Part of Fortune in The 9th House - The Astro Codex
Part of Fortune in The 9th House - The Astro Codex
Part of Fortune in The 9th House - The Astro Codex
The Astro
House, explaining what this Arabic Part is might be needed. The Part
of Fortune is an astrological point which can be calculated with the
help of the Sun placement, the Moon placement, and the Ascendant.
It represents the distance between the Sun and the Moon in the
The Astro Codex - An Encyclopedia of Astrology
natal chart, added to the Ascendant degree.
Depending on whether the native is born during the day or the night, the Part of
Fortune is calculated in a different way. For an individual born during the day, we
must subtract the Sun degrees from the Moon degrees, adding it afterward to the
Ascendant degree. On the other hand, for a person born in the night, we subtract the
Moon degrees from the Sun ones, also adding them to the Ascendant. There are
numerous free natal chart generators, where anyone can also easily nd out his Part
of Fortune placement.
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We should, therefore, understand that knowing the exact time of birth is of huge
importance for calculating the Part of Fortune, as it is connected with the Ascendant.
If we are even half an hour wrong about the time of birth, we may place the Part of
Fortune in a different house than where it really is.
The Part of Fortune acts as a quite bene cial spot, empowering the matters of any
house it is located. In case that it is conjunct to any planet it will de nitely force it to
function in a benevolent way, while also can mild down many possible negative traits
if it is a “male c”. A strange pattern that can usually appear is unexpected luck
concerning the life area that the house represents. The native may not quite
understand why such gifts will come to his life, and that is exactly why this point is
called “Part of Fortune”. It indicates the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, the
10th gen
treasures that the native will discover. This point is a sign of prosperity, so examining Intel Cor
its placement may help us understand through what type of things we can reach
This is The
Codex event chart
(click on the picture to
As the Part of Fortune is a xed point that does not change during time, by observing enlarge it). The
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its natal aspects to planets we can clearly understand the nature of the gifts we can was created
receive. Any time that an important planet aspects the Part of Fortune by transit, it on the 26th of July,
opens the gate of luck. Keep in mind that in case the Part of Fortune natally conjuncts 2017, however the
any planet it becomes more potent, so you can say that people born with such a date was chosen
conjunction will be luckier than others. The closer is the conjunction, the more randomly.
powerful is its in uence. We can imagine the Part of Fortune as an ampli er,
expanding any possible traits of a natal or transiting planet.
When a natal chart contains the Part of Fortune in the 9th house, its bene ts are
connected with the native’s spiritual evolution. This is a great placement to have for
your mental abilities, which are destined to expand. The 9th house is traditionally
ruled by Sagittarius and Jupiter, and their in uences blend perfectly to empower
further more any luck given by the Fortuna.
If you have the Part of Fortune in the 9th house, your intellectual functions will
de nitely play a catalytic role in the creation of events and situations that bring a lot
of happiness. You will be lucky to travel to distant destinations, where exciting things Search …
may happen. Your life will be a long-lasting journey towards discovering the big
picture behind religion and spirituality, and you most certainly will reach higher
meanings. People connected with religion may help you, and judges will also have a
positive stance towards you. In addition, you will feel welcomed and accepted in
foreign lands, where good people will share their cultural traditions with you. Such a
placement of the Fortuna can also empower studies and a good academic career.
The presence of the Part of Fortune in the 9th house can bring great happiness Planets and
through learning foreign languages. In case that Mercury is also present in the house, Nodes
the native will de nitely learn more of them, which will, in turn, empower other life
areas such as his career. If Venus is present, the native will certainly experience love The Lunar
Nodes in
towards foreigners or can fall in love with the collective archetype of a culture. We
should also mention that this natal placement is perfect for anyone who wants to
relocate abroad. The Sun in
The Moon in
Mercury in
The native will be probably acknowledged as a wise person, even if he is not. The
broadness of his mind and knowledge of different subjects can make him appear as an
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encyclopedia in the mind of others. This of course mostly happens when the Part of
Venus in
Fortune conjuncts a natal planet. This way, the planet’s energy is channeled towards
others intensely. Yet, even if the 9th house is empty, the bene ts of the Fortuna can Mars in
Jupiter in
In any case, the Part of Fortune in the 9th house can be a great tool for the native’s
writing abilities. As the 9th house is also ruling publishing, the native may be also
actively involved with that area. If more planets are present in the house and Saturn in
especially in conjunction with the point, the individual can accomplish a lot through Astrology
his attempts at writing. If the ruler of the 10th house is present, he can even become
very famous through this procedure. Uranus in
We have already mentioned that the ninth house is ruling long journeys; a native with
Neptune in
his Part of Fortune in the 9th house will de nitely have a lot of them. A curious
pattern that may appear is winning distant journeys as a prize through contests. In
addition, other people may gift the individual travels abroad. Generally, such a native Pluto in
will feel that his life is pushing him towards traveling. If so, he must de nitely accept Astrology
this call and invest even more power into discovering the world. Again, the nature of
the things or situations that he will discover cannot be predicted easily; Fortuna
knows how to surprise us and amuse us!
Watch out for transits of slow moving planets to the Part of Fortune, especially if they
are conjunctions. The trans-Saturnian planets will usually stall for over two years
near the Part of Fortune, making 5 or even more conjunctions through transits as
they retrograde. Their effects can even be considered quite long-lasting and even
permanent due to their slow pace of movement. They will de nitely activate the Part
of Fortune, and depending on its natal aspects to natal planets you can catch a
glimpse about which other life areas the transit will affect. Ascendant
There can be no general rule about the gifts you will receive from the Part of Fortune. Planets
This astrological point will function in a rather unique way for every person, and its
bene ts will be derivatives of the natal planets placements and transits. Understand Chiron
that if it is dif cult to exactly predict what a planet will give, predicting the outcome
Lunar Nodes
of their derivative will be quite more dif cult. And this might also be a part of the
magic that the Part of Fortune offers; unique and personal presents from the universe
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to every individual. And presents are lot more fun when we do not know what is
Part of Fortune
Each planets have a different effect on you, depending on which house and sign they Black Moon Lilith
reside in. In order to nd out where they are located in your natal chart, you can use
our free birth chart generator. Also, examine the aspects that they form with other The Vertex Point
planets in your chart. You will understand a lot more about the detailed role that they
have in your horoscope.
Do not forget to like our Facebook Page and join our Astrology Community
Facebook Group, where you can take part in conversations and vote about next FREE BIRTH
articles to be written! CHART ANALYSIS
Karmic Astrology: The Part of Fortune The Arabic Parts in Arabian Parts
Joy and the Part of in Astrology Astrology: A Lost Decoded
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Xaos is the author of all astrological articles available on The Astro
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Mr. Solitaire
This is the rst article I’ve read on this aspect and I had to shake my
head and chuckle!
I have Fortuna in the 9th house (2° Capricorn), anyway, some years
ago I was asked… “if I could have any superpower what would it be?”
My response was…to be able to communicate uently in any
language, verbally, and read and write!
I have always been fascinated by the sheer number of different
languages around the world, not just by their ‘sound and tone’ but
also their symbols and text.
So reading this article kind of blew my mind a little.
For some reason though, I’ve never taken the idea seriously or felt
compelled to learn a new language. However, I often nd myself
using the Google translator from time to time and I’ve recently been
communicating on a dating site in central Asia.
I have never traveled overseas to a foreign country or won a trip.
Even though I have entertained the thought of long distance travel, I
have however made long distance journeys in my native country of
Australia, which is a large continent, so long distance travel can be
I have Jupiter in the 3rd house, and read that this is bene cial for
‘short distance’ travel but not for long distance travel to a foreign
country and that if I traveled to a foreign country it should only be in
regard to study and such and it’s possible I might experience
dif culties in foreign lands, so that kind of put me off the idea.
0 0
The Astro Codex - An Encyclopedia of Astrology
Reply February 22, 2018 5:03 am
Mr. Solitaire
I have Lilith at 9° Capricorn, and Fortuna at 2° Capricorn, both in
the 9th house. MC at 13° Capricorn.
In April 2018, transiting Saturn turns retrograde at 9°, then turns
direct in September at 2°…(exactly conjuncting Lilith and
At the same time in September, when Saturn turns direct on my
Fortuna, transiting Jupiter will be exactly conjunct my Neptune at
17° Scorpio 8th house, which exactly trines my natal Saturn at 17°
Pisces 12th house and trines my natal Sun at 14° Cancer 4th
Wow! I didn’t even look up about fortuna until now and wow, it’s so
spot on. I have fortuna in the ninth…1 degree from mars , then sun
and mercury (and Chiron of that counts) all close in ninth, merc and
The Astro Codex
Chiron within - An Encyclopedia of Astrology
5 degrees.
And wow…I was lucky enough to be born to a mother who
introduced me to spirituality from a young age and I feel my life has
been a quest for nding spiritual truth. I have been practicing and
teaching yoga for a decade as well as began a life of travel also a
decade ago….I was born to a foreign father (sag is also in my fourth
house) so foreign languages were around home and even without
having a deep interest to learn this language as an adult I began to
learn another due to travel and love. I am interested in learning more
I am not sure what you mean by the ruler of tenth house…my tenth?
Is Gemini..,.so does that mean mercury? Because mercury is in the
ninth. Tho it is retrograde
Always amazed the more I read into astrology. Wish I could study
deeper! Thank you so much for this information.