Maestro: Cristian Andrés Baeza Nolasco Materia: Ingles VIII Tarea: Superlatives Alumno: Juan José Silva Ramírez
Maestro: Cristian Andrés Baeza Nolasco Materia: Ingles VIII Tarea: Superlatives Alumno: Juan José Silva Ramírez
Maestro: Cristian Andrés Baeza Nolasco Materia: Ingles VIII Tarea: Superlatives Alumno: Juan José Silva Ramírez
MMA vs Box
"A boxer is like a lion, the biggest predator on earth, but you throw it in
a shark tank and it's just another meal"
For a long time contact sports have been evolving but this time we will
talk about and treat the issue of MMA VS BOX because there has
been much controversy about which is better and here we will clarify
that. And as mentioned above, lions are only food for sharks.