install the heat control knob at the instrument
panel top console. 5. Install the new rocker switch by pushing the
rocker switch from the outside to the inside
7. Position the fuse panel cover to the right side of until the two clips are latched. See Figure 26.
the instrument panel and install the four
retaining screws. See Figure 25. 6. Connect the connector to the rocker switch.
Air Conditioning Switch Replacement 7. Position the fuse panel cover to the right side of
the instrument panel and install the four
1. Remove the four screws that retain the fuse retaining screws. See Figure 25.
panel cover to the right side of the instrument
panel and remove the cover to gain access to Parking Brake Switch
the underside of the instrument panel. See
Figure 25. Remove
1. Remove the four screws that retain the parking
2. Tag and disconnect the three electrical wires
brake switch cover to the instrument panel top
from the air conditioning switch.
console and remove the cover. See Figure 26.
3. Remove the air conditioning switch by pressing
2. Remove the tie wrap that connects the top and
the two clips together and pushing the air
bottom rubber boots to each other, which
conditioning switch from the inside to the
together cover the electrical connector.
outside. See Figure 26.
3. Remove the bottom rubber boot from the
4. Install the new air conditioning switch by
electrical connector to gain access to the
pushing the air conditioning switch from the
electrical connector.
outside to the inside until the two clips are
latched. See Figure 26. 4. Disconnect the electrical connector by turning
the clip to one side.
5. Connect the three wires to the air conditioning
0100 SRM 1390 Remove and Install
1. Position the parking brake switch in the
parking brake switch cover.
7. Position the parking brake switch cover to the 6. Position the fuse panel cover to the right side of
instrument panel top console and install the the instrument panel and install the four
four retaining screws. retaining screws. See Figure 25.
Remove and Install 0100 SRM 1390
0100 SRM 1390 Remove and Install
Remove and Install 0100 SRM 1390
0100 SRM 1390 Remove and Install
DO NOT force the steering control unit onto the
steering column shaft, as damage can occur.
Remove and Install 0100 SRM 1390
3. Remove the capscrew and spring that retain 4. Install the steering wheel. Refer to the section
the adjustment handle to the adjustment Steering Wheel and Horn.
Shift Lever
Install Remove
1. Position the adjustment handle and install the 1. Remove the steering wheel. Refer to the section
capscrew and spring to retain the adjustment Steering Wheel and Horn.
handle to the adjustment mechanism. Hand
tighten the capscrew at this time. 2. Remove the six screws and washers that retain
the top steering column cover to the upper left-
2. Turn the adjustment handle clockwise to hand and right-hand steering column covers.
install the adjustment mechanism to the See Figure 28.
steering column.
3. Remove the upper steering column cover from
3. Tighten the capscrew and spring that retain the steering column.
the adjustment handle to the adjustment
0100 SRM 1390 Remove and Install
4. Remove the two screws that retain the shift 4. Install the top steering column cover to the
lever to the steering column and remove the steering column. Refer to the section Steering
shift lever. Column Assembly.
5. Disconnect the electrical connector from the 5. Install the steering wheel. Refer to the section
shift lever. Steering Wheel and Horn.
Install Install
1. Connect the three wires to the turn signal lever NOTE: Make sure the window wiper assembly is
and tighten the three screws. properly positioned to provide optimal coverage of
the window.
2. Position the turn signal lever to the steering
column. 1. Position the window wiper assembly on the
window and shaft.
3. Install the two screws and wire that retain the
turn signal lever to the steering column. 2. Install and tighten the nut and washer.
Remove and Install 0100 SRM 1390
4. Connect the washer hose, if applicable. 4. Connect the electrical connector to the wiper
0100 SRM 1390 Remove and Install
3. Connect the wiper motor electrical connector. 3. Connect the wiper motor electrical connector.
4. Install the cover on the wiper motor assembly. 4. Install the wiper assembly. Refer to the section
Window Wiper Assembly Replacement.
5. Install the wiper assembly. Refer to the section
Figure 33 5. Install the radio console. Refer to the section
Radio Console.
6. Connect battery ground cable.
6. Connect battery ground cable.
3. Remove the wiper assembly. Refer to the 8. Remove the two capscrews that retain the two
section Window Wiper Assembly Replacement. brackets to the reservoir at the left underside of
the cab.
4. Disconnect the wiper motor electrical
connector. 9. Remove the two brackets.
5. Remove the two nuts and washers that retain 10. Remove the reservoir.
the wiper motor assembly to the cab.
11. Tag and disconnect the three window washer
6. Remove the wiper motor assembly. hoses from the washer motor and pumps.
Remove and Install 0100 SRM 1390
1. Install the window washer pumps by pushing
them in the rubber seal in the hole of the
reservoir. See Figure 34.
0100 SRM 1390 Remove and Install
NOTE: Step 16, Step 17, and Step 18 are for the top
window washer hose only.
16. Disconnect the black washer hose from the
connection adapter, located at the top side of
the cab roof.
5. Drain the washer reservoir. 2. Connect the black washer hose to the window
washer nozzle.
6. Disconnect the washer hoses at the connection
adapters located behind the radio console. 3. Connect the black washer hose to the
connection adapter at the top side of the cab
7. Place the washer hoses inside the instrument roof.
panel box.
4. Position the washer hose inside the instrument
8. Tilt/raise the cab to the fully open position. panel box.
Refer to the section Tilting the Cab.
5. Connect the washer hose(s) to the connection
9. Remove the tie wraps that retain the washer adapters located at the inside of the heater.
hose(s) to the underside of the cab.
6. Swing the heater up and install the three
10. Disconnect the washer hose(s) from the window capscrews that retain the heater to the cab.
washer motor(s) and pump(s).
7. Connect the washer hose(s) to the connection
11. Disconnect the washer hose ends that are adapters located at the outside of the heater.
connected to the valve(s) and remove the
Remove and Install 0100 SRM 1390
14. Install the radio console. Refer to the section 2. Disconnect the window washer hose from the
Radio Console. nozzle.
15. Install the cable cover and protection seal at 3. Remove the nut that retains the nozzle to the
the right rear corner and install the five screws cab rear frame.
and washers. See Figure 35.
4. Remove the nozzle and rubber boot to the
16. Position the fuse panel cover to the right side of outside of the cab rear frame.
the instrument panel and install the four
retaining screws. See Figure 25. Install
1. Install the nozzle and rubber boot from the
17. Fill the reservoir with washer fluid.
outside to the cab rear frame.
18. Check for leaks.
2. Install the nut to retain the nozzle to the cab
rear frame.
Front Window 3. Connect the window washer hose to the nozzle.
0100 SRM 1390 Remove and Install
Remove and Install 0100 SRM 1390
0100 SRM 1390 Remove and Install
Front Window 4. Pull out the plastic thread toward the inside of
the cab. This will ensure that the slot of the
Remove window seal slides properly over the window
1. Remove the front window wiper assembly. frame.
Refer to the section Window Wiper Assembly
Replacement. 5. Press the window firmly into place.
2. Remove the string from the window seal. See 6. Insert the string.
Figure 37.
7. Install the front window wiper assembly. Refer
to the section Window Wiper Assembly
Rear Window
1. Remove the rear window wiper assembly. Refer
to the section Window Wiper Assembly
3. Position and press the window against the 5. Press the window firmly into place.
operator’s compartment opening.
6. Insert the string.
Remove and Install 0100 SRM 1390
7. Install the rear window wiper motor assembly. 2. Remove the five protecting caps, nuts, and
See the section Rear Window Wiper Motor washers from the window clip. See Figure 38.
Top Window
1. Remove the top window wiper assembly. Refer
to the section Window Wiper Assembly
3. Remove the window clip and seal. 5. Remove the three roof clips and roof clip covers.
4. Remove the three protective caps, nuts, and 6. Remove the top window from the operator's
plastic washers that retain the roof clips to the compartment opening.
0100 SRM 1390 Remove and Install
8. Install the top window wiper assembly. Refer to Sliding Window and Sliding Tracks
the section Window Wiper Assembly
Replacement. Remove
1. Open the sliding window slightly to gain access
Door, Upper/Lower Window to the sliding tracks. See Figure 39.
1. Remove the window edge protection seal that
retains the window in the door frame. See
Figure 36.
Remove and Install 0100 SRM 1390
0100 SRM 1390 Remove and Install
2. Bend each end section of the window support 5. Place a screwdriver behind the second sliding
profile outward, to allow the sliding track to track as shown in Figure 40, and slide the
move out of the window support profile. See sliding window to the other side to free the
Figure 40. second sliding track from underneath the
sliding window.
1. Position and install the weather strip to the
front sliding window using a rubber mallet.
Remove and Install 0100 SRM 1390
Window Stopper Replacement 2. Clean the bead at the door frame with a clean
lint-free cloth and Sika Coating Activator. The
1. Remove the window stopper. See Figure 39. waiting time after cleaning is a minimum of 10
minutes to a maximum of 2 hours.
2. Apply instant glue to the window frame.
3. Apply Sikaflex 260 in the shape of a triangular
3. Install the window stopper and apply pressure
bead on the remaining bead of adhesive at the
until the stopper is seated.
door frame. Make sure the height of the
triangular bead is
Window Seal Replacement 4 to 5 mm (0.157 to 0.197 in.). See Figure 41.
1. Remove the front and rear sliding windows.
Refer to the section Sliding Window and
Sliding Tracks.
NOTE: The installation of the sliding window frame 6. Use a roller to position the removed glued seal
requires the use of a glue kit, Hyster P/N 1674109 . located at the upper window to the sliding
The glue kit consists of the following: window frame and upper window.
• Sika Coating Activator
7. Make sure the sliding window frame is firmly
• Sika Remover 208
mounted in the door frame.
• Sikaflex 260
1. Clean the bond area of the sliding window
frame with a clean lint-free cloth and Sika
Coating Activator. The waiting time after
cleaning is a minimum of 10 minutes to a
maximum of 2 hours.
0100 SRM 1390 Remove and Install
4. Remove the capscrew, spring washer, and nut 8. Position the accelerator pedal or MONOTROL®
that retain the accelerator pedal or pedal, if the lift truck is equipped with a
MONOTROL® pedal to the cab frame. MONOTROL® pedal.
5. Separate the coupling from the accelerator 9. Tilt/raise the cab to the fully open position.
pedal or MONOTROL® pedal. Refer to the section Tilting the Cab.
6. Lower the cab to the fully lowered and latched 10. Attach the coupling to the accelerator pedal or
position. Refer to the section Tilting the Cab. MONOTROL® pedal.
7. Remove the accelerator pedal or MONOTROL® 11. Install the capscrew, spring washer, and nut to
pedal. retain the accelerator pedal or MONOTROL®
pedal to the cab frame.
8. Remove the steering column. Refer to the
section Steering Column Assembly. 12. If the lift truck is equipped with a
MONOTROL® pedal, connect the electrical
9. Remove the split pin and washer from the rod connector to the MONOTROL® pedal.
located behind the inching pedal.
13. Install the foam around the throttle pedal.
10. Disconnect the rod from the inching pedal.
14. Lower the cab until it is in the fully lowered
11. Remove the two capscrews, washers, and nuts and latched position. Refer to the section
that retain the inching pedal to the bracket at Tilting the Cab.
the cab floor.
15. Check if any inching and brake pedal
12. Remove the two capscrews, washers, and nuts adjustment is required and adjust as needed.
that retain the brake pedal to the bracket at Refer to the section Dry Brake.
the cab floor.
16. Check and adjust the accelerator pedal. Refer
13. Remove the inching and brake pedal assembly. to the section Accelerator Pedal and Sensor.
14. Remove the front floor mat.
Rear Floor Mat
Install Remove
1. Install the front floor mat. 1. Open the left-hand and right-hand cab doors
until the doors are securely latched.
2. Position the inching and brake pedal assembly
between the brackets on the floor of the cab.
Remove and Install 0100 SRM 1390
2. If equipped with a storage box, remove the two 7. If equipped, install the training seat located at
screws located at the left side of the seat that the left rear corner of the cab. Refer to the
retain the storage box to the cab floor. section Seat Assembly.
3. If equipped, remove the training seat, located 8. If equipped with a storage box, install the two
at the left rear corner of the cab. Refer to the screws located at the left side of the seat that
section Seat Assembly. retain the storage box to the cab floor.
1. Install the rear floor mat.
0100 SRM 1390 Remove and Install
8. Disconnect the two electrical connectors of the 3. Position the new air duct to the front side of the
interior lights at the left-hand and right-hand cab.
side of the radio console.
4. Install the six capscrews located at the left-
9. Remove the radio console from the rear side of hand and right-hand underside of the air duct.
the interior cab roof.
Remove Rear
Install 1. Open the left- and right cab door completely.
1. Position the radio console to rear side of the
interior cab roof. 2. Remove the rear floor mat. See the section
Floor Mat.
2. Connect the two electrical connectors of the
interior lights at the left-hand and right-hand 3. Remove the five screws that retain the cable
side of the radio console. cover at the right rear corner of the operator's
3. Install the four capscrews and washers at the
underside of the radio console. See Figure 42. 4. Remove the four screws that retain the fuse
panel cover at the right side of the instrument
4. Install the six capscrews and washers at the panel. See Figure 43.
front side of the radio console.
Remove and Install 0100 SRM 1390
7. Remove the six screws that retain the cover to NOTE: The screw locations can be partially hidden
the instrument panel top console and lift the by the foam cover underneath the air duct.
cover partially out the instrument panel top
3. Install the four screws located at the underside
of the air duct.
8. Remove the four screws that retain the cover
4. Install the heater hose clamp to the underside
with the heater switches to the instrument
of the air duct.
panel top console and lift the cover partially out
the instrument panel top console. 5. Position the instrument panel side console.
9. Remove the four screws that retain the cover 6. Install the three screws located at the
with the parking brake to the instrument panel underside that retain the instrument panel
top console and lift the cover partially out the side console to the cab.
instrument panel top console.
NOTE: Make sure the wires of the instrument
10. Remove the five screws that retain the panel clear of any restrictions.
instrument panel top console to the instrument
panel. 7. Carefully position the instrument panel top
15. Remove the four screws located at the 13. Install the key switch, see the section
underside of the air duct. Instrument Panel.
16. Remove the four screws located at the topside 14. Install the four screws that retain the fuse
of the air duct. panel cover at the right side of the instrument
17. Remove the air duct.
15. Install the five screws that retain the cable
Install cover at the right rear corner of the operator's
1. Position the air duct.
16. Install the floor mat rear. See the section Floor
2. Install the four screws located at the topside of
the air duct.
0100 SRM 1390 Remove and Install
1. Remove the nut behind the mirror that retains 4. Remove the sunshade.
the mirror to the cab frame.
5. Position the new sunshade.
2. Remove the mirror from the cab frame.
6. Install the two capscrews at the left-hand and
3. Position the new mirror to the cab frame. right-hand side of the sunshade to retain the
sunshade to the radio console.
4. Install the nut behind the mirror to retain the
mirror to the cab frame. 7. Position the handle to the sliding bar at the
rear window.
Sunshade Replacement
8. Install the two capscrews to retain the handle
Top with a bracket to the sliding bar.
NOTE: The top sunshade is located under the cab
roof and attached to the radio console. Map Light Replacement
1. Remove the two capscrews that retain the NOTE: The map light is attached to the frame in
handle with a bracket to the sliding bar at the the right rear corner of the cab.
1. Disconnect the wire connector located inside
the fuse panel.
2. Remove the handle.
2. Remove the two capscrews that retain the map
3. Remove the two capscrews at the left-hand and
light to the cab frame.
right-hand side of the sunshade that retain the
sunshade to the radio console.
3. Remove the map light from the cab frame.
4. Remove the sunshade.
4. Position the new map light to the cab frame.
5. Position the new sunshade.
5. Install the two capscrews to retain the map
light to the cab frame.
6. Install the two capscrews at the left-hand and
right-hand side of the sunshade to retain the
6. Connect the wire connector located inside the
sunshade to the radio console.
fuse panel.
7. Position the handle to the sliding bar at the
Interior Fan Replacement
NOTE: The interior fan is located at the right rear
8. Install the two capscrews to retain the handle corner inside the cab, and is attached to the frame.
with a bracket to the sliding bar.
1. Disconnect the wire connector from the fan.
Rear 2. Remove the four capscrews that retain the
NOTE: The rear sun shade is located at the rear interior fan to the cab frame.
window inside the cab and is attached to the radio
console. 3. Remove the interior fan from the cab frame.
1. Remove the two capscrews that retain the 4. Position the new interior fan to the cab frame.
handle with a bracket to the sliding bar at the
rear window. 5. Install the four capscrews to retain the interior
fan to the cab frame.
Checks and Adjustments 0100 SRM 1390
6. Connect the wire connector to the fan. the capacity rating may change. Installing different
drive tires can change the capacity rating. See a
Training Seat dealer for Hyster lift trucks for a replacement
nameplate. The nameplate information is a safety
Field Installation item and must be correct for the equipment and
NOTE: The training seat is located at the left rear configuration of the lift truck.
corner of the cab and is attached to the cab floor and
the side frame of the cab. 1. Make sure the surface is dry and free of oil or
grease. DO NOT use solvent on new paint.
NOTE: Two threaded holes in the cab floor are Clean the surface of old paint using cleaning
covered by a rubber mat. Holes are partially solvent.
punched in the rubber mat to show the location of
the threaded holes and to create access to the 2. Remove the paper from the back of the label.
threaded holes in the cab floor. Do not touch the adhesive surface.
1. Remove the rubber from the two partially
punched holes in the rubber mat to create 3. Carefully position the label in the correct
access to the threaded holes in the cab floor. position above the surface. The label cannot be
moved after it touches the surface. Place the
2. Position the training seat and install two label on the surface. Make sure all of the air is
capscrews at the cab floor side and one removed from under the label and the corners
capscrew at the cab frame side. and edges are tightly affixed.
Remove See the Parts Manual for correct location and part
numbers of the labels.
1. Remove the two capscrews at the cab floor side
and one capscrew at the cab frame side.
Labels that have WARNINGS or CAUTIONS must
be replaced if they are damaged. If a mast of a
different size or an accessory carriage is installed,
0100 SRM 1390 Checks and Adjustments
7. Tilt/raise the cab and make sure the maximum 7. Close the door and make sure the door is
tilted/raised (fully opened) position can be correctly seated against the door seals.
reached. Refer to the section Tilting the Cab.
8. If necessary, repeat Step 1 through Step 7.
8. If necessary, repeat Step 1 through Step 7.
Checks and Adjustments 0100 SRM 1390
Wet Brake
1. Adjust the cap screw behind the pedal on the
brake pedal assembly to let the roller have
contact with the cap screw on the valve and
there is no free travel.
0100 SRM 1390 Checks and Adjustments
4. Make sure the analog input of the inching f. Perform inching pedal calibration after the
pedal sensor is between 800 and 900 mV. sensor has been adjusted.
5. If the analog input is not within specifications, g. Lower the cab to the fully lowered and
proceed as follows: latched position. Refer to the section Tilting
the Cab.
Checks and Adjustments 0100 SRM 1390
7. Disconnect the laptop computer from the 6. If the reading is not within range, adjust the
diagnostic plug. inching pedal sensor until the reading is within
Sensor Adjustment using the APC200
Display 7. Turn the key switch to the OFF position to
leave the APC200 test function group.
NOTE: This procedure does not require a laptop.
NOTE: Before calibrating the inching pedal sensor, Sensor Adjustment for Trucks with ZF
the inching pedal must be adjusted correctly. See Transmission
the section Brake Pedal Adjustment.
1. Connect a laptop, loaded with Testman
1. Press and hold the "S" button, and turn the key software, to the diagnostic connector which is
switch to the ON position. During the first 15 located in the side console.
seconds, the display will show:
2. Select Analog Inputs in Testman.
0100 SRM 1390 Checks and Adjustments
NOTE: This procedure does not require a laptop. 8. Turn the key switch to the OFF position to
save the calibration settings.
1. Press and hold the "S" button, and turn the key
switch to the ON position. During the first 15 Observe the APC200 display and wait until all
seconds, the display will show: segments no longer light up. When the display
remains OFF, new calibration has been
entered into the APC200 memory. The new
calibration settings will be lost if the key switch
is turned back ON too early.
Checks and Adjustments 0100 SRM 1390