Hormonal Control of Pig Reproduction
Hormonal Control of Pig Reproduction
Hormonal Control of Pig Reproduction
Glen Cassar
Ontario Veterinary College,
University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario N1G 2W1
E-mail: gcassar@uoguelph.ca
In order to consistently reach breeding targets and maintain weaned pig production, sufficient
service-ready gilts must be available in each breeding week. If enough gilts are not available in a
predictable manner, subsequent pig production will suffer. To minimize the potential of gilt
supply being a constraint to achieving the breeding target, large gilt pools are maintained to help
ensure that an adequate number of gilts will be in estrus and available for breeding at specified
times. Having replacement gilts exhibit estrus at a predicted time would allow more efficient
scheduling and use of gestation and farrowing facilities and provide greater opportunity for
introduction of females into sow groups at the time sows are bred following weaning.
Reproductive efficiency could be enhanced with the use of effective methods for synchronizing
estrus in replacement gilts and weaned sows that do not return to estrus when expected. The
available methods of estrus synchronization in swine are varied, but they are all based either on
controlling events leading to follicular maturation and ovulation or altering luteal lifespan.
Before considering how available hormonal products can be used to manipulate reproduction in
pigs, an understanding of how hormones naturally control the estrous cycle is necessary.
Once gilts reach puberty at 6 to 8 months of age, they display estrus at 18- to 22-day intervals
unless cycling is interrupted by pregnancy and lactation, poor nutrition, or disease. During
estrus, gilts or sows stand to be bred. The physiological and behavioral changes associated with
the estrous cycle are controlled by hormones produced by endocrine glands. Gonadotropin-
releasing hormone (GnRH) is released from a specific area of the brain called the hypothalamus,
travels through blood vessels to the pituitary gland, and there stimulates secretion of follicle-
stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). These are called gonadotropins.
During the two to three day period just prior to estrus, increasing blood levels of FSH and LH
cause follicles to rapidly grow on each of the two ovaries. These follicles secrete increased levels
of the hormone estrogen into circulation, which in turn causes the behavioural and physiological
changes associated with estrus (e.g., reddening and swelling of the vulva, lordosis or the
"standing response" in the presence of a boar, etc.). Rising concentrations of estrogen eventually
triggers increased secretion of GnRH, resulting in a massive release of LH during estrus. This
"LH surge" stimulates the process of ovulation. Multiple ova, or eggs, are released from the
follicles on the ovaries during the process of ovulation, which occurs, on average, 40 hours after
the onset of estrus. Each ovulation site on the ovaries subsequently forms a structure called a
corpus luteum which secretes another hormone, progesterone, into the circulation. During the
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luteal phase of the estrous cycle, (or if pregnancy occurs), progesterone, in concert with low
levels of estrogen, inhibits FSH and LH secretion from the pituitary gland, and thus inhibits
follicular growth. Ova are fertilized in the oviducts, which are tubes connecting the ovaries and
uterus. The embryos then progress to the uterus and develop into fetuses.
If fertilization and initiation of pregnancy did not occur during estrus, then the hormone
prostaglandin-F2α (PGF2α) is secreted into circulation from the uterus around day 16 of the
estrous cycle. PGF2α causes the regression or death of the corpora lutea and as a result,
progesterone levels decline. Decreasing levels of progesterone allow GnRH, and hence, FSH
and LH to increase, follicles develop, and the gilt continues to cycle. In weaned sows, the wean-
to-estrus interval is equivalent to the follicular growth phase of the estrous cycle.
PG 600 – is made up of 400 IU PMSG (or eCG equine chorionic gonadotrophin) and 200 IU
hCG (human chorionic gonadotrophin). eCG has an FSH effect (follicles develop and mature,
sows show estrus), while hCG has an LH effect (causes ovulation).
PG600 is used to induce cyclicity in prepubertal gilts or in non-cycling weaned sows.
When PG 600 is administered to prepubertal gilts, commonly up to 30% may not exhibit
behavioural estrus.
Some eCG preparations are available and sometimes are used alone to induce estrus, since eCG
has the effect of FSH. When using eCG alone, higher doses (900 vs. 600 IU) may improve the
response of parity-one sows. GnRH (gonadotrophin releasing hormone) and porcine luteinizing
hormone (pLH) have an LH effect and are sometimes used to stimulate or synchronize ovulation
after induction of estrus or at the first sign of estrus. If ovulation can be synchronized, it may be
only necessary to breed sows once to achieve pregnancy.
PGF2α can be used for synchronization of sows or gilts by aborting early pregnancies (CL must
be present). Following this induced abortion, sows or gilts may return to estrus 3-5 days later.
This can be done to have these sows or gilts in estrus at a desired time. For induction of
farrowing, PGF2α should be given 2 days before expected farrowing. The manufacturer’s
recommendation is to give IM in the neck, but injecting in the vulva with half of the dose gives a
similar response. There are some analogues of PGF2α that may be used in a similar manner.
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There are various hormonal and pharmaceutical products that may be used to manipulate swine
reproduction. These tools are not meant to be a substitute for adequate management, and for best
results compliance with protocols is required. A cost-benefit analysis should always be done to
determine the real value of adopting any of these intervention strategies.
Britt, J.H., Day, B.N., Webel, S.K., and Brauer, M.A. 1989. Induction of fertile estrus in
prepuberal gilts by treatment with a combination of pregnant mare’s serum
gonadotrophin and human chorionic gonadotrophin. J. Anim. Sci. 67:1148-1153.
Cassar, G., Kirkwood, R.N., Poljak, Z., Bennett-Steward, K. and Friendship, R.M. 2005. Effect
of single or double insemination on fertility of sows bred at an induced estrus and
ovulation. J. Swine Health Prod. 13: 254-258.
Estienne, M.J., Harper, A.F., Horsley, B.R., Estienne, C.E., and Knight, J.W. 2001 Effects of
P.G.600 on the onset of estrus and ovulation rate in gilts treated with Regu-mate. J.
Anim. Sci. 79:2757-2761.
Foxcroft, G.R., Aherne, F.X., and Kirkwood, R.N., 1998. Natural and hormonal synchronization
of puberty, estrus and farrowing. Proc. V International Symp. Swine Reprod. and AI.
Gordon, I. 1997. Controlled Reproduction in Pigs. CAB International, Wallingford, UK
Kirkwood, R.N. 1999. Pharmacological intervention in swine reproduction. Swine Health Prod.
Knox, R.V. and Althouse, G.C. 1999. Visualizing the reproductive tract of the female pig using
real-time ultrasonography. Swine Health Prod. 7:207-215.
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