Research Proposal For CRM Project On Retail Industry
Research Proposal For CRM Project On Retail Industry
Research Proposal For CRM Project On Retail Industry
1. Introduction
Retail Industry is India’s largest industry, and accounts for more than 10 percent of the
country’s GDP and around 8 percent of employment. With the passage of time it has
emerged as one of the most dynamic industries in the country with large number of
players trying to establish themselves in the Indian Market.
When compared with other Industries, Retail has the most to do with interactions with
customers. Thus efficient managing of the relations with customers becomes more
This study focuses on “Analyzing the CRM Techniques employed by Retail Industry in
Ranchi”. It covers the views and analysis of current status of CRM methods employed at
five different type of retail outlet currently operating in Ranchi.
2. Objective
3 To identify the current levels and CRM Techniques employed by Retail Industry in
3. Research Design
We have decided to carry out interviews with management team of 5 different brands
falling under the three broad categories of retail outlets. This is expected to give a
spread of responses and opportunity to identify interesting differences within different
sector of the same Industry.
We have set the interlocking quotas for various types of Retail Sector.
Big Bazar A1
Retail Chain A2
Reliance Mart
Food Retail Reliance Fresh B
Big Shop C1
Lifestyle Retail
Reliance Trendz C2
3.3 Procedure
A set of sentences has been provided by Prof. Pinaki Ghosh (Research Guide) which will
be used for collecting the data from the respondents. The statements are purely formed
to judge the involvement of CRM in different retail organizations. The used
questionnaire includes:
1. The first part of the questionnaire consists of statements which would help in
evaluating the response on the basis of Likert Scale. These sentences are
specifically designed so as to find out the basic involvement of CRM in the
organization, knowledge level with respect to CRM implementation, ways in
which firms are carrying out their CRM activities, etc.
2. The second part of the questionnaire consists of a checklist. The questions are
closed ended so as to get the specific details about the CRM activities carried out
in the respondent’s firm currently.
Primary Data
Personal Interview
Secondary Data
5. Timing
The table below indicates the suggested framework for the project. This is in accordance
with the time limitations for the research. We will be submitting a detailed project
report with all findings and conclusion after the data analysis. The proposed time limits
which will be followed are as follows:
Days Activity
1-16 Collection of primary data*
17-19 Data Analysis
20 Final Report Submission
*Collection of primary data is further flexibly divided among code A, B & C researches.
6. Resources
The resources which are to be utilized in this research are:
Human Resource: 5 group members
Financial Resources: Cost involved in travelling and stationary.