Failure Mode Effect of Failure Cause of Failure Cause Prevention Severity Ranking Occurrence Ranking Detection Ranking Risk Priority Number (RPN)
Failure Mode Effect of Failure Cause of Failure Cause Prevention Severity Ranking Occurrence Ranking Detection Ranking Risk Priority Number (RPN)
Failure Mode Effect of Failure Cause of Failure Cause Prevention Severity Ranking Occurrence Ranking Detection Ranking Risk Priority Number (RPN)
Failure mode
Effect of failure
Cause of failure
Cause prevention
Severity ranking
Occurrence ranking
Detection ranking
Risk Priority
Number (RPN)
The manner in which a part or system fails to meet the design intent
The experience the owner encounters as a result of a failure mode
An indication of a design weakness
The in place and scheduled design verifications and quality assurance inspections
A subjective evaluation of the consequence of a failure mode on the end user
A subjective estimate of the likelihood that if a defective part is installed it will cause the failure mode with its partic
A subjective estimate of the probability that a cause of a potential failure will be detected and corrected before reac
end user
The product of severity, occurrence, and detection rankings
Failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA)
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