Minerals Engineering: Olli Peltosaari, Pekka Tanskanen, Eetu-Pekka Heikkinen, Timo Fabritius

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Minerals Engineering xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

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Minerals Engineering
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a ? c ? b-phase transformation of spodumene with hybrid microwave

and conventional furnaces
Olli Peltosaari ⇑, Pekka Tanskanen, Eetu-Pekka Heikkinen, Timo Fabritius
Process Metallurgy Research Group, University of Oulu, P.O. Box 4300, 90014 Oulu, Finland

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Spodumene is the most important lithium containing hard rock mineral. In order to extract lithium from
Received 23 December 2014 spodumene concentrate by leaching, the crystal structure of spodumene must be converted from the nat-
Revised 14 April 2015 ural monoclinic a-form to the tetragonal b-form. The technical possibilities to generate the heat to the
Accepted 17 April 2015
conversion process of spodumene concentrate via microwaves were studied. The heat treatment exper-
Available online xxxx
iments were carried out with a domestic microwave furnace (700 W) with silicon carbide susceptor and
with the conventional resistance heated furnace as a reference. In the microwave furnace the phase
transformation of spodumene began after 110 s of heating and samples were converted almost com-
Extractive metallurgy
pletely to b-spodumene after 170 s. Partial melting of gangue minerals was observed in samples after
Mineral processing 170 s of heating. Heating in microwave furnace for 170 s corresponded with the heating of approximately
480–600 s at temperature of 1100 °C in the conventional furnace. In addition to a- and b-forms an inter-
mediate phase, hexagonal c-spodumene, was identified from samples heated with both furnaces. The
conversion of spodumene samples was verified with X-ray diffraction (XRD) and with field emission
scanning electron microscope (FESEM).
Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction low-temperature a-spodumene (C2/c). The tetragonal high-temper-

ature form is called b-spodumene (or LiAlSi2O6 II) (P43212) which is
Lithium is the lightest metal and it has a high electrochemical stuffed derivative of the keatite structure (Li and Peacor, 1968). The
reactivity. Because of its properties, lithium is a desired raw material third hexagonal high-temperature form which is stuffed derivative
of growing battery industry. Principally lithium is traded in the form of the high-quartz is known as c-spodumene (or LiAlSi2O6 III or vir-
of lithium carbonate or lithium hydroxide. Mainly due to the growth gilite) (P6222) (Li, 1968).
of the battery industry, the demand of lithium chemicals has The most commonly lithium is processed to form of lithium car-
increased worldwide in recent years. There are few commercially bonate. The production chain of lithium carbonate from spo-
exploitable lithium minerals occurring in pegmatites. Spodumene dumene ore comprises four main steps: mining, beneficiation,
(LiAlSi2O6), petalite (LiAlSi4O10) and lepidolite (K(Li,Al,Rb)3 heat treatment and lithium extraction. Spodumene can be concen-
(Al,Si)4O10 (F,OH)2) are lithium containing hard rock minerals which trated with flotation or heavy liquid separation that produce con-
are mined for their lithium content. The most important of these is centrates with spodumene content at least of 75 wt.%. The
spodumene which is used as a raw material in the lithium chemical extraction of lithium from spodumene concentrate
extraction. requires the phase transformation from a-form to b-form. This is
Spodumene is a single-chain silicate and belongs to pyroxene because a-spodumene is a relatively compact mineral and it has
group. Pure spodumene has the stoichiometric chemical composi- a low reactivity whereas the b-spodumene as a porous material
tion of 8.0 wt.% Li2O, 27.4 wt.% Al2O3 and 64.6 wt.% SiO2. has a larger surface area and a much higher reactivity. It has been
Pegmatitic spodumene ore contains typically quartz, albite, micro- long known from atmospheric studies that this change of crystal
cline and muscovite as gangue minerals. Spodumene has three lattice takes place at elevated temperatures (Munoz, 1969). The
polymorphic forms. The form occurring in nature is monoclinic required temperature for the phase transformation is 1000–
1100 °C. The indirect fired rotary kiln in which the tube is heated
from outside with burners or heating elements is a commonly used
⇑ Corresponding author. method for heat treatment of spodumene concentrate (Garrett,
E-mail address: olli.peltosaari@oulu.fi (O. Peltosaari).

0892-6875/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Peltosaari, O., et al. a ? c ? b-phase transformation of spodumene with hybrid microwave and conventional furnaces.
Miner. Eng. (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mineng.2015.04.012
2 O. Peltosaari et al. / Minerals Engineering xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

2004). Large gas flow rates during the conversion process of spo- 2. Experimental
dumene concentrate are not desirable because of the fragility of
the formed b-spodumene. b-spodumene can easily break down to 2.1. Materials
fine grained material on the effect of mechanical abrasion and drift
with the gas flow to the gas filters. Due to this predisposition the The material used in experiments of this study was pegmatitic
indirect heating in which heat is generated indirectly without spodumene ore from Ullava in Central Ostrobothnia (Finland)
any gas flows inside the kiln might be the more appropriate (Kuusela et al., 2011). The ore was crushed and then sieved into
solution for heat treatment. The lithium can be recovered as a car- six different particle sizes. Fractions under 2 mm were concen-
bonate from the converted spodumene concentrate with sulfuric trated with heavy liquid separation (Na6O39W12H2O (aq),
acid process (Garrett, 2004) or with sodium carbonate autoclave q = 2.89 g/cm3). Spodumene pieces in the larger fractions were vis-
process (Chen et al., 2011; Olivier and Nenniger, 1979). ibly recognizable from gangue minerals and therefore the separa-
Microwave energy has been found to have potential for wide tion was carried out by hand-picking. The particle sizes that
range of applications in mineral treatment and metal recovery pro- were used in experiments with microwave and conventional fur-
cesses such as heating, roasting and smelting (Haque, 1999; naces are specified in Table 1. Despite of careful separation the spo-
Pickles, 2009). However, there has been only a little research con- dumene concentrates contained some quartz, microcline and albite
cerning the theoretical aspects of microwave treatment of minerals as gangue minerals.
of two areas: prediction of mineral heating rate in an applied
dielectric field and the modeling of thermal stresses within irradi-
2.2. Methods
ated mineral matrices (Kingman and Rowson, 1998). Microwave
heating offers many advantages compared to conventional heating
2.2.1. Hybrid microwave heating and conventional heating
processes such as non-contact heating, energy transfer without
The microwave furnace used in this study was a normal domes-
heat transfer, rapid heating, selective heating, quick start-up and
tic microwave oven. The microwave furnace consisted of a
stopping, heating starting from interior of material body as well
2.45 GHz magnetron with a 700 W power output and a rectangular
as higher level of safety and automation (Haque, 1999). Effective
multimode cavity. SiC was used as a susceptor material because of
microwave heating could possibly reduce the treatment time and
its high dielectric loss factor and good refractory properties (Zhao
required energy consumption of many applications in mineral
et al., 2000). Cylindrical SiC tube with a height of 45 mm, an outer
treatment processes.
diameter of 18 mm and a wall thickness of 2.75 mm was sur-
Based on their ability to absorb microwaves materials can be
rounded by porous alumina sheet and quartz glass as thermal insu-
classified as transparent materials, conductors or absorbers. The
lations. The sample was situated inside the SiC tube. Due to
primary parameter that illustrates this ability is the dielectric loss
inhomogeneity of electric field inside the microwave cavity, the
factor. Chen et al. (1984) exposed 40 minerals individually to
hottest spot of cavity needed to be determined, into which the
microwave radiation and found out that most silicates are trans-
whole configuration was situated. The arrangement of the sample,
parent to microwaves. Silicates have a low dielectric loss factor,
the SiC susceptor and the thermal insulation of the microwave cav-
so they do not absorb the microwave radiation nor transform it
ity are shown in Fig. 1. Thermocouple was used for measuring the
into heat at room temperature. Generally the dielectric loss factor
temperature of the samples. Due to interaction between thermo-
increases exponentially with temperature (Zhao et al., 2000).
couple and microwaves during the microwave heating, tempera-
Hence, the heating of silicates could be possible in high tempera-
ture was measured directly from the sample inside the SiC tube,
tures with microwaves. Materials which are excellent absorbers
immediately after the heating was ended. The selected heating
can be used as a microwave heating assistant (susceptor) when
times were based on the glow of the SiC tube meaning the moment
installed together with transparent material. The susceptor is
when the color of the tube changes from black to pale red. The
heated up by microwaves and simultaneously the transparent
glow was achieved after 90–100 s of heating. Because of this, the
material is heated up via conduction and radiation by the suscep-
heating times of 110–170 s with 10 s second-steps were chosen
tor. When the microwave coupling temperature of transparent
to be used in the experiments. Spodumene samples were partly
material is achieved the rapid microwave heating of materials
melted after 170 s of heating. After heating the samples were left
can occur. The microwave heating technique using a susceptor as
to cool in air inside the SiC tube. Heating power was 700 W in each
a heating assistance is called hybrid microwave heating due to
experiment. Due to strong volume increase during the phase trans-
the fact that it is a combination of conventional heating and micro-
formation, the sample size was kept small (2 g) for preventing
wave heating (Zhao et al., 2000).
sample packing inside the tube.
The aim of this study was to explore tentatively the technical
The reference experiments were carried out in a conventional
possibilities to generate the heat to the conversion process of spo-
resistance heated furnace. The purpose was to determine the tem-
dumene concentrate with microwaves. The objective was to exam-
perature and time in which spodumene sample is completely con-
ine the technical potential of microwaves for heat treatment of
verted into b-spodumene and compare the results with the results
spodumene concentrate, not so much to evaluate the energy con-
gained from the microwave experiments. The furnace was heated
sumption of different heating methods. In the preliminary studies
up to the required temperature. A 2 g spodumene sample situated
was observed the same fact which literature had revealed before,
in a platinum crucible was put into the hot furnace. The first exper-
of spodumene being a transparent material and not heating up
iments were performed with two hours heating time at
directly with microwaves at room temperature. Therefore the
hybrid microwave heating with silicon carbide tube (SiC) susceptor
was used in microwave experiments. Experiments with a conven- Table 1
tional furnace were carried out as a reference. The phases of sam- Particle sizes used in experiments.
ples were identified and relations of spodumene polymorphs were Particle size (mm)
determined with X-ray diffraction (XRD) and field emission scan-
0.5–0.85 1.0–2.0 2.0–4.0 4.0–6.0
ning electron microscope (FESEM). Different particle sizes, heating
times and temperatures were used in experiments. The results of Microwave furnace x x x x
Conventional furnace x
different heating methods were compared.

Please cite this article in press as: Peltosaari, O., et al. a ? c ? b-phase transformation of spodumene with hybrid microwave and conventional furnaces.
Miner. Eng. (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mineng.2015.04.012
O. Peltosaari et al. / Minerals Engineering xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 3

Table 2
The relative fractions of spodumene polymorphs in samples heated with microwave
furnace and temperatures of the 2.0–4.0 mm samples measured immediately after
hybrid microwave heating.

t (s) 0.5–0.85 mm 1.0–2.0 mm

a (%) b (%) c (%) a (%) b (%) c (%)
110 79 6 15 99 0 1
120 33 32 35 77 6 17
130 26 34 39 71 9 20
140 19 45 36 30 30 40
150 14 50 36 9 61 30
160 11 71 18 10 65 25
170 2 94 4 6 80 14
T (°C) 2.0–4.0 mm 4.0–6.0 mm
a (%) b (%) c (%) a (%) b (%) c (%)
110 910 95 1 5 96 0 4
120 970 85 3 12 86 3 11
130 1022 35 21 44 42 22 36
140 1066 25 29 46 19 37 44
150 1107 13 49 38 13 45 42
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of sample, susceptor and thermal insulation in 160 1154 5 82 13 2 65 33
microwave cavity. 170 1197 2 91 7 6 90 5

temperatures of 800, 900, 1000, 1050 and 1100 °C. Based on the
results of these experiments, the next experiments were carried
out with heating times of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 15 min in 1100 °C.
After the heating period the samples were removed from furnace
and cooled in air at room temperature. All experiments on both
furnaces were performed in atmospheric pressure.

2.2.2. Sample characterization

The samples from both the microwave and conventional exper-
iments were analyzed using X-ray diffraction (XRD) method
(Siemens 5000) using a Cu tube as a radiation source. Samples were
ground to fine powder with an agate mortar. Measurements were
performed using diffraction angle range of 10–50° and scanning rate
of 0.02°/s. The main phases were identified from obtained diffrac-
tion patterns by Diffracplus Basic Evaluation Package EVA 12 soft-
ware. The mass proportions of each phase were determined using
a Rietveld method on Diffracplus TOPAS R version 3.0 software.
Required crystal structures were downloaded from the Fig. 2. X-ray diffraction patterns of 2–4 mm spodumene samples converted with
Crystallography Open Database (Gražulis et al., 2012; Grazulis et microwave furnace. Spodumene polymorphs are labeled as a, b and c. Peaks of
al., 2009; Downs and Hall-Wallace, 2003). Only the fractions of a-, gangue minerals are neglected for clarity.

b- and c-structures in the samples were calculated from the results

obtained from TOPAS whereas the fractions of gangue minerals
after first 110 s with the exception of the finest 0.5–0.85 mm frac-
were ignored. Results from XRD were verified with field emission
tion in which a small amount of b-spodumene had been formed.
scanning microscope (FESEM) and with energy-dispersive X-ray
Most XRD-peaks of c-spodumene are overlapping with peaks of
spectroscopy (EDS) for which was prepared the polished section
b-spodumene. The main peak of both b- and c-phases is located
from one sample.
at the same position at approximately 25.5° in 2h-scale. The most
obvious evidence of formation of c-spodumene is the peak located
3. Results at 19.5° in 2h-scale after 130 s of heating in Fig 2. It is the strongest
peak of c-spodumene which is not overlapping with peaks of other
3.1. Phase transformation with hybrid microwave heating phases. The intensity of the peak reached the maximum point after
140 s heating and after that decreased due to conversion of c-form
SiC tube heated up very rapidly leading to rapid conversion of into b-form. According to calculated relative fractions of spo-
all the spodumene samples. The calculated relative fractions of dumene polymorphs in Table 2, the phase transformation began
spodumene polymorphs and temperatures of 2.0–4.0 mm spo- approximately at 110 s and almost all of the spodumene was trans-
dumene samples after hybrid microwave heating with different formed into b-form after 170 s of heating. c-spodumene occurred
heating times are presented in Table 2. Temperature of sample as the intermediate phase during the transformation.
was 910 °C after 110 s and increased up to 1197 °C after 170 s of The hexagonal b-quartz solid solution Li2Al2Si3O10 and c-spo-
heating. The X-ray diffraction patterns of 2.0–4.0 mm spodumene dumene have very similar XRD-patterns, so FESEM with EDS was
samples converted using microwave hybrid heating are shown in used in order to confirm that these phases had not been misinter-
Fig. 2. a-, b- and c-spodumene as well as some gangue minerals preted as each other. The polished section was prepared from
such as quartz, albite and microcline were identified from the sam- 2.0–4.0 mm sample heated 140 s with microwave furnace. 44 point
ples. Some c-spodumene was already formed after first 110 s of analysis were taken from the various parts of the specimen by EDS.
heating. However, the conversion into b-spodumene had not begun Lithium cannot be determined in the EDS spectrum because of its

Please cite this article in press as: Peltosaari, O., et al. a ? c ? b-phase transformation of spodumene with hybrid microwave and conventional furnaces.
Miner. Eng. (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mineng.2015.04.012
4 O. Peltosaari et al. / Minerals Engineering xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

low atomic number, so the Si/Al-ratios of the analysis were com-

pared. All analysis had the Si/Al-ratio near 2:1 which corresponded
with the Si/Al-ratio of spodumene. Li2Al2Si3O10 has a Si/Al-ratio of
3:2 which was not observed in the analyses. Additionally Li (1970)
has stated that the high-quartz solid solution (Li2OAl2O3nSiO2)
transforms into the keatite solid solution (b-spodumene) at ele-
vated temperature, which was observed at present study, only
when n is greater than or equal to 3.5. Spodumene has n of 4
and Li2Al2Si3O10 has n of 3. Different spodumene polymorphs could
not be distinguished from each other with EDS analyses because of
the same chemical composition.

3.2. Phase transformation with conventional heating

The X-ray diffraction patterns of the first experiments with con-

ventional furnace are represented in Fig. 3. The samples were con-
verted for 2 h at temperatures ranging from 800 °C to 1100 °C. A
Fig. 4. X-ray diffraction patterns of 2.0–4.0 mm spodumene samples converted
small amount of c-spodumene and some b-spodumene was formed
with conventional furnace at temperature of 1100 °C. Spodumene polymorphs are
at temperature of 800 °C. Strong conversion into b-spodumene labeled as a, b and c. Peaks of gangue minerals are neglected for clarity.
began at temperatures over 900 °C. a-spodumene disappeared
and the maximum amount of c-spodumene was reached at temper-
ature of 1000 °C. The whole sample was converted into b-form at
temperature of 1100 °C. The second set of experiments was per- Table 3
The relative fractions of spodumene polymorphs in samples heated with conventional
formed with different heating times at 1100 °C. That was the tem- furnace.
perature where all of the c-form had disappeared in the first set of
experiments. The X-ray diffraction patterns obtained from the 2nd T (°C) 2.0–4.0 mm (t = 120 min) t (s) 2.0–4.0 mm (T = 1100 °C)

set of experiments at 1100 °C are presented in Fig. 4. All of a (%) b (%) c (%) a (%) b (%) c (%)
a-spodumene was disappeared and the maximum amount of 800 91 2 7 0 100 0 0
c-spodumene was formed after 120 s. Most of the c-spodumene 900 71 9 20 120 0 55 45
was converted into b-form after 480 s although whole conversion 1000 0 59 41 240 0 77 23
1050 0 88 12 360 0 82 18
took 900 s. The calculated fractions of different spodumene poly-
1100 0 100 0 480 0 92 8
morphs from every experiment are presented in Table 3. 600 0 93 7
900 0 100 0

4. Discussion

4.1. Conversion of spodumene in microwave furnace to which they began to isolate the relict of the a-phase. a-spo-
dumene was almost disappeared after 170 s of heating in which
Changes in the relative fractions of the three spodumene poly- point the reached temperature of the sample was 1197 °C and
morphs as a function of microwave heating time is presented in heating was suspended due to partial melting of the concentrate.
Fig. 5. The phase transformation from a-form to c- and b-forms The melting point of spodumene is relatively high (1420 °C), which
slowed down when the content of a-form in the sample was means that partial melting was caused by the gangue minerals. The
decreased to approximately 20–30%. Heat transfer slowed down graphs presented in Fig. 5 show that c-spodumene is obviously the
due to poor thermal conductivity of b- and c-spodumenes in com- intermediate form during the phase transformation from a-form to
parison to a-spodumene (Hofmeister and Pertermann, 2008) due b-form. The small amount of c-spodumene was already formed
after 110 s in which point temperature of the sample was 910 °C.
The highest content at approximately 40% of c-spodumene was
reached after 140 s of heating when temperature was risen up to
1066 °C. The higher than 46% content of c-spodumene was not
observed in any of the experiments. The portion of b-spodumene
increased almost linearly throughout the whole time range that
was being considered. Almost all of a- and c-forms were converted
to b-form after 170 s of heating. Based on the experiments it can be
concluded that heat treatment of spodumene can be realized with
microwave hybrid heating with SiC susceptor with right heating
power and time.
The cylindrical SiC tube was chosen as a susceptor because of its
good dielectric and refractory properties. Additionally, the SiC had
been used as a susceptor in many hybrid microwave sintering
studies where room-temperature-transparent materials were suc-
cessfully heated (Zhao et al., 2000; Huang et al., 2009; Brandão et
al., 2012). Tubular susceptor had probably correcting effect to the
inhomogeneous electromagnetic field, so that the sample was
Fig. 3. X-ray diffraction patterns of 2.0–4.0 mm spodumene samples converted at
heated more uniformly without hot spots which could cause par-
2 h with conventional furnace. Spodumene polymorphs are labeled as a, b and c. tial melting of samples in early stage. The SiC tube heated the sam-
Peaks of gangue minerals are neglected for clarity. ples effectively in the experiments, but the effect of microwave

Please cite this article in press as: Peltosaari, O., et al. a ? c ? b-phase transformation of spodumene with hybrid microwave and conventional furnaces.
Miner. Eng. (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mineng.2015.04.012
O. Peltosaari et al. / Minerals Engineering xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 5

As seen from Fig 5, there were no significant differences

Relative fraction of α-s podumene [%]

100 between the conversion rates of different particle sizes. The micro-
90 wave furnace unit was not accurate enough to find clearly observ-
80 able differences in such a small sample size that was used in the
70 experiments. The finest 0.5–0.85 mm fraction was converted
60 slightly faster than coarser fractions and 1.0–2.0 mm fraction
slightly more slowly than other fractions during the first 140 s
but there was no difference at the end of the heating. Because
the direct influence of microwaves to the samples was presumably
only minor or insignificant, it can be expected that the phase trans-
20 formation of spodumene is likely to occur faster in fine particle
10 sizes, as the heat is conducted faster from the surfaces to the inte-
0 rior of the particles. The greater heating rates of coarser fractions
110 120 130 140 150 160 170
than 1.0–2.0 mm fraction at the beginning of the heating was likely
Heating time [s] caused by the narrowness of the SiC tube. The particles of the frac-
0,5-0,85 mm 1,0-2,0 mm 2,0-4,0 mm 4,0-6,0 mm tions over 2 mm were large enough to have a direct contact with
hot walls of the SiC tube and the main conduction heat transfer
Relative fraction of γ-s podumene [%]

100 occurred directly from the hot wall, whereas the main conduction
90 heat transfer occurred by from particle to particle in 1.0–2.0 mm
80 fraction. Additionally air between the particles slowed the heat
70 transfer compared to finest 0.5–0.85 mm fraction. However, the
60 conversion occurred very rapidly in each case.
4.2. Conversion of spodumene in conventional furnace
Changes in the relative fractions of three spodumene poly-
20 morphs as a function of heating temperature and heating time
10 are presented in Fig. 6(A) and (B), respectively. It can be seen that
0 complete phase transformation from a-form to b-form requires
110 120 130 140 150 160 170 temperatures over 1050 °C for a heating time of 2 h. At tempera-
Heating time [s] ture of 1100 °C the phase transformation from a-form to other
0,5-0,85 mm 1,0-2,0 mm 2,0-4,0 mm 4,0-6,0 mm forms occurs rapidly but transformation from c-form to b-form
takes more than 600 s. It is obvious that the increase of
Relative fraction of β-s podumene [%]

80 A 100
70 90
Relative fraction [%]

60 80
30 40
20 30
10 20
0 10
110 120 130 140 150 160 170 0
800 900 1000 1050 1100
Heating time [s]
Temperature [°C]
0,5-0,85 mm 1,0-2,0 mm 2,0-4,0 mm 4,0-6,0 mm
α β γ
Fig. 5. Relative fractions of a-, c- and b-spodumenes in the samples converted with
microwave furnace. B 100
Relative fraction [%]

radiation was unclear. Because the samples were surrounded by 70
the SiC tube with high loss factor, it is possible that the tube 60
absorbed all of the microwave radiation and acted as a shield 50
between radiation and the samples. In that case, the sample was
only conventionally heated by the susceptor. Zhao et al. (2000) sta-
ted that microwaves can penetrate the wall of the SiC susceptor, if
the wall is thin enough. They used a wall thickness of 2 mm which
is slightly thinner than the one used in present work, so it is prob- 0 120 240 360 480 600 900
able that a small portion of radiation interacted with samples. It is Heating time [s]
not clear whether the heating process was hybrid microwave heat-
α β γ
ing or purely indirect conventional heating process. The primary
heating of samples was obviously caused by SiC tube and direct Fig. 6. Relative fractions of samples converted in conventional furnace (A) for 2 h
influence of microwaves remained unclear. heating time (B) at temperature of 1100 °C.

Please cite this article in press as: Peltosaari, O., et al. a ? c ? b-phase transformation of spodumene with hybrid microwave and conventional furnaces.
Miner. Eng. (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mineng.2015.04.012
6 O. Peltosaari et al. / Minerals Engineering xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

temperature or heating time favors the progression of phase trans- the whole a ? c ? b-transformation. London (1984) did not
formations. In order to avoid the occurrence of c-spodumene relics encounter two phase field b-spodumene and c-spodumene in his
in industrial applications, it is recommended to perform the heat study but he stated that extremely small Gibbs free energy change
treatment in temperatures over 1050 °C. associated with transformation reaction between b-spodumene
and c-spodumene could cause metastable persistence of one phase
4.3. Comparison of heating methods or other in experimental runs.
In this work c-spodumene appeared as an intermediate phase
According to X-ray patterns and Rietveld analysis 170 s heating in a phase transformation of a-spodumene into b-spodumene after
with microwaves corresponds to a heating of approximately 2 h heat treatment of spodumene concentrate at temperature of
480–600 s at 1100 °C in the conventional furnace. After 170 s of 800 °C and transformed into b-spodumene at 900–1100 °C. The
heating the temperature of sample was 1197 °C in hybrid micro- forming temperatures of c- and b-forms corresponded with the
wave heating experiments which explains the high rate of phase temperatures reported in the amorphous phase heat treatment
transformation. On both methods c-spodumene was formed in studies above, although the heated spodumene was in crystalline
these conditions. The highest mass proportion of c-spodumene a-form in the present study (according to X-ray diffraction).
reached with both methods was approximately 45%. The tempera- The results were similar also with the temperatures reported with
tures measured after microwave experiments were consistent with bikitaite above. However, there have been no previous reports of
temperatures used in the conventional furnace in the terms of the c-spodumene formation as an intermediate phase in the
formation of different spodumene polymorphs. The conversion of transformation between crystalline natural a-spodumene and
a-spodumene into c-spodumene began at 800–900 °C and conver- b-spodumene under such experimental conditions as was in
sion of c-form into b-form at 900–950 °C. There was probably present study.
some post-heating with the microwave experiments due to the
cooling method. The sample was cooled with the hot tube so the 4.5. Practical meaning of results
heating continued a few tens of seconds after the microwave
heating had ended. The advantage of microwave heating compared Spodumene is normally extracted by leaching process from
to conventional heating was rapid heating in the experimental tetragonal b-spodumene. The formation of c-spodumene should
conditions used in present study. be monitored in industrial applications. If pure b-spodumene with-
out a- and c-residuals is the desired outcome, the heating time of
4.4. Phase transformation via c-spodumene spodumene should be adequate. If the heating time is too short,
residuals can exist in the conversion product and complicate the
Tetragonal b-spodumene has been prepared from natural mon- following leaching process. This could cause losses in the yield of
oclinic a-spodumene in many 1-atm studies in which lithium was lithium. The high temperature and long heating time favor the pro-
extracted from b-spodumene with different methods (Olivier and gression of phase transformation. On the other hand, the excessive
Nenniger, 1979; Gabra et al., 1975; Chen et al., 2011; Rosales et heating will cause the partial melting and agglomeration of con-
al., 2014). Complete conversion of a-spodumene into b-spo- centrate resulting in losses in the recovery of lithium. The partial
dumene was achieved after heat treatment at temperature ranging melting of concentrate can begin at multiphase grain junctions
between 1000–1100 °C depending on the study. None of those already below the temperature of 1000 °C. Since there are no stud-
1-atm studies reported the formation of c-spodumene in any stage ies on the extraction of lithium from hexagonal c-spodumene, the
of phase transformation. However, Munoz (1969) found that effect of c-spodumene to the leaching process is unclear. In the
b-spodumene transforms into c-spodumene at elevated pressures. case that c-spodumene has some negative effects to the leaching
Monoclinic a-spodumene can be converted to hexagonal process and the concentrate must be converted at temperature of
c-spodumene via amorphization of the structure. It is widely known 1100 °C, beneficiation process is required to produce higher grade
that while heating a glass with a spodumene composition the first concentrates in order to avoid the agglomeration of concentrate. In
crystallizing phase is c-spodumene which in elevated temperatures the economic point of view the higher required heat treatment
transforms into b-spodumene. Preparing of c-spodumene in this temperature and higher required grade of concentrate will increase
way is very common (Wu et al., 2004; Guo et al., 2006; Nordmann the costs of production process of lithium carbonate.
and Cheng, 1997). Two ways to prepare c-spodumene from natural The SiC could be viable tube material for the indirect fired
a-spodumene has been introduced in literature and both of them rotary kiln when converting spodumene concentrate. The rela-
require the amorphization of the structure of a-spodumene. tively high conversion temperature of spodumene is above usable
Amorphization is performed via melting with alloying elements limits of ordinary metals such as carbon steel or stainless steel
(Nordmann and Cheng, 1997) or via mechanical treatment whereas SiC has a high mechanical strength and high thermal con-
(Kotsupalo et al., 2010; Gasalla et al., 1987). After heating the ductivity at high temperatures. The indirect fired rotary kiln with
amorphous spodumene metastable c-form appears approximately microwave heated SiC tube could be viable industrial application
at 800 °C which is subsequently converted into b-spodumene at for the technique used in present study. Tsurunaga (2006) intro-
higher temperatures between 900 and 1080 °C depending on the duced the semi-industrialized indirect fired rotary kiln with SiC
experimental conditions (Nordmann and Cheng, 1997; Guo et al., tube for the calcination of limestone. The tube was heated with
2006; Kotsupalo et al., 2010; Gasalla et al., 1987). regenerative burners and kerosene was used as a fuel on that appli-
Ferro et al. (2004) observed that a rare Li zeolite bikitaite cation. Based on present study the heat could be alternatively gen-
[Li2(Al2Si4O12)2H2O, P1] transforms to c-spodumene at tempera- erated with microwaves in this type of applications. The energy
ture of 800 °C and Hurlbut (1957) found the transformation of bik- consumptions of different heating methods for the tube of indirect
itaite to b-spodumene upon heating to 900 °C. It is suspected that fired rotary kiln is difficult to assess. Principally the energy con-
phase transformation of spodumene from a-form into b-form sumption of microwave process depends on the insulation of the
happens via c-form under controlled heating (Li, 1968). These sus- tube and the energy efficiency of the magnetrons to convert elec-
picions were based on the density changes during the phase trans- tricity to microwaves. However, this study was not intended to
formation and the transformation between c- and b-form. Densities answer all issues considering the microwave heat treatment of
of a-, c- and b-spodumenes are 3.16, 2.395 and 2.365 g/cm3, spodumene. One issue that remained unanswered was the nature
respectively. Density of spodumene consequently decreases during of direct interaction between spodumene and microwaves at the

Please cite this article in press as: Peltosaari, O., et al. a ? c ? b-phase transformation of spodumene with hybrid microwave and conventional furnaces.
Miner. Eng. (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mineng.2015.04.012
O. Peltosaari et al. / Minerals Engineering xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 7

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Please cite this article in press as: Peltosaari, O., et al. a ? c ? b-phase transformation of spodumene with hybrid microwave and conventional furnaces.
Miner. Eng. (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mineng.2015.04.012

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