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Planets in Signs Aq P9
SU cVi Li Sc Sa C 5 5
46 e e 22
ME. a
4 4 4 4 5 4 p 2 9
ve 6
20 4 6 5
MA 1 9 9 4 3
JU 1 4 4 2 1
SA 5 B 3 6 2 3
8 6 4 4 4 2 3 3 1 4 12
U 4 2 1 5 4
R 4 11 5 4 2 10
4 2 2 2 5 8 5 6
NE 6 4 14 1
PL 6 1 10 12 2


Planets in Signs

Ar Ta Ge C Le Vi Li Sc Sa C A Pi
SU 43 a p q
MO 3 2 4 4 4 3 5 2 4
ME 11 8 2 3 2
VE 15 1 3 41
MA. 4 4
8 4 4 2 2 1 3 3 3 5 41
JU 6 7 6 2 3 4 3 3 1 2 4 2
SA 5 11 4 4 3 2 1 2 4 2 4 1
UR 3 1 2 4 8 5 7 13
NE 3 3 13 14 10
PL 3 4 12 1 1
1 3
Low Probability Reversals; From the results of the Moon signs with the Sun i n Aries,
we can con.elude that 4% or greater reversals have a lower probab i l i ty of occurrence
when the Moon is in, Virgo, or Caprico rn. Thei r wei ghted va l ues are below
the critical 66.7 level. It is aJ so noteworthy that th e wei ghted val ue of the Moon i n
Taurus was a low 8LJ. which is barely below the worth consideri ng level of 83.


When the instances of 4% or greater reversa ls are broke n down further i.nto i nstances
of'c.rests or troughs, certain Sun-Moon combinations may stand out. The breakdown
into just crests and just troughs are shown in the Tables above. We are only interested in
those cases where there are at least tw·ice as many crests as troughs (or vice-versa) ,
and the
ighted average of the solar-l unar combinat ion is above the critica l 1 50 level ,

Crqt Condfltions:In the mble of crests one can see Lhat the Moon in Ari conta ined
1hC fitOSt instances from wh ich 4o/o or greater decli nes comme.nced. Jn fact, there
were twice as many instances of a crest than a trough when both the Sun and Moon
were in
Aries (6 crests, 3 troughs). The weighted value of this com bi nation was 152.J which ii
slightly above our 1SO criterion for i mportance in this part of the srudy. This New Moon
in Aries may therefore be a 5ignificant correlaJion to crest. . or o/ated highs,from which
stock prtce5 undergo a decline.

Also sign ificant may be the fact that there were no insta nces of a crest that fonncd in
this study when the Moon was. i n Virgo. rt has never happe m:d in the past 60 years!
Therefore, when the Sun is in Aries and the Moon i.s in Virgo, the likelihood is l'el)I low
lhaJ a j 'horl-term trading crest will form from which prices will decline at least 4%.

Trough Correlations: The re [s nothing t hat stands out in the study of Moon signs du
ring the trou gh instances, when the Sun in Aries.


Th e New Moon in Ari es has. a higher t han expected correlation to crests, as

opposed to troughs.

The Quarter Moons w ith the Sun i n Af ies (Moon i n Cani;:er or Capricom) have
a lower than expected correlation to short-term trading rev ersals. Their weighted va]ues
64.2 and 60.5 respectively, below our critical 66_7 level.

Earth-1iign Moons, with t he Sun i n Arie5, have a lower than expected oorreiatian
to short-term trading reversa ls. The Moon in Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn have
weighted values of 81 .3, 53.6, and 60.5 respectively _ A ll are below th e 83 level of
worth consideri ng. and th e later two are well below t he critica l 66.7 leveL

When the Moo n transits thmugh the sector of the zod iac from Aquarius to Aries
(three consecutive signs), the probabl lity of a short-term revef sal is somewhat higher
than expected. The weighted va lue of th is sector is 1285, which is above l 20, but
below our critical 150 level. Still, each of those l u nar signs has a wei ghted value
close to l20, or above it.

Traders ·Advisory: Traders are advised to look for opportunities to trade the DJJA
when the Sun is in Arie5, and the Moon is in either Scorpio or Aquariut_ The
probability of a rewrsal from an isolated low or high during solar-lunar
combinaJions is inaea.sed
if either Mercury is in Pisces, or Venu.s is in Gemini, al the same time. The MoDn in Aries
is also the New Moon and has a greater than expected co"elalion to crests. It also
greater when YemlS i.s in Gemini. Thus, if the market is ri.sing into this period (New
Maon in Arie.s while Venus is in Gemini), traderj may lookfor a tradahlff crest toform
. and an
opportunity to seJJ short. rhe ek during which the Moon transits from Aq'UOl"ius
through Arie.s, whtle the Swt is in Aries, lo be a highel" than apected period of
volatility_ TraderJ may look for isolated lows or highs to form during this week and an
opportunity to trade rhe opposite way.

Traders are not encouraged to look far trading opportimirie in the DJIA wlum the
Sun i.s in Aries. and the Moon is in Cfmcer, Virgo, or Capl"icom. The probability of a
reversal.from an i5alated low or high during IM$e M lar-lunar combinations is decreased

if either Mercury is in Aries, or Venus is in Aquarius, at the same time. .Whenever
the Moon is in an earth sign while the Sun is in Aries, the probability of a
reversalfrom an isolated low or high iJ not great. It is also below average when a
Quarter Moon occurs with the Sun in Aries (Moon in Cance·r or Capricorn). A special
situation arises when the Sun is in Aries and the Moon is in Taurus: in 60 J"!ars, there
has never be·en an isolated crest from which prices declined al least 4% when thi ;
combination was present . Therefore, traders are not encouraged to look for a
shorting opportunity from a crest when this solar-lunar comhinacion Is in effect.


The baseline group· shows 376 trading days in the Sun was fo Aries du ri
ng this study. Of these, 32 contained a high or low from wh ich prices reversed at least
4% (filtered wave). 'f he rate of frequency of a 4% or greater reversal during the Sun in
Aries was thus 8.50%, or approximately once every 1 2 trad ing days.


In the baseli ne study, Mercury i s in Pi sces 154 days (40.95%), A ries 1 73 days
(46.01%). and Taurus 49 days ( '3.03%). Yet i n the 32 cases of 4% or great·er reversals,
Mercury is i n Pisces 17 ·t imes (53.12%), Ar ie) 12 t imes (37.5 0%), and Tau rus 3
times (9.37%).

The weighted values of each are as follo-..vs :

Mercury in Pisces 129.7*

Mercury in Aries
Mercury in Tau rus 71.9#

From the results of the Mercu ry signs, we can concl ude that : 4% or greater
revrsals when the Sun is in Aries have a higher probabilit y of o,·currence when
:Wercwy is in Pisces. Thus Mercury as a morning !.ilar correlate.-; with more
frcq,.J.ent trading reversals (i.e. volatility), There i.s a lower probabiliJ y of a reversal
occurring when Mercury is in and Aries. These resulr.s ure in line ·with the
DJIA st udies, except that Mercury in Taurus was a much weaker correlation lo 4% or
greatf! r reversal.'i in fhe NASDAQ.


In the baseJi ne study, Ven us is in Aq uari us 32 days (8.51%), in Pisces 80 days

(2J.2Jo/o), in Aries 134 days (35.64%), in Taurus 95 days (25.27%), and i n Gemini
35 days (9.3 l o/o). Yet in the 32 cases of 4% or greater reversals, Ven us is in Aquari us.
only 2 days; (6.2S%) in Pisees 7 days (21.87%), in Aries l 5 d ays (46.87%). i n Ta
urus 5 days (15.62%), and in Gemini 3 days (9.37%).

Tho weitcd values of each are as follows:

COMPZ 12102 Nasdaq Composite ALL Planets in Signs

Ax Ta Ge
Cp Aq Pl
SU 32
C le V u Sc S
1 5 4
MO 2 2 a a
3 2 17
Ml: 12 1 i 4 2 7
VE 15 5 3 3 1
MA 4 10 1 1 4
JU 3 10 7 1 2 2 7 3 2
SA 4 18 2 2 1 2 2 1 3 2
UR 1 1 6 24
2 10 22
Pl B 2
COMPZ 12/02 Nasdaq Composite BASE LINE
Planets in Signs

Ar Ta G C l Vi L Sc; Sa Cp Aq Pi
SU e a e I 32 32
31 34 24 2S 34
ME 49 31 2 154
V 13 95 35 32 80
EM 4
39 73 44 33 21 21 20 27 27 36 35
J 39 4 44 42 21 20 21 21 22 43 39
S 50 65 2t 20 22 39 64 61 54
A 61 155 160
U 271 105
P 2.07 169
Venus in Aq uari us

73.4## Venus in Pisces

Ven us in Aries 131.5"'
Venus in Taurlls 61.8#
Venus in Gem i ni 100.6

The results of the Ven us studies with the Sun in Aries for the NASDAQ differ
from those observed in the DHA. From the results of the Ven us signs in the
NASDAQ, we see that 4% or greaM r revermls when the Stln is in Aries hwe a
higher probability of occurrence when Venus is also in Aries, ahd a low probability of
occun-e11ce when Venus iJ' in Taurus or Aquarius_ Only the Jow probabiliry with
Venus in Aquarius was crrn.sistenl with the same studies in the DJ/A. The probability
of a crest is much greater thari a trough when Vimw is in Gemini, as all three
instances af a rrsal were from crests. This was also the case in the DJ/A studies_


From the tables presented on the preced ing page one can_ see .the _number of
instances in which the Moon was in each sign, when [he Sun was m Anes, for both the
study group and the baseline grou p. The weighted values of each Moon sign. with the
Sun in Aries, when the NASDAQ reverse.d at least 4%, are shown below.

Moon in Aries 67.1#

Moon in Taurus 75.8
Moon i n 123.8"'
Gemini M.oon in 113.8
Cancer Mool!I. in 36.4##
Leo Moon in 103.7
Virgo Moon in 174.1**
Libra Moon in 97.9
Scorpio 44.9##
Moon in 34.3##
S:agitta.rius Moon 183.6**
in Capricorn Moon 146.9*
in Aq uarius Moon
in Pisces

Because the sample to analyze is so small. we wi ll not do studie on spe(.:ial crest

or trough combinations. lnst.trall Wt'! witl fucus olt:iy ou lht:. 1..:u111,;oi: pi of 1re1ld r,;hangcs
in prices reverse at least 4% from an isolated h igh or low.

High Probability Reversals: From the results of t he Moon signs \Viih the Sun i n Aries.,
we can conclude that 4% or greater reversals i n t he N ASDAQ have a highe r pro babili
ty of occurrence when the Moon is i n Aq ua ri us and Libra. Both are air signs. Their
wei ghted values were 183.6 and 174.1 respect ively, wh ich are above the ve ry crit ica l
150 level. The Moon in Pisces also had a rather high weighted val ue at 146.9. Sl ightl y
less. but st ill above the worth considering level of 1 20, was t he Moon in Gemi ni. Thus
a ll the air signs (Gemini. Libra. and Aquari us) demonstrated a higher tha n expected
correlat ion to short tenn tradi ng reversals in the NASDAQ. Only the Moon i n Aq
uarius combination \\:as highlighted in the DJIA study.

Low Probability Reversa ls: From the resu lts of the Moon s.igm \Vith the Sun i n A ries, we
·Can conclude that 4% or great,er reversa ls in the NASDAQ ha ve a lowe r pro babili ty
of occurrence when the Moon is i n Capricorn, Leo, an d Sagittarius . The[ r \veightcd
values were 34.3) 36.4) and 44.9 respectivel y, well below the crit ica l 66.7 level. A
lso, the weighted values of the Moon in Aries and Tau rus were a low 67. 1 and 75 .8
res.pectLvely . which are below the worth consideri ng level of 83. Only the Moon in
Ca pri corn and Taurus were noteworthy in this respect of low volatility in the stud ies
on the DJl A.

High_ and Low fmbabiliry Reversa ls in Both DJIA and N A SDAQ: The follow i n g
·COIDbinations had a higher than expected correlation to 4% or greater reversal i n both the
DJIA. and NASDAQ s.tud i,es, when the Sun was in A ries:

Mereury in Pisces
M:OOn i.n Aquar.iu:s
The following com binations bad a. Lower than expected correJation to 4% or greater
reversals in both the DJIA and NASDAQ studies. when the Sun was in Aries.:

Mercu ry in A ries
Ven us in Aq uari
Moon in Tau rus and Caprico rn

Traders ' Advisory· Traders are advi. ed Jo look for opportunities lo trade the NASDAQ
when the Sun is in Aries, and the Moon is in eirher Aquari flS or Libra, and some extent in
Pisce or Gemini. Three of tht!se compri. e all the air sign:!.' of Jhe zodiac. The probability
of a rewr.sal from an ulf:d fuw ur high during these solar-lunar combinations is
increased if either Mercury is in Pisces. or Venus i.s in Aries, al the same time. Moon
in Libra i.s also a Full Moon and has a greater than epected correlation to reversals.

Tradns are not encouraged to look .for trading opportunities in the NASDAQ when
the Sun is in Aries, and the Moon is in Leo, Sagittarius, or Capricorn. There is also a
:!.'omewhat law probabiliry of u ,.ever.sal when Jhe Moon is in Aries or Taurus. The
probability of u re versal from an i.rnlaJed fow or high during these .<w /arufunar
comMnations is decreased if either Mercury is in Aries or Taurus. or Venus is in
Aquarius or Taurus, at the same time. The Moon transiJing chrough the consecutive signs
or Sagittarius and Capricorn is an especially low volatility iime of the month for lhe


The baseline group shows 34 1 tradi ng days in wh ich the Sun was in Aries
during this study. Of thee, 48 contai n ed a high or low from which prices reversed at
least 4% (fi ltered wave). The rate of freq uency of a 4% or greater reversal during the
Sun i n Aries w3s t hus 14.1%, or approximately once every 7 tradin g days.


In the basel ine study, Merc u ry is in Pisces 135 days (39.59%), Aries 158 days
(46.33%), and Tau rus 48 days (14.08%). Yet i n the 48 cases of 4% OT greater
reversals., Mercury is in Pi sces 19 times (39.58%), Aries 25 times {52.08%), and
Taurus 4 times (8.33%).

The wei ghted values of each as follows;

Nikkel NASDA..Q
Men:ury ia Pisces 99.9 129.7 140.1\11
Men:ury in Aries 111.4 * 73.7#
Mercu ry in 59.2# 81.5# 85.1
Tau rus

551 54/02 N.IKKEI225 INDEX
ALL Planets in Signs

VI LI S S .Aq C Pi
Ar Ta G Ca L
SU 48 c a p
e e 2 2
MO e 4 6 6 4 4 2
17 4 3 7 14
8 2
MA 3 e 2 2 5 2 4
5 2 a 10 7 2
6 10 7
13 3
UR 2 22 24
29 19
PL 22 26


Planets in Signs

Ar Ta Ge Ca L v Li Sc Sa Cp Aq P
SU 34 e i
M 26 2 2 2 2 27 2 28 29 29 31 2
M 15 48 9 9 8 8 1
V 8
11 8 35 33 83
MA 0
41 5-2 45 34 22 21 21 22 12 36 1
.JU .42 43 43 43 21 20 21 22 22 22 21 2
$A 5.2 6 21 21 64 62 1
UR 21 15 16
NE 6
23 4
PL 16 172 4 7
9 .
From the results of the Mercury signs, we can conclude that: When the Sun is in
Aries. there are no Mercury sigm that have a particularly high probability of coinciding
with more frequen .t short-term trading opponunities in the Nikkei. There i!l· a lower
prabability of a .short-term trading reversal occurring when Mercury is in Taurus.
Mercury in Taurw was also a weak correlation 10 4% or greater reversals in the
NASDAQ,, and to some extent, also in the DJJA _


lo the Nik:kei base]ine study. Venus is in Aquari us 33 days (9.68%). in Pisces 81

days (23.7S%), in Aries l J O days (32.26%), i n Taurus 82 days (24.04%), and i n
Gemini 35 d&Y-s (10 26%). Yet in the 48 cases of 4% or greater reversa ls, Vem1s is in
Aquari us 7 48)'.i (.14 S&° ),. in Pisces 14 days (29.17%), in 17 days (35 .42%). in
Tau rus 8 days
(16..67%), and in Gemini 2 days (4. l ?l'o}.

Dewighted values of each are as follows:


Venus in Aqua riWJ 150.6..,, 73.4# 23.4

Venus: in Pi!u;:es 122.8*" 102.8 ##
Venus in A ries 109.8 131.Sti 93.
Venus: in Tau rus 69.3# 61.8# 100.
Venus in Gem i ni 40.6## 100.6 0
The results of the Venu s stud ies with the Sun in Aries for the Nikkei show that:
4% or greater reversals when the Sun is in Aries have a hight.'r probability of
occurrence when Venus is in Aquarius and Pces. and u low probubility of occurrence
when Yenw is in Taurns or Gemini. These re.suits are considerably different than
those found in the srudies of the NASDAQ and DJJA. Venus in Taurus wus a signature
of low volatility in the NASDAQ, and Venus in Aries was above thl? normal hovel of JOO
in all three indice$. But that 's about rhe onlyfacwrs rhey .shared in common with Venus


From the tables presented on the preceding page, one can see the nu mber of
instances in wh ich the Moon was in each s.ign, when the Sun was in Aries, for both the
study group and the basel i ne grou p. The weighted values of each Moon sign, with
the Sun in Aries, when the NASDAQ reversed at least 4%, are shown below.


Moon in A 164.0*"*" 67.t# 118.0

ries Moon in 98.0 75.8# 81.3
Tau rus Moon 73.St# 123.8" #
in Gemini
Moon in Cancer 147.1* 113.8 97.8
Moo., in Leo 76.1# 36.4## 102.3
Moo n in Virgo 157.8** 103.7 SJ.
Moon in Libra 101.5 174.l** 6#
Moon i n Scorpio 101.5 97.9 159.S
Moon in Sagittarius 49.0## 44.9## 93.1
Moon in Capricorn 14?.1*" 343#41 60.S
Moon i n Aq uarius 45.9## J #
Moon i.o Pisces 50.8# 8J.6 149.6
H *
High ProbabiJicy Reversals: From the results of the Moon signs w ith the Sun in Aries,
we can concl ude that 4% or greater reversals in th e Nikkei have a higher probability of
ocurrence when tlle Moon is in A ries (New Moon} and Virgo. Their weighted vaues
were 164.0 and l 57.8 respectively, which are above the very critical 150 level. The
Moon in Cancer and Caprkotd (Quarter Moons) had a rather h.igh weighted val ue at l
47.l each. All the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn), which also
represented the lunar cycles of New, Quarter, and Full, demonstrated a higher than
eKpected correlation to short-term trading reversals in the Nikkei. Only the Moon in
Libra combi nation (t"ull Moon) had a weighh::d va lue score of over 100 in all three ind

Low ProbabiHty Reversals: From the resu lts of the Moon signs with the Sun in A ries,
we can conclude that 4% or greater revers.a]s in the Nikkei have a lower probability
of occurrence when the Moon is in Sagittarius, Aqllariu.s,. and Pisces. Thei r
weighted values were 49.0,. 45.9, and 50.8 respecti ve1y around or slightly below
the extreme critical 50 l·eveL It is aJso noteworthy that the weighted values of the
Moon in Gemini and Leo were a low 73.5 and 76.1 respective1y, which are below the
worth considering level of 83. The Moon in Leo and Sagittarius were noteworthy in
this respect of low volatility in the studies on the NASDAQ. Only the Moon in
Sagittarius was bel ow the I 00 level in all three indices.

Hi ji and Low Probabi1ity Reversals in th·e DJJA, NASDAQ. and Ni kkei : The
followi ng combinations had a hi.gher than expected correlat ion to .4% or gre.ater
reversals i n the DJIA. NASDAQ> and Nikkei studies, when the Sun was in A ries:

VenW!l in Aries to some extent (strongest in NASDAQ)

Moon in Libra to some extent (bul strong in NASDAQ)

The following combinations had a lower than expected correl ation m 4% or greater
reversals in an three indices, when the Sun was i n Aries :

Mercury in Taurus (tspetiaUy wit h Nikkei and N A.8DAQ)

Moo• in Sagittarius (especially with Nikkei and NASDAQ)
Moon in Taurus (espedaUy with DJIA and NASDAQ)

Trader;s ' Advisarr Traders are advised to look for opportunities to trade the Nikkei
when the Sun is in Arie.s, and the Moon is in either Arie.· or Virgo, and ro some
extent in. Cancer or Capricorn. Three of these comprise phases of the lunation cycle.
The probability of a reversal from an isolated low or high during these solar-
combinations is increased if Venus is in Aquarius or Pisces (morning srar) at the same

Traders are not encouraged 10 look fo. r rrading opporlunitie.<: in rhe Nikkei when
the Sun is in Aries, and th.e Moon is i11 Sagittarius, Aquarius. or Pisces. There is
also a somewhat low probability of a reversal when the Moon is in Gemini or
Leo. The
probability of a reversal from an isolated low or high during these solar-lunar
combinaJions is decreased if eitheY Mercury is in Taurus. or Venus is in Taurus or
Gemini at the smne time. The Moon /Tan.siring through the consecuti ve signs of
and Pisces is an especially low vo/a1iii1y time of rhe month /or the Nikkei.


The d istribution of the Moon an d other planets whi le the Sun was in Taurus
during 4% filtered \. .:aves in the DHA is shown in the Tables on the top of the next
page. The basel i ne distri bution of planets during the time band of this stlldy (60 years}
is shown beneath it. The distribut ion of the Moon and other planets in the study group
and baseline group for the NASDAQ and Ni kkei are shown i n later pages of this chapter.


The baseline group shows 1,3 l 6 trad ing days in which the Sun w as i n Taurus dur i
ng this study. Of these. 86 conta t ned a high or low from which pr ices reversed at least
4o/o (filtered wave). The rate of freq ue ncy of a 4% or greater reversal d11Ting the
Sun in Taurus was this 6.53%, or approximately once every 1 5 trad ing days (or,
approx..imately once every 3 weeks). This falls within the object ive of this study,
which is to identify those dates i n which a 4o/{I or greater reversal occurs, on average.
once every 3 weeks.


In the baseline study, Mercllry is in Aries 423 days (32. !4%}, i n Taurus 621 days
(47.19%), and in Gemini 198 days (20.67%). Yet in the 89 cases of 4% or greater
reversals, Mercury is i n Aries 32 days (37.2 1%). Taurus 36 days (41.86%), and Gemini
l 8 days (20.93%).

The weighted values of each are ns follows:

Men: u.ry in Aries II5.8

Mercury in Taurus 88.7
Mercury in Gemini 101.3

F rom the results. of the Mercury signs. we can concl ude that: There does not
appear to be any major significance of Mercury's sign placemenl, when the Swn is in
Taunu, to 4% or greater reversals in the Dow Jones Industrial Average. There doe.s
seem to be a
.$/ighr!y higher prohahi/iry of 4% reversals occurring when Mercury is in Aries, and a
slighlly lower probahlli ly of occurrence when Mercury is in Taurus. Bul neither
placement reached beyond worth considering levels of 120 or 83 respectively.

Planets in Signs

Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sa C A P
SU 86 p q i
MO 9 7 7 11 8 5 7 4 7
18 5 6 1
M 3
6 7
E 34 5
M 2
6 12
1 1 9 7 3 5 5 2 2 4 8
J 13 11 5 1 6 4 7 7 4 4 4 r
8 7 4 6 5 5 5 6 7n
S 9 15 8
4 7 1 1 11 9 21
U 4 4
4 14 2 19 18
E 8 18 23 1 1
P 8 9


Planets in Signs

Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sa Cp Aq Pi
SU 13
M 11 16
11 10 11 11 10 10 10 11 10 115
M 1
42 0
621 2:7
7 0 9 7 9 1 5
V 4
3 272 2
39 11 88
MA 178 1
17 215 14 81 55 54 43 54 7 1
JU 12 12 13 10 10 10 9 94 86 1 1
SA 10
3 9
12 6
10 6
11 9
86 4
10 10 10 13 0
1 0
UR 15 8
15 4
13 13 1
14 4
14 4
13 4
15 0
1 1
NE 5 1 3
22 5
2 2
29 2
29 5
30 6
Pl 35 31 24 26 8
14 6 0
2 1 3 2 8

Jn the basel ine study of the Sun in Taurus, Venus was i n Pisces 88 days (6.69%),
Aries 453 days {34.42%). T;aurus 272 days (20.67%), Gem ini 39 J days (29.71 %), and
Cancer 112 days (8.51%). Yet in the 86 cases of 4% or greater reversa ls. Ven us was in
Pisces 7 days {8.14%). Ar ies 28 days (32.56%), Taurus 1. 2 d ay.s (13.95%). Gem in.i
days (39.53%). and Cancer 5 days (5.81%).

The weighted vaJ ues of each are as follows :

Ven us i.n Pisces 121.7*

Venus in Aries 94.6
Venus in Tau rus 67.7#
Ven·us in Gemini 133.1*
Ve•us ia Cancer 68.3#

From ilie results of the Venus signs, we can concl ude that: 4% or greater reversals
when the Sun is in Taurus have a higher probability of occurrence when Yenus is
also in Gemini, and lo some extent, P'iJJ ces (both mutable signs). There is a lower
probability of 4% or grealer reversal occurring when Venus is in Taurus or
Cancer. Both of these combinations ore very near to the 66. 7 critical level of
importance of non-volatility.


From the tables presented on the preceding page, one can see the number of
instances in wh ich the Moon was in each sign, when the Sun was in Taurus, for both the
study group and the basel ine group_ The wei ghted val us of each Moon sign, wit h
the Sun in Tau rus, when the DJlA reversed at least 4%, are shown below.

Moon in Aries 1?4.l*

Moon io Tau ru s 97.4
Moon irii Gemini 100.1
Moon in Cancer 153.0**
Moon i0i Leo 107.4
Moon in Virgo 70.1#
Moon in Libra 100.1
Moon in Seorpio
Moon in Sagilta
rius. Moon in
Capr•co rn Moon in
Aq uarius Moon in

High Proba bility R eversals: From the results of the Moon signs with the Sun irt Taurus.
we can concl ude t hat 4% or greater reversals have a h i gher probabil ity of occurrence
when the Moon is in Cancer or Pisces. Both are water signs. Their weigh ted values are
I SJ .O and 14 1.7 respecti vely, w ith Cancer above the critical 1 50 level. The Moon in
Aries achieved the worth consider i rtg level of importance of 120, with a weighted
value of 124. l .

Low ProbabiJity Reversals: From the results of the Moon signs with the Sun in
Taurus, we can observe that there is a lower probability of occurren ce fot 4% or greater
reversals when the Moon is irt Scorpio especially. but also wh en it is in Virgo,
Ca pricorn or Aquari us. The Moon irt Scorpio has a weighted value of 56. l, which is
well bel ow the critical 66.7 level. The Moon i rt Virgo. Capricorn, and Aq uarius has a
weighted value of
70.l , 72.8, and 79.8 respecti vely. which was below the worth considering )eve) of


When the 4% or greater reversals are broken down fu rther into instances of crests or
t roughs, certain Sun-Moon 4;:om binations may stand out. The breakdown into just
crests and just troughs are shown in the Tables on the next page, We are only interested in
those cases where there are at least twi ce as many crests as troughs (or v ice-versa),
and the weighted average of the solar-l unar combination is above the critical l 50 level.

Planets in Signs

Ar Ta G C Le Vi u Sc Sa C A P
SU 4 e a p q i
MO 3 1 3 3 3 1 3 4 5 3 4 e
ME 13 3
20 8
VE 14 6 15 3 3
MA 3 10 8 3 3 2 4 2 1 1 1 3
JU 7 6 3 5 2 2 3 3 3 1 1 5
SA 5 9 2 4 4 2 3 3 2 1 2 4
UR 1 2 1 5 8 6 6 2 10
NE 3 8 15 6 9
PL 3 10 13 6 9


Planets in Signs

Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sa Cp Aq Pi
SU 45
MO 6 4 4 8 5 4 4 2 2 2 4
ME 19 16 10
VE 14 e 19 2 4
MA 3 6 11 6 4 1 1 3 i 1 3 5
JU 6 5 2 6 4 2 4 4 1 3 3 5
SA 4 6 6 4 3 2 3 2 3 5 4 3
UR 3 2 3 2 6 6 5 7 11
NE 5 6 12 13 9
PL 5 8 10 12 10

Crest Correlations: In the table of crests, one can see that Pisces (6) and Sagitta ri us (5)
contained the most instances from which 4% or greater decl ines commenced . However.
the Moon in Pisces also contained 4 troughs, so our criterion of twice as many crests as
troughs is not fulfiJled. The Moon in Sagittarius, on the other ha nd .corresponded to on
ly 2 troughs, which means it did fulfill the criteria of at least twice as many crests
as troughs. However, its weighted value was only 149.75. wh ich is just barely below
the critical 1SO criterion level. Thus the Moon in Sagiuarius with Jhe Sun in Taurus may
he a significant solar-lunar combination lo cresr.s, or isolated highs. frorn which the
DJJA commences a decline.

There were no instances in which a solar-l u nar com bi nation fai led to correlate
with any crests.The Moon was in Virgo only once when a crest occurred _ The
weighted value of this combination was only 29.4 . Thu.s, when the Moon is in Virgo
while the Sun is in Ttllll'llS, the likelihood is very low- that a crest will culminate from
which the DJJA commence a decline.

Trough Correlations: In the tab1e of troughs, one can see that the Moon in Canr (8) and
Aries (6) contained the most instances from which 4o/o or greater ra11ies commenced.
The: weighted val ue calculation from these results would show th e Moon i n. Cancer
scored a whopping 212.7, while the Moon in Aries scored L 58.1. Both are well abo\le
the critical 1SO crjterion level. Both also occurred at least t'Nice as freq uently as
crests. Thus the Moon in Cancr. wrd to some extent Arie·J has a significcmt
corrt;lation to lrouglu, c>r
isolated low$,from which stock prices begin a rafly. if the Sun fa·also in Tawus.

It may also be significant to note that there were no instances of troughs that fonned
in this study when the Moo11 was. jn Scorpio. 1t has. never happened in the past 60
years! What makes th is most i nterest ing is that tbis is a FuJI Moon per jod. Scorpio is
the sign opposite Taurus, and one would normally expett significant rums (h ighs or
1ows) at th e Fu ll Moon of any sign_ However, Scorpio exhibited the fewest
frequencies of 4% or greater reve rsals of any Moon placement whi le the Sun was in
Taurus. Thw. the likelihood is very low that a short-term rrading trough will form from
which prices will rally af least 4% when the Sun Is in Taurus whifr the Moon Is Scorpio.


As just noted above, there s an extremely !ow correlation to a trou gh occurring in

the DJlA d u rjng a Fu ll Moon in Taurus, from which a 4% or greater reversa1
will commence. Lt has neve r happened i11 60 years.

The Moon i n an earth si gTI (Taurus. Virgo. and Capricorn} has a lower probability
of corre1ating with a short-term trading reversal than other lunar elements. when the Sun
is i n Tau rus. in each case. the wei ghted val ue was less rhan I00, and in the case of
Virgo and Capricorn, it was a low 70.l and 72.8 .score<:ti vely. Together their
total weighted value i s a relat ively low 80.3. Thi.s s.rne low correlar ion to reversal s wh
en lhe Moon was in earth signs was also no-ted when the Sun was i n Aries.

When the Moo11 transi ts through the consecutive signs of Pisces and Aries (the
last and fi rst sign of the zodjac), the probabil ity of an isolared crest or trough formi ng
from which a short-tenn tradng. reversal commentes, is higher than nonnal. The
combined mean weighted average of these ti.Yo signs is 132.75.

Whe11 the Moon transits through the consecutive signs of Scorpio, Sagittarius..
Capricorn, and Aq uarius, the probability of a 4% or greater reversal com mencing is.
much 1ower than the n orm. Their combined wei ghted average is only 76.5. But their
probabilify of coinciding wjth a trough is even lowe r. Ln fact, within these 4 signs, there
were only 6 instances of troughs out of the total of 45 that were noted in this study that
covered a time span of 60 years. That means only 13.3% of the trough occurred when the
Moon transited th is thi rd of the zodiac. In the baseli ne study, one ca11 calcu1ate that the
Moon was in this sector a total of 440 day.s, o-r 33.43% of the time. The weighted
average for troughs occurring when the Sun was in Taurus while the Moon transited
between Scorpio and Aquari us js thus a very low 39.9. Thus traders should not expect a
trough to form when the Sun is jn Taurus whi1e the Moon tnmsits between Scorpio and
Aquarius, &om which
prices will likeJy raJLy at least 4%.

Itpders • .Advisory: Trod"s are advised to lookfor opportunities to trade the DJIA when
lhe Sun is in Taurus, and the Moon is in Cancer, Pisces. ar Aries. The probability of a
4% u,- grealer reverM I from an isolated low or high during these solar-lunar
combinations is increased if .Venus is also in Pisces or Gemini. The probabiliJy of a
crest rather than a trough is greater when the Moon is in Sagittarius. The probability
of a trough rather than a crest is highest when the Moon is in Cancer or Aries, which
is important, because these two lunar .signs already h!Ne a high correlation to short-
term rever.sals in general. The reversal are more oft11n to occur /ram a trough. and
not a crest. The 2-5 days during which 1he Moon tran.rilS from PisceJ.' th,.ough Aries,
while the Sun is itt Taurus, has a higher than expected correlation to short·t rm t,.ading

Traders are not encouraged to look for trading opportunities from an isolated
low ar high in the DJ/A when the Sun is in Ta. and the Moon is especially In
Scorpio, but also in Virgo, Capricorn, or Aquarius. Each of these Moon signs has a
weighted value of less thah 83. A special situation arises when the Sun is in Taurus
and the Moon is in Scorpio (Full Moon): in 60 years. there has never been cm isolated
low from which prices rallied at 4% during this combination. In fCl ct, the time in
which the Muon transits between Scorpio and Aquarius, while ihe Sun i.r in Taurus, has
a very low correlation to short-term trading reversals - and especially isalated lows
-from which prices rally at lea3t 4%. The probability of a short-term trading
occurring while the Moon is in any earth sign is also lower than the norm. Therefore,
tradrs are not encouraged to look for buying opportunities from a trnush thnt
"lightform during lhc;se periods .


The baseJine group shows 390 trading days in which the Sun was in Tau rus
during this study of the NASDAQ. Of these, 39 conLai ned a hjgh or low from
whfoh pr ices reversed at least 4% (filtered wave). The rate of frequency of a 4% or
greater reversal during the Sun in Taurus was thus I 0%, or once every 1O trad ing
d ays.


In the NASDAQ baseline study, Mercury is in A ries 128 days (32.82%), in

Taurus 179 days (45.900/o), and in Gem i ni 83 days (21 .28%). Yet in the 39 cases of
4% or grealer reversals., Mercury is in Aries 18 days (46.1 5%), Taurus 13 d ays
(33.33%), and Gem ini 8
days (20.51%).

The weighted values of each are as follows:

Mercury in Aries 140.6*

Mercury in 72.6#
Tau rw Mercary 96.4
in Gemini

From the resul:ts of the Mercury signs. we can conclude that: The,.e is a higher o
probabHlly of 4% reverJ a{.s occurring in the NASDAQ when Mercury is in Arits and f
the 1
8wl11 m TOW'W', and a lower probability of occu17ence when Merc ury is in Taurus. he
Both 1e
cambinalions yielded similar results for the studies in the DJIA, although the
t/qret of ctm'espondence was greater in the NASDAQ studie.


Planets in Signs
SlJ Ar Ta G c L Vi LI Sc Sa C A Pl 5
MO 39 p q
e a4 e
ME 4 3 3 4 2 4 3 1 2 4 3
VE 1 1 8 2
MA 8
1 3
11 8 3 3
JU 4 8 10 4 1 1 3 6 3
SA 7 10 6 3 3 2 1 3 1
UR 4 1 7 3 1 6
NE 3 10 2
PL 14 6
1 2 5
3 6
Planets in Signs

Ar Ta G Ca l Vi Li Sc Sa Cp A P
SlJ 39 e e q i
MO 33 0
31 30 34 33 3 3 30 33 33 35
ME 12 17 8 2 4
VE 8
139 9
78 128 21
MA 4 4 75 42 3 :22 1 12 21 22 24 3
JU 4 4 43 3 2 23 1
23 22 22 21 43 4
SA 6 45 3 21 45 56 67 5
UR 66 15 16 4
NE 5
2 9
Pl 2 14
4 8

J n the baseline srudy of the Sun jn Taurus for the NASDA Q, Venus was io Pisces 24
days (6. L5%), Aries 139 days (JS.64%), Taurus 78 days (20.00%) Gem in i 128 days
(32 .82%), and Cancer 21 days (5.38%}. Yet i n the 39 cases of 4% or greater reversals.
Ven us was in Pisces 3 days (9.37%), Aries 14 days (35 .90%), Taurus l J days (34.37%),
Gemini 8 days (20.51%), and Cancer 3 days (9.37%).

The weighted values of each are as follows;

VenWJ in Pisces 152.4**

Venus in Aries 100.7
Venus in 171.9i'IR
Taurus Venus 62.5#
in Gemini Venus 174.3*"
in Cancer

From the results of the Ven us signs. we can e-0ncl ude that; 4% ot greater reversals
tn the NASDAQ when the Sun is in Taurus have a higher probability of occurrence
when Venw is also in Taurus, Cancer, or Pisces. Cancer and Pi.l·ces are water signs -
the only
two wmer signs possible with Sun in Tautus. There is a lower probability of 4% or
greater reversal occwring when Venus is in Gemini. Venus in Pisces was also
highlighted as a strong reversal combination in the DJ/A sludies. But Venus in Taurus
(strong), Gemini (weak), and Cancer (strong) were jusl the opposite in .the DJ/A
studies. Why? Perhaps because of the difference in the composition (DJ/A are
composed of the establi.shed multinational corporations. and NASDAQ of high rech
and newer companies), which would mean we have to treat these as rwo different
types of stack indice.$. Or perhaps it is due to the difference in the years of data
available. since the NASDAQ comprises only the las.t 18 years of data and the DJ/A
the pru·t 60 years. Maybe there is a difference brued on different rimt?. •egments
analyzed. Bui we can .surmise chat Venw- in Pisces, in both indices, has a higher than
expected correlation to 4% or greater reversal.s in both indices.


From the tab1es presented on the preced ing page, one can see the n umber of
instances in which the Moon was in each sign, when the Sun was i n Tau rus, for both the
study group and the baseline group. The weighted values of each Moon sign, with the
Sun in Taurus, when the NASDAQ reversed at kast 4%. are hown h l nw .

Moon in Aries 121.3*

Moon in Taurus 96.7
Moon in Gemini 100.0
Moon in Ca.ncer 117.7
Moon in Leo 121.3*
Moon in Virgo 62.S#
Moon in Libra 123.4*
Moon in Scorpio 100.0
Moon in 30.3#
Sagittarius Moon 60.6#
in Capricorn Moon 119.8
in Aq u;arills Moon 156.2*
in Pisces *

High Probability ReversaJs: From the N ASDAQ resul ts of the Moon signs vith the
Sun in Taurus> we can c,onclude that 4% or greater reversals have a hi gher probabi
lity of occurrence when the Moon is in Pisces. Its weigh ted value score was J 56 2,
v,r hich is above the critica] 150 Jeve1. The Moon in A ries, Leo, and Libra achieved the
120 worth considering level of importance, with weighted val ues of 121.3, L 2 1 .3
and 123.4,
re.spectively. The zodiac sector from Pisces through Ari es lh us stood out, as it also did in
the DfiA studies.

Low PrQbabi1ity ReversaJs: From the results of the Moon s.i gns with the Sun in
Taurus, we can observe that there is a Jower probabi lity of occuITence for 4% or greater
reversals when the Moon [s in Sagltta.rlwi, Capricorn, or Vi rgo. Their weighted
value scores
·were 30;3, 60.61 and 62.5> respectively, which is wen below the critical 66.7 level. The
low vo]ati]jty also showed in the DJ IA .studies with the Moon in. Virgo and Caprioom1
both earth signs.

High and Low Probability Reveruls in Both DJIA and NASDAQ: The following
com binat ions had a higher than expe,ted correlation to 4% or ater reversals i n both the
DJ IA and N ASDAQ stud ies., when the was in Tau rus:

Me rcu ry in Aries (not q uite u strong with DJIA)

Moon i n Pis1;:es
Moon i n A ries
Moon i n Cancer (just below 120 i n NASDAQ, bu E wll above 100)

The followi ng com binations had a !ower than expected torrelation to 4% or greater
reversals in both the DJlA and NASDAQ studies. when the Sun was i n Taurus:

Moon i n Virgo
Moob in Ca pricorn

Traders ' Advisory: Tradrs u,.e ad11i.'led rv iook for opportunities to trade the
NASDAQ when the Sun is in Taurus, and lhe Moon ij Pisces, and ro some extent, Aries
cmd Leo. The probability of a 4% or greater reversal from an fa·oiuted iow or high
during rhese: solar-lunar comhrnaliom is inc,.eased f Mercury is in Aries, OJ' Venus is
ai.vo in Pisces, Taurus, or Cancer_ The 2·5 days durjng which thP. MM 11 tran·it.:.· from
Pisces 1hrough Aries. while the Sun is i11 Tu.urus, has a hif{her than expected
correlation to short-term trading reversa/J in buth the NASDAQ and D.llA.

Traders are nor encauraged lo look for trading opportunities from an isolated low
or high in the NASDAQ when the Sun is in Taurus, and the Moon is especially in
Sagiuarius, but also in Virgo or Capricorn_ The probability of a shorf.lerm trading
reversal occurring while the Moon is in any earth .Jign i lower than the norm, in both
the NASDAQ and DJIA. Therefore, traders are not encouraged to look fo,. trading
opportunities from a trough or crest that mihtform during these periods.



The baseline group shows 303 trading days in which the Sun was jn Tau rus during
this srudy of the NASDAQ. Of these 30 contai ned a high or low from wh ich prices
reversed at least 4% (filtered wave). The rate of frequency of a 4% or greater reversal
dur i ng the Sun in Taurus was thus 9.9Qil..1. or once every 10 trading days.


In the Nikkei baseline study, Men;ury is i11 Aries 84 days (27.72%) in Taurus 141
days (46..53%). and in Gemini 78 days (25.74%). Yet i n the 3{) cases of 4% or greater
reversals1 Mercury is in Ar ies 16 days (53.33%). Taurus 7 days (23.33%), and Gemini 6
days (20.00%).

The wejghted values of ea'h are as foJlows:

Planets in Signs

Id Ta Ge Ca Le VI Lli Sc Sa Cp Aq P
SU 30 i
MO 1 4 3 2 1 6 1 5 2
ME 10 12 a 5
ve 16 7 6
MA 5 7 8 1 1 1 3
JU 5 s 3 2 4 3 1 2 1 3
$/\ e 6 5 4 7
UR 4 8
NE 16 14
P 1 17
L 3


Planets in Signs

Ar T.a Ge Ca Le Vi LI Sc Sa Cp Aq P
SU 30 - i
MO 25 22 2 24 26 28 22 2 21 2 2 3
ME 84 14 7 7 8 4 0
YE 104 64 94 23 18
MA 37 39 56 37 31 20 12 7 18 19 27
JU 39 38 37 37 19 20 19 18 18 18 20 20
SA 58 39 36 20 56 58 36
UR 20 132 151
NE 208 9•5
PL. 170 133


Mercury in Aries 19'.Z .4** 140.6*

M·ercury in Taurus 50..1## 5.8
Mercury in Gemini 77.7# .7
From the resu1ts of the Mercury signs, we can conclude that: There is a higher
probability of 4% reversals occurring in the Niklcei when Mercury is in Aries and the
Sun iS in Taurus (morning star), and a lower probab ility of occurrence when Mercury
is in
Ta11r.w. and to some extent Gemini as well. Mercury in Aries and Taurus y ielded
similar rendl8 /or the studies in the DJIA and NASDAQ. although the degree of

correspondence wa.s gnot#T in the Nikkei studies.


'ta the baseline study of the Sun in Taurus for the Ni kkei, Ven us was in Pisces 18
dia)'J (:S..94%), 104 days (34.32%), Taurus 64 days (21.12%.), Gemin i 94 days

(3 !,02%), and Cancer 23 days (7.59%). Yet in the 30 cases of 4% or greater
reversals1 Ven us was in Pi sces on ly l day (3.33%), Aries l u days (53.33%), Taurus
7 days (23.33o/o), Gemini 6 days (20.000/o), and Cancer 0 days {0.00%).

The weighted values. of each are as follows;


Veu us io Pi.sees 56.1# 151.4** 121.7*

Ven ..s in Aries 155.4"' "' 100.7 94.6
Ven us iu Ta uru5 110.5 171.9.. 67.7#
Veo ..s in Gemini 64.5# 62.5#
133.1 * Ven .. s in Caneer
00.0### 174.3"'* 68.3#

Fro m the results. of the Ven u s signs, we can conclude that: 4% or greater
reversals in the Nikkei when the Sun is in Taurus hCI't' e a higher probability of occun-
ence when Venus is also in Aries. There is a probability of 4% or greater reversal
occurring wh.e11 Venus is in Cancer - in facl, it has never happened to dare .' Venus in
Gemini also had a rather low correlation 10 4% or greater reversal. in the Nikkei.
Venus in Can.cer was also important as a non-volatile signature in the DJIA. but It was
very strong rn the NASDAQ.' Venus in G.emiui was also highlighted as a weak reversal
combination in the NASDAQ studies, but ir was strong in the DJL4 .


From the Tables presented on the preced i ng page one can see the number of
instances in which the Moon was in each sign. when lhe Sun was. i n Tau rus j for both
the study grou p and the baseline group. The weighted values of each Moon sign, with
the Sun in Taunis, when the Nikkei reversed at least 4%, are shown below.

Ni kkei NASDAQ
Moon in A rie!! 40.4## 121.3* 124.
Moo n in Ta u rus 183.6"" * 96.7 1'*
Moo.n iu Gemini 00.0### 100.{) 100.
Moon in Cancer 00.0### 117,7 117.
Moon i n Leo 116.6 121.3 7
Moon in Virgo 71.2# *62.S#
Moon i u 45.9## 123.4*
Libra Moon i n 214.5***
Moon i u Sagittarius 48.1## 30.3##
Moo:i:i i n Capriom 180.4*'* 60.6#
Mooo in Aq uari us 84.2 119.8
Moou i n Pisces 163.4.... 156.2:11 ..

H igh Probabil h;y Reversals: From the Nikkei resuhs of the Moon signs with the Sun
in Taurus, we can concl ude t 4% or greater reversals have a higher probability
of o urrence when the Moon 1s in Tau rus (New Moon)t Scurp.iu (Full Moo)


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