Network Utility Maximization With Nonconcave Utilities Using Sum-of-Squares Method
Network Utility Maximization With Nonconcave Utilities Using Sum-of-Squares Method
Network Utility Maximization With Nonconcave Utilities Using Sum-of-Squares Method
Sum-of-Squares Method
Maryam Fazel Mung Chiang
Control and Dynamical Systems, Caltech Electrical Engineering, Princeton University
Abstract—Network Utility Maximization problem has re- behavior models and network efficiency-fairness charac-
cently been used extensively to analyze and design dis- terization. By allowing nonlinear concave utility objec-
tributed rate allocation in networks such as the Internet. tive functions, NUM substantially expands the scope of
A major limitation in the state-of-the-art is that user utility the classical LP-based Network Flow Problems.
functions are assumed to be strictly concave functions, mod-
eling elastic flows. Many applications require inelastic flow Consider a communication network with L links, each
models where nonconcave utility functions need to be maxi- with a fixed capacity of cl bps, and S sources (i.e., end
mized. It has been an open problem to find the globally op- users), each transmitting at a source rate of xs bps. Each
timal rate allocation that solves nonconcave network utility source s emits one flow, using a fixed set L(s) of links in
maximization, which is a difficult nonconvex optimization its path, and has a utility function Us (xs ). Each link l is
shared by a set S(l) of sources. Network Utility Max-
We provide a centralized algorithm for off-line analysis imization (NUM), in its basic version, is the following
and establishment of performance benchmark for noncon- problem of maximizing the total utility of the network
cave utility maximization. Based on the semi-algebraic ap- P
s Us (xs ),P
over the source rates x, subject to linear flow
proach to nonlinear optimization, we employ convex sum- constraints s:l∈L(s) xs ≤ cl for all links l:
of-squares relaxations for polynomial optimization, solved
by a sequence of semidefinite programs, to obtain increas- P
maximize U (x )
ingly tighter upper bounds on total achievable utility. Sur- Ps s s
prisingly, in all our experiments, a very low order and subject to s∈S(l) xs ≤ cl , ∀l, (1)
often a minimal order relaxation yields not just a bound xº0
on attainable network utility, but also the globally maxi-
mized network utility. Using a sufficiency test, whenever where the variables are x.
the bound can be proven to be exact, a globally optimal There are many nice properties of the basic NUM
rate allocation is recovered. In addition to polynomial utili- model due to several simplifying assumptions of the util-
ties, sigmoidal utilities can be transformed into polynomials ity functions and flow constraints, which provide the
and are handled by our algorithm. Furthermore, using two mathematical tractability of problem (1) but also limit its
alternative representation theorems for positive polynomi- applicability. In particular, the utility functions {Us } are
als, we present price interpretations in economics terms for often assumed to be increasing and strictly concave func-
these relaxations, extending the classical interpretation of tions. In this paper, we investigate the extension of the
independent congestion pricing on each link to pricing for basic NUM to maximization of nonconcave utilities.
the simultaneous usage of multiple links. Assuming that Us (xs ) becomes concave for large
Keywords: Nonconvex optimization, network util- enough xs is reasonable, because the law of diminishing
ity, rate allocation, algebraic geometry, sum of squares marginal utility eventually will be effective. However, Us
method may not be concave throughout its domain. In his semi-
nal paper published a decade ago, Shenker [17] differen-
I. I NTRODUCTION tiated inelastic network traffic from elastic traffic. Utility
functions for elastic traffic were modeled as strictly con-
A. Background: Basic network utility maximization cave functions. While inelastic flows with nonconcave
Since the publication of the seminal paper [6] by Kelly, utility functions represent important applications in prac-
Maulloo, and Tan in 1998, the framework of Network tice, they have received little attention and have scarcely
Utility Maximization (NUM) has found many applica- any mathematical foundation, except very recent publica-
tions in network rate allocation algorithms and Internet tions [9], [3], because of their intrinsic intractability in the
congestion control protocols (e.g., [10]), as well as user utility maximization framework.
B. Review: Canonical distributed algorithm l∈L(s) λl is available to source s, where source s maxi-
A reason that the the assumption of utility function’s mizes a strictly concave function Ls (xs , λs ) over xs for a
concavity is upheld in almost all papers on NUM is that it given λs :
leads to three highly desirable mathematical properties of x∗s (λs ) = argmax [Us (xs ) − λs xs ] , ∀s. (2)
the basic NUM:
• It is a convex optimization problem, therefore the The Lagrange dual problem is
global minimum can be computed (at least in central-
minimize g(λ) = L(x∗ (λ), λ)
ized algorithms) in worst-case polynomial-time com- (3)
subject to λ º 0
plexity [2].
• Strong duality holds for (1) and its Lagrange dual where the optimization variable is λ. Any algorithms that
problem, i.e., the difference between the optimized find a pair of primal-dual variables (x, λ) that satisfy the
value of (1) and that of its dual problem (the optimal KKT optimality condition would solve (1) and its dual
duality gap) is zero [1], [2]. Zero duality gap enables problem (3). One possibility is a distributed, iterative sub-
a dual approach to solve (1). gradient method, which updates the dual variables λ to
• Minimization of a separable objective function over solve the dual problem (3):
linear constraints can be conducted by distributed al- +
gorithms. X
Indeed, the basic NUM (1) is such a ‘nice’ optimiza- λl (t+1) = λl (t) − α(t) cl − xs (λs (t)) , ∀l
tion problem that its theoretical and computational prop-
erties have been well studied since the 1950s in the field
where t is the iteration number and α(t) > 0 are step
of monotropic programming, e.g., as summarized in [15].
sizes. Certain choices of step sizes, such as α(t) =
For network rate allocation problems, a dual-based dis-
β/t, β > 0, guarantee that the sequence of dual variables
tributed algorithm has been widely studied (e.g., in [6],
λ(t) will converge to the dual optimal λ∗ as t → ∞. The
[10]), and is summarized below.
primal variable x(λ(t)) will also converge to the primal
Zero duality gap for (1) states that the solving the La- optimal variable x∗ . For a primal problem that is a con-
grange dual problem is equivalent to solving the primal vex optimization, the convergence is towards the global
problem (1). The Lagrange dual problem is readily de- optimum.
rived. We first form the Lagrangian of (1): The sequence of the pair of algorithmic steps (2,4)
forms a canonical distributed algorithm that globally
L(x, λ) = Us (xs ) + λl cl − xs solves network utility optimization problem (1) and the
s l s∈S(l) dual (3) and computes the optimal rates x∗ and link prices
λ∗ .
where λl ≥ 0 is the Lagrange multiplier (link price) as-
sociated with the linear flow constraint on link l. Additiv- C. Summary of results
ity of total utility and linearity of flow constraints lead to It is known that for many multimedia applications, user
a Lagrangian dual decomposition into individual source satisfaction may assume non-concave shape as a function
terms: of the allocated rate. For example, the utility for streaming
applications is better described by a sigmoidal function:
L(x, λ) = Us (xs ) − λl xs + cl λl with a convex part at low rate and a concave part at high
s l∈L(s) l rate, and a single inflexion point x0 (with Us00 (x0 ) = 0)
X X separating the two parts. The concavity assumption on Us
= Ls (xs , λ ) + cl λl
s l
is also related to the elasticity assumption on rate demands
by users. When demands for xs are not perfectly elastic,
where λs = l∈L(s) λl . For each source s, Ls (xs , λs ) = Us (xs ) may not be concave.
Us (xs )−λs xs only depends on local xs and the link prices Suppose we remove the critical assumption that {Us }
λl on those links used by source s. are concave functions, and allow them to be any nonlin-
The Lagrange dual function g(λ) is defined as the ear functions. The resulting NUM becomes nonconvex
maximized L(x, λ) over x. This ‘net utility’ maximiza- optimization and significantly harder to be analyzed and
tion obviously can be conducted distributively by the solved, even by centralized computational methods. In
each source, as long as the aggregate link price λs = particular, a local optimum may not be a global optimum
Theorem in real algebraic geometry, we provide a cen-
tralized computational method to bound the total network
utility in polynomial-time. A surprising result is that for
the examples we have tried, wherever we could verify the
result, the tightest possible bound (i.e., the globally opti-
mal solution) of NUM with nonconcave utilities is com-
We would like to thank very helpful discussions with
Pablo Parrilo, Steven Low, and John Doyle.
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