High Performance Polymers
High Performance Polymers
High Performance Polymers
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In this work, polymer blend films based on polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)/poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) were prepared by solution
casting technique. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis was performed to investigate the structural details of the polymer blend.
XRD pattern confirms the polycrystalline nature of the films. Sandwich structures of the type Ag-PVA/PEG-Ag were formed
to study the dielectric and conduction properties in the frequency range 300 Hz–3 MHz and at different temperatures
varying from 298 K to 420 K. Experimental results show that both dielectric constant ("0 ) and dielectric loss ("00 ) values were
strong functions of frequency and temperature. The AC conductivity (AC) was found to obey the power law A!s and
correlated barrier hopping as the conduction mechanism. The imaginary part of electric modulus shows peak shifting
corresponding to relaxation mechanisms. Electric modulus study was also found to support the dielectric permittivity data.
Polyvinyl alcohol, dielectric loss, AC conductivity, electric modulus, dielectric relaxation
Table 1. Tabulation of the d-spacing (ds) and crystallite size (D) values for pure PVA and 20 wt% PEG-PVA blend film.
Sample 2 ( ) FWHM (, 2) Crystallite size (D, Å) d-Spacing (ds, Å)
Figure 2. Variation of dielectric constant as a function of frequency at different temperatures for (a) pure PVA and (b) 20 wt% PEG-
PVA blend films. PVA: polyvinyl alcohol; PEG: poly(ethylene glycol).
Figure 3. Plot of loss tangent ðtanÞ with frequency at different temperatures for (a) pure PVA and (b) 20 wt% PEG-PVA blend film.
PVA: polyvinyl alcohol; PEG: poly(ethylene glycol).
Figure 5. Variation of imaginary part of dielectric constant as a function of frequency at different temperatures for (a) pure PVA and
(b) 20 wt% PEG-PVA blend film. PVA: polyvinyl alcohol; PEG: poly(ethylene glycol).
Figure 6. Nyquist plot of dielectric constant for (a) pure PVA and (b) 20 wt% PEG-PVA blend film. PVA: polyvinyl alcohol;
PEG: poly(ethylene glycol).
Nyquist plots. In order to ascertain the extent to which the and is the inclination of the semicircle and is a measure
loss peaks could be described by Debye process, " has of distribution of relaxation time. Lower value of indi-
been plotted against " . Figure 6(a) and (b) depicts the cates fairly narrow distribution of relaxation time. The dis-
00 0
Nyquist or Cole–Cole plot ð" vs: " Þ for pure PVA and tribution of is reflected in the frequency spread in tan
PEG-PVA blend at different temperatures. The plot shows peaks as illustrated in Figure 3. The semicircle observed in
part of semicircle or broad ended arc in the defined range the high-frequency region is due to parallel combination of
whose centre was found to be depressed somewhat below bulk resistance and bulk capacitance.1 From the plot, it can
the real axis that shows the relaxation behaviour of the be observed that as the temperature increases, the diameter
dielectric is not perfectly Debye and there is distribution of semicircle or arc decreases for pure PVA as well as for
of relaxation time as well as polarization mechanism. Sim- PEG-PVA blend that may be attributed to the decrease in
ilar plots have been observed for PVA/PVP blend by Desh- bulk capacitance with the increase in temperature. From the
mukh et al.2 and for PEDOT:PSS/PVA blend by Chen plot of Figure 6(b), it is also observed that at higher tem-
et al.1 The complex dielectric constant is given by perature (420 K), there is a tail portion in the low-frequency
region for PEG-PVA blend film. This indicates distribution
8 9
< of relaxation time due to losses in the material. For pure
" rs " r1 =
0 0
"r ¼ " r1 þ ð7Þ PVA, no tail portion is visible in the given range even at
: 1 þ ðj!Þ1 Þ; higher temperature that shows blend film becomes a little
0 0
lossy at higher temperature than that of pure PVA film.
where " r1 and " rs are high- and low-frequency values of The value of low- and high-frequency limits of dielec-
0 0
dielectric constant, respectively, is the relaxation time tric constant " rs and " r1 , respectively, can be found by
6 High Performance Polymers XX(X)
Figure 7. Plot of ln AC versus ln f for (a) pure PVA and (b) 20 wt% PEG-PVA blend film. PVA: polyvinyl alcohol; PEG: poly(ethylene
Figure 8. (a) t versus frequency (at 318 K) and (b) ln T versus T1 at 10 kHz for pure PVA and 20 wt% PEG-PVA blend film.
PVA: polyvinyl alcohol; PEG: poly(ethylene glycol).
Figure 9. Plotting of the frequency dispersions of the real part of the electric modulus for (a) pure PVA and (b) 20 wt% PEG-PVA blend
film. PVA: polyvinyl alcohol; PEG: poly(ethylene glycol).
studied to get the bulk response of the films and dielectric zero value in the low-frequency region, whereas as fre-
relaxation mechanism. Dielectric relaxation refers to the quency increases, it shows a step-like transition without
delay in response of a dielectric medium to a changing any peak. This may be attributed to the bulk effect and
stimulus.27,28 indicates the energy storing capability of the material.1
At higher temperatures, dielectric permittivity becomes Very low values of M0 in the low-frequency region corre-
very high due to electrode polarization. For that reason, the spond to negligible electrode polarization. The plot of M00
complex permittivity (" ) data have been transformed into exhibits peak that corresponds to the time constant of the
the complex electric modulus (M ) according to the rela- circuit model. M00 spectra of pure PVA and PEG-PVA
tion given below28 blend polymer samples show relaxation peaks correspond-
0 00 ing to ionic conduction relaxation, that is, interfacial polar-
1 0 00 " " ization relaxation process. As the temperature increases,
M ¼ ¼ M þ jM ¼ 02 þ j 02 ð13Þ
" " þ "00 2 " þ "00 2 the position of peak shifts towards high-frequency side and
where M0 and M00 are real and imaginary parts of complex this is the reason that peaks are not visible in the given
electric modulus, respectively. frequency range above 358 K for pure PVA film. However,
Figures 9 and 10 show the frequency-dependent varia- for PEG-PVA blend film, peaks are visible for higher tem-
tions of real (M0 ) and imaginary parts (M00 ) of the electric peratures as well. It has also been observed that relaxation
modulus, respectively, at different temperatures for pure curve is broader in case of pure PVA which corresponds to
PVA and PEG-PVA blend films. From the figure, it is deviation from Debye response.19 This also indicates the
observed that as the temperature increases, M0 approaches change in relaxation mechanism for the PEG-PVA blend
8 High Performance Polymers XX(X)
Figure 10. Plotting of the frequency dispersions of the imaginary part of the electric modulus for (a) pure PVA and (b) 20 wt% PEG-
PVA blend film. PVA: polyvinyl alcohol; PEG: poly(ethylene glycol).
film than for pure PVA film. Peak shifting with the increase Funding
in temperature may be due to availability of more thermally The author(s) received no financial support for the research,
generated charge carriers. authorship and/or publication of this article.
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