International Journal of Mineral Processing: O. Sitando, P.L. Crouse
International Journal of Mineral Processing: O. Sitando, P.L. Crouse
International Journal of Mineral Processing: O. Sitando, P.L. Crouse
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Processing of petalite concentrate from the Bikita deposits in Zimbabwe for production of high-purity Li2CO3
Received 6 May 2011 has been studied. XRF and ICP-OES analysis showed that the concentrate consists of oxides of Li, Si, and Al as
Received in revised form 6 September 2011 major components, with an average Li2O content of 4.10%. XRD examination confirmed that the sample is a
Accepted 25 September 2011
petalite. Processing of the petalite involves roasting the pre-heated concentrate with concentrated H2SO4 fol-
Available online 1 October 2011
lowed by water leaching of the resulting Li2SO4, solution purification and precipitation of Li2CO3. The effects
of roasting temperature, stirring speed, solid to liquid ratio, leaching temperature and time on the lithium
Petalite dissolution are reported. The dissolution rates are significantly influenced by roasting temperature and
Lithium stirring speed. Water-washed lithium carbonate with a purity of 99.21% (metal basis) was produced.
Lithium extraction Synthesised and commercial Li2CO3 samples were characterised and compared using X-ray diffraction
Lithium carbonate (XRD) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA).
Bikita Minerals © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0301-7516/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
46 O. Sitando, P.L. Crouse / International Journal of Mineral Processing 102–103 (2012) 45–50
years and that the use of lithium batteries in upcoming electric temperature and ground to less than 75 μm. Reaction of β-spodu-
and hybrid vehicles could further increase demand for the metal. mene with H2SO4 is shown in Eq. (1) (Mcketta, 1988).
The growing demand for lithium to meet the raw material needs of
the energy storage devices is one of the reasons for studying the Li2 O:A12 O3 :4SiO2ðsÞ þ H2 SO4ðconcÞ →Li2 SO4ðsÞ þ A12 O3 :4SiO2ðsÞ þ H2 OðgÞ
upgrading of Zimbabwean petalite into Li2CO3. In addition there is ð1Þ
very limited work or published data, particularly on the chemical
leaching and processing of Zimbabwean petalite. One major work is 2.3.4. Leaching studies
that of Cooper (1964), which was preliminary in nature and was on This study discusses the conditions such as temperature, leaching
the geology of Bikita pegmatite and petalite characterisation. The time, solid/liquid ratio and stirring rate which affect leaching of lithium.
work presented here is thus expected to be of interest. Leaching experiments were performed in a 600 mL flat-bottomed pyrex
This study gives detailed data on the characterisation, concentrate glass beaker as a reactor. Accurately measured volume of distilled water
roasting with H2SO4, subsequent water leaching of the resulting (150 mL) was added to the reactor and heated to the desired tempera-
Li2SO4, solution purification, and precipitation of Li2CO3. ture within ±1 °C by a thermostatically controlled hot plate magnetic
stirrer at atmospheric pressure. A teflon coated stirring bar was used.
2. Materials and methods When the temperature reached the pre-set value and remained stable,
the acid roasted product was added to the reactor and heated together
2.1. Materials with the water. During leaching, samples were withdrawn at selected
time interval. After various leaching experiments had been conducted,
Laboratory tests were carried out with a petalite concentrate, ICP testing was done to calculate the extraction rate.
as received from Bikita Minerals (Pvt) Ltd in Zimbabwe. A multi-
element standard (ICP grade) and analytical grades Na2CO3, H2SO4,
2.3.5. Solution purification
HCl, CaCO3 and Ca(OH)2 from Merck Chemicals (Pty) Ltd were used.
Acid roasting and leaching of petalite concentrate is not entirely
Distilled water was used in the preparation of all aqueous solutions.
selective as co-dissolution of impurities also occurs. The resulting
leach liquor contains aluminium, calcium, magnesium, iron and
2.2. Instrumentation
other impurities which can be removed by pH control and addition
of a carbonate (Averill and Olson, 1977). CaCO3 was added little by
The following instruments were used in this study: for X-ray fluores-
little to the acidic leach solution at laboratory temperature to obtain
cence (XRF) a Thermo ARL9400 XP instrument; for inductively coupled
a pH of 5.5–6.5. At this pH Fe and Al were precipitated and the cake
plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) a SPECTRO ARCOS; for
was filtered and washed with water. Mg was precipitated using Ca
X-ray diffractometry (XRD) a PANalytical X'Pert PRO diffractometer; for
(OH)2 and filtered. The filtrate was treated with Na2CO3 at 25 °C
mass measurements a Mettler PM2000MC balance; for pH measure-
which produced a pH between 11 and 12. Na2CO3 equivalent to the
ments a pH meter cripson GLP 21; and for thermogravimetric analysis
amount of calcium present was added. This precipitated the Ca,
(TGA) a TA instrument DSC-TGA SDT Q600.
which was removed by filtration. The flow sheet of the purification
procedure is shown in Fig. 1. A pH meter was used during the proce-
2.3. Methods
dure for the pH value analysis. ICP-OES was used to determine the
concentration of lithium and impurities at each stage. Reproducibility
2.3.1. Particle size analysis
of the process was tested by running the experiments in triplicate.
Dry sieving was performed on a 100.00 g sample of petalite concen-
Errors for each were below 3%. The purified solution was adjusted to
trate to determine particle size distribution using a Fritsch-sieve shaker,
pH 7–8 using H2SO4 (1 mol L −1) in order to precipitate the carbonate
with universal test sieves SABS ISO 310. Masses were determined with
(Kamiensiki et al., 2005).
an analytical balance.
2.3.2. Characterisation of the concentrate 2.3.6. Precipitation of lithium from leach liquor
Elemental analysis of the concentrate was done using XRF and The purified leach solution was evaporated to about 50% of its
ICP-OES. The petalite sample was dissolved completely using a original volume and filtered to remove the calcium residue. The evap-
method adapted from Stoch (1986) to determine % Li2O content. oration process was continued until the concentration of Li was
0.5 g of petalite was decomposed by HF-H2SO4 followed by dissolution more than 11 g L −1. A hot saturated solution of Na2CO3 was added
of soluble salts by boiling with water. XRD analysis was performed drop-wise to the filtrate at 95–100 °C giving a white precipitate of
using Fe filtered CoKα as a radiation source. The phases were identified Li2CO3. The precipitate was filtered and washed thoroughly with
using X'Pert Highscore Plus software. The semi-quantitative phase water (95–100 °C) to remove residual Na2SO4 and excess Na2CO3.
amounts (weight %) was estimated using the reference intensity The water-washed Li2CO3 was dried at 250 °C. The flow sheet
method in the X'Pert Highscore Plus software. for the lithium recovery procedure is shown in Fig. 2. Changes of
the lithium and impurity concentration during the processing
2.3.3. Calcination and roasting of petalite of leach liquor were recorded by means of ICP. Na2SO4 in the mother
The finely powdered petalite concentrate was first heated in a lab- liquor was crystallised by chilling the solution at 0–8 °C followed by
oratory furnace at 1100 °C for 2 h with exact temperature regulation. pressure filtration (Garrett, 2004). The filtrate which contains some
Heating petalite to high temperatures results in an irreversible phase lithium and residual Na2CO3 was recycled to the evaporator.
change to a β-spodumene-SiO2 solid solution which is more reactive
to acid and base attack (Wietelmann and Bauer, 2003; Kamiensiki 2.3.7. Characterisation of lithium carbonate
et al., 2005; Garrett, 2004). A weighed amount of ground pre-heated The dried Li2CO3 was subjected to phase, thermal and chemical
petalite sample was mixed with concentrated H2SO4 in a porcelain analysis. Phase and thermal analysis was done by XRD and TGA re-
crucible. An amount of acid 15% in excess of the lithium equivalent spectively. XRD analysis was performed using X-ray diffractometer
was added. The roasting temperatures were varied from 200 to with Fe filtered CoKα as a radiation source. During TGA investigations,
300 °C. The mixture in a crucible was placed in a laboratory furnace samples of (10 ± 1.5) mg were measured in a temperature range of
when the desired temperature was attained. On completion of the 25–1090 °C at a rate of 20 °C min −1 in flowing N2. Comparison was
roasting process the samples were removed, cooled at room made for the synthesised and commercial Li2CO3 from Alfa Aesar, a
O. Sitando, P.L. Crouse / International Journal of Mineral Processing 102–103 (2012) 45–50 47
Table 1
Acidic leach solutions Particle size distribution.
Condensation of leach
solution to > 11g L-1 Li 3.4. Roasting studies
Mother liquor
Table 2
Crystallization of the Na2SO4 Semi-quantitative mineral content of the petalite (XRD analysis).
liquor 0-8 °C
Mineral phase (Wt.%)
Table 3 100
Chemical composition of the petalite (XRF, ICP-OES analysis).
% Li extracted
Component (%) ICP-OES XRF (normalised) Combined
can be shown that temperature has very little effect on the extraction
60 of lithium. The highest extraction of around 97.30% was realised after
60 min for all the temperatures. To avoid significant loses of liquid
40 200 °C by evaporation the temperature of 50 °C was used for subsequent
250 °C experiments.
300 °C
0 3.6. Solution purification
0 20 40 60 80 100
Leaching time (min) Changes of lithium and impurity concentration during processing
Fig. 3. Effect of roasting temperature on the extraction rate of lithium. Experimental leach liquors are described in Table 4. It is indicated from Table 4
conditions: leaching temperature 50 °C, leaching time 60 min, stirring speed 320 rpm that CaCO3 is effective in removing Al and Fe by precipitation.
and solid/liquid ratio (1/7.5 g/mL). The same implies to precipitation of Mg and Ca with Ca(OH)2 and
96 80
% Li extracted
% Li extracted
50 °C
90 40 90 °C
84 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 0 20 40 60 80 100
Stirring speed (rpm) Leaching time (min)
Fig. 4. Effect of stirring speed on the extraction rate of lithium. Experimental conditions: Fig. 6. Effect of leaching temperature on the extraction rate of lithium. Experimental
acid roasting temperature 300 °C, acid roasting time 60 min, leaching temperature conditions: acid roasting temperature 300 °C, acid roasting time 60 min, stirring
50 °C, leaching time 60 min and solid/liquid ratio (1/7.5 g/mL). speed 320 rpm, leaching time 60 min and solid/liquid ratio (1/7.5 g/mL).
O. Sitando, P.L. Crouse / International Journal of Mineral Processing 102–103 (2012) 45–50 49
Table 4
Concentration of elements in processed solutions.
Li Ca K Na Al Si Fe Mg
Original leach liquor 0.95 5716.82 145.14 451.60 1422.70 10.05 33.21 37.95 12.24
Leach liquor on addition of (CaCO3 and Ca(OH)2) 10.25 5500.72 559.50 147.80 1015.30 b0.025 b0.01 b0.01 b 0.01
Leach liquor on addition of (Na2CO3) 11.56 5227.65 11.36 131.90 2163.30 b0.025 b0.01 b0.01 b 0.01
Concentrated leach liquor 8.00 11998.62 7.29 492.93 5362.32 0.04 b0.01 b0.01 b 0.01
Mother liquor (filtrate) 1120.15
Na2CO3 respectively. Lithium losses during the purification process The thermogram for both synthesised and commercial Li2CO3 is
were 7.64%. shown in Fig. 7. The thermogravimetric curve for the synthesised
Li2CO3 is almost similar to that of commercial powder. Both thermo-
3.7. Precipitation and characterisation of lithium carbonate grams show that below 700 °C the curves are smooth and the mass
changed very little. At about 725 °C Li2CO3 starts to decompose
Precipitation of Li2CO3 was done at 95–100 °C because the sol- releasing CO2 according to the following reaction (3):
ubility of lithium carbonate decreases with increasing temperature
(Wietelmann and Bauer, 2003). Lagos and Becerra (2005) reported
Li2 CO3 →Li2 O þ CO2 ð3Þ
that precipitation with sodium carbonate is the most effective
since sodium sulphate that also precipitates is eliminated by washing
with hot water. Lithium carbonate is precipitated from an aqueous Mass losses of 58.43% and 60.83% for synthesised and commercial
lithium solution using Na2CO3 according to the following reaction (2): Li2CO3 respectively were recorded, these corresponds well to the
expected stoichiometrical mass loss of 59.55%.
Li2 SO4ðaqÞ þ Na2 CO3ðaqÞ →Li2 Co3ðsÞ þ Na2 SO4ðaqÞ ð2Þ A comparison between X-ray pattern for synthesised and com-
mercial Li2CO3 powder is shown in Fig. 8. As can be seen, the X-ray
Analytical results show that about 86.00% of the lithium was patterns for the synthesised and commercial powder are very
recovered as a precipitate relative to the concentrated leach liquor. similar. The results also indicate that no other phases were iden-
tified except the lithium carbonate. A slightly difference in peak
100 intensities might be due to the difference in concentration of the
90 powders.
The purity of the synthesised product is indicated in Table 5. From
the results, the purity of the recovered powder is 99.21% (metal
basis). The analysis shows that the major impurity is Na which may
Weight (%)
Synthesised Li2CO3 Li2CO3 produced by this process was 99.21% (metal basis). XRD of
the synthesised powder indicate that no other phases were present
except of zabuyelite (Li2CO3). The thermograms for synthesised and
commercial Li2CO3 where almost identical with both powder starts
decomposing around 725 °C.
Commercial Li2CO3
20000 Table 5
Content of impurities in lithium carbonate.
0 Li2CO3 Purity (%) Content of major impurities (%)
20 30 40 50 60
2 Theta (degrees) Ca K Na Al Si Fe Mg
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chemical Expansion Initiative (FEI) for financial support. Kamiensiki, C.W., McDonald, D.P., Stark, M.W., Papcun, J.R., 2005. Lithium and lithium
compounds in Kirk-Othmer. Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, vol. 15. John
Wiley and Sons, New Jersey.
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