Hormonal Control of Mammogenesis and Onset of Lactation in C o W S - A Review R. E. Erb Department of Animal Sciences
Hormonal Control of Mammogenesis and Onset of Lactation in C o W S - A Review R. E. Erb Department of Animal Sciences
Hormonal Control of Mammogenesis and Onset of Lactation in C o W S - A Review R. E. Erb Department of Animal Sciences
Lactation in C o w s - A Review ~
Department of Animal Sciences
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN 47907
Estrogen stimulates development of Biology of lactation has been studied for
mammary ducts, and progesterone and several centuries. The first documented reviews
estrogen stimulate proliferation of secre- were in 1765 and 1778 by VonHaller (23).
tory tissues. In vivo, sequential addition Subsequent reviews (Rothchild, 1901 to 1902;
of insulin (step 1), glucocorticoid (step Simon, 1968) included over 11,000 references
2), and prolactin (step 3) leads to biosyn- for 1700 to 1928, as cited by Cowie and Tindal
thesis of casein and lactose. In cows, (23). Since 1928 an extraordinary number of
mammogenesis continues until termina- reviews and books have been published which
tion of pregnancy and overlaps onset of include discussions on endocrinology of lacta-
lactation. Progesterone probably inhibits tion. Reviews cited in the text are (4, 19, 21,
differentiation of secretory cells at step 2 23, 26, 27, 29, 47, 64, 65, 68, 80, 82, 101,
or step 3. Sensitivity of individual cells to 102, 103, 109, 110, 113).
progestational inhibition may decrease The primary purpose of this paper is to
variably which may be interdependent review hormonal control of mammogenesis
upon relative increases in estrogen, pro- (growth and differentiation to stage prior to
lactin, corticoids, and growth hormone to active secretion) and onset of lactation (start of
cause asynchronies among them at calv- active secretion) in dairy cows. Research on
ing. Since prolactin in plasma is not other species (mainly goats, mice, rabbits, rats,
correlated with progesterone or the estro- and sheep) will be cited as necessary to support
gens, factors other than feed-back effects hypotheses regarding hormonal effects on lacta-
of ovarian steroids may be responsible for tion cycles.
its sustained increase periparturiently. Al-
so, elevated prolactin periparturiently
may be unrelated to subsequent rates of HISTORICAL
lactation because its "basal" concentra- Artificial development of udder function,
tions may meet requirements when in- equivalent to that expected following preg-
hibiting effects of progesterone are re- nancy and parturition, has been attempted with
moved. This concept is attractive because increasing frequency since 1897. It was demon-
mammary ceils neither are synchronized strated initially that reintroduction of ovarian
highly for biosynthesis nor secrete normal tissue into ovariectomized animals permitted
milk for several days after calving. At the continued growth of mammary glands (42, 61).
latter time, concentrations in plasma are Hormonal stimulation was postulated in 1906
low for progesterone and estrogen, similar (63). Later (1909 to 1914), mammary growth
to 3 days before calving for glucocorti- was associated with successive estrous periods
coids and prolactin, and increasing for and with development of corpora lutea (eL)
insulin. Evidence of lactation under un- following sterile copulation (23). This led to
usual circumstances was discussed. conclusion that mammary growth was caused
by CL (corpus luteum) of pregnancy (3, 44).
The pituitary was implicated 14 yr later by
showing, in rabbits, that crude extracts of
Received July 1, 1976. pituitary initiated lactation in developed mam-
~Journal Paper No. 6316, Purdue University Agri-
cultural Experiment Station. Text of invitational mary glands (97), and also caused mammary
paper presented during 71st Annual Meeting, Ameri- proliferation in undeveloped glands (78). Then
can Dairy Scierice Association. in castrate male rabbits "estrus producing hor-
156 ERB
appearance of parent cells. The same sequential centrations in plasma and mammary secretions
changes occurred when embryonic (12, 13) or may increase before progesterone decreases to
prepubertal (120) mammary tissues were incu- low concentrations. Whatever the mechanisms
bated under similar conditions. Cultured mam- in cows, cytologically (4, 7, 82) and otherwise
mary explants from nonlactating cows 40 days (26, 82), the effect is not simultaneous for all
prepartum required insulin for survival, hydro- cells perhaps due to differences in circulation to
cortisone for differentiation, and prolactin for their sites. Because estrogen continues to in-
biosynthesis (16). Requirements appeared simi- crease until parturition, it may stimulate pitui-
lar when mammary explants were from heifers tary release of prolactin (65, 66, 67, 83) and
pretreated with estrogen and progesterone al- enhance rate of milk secretion or perhaps
though addition of estrogen and progesterone synergize mechanisms required for onset of
or calf plasma further improved indicators of normal lactation, such as function of corticoids
lactogenesis (76). (103), growth hormone (21), prolactin (21,
Based on in vitro results, parent cells should 84), placental lactogen (9), and other factors in
advance to active secretion in vivo from a blood plasma (76). However, estrogen decreases
variety of normal or abnormal conditions. Since to low concentrations within 72 h after calving
parent cells are at all stages after the embry- (19, 31). Therefore, lactation does not ap-
onic mammary primary sprout stage, this con- proach maximum rates until after plasma and
cept helps explain what appears to be diverse urinary estrogen are low. Moreover, basal con-
observations regarding onset of lactation. Lacta- centrations of prolactin in blood are decreased
tion may occur spontaneously in virgin goats within 2 days after calving (55, 56) although
(37), in suckled virgin heifers (108), in heifers episodic release occurs thereafter from diverse
milked as early as 120 days of first pregnancy stimuli including milking (19, 62). Also oxy-
(5, 108) or following abortion (99), and follow- tocin release and regular removal of milk are
ing hormone treatments prepartum (105), dur- essential for increase to maximum rates and for
ing lactation (72), or during dry periods of sustained lactation (82).
nonpregnant cows (17, 18, 23a, 34, 45, 65, 75,
90, 91).
The udders of heifers develop throughout Q U A N T I T A T I V E C H A N G E S IN
pregnancy. However, differentiation, synthesis
capability, and active synthesis, are relatively Progesterone in blood decreases rapidly 2 to
incomplete in cattle until about 2 days before 3 days before calving (19, 30, 54, 95) whereas
parturition (4, 47, 59, 82) unless altered by prolactin (19, 30, 50, 55, 5 6 ) a n d growth
prepartum milking (1). Since mammary tissue is hormone (19, 55) increase 1 to 2 days before
exposed constantly to the metabolic hormones calving and remain elevated for 1 to 2 more
and, at least to low concentrations of prolactin days. Growth hormone decreases and insulin
in vivo, changing concentrations of progester- increases during the 1st mo after calving (93).
one and estrogen in blood must be involved Glucocorticoids increase significantly in blood
until onset of lactation. This role includes a) serum only during calving and decrease to
mammary duct development by estrogen, b) precalving concentrations within 12 h after
lobule-alveolar development through synergistic calving (19, 30, 53, 95). The parturient increase
effects of estrogen and progesterone, and c) in glucocorticoids may be due to stress of
nearly complete synchronization of secretory parturition (20, 53), which suggests that the
cells ready for differentiation prior to secretion increase per se may have little significance
(4, 82). It is unknown if roles of estrogen and regarding onset of lactation. Estrogens in blood
progesterone are primary or secondary, but plasma (15, 28, 81) or serum (19, 95), urine
onset of lactation is associated with their rapid (54), and mammary secretion (15, 73) increase
changes in concentration periparturiently. rapidly during the last 1 wk of pregnancy.
Progesterone appears the most probable in- Concentrations in blood are near maximum the
hibitor of onset of lactation (23, 46, 106). day before calving and in urine (31, 54) or milk
Until the progesterone block is removed, pro- (31) during the 1st day after calving.
lactin may be unable to initiate synthesis of Data are more limited regarding periparturi-
~-lactalbumin and lactose even though its con- ent changes in the 17/3 and 17& isomers of
estradiol. Although circulating estrone predomi- Average changes prepartum in plasma for
nates, it seems clear that both isomers of progesterone and the estrogens are suggestive of
estradiol also increase during late gestation (15, a temporal relationship with prolactin (Table
28, 81). Variations of up to 10-fold in amounts 1). However, prolactin was not correlated with
of each estrogen in blood, urine, and mammary progesterone or the estrogens in the same
secretions are not uncommon among cows on samples of plasma, either 3 to 6 days before
the same day before calving. Biological signifi- calving or 2 days before to .5 day after calving.
cance of such large variations is not understood, Moreover, percent lactose in secretions was not
especially as these may influence traits of correlated with concentrations of the aforemen-
parturition, synchronies of biosynthesis and tioned hormones in plasma. This suggests that
secretion, and subsequent rates of milk yield. concentrations in plasma of other hormones
Hormonal profiles at or near calving support [insulin (16, 76, 89), corticoids (16, 76, 89,
a hypothesis that progesterone inhibits either 95), growth hormones (55), placental lactogen
the release or biological activity of pituitary (9), or other constituents in plasma (76)1 may
prolactin. In addition, either low ratios of be related more directly to morphological
progesterone to estrogen or increased estrogen changes prior to onset of normal lactation.
alone triggers parturition and may enhance Since differentiation, indicators of biosynthesis,
release of prolactin from the pituitary (83, 88). and rates of biosynthesis appear to occur
We have completed a study with 22 cows step-wise over several days in organ culture
and heifers. Blood and mammary secretions (101, 102), correlations between prolactin and
were collected daily from 6.8 + .3 days before lactose and other peripheral hormones on the
calving to 2 days after calving (15). Concentra- same day may not reveal the true significance
tions of immunoreactive prolactin, progester- of the temporal changes.
one, estrone, estradiol-17/3, and residual estradi- Peripheral concentrations of hormones in
ol (believed to be primarily 17-~) were mea- vivo may be inappropriate to define their
sured to evaluate their relationships to onset of effects on mammary secretory cells or other
normal lactation. Concentrations of lactose in target activities for several reasons. Average
mammary secretions were measured to evaluate concentrations are predicted from samples usu-
synchrony of synthesis among secretory cells ally collected in less than 1 rain at infrequent
(29, 82,102). intervals of hours to several days. Even if
Average concentrations of the hormones in "basal" concentrations are estimated reason-
plasma for periparturient intervals in Table 1 ably well, these may be well above concentra-
are typical of other data (19, 28, 95, 103). tion gradients required to initiate or maintain a
Concentrations in mammary secretions (re- specific biological action. Since biological ac-
ferred to as milk hereafter) mimicked changes tivity seems dependent on hormone-receptor
in plasma, but there were differences in ratios interaction at the cellular level (27), the degree
among concentrations of hormones in milk of receptor saturation should be of greatest
compared to plasma (31). Prolactin, progester- importance. Periparturiently, mammary tissue
one, and estradiol-17/3 were higher (P<.01) in may be capable of concentrating certain hor-
milk than in blood plasma whereas estrone was mones such as estradiol-17~ and progesterone
lower (P<.01) in milk, and estradiol-17~ con- (Table 1) either dissolved in lipids or bound to
centrations were not different (Table 1) (31). various high and low affinity binding sites.
Shifts in ratios of hormonal concentrations in For example, preparations from cow mam-
plasma and milk from 3 to 6 days prepartum to mary tissue contain a heat resistant component
day of calving (partum +- .5 day; Table 1) which has low affinity hut large capacity for
suggest relative changes in hormonal transport. binding cortisol (104). However, there is no
Average ratios (milk:plasma) prepartum for evidence that this binding "protein" is specific
prolactin decreased progressively, whereas those for cortisol. The same preparation had high
for progesterone and the estradiols increased. affinity receptors which competed strongly for
Estrone ratios were unchanged. None of these progesterone and the corticoids (6, 104). Prepa-
hormones was correlated significantly with per- rations from breast tumor tissue show evidence
cent fat in the prepartum mammary secretions of receptors specific for progesterone (52).
(r = .15 to --.14). High affinity receptors specific for cortisol (41,
Prepartum Postpartum
Comparison 3 to 6 days 1 to 2 days Partum -+ .5 days 1 to 2 days
M a m m a r y secretions (n) 46 33 43 44
Prolactin (ng/ml) 148 13 201 26 212 18 83 8
Progesterone (ng/ml) 4.8 .5 5.1 •5 4.0 .4 1.4 .2
Estradiol-17~ (pg/ml) 509 64 509 39 609 74 124 14
Estradiol-17c~ (pg/ml) 630 90 620 86 1175 164 419 57
Estrone (pg/ml) 1719 192 1952 215 1620 210 288 67
Lactose (%) 2.6 .2 3.2 .2 3.2 .1 3.9 .1 Z
Fat (%) 3.3 .4 4.1 .6 5.3 .4 4.5 .4
Total protein (%) 7.7 .4 6.9 .4 7.5 .4 5.6 .2
e- M a m m a r y secretions/plasma
Prolactin 5.1 3.5 2.9 3.2
Progesterone 1.3 1.8 3.1 2.0
Estradiol-17~3 1.8 1.2 1.6 1.7
Estradiol-17a .6 .7 1.2 1.3 0
Estrone .5 .6 .6 .8
~o xO
160 ERB
87) have been found in udder tissue from tions (15, 31) during late pregnancy as com-
lactating cows (41). Receptors for progesterone pared to estrone and estradiol-t7a. Moreover,
and corticoids may have special significance temporal changes in concentrations of the
because corticoids stimulate proliferation of major estrogens appear proportional in mam-
rough endoplasmic reticulum while progester- mary secretions or plasma periparturiendy (Ta-
one is inhibitory (82, 103 for review). There- ble 1).
fore, if concentrations of progesterone de- Selective uptake from plasma (14, 48) and
creased or corticoids increased, this should shift metabolism (89) of progesterone by mammary
ratios of "occupied" high affinity receptor tissue have been reported. Therefore, uptake,
sites. Also, mammary tissue may metabolize storage, compartmentation within the ceils,
certain steroids (89), and metabolism may metabolism, and mechanism of action of estro-
occur at different rates for specific hormones. gens in mammary tissue seem worthy of study.
If, for example, progesterone was metabolized Does the mammary gland differentially concen-
more efficiently than corticoids, then differ- trate the estrogens? Differences in ratios of
ences in rate of degradation, and possibly their concentrations in mammary secretions
disproportionate changes in blood flow among compared to plasma suggest differences in
local areas of the udder due to increasing mammary transport, especially between estrone
congestion, could account for variations among and the estradiols (Table 1). Also, to what
alveoli in regard to whether or not their extent does mammary tissue convert estrone to
secretory cells were cytologically mature or the estradiols? Conversion of estrone to estradi-
juvenile prior to calving (82). A similar mecha- o1-17~3 may occur as indicated by a three-fold
nism may be operative, even when plasma average difference in their mammary secre-
progesterone is relatively high, if basal concen- tion/plasma ratios (Table 1). Changes in the
trations of corticoids also are elevated. This ratios for estradiol-17c~ from prepartum to
could explain variable rates of secretion among postpartum (Table 1), indicate either more
cows milked prepartum. Finally, the above efficient removal of estradiol-17a or increased
hypothesis could explain why lactation was formation from estrone and estradiol-17/L Such
initiated with a synthetic corticoid in preg- conversions, if they occur at all in mammary
nant heifers (105), or why rapid mammary tissue, should occur throughout the gland,
build-up and lactation seem to occur when including secretions stored in alveolar lumina.
births are induced prematurely with dexa- This is postulated because enzymes appropriate
methasone (86). The latter synthetic gluco- for such conversion apparently are in blood and
corticoid competes with cortisol in preparations elsewhere (70 for review). Therefore, such
containing the mammary corticoid receptor enzymes may be in mammary secretions. Con-
(41,104). version of estrone to estradiol-17/3 near sites of
Interrelationships with other high affinity action may have a marked effect on their
receptors may be equally or more impor- relative concentration gradients in fluids in
tant. These include receptors for insulin (77) contact with cell surface membranes. An alter-
and prolactin (39) in plasma membrane of native would be selective uptake, in or on the
secretory ceils, and for estrogens in cyto- plasma membrane, by mechanisms which favor
plasmic fractions and nuclear pellets (40). a specific estrogen. Since mammary cell recep-
Growth homaone and chorionic somato- tors for estrogen are in cytosol and nuclear
mammotropin appear to compete with pro- isolates, a two-step mechanism of action has
lactin for the same receptor (39), and possi- been postulated (40). Therefore, cellular entry
bly placental lactogen as well. of at least the biologically active estrogen(s)
Cytosol receptors for estrogen appear specif- would be essential. Certain estrogens probably
ic and compete equally for estrone, estradiol- enter mammary cells at all stages of function,
17/3, and estriol (40). The significance of equal because of stimulatory effects on mammogene-
competitive binding among estrogens is not sis, and other effects which vary from stimula-
understood. Although estradiol-17~3 appears to tion of lactation to udder regression as dosages
be the biologically active endogenous estrogen, are increased (65, 72 for review). Moreover,
its concentrations are relatively low in bovine immunoreactive estrogens are in milk (31, 34,
plasma (15, 28, 31, 81) and mammary secre- 72, 73).
lactation induced with E23 and P, several facets (24). However, effects on milk yield were
are of interest: a) concentrations of progester- inconclusive. Inability to demonstrate superior
one pretreatment were correlated positively initiation of hormonally induced lactations by
with concentrations thereafter (33); b) pro- treatment with TRH may be due to several
longed elevation of progesterone (above .5 factors. Endogenous prolactin (24, 33, 34, 88,
ng/ml) after day 17 either inhibited lactation, 117) and growth hormone (24) were increased
and/or delayed onset of lactation (33, 117); before TRH was administered. Therefore, fur-
and c) occurrence of significant differences in ther increases may have had no effect on the
hormonal profiles associated with inferior lacta- average individual. Temporal increases in pro-
tions as compared to superior lactations (33). lactin and growth hormone could have been
The major differences associated with inferior ineffective because a majority of secretory cells
lactations were high titers of estrogen in plasma were not differentiated at time of treatment or
on last day of treatment (day 7) and failure to because concentrations were elevated only
maintain above average liters (290 to 900 briefly. Finally, timing of treatments with TRH
pg/ml) through days 14 and 17 concurrent with may have been incorrect.
rapid decreases in progesterone (33, 117). Also, Various attempts to evaluate the relative
the group with inferior lactations showed slow importance of prolactin for initiation and main-
decrease in total estrogen (33) or specifically tenance of lactation in intact ruminants have
total estradio[ (58) and had chronically low been inconclusive. However, its requirement for
average prolactin (less than 24 ng/ml) after day initiation of lactation has not been questioned
17 (33, 58). (19, 65 for review). Milk yield of a goat
decreased rapidly after hypophysectomy (21,
Requirements for Prolactin
22). Synthetic glucocorticoid was administered
after hypophysectomy. Additional treatment
Consistent increases in plasma prolactin peri- with growth hormone and triiodothyronine
parturiently (15, 31, 55, 56, 103) or after iT3) begun about 70 days after hypophysecto-
termination of treatment with E23 and P for 7 my resulted in about 30% restoration of milk
days (33, 34, 72, 117) suggest, but do not yield. When ovine prolactin also was included,
prove, its requirement for onset of lactation in about 25 days later, lactation was restored
cows. Depression of plasma prolactin with completely. After restoration, lactation was
ergocryptine appears to have little or no effect maintained without prolactin. Then hormonal
on established lactation (57, 94) and appears to requirements for maintenance of lactation in a
inhibit onset of lactation and subsequent milk hypophysectomized goat were synthetic gluco-
yield only ~if treatment is started prior to corticoid, growth hormone, T3, and presum-
calving and is continued until after calving (57, ably, endogenous insulin and glucagon. It is
84). Cessation of treatment prior to calving had intriguing that secretory structures apparently
less effect even though prolactin in plasma was remained intact for over 3 mo of minimal
reduced temporarily to low concentrations secretory activity before restoration. It seems
(84). unlikely that regression occurred and new
Synthetic thyrotropin releasing hormone secretory structures regenerated in the absence
(TRH) causes immediate but short term in- of estrogen and progesterone. Continued mam-
creases in thyroxine, prolactin and growth mary stimulation and removal of secretion may
hormone of plasma (20). However, response to explain partially the apparent maintenance of
TRH as an additional treatment for hormonally the goat's secretory tissues (21, 82).
induced lactation in cows (74) and ewes (24,
and unpublished data) does not appear promis-
ing. Lactational responses were similar for A CONCEPT OF HORMONAL
groups injected with saline or TRH 7 to 10 days
(cows; 74) or 10 to 13 days (ewes; unpub- There has been general agreement for many
lished) after last treatment with E23 and P. years that lactation cycles are controlled by
When TRH or saline was injected into estrogen- estrogen and progesterone (4, 98, 103, 109,
ized ewes 14 to 17 days after last E23 and P, 111). The changes in each are synchronized for
TRH caused faster increase in percent lactose mammary development, completion of preg-
extracellular spaces (congestion and edema), c) tions secretory cell proliferation may occur.
increased vascularity and, presumably, blood Such cells should differentiate either because of
flow rate, and d) stimulation of RNA-directed chronically low progesterone before puberty or
synthesis of cellular proteins (107). Copious when a corpus luteum regressed. Substantial
synthesis and secretion of casein, ~-lactalbumin, yields of milk by heifers manually stimulated
and lactose cannot be explained well if assigned during pregnancy or injected with synthetic
directly to effects of estrogen. This aspect may glucocorticoid (105), emphasizes potential for
be assigned more properly to catalyzing effects stimulating secretory structures prior to first
of insulin, corticoids, prolactin, growth hor- calving. The effect of exogenous glucocorticoid
mone, and oxytocin, along with the mandatory presumably would override inhibitory effects of
requirement that secretions be removed regular- progesterone and probably also inhibit luteal
ly postpartum. In fact, the conceptual role secretion rates as well since treated heifers
assigned to estrogen may not be necessary for calved 25 days early. It is also possible that
normal or near normal lactation once the manual stimulation and milking reduced luteal
progesterone block of step 2 is removed or is function since untreated controls calved 12
otherwise overcome by endogenous or exoge- days before expected due dates (105).
nous glucocorticoids via appropriate receptors. Prepartum milking also can be considered
At least two natural phenomena in cows can be anomalous. Low yields of secretion by some
cited as evidence. Cows with prolonged gesta- individuals milked only during terminal stages
tion characteristically have elevated progester- of pregnancy could be due to above-average
one and low estrogen (10, 51). Moreover, the concentrations of estrogen and progesterone.
udder may remain completely collapsed until This rationale is based on observations that high
the fetus is removed and then the udder fills doses of estrogen (43) or estrogen and proges-
with secretions in a few days. Lactation is then terone (72) inhibit established lactation where-
comparable to those initiated by normal calving as small doses are stimulatory (65 for review).
(10). Udders of heifers and cows with regressed Since mammary secretions prepartum con-
udders show no evidence of filling prior to tain elevated concentrations of prolactin, pro-
abortion if this occurs 2 to 3 mo before end of gesterone, estrogens (Table 1), and probably
normal gestation. Lactation can be established other hormones (corticoids, growth hormone,
by milking, but total lactation yields are de- etc.), their removal could alter the hormonal
pressed and are proportional to stage of gesta- environment of secretory cells. This may affect
tion when abortion occurs (99). Such cows only timing of events associated with onset of
increase slowly to maximum daily rates (99), as lactation, but data available currently are inade-
do those induced to lactate by 7-day treatment quate to evaluate biological significance.
with E2/3 and P (33, 91). Rate of excretion of If roles assigned to progesterone and estro-
estrogen in urine of cows increased at time of gen regarding onset of lactation should be
abortion induced by ovariectomy (69), and in proven correct in a general way, then it is
two cases of spontaneous abortion (unpub- doubtful that their variations periparturiendy
lished). would be predictive of subsequent intensity of
Several anomalous factors require rationali- lactation or clearly associated with periparturi-
zation even though we cannot accept that ent variations in other hormones essential for
ensuing lactations are equivalent to that follow- function of the mammary gland. A more
ing birth. These anomalies include spontaneous promising approach may be to understand the
lactation in virgin goats (37) and lactation after mechanisms causing proliferation of alveoli and
udder stimulation (manual or suckled) of non- continued replication of their secretory cells
pregnant (5, 108) or pregnant heifers (105), or during pregnancy. This includes more research
a nonpregnant, dry ewe (88). It seems necessary on mammary receptors and, especially, on
to recognize the probable hormonal conse- factors controlling entry of precursors and
quences of mammary stimulation before onset steroids into mammary cells in vivo. It seems
of lactation by calving. Presumably, udder essential to recognize that regulation of a cell's
stimulation would increase vascularity as well as activity is dependent upon characteristics of its
cause additional release of oxytocin, prolactin, plasma membrane. Synergistic or inhibitory
and ACTH (19 for review). Under these condi- effects of steroids on intracellular functions
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