Fossil Energy Resources

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Energy (Lec 1)

Dr. Muhammad Farooq

Assistant Professor
Course Contents
I. Fossil Energy Resources and Technologies
Oil, Gas and Coal reserves, production technologies and trends,
consumption trends, Technologies for conversion for heat, electricity and
II. Renewable Energy Resources and Technologies
Definition and types of Renewable Energies, Resource availability,
technologies and applications Solar Energy (thermal and photovoltaics) Wind
Energy (resources, turbines and applications), Hydropower (resources,
turbines, small hydro power systems and applications), Biomass Energy
(resources, thermal and non thermal applications of biomass, and biofuels),
Geothermal Energy (resources, heat and electricity applications), Other
Renewable Energy Resources (Tidal, Wave and Ocean Thermal Energy
III. Outlook of future energy use, Towards a low carbon society,
Energy access and energy conservation

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Text Books
l. JohnTwidell, TonyWeir, AnthonyD.Weir “Renewable
Energy Resources”,Taylor&Francis.
Godfrey Boyle, “Renewable Energy - Power for a
Sustainable Future”. Oxford University Press, 2004
Jefferson W. Tester, Elisabeth M. Drake, Michael J. Driscoll,
Michael W. Golay, William A. Peters, “Sustainable Energy:
Choosing Among Options”, The MIT Press.
Anjaneyulu Yerramilli, Francis Tuluri “Energy Resources,
Utilization and Technologies”

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Lecture Plans
Fossil Energy Resources and Technologies (3-4 Weeks)
Coal, oil and gas reserves, production, trends, Energy
modeling and demand forecasting
Renewable Energy Resources and Utilization (7-8 Weeks)
Solar, Wind, Hydropower, Biomass, Carbon Capture
Storage (CCS), Geothermal, Tidal/Ocean Thermal Energy
Outlook of future energy use, Towards a low carbon society,
Energy access and energy conservation (2 Weeks)

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Fossil Energy Resources
A fuel (such as coal, oil, or natural gas) that is formed in the earth from
dead plants or animals

Any combustible organic material, as oil, coal, or natural gas, derived

from the remains of former life

Ancient organic remains (fossils) in sediments which became

sedimentary rock, giving rise to solid, liquid, and gaseous fuels such
as coal, crude oil, and natural gas. Coal is derived from vegetable
matter altered by pressure, whereas crude oil and natural gas are
derived from animal and vegetable matter altered by pressure and heat.

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Coal is an organic rock it contains mostly carbon (C), but it also
has hydrogen (H), oxygen (O), sulfur (S) and nitrogen (N), as
well as some inorganic constituents (minerals) and water (H2O).

Coal is the altered remains of prehistoric vegetation that

originally accumulated in swamps and peat bogs.

Coal formation began during the Carboniferous Period – known

as the first coal age – which spanned 360 million to 290 million
years ago

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Coal Formation
Coal was formed from prehistoric plants, in marshy
environments, some tens or hundreds of millions of years
ago. The presence of water restricted the supply of oxygen
and allowed thermal and bacterial decomposition of plant
material to take place, instead of the completion of the carbon
cycle. Under these conditions of anaerobic decay, in the so-
called biochemical stage of coal formation, a carbon-rich
material called peat was formed.

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Coal Formation

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Coal Formation

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Coal Characterization

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Coal characterization

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Coal characterization

The degree of change undergone by a coal

as it matures from peat to anthracite –
known as coalification

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Coal Characterization
Low rank coals, such as lignite and subbituminous coals are
typically softer, friable materials with a dull, earthy
appearance. They are characterized by high moisture levels
and low carbon content, and therefore a low energy content.
Higher rank coals are generally harder and stronger and
often have a black, vitreous lustre. They contain more carbon,
have lower moisture content, and produce more energy.
Anthracite is at the top of the rank scale and has a
correspondingly higher carbon and energy content and a
lower level of moisture

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Coal Analysis
Ultimate (elemental) Analysis
Elemental or ultimate analysis encompasses the
quantitative determination of Carbon, hydrogen,
nitrogen, sulfur and oxygen within the coal.

Proximate Analysis

moisture, volatile matter, ash, and fixed carbon.

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Coal Reserves
It has been estimated that there are over 984 billion tonnes of
proven coal reserves worldwide. This means that there is
enough coal to last us over 190 years.

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Coal reserves
The United States, former
Soviet Union and China
together possess more
than 80% of the ultimately
recoverable resources
Amount of heat required to raise
the temperature of one pound of
water (at or near 39.2 degrees
Fahrenheit) by one degree
1 BTU=252 Calories= 1055.06
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How long will it last
Answer is not that straight forward

• Exact quantity is not known

• Advancement in mining technology may enhance productivity
• Not easy to predict rate of utilization

No new coal reserves will be found
No new mining technologies will be developed
All available coal will be burned regardless of Quality
The annual coal consumption will increase at 5% per year (that is,
it will double every 14 years)

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Coal Utilization

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Coal Mining
Surface/Strip/Opencast Mining
Highly efficient and highly productive method
Controversial from environmental point of view

Underground/deep Mining
Less productive
Highly mechanized
Air must be kept safe

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Coal Mining
The choice of mining method is largely determined by the
geology of the coal deposit.
Underground mining currently accounts for about 60% of
world coal production, although in several important coal
producing countries surface mining is more common
The choice of mining technique is site specific but always
based on economic considerations; differences even within a
single mine can lead to both methods being used

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Coal processing
Coal straight from the ground, known as runof-mine (ROM) coal,
often contains unwanted impurities such as rock and dirt and
comes in a mixture of different-sized fragments. However, coal
users need coal of a consistent quality.
Once the coal has been mined, it is usually processed to
separate the inorganic, ash-forming components and to produce
appropriately sized particles. The various operations involved in
this processing are collectively known as coal preparation or
coal beneficiation.
The treatment depends on the properties of the coal and its
intended use.

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Coal Transportation
After the coal has been prepared, it will be transported to the
point of use. It may then be stored at the plant site for some
time before being consumed. Transportation of coal is
efficient but very expensive process.
Coal is generally transported by conveyor or truck over short
distances. Trains and barges are used for longer distances
within domestic markets, or alternatively coal can be mixed
with water to form a coal slurry and transported through a

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Coal Transportation
Ships are commonly used for international transportation, in
sizes ranging from Handymax (40-60,000 DWT), Panamax
(about 60-80,000 DWT) to large Capesize vessels (about
80,000+ DWT). Around 700 million tonnes (Mt) of coal was
traded internationally in 2003 and around 90% of this was
seaborne trade. Coal transportation can be very expensive –
in some instances it accounts for up to 70% of the delivered
cost of coal.

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Global coal production and consumption

Global coal production is expected to reach 7 billion tonnes in 2030 – with China
accounting for around half the increase over this period.

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Energy security issue
Coal reserves are very large and will be available for the
foreseeable future without raising geopolitical or safety issues.
Coal is readily available from a wide variety of sources in a well-
supplied worldwide market.
Coal can be easily stored at power stations and stocks can be
drawn on in emergencies
Coal-based power is not dependent on the weather and can be
used as a backup for wind and hydropower.
Coal does not need high pressure pipelines or dedicated supply
Coal supply routes do not need to be protected at enormous

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Coal Utilization
Coal has a very long and varied history. Some historians believe
that coal was first used commercially in China. There are reports
that a mine in northeastern China provided coal for smelting
copper and for casting coins around 1000 BC.
The first practical coal-fired electric generating station,
developed by Thomas Edison, went into operation in New York
City in 1882
Coal has many important uses worldwide. The most significant
uses are in electricity generation, steel production, cement
manufacturing and other industrial processes, and as a liquid

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Coal Utilization
Coal still plays a vital role in the world’s primary energy mix,
providing 23.5% of global primary energy needs in 2002, 39%
of the world’s electricity, more than double the next largest
source, and an essential input into 64% of the world’s steel

Primary Energy is all energy consumed by end-users. This

includes the energy used to generate electricity, but does not
include the electricity itself.

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Coal Utilization

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Coal Utilization-Power Production
Steam coal, also known as thermal coal, is used in power
stations to generate electricity. The earliest conventional coal-
fired power stations used lump coal which was burnt on a
grate in boilers to raise steam. Nowadays, the coal is first
milled to a fine powder, which increases the surface area and
allows it to burn more quickly. In these pulverised coal
combustion (PCC) systems, the powdered coal is blown into
the combustion chamber of a boiler where it is burnt at high
temperature. The hot gases and heat energy produced
converts water – in tubes lining the boiler – into steam.

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Coal Utilization-Power Production

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Coal Utilization-Steel Mills

Some 64% of steel production

worldwide comes from iron made
in blast furnaces
A blast furnace uses iron ore, coke
(made from specialist coking
coals) and small quantities of

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Coal Utilization-Steel Mills

Coke has certain physical properties that

cause them to soften, liquefy and then
resolidify into hard but porous lumps when
heated in the absence of air. Coking coals
must also have low sulphur and
phosphorous contents and, being relatively
scarce, are more expensive than the steam
coals used in electricity generation.

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Coal Utilization-Coal Liquefication
In a number of countries coal is converted into a liquid fuel –
a process known as liquefaction. The liquid fuel can be
refined to produce transport fuels and other oil products, such
as plastics and solvents. There are two key methods of
>> direct coal liquefaction – where coal is converted to liquid
fuel in a single process;
>> indirect coal liquefaction – where coal is first gasified and
then converted to liquid.

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Coal Utilization-Cement Industry
Cement is made from a mixture of calcium carbonate
(generally in the form of limestone), silica, iron oxide and
alumina. A high temperature kiln, often fuelled by coal,
heats the raw materials to a partial melt at 1450°C,
transforming them chemically and physically into a substance
known as clinker. This grey pebble-like material is comprised
of special
compounds that give cement its binding properties. Clinker is
mixed with gypsum and ground to a fine powder to make

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Coal Utilization-Other
Other important users of coal include alumina refineries,
paper manufacturers, and the chemical and pharmaceutical
Several chemical products can be produced from the by-
products of coal. Refined coal tar is used in the manufacture
of chemicals, such as creosote oil, naphthalene, phenol, and
benzene. Ammonia gas recovered from coke ovens is used
to manufacture ammonia salts, nitric acid and agricultural

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Coal and the environment
Our consumption of energy can have a significant impact on
the environment. Minimizing the negative impacts of human
activities on the natural environment– including energy use –
is a key global priority.

“Sustainable development---development that meets the

needs of the present without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their own needs”.

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Coal and the environment
Coal mining raises a number of environmental challenges,
including soil erosion, dust, noise and water pollution, and
impacts on local biodiversity.
For coal, the release of pollutants, such as oxides of sulphur
and nitrogen (SOx and NOx), and particulate and trace
elements, such as mercury, have been a challenge.
Clean coal technologies (CCTs) are a range of technological
options which improve the environmental performance of coal.
These technologies reduce emissions, reduce waste, and
increase the amount of energy gained from each tonne of coal

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Coal and the environment
Emissions of particulates, such as ash, have been one of the
more visible side-effects of coal combustion in the past. They
can impact local visibility, cause dust problems and affect
people’s respiratory systems.
Coal cleaning-Lowering level of sulphur and minerals
Electrostatic precipitator and Fabric Filters---about 99.5% ash
can be removed

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Coal and the environment
In electrostatic precipitators, particulate-laden flue gases
pass between collecting plates, where an electrical field
creates a charge on the particles. This attracts the particles
towards the collecting plates, where they accumulate and can
be disposed of.
Fabric filters, also known as ‘baghouses’, are an alternative
approach and collect particles from the flue gas on a tightly
woven fabric primarily by sieving.

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Coal and the environment

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Coal and the environment

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Coal-Local context

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Coal-Local context

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Coal-Local context

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Coal-Local context

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Coal-Local context

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Coal-Local context

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Chapter 5 World Energy Assessment Report

BP Statistical Review of World Energy

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Estimated oil reserves

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Estimated oil reserves

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Estimated oil reserves

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Oil production and consumption

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Estimated gas reserves

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Heat Engine
Heat Energy to Mechanical Energy

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Carnot cycle-Ideal cycle for Heat Engines

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Otto Cycle-Reciprocating Engines

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Brayton cycle-Gas turbine power plants

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Brayton cycle-Gas turbine power plant

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Brayton cycle-Gas Turbine power plants

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Rankine cycle-Steam Turbine power plant

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Rankine cycle-Steam turbine power plant

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Rankine cycle-Steam turbine power plant

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Rankine cycle-Steam turbine power plant

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Combined cycle for power plant

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