Dbms - r18 Unit 4 Notes

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Transaction Management: Transaction Concept, Transaction State, Implementation of Atomicity and

Durability, Concurrent Executions, Serializability, Recoverability, Implementation of Isolation, Testing for
serializability, Lock Based Protocols, Timestamp Based Protocols, Validation- Based Protocols, Multiple
Granularity, Recovery and Atomicity, Log–Based Recovery, Recovery with Concurrent Transactions.

Definition: A transaction is a single logical unit consisting of one or more database access
Example: Withdrawing 1000 rupees from ATM.
The following set of operations are performed to withdraw 1000 rupees from database

i. Read current balance from Database (Let say 5000 rupees)

ii. Deduct 1000 from current balance ( 5000 – 1000 = 4000) one Transaction
iii. Update current balance in Database (4000 rupees)

 Every transaction is executed as a single unit.

 If the database operations do not update the database but only retrieve data, this type of
transaction is called a read-only transaction.
 A successful transaction can change the database from one consistent state to another
consistent state.
 DBMS transactions must satisfy ACID properties (atomic, consistent, isolated and durable).

ACID properties are used for maintaining the integrity of database during transaction processing.
ACID stands for Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability.

 Atomicity: This property ensure that either all of the tasks of a transaction are performed or
none of them. In simple words it is referred as “all or nothing rule”.

Each transaction is said to be atomic if when one part of the transaction fails, the entire
transaction fails. When all parts of the transaction completed successfully, then the transaction
said to be success. (“all or nothing rule” )

Example: Transferring $100 from account A to account B.

(Assume initially, account A balance = $400 and account B balance = 700$.)

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Transferring $100 from account A to account B has two operations
a) Debiting 100$ from A’s balance ($400 -$100 = $300)
b) Crediting 100$ to B’s balance ($700+$100 = $800)
Let’s say first operation (a) passed successfully while second (b) failed, in this case A’s balance
would be 300$ while B would be having 700$ instead of 800$. This is unacceptable in a banking
system. Either the transaction should fail without executing any of the operation or it should
process both the operations. The Atomicity property ensures that.

ii. Consistency: The consistency property ensures that the database must be in consistent state
before and after the transaction. There must not be any possibility that some data is incorrectly
affected by the execution of a transaction.
For example, transfering funds from one account to another, the consistency property ensures
that the total values of funds in both the accounts is the same before and end of the transaction.
i.e., Assume initially, A balance = $400 and B balance = 700$.
The total balance of A + B = 1100$ (Before transferring 100$ from A to B)
The total balance of A + B = 1100$ (After transferring 100$ from A to B)
iii. Isolation: For every pair of transactions, one of the transactions should not start execution
before the other transaction execution completed, if they use some common data variable. That
is, if the transaction T1 is executing and using the data item X, then transaction T2 should not
start until the transaction T1 ends, if T2 also use same data item X.
For example, Transaction T1: Transfer 100$ from account A to account B
Transaction T2: Transfer 150$ from account B to account C
Assume initially, A balance = B balance = C balance = $1000

Transaction T1 Transaction T2
10:00 AM Read A’s balance ($1000) Read B’s balance ($1000)
10:01 AM A balance = A Balance – 100$ (1000-100 = 900$) B balance = B Balance – 150$ (1000-150 = 850$)
10:02 AM Read B’s balance ($1000) Read C’s balance ($1000)
10:03 AM B balance = B Balance + 100$ (1000+100 = 1100$) C balance = C Balance + 150$ (1000+150 = 1150$)
10:04 AM Write A’s balance (900$) Write B’s balance (850$)
10:05AM Write B’s balance (1100$) Write C’s balance (1150$)

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After completion of Transaction T1 and T2, A balance = 900$, B balance = 1100$, C balance
=1150$. But B balance should be 950$. The B balance is wrong due to execution of T1 and T2
parallel and in both the transactions, Account B is common. The last write in account B is at
10:05 AM, so that B balance is 1100$ (write in account B at 10:04 AM is overwritten).

iv. Durability: Once a transaction completes successfully, the changes it has made into the
database should be permanent even if there is a system failure. The recovery-management
component of database systems ensures the durability of transaction. For example, assume
account A balance = 1000$. If A withdraw 100$ today, then the A balance = 900$. After two
days or a month, A balance should be 900$, if no other transactions done on A.

A transaction goes through many different states throughout its life cycle. These states are called
as transaction states. They are:

Active State:
 This is the first state in the life cycle of a transaction.
 Once the transaction starts executing, then it is said to be in active state.
 During this state it performs operations like READ and WRITE on some data items. All
the changes made by the transaction are now stored in the buffer in main memory. They
are not updated in database.
 From active state, a transaction can go into either a partially committed state or a failed

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Partially Committed State:
 When the transaction executes its last statement, then the transaction is said to be in
partially committed state.
 Still, all the changes made by the transaction are stored in the buffer in main memory, but
they are not updated in the database.
 From partially committed state, a transaction can go into one of two states, a committed
state or a failed state.

Committed State:
 After all the changes made by the transaction have been successfully updated in the
database, it enters into a committed state and the transaction is considered to be fully
 After a transaction has entered the committed state, it is not possible to roll back (undo)
the transaction. This is because the system is updated into a new consistent state and the
changes are made permanent.
 The only way to undo the changes is by carrying out another transaction called
as compensating transaction that performs the reverse operations.

Failed State:
 When a transaction is getting executed in the active state or partially committed state and
some failure occurs due to which it becomes impossible to continue the execution, it
enters into a failed state.

Aborted State:
 After the transaction has failed and entered into a failed state, all the changes made by it
have to be undone.
 To undo the changes made by the transaction, it becomes necessary to roll back the
 After the transaction has rolled back completely, it enters into an aborted state.

Terminated State:
 This is the last state in the life cycle of a transaction.
 After entering the committed state or aborted state, the transaction finally enters into a
terminated state where its life cycle finally comes to an end.

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In DBMS, schedules may be classified as

i. Serial Schedules:
 All the transactions execute serially one after the other.
 When one transaction executes, no other transaction is allowed to execute.
Schedule-1 Schedule-2
T1 T2 T1 T2
Read(A) Read(A)
A=A-100 A=A+500
Write(A) Write(A)
B=B+100 Read(A)
Write(B) A=A-100
Read(A) Read(B)
A=A+500 B=B+100
Write(A) Write(B)

In schedule 1, after T1 completes its execution, transaction T2 executes. So, schedule-1 is a

Serial Schedule. Similarly, in schedule-2, after T2 completes its execution, transaction T1
executes. So, schedule -2 is also an example of a Serial Schedule.

ii. Non-Serial Schedules:

 In non-serial schedules, multiple transactions execute concurrently.
 Operations of all/some of the transactions are inter-leaved or mixed with each other.
 Some non-serial schedules may lead to inconsistency of the database and may produce
wrong results.

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Schedule-1 Schedule-2
T1 T2 T1 T2
Read(A) Read(A)
A=A-100 Read(A)
Write(A) A=A-100
Read(A) Write(A)
A=A+500 A=A+500
Read(B) Read(B)
B=B+100 B=B+100
Write(B) Write(B)
Write(A) Write(A)

In schedule-1 and schedule-2, the two transactions T1 and T2 executing concurrently. The
operations of T1 and T2 are interleaved. So, these schedules are Non-Serial Schedule.

iii. Serializable Schedules:

 A non-serial schedule of ‘n’ transactions is equivalent to some serial schedule of ‘n’

transactions, then it is called as a serializable schedule.
 In other words, the results produced by the transactions in a serial schedule are equal to
the result produced by the same transactions in some non-serial schedule, then that non-
serial schedule is called as serializability.
 Serializable schedules behave exactly same as serial schedules.
 Even though, Serial Schedule and Serializable Schedule produce same result, there are
some differences they are
Serial Schedules Serializable Schedules
Concurrency is not allowed. Thus, all the
Concurrency is allowed. Thus, multiple
transactions necessarily execute serially one
transactions can execute concurrently.
after the other.
It leads to less resource utilization and CPU It improves both resource utilization and
throughput. CPU throughput.
Serial Schedules are less efficient as Serializable Schedules are always better
compared to serializable schedules. than serial schedules.

Serializability is mainly of two types. They are:

 Conflict Serializability
 View Serializability

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Conflict Serializability: If a given non-serial schedule can be converted into a serial
schedule by swapping its non-conflicting operations, then it is called as a conflict serializable
Two operations are called as conflicting operations if all the following conditions hold true
(1) Both the operations belong to different transactions
(2) Both the operations are on the same data item
(3) At least one of the two operations is a write operation

Schedule – 1 Schedule – 2 Schedule - 3 Schedule - 4

T1 T2 T1 T2 T1 T2 T1 T2
Read(A) Read(A) Write(B) Write(B)
Read(A) Write(A) Read(A) Write(B)

In Schedule -1, only rule (1) & (2) are true, but rule (3) is not holding. So, the operations are not conflict.
In Schedule -2, rule (1), (2) & (3) are true. So, the operations are conflict.
In Schedule -3, only rule (1) & (3) are true, but rule (2) is not holding. So, the operations are not conflict.
In Schedule -4, rule (1), (2) & (3) are true. So, the operations are conflict.

Testing of Conflict Serializability: Precedence Graph is used to test the Conflict

Serializability of a schedule. The algorithm to draw precedence graph is
(1) Draw a node for each transaction in Schedule S.
(2) If Ta reads X value written by Tb, then draw arrow from Tb → Ta.
(3) If Tb writes X value after it has been read by Ta, then draw arrow from Ta → Tb.
(4) If Ta writes X after Tb writes X, then draw arrow from Tb → Ta.
If the precedence graph has no cycle, then Schedule S is known as conflict serializable. If a
precedence graph contains a cycle, then S is not conflict serializable.

Problem-01: Check whether the given schedule S is conflict serializable or not.

S : R1(A) , R2(A) , R1(B) , R2(B) , R3(B) , W1(A) , W2(B)
Given that S : R1(A) , R2(A) , R1(B) , R2(B) , R3(B) , W1(A) , W2(B) .
The schedule for the above operations is
T1 T2 T3

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List all the conflicting operations and determine the dependency between the transactions
(Thumb rule to find conflict operations: For each Write(X) in Ta, make a pair with each Read(X) and Write(X) in Tb.
The order is important in each pair i.e., for example, Read after Write on X or write after read on X in the given schedule. )

 R2(A) , W1(A) (T2 → T1)

 R1(B) , W2(B) (T1 → T2)
 R3(B) , W2(B) (T3 → T2)
Draw the precedence graph:

There exists a cycle in the above graph. Therefore, the schedule S is not conflict serializable.

Problem-02: Check whether the given schedule S is conflict serializable schedule.

Schedule – S
T1 T2 T3 T4
Solution: List all the conflicting operations to determine the dependency between transactions.

R2(X) , W3(X) (T2 → T3)

W3(X) , W1(X) (T3 → T1)
W3(X) , R4(X) (T3 → T4)
R2(X) , W1(X) (T2 → T1)
W1(X) , R4(X) (T1 → T4)
W2(Y) , R4(Y) (T2 → T4)

Draw the precedence graph:

There exists no cycle in the precedence graph. Therefore, the schedule S is conflict serializable.

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View Serializability: Two schedules S1 and S2 are said to be view equivalent if both of
them satisfy the following three rules:

(1) Initial Read: The first read operation on each data item in both the schedule must be same.
 For each data item X, If first read on X is done by transaction T a in schedule S1, then in
schedule2 also the first read on X must be done by transaction Ta only.
(2) Updated Read: It should be same in both the schedules.
 If Read(X) of Ta followed by Write(X) of Tb in schedule S1, then in schedule S2 also, Read(X)
of Ta must follow Write(X) of Tb ..
(3) Final write: The final write operation on each data item in both the schedule must be same.
 For each data item X, if X has been updated at last by transaction Ti in schedule S1, then in
schedule S2 also, X must be updated at last by transaction Ti.

View Serializability Definition: If a given schedule is view equivalent to some serial

schedule, then it is called as a view serializable schedule.

Note: Every conflict serializable schedule is also view serializable schedule but not vice-versa

Problem 03: Check whether the given schedule S is view serializable or not
Schedule – 1
T1 T2

For the given schedule-1, the serial schedule can be schedule -2
Schedule-1 (S1) Schedule-2 (S2)
T1 T2 T1 T2
Read(A) Read(A)
Write(A) Write(A)
Read(A) Read(B)
Write(A) Write(B)
Read(B) Read(A)
Write(B) Write(A)
Read(B) Read(B)
Write(B) Write(B)

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Now let us check whether the three rules of view-equivalent satisfy or not.
Schedule-1 (S1) Schedule-2 (S2)
T1 T2 T1 T2
1 1
Read(A) Read(A)
Write(A) Write(A)
2 Read(A) Read(B) 1
Write(A) Write(B)
Read(B) 1 2 Read(A) 3
Write(B) Write(A)
2 Read(B) 2 Read(B)
3 3
Write(B) Write(B)

Rule 1: Initial Read

First Read(A) is by T1 in S1 and in S2 also the first Read(A) is by T1 only.
First Read(B) is by T1 in S1 and in S2 also the first Read(B) is by T1 only.
Rule 2: Updated Read
Write(A) of T1 is read by T2 in S1 and in S2 also Write(A) of T1 is read by T2
Write(A) of T1 is read by T2 in S1 and in S2 also Write(A) of T1 is read by T2
Rule 3: Final Write
The final Write(A) is by T2 in S1 and in S2 also the final Write(A) is by T2 only
The final Write(B) is by T2 in S1 and in S2 also the final Write(B) is by T2 only
Conclusion: Hence, all the three rules are satisfied in this example, which means Schedule S1
and S2 are view equivalent. Also, it is proved that schedule S2 is the serial schedule of S1. Thus
we can say that the S1 schedule is a view serializable schedule.

Note: Other way of solving it is, if we are able to prove that S1 is conflict serializable, then S1 is also view serializable. (Refer
conflict serializable problems. Every conflict serializable schedule is also view serializable but not vice-versa.)


The recovery-management component of a DBMS supports atomicity and durability by a variety
of schemes. The simplest scheme to implement it is Shadow copy.

Shadow copy: In shadow-copy scheme,

 A transaction that wants to update the database first creates a complete copy of the
 All updates are done on the new database copy, leaving the original copy, untouched.
 If at any point the transaction has to be aborted, the system simply deletes the new copy.
The old copy of the database has not been affected.

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 If the transaction complete successfully, then the database system updates the pointer db-
pointer to point to the new copy of the database; the new copy then becomes the original
copy of the database. The old copy of the database is then deleted. Figure below depicts
the scheme, showing the database state before and after the update.

Figure: Shadow copy technique for atomicity and durability

During execution, if any of the transaction in a schedule is aborted, then this may leads
the database into inconsistence state. If anything goes wrong, then the completed operations in
the schedule needs to be undone. Sometimes, these undone operations may not possible. The
recoverability of schedule depends on undone operations.

If a transaction reads a data value that is updated by an uncommitted transaction, then

this type of read is called as a dirty read.

Irrecoverable Schedule: In a schedule, if a transaction Ta performs a dirty read operation

from other transaction Tb and Ta commits before Tb then such a schedule is known as
an Irrecoverable Schedule.
Example: Consider the following schedule
T1 T2
| Read(A) //Dirty Read
| Write(A)
 T2 performs a dirty read operation.

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 T2 commits before T1.
 T1 fails later and roll backs.
 The value that T2 read now stands to be incorrect.
 T2 cannot recover since it has already committed.

Recoverable Schedules: In a schedule, if a transaction Ta performs a dirty read operation

from other transaction Tb and Ta commit operation delayed till Tb commit, then such a schedule
is known as an Irrecoverable Schedule.

Example: Consider the following schedule-

T1 T2
| Read(A) //Dirty Read
| Write(A)

COMMIT //Delayed

 T2 performs a dirty read operation.
 The commit operation of T2 is delayed till T1 commits or roll backs.
 T1 commits later.
 T2 is now allowed to commit.
 In case, T1 would have failed, T2 has a chance to recover by rolling back.

Checking Whether a Schedule is Recoverable or Irrecoverable:

Check if there exists any dirty read operation.
 If there does not exist any dirty read operation, then the schedule is surely recoverable.
 If there exists any dirty read operation, then
 If the commit operation of the transaction performing the dirty read occurs before
the commit or abort operation of the transaction which updated the value, then the
schedule is irrecoverable.
 If the commit operation of the transaction performing the dirty read is delayed till
the commit or abort operation of the transaction which updated the value, then the
schedule is recoverable.

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Isolation determines how transactions integrity is visible to other users and systems. It means
that a transaction should take place in a system in such a way that it is the only one transaction
that is accessing the resources in a database system.

Isolation level defines the degree to which a transaction must be isolated from the data
modifications made by any other transactions in the database system. The phenomena’s used to
define levels of isolation are:

a) Dirty Read
b) Non-repeatable Read
c) Phantom Read

Dirty Read: If a transaction reads a data value updated by an uncommitted transaction, then
this type of read is called as dirty read.

T1 T2
| Read(A) //Dirty Read
| Write(A)

As T1 aborted, the results produced by T2 become wrong. This is because T2 read A (Dirty
Read) which is updated by T1.
Non-Repeatable Read: Non repeatable read occurs when a transaction read same data value
twice and get a different value each time. It happens when a transaction reads once before and
once after committed UPDATES from another transaction.
Table in Database
Read A=10 T1 T2
Write A=20
Read A=20
First, T1 reads data item A and get A=10
Next, T2 writes data item A as A = 20
Last, T1 reads data item A and get A=20

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Other example for Non-repeatable read:
Table: STUDENT_DATA before T2 Table: STUDENT_DATA after T2
100 5 10 100 5 15
101 5 20 101 5 20
102 6 30 102 6 30

T1: SELECT SUM(C ) FROM STUDENT_DATA WHERE B=5; Answer is (10+20) = 30

T2: UPDATE STUDENT_DATA SET C = 15 WHERE A=100; Answer, in First row C changes to 15
T1: SELECT SUM(C ) FROM STUDENT_DATA WHERE B=5; Answer is (15+20) = 35

Phantom reads: Phantom reads occurs when a transaction read same data value twice and get
a different value each time. It happens when a transaction reads once before and once after
committed INSERTS and/or DELETES from another transaction.
Non-repeatable read Phantom read
When T1 perform second read, there is no When T1 perform second read, the no of rows
change in no of rows in the given table either increase or decrease.
T2 perform UPDATE operation on the T2 perform INSERT and/or DELETE
given table operation on the given table

Example for Phantom read:

Table: STUDENT_DATA before T2 Table: STUDENT_DATA after T2
100 5 10 100 5 10
101 5 20 101 5 20
102 6 30 102 6 30
103 5 25

T1: SELECT SUM(C ) FROM STUDENT_DATA WHERE B=5; Answer is (10+20) = 30

T2: INSERT INTO STUDENT_DATA VALUES(103, 5, 25); Answer, in First row C changes to 15
T1: SELECT SUM(C ) FROM STUDENT_DATA WHERE B=5; Answer is (10+20+25) = 55

Based on these three phenomena, SQL define four isolation levels. They are:
(1) Read uncommitted: This is the lowest level of isolation. In this level, one transaction
may read the data item modified by other transaction which is not committed. It mean dirty
read is allowed. In this level, transactions are not isolated from each other.

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(2) Read Committed: This isolation level guarantees that any data read is committed at the
moment it is read. Thus, it does not allow dirty read. The transaction holds a read/write lock
on the data object, and thus prevents other transactions from reading, updating or deleting it.
(3) Repeatable Read: This is the most restrictive isolation level. The transaction holds read
locks on all rows it references and writes locks on all rows it inserts, updates, or deletes.
Since other transaction cannot read, update or delete these rows, consequently it avoids non-
repeatable read. So other transactions cannot read, update or delete these data items.
(4) Serializable: This is the highest isolation level. A serializable execution is guaranteed to
be a serial schedule. Serializable execution is defined to be an execution of operations in
which concurrently executing transactions appears to be serially executing.
The table given below clearly depicts the relationship between isolation levels and the read
phenomena and locks.
Isolation Level Dirty Read Non-repeatable read Phantom Read
Read Uncommitted May occur May occur May occur
Read Committed Don’t occur May occur May occur
Repeatable Read Don’t occur Don’t occur May occur
Serializable Don’t occur Don’t occur Don’t occur
From the above table, it is clear that serializable isolation level is better than others.

 Concurrency is the ability of a database to execute multiple transactions simultaneously.
 Concurrency control is a mechanism to manage the simultaneously executing multiple
transactions such that no transaction interfere with other transaction.
 Executing multiple transactions concurrently improves the system performance.
 Concurrency control increases the throughput and reduces waiting time of transactions.
 If Concurrency Control is not done, then it may leads to problems like lost updates, dirty
read, non-repeatable read, phantom read etc. (Refer section 7 for more details)
 Lost Updates: It occur when two transactions update same data item at the same time. In
this the first write is lost and only the second write is visible.
Concurrency control Protocols:
The concurrency can be controlled with the help of the following Protocols
(1) Lock-Based Protocol
(2) Timestamp-Based Protocol
(3) Validation-Based Protocol

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 Lock assures that one transaction should not retrieve or update a record which another
transaction is updating.
 For example, traffic at junction, there are signals which indicate stop and go. When one side
signal is green (vehicles allowed passing), then other side signals are red (locked. Vehicles
not allowed passing). Similarly, in database transaction when one transaction operations are
under execution, the other transactions are locked.
 If at a junction, green signal is given to more than one side, then there may be chances of
accidents. Similarly, in database transactions, if the locking is not done properly, then it will
display the inconsistent and corrupt data.
There are two lock modes: (1). Shared Lock (2). Exclusive Lock
Shared Locks are represented by S. If a transaction Ti apply shared lock on data item A, then Ti
can only read A but not write into A. Shared lock is requested using lock-S instruction.
Exclusive Locks are represented by X. If a transaction Ti apply exclusive lock on data item A,
then Ti can read as well as write data item A. Exclusive lock is requested using lock-X

Lock Compatibility Matrix:

 Lock Compatibility Matrix controls whether multiple transactions can acquire locks on
the same resource at the same time.
Transaction Ti applied
Shared Exclusive
Transaction Tj Shared √ X
request for Exclusive X X
 If a transaction Ti applied shared lock on data item A, then Tj can also be allowed to
apply shared lock on A.
 If a transaction Ti applied shared lock on data item A, then Tj is not allowed to apply
exclusive lock on A.
 If a transaction Ti applied exclusive lock on data item A, then Tj is not allowed to apply
shared lock on A.
 If a transaction Ti applied exclusive lock on data item A, then Tj is not allowed to apply
exclusive lock on it.
 Any number of transactions can hold shared locks on a data item, but if any transaction
holds an exclusive lock on a data item, then other transactions are not allowed to hold any
lock on that data item.

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 Whenever a transaction wants to read a data item, it should apply shared lock and when a
transaction wants to write it should apply exclusive lock. If the lock is not applied, then
the transaction is not allowed to perform the operation.

There are four types of lock protocols available. They are:

(1) Simplistic lock protocol

 It is the simplest locking protocol.

 It considers each read/write operation of a transaction as individual.
 It allows transactions to perform write/read operation on a data item only after obtaining
a lock on that data item.
 Transactions unlock the data item immediately after completing the write/read operation.
 When a transaction needs to perform many read and write operations, for each operation
lock is applied before performing it and release the lock immediately after completion of
the operation.
(2) Pre-claiming Lock Protocol
 In pre-claiming Lock Protocol, for each transaction a list is prepared consisting of the
data items and type of lock required on each of the data item.
 Before initiating an execution of the transaction, it requests DBMS to issue all the
required locks as per the list.
 If all the locks are granted then this protocol allows the transaction to begin. When the
transaction is completed then it releases all the lock.
 If all the locks are not granted then this protocol allows the transaction to rolls back and
waits until all the locks are granted.
No of locks

Begin of End of
Transaction Transaction

(3) Two-phase locking (2PL) protocol

 Every transaction execution starts by acquiring few locks or zero locks. During execution
it acquire all other required locks one after the other.

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 When a transaction releases any of the acquired locks then it cannot acquire any more
new locks. But, it can only release the acquired locks one after the other during remaining
execution of that transaction.

No of locks
Growing Phase Shrinking Phase

Begin of End of
Transaction Transaction

The Two Phase Locking (2PL) has two phases. They are:
Growing phase: In the growing phase, a new lock on the data item may be acquired by the
transaction, but none can be released. (Only get new locks but no release of locks).

Shrinking phase: In the shrinking phase, existing lock held by the transaction may be released,
but no new locks can be acquired. (Only release locks but no more getting new locks).

Time T1 T2
2 Read(A)
3 Read(A)
5 --
6 Read(B)
7 B = B + 100
8 Write(B)
10 LOCK-X(C)
11 UNLOCK(B) --
12 Read(C)
13 C = C + 500
14 Write(C)
The following way shows how unlocking and locking work with 2-PL.
Transaction T1: Transaction T2:
 Growing phase: from step 1-5 (After first lock onwards)  Growing phase: from step 2-11 (After first lock onwards)
 Shrinking phase: from step 10-12 (After first unlock onwards)  Shrinking phase: from step 17-18 (After first unlock onwards)
 Lock point: at 5 (No more new locks)  Lock point: at 11 (No more new locks)

Prepared by Ravindar.M, Assoc.Prof, CSE. Dept, JITS-KNR 18 | P a g e

(4) Strict Two-phase locking (Strict-2PL) protocol
 The first phase of Strict-2PL is similar to 2PL. In the first phase, after acquiring all the
locks, the transaction continues to execute normally.
 The only difference between 2PL and strict 2PL is that Strict-2PL does not release a lock
after using it.
 Strict-2PL waits until the whole transaction to commit, and then it releases all the locks at
a time.
 Strict-2PL protocol does not have shrinking phase of lock release.
No of locks

Growing Phase

Begin of End of
Transaction Transaction

Strict-2PL does not have cascading abort as 2PL does.


 A timestamp is issued to each transaction when it enters into the system.
 It uses either system time or logical counter as a timestamp.
 It is most commonly used concurrency protocol.
 The timestamp of transaction T is denoted as TS(T).
 The system order the transactions based on their arrival time. For example, let the arrival
times of transactions T1, T2 and T3 be 9:00AM, 9:01AM and 9:02AM respectively. Then
TS(T1) < TS(T2) < TS(T3). (9:00AM < 9:01AM < 9:02AM)
 By using timestamp, the system prepares the serializability order. i.e., T1→T2→T3
 The read timestamp of data item X is denoted by R–timestamp(X).
 R–timestamp(X): It is the time stamp of the youngest transaction that performed read
operation on X.
T1: Read(X)
X T2: Read(X) R-Timestamp(X) = TS(T3)

T3: Read(X)

Prepared by Ravindar.M, Assoc.Prof, CSE. Dept, JITS-KNR 19 | P a g e

 The write timestamp of data item X is denoted by W–timestamp(X).
 W–timestamp(X): It is the time stamp of the youngest transaction that performed write
operation on X.
T1: Write(X)

X R-Timestamp(X) = TS(T2)
T2: Write(X)

There are mainly two Timestamp Ordering Algorithms in DBMS. They are:
 Basic Timestamp Ordering
 Thomas Write rule

(1). Basic Timestamp Ordering

 Check the following condition whenever a transaction Ti issues a Read (X) operation:
o If W_ timestamp(X) >TS(Ti) then the operation is rejected.
o If W_ timestamp(X) <= TS(Ti) then the operation is executed.
(Read is not allowed by Ti, if any younger transactions than Ti write X)

 Check the following condition whenever a transaction Ti issues a Write(X) operation:

o If TS(Ti) < R_ timestamp(X) then the operation is rejected. (Write is not allowed by Ti, if
any younger transactions than Ti read X)

o If TS(Ti) < W_ timestamp(X) then the operation is rejected and Ti is rolled back
otherwise the operation is executed. (Write is not allowed by Ti, if any younger transactions than
Ti write X and also Ti should be rolled back and restarted later)

(2) Thomas's Write Rule

Thomas Write Rule is a timestamp-based concurrency control protocol which ignores
outdated writes. It follows the following steps:

(i). If R_TS(X) > TS(Ta), then abort and rollback Ta and reject the operation.
Transaction:T1 Transaction:T2 Variable A
Arrival = 9:00 AM Arrival = 9:02 AM Initial A=100
TS(T1) = 9:00 AM TS(T1) = 9:02 AM
| |
| Read(A) (A=100) A = 100 (R_TS(A) = 9:02AM)
| | :
Write(A) (A=200) | (A=100) A = 200 100

Reject and Rollback T1

Prepared by Ravindar.M, Assoc.Prof, CSE. Dept, JITS-KNR 20 | P a g e

(ii). If W_TS(X) > TS(Ta), then don’t execute the Write Operation of Ta but continue Ta
processing. This is a case of Outdated or Obsolete Writes.
Transaction:T1 Transaction:T2 Variable A
Arrival = 9:00 AM Arrival = 9:02 AM Initial A=100
TS(T1) = 9:00 AM TS(T1) = 9:02 AM
| |
| Write(A) (A=400) A = 400 (W_TS(A) = 9:02AM)
| | :
Write(A) (A=500) | (A=400) A = 500 (Outdated write)
Reject but continue T1 |
| |

(iii). If the condition in (i) or (ii) is not satisfied, then execute Write(X) of Ta and set
W_TS(X) to TS(Ta).
Outdated writes are rejected but the transaction is continued in Thomas Write Rule but in Basic
TO protocol will reject write operation and terminate such a Transaction.


In this technique, no concurrency control checking is done while the transaction is under
execution. After transaction execution is completed, then only whether concurrency violated or
not is checked. It is based on timestamp based protocol. Validation Based Protocol has three
1. Read phase: In this phase, the transaction Ta read the value of various data items that are
required by Ta and stores them in temporary local variables. It can perform all the write
operations on temporary variables without an update to the actual database.
1. Validation phase: After Transaction Ta execution completed, Ta perform a validation
test to determine whether it can copy the temporary local variable values to actual
database without causing a violation of serializability.
2. Write phase: If the validation of the transaction is successful (valid), then the temporary
results are written to the database. Otherwise the temporary local variable values of Ta is
ignored and Ta is rolled back.

To perform the validation test, we need to know when the various phases of transaction Ta took
place. We shall therefore associate three different timestamps with transaction Ta.
(i). Start (Ta): the time when Ta, started its execution.
(ii). Validation (Ta): the time when Ta finished its execution and started its
validation phase.

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(iii). Finish (Ta): the time when Ta finished its write phase.
The serializability order is determined by changing the timestamp of T as TS(T) = Validation(T).
Hence the serializability is determined at the validation process and cannot be decided in
advance. Therefore it ensures greater degree of concurrency while executing the transactions.


The size of data items is often called the data item granularity. There exist multiple granularity
levels in the DBMS. They are:
 Database
 Table
 Record / row
 Cell / field value

Table A Table B Table D

Record R2
Record R4
Table E
Table C
Cell / Field Value

Cell / Field Value

A database contains multiple tables. Each table contains multiple records. Each record contains
multiple field values. It is shown in the above figure. For example, consider Table D and Record
R2. These two are not mutually exclusive. R2 is a part of D. So granularity means different
levels of data where as smaller levels are nested inside the higher levels. Inside database we have
tables. Inside table we have records. Inside record we have field values. This can be represented
with a tree as shown below.


A B C D Tables

r1 r2 r3 r4 ... ... ... ... Records

d1 d2 d3 d4 ... ... ... ... Data values

Prepared by Ravindar.M, Assoc.Prof, CSE. Dept, JITS-KNR 22 | P a g e

A lock can be applied at a node, if and only if there does not exist any locks on the decedents
(childs and grand childs) of that node. Otherwise lock cannot be applied. If lock is applied on
table A, it implies that the lack is also applicable to sub-tree from node A. If lock is applied on
database (at root node), it implies the lack is also applicable to all the nodes in the tree.

The larger the object size on which lock is applied, the lower the degree of concurrency
permitted. On the other hand, the smaller the object size on which lock is applied, the system has
to maintain larger number of locks. More locks cause a higher overhead and needs more disk
space. So, what is the best object size on which lock can be applied? It depends on the types of
transactions involved. If a typical transaction accesses data values from a record, it is
advantageous to have the lock to that one record. On the other hand, if a transaction typically
accesses many records in the same table, it may be better to have lock at that table.

Locking at higher levels needs lock details at lower levels. This information is provided by
additional types of locks called intention locks. The idea behind intention locks is for a
transaction to indicate, along the path from the root to the desired node, what type of lock
(shared or exclusive) it will require from one of the node’s descendants. There are three types of
intention locks:
(1) Intention-shared (IS): It indicates that one or more shared locks will be requested on
some descendant node(s).
(2) Intention-exclusive (IX): It indicates that one or more exclusive locks will be requested
on some descendant node(s).
(3) Shared-intention-exclusive (SIX): It indicates that the current node is locked in shared
mode but that one or more exclusive locks will be requested on some descendant node(s).
The compatibility table of the three intention locks, the shared and exclusive locks, is shown in
IS Yes Yes Yes Yes No
IX Yes Yes No No No
S Yes No Yes No No
SIX Yes No No No No
X No No No No No

It uses the intention lock modes to ensure serializability. It requires that if a transaction attempts
to lock a node, then that node must follow these protocols:

Prepared by Ravindar.M, Assoc.Prof, CSE. Dept, JITS-KNR 23 | P a g e

 Transaction T1 should follow the lock-compatibility matrix.
 Transaction T1 firstly locks the root of the tree. It can lock it in any mode.
 If T1 currently has the parent of the node locked in either IX or IS mode, then the
transaction T1 will lock a node in S or IS mode only.
 If T1 currently has the parent of the node locked in either IX or SIX modes, then the
transaction T1 will lock a node in X, SIX, or IX mode only.
 If T1 has not previously unlocked any node only, then the Transaction T1 can lock a
 If T1 currently has none of the children of the node-locked only, then Transaction T1 will
unlock a node.
Note: In multiple-granularity, the locks are acquired in top-down order, and locks must be
released in bottom-up order.


Database needs to be recovered, when the following failures occur.
(1) Transaction failure
(2) System crash
(3) Disk failure
 Transaction failure: During transaction execution, if it cannot proceed further, then it needs
to abort. This is known as transaction failure. A single transaction failure may influence
many transactions or processes. The reasons for transaction failure are:
 Logical errors: It occurs due to some code error or an internal condition error.
 System error: It occurs when the DBMS itself terminates an active transaction due to
deadlock or resource unavailability.
 System crash: The system may crash due to the external factors such as interruptions in
power supply, hardware or software failure. Example: Operating System errors.
 Disk failure: In early days of technology evolution, hard-disk drives or storage drives used
to fail frequently. Disk failure occurs due to the formation of bad sectors, disk head crash,
un-reachable to the disk or any other failure which destroys all or part of disk storage.

When a system crashes, it may have many transactions being executed and many files may be
opened for them. When a DBMS recovers from a crash, it must maintain the following:
 It must check the states of all the transactions that were being executed.

Prepared by Ravindar.M, Assoc.Prof, CSE. Dept, JITS-KNR 24 | P a g e

 Few transactions may be within the middle of some operation; the DBMS should make
sure the atomicity of the transaction during this case.
 It must check for each transaction whether its execution accepted or to be rolled back.
 No transaction is allowed to be in an inconsistent state.

The following techniques facilitate a DBMS in recovering as well as maintaining the atomicity
of a transaction:
 Log based recovery
 Check point
 Shadow paging


The log file contains information about the start and end of each transaction and any updates
done by the transaction on database items. The log file is saved onto some stable storage so that if
any failure occurs, then it can be used to recover the database. The results of all the operation of
transaction are first saved in the log and latter updated on the database. The log information is used to
recover from system failures.

The log is a sequence of records. It contains the following entries.

 When a transaction Ti starts execution, the log stores: < Ti, Start >
 When a transaction Ti modifies an item X from old value V1 to new value V2 , the log
stores: < Ti , X, V1, V2>
 When the transaction Ti execution completed, the log stores: < Ti, commit>
 When the transaction Ti execution aborted, the log stores: < Ti, abort>
Recovery using Log records
When the system is crashed, then the DBMS checks the log to find which transactions needs to
be undo and which need to be redo. There are two major techniques for recovery from non-
catastrophic transaction failures. They are deferred updates and immediate updates.
i. Deferred database modification: In this technique, all the changes done by the
transaction are saved in the system log without modifying the actual database. Once the
transaction committed, then only the changes are updated in the database. If a transaction
fails before reaching its commit point, it has not changed the database in any way so

Prepared by Ravindar.M, Assoc.Prof, CSE. Dept, JITS-KNR 25 | P a g e

UNDO is not needed. It may be necessary to REDO the effect of the operations that are
recorded in the system log, because their effect not yet written in the database.
ii. Immediate database modification: In this technique, the database is modified
immediately after every operation. However, these operations are recorded in the log file
before they are applied to the database, making recovery still possible. If a transaction
fails to reach its commit point, the effect of its operation must be undone i.e. the
transaction must be rolled back hence we require both undo and redo.

15. CHECKPOINT – (Recovery with Concurrent Transactions)

 In order to recover database from system crashes, all the transaction operations are first saved
in the log file and latter updated on the database. The log file is saved in remote location so
that it can be used to recover the database. As time passes, the entries in the log file may
grow too big. At the time of recovery, searching the entire log file is very time consuming
and an inefficient method. To ease this situation, the concept of 'checkpoint' is introduced.
 Checkpoint is a mechanism where all the previous log entries are removed from the log file
and their results are updated in the database. The checkpoint is like a bookmark.
 During the execution of the transactions, after executing few operations, a check point is
created and saved in the log file. Now the log file contains only entries after checkpoint
related to new step of transaction till next checkpoint and so on.
 The checkpoint is used to declare a point before which the DBMS was in the consistent state,
and all transactions were committed.
Recovery using Checkpoint
In the following manner, a recovery system recovers the database from this failure:
Checkpoint Failure



 The recovery system reads the logs backwards from the end to the last checkpoint.
 It maintains two lists, an undo-list and a redo-list.

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 If the recovery system sees a log with <Ti, Start> and < Ti, Commit> or just < Ti,
Commit>, it puts the transaction Ti in the redo-list.
For example: In the log file, transaction T1 have only < Ti, commit> and the transactions
T2 and T3 have < Ti, Start> and < Ti, Commit>. Therefore T1, T2 and T3 transaction are
added to the redo list.
 If the recovery system finds a log with < Ti, Start> but no commit or abort, then it puts
the transaction Ti in undo-list.
For example: Transaction T4 will have < Ti, Start>. So T4 will be put into undo list
since this transaction is not yet complete and failed in the middle.
 All the transactions in the undo-list are then undone and their logs are removed.
 All the transactions in the redo-list and their previous logs are removed and then redone
before saving their logs.

16. ARIES ALGORITHM (Algorithm for Recovery and Isolation Exploiting Semantics)
Algorithm for Recovery and Isolation Exploiting Semantics (ARIES) is one of the log based
recovery method. It uses the Write Ahead Log (WAL) protocol.

Write-ahead logging (WAL): In computer science, write-ahead logging (WAL) is a

family of techniques for providing atomicity and durability (two of the ACID properties) in
database systems. The change done by the transactions are first recorded in the log file and
written to stable storage at remote location, before the changes are written to the database.
The recovery process of ARIES algorithm has 3 phases. They are:
(1) Analysis phase
(2) Redo Phase
(3) Undo Phase

Start of oldest in-progress Smallest LSN associated

transaction with dirty page Last checkpoint End of Log Log Time

Analysis Phase

Redo Phase

Undo phase

Prepared by Ravindar.M, Assoc.Prof, CSE. Dept, JITS-KNR 27 | P a g e

(1) Analysis phase: The recovery subsystem scans the log file forward from the last checkpoint
up to the end. The purpose of the scan is to obtain information about the following:
 The starting point from where the redo pass should start.
 The list of transactions to be rolled back in the undo pass.
 The list of dirty pages.
(2) Redo: In this phase, the log file is read forward starting from smallest LSN of a dirty page to
the end and each update found in the log file is redone. The purpose of this redo pass is to
repeat the history to reconstruct the database to the state present at the time of system failure.
(3) Undo: The log is scanned backward and updates related to loser transactions are undone. The
‘loser transaction’ updates are rolled back in reverse chronological order. If any of the
aborted transaction operations are undone, then skip them, no need to undo once again.


The process of creating duplicate copy of database is called database backup. Backup
helps to recover against failure of media, hardware or software failures or any other kind of
failures that cause a serious data crash.

Database copy is created and stored in the remote area with the help of network. This
database is periodically updated with the current database so that it will be in sync with data and
other details. This remote database can be updated manually called offline backup. It can be
backed up online where the data is updated at current and remote database simultaneously. In
this case, as soon as there is a failure of current database, system automatically switches to the
remote database and starts functioning. The user will not know that there was a failure.

Primary site Network Backup

Prepared by Ravindar.M, Assoc.Prof, CSE. Dept, JITS-KNR 28 | P a g e

Some of the backup techniques are as follows:

 Full backup or Normal backup: Full backup is also known as Normal backup. In this,
an exact duplicate copy of the original database is created and stored every time the
backup made. The advantage of this type of backup is that restoring the lost data is very
fast as compared to other. The disadvantage of this method is that it takes more time to
 Incremental Backup: Instead of backup entire database every time, backup only the
files that have been updated since the last full backup. For this at least weekly once
normal backup has to be done. While incremental database backups do run faster, the
recovery process is a bit more complicated.
 Differential backup: Differential is similar to incremental backup but the difference is
that the recovery process is simplified by not clear the archive bit. So a file that is
updated after a normal backup will be archived every time a differential backup is run
until the next normal backup runs and clears the archive bit.

Prepared by Ravindar.M, Assoc.Prof, CSE. Dept, JITS-KNR 29 | P a g e

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