DBMS - Transaction Management Notes
DBMS - Transaction Management Notes
DBMS - Transaction Management Notes
Transaction Management
o The transaction is a set of logically related operation. It contains a group of tasks.
o A transaction is an action or series of actions. It is performed by a single user to
perform operations for accessing the contents of the database.
Example: Suppose an employee of bank transfers Rs 800 from X's account to Y's account.
This small transaction contains several low-level tasks:
X's Account
1. Open_Account(X)
2. Old_Balance = X.balance
3. New_Balance = Old_Balance - 800
4. X.balance = New_Balance
5. Close_Account(X)
Y's Account
1. Open_Account(Y)
2. Old_Balance = Y.balance
3. New_Balance = Old_Balance + 800
4. Y.balance = New_Balance
5. Close_Account(Y)
Operations of Transaction:
Read(X): Read operation is used to read the value of X from the database and stores it in a
buffer in main memory.
Write(X): Write operation is used to write the value back to the database from the buffer.
Let's take an example to debit transaction from an account which consists of following
1. R(X);
2. X = X - 500;
3. W(X);
o The first operation reads X's value from database and stores it in a buffer.
o The second operation will decrease the value of X by 500. So buffer will contain
o The third operation will write the buffer's value to the database. So X's final value
will be 3500.
But it may be possible that because of the failure of hardware, software or power, etc. that
transaction may fail before finished all the operations in the set.
For example: If in the above transaction, the debit transaction fails after executing
operation 2 then X's value will remain 4000 in the database which is not acceptable by the
Transaction property
The transaction has the four properties. These are used to maintain consistency in a
database, before and after the transaction.
Property of Transaction
1. Atomicity
2. Consistency
3. Isolation
4. Durability
o It states that all operations of the transaction take place at once if not, the
transaction is aborted.
o There is no midway, i.e., the transaction cannot occur partially. Each transaction is
treated as one unit and either run to completion or is not executed at all.
Abort: If a transaction aborts then all the changes made are not visible.
Commit: If a transaction commits then all the changes made are visible.
T1 T2
Read(A) Read(B)
A:=A-100 Y:=Y+100
Write(A) Write(B)
o The integrity constraints are maintained so that the database is consistent before
and after the transaction.
o The execution of a transaction will leave a database in either its prior stable state or
a new stable state.
o The consistent property of database states that every transaction sees a consistent
database instance.
o The transaction is used to transform the database from one consistent state to
another consistent state.
For example: The total amount must be maintained before or after the transaction.
1. Total before T occurs = 600+300=900
2. Total after T occurs= 500+400=900
Therefore, the database is consistent. In the case when T1 is completed but T2 fails, then
inconsistency will occur.
o It shows that the data which is used at the time of execution of a transaction cannot
be used by the second transaction until the first one is completed.
o In isolation, if the transaction T1 is being executed and using the data item X, then
that data item can't be accessed by any other transaction T2 until the transaction T1
o The concurrency control subsystem of the DBMS enforced the isolation property.
States of Transaction
Active state
o The active state is the first state of every transaction. In this state, the transaction is
being executed.
o For example: Insertion or deletion or updating a record is done here. But all the
records are still not saved to the database.
Partially committed
o In the partially committed state, a transaction executes its final operation, but the
data is still not saved to the database.
o In the total mark calculation example, a final display of the total marks step is
executed in this state.
Failed state
o If any of the checks made by the database recovery system fails, then the transaction
is said to be in the failed state.
o In the example of total mark calculation, if the database is not able to fire a query to
fetch the marks, then the transaction will fail to execute.
o If any of the checks fail and the transaction has reached a failed state then the
database recovery system will make sure that the database is in its previous
consistent state. If not then it will abort or roll back the transaction to bring the
database into a consistent state.
o If the transaction fails in the middle of the transaction then before executing the
transaction, all the executed transactions are rolled back to its consistent state.
o After aborting the transaction, the database recovery module will select one of the
two operations:
1. Re-start the transaction
2. Kill the transaction
1. Serial Schedule
The serial schedule is a type of schedule where one transaction is executed completely
before starting another transaction. In the serial schedule, when the first transaction
completes its cycle, then the next transaction is executed.
For example: Suppose there are two transactions T1 and T2 which have some operations.
If it has no interleaving of operations, then there are the following two possible outcomes:
1. Execute all the operations of T1 which was followed by all the operations of T2.
2. Execute all the operations of T1 which was followed by all the operations of T2.
o In the given (a) figure, Schedule A shows the serial schedule where T1 followed by
o In the given (b) figure, Schedule B shows the serial schedule where T2 followed by
2. Non-serial Schedule
o It contains many possible orders in which the system can execute the individual
operations of the transactions.
o In the given figure (c) and (d), Schedule C and Schedule D are the non-serial
schedules. It has interleaving of operations.
3. Serializable schedule
o The serializability of schedules is used to find non-serial schedules that allow the
transaction to execute concurrently without interfering with one another.
o It identifies which schedules are correct when executions of the transaction have
interleaving of their operations.
o A non-serial schedule will be serializable if its result is equal to the result of its
transactions executed serially.
When multiple transactions are running concurrently then there is a possibility that the
database may be left in an inconsistent state. Serializability is a concept that helps us to
check which schedules are serializable. A serializable schedule is the one that always leaves
the database in consistent state.
A serializable schedule always leaves the database in consistent state. A serial schedule is
always a serializable schedule because in serial schedule, a transaction only starts when
the other transaction finished execution. However a non-serial schedule needs to be
checked for Serializability.
Types of Serializability
There are two types of Serializability.
1. Conflict Serializability
2. View Serializability
Testing of Serializability
Assume a schedule S. For S, we construct a graph known as precedence graph. This graph
has a pair G = (V, E), where V consists a set of vertices, and E consists a set of edges. The set
of vertices is used to contain all the transactions participating in the schedule. The set of
edges is used to contain all edges Ti ->Tj for which one of the three conditions holds:
o If a precedence graph contains a single edge Ti → Tj, then all the instructions of Ti
are executed before the first instruction of Tj is executed.
o If a precedence graph for schedule S contains a cycle, then S is non-serializable. If
the precedence graph has no cycle, then S is known as serializable.
For example:
The precedence graph for schedule S1 contains a cycle that's why Schedule S1 is non-
The precedence graph for schedule S2 contains no cycle that's why ScheduleS2 is
Conflicting Operations
Conflict Equivalent
Schedule S2 is a serial schedule because, in this, all operations of T1 are performed before
starting any operation of T2. Schedule S1 can be transformed into a serial schedule by
swapping non-conflicting operations of S1.
T1 T2
b. View Serializability
o A schedule will view serializable if it is view equivalent to a serial schedule.
o If a schedule is conflict serializable, then it will be view serializable.
o The view serializable which does not conflict serializable contains blind writes.
View Equivalent
Two schedules S1 and S2 are said to be view equivalent if they satisfy the following
1. Initial Read
An initial read of both schedules must be the same. Suppose two schedule S1 and S2. In
schedule S1, if a transaction T1 is reading the data item A, then in S2, transaction T1 should
also read A.
Above two schedules are view equivalent because Initial read operation in S1 is done by T1
and in S2 it is also done by T1.
2. Updated Read
Above two schedules are not view equal because, in S1, T3 is reading A updated by T2 and
in S2, T3 is reading A updated by T1.
3. Final Write
A final write must be the same between both the schedules. In schedule S1, if a transaction
T1 updates A at last then in S2, final writes operations should also be done by T1.
Above two schedules is view equal because Final write operation in S1 is done by T3 and in
S2, the final write operation is also done by T3.
Schedule S
1. = 3! = 6
2. S1 = <T1 T2 T3>
3. S2 = <T1 T3 T2>
4. S3 = <T2 T3 T1>
5. S4 = <T2 T1 T3>
6. S5 = <T3 T1 T2>
7. S6 = <T3 T2 T1>
Schedule S1
In both schedules S and S1, there is no read except the initial read that's why we don't need
to check that condition.
The initial read operation in S is done by T1 and in S1, it is also done by T1.
The final write operation in S is done by T3 and in S1, it is also done by T3. So, S and S1 are
view Equivalent.
The first schedule S1 satisfies all three conditions, so we don't need to check another
T1 → T2 → T3
The non-serializable schedule is divided into two types, Recoverable and Non-recoverable
Recoverable Schedule:
Schedules in which transactions commit only after all transactions whose changes
they read commit are called recoverable schedules.
In other words, if some transaction Tj is reading value updated or written by some
other transaction Ti, then the commit of Tj must occur after the commit of Ti.
Example – Consider the following schedule involving two transactions T 1 and T2.
T1 T2
This is a recoverable schedule since T 1 commits before T2, that makes the
value read by T2 correct.
There can be three types of recoverable schedule:
1. Cascading Schedule:
Also called Avoids cascading aborts/rollbacks (ACA). When there is a failure
in one transaction and this leads to the rolling back or aborting other
2. Cascadeless Schedule:
Schedules in which transactions read values only after all transactions whose
changes they are going to read commit are called cascadeless schedules. Avoids that
a single transaction abort leads to a series of transaction rollbacks.
A strategy to prevent cascading aborts is to disallow a transaction from reading
uncommitted changes from another transaction in the same schedule.
In other words, if some transaction T j wants to read value updated or written by
some other transaction Ti, then the commit of Tj must read it after the commit of Ti.
Example: Consider the following schedule involving two transactions T 1 and T2.
T1 T2
This schedule is cascadeless. Since the updated value of A is read by T2 only
after the updating transaction i.e. T1 commits.
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Database Management Systems
It is a recoverable schedule but it does not avoid cascading aborts. It can be seen
that if T1 aborts, T2 will have to be aborted too in order to maintain the correctness
of the schedule as T2 has already read the uncommitted value written by T 1.
3. Strict Schedule:
A schedule is strict if for any two transactions T i, Tj, if a write operation of
Ti precedes a conflicting operation of Tj (either read or write), then the commit or
abort event of Ti also precedes that conflicting operation of T j.
In other words, Tj can read or write updated or written value of T i only after
Ti commits/aborts.
Example: Consider the following schedule involving two transactions T 1 and T2.
T1 T2
This is a strict schedule since T2 reads and writes A which is written
by T1 only after the commit of T1.
Non-Recoverable Schedule:
Example: Consider the following schedule involving two transactions
T1 and T2.
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T1 T2
1. T2 read the value of A written by T1, and committed. T1 later aborted,
therefore the value read by T2 is wrong, but since T2 committed, this
schedule is non-recoverable.
1. Read Uncommitted – Read Uncommitted is the lowest isolation level. In this level,
one transaction may read not yet committed changes made by other transaction, thereby
allowing dirty reads. In this level, transactions are not isolated from each other.
2. Read Committed – This isolation level guarantees that any data read is committed
at the moment it is read. Thus it does not allows dirty read. The transaction holds a read or
write lock on the current row, and thus prevent other transactions from reading, updating
or deleting it.
3. Repeatable Read – This is the most restrictive isolation level. The transaction holds
read locks on all rows it references and writes locks on all rows it inserts, updates, or
deletes. Since other transaction cannot read, update or delete these rows, consequently it
avoids non-repeatable read.
4. Serializable – This is the Highest isolation level. A serializable execution is
guaranteed to be serializable. Serializable execution is defined to be an execution of
operations in which concurrently executing transactions appears to be serially executing.
The Table is given below clearly depicts the relationship between isolation levels, read
phenomena and locks :
Anomaly Serializable is not the same as Serializable. That is, it is necessary, but not
sufficient that a Serializable schedule should be free of all three phenomena types.
A schedule is said to be conflict Serializable if and only if the precedence graph is acyclic. If
the graph forms a cycle, then it cannot be conflict Serializable.
Consider below set of transaction and its precedence graph. Here it forms a cycle
and hence it cannot be conflict Serializable.
For any schedule to be conflict Serializable, the precedence graph should be like
T1 → T2 → T4 → T5 → T3 (order of transaction can be anything, but it should not
form cycle). That means transactions can be serialized even if they have conflicting
transactions, and can achieve isolation.
Now let us see how to determine if a schedule is view Serializable or not. We cannot
determine this by graph above, but it needs some analysis. Consider that we have
three transactions – T1, T2 and T3. Now write all the combination of these three
T1, T2, T3
T1, T3, T2
T2, T1, T3
T2, T3, T1
T3, T1, T2
T3, T2, T1
According to view serializability rule stated above, if a transaction is reading the
data in a schedule, it should read the data in other schedule too. Suppose T1 is
reading the data. Then T1 should be the first transaction reading the data in both the
schedules. Hence retain those transactions which read data first, T1 first. Below last
combination of transactions are kept thing T2 is writing the data that T1 has read
and T3 is reading some other data.
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T1, T2, T3
T1, T3, T2
T3, T1, T2
According to second condition of view serializability, if a transaction reads the data
written by another transaction in a schedule, then another schedule should also
have a transaction which reads the data written by another same transaction. But in
above case, T1 reads the initial data and should be the first transaction. T2 writes
the data read by T1. T3 reads some other data. Hence we do not have case of
transaction reading a data written by T2. Hence it cannot be view Serializable.
Suppose we passed second condition too. Now the third condition says, if one of the
transactions writes the final data in a schedule, then same transaction should write
the data in combination of transactions. In above combination, T2 writes the final
data. But T3 reads some other data. Hence we do not have combination of at least 2
transactions which has T2 at the end and T1 at the beginning. Hence it cannot be
view serializable.
This can even be re-written as W3 (Z), R2 (X), W2 (Y), R1 (Z), W3 (Y), W1 (Y).
According first rule, transaction reading initial data should be kept at the
beginning. Here T1 and T2 read the data. But T2 reads the initial data – since
there is no writes before T2’s read. The read in T1 is after it is written by T3.
Hence T1’s read cannot be considered as initial read. Hence, we should have T2
placed at the beginning or at least before other transaction reads it or before last
According to second rule, transaction should read the data written by some other
transaction. In above case, we see T3 writes X and is read by T1. Hence T1 should
be placed after T3 i.e.; T3 → T1.
As per third rule, the transactions writing the final results should be placed at the
end. Here all the transactions write the result. If we observe, the final result is the
result of Y or Z. But after writing Z, it is read by T1. Hence it is not final. Y is
written by three transactions: T1, T2 or T3. As we discussed in first step, T2
reads the initial data and hence cannot be placed at the end. It will be placed at
the beginning. T3 writes data X, and is red by T1. Hence it should be placed
before T1. Now only left transaction is T1, which writes the final result Y, and can
be kept at the end – may be after T2 or T3
T2, T3, T1
T3, T2, T1 – here T3 can be placed first, as it is not using any data X.
Now these two schedules are view serializable. These transactions are scheduled in either
way and will be executed independent of each other. It will result in consistent resultset.
Hence isolation of transactions is achieved.
Concurrency Control
o In the concurrency control, the multiple transactions can be executed
o It may affect the transaction result. It is highly important to maintain the order of
execution of those transactions.
Several problems can occur when concurrent transactions are executed in an uncontrolled
manner. Following are the three problems in concurrency control.
1. Lost updates
2. Dirty read
3. Unrepeatable read
o If two transactions T1 and T2 read a record and then update it, then the effect of
updating of the first record will be overwritten by the second update.
2. Dirty Read
o The dirty read occurs in the case when one transaction updates an item of the
database, and then the transaction fails for some reason. The updated database item
is accessed by another transaction before it is changed back to the original value.
o A transaction T1 updates a record which is read by T2. If T1 aborts then T2 now has
values which have never formed part of the stable database.
Lock-Based Protocol
In this type of protocol, any transaction cannot read or write data until it acquires an
appropriate lock on it. There are two types of lock:
1. Shared lock:
o It is also known as a Read-only lock. In a shared lock, the data item can only read by
the transaction.
o It can be shared between the transactions because when the transaction holds a
lock, then it can't update the data on the data item.
2. Exclusive lock:
o In the exclusive lock, the data item can be both reads as well as written by the
o This lock is exclusive, and in this lock, multiple transactions do not modify the same
data simultaneously.
It is the simplest way of locking the data while transaction. Simplistic lock-based protocols
allow all the transactions to get the lock on the data before insert or delete or update on it.
It will unlock the data item after completing the transaction.
Growing phase: In the growing phase, a new lock on the data item may be acquired by the
transaction, but none can be released.
Shrinking phase: In the shrinking phase, existing lock held by the transaction may be
released, but no new locks can be acquired.
In the below example, if lock conversion is allowed then the following phase can happen:
The following way shows how unlocking and locking work with 2-PL.
Transaction T1:
Transaction T2:
o The timestamp ordering protocol also maintains the timestamp of last 'read' and
'write' operation on a data.
o TS protocol ensures freedom from deadlock that means no transaction ever waits.
o But the schedule may not be recoverable and may not even be cascade- free.
1. Read phase: In this phase, the transaction T is read and executed. It is used to read
the value of various data items and stores them in temporary local variables. It can
perform all the write operations on temporary variables without an update to the
actual database.
2. Validation phase: In this phase, the temporary variable value will be validated
against the actual data to see if it violates the serializability.
3. Write phase: If the validation of the transaction is validated, then the temporary
results are written to the database or system otherwise the transaction is rolled
Validation (Ti): It contains the time when Ti finishes its read phase and starts its
validation phase.
o This protocol is used to determine the time stamp for the transaction for
serialization using the time stamp of the validation phase, as it is the actual phase
which determines if the transaction will commit or rollback.
o Hence TS(T) = validation(T).
o The serializability is determined during the validation process. It can't be decided in
o While executing the transaction, it ensures a greater degree of concurrency and also
less number of conflicts.
o Thus it contains transactions which have less number of rollbacks.
Deadlock Handling
A deadlock is a condition where two or more transactions are waiting indefinitely for one
another to give up locks. Deadlock is said to be one of the most feared complications in
DBMS as no task ever gets finished and is in waiting state forever.
For example: In the student table, transaction T1 holds a lock on some rows and needs to
update some rows in the grade table. Simultaneously, transaction T2 holds locks on some
rows in the grade table and needs to update the rows in the Student table held by
Transaction T1.
Now, the main problem arises. Now Transaction T1 is waiting for T2 to release its lock and
similarly, transaction T2 is waiting for T1 to release its lock. All activities come to a halt
state and remain at a standstill. It will remain in a standstill until the DBMS detects the
deadlock and aborts one of the transactions.
Deadlock Avoidance
o When a database is stuck in a deadlock state, then it is better to avoid the database
rather than aborting or restating the database. This is a waste of time and resource.
o Deadlock avoidance mechanism is used to detect any deadlock situation in advance.
A method like "wait for graph" is used for detecting the deadlock situation but this
method is suitable only for the smaller database. For the larger database, deadlock
prevention method can be used.
Deadlock Detection
In a database, when a transaction waits indefinitely to obtain a lock, then the DBMS should
detect whether the transaction is involved in a deadlock or not. The lock manager
maintains a Wait for the graph to detect the deadlock cycle in the database.
The wait for a graph for the above scenario is shown below:
Deadlock Prevention
o Deadlock prevention method is suitable for a large database. If the resources are
allocated in such a way that deadlock never occurs, then the deadlock can be
o The Database management system analyzes the operations of the transaction
whether they can create a deadlock situation or not. If they do, then the DBMS never
allowed that transaction to be executed.
Wait-Die scheme
In this scheme, if a transaction requests for a resource which is already held with a
conflicting lock by another transaction then the DBMS simply checks the timestamp of both
transactions. It allows the older transaction to wait until the resource is available for
Let's assume there are two transactions Ti and Tj and let TS(T) is a timestamp of any
transaction T. If T2 holds a lock by some other transaction and T1 is requesting for
resources held by T2 then the following actions are performed by DBMS:
1. Check if TS(Ti) < TS(Tj) - If Ti is the older transaction and Tj has held some resource,
then Ti is allowed to wait until the data-item is available for execution. That means if
the older transaction is waiting for a resource which is locked by the younger
transaction, then the older transaction is allowed to wait for resource until it is
2. Check if TS(Ti) < TS(Tj) - If Ti is older transaction and has held some resource and if
Tj is waiting for it, then Tj is killed and restarted later with the random delay but
with the same timestamp.
Recoverability of Schedule
Sometimes a transaction may not execute completely due to a software issue, system crash
or hardware failure. In that case, the failed transaction has to be rollback. But some other
transaction may also have used value produced by the failed transaction. So we also have to
rollback those transactions.
The above table 1 shows a schedule which has two transactions. T1 reads and writes the
value of A and that value is read and written by T2. T2 commits but later on, T1 fails. Due to
the failure, we have to rollback T1. T2 should also be rollback because it reads the value
written by T1, but T2 can't be rollback because it already committed. So this type of
schedule is known as irrecoverable schedule.
The above table 2 shows a schedule with two transactions. Transaction T1 reads and writes
A, and that value is read and written by transaction T2. But later on, T1 fails. Due to this, we
have to rollback T1. T2 should be rollback because T2 has read the value written by T1. As
it has not committed before T1 commits so we can rollback transaction T2 as well. So it is
recoverable with cascade rollback.
The above Table 3 shows a schedule with two transactions. Transaction T1 reads and write
A and commits, and that value is read and written by T2. So this is a cascade less
recoverable schedule.
Failure Classification
To find that where the problem has occurred, we generalize a failure into the following
1. Transaction failure
2. System crash
3. Disk failure
1. Transaction failure
The transaction failure occurs when it fails to execute or when it reaches a point
from where it can't go any further. If a few transaction or process is hurt, then this is
called as transaction failure.
2. System Crash
o System failure can occur due to power failure or other hardware or software
failure. Example: Operating system error.
3. Disk Failure
o It occurs where hard-disk drives or storage drives used to fail frequently. It
was a common problem in the early days of technology evolution.
o Disk failure occurs due to the formation of bad sectors, disk head crash, and
unreachability to the disk or any other failure, which destroy all or part of
disk storage.
Log-Based Recovery
o The log is a sequence of records. Log of each transaction is maintained in some
stable storage so that if any failure occurs, then it can be recovered from there.
o If any operation is performed on the database, then it will be recorded in the log.
o But the process of storing the logs should be done before the actual transaction is
applied in the database.
Let's assume there is a transaction to modify the City of a student. The following logs are
written for this transaction.
1. <Tn, City, 'Noida', 'Bangalore' >
o When the transaction is finished, then it writes another log to indicate the end of the
1. <Tn, Commit>
When the system is crashed, then the system consults the log to find which transactions
need to be undone and which need to be redone.
1. If the log contains the record <Ti, Start> and <Ti, Commit> or <Ti, Commit>, then the
Transaction Ti needs to be redone.
2. If log contains record<Tn, Start> but does not contain the record either <Ti, commit>
or <Ti, abort>, then the Transaction Ti needs to be undone.
o The checkpoint is a type of mechanism where all the previous logs are removed
from the system and permanently stored in the storage disk.
o The checkpoint is like a bookmark. While the execution of the transaction, such
checkpoints are marked, and the transaction is executed then using the steps of the
transaction, the log files will be created.
o When it reaches to the checkpoint, then the transaction will be updated into the
database, and till that point, the entire log file will be removed from the file. Then
the log file is updated with the new step of transaction till next checkpoint and so
o The checkpoint is used to declare a point before which the DBMS was in the
consistent state, and all transactions were committed.
In the following manner, a recovery system recovers the database from this failure:
o The recovery system reads log files from the end to start. It reads log files from T4 to
o Recovery system maintains two lists, a redo-list, and an undo-list.
o The transaction is put into redo state if the recovery system sees a log with <Tn,
Start> and <Tn, Commit> or just <Tn, Commit>. In the redo-list and their previous
list, all the transactions are removed and then redone before saving their logs.
o For example: In the log file, transaction T2 and T3 will have <Tn, Start> and <Tn,
Commit>. The T1 transaction will have only <Tn, commit> in the log file. That's why
the transaction is committed after the checkpoint is crossed. Hence it puts T1, T2
and T3 transaction into redo list.
o The transaction is put into undo state if the recovery system sees a log with <Tn,
Start> but no commit or abort log found. In the undo-list, all the transactions are
undone, and their logs are removed.
o For example: Transaction T4 will have <Tn, Start>. So T4 will be put into undo list
since this transaction is not yet complete and failed amid.